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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-16 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CITY OF TATIARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME : 10 : 00 A.M. , 12/16/82 LOCATION: West Conference Room Mayor Falck PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck C/M Irving M. Disraelly C/M Philip B. Kravitz ABSENT AND EXCUSED: V/M Helen Massaro C/M David E. Krantz Laura. Stuurmans, City Manager Jon Henning, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, December 22, 1982. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. AS-SISTANT C TY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTICN 12/16/82 (.for 12/22/82) r Vc r ' Presentation/Awards --film presentation Continuing Florida. Derby Self -Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/1/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 imp. Ord. #811-Public Improvement Bands Tor off -site only - 2nd rdg. P.H. Arid 10/22/80--11/30 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr. & V/M Massaro Council 10/22/80 Drainage Improvements Continuing 2/81 Temp. Ord. 885 - Dist. Transfmr. Stations in A-1 district 2nd rdg. - P.H. held 7/22/81 - 12/8 tabled to a future meeting. Council 7/81 Temp. Ord. 938-Teop. Model Sales Trailers - 3/24 tabled until Ord. reworked per Council comments Broward League of Cities Colony West country Club: a) Sidewalk Construction - 4/28 tabled pending construction of guardrail within 30 days b) Equipment operation prior to 8 AM 7/14 tabled to future meeting c) Executive Course-7/14 tabled to fviture meeting d) Traffic Light Arent. - 9/22 tabled until decision made as to purchase of Exec. Course cc m. Dev. 1/20/82 Continuing 5/82 C/M Disraelly 5/12/82 V/M Massaro 7/28/82 Tamarac Plaza (Fatizzi/Kahn) Rescission of parking waiver - 10/13 Tabled for meeting w/Peter Fatizzi and City C/C1erk 4/20/82 Attorney to send letter to owner. Tenp. 966 - Construction Trailers - 4/28 tabled Bike Path Agmt. - 6/23 tabled for finalization of plans Nnl 61 Street - SW Corner: a) Easement b) Agmt. re recorded covenants c) Reso. supporting variance 3/10 discussion only Crnm. Dev. 4/82 C/Mgr. 1/82 Cans. C/Atty. 3/3/82 X Civic Center/Space - 2/10 tabled C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Temp. 925 - Platting - P.H. Held 3/24 tabled Comm. Dev. 3/82 Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release- 11/10 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty. C/Engr. 4/20/82 wpi .ia+r7 W X X X Intersection of 57th St. & 88th Ave. 5/10 tabled indefinitely for report -from V/M Massaro V/M Massaro 5/10/82 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION Page 2 - 12/16/82 E Sunnilanid Bank Bond Release-6/23 C/M Disraelly 6/3/82 tabled to future meeting Tamarac Jewish Center: one year extension of provisions of Code Sec. 7-31 requiring C/M Kravitz 9/1/82 screening of equipment on roof- 11/10 tabled for legal opinion from C/Atty. Southgate Gardens, Inc: a) Revised Site Plan b) Water Easement Cons.C/Atty. 7/7/82 c) Sewer Easement a) 7/14 tabled b) and c) tabled for C/Engr. review on 10/27 Bid Authorization- a) Installation of ground storage tank - 7/28 tabled C/Engr. 7/20/82 Springl.ake II - a) Revised Site Plan b) Water & Sewer Dev. Agent. C/Engr. 7/19/82 12/8 tabled to 12/22 Solid Waste Agmt. with County - 11/10 tabled for further research C/Mgr. 11/1/82 Continental Plaza sign waiver and revised site plan - 11/10 tabled as 1980 waiver lapsed Comm. Dev. 11/4/82 Alexander Grant - $11,000 - tabled for 12/8 Finance Kings Point Rec. Okplex: a) site plan b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Agreement Cann. Dev. 11/17/82 12/8 tabled to 12/22 Bid Awards - T{JW a) raw water main b) wells 10 and 11 12/8 tabled for report from C/Engr. 12/1/82 Cons. Engrs. Eaten: a) Site Plan b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Agreement d) Water Retention Agreement Ccmn. Dev. 12/1/82 \ 12/8 tabled for fees AGENDIZED X M V.i R. F.4 ON PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. Second Reading Ordinances x Temp. 1008 - Land Use Plan Amendments X Temp. 1009 - James Stevens - Newspaper Collection Franchise x Temp. 1010 - Thomas J. Putnoky - Newspaper Collection Franchise X Temp. 1012 - Proposed Charter Amendments Petitions #38-Z-82 - Anthony Cicchino & James Hollingsworth d/b/a/ J&B Auto Repair - Special x Exception for general auto repair business at 5098 NW 37 Avenue #39-Z-82 - Kit 'n Kaboodle - Special Exception to permit teaching of crafts at x Shepard Plaza #40-Z-82 - Queen of the Sea, Inc. - Special Exception for beer and wine (fgrmerly I.HOP)x PUBLIC HEARING - 5:.05 P.M. Second Reading Ordinance Temp. 1013 - Amusement Center Amendment & ratification of 82-55 x AT BOTTOM OF LAST PAGE ON AGENDA if WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 12/16/82 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Temp. Ord. #962 - RPUD District (denied by P1an.'Comn.) Comm. Dev. 3/17/82 Woodmont Tract 60-Residents request that certain streets be changed from numbers to words C/Clerk 8/10/82 Pension Ordinance C/Attorney 10/7/82 Initiation of procedures for construc- tion of Police Facility C/M Disraelly 9/30/82 Tamarac Jewish Center - Refund of certain fees 1/12/83 C/Clerk 10/20/82 Commercial Blvd. curb cuts proposed moratorium C/M Disraelly 10/82 Naming of Tract 27 Park C/Manager 10/11/82 Commendations to board & committee members who have served 5 or more years and who are serving at the present time (12/22 meeting) C/M Disraelly 10/82 Woodview Tract 38 a Amendment to W&S Agreement C/Manager 12/2/82 b� Model Sales Renewal (exp.1/11/83) C/Clerk 12/15/82 Model Sales Renewals; a) Woodmont TR 64/70 Trailer (exp. 12/24/82) C/Clerk 12/15/82 b) Woodmont Tract 54 (exp. 1/8/83) Colony West Country Club Perf. Bond - Call if bond not extended (exp. 1/13/83) C/Engineer 12/82 North Carolina National Bank - Sign Waiver for second ground sign Woodmont Country Club - Permission to banner entrance signs for tennis festival on 12/28 & 12/29 Kings Point Prof. Plaza - Request for refund of cash bond posted for temp. platting waiver (plat recorded 12/14) Woodmont TR 74/75 Model Sales Central Plaza - Easement & Option Agmt. for Model Sales Trailer Bid Awards - \ a) Two Metal Buildings \ b 1 Tractor/Loader/Backhoe Combination & trailer ci 1 Front Loader Bucket d Automatic Curber e) Installation of air conditioning & heating system at TUW Adm. Bldg. Beautification 12/15/82 C/M Disraelly 12/13/82 C/Clerk 12/15/82 Comm. Dev. 12/15/82 C/Clerk 12/15/82 C/Clerk 12/15/82 AGENDIZED X X X KI X X X X 4 A Westwood 21 Rev. Site Plan for canopy sunshade at swimming pool Comm. Dev. 12/16/82 X WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL_ 12/16/82 - PAGE 2 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Woodmont Tract 47 - Warranty bond release if repairs made by 1/3/83 C/Engineer 12/2/82 x Northwood II - Warranty bond release C/Engineer 12/3/82 x Mitch Ceasar - pres. & update C/Clerk 12/16/82 x Beautification cony itte - appointing 1 member C/M Disraelly 12/16/82 x Woocllnont TR 71 - 300 ft. waiver of Lot 37 Ccum. Dev. 12/16/82 x Consent - Agmt. w/Broward Fed. S & L Parks and Rec.-consent C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x Aquatic Weed - Reso. amen. persons resp. C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x Auth. purchase 1 vehicle thru State Contract - Consent C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x Treatment and cleaning of Canal ditch bank - Consent C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x Mainlands Center - W & S Agmt. amendment C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x So. Bell -- Reso. denouncing rate increase C/M Disraelly 12/16/82 x Kings Point -entrance - landscape plans C/M Disraelly 12/16/82 x FOP Contract C/Mgr. 12/16/82 x Caporella Park opening - 11:30 12/23/82 4