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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-04 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: December 4, 1980 LOCATION: West Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: Mayor Walter W. Falck ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Councilwoman Kelch X Councilman Zemel X Mayor Falck X Vice -Mayor Massaro ABSENT Councilman Disraelly ABSENT ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Staff, City Clerk Bertholf, City Attorney Birken , City Manager Gross The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, December 10, 1980 The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CIT CLE jz`" h1-10� TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 12/4/80 SUBJECT r Tamarac Dtil-!rest Presentations/Awards Interim revel. saviev jiustralian Pines -Temp Ord. 932 off Street Parking Design Standards -Temp Ord. 636-tabled 11/28/79-2nd rag for Eng. review i recamm. Tract 46-3torage Tank Bro. Co. (load Const Agreet. Spring Lake I -Release of C/0/12 bond endorsement for Soft canal i culvert crossing at 200 Ave. INTRODUCED BY Contd. Contd. City Att'y 11/78 Council 6/79 Council 11/79 Council 4/30/80 City Att•y 6/90 Council 7/28/80 Land Sec 7-Land Use Plan-rez. 12/2 tabled to 12/10-Mayor to meet Co Plan Co re; procedures & present recomm. Council 9/80 Wedgewood Bond-$10,000-ext to 22/30/90 &; Council 9/10/80 Leadership Housing Land Dedications tabled 7/9/80 City Att'y 7/80 Noodmont tract 728-bill of sale water i sewer systems -tabled 7/29 C.E. to appr as-builts w/ reco ma. Council 7/28/80 Private Streets -Temp Ord. 809 1 at rdg-tabled 1047 -for add rev to insure City protection Mobil Oil Co - Positive Drng bond -Temp Reso 1726-tabled 9/10 for C.E. review Tract 27 remote storage tank tentative appr on 9/10-C.E. i T. Polan to give reca®m. Broadview Dti1.-9/10-C.ft. i C.A. to pursue legal aspects to acquire water service Council 7/23/80 Council 9/10/90 Council 9/4/80 Council 9/10 Temp Ord. 714-prohibits rev of site plans notaccompanied with plats-2nd .plans P.g.held-tabled to C.A. rev revision. City Council 10122 Szlf "insurance Fund -for small equipment -tabled 10/1 to 10/22 Telephone Cervice-City gall i ■til-proposal authorisation tabled 10/22 to 11/12 Drainage Augmentation East Side of City Mayor falck 6/24/80 Finance Director 9/80 City Council 10/1/80 AGENDIZED x RA TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION- 12/4/80 pg 2 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Temp Ord. 811-Public Improve bonds for off site only-2nd reading held 10/22-C.A. to do language recertified costs tabled to 11/26 Council 10/22/80 Granek Properties (lakeside) site plan & plat ext to 12/22/80 Council 10/22/80 Bond Release-Montwood tracts 47,48,50 w/ warranty bond $5,958-tabled 11/12 for verifi- cation of tract nos. (11/20-need bill of sale on util & cert costs to be redone) City Engineer 10/28/80 All Fla. Sanitiation-Ord. repealing francise-Publ hrg. 12/29 Council 12/2/80 Woodmont tract 74 & 75-Stip 7-HOW builder-12/2 tabled to 12/10 Council 11/12/80 Isles of Tamarac -rev site plan for clubhouse addition-12/2 tabled Comm. Devel. 11/10/80 Woodmont Plaza -site plan,plat,devel agree't, landscape plan,w & s agree't 12/2 tabled per C.E.IOM re drainage Comm. Devel. 11/19/80 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Temp Ord. 827-Publ Hrg for 12/29 Police Chief 10/15/80 Charter Amendment for Council Salaries - Public Hrg for 12/29 City Attorney 11/19/80 Brookwood Gardens - site plan,plat w & s agree't, Landscape plan, devel. agree't - 12/2tabled for ROW dedication Comm. Devel. ll/ 20/80 Petition 37-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 38-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 39-Z-80 -- 12/2 tabled Petition 40-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled for CA to research legality Petition 41-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 42-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 44--Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 45--Z-80 - Public Hearing 12/24 Petition 47-Z-80 -12/2 tabled to 12/24 (HLR rezoning) Petition 48-Z-80 --12/2 tabled to 12/24 (HLR rezoning) Social Services Van Drivers - 12/2 tabled - CM to research VISTA, City employees, County drivers, or County taking over program -to 12/10 Ar_V"nT7Vn X 1:/ E44 VA rM Slurry Seal Mainland 1 thru 5 - payment to contractor - 12/2 tabled to 12/10-C.E. to inspect and give a recommendation Council ►M TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING - 12/4/80 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Heathgate-Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Manager 11/17/80 Westwood 22-Revised Site Plan for a fence Comm. Devel. 11/20/80 X County Platting Regulations report by C.M. & C.A. for 12/10 at 11/20/ agenda mtg. Council 11/20 X Bid Award -Engineering Drainage work City manager 11/20/80 X Bagel Joint III - Signs 1 & 2 sign waiver request Building Dept. 12/3/80 X University MEDICAL Center (Big Max) (south of hospital) sign waiver request Building Dept 12/2/80 X Police Dept I.D. Cards -Ord. increasing fees amending Ch 14 Chief McIntosh 11/25/80 X Rokest Condo Bond Release - $1000-paving ne entrance of Lagos de Campo City Engineet 11/25/80 X Bid Award - Recording System for Chambers City Clerk 12/3/80 X Bid Authorization-2 utility vehicles for meter readers Purchasing Officer 11/20/80 X Bid Authorization-7 police cars Police Dept. 12/3/80 X Green Thumb - sign waiver for temporary sign Building Dept. 12/2/80 X Resolution supporting amendment to section 5.02 of Bro Co. Land Use Plan City Attorney 11/26/80 X Woodmont Co Cl-revised site plan golf maintenance bldg addition Comm. Devel. 12/3/80 X Model Sales Facility for La Foret (tract 64) and La Reserve (tract 70)--jointly Comm. Devel. 12/3/80 X Shops of Tamarac - bond release -new entrances & median cut on 70 St. C/M Disraelly 12/3/80 X Univ.Comm. Med. Plaza City Mgr. 12/4 X L.ofC. Ext. Bid Auth. to clean TU West Tank 1 & 4 City Mgr. 12/4 X Bid Auth.-Tractor -TU West. City Mgr. 12/4 X Temp.Ord. #820- Alt.1&2 City Atty. 12/4 X City Manager Operations Mayor Falck 12/4 X Broward County Program 205 - Garbage Mayor Falck 12/4 X & Trash Coll. Tam. Util. Billing Mayor Falck 12/4 X Safety Ord. - Adopting NFOA Stnds. Mayor Falck 12/4