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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-20 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 0 L-1 CALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 11/20/85 - 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: West Conference Room Vice Mayor Helen Massaro PRESENT: Vice Mayor Helen Massaro Councilman Raymond J. Munitz Councilman Sydney M. Stein ABSENT AND EXCUSED: Mayor Philip B. Kravitz Councilman Arthur H. Gottesman ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Larry Perretti, Acting City Manager Jon M. Henning, City Attorney Marilyn Bertholf, City Clerk Carol E. Barbuto, Assistant City Clerk The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, November 27, 1985. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X--mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASSISTANT CITY C ERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/20/85 FOR 11/27/85 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZING Awards/Proclamations - Yes X 1) Crime Stoppers Week Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 X a) Report: A- Yes b) June Solid Waste Assessment- B- Yes 11/13 tabled for explanation NW Council of Mayors Continuing 6/85 Yes X Financial Federal Perf. Bond No Release-11/10/82 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty. Lake Colony - No Traffic Light Perf. Bond C/M Stelzer 11/13 tabled 5/16/84 Tamarac Nursing Center - Comm. Dev. A-F Yes X a) Amended Special Exception 9/17/85 changing the request for use of the property b) Developers Agreement 9/26 tabled for C/Atty. research c) Declaration of Restrictions d) Water Retention Agmt. e) Plat f) Development Review Agmt. 11/13 tabled to 11/27 Setbacks of fences, walls & V/M Massaro No hedges - Temp. Ord. #1214 -- 9/18/85 9/26 tabled (P.H. before Planning on 12/4) Agreement with Broward Cty. C/Atty. Yes -consent for trafficways illumination 9/12/84 remove X on 441 from C13 canal to C14 canal -- 9/26 tabled Public Soliciting - Temp. Ord. C/Atty. No #1182 - P.H. held 4/10 - 2nd 3/85 reading tabled to future mtg. Vacation of right-of-way on 12/5/84 No NW 67 St. - 12/27 tabled to a future meeting Shops of Tamarac - Rez.Pet. Comm.Dev. No #3-Z-85 -- P.H. held 3/13 - 2/85 10/23 -2nd rdg. tabled for Beaut. Comm. review of '-' landscaping plans Municipal Complex: C/Atty. No Miller & Meier invoice 4/18/85 $35,191.66 - 9/11 tabled City Manager vacancy - V/M Massaro 11/13 tabled 10/16/85 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/20/85 - PAGE 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY A ENDIZIN Boards & Committees: Council a) Planning Comm.-- 10/23 tabled one alternate position b) Bd. of Adjustment - 10/23 tabled one alternate position c) Consumer Affairs -- vacancy Mayor Kravitz announced 10/23 10/23/85 d) PIC - Chairman report -- Council 11/13 tabled 11/13/85 FPE - Request to reopen Mayor Kravitz certain negotiations -- 10/23 5/85 tabled for add11. research Tamarac Park Ballfield #2 - CBO payment for lighting - 11/13 9/4/85 tabled to 11/27 Steve Wood & Elly Johnson's Mayor Kravitz trip to N.Y. on 2/28/85 - 7/2/85 9/11 tabled for official Charter Bd. report Outstanding Invoices: a) Muller, Mintz- totalling C/Atty. $3,771.26 6/85 10/23 tabled at request of C/Atty. ^ b) Invoice from Facciani & Co. C/Atty. in the amount of $445.50 9/3/85 9/26 tabled for C/Atty. research & Report Woodmont Tract 59 - CBO a) site plan b) plat 10/2/85 b) Stipulation #24 d) Amendment to Water & Sewer Agmt. 10/23 tabled No ►9 A- Yes X B- No Yes X Payment of $5,000 to Area C/Mgr. No Agency on Aging - 10/23 tabled for 10/10/85 research by C/Atty. Woodmont TR 48 - Release of perf. Engineering No bond 10/23 tabled for add'l. eng. 10/15/85 fees due Al Miller vs. City -- Payment C/Atty. No to City's insurance attys. - 9/4/85 9/26 tabled at request of C/Atty. Model Sales Renewal C/Clerk Woodmont TR 56 per 8/15/85 Stip. #11 - 10/9 tabled Mobil Oil - Comm. Dev. No a) Temp. Ord. #1219 - Rezoning 9/85 Pet. #17-Z-85 b) Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 10/23 tabled for executed documents Lights for Tract 27 soccer C/Mgr. No fields -- 11/13 tabled to a 10/15/85 Special Mtg. TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/20/85 - PAGE 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZING Exem t Em to ees - a) Increase - 10/23 tabled for add'l. review b) Benefit package - 10/28 aped. for one month C/Mgr. A- Yes X 10/2/85 B- Yes X Intradepartmental budget C/M Munitz transfers - 11/13 tabled 11/6/85 to 11/27 Burglar Alarms - Temp. 1166 - 11/13 2nd rdg. tabled Comm. Dev. 10/85 to 11/27 Occupational Licenses - Temp. Comm. Dev. Ord. 1218 - 11/13 2nd rdg. 10/85 tabled Barry S. Eden - Rez.Pet. #21-Z-85 - McNab Rd. - 11/13 Comm. Dev. 10/85 1st rdg. tabled for site plan Paul & June Abel, Sidney Shapiro & Elaine Levenson - Rez.Pet. #23-Z-85 - Tam. Shopping Plaza - 11/13 lst rdg. tabled for C/Atty.'s research Greenview Apartments: a) Plat b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. d) Sanitary Sewer Easement e) Water Easement f) Vacation of right-of-way 11/13 tabled g) Tract 2 - Corrected deed for canal right-of-way and maintenance easement 10/10 tabled for Cardinal Ind. attendance at mtg. Hidden Hollow I: a) Plat b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Agmt. d) Water & Sewer Easements e) Cross Access Easement f) Public Safety Ingress/ Egress Easement 11/13 tabled Hidden Harbour: a) Stipulation b) Site Plan c) Landscape Plan d) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. e) Public Safety Ingress/Egress f) Canal Maintenance Easement g) Drainage Easement h) Warranty Deed Comm. Dev. 10/85 Comm. Dev. 10/15/85 C/Atty. 9/17/85 Comm. Dev. 10/1/85 Comm. Dev. 11/5/85 Easement i) Blanket Utility Easement j) Vacation of Drainage Easements k) Refund of drainage retention fees: TR 26 - $30,234.00 TR 31 -- 36,977.00 11/13 tabled at request of applicant No Consent -extend tabling Yes X No No Yes Yes Yes TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/20/85 - PAGE 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS SUBJECT ON INTRODUCED BY AGENDI2ING Marshall's Plaza - Engrg. Release of cash warranty 10/18/85 bond - 11/13 tabled for more info. Temp. Ord. #1227 - C/Atty. Transfer of Franchise from 11/5/85 UTA Cable Corp. to Telesat Cablevision - 11/13 1st rdg. tabled for more info. Isles of Tamarac - Water & Council Sewer Agmt. - 11/13 tabled 10/28/85 to 11/27 TUW - Wells 12 & 13 Engrg. Change Order #1 to 11/1/85 contract with Sullivan -- 11/13 tabled TUW -- Rehabilitation and Util. Director expansion of Wastewater 11/5/85 Treatment Plant - Approval of engin. agmt. incl. adden 1 & 2 with Hazen & Sawyer No Yes X Yes X Yes X Yes X TUW - Postage Meter - TUW No 11/13 tabled for C/Engr. 10/31/85 research CBO recommended changes CBO Yes X to Tam. Park Satellite 11/5/85 bldg. - 11/13 tabled for P & R report a PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. PETITIONS 25-Z-85 - ;lidway Plaza -- Limited Parking Waiver 26-Z-85 - Beverly Hills Cafe V, Inc. - Special exception to allow expansion into Bay D *-Z-85 - Wings, Etc. - Special exception to permit this restaurant in Bay 7 of 3 Lakes Plaza 29-Z-85 - Wings, Etc. - Special exception to allow on -premises consump- tion of alcoholic beverages at 3 Lakes Plaza 30-Z-85 - Spiro P. Pappas - Special exception to permit PK Restaurant in Bay 15 of 3 Lakes Plaza A endize Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 31-Z-85 - Spiro P. Pappas -- Special exception to permit on -premises consumption of beer and wine at PK Restaurant in 3 Lakes Plaza C7 Yes WORKSHOP SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 11/20/85 - PAGE 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZI G Cinnamon Tree Prof. Plaza - C/Clerk No Assignment of Water & 8/5/85 65pr Agmt . Temp. Ord. #1217 - Revising No business uses for Mayor Kravitz instructional classes 8/85 TUW Revenue Bonds - C/Atty. No Auth. to proceed with: 9/13/85 1) Compiling all necessary info 2) Bond insurors 3) Official Statement Presentation by B.C. Water C/Mgr. No- Spec. Mtg. Resources Mgt. re water supply 10/3/85 and future wellfield sites in County 3 Lakes Plaza - a) RSP Beaut. Comm. A X b) Sign Waivers 11/1/85 B 2 directory signs Ord. re investments Council No 11/13/85 F---ftler Homes - Lot 3, CBO Yes X L ick 4 - HOW bond release 11/8/85 Lake Colony/Brookwood Gardens C/Clerk Yes X Model Sales renewal 11/18/85 TUW -2 Personnel attending TUW Yes X W/S re Composting/ 11/15/85 Recycling/Land application TUW - Sanitary Sewer C/Eng. Yes X Rehab - Change Order 5 inc. 11/18/85 contract by $9,000 TUW - Approval to purchase TUW Yes X 1/2-ton pickup on State 11/7/85 contract in lieu of bidding Calico Country -A) Release CBO A X of beautification bond for 11/15/85 B $1,800.00 & B) Rev. site plan TUW - Agmt. with Shelton Util. Director Yes X Enterprise, Inc. for 10/23/85 underground utility `location services mail Oil -NE corner of Comm. C/Engr. Yes X & 441 - Right-of-way deed 11/15/85 University Hospital- Calling C/Engr. Yes X perf. bond for parking lot 11/15/85 (exp. 1/6/86) Ashmont -- calling warranty C/Engr. Yes X bond for sanitary sewer 11/15/85 WORKSHOP SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 11/20/85 -- PAGE 2 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON A ENDIZING ASHMONT- Release of C/Engr. warranty bond: 11/15/85 a) Phase 2 water (exp. 12/4 A- Yes X b) Phase 1 paving and drain- B- Yes X age (exp. 12/4 c) Phase 1 landscaping (exp. C-- Yes X 12/11 d) Phase 1 sidewalk (exp. 12/12 D- Yes X Tamarac Gardens Revised Site Comm. Dev. Yes X Plan for upgrade apt. change 11/19/85 Belfort Revised Site Plan for Comm. Dev. Yes X upgrade apt. change 11/19/85 Island Club revised Site Plan Comm. Dev. Yes X for perm. sign & temp. plat- 11/19/85 ting waiver National Business Center Comm. Dev. Yes X a) Site Plan 11/19/85 b) Landscape Plan c) W & S. Dev. Agmt. d) Water Reten. Agmt. e) Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easements f) Utility Easements g) Right-of-way Deed TBC Equities Comm. Dev. Yes X a) Final Site Plan 11/19 b) Landscape Plan c) Utility Easement Woodmont Tract 48 Comm. Dev. Yes X a) Revised Site Plan 11/19 b) Model Sales Facility Tamarac Square West - Site Comm. Dev. Yes X Plan 11/19 Kimley--Horn invoices 5,6 Comm. Dev. Yes X 7 and 8--$17,172.86 11/19 Atlas Roofing CBO 11/19 Yes X Tamarac Sat. Rec. Center