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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-20 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: November 20, 1980 LOCATION: West Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: VICE -MAYOR HELEN MASSARO ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Councilwoman Kelch X Councilman Zemel X Councilman Disraelly X Vice -Mayor Massaro X Mayor Falck ABSENT ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Staff, City Clerk Bertholf, City Attorney Birken, City Manager Gross The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, November 26, 1980. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. C TY CLERK 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 11/20/_80 -SUBJECT 1f Tamarac Dtil-west Presentations/Avards Interim Devel. Review Australian Pines -Temp Ord. 632 Off Street Parking Design Standards -Temp Ord. 636-tabled 11/28/79-2nd rdg for Eng. review i reccam. Tract 46-Storage Tank Bro. Co. Road Const Agreet. Spring Lake I -Release of C/O/'s bond endorsement for 50ft canal i culvert crossing at 100 Ave. CorDensation adjustment -Police Department exempt emnlovees-tab to 11/26 Internat'l Systems, Inc. -Grant Consultants INTRODUCED BY Contd. Contd. City Att'y 11/78 Council 6/79 Council 21/79 Council 4/30/80 City Att'y 6/60 Council 7/28/80 Cl tv M$naarer 10/2/80 Mayor Falck 6/19/60 Wedgewood Bond-$10,000-ext to 22/30/80 Council 9/10/80 Leadership Housing Land Dedications tabled 7/9/60 City Att'y 7/80 Noodmont tract 72B-bill of sale water 6 sewer systems -tabled 7/28 C.E. to appr as-builts w/ recoz=. Council 7/28/80 Private Streets -Temp Ord. 809 1 st rdg-tabled 1047�for add rev Council 7/23/80 to insure City protection Mobil oil Co - Positive Drng Bond -Temp Reso 1726-tabled 9/10 for C.E. review Council 9/10/80 Tract 27 remote storage tank tentative appr on 9/10-C.E. x T. Nolan to give recamm. Council 9/4/80 Broadview Util.-9/10-C.M. i C.A. to pursue legal aspects to acquire water service Council 9/10 Temp Ord. 714-prohibits rev of site plans notaccompanied with plats-2nd .plans P.H.held-tabled to C.A. rev & revision. City Council 10/22 Self insurance Fund -for small equipment -tabled 10/1 to 10/22 Telephone 6ervice-City Hall Btil-proposal authorisation tabled 10/22 to 11/12 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Finance Director 9/80 AGENDIZED x X M x Drainage Augmentation East Side of City City Council 10/1/80 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 11/20/80 page 2 SUBJECT Land Section 7-Land Use Plan rezonings-tabled 10/1/80 (for 11/26) Temp Ord. 811- Public Improve Bonds for offisite only-2nd reading held 10/22-C.A. to do language recertified costs tabled to 11/26 Granek Properties (Lakeside) site plan & plat ext to 12/22/80 Bond Release Montwood tracts 47,,,48,50 with warranty bond $5,958.00-tabled 11/12 for verifi- cation of tract nos. INTRODUCED BY Council 9/80 City Council 10/22/80 Council 10/22/80 City Engineer 10/28/80 x TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING - 11/20/80 SUBJECT INTRODUCEDBY All Florida Sanitation -repeal ord granting commercial garbage franchise City Manager 11/3/80 Heathgate-Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Manager 11/17/80 Woodview Tract 38 - acceptance of Bill of Sale for roads & utilities in Phase I and release of Letter of Credit with 1 year warranty City Engineer 11/18/80 Bid Award -boiler & machinery insurance City Manager 11/19/80 Woodmont Tracts 74 & 75-Stipulation # 7- re: Rissmont becoming H.Q.W. builder Council 11/12/80 Milledge & Hermelee-Special Counsel Executive Airport Council 11/12/80 Heathgate-Sunflower Homeowners Assn -request for waiver of fee for parade for Christmas Homeowners Assn. 11/19/80 Isles of Tamarac -rev site plan for enlargment of clubhouse Community Devel. 11/19/80 Mainlands 9 rev site2iDlan for porch enclosure Community Devel. 11/19/80 Cypress of Weodmont tract 61 revised site plan for entrance wall Community Devel. 11/19/8- Woodmont Plaza -site plan, plat, developers agree't landscape plan 9 water & sewer agree't Community Devel. 11/19/60 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Temp Ord. 827 Police Chief 10/15/80 Charter Amendment for Council Salaries City Attorney 11/19/80 Temp Ord 808 - amends Business Uees re: auto repair facilities & combined with Temp 828 re: video tape sales & clubs & warehouses City Council 11/14/80 Westwood 22 - Rev.Site Plan -Fence Comm. Develop. 11/20 Brookwood Gardens - S.P., Plat, W & S Agree., L.P., Develop.Agree. Comm. Develop. 11/20 B.E.T.A. Payment Reimbursement City Manager 11/20 Budget Adjustment to create Holiday City Manager 11/20 Fund acceptance of Funds Christmas Tree Sales C/W Kelch 11/20 University Comm. Medical Plaza - City Attorney 11/20 Letter of Credit X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Firefighters Contract City Manager 11/20 X PUBLIC HEARINGS -- 2:00 P.M. Charter Board Amendment - Partisan Primaries X Temp Ord. 819-re: change "variance" to"exception-permit" in platting procedure: X Temp Ord. 825-prohibits keeping wild animals X Temp Ord. 829 - establishes law enforcement trust fund -re contraband X Petitions - 37-Z-80 thru 45-Z-80 - City initiated rezonings Land Use Plan X Petition - 46-Z-80 Isles of Tamarac -- parking waiver request for clubhouseX Petition - 47--Z-80 H.L.R. rezoning land near Vanguard Village R1B to R-3 X Petition-48-Z-80 H.L.R. rezoning land near Vanguard Village r1B to R4A X Petition=49-Z-801:Carlone's Restaurant Spec Excep Alcoholic Beverages X