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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-03 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting Agenda5311 1\10RTHWEST 88'TH AVENUE TAM AR AC, F=L0RIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 7225900 if November 2, 1981 N 0 T I C E CHANGE OF DATE - PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL Please be advised that the date and time of the Pre -agenda Workshop Meeting of the City Council has been changed to Tuesday, November 3, 1981 at 3:30 P.M., in the West Conference Room. The Workshop had been scheduled for Thursday, November 5th. C ra of A. Evans, Asst. City C er�c /lc CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: NOVEMBER 3, 1981, 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: WEST CONFERENCE ROOM CALL TO ORDER BY: MAYOR WALTER W. FALCK ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Irving 11. Disraelly Councilman Irving M. Zemel ABSENT & EXCUSED: Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk;, Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager; Arthur M. Birken, City Attorney. The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1981. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/3/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Presentations/Awards Cont'd. Off -Street Parking Design Standards - Temp. 636 - 11/28/79 tabled for C/Engr Council 11/79 Review Wellens Furniture Addition -Rev. Site Plan- 7/22 tabled for 5% drng. retention - 10/14 further tabled to 2/10/82 at req. of Wellens Comm. Dev. 6/30/81 Self-insurance fund for small equipment- Ma or Falck 6/24/80 10/1/80 tabled to 10/22/80 y Temp.Ord. 81 - Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd rdg. P.W. held 10/22/80 - C/W Massaro to suggest language re Council 10/22/80 certified costs Drainage Improvements- 10/28 C/Engr to have City Engr. 2/81 list of priorities for 11/12 mtg. Civic Center/Space-6/10 tabled for W/S meeting (held 7/28/81and 10/13/81) C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Fairways A&B-C&D Bond Releases: a) $6,000 cash perf bond for drng.- 3/11 tabled to 3/25 subj to receipt of certified costs & fee payment C/Engr 2/4/81 b) $2,500 cash perf bond for drng.-2/11 C/Engr 2/4/81 tabled to 2/ 25/81 c) $14,087 perf bond-5/27 tabled until C/Atty brings it back on the floor C/Engr 5/20/81 Off-street Parking Reg. -Temp. 820A - 2/25 P.H. held -Tabled for by V/M Disraelly C/Atty 1/81 Temp. 927-LUP-10/28 tabled to 11/12 for review Comm. Dev. 10/21/81 of language Golf View Plaza -Plat & Dev.Review Agmt.- 5/13 tabled for proper documentation Comm.Dev. 5/6/81 Sunflower Drng Mod.-5/13 tabled for memo from C/Engr re easements and req'd documentation C/Mgr. 5/7/81 Temp.Ord. 886-Enforcement of Chapter 28 of Code-P.H. held 7/31- 10/14 tabled to 11/12 Council 6/ 24/81 mtg . Cypress III & IV -Model Sales Renewal-10/28 tabled to 11/12 for info re location C/Clerk 10/.14/.81 Bid Award -Lawn Maint.-10/14 tabled to 11/12 at request of C/119r. C/Clerk 10/7/31 Richway-Utility Easement-10/28 tabled to 11/30 at request of developer Cons. C/Atty 10/14/81 Temp.Ord. 885-Dist.Transf.Stations in A-1 Zoning Districts- 2nd rdg.-P.H. held- 7/22 tabled Council 7/81 Richway-Vacation of NW 83 St- PH Held-10/28 tabled to 11/30 at request of developer Comm. Dev. 9/81 Commercial Garden Mall -Request for Engrg fee refund- 9/9 tabled C/Engr. 9/2/81 AGENDIZED Gi X FN N V14 X TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 11/3/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Bruce Egan Rezonings-Petitions 3A-Z-81 & 3B-Z-81- P.H. held - 1st Rdg. - 9/9 tabled to 11/25 meeting at req. of petitioner Comm.Dev. 7/81 Sunmark Ind. (Sunny Sunoco) Request for Platting Waiver-7/24 tabled for submittal of site plan & landscaping plan C/Atty 7/2/81 HLR Rezoning Pet's #47-Z-80 & #48-Z-80- 2nd Rdg.- 10/28 tabled to 11/30- PH to be Comm. Dev. continued Purchase of Van for Social Services-7/22 tabled -Mayor to submit alternate proposals V/M Disraelly 7/10/81 J i Family Mart Warranty Bond Release - 10/28 tabled to 11%12 for report from C/Engr re drainage C/Engr 9/3/81 Southeast Shopping Center (Tamarac Town Square) Pkg. Waiver Pet. #16-2-81 - PH held - 9/9 tabled at req of petitioner Comm. Dev. 9/81 City Hall Rev. Site Plan for Pkg. Lot Layout - 9/23 tabled for info from C/Engr and P.W. Director Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Tamarac Post Office - Rev. Site Plan for Pkg. lot layout - 10/28 tabled awaiting reply from P.O. on C/Planner's recommendations. Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Temp. 921-Construction of Dumpsters-10/14 tabled for review and research (1st Rdg) C/Atty. 9/81 Broward Neighbors -Rev. Site Plan- 10/14 tabled for add'1 information to be submitted Comm. Dev. 10/7/81 Temp. 909 - Notice of Bd. of Adj. Actions- 10/14 1st rdg. tabled to 11/12 Comm. Dev. 10/7/81 AGENDIZED ►5 KI X PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2 P.M. SECOND READING QRDINANCES Temp. 931 - HLR Rezoning - Rec Parcel at Northwood II Temp. 933 - City Initiated Rezoning (Sabal Palm) 111 X Charter Aendment Pertaining to Bidding Requirements - Temp. 934 - 1st Reading X TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST - Wellfields - WHS to seek owner of 40' of property on 61 St. and also easement from St. Malachy's contiguous with 61 St. e SUBJECT Rock Pit Property -Gene Toll Temp. 860--Amending parking lot lighting standards - Appd by P.C. 10/7/81 Landscape Agreement with Broward County Recognition of chairmen who have served over 5 years FP&L Sodium Conversion Agreement Bid Awards . a) Bridge -and Fishing Pier (10/16) b) Removal of Lime Sludge from Lagoon(11/9) c) Two 3-wheel scooters (10/30) d) Boiler & Machinery Insurance (11/6). Broward Neighbors Request for Refund of Retention and drainage fees Woodmont TR 71-Sales Model Facility Polish American Club-Req. for refund of fees Bid Auth.-Fire Dept..- Jaws of Life Broward County Trafficways Plan Procurement of TV/Seal Unit for TUW from sole source Repair of drive-in facilities at TUW Agmt with Army Corps of Engineers for work in city Contract with Mitch Ceasar Manninos Restaurant - Ground Sign at Plaza Del Sol Toll Sales Models Community Development Block Grant Opting Out Beautification of City Hall Zoning to comply with Master Plan Use Plan Medical Arts Bldg. - Extension of Time on Approval of Site Plan Lakes of Carriage Hills Renewal of Model Sales WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 11/3/81 INTRODUCED BY V/M Disraelly 3/27/81 Comm. Dev. 6/4/81 C/Mgr 9/3/81 C/M Zemel 9/3/81 C/Mgr 9/14/81 C/Clerk 10/21/81 C/Clerk 11/3/81 C/Clerk 11/3/81 C/Clerk 11/3/81 C/Engr 11/3/81 Comm. Dev. 11/2/81 Purchasing 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/81 M/Falck 11/3/81 Community Dev. 11/3/81 City Attorney 11/3 AGENDIZED REMOVED X REMOVED X X X X X X X X X M 9 V/M/ Disraelly 11/3 X V/M Disraelly 11/3 X C/M Disraelly 11/3 X Community Development 11/4 X Community Development 11/4 X