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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-18 - City Commission Joint Workshop Meeting Minutes'CITY OF TAMARAC 7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Phone (305) 722-5900 Fax (305) 722-4509 December 11, 1991 NOTICE OF JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND CHARTER BOARD There will be a Joint Workshop Meeting of the City Council and Charter Board on Wednesday, December 18, 1991 at 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of this meeting is discussion on proposed Charter amendments. The City Council may consider such other business as may come before it. All meetings are open to the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. Carol A. Evans City Clerk CAE/nr rHE CITY OF TAMARAC IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF HANDICAPPED STATUS CITY OF TAMARAC JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND CHARTER BOARD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1991 Tape 1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Abramowitz called the Joint Workshop Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, 1991 in Conference Room #1, City Hall. PRESENT FOR THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilwoman Diane Glasser Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Irving Katz PRESENT FOR THE CHARTER BOARD Chairwoman Muriel Davis Vice Chairwoman Judith Kitograd Morton Winter David Krantz Issac "Zeke" Feldman ALSO PRESENT : John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Paul Novack, Attorney for Charter Board Ellen Wood, Secretary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Abramowitz said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss amendments proposed by the Charter Board. Mayor Abramowitz distributed a time schedule on verbiage and procedures which City Clerk Evans had to have but there was another schedule to which Council had to adhere. City Manager Kelly said Council also had the appropriate back-up in order to send the proper documentation to Jane Carroll. He said two public hearings had to be held before sending anything to Jane Carroll. Mayor Abramowitz asked for the latest dates to accomplish getting the ballot work to Jane Carroll by January 17, 1992. City Clerk Evans said the ad for the second public hearing on January 16 had to be in the newspaper by January 6, 1992. She said the first public hearing and reading of the Ordinances should be December 30 or 31 and would allow her, without problems, to advertise by January 6. She said she had to adhere to the newspapers' holiday schedule. City Clerk Evans said the second public hearing on any Ordinances by Council should be to Jane Carroll by, January 16 and the ballot wording the next day, January 17, 1991. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the public hearing could be held at the second meeting and City Clerk Evans said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said Council had to hold their first reading on December 30 or 31 or sooner. He said by January 16 or sooner, Council must have the second reading and public hearing. City Clerk Evans said she did not believe the second public hearing could be held sooner because she had to advertise 10 days before the public hearing which was the second reading. Mayor Abramowitz said there would be more leeway if the meeting was held before December 30 or 31 and City Clerk Evans said, yes. Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 2 Vice Chai.rwoman.Kitograd asked if the City had to advertise 10 days before December 30 or 31 and City Clerk Evans said, no, but that she had to advertise before the second reading when the public hearing would be held. She said the Titles of the Ordinances were advertised for the second reading. Mayor Abramowitz said Council and the Charter Board met twice before and hoped they would take action regarding the proposals on the ballot. He said the Charter Board and Council had indicated what they wanted on the ballot and today's meeting would make the final determination. Chairwoman Davis said at the last Charter Board meeting, it was decided to extend the terms of the Mayor and Council from two years to three years under Proposal 4.02(a). She said the Charter Board also wanted to amend the limit of terms from two consecutive terms to three consecutive terms. Mayor Abramowitz asked if this constituted two ballot amendments and City Attorney Ruf said Attorney Novack made this recommendation. Mayor Abramowitz asked if two amendments were required and Attorney Novack said, no, but in his opinion, it was clearer with two amendments because there were two different questions. Attorney Novack said it was hard to foresee if two amendments were required because the City would not want to have multiple questions within one proposed amendment. Mayor Abramowitz asked what would happen if the voters did not approve extending the terms for the Mayor and Council from two years to three years but approved extending the consecutive terms from two years to three years. Attorney Novack said it be the same length of terms but with a new number of terms. Mr. Krantz asked if Charter Board and Council would be combined on the amendments and Mayor Abramowitz said, no. Mayor Abramowitz reiterated Attorney Novack's opinion that the length of terms would be the same but there would be a new number of terms and City Attorney Ruf said if the three-year term passed but the three terms were not, the City would have three-year terms twice. He said if the three-year term did not pass but the three consecutive terms passed, the Mayor and Council could serve three two-year terms. Chairwoman Davis said the Charter Board wanted the two amendments to take effect in 1993. She said the Charter Board also wanted to have the same type of amendments, i.e., changing the number of terms from two to three and the length of consecutive terms from two to three years for the Charter Board to take effect in 1993. Chairwoman Davis said the Charter Board also proposed an amendment on redistricting and requested the Redistricting Committee submit their final report to Council and the Charter Board and Council would prepare the Ordinance. She said if the Charter Board disagreed with the Redistricting Committee's report, the Charter Board could submit their own report to the Council and Council would prepare the Ordinance, which would become effective in 1993. Chairwoman Davis said the Charter Board proposed an amendment pertaining to compensation of $100 per month for Charter Board members which would go into effect March, 1992. Mr. Winter read a portion of Article TV, Section 4.02,, which indicated that all Council members could not succeed themselves for more than one term without an intervening term. He asked why Council members could not run without an intervening term and Mayor Abramowitz said it circumvented what the Charter dictated. Mayor Abramowitz said if the Charter was changed, it would allow Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 3 someone to run either for a three -term limit or no limit on terms. C/M Schumann said the verbiage should be specific on the amendments determining two, two-year terms to three, three-year terms and this would allow for the person who had two, two-year terms to run for one, three-year term. C/W Glasser said this matter would become moot if the Ordinance was passed and Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed. Mayor Abramowitz asked what was to be changed and Mr. Winter said if the amendment did not pass, it might be wise to look for a change. Mayor Abramowitz said Council also wanted to change it and nothing could be done if it did not pass. C/W Glasser said the amendment referred to intervening terms and Mayor Abramowitz said the amendment indicated a person could only run for one additional term besides the original election. C/M Schumann said he disagreed and the Charter indicated a person was limited to three, three --year terms. He said the Charter did not indicate the person could not run for three additional terms. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter indicated a person could not run once the person had exceeded his limit without an intervening term. C/M Schumann said the person could run for Mayor because it was a different office and Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed. Mayor Abramowitz said if the three -term limit or the unlimited amount of terms passed, they circumvented the Charter and C/W Glasser said the Charter would change 6n1 if the amendment passed. C/W Glasser said if the Mayor chose to run for Council, he did not have to have an intervening term but it discriminated against the other Council members who could not succeed themselves. C/M Schumann said the Mayor could not succeed himself and Mr. Winter said the Mayor could run for Council. Mayor Abramowitz said if the amendment passed, it meant the person could run for more terms than what Section 4.02 stated. C/M Schumann said Districts 1 and 3 could not do this because they did not have the opportunity to run with the Mayor. He said if Distracts 2 and 4 were up and the position of Mayor was open, Districts 1 and 3 could not run unless they resigned. Mayor Abramowitz asked how this could be rectified and C/M Katz suggested waiting for the March, 1992 election. He said if the amendment did not pass, it could go on the next referendum in November. Mr. Feldman said only the wording could be changed in the event there was disagreement between Council and the Charter Board. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board expressed interest in six items for the March ballot and he suggested that Council discuss each one individually although they did not have to agree on them. Mayor Abramowitz asked if six were too many items for the ballot and the Council members said they did not think so. Mayor Abramowitz said redistricting could/wait for a later election and Chairwoman Davis said she agreed. C/W Glasser said she agreed with Chairwoman Davis. Mayor Abramowitz said if there were no objections, he would remove redistricting from the amendments. 1) REMUNERATION FOR THE CHARTER BOARD : Mayor Abramowitz said he had no prob em putting remuneration or the Charter Board on the March ballot and C/M Schumann said he agreed. V/M Bender said he agreed to put remuneration on the ballot and C/M Katz said he wanted to wait. He said Council should be considered on the first L Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 4 referendum with regard to remuneration. C/W Glasser said she had no problem with putting remuneration for the Charter Board on the March ballot. Mayor Abramowitz said remuneration should also go on the first referendum. Mayor Abramowitz said the remuneration would be subject to all the laws, rules and regulations of the City, State and Broward County. C/W Glasser asked if the remuneration would be accounted for or was it considered salary because it had to be stated in the referendum and Mayor Abramowitz said if it was salary, he would change his vote. C/M Schumann said compensation was salary if compensation was used and Mayor Abramowitz said the word could be repayment. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said the Charter Board meant the word to be compensation or $100 per month salary. She said the Charter Board would have to pay taxes if it was a salary. V/M Bender said when remuneration was first discussed, he asked if the Charter Board received any expense money and members of the Charter Board said, no. He suggested that Charter Board members receive a separate expense account or increase the salary compensation. Mayor Abramowitz said there was no secondary work involved if it was salary. He said he could not agree with increasing the amount to $200. C/M Schumann reiterated that compensation was salary and V/M Bender said he agreed with $100 for salary. C/W Glasser said salary was fine. C/W Glasser asked when the remuneration would go into effect and Mayor Abramowitz said immediately. Mayor Abramowitz said remuneration for the Charter Board would go on the March ballot. City Manager Kelly said the verbiage should be salary. 2) EXTENDING THE TERMS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL AND EXTENDING THE LENGTH OF TERM OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL : City Attorney Ruf asked if Attorney Novack prepared the Ordinance and Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz asked that each Council member get a copy of all proposed Ordinances prepared by Attorney Novack and Chairwoman Davis said they were distributed with the last set of minutes. C/M Schumann said he wanted unlimited terms and V/M Bender said he wanted three years, unlimited terms. C/M Katz said he wanted unlimited terms and C/W Glasser said three years, limited terms. Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed with V/M Bender with three years, unlimited terms. C/M Katz asked if the number of terms would be separate from the length of terms and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes, because the Charter Board expressed interest in changing the length of terms from two years to three years and extending the number of terms from two consecutive terms to three consecutive terms. C/M Schumann asked if the amendment would be changed from two, two-- year terms to three year terms unlimited and Mayor Abramowitz said it had to be two separate amendments. C/M Schumann said in his opinion, the two amendments could be combined into one referendum. City Attorney Ruf said Attorney Novack indicated these should be separate referendums. Mayor Abramowitz said Attorney Novack indicated the Charter Board proposed a limit of three-year terms. N Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 5 Attorney Novack said the general requirement was the amendment had to cantain a single subject but it was two subjects because one limited the terms of office and the other provided for the length of the term of office. He said it should be two subjects with two issues and they should be separated. C/M Schumann asked what proposal would be used to change from two, two-year terms to three year terms unlimited and Attorney Novack responded that one amendment would be to change the length of term from two years to three years. He said then if Council wanted to change it from a two -term limitation to unlimited, that would be the next proposal. C/M Schumann asked if unlimited terms still meant unlimited two-year terms and Attorney Novack said three was the number of years in a term. He said it would be up to the voters. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there was any problem about separating the amendments and C/M Schumann said, no. V/M Bender said the issues would be clearer if they were separated into the terms of office and the length of service and C/M Katz said he agreed with V/M Bender. C/W Glasser said she was also in agreement and Mayor Abramowitz said he also agreed. Mayor Abramowitz said one amendment would change the two-year term to a three-year term and the other issue would change from two terms to unlimited terms. Chairwoman Davis said Council wanted the three term limitation and the Charter Board said it would be difficult to unseat an incumbent and it was better to have a nine-year limit. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said she understood that Council was not unanimous in supporting limited terms. She asked if both bodies would vote or proceed with a majority vote by the Council and Mayor Abramowitz said Council was the only body to put a referendum on the ballot and they indicated their preference. He said based on a legal opinion, the Charter Board could not vote down what Council decided. Tape 2 Mayor Abramowitz said Council originally suggested unlimited terms and a Charter Board member suggested limited terms. He said he cast the deciding vote for a three -term limit. 3. EXTENDING THE TERMS OP OFFICE AND THE LENGTH OF TERMS OF THE CHARTER BOARD : Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Boar recommended c anging their term in office from two years to three years. C/M Katz said this was incorrect because Chairwoman Davis said they wanted to have three, three-year terms. He said he had no objections to this and Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said if the referendum for Council was for unlimited terms, the Charter Board should also indicated unlimited terms. Mr. Krantz asked to vote on this issue and City Manager Kelly said he could express his interest but votes were not cast at a Workshop. Chairwoman Davis said she agreed with Vice Chairwoman Kitograd's comments about unlimited terms for Council and Charter Board. Mr. Krantz said he agreed with Chairwoman Davis and Vice Chairwoman Kitograd. Mr. Winter and Mr. Feldman said unlimited terms. C/M Schumann said he agreed with the Charter Board on unlimited terms for Council and the Charter Board and V/M Bender said he agreed with C/M Schumann. C/M Katz said he agreed with C/M Schumann and V/M Bender and C/W Glasser said she wanted limited terms for Council and the Charter Board. Mayor Abramowitz said.he would go with unlimited terms for Council and the Charter Board. Mayor Abramowitz said Council expressed the Charter Board's term in office should run from two 'years to three years and the length of Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 6 term of office should be from two terms to unlimited three-year terms. V/M Bender said these changes in the terms in office and the length of terms for the Charter Board were reflected in Article VIII, Section 8.01(a). V/M Bender said the changes in the terms in office and the length of terms for Council were reflected in Article IV, Section 4.02. Mayor Abramowitz said the voters needed clarification on what constituted the budget and C/M Schumann referred to Article VII, Section 7.13. 4. BUDGET : C/M Schumann asked in Section 7.13 if 2% or 2-1/2% applieU- tothe general fund or the total City budget because in his opinion, the general fund was the total budget. Mayor Abramowitz said with the exception of the Enterprise Fund, the budget wag comprised of all funds, including the Utilities, in the City. Mayor Abramowitz said there were three opportunities next year to put articles on the ballot and he asked if anyone had any comments. Chairwoman Davis said she wanted to wait until September. She said there were five items on the ballot at this time and C/M Katz said he disagreed because budget preparation would begin in July and he wanted anything related to the budget defined prior to July. Mayor Abramowitz said the legal opinion was to take both budgets and 2% would be based on the total amount of those dollars. He said many issues in the Charter had to be reviewed. Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed with Chairwoman Davis that the budget needed a great deal of explanation. C/M Schumann said the Charter stated, "the then current budget" and did not refer to a particular budget and Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed. C/M Schumann said he wanted someone to show him general fund in the Charter and Mayor Abramowitz said this was the basis for the litigation. Mayor Abramowitz said Florida's Attorney General stated publicly when there was an issue which concerned the City, it was the City's obligation to make them aware of the facts. C/M Schumann said if this issue was not clarified, everytime there was an expenditure which met the 2-1/2%, it would end with litigation. C/W Glasser said in her opinion, the March election issues were not as important because they would not become effective until 1993 and Mayor Abramowitz said he disagreed. Mayor Abramowitz suggested that Council should do more research on the budget issue and it should be put on the ballot for the next election along with remuneration for the Council. He suggested financial issues be put on the second portion of the ballot. Mayor Abramowitz suggested that Council give their expressions of interest on some financial issues he found important. C/M Katz suggested that Council and Charter Board discuss the issues brought up by City Clerk Evans. C/M Schumann said nothing had been resolved with Article VII, Section 7.13 and there were financial issues which should be thoroughly discussed. C/M Schumann said he had been discussing Section 7.13 since August and it had to be clarified and V/M Bender said he agreed. C/M Katz said he also agreed with C/M Schumann that now was.the time to clarify Section 7.13. C/W Glasser said she agreed with the other Council members. Mayor Abramowitz asked what the language should be and C/M Schumann Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 7 said he had a draft with the proposed language and he wanted budget defined in the Charter. He asked who the Utility budget belonged to if it was not part of the City. He said if their assets, which were income generated, belonged to the City, they had to be part of a budget. C/M Katz asked about the language and City Attorney Ruf said he prepared verbiage for all the financial areas with the exception of Section 7.03. He said Proposed Amendment 92-2 was Section 7.13, which C/M Schumann wanted to put on the ballot. He said the Charter Board and their Attorney would get copies of all the financial issues discussed by Council. Mayor Abramowitz said the decision had to be made today on what would go on the ballot. He said holidays were coming up and time was of the utmost importance. Mayor Abramowitz called for a short recess. Mayor Abramowitz reconvened the meeting and everyone who was in attendance before was in attendance now. C/M Schumann expressed an interest to put Section 7.13 on the referendum. He said Section 7.13 reflected 2-1/2% on the general fund to determine what constituted a current budget. City Attorney Ruf said on October 29, 1991, he sent a draft of the proposed Ordinance to Council. V/M Bender said he agreed with C/M Schumann and C/M Katz said he also agreed with V/M Bender. C/W Glasser said she agreed but there were other issues which applied to next year. C/M Schumann asked *f there were three separate ballots these proposals could go on and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes. C/M Schumann said some proposals could be put on hold. Mayor Abramowitz asked City Manager Kelly if he had the time to disseminate the information regarding Section 7.13 and City Manager Kelly said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said.information could also go in the Tam -A -Gram. Mr. Krantz said the issue of Section 7.13 was long overdue and Mr. Winter said City Manager Kelly should make sure the information was put in the newspapers for the public to read. Mayor Abramowitz said as soon as possible he wanted the verbiage on the proposed items which would go on referendum. Mayor Abramowitz said after the holidays, a Special Meeting would be scheduled for the Council to indicate their priority financial items. He said he would make sure that the Charter Board received copies. City Manager Kelly asked if the meeting would be held the next time around and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said some people had priorities while others did not and he felt it was worthwhile to sit down with the Charter Board and discuss certain issues. Mayor Abramowitz said in his opinion it would be extremely beneficial to Council and the Charter Board if Attorney Novack explained the language in the Ordinances he prepared. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said a first reading had to be held by December 30 or 31 on any Ordinance changes. She asked if Council had to meet before those dates for the first reading to take a formalized vote and Mayor Abramowitz said a Special meeting could be called with 12 hours notice. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd said Council would have a Special meeting Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 8 where the verbiage would be presented for Council's approval and it wou,ld.go to first reading and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes. City Attorney Ru.f' said he did not see a need for this. Mayor Abramowitz said the Special meeting was to have the verbiage explained and not for Council to vote for or against. City Attorney Ruf said he had not reviewed the Ordinances prepared by Attorney Novack and Mayor Abramowitz asked Attorney Ruf to make this a priority. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd asked if the Special meeting would take place by December 31. She said in the past, verbiage was distributed an hour before there was a public reading. Mayor Abramowitz said Council did not have to meet before December 31 to have the first reading but he did want Attorney Novack to thoroughly explain the verbiage. Mayor Abramowitz said Council would perhaps have the first reading by next week. Vice Chairwoman Kitograd asked if the first reading was the reading of the verbiage and Mayor Abramowitz said, no. He said the City was required to have two meetings and a public hearing with a certain amount of time between the first and second public hearings. City Attorney Ruf said Attorney Novack had drafted the first five issues and changes would be made regarding unlimited terms. He said he prepared the proposal on Section 7.13 and would give a copy to Attorney Novack. Mayor Abramowitz said he would be more comfortable having Attorney Novack explain the verbiage. City Attorney Ruf said he would send the finished product to Council and the Charter Board once both Attornies agreed on the verbiage. C/W Glasser asked if Council and the Charter Board would address the issues suggested by City Clerk Evans and Mayor Abramowitz said, no. He said in his opinion they were not priorities. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board had not seen the recommendations from City Clerk Evans and suggested a copy be given to them. He said he wanted the Charter Board to be made aware of some financial matters which concerned Council but Charter Board was not involved in. C/M Katz asked City Manager Kelly to advise what he considered the City's priorities were. City Manager Kelly responded that the financial aspects were a higher priority than terms of office and length of the terms. City Manager Kelly said the memo from City Clerk Evans with assistance from Finance Director Blasi referred to the Capital Plan and advertising and did affect the City in terms of cost. He said they were more important than some of the other issues discussed today. Mayor Abramowitz said the voters had to be given the proper information in order for them to know what they were voting for. City Manager Kelly said several of the financial issues were easy to sell because the voters would be able to save money and if Council decided to wait for later elections, the financial issues would impact on next years' budget. Mayor Abramowitz said he disagreed with this theory. C/W Glasser said the voters would be told that less money would be spent instead of asking them to spend more money and they would agree and Council's concern should be to save money for the City. She said there was time until 1993 to discuss number of terms in office and lengths of the terms. Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 9 Mayor Abramowitz said these were the issues brought up at the Joint Council and Charter Board' meeting and priorities were discussed. C/W Glasser said it was a priority but not necessarily to go on the March ballot. C/W Glasser said these were housekeeping factors and Mayor Abramowitz said in his opinion, they should not be prioritized. C/W Glasser said it was a priority because it would save money. C/M Katz said Council should have approval on anything pertaining to budget in July and he wanted as much information as he could before next year's budget. Mayor Abramowitz asked if Section 12.03 - Removal from office, would save money and C/M Katz said, no. C/W Glasser suggested asking everyone for a consensus of opinion and Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board did not have a copy. City Attorney Ruf said copies were being made. -Mayor Abramowitz said it was unfair to ask the Charter Board for an .mmediate answer when they did not have an opportunity to study the issues. He said Council needed a decision immediately and it was O.K. if Council did not want to put anything on the ballot. Mr. Krantz said he thought a decision had been made and questioned why was it being changed. Mayor Abramowitz said a decision had been made but he did not know why it was being changed. V/M Bender said nothing was being changed and C/W Glasser said she agreed. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board was being asked to decide on something they knew nothing about. Chairwoman Davis said she never saw the memo from City Clerk Evans and C/M Katz said it was discussed at the last Joint Meeting. Mr. Winter said no one from the Charter Board ever saw the memo before today. Mayor Abramowitz said Council and the Charter Board sat together for three meetings and decided what the priorities were and the priority was the length of terms. C/W Glasser said the memo from City Clerk Evans should also have been distributed to the Charter Board for discussion. Tape 3 Mr. Winter said his notes from a prior meeting indicated C/M Katz's priorities were terms of office, Section 7.13, expenses and compensation, redistricting and capital improvements. He said C/W Glasser's priorities were terms of office and vouchers; V/M Bender's priorities were terms of office and capital improvements. Mr. Winter said he did not remember these ever being brought up and C/W Glasser said they were. V/M Bender said they were brought up at a Workshop. Mr. Winter said the Charter Board did not attend the Workshop because no one from the Charter Board received a copy of the memo. C/M Katz said he brought up these issues for discussion at the last Joint Meeting. He said it should be addressed before the next budget. Mayor Abramowitz said he asked each person at the last Joint Meeting what their priorities were and Chairwoman Davis she the members of the Charter Board did not hear the question. C/M Katz said one of his concerns was an item indicated by City Clerk Evans and Mr. Winter said C/M Katz did not state this was a priority. C/W Glasser asked if everything had to be finalized today or could it be finalized by January 2 and City Attorney Ruf said January 6 was the last date that City Clerk Evans could advertise the second reading. Mayor Abramowitz asked when the first reading would take place and Joint Workshop Meeting City Council and Charter Board 12/18/91/PP Page 10 City Attorney Ruf said it had to be prior to January 6 because the second reading was January 16. He said this would be sufficient for the 10 days notice and C/W Glasser was correct with the January 2 date but City Clerk Evans wanted it as early as possible. Mayor Abramowitz said he had no problem with the dates and City Manager Kelly said Council could have a Special Meeting on December 30 and a Joint Meeting on December 31. Mayor Abramowitz said he had no problems with December 30 and 31. Melanie Reynolds, resident, expressed her concerns about her priorities. Joseph Schreiber, resident, expressed his concerns about the $100 compensation and what else was involved for the Charter Board. Mayor Abramowitz adjourned the Joint Meeting at 11:45 a.m. CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK LJ