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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-17 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/ : December 17, 1980 LOCATION: Nest Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: MAYOR FALCK ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: STAFF The City Council met this date to review the last of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, December 24, 1980. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CITY CLERK'S TABLE OF CONteNTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 12/ 17780 •SUBJECT Tamarac Util-Nest Presentati'ons/Awards interim novel. Review " Australian Pines -Temp Ord. 632 Off Street Parking Design Standards -Temp Ord., 636-tabled 11/28/79-2nd rdg for Zng. review i recce®. Tract 46-Storage Tank Svc. Co. !toad Const Agreet. Spring Lake I -Release of C/O/•s bond endorsement for Soft Canal i Culvert crossing at 200 Ave. Westwood 22-rev site plan for fence 12/10 tabled for verify City access to lift station INTRODUCED BY Contd. c1ontd . City Att'y 21/72 Council 6/79 Council 11/79 Council 4/30/80 City Att'y 6/80 Council 7/28/80 Comm. Devel. 11/20/80 Wedgewood Bond-Z10,000-ext to 12/30/80 ik Council 9/20/80 Leadership Sousing Land Dedications tabled 7/9/80 City Att`y 7/20 Moodmont tract 723-bill of sale rater i sewer systems -tabled 7/28 C.L. to appr as-builts re/ recamm. Council 7/28/80 Private Streets -Temp Ord. 809 1 at rdg-tabled 104 7.for add rev Council 7/23/80 to insure City protection Shops of Tamarac -median cut 70 st. bond release -12/10 tabled for Eden C/M Disraelly 12/3/80 Tract 27 remote storage tank tentative appr on 9/10-C.L. a T. polan to give recom. Council 9/4/80 Broadview Vti2.•9/30-C.K. a C.D. to pursue legal aspects to acquire grater service Council 9/10 Temp Ord. 714-prohibits rev of site .plans notaccompanied with plats-2nd •rdg P.H.held-tabled to C.A. rev �i revision. Cit7 Council 10/22 $elf 'insurance Pend -for small squipment-tabled 10/1 to 10/22 _ Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Telephone gervice-City Hall a Ttil-proposal authori;atign tabled 10/22 to 11/12 Finance Director 9/80 Drainage Augmentation East Side of City City Council 10/l/80 AGENDIZED It x ►E Km M TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 12/17/80 'SUBJECT 4Temp Ord. 811-Pub Improve. bonds for off site only-2nd reading held 10/22-C.A. to do language recertified costs INTRODUCED BY Council 10/22/80 Isles of Tamarac -rev site plan for clubhouse addition-12/10 tabled 6or developer presence Comm. Devel. 11/10/80 Woodmont Plaza -site plan, plat, devel agree't, landscape plan, w & s agree't-12/2 tabled for C.E.IOM re drainage Comm. Devel. 11/19/80 Petition 37-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 38-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 39-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 40-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled- C.A. to research legality Petition 41-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 42-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 44-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 47-Z-80 - tabled 12/2-HLR Petition 48-Z-80 - tabled 12/2-HLR University Medical Center -sign waiver request Beautification Comte 12/15 Model Sales facility -for La Foret & La Reserve -joint use-12/10 need acceptable easement & option agree't Comm. Devel. 12/3/80 Temp Ordinance 820 (Alt 1 & 2) Off street parking reg. Broward Co. closing 57th St at 88th Ave -12/10 agendi.zed for disc on 12/24 City Attorney 12/4 Council 12/10 Pg 2 Ar_FNnT 7Vn x ►:4 F.- P TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION - 12/17/80 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED T Heathgate-Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Manager 11/17/80 County Platting Regulations report by C.M & C.A. for 12/10 at 11/20 agenda mtg. Council 11/20 Bid Authorization-Tractor(truck) T.U. west Safety Ordinance adopting NFPA standards Fenton Decorators -Sign Waiver request,, Police Dept -Budget Adjustment Capapatal item Resolution increasing Police I.D. fees Ordinance pertaining to when garbage may be left outside for collection Temp 848 Resolution to Bra Leg Dele re: Juvenile proceedings Bid Authorization-T.U.West uniform rentals Perrera Restaurant -(near Duff's Plaza) -site plan, w&s agree't & landscape plan Resolution requesting to increase hours for auto inspections stations Westchester (Colony West Estates) Bond Release sidewalk construction Mobil Oil Bond -- positive drainage connection City Manager 12/4 & 12/16 Mayor 12/4 Beautification Comte'12/15/80 City Manager 12/17/80 City A-t'y 12/80 City Attorney 12/9/80 C/M Disraelly 12/9180 City Manager 12/11/80 Comm. Devel. 12/17/80 Mayor Falck 12/10/80 City Engineer 12/9/80 94 KI P4i ►F PUBLIC HEARINGS 10:00 AM March Ballot - Council Salaries - Temp Ord. 833 x All Fla. Sanitation- Franchise Repeal TemP Ord. 830 x Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in certain places prohibited Temp Ord. 827 x Rezoning northwest corner of Prospect Field Rd and N.W. 21st ave x from B-2 to M-1 Temp Ord. 844 Police T.D. Cards Temp Ord 845 x