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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-18 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE —AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 12/18/85 - 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: West Conference Room ALL TO ORDER BY: Mayor Philip B. Kravitz ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Mayor Philip B. Kravitz Vice Mayor Helen Massaro Councilman Arthur H. Gottesman - Councilman Raymond J. Munitz Councilman Sydney M. Stein ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Larry Perretti , Acting City Manager —� don M. Henning, City Attorney Carol E. Barbuto, Assistant'City Clerk Thelma Brown, City Planner Bob Kegan, Acting Chief Building Official The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on ".f.quRsDAy, January 2, 1986. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. C� - ASSISTANT CITCLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/18/85 FOR 1/2/86 (RECONVENED FROM 12/26/85) Awards/Proclamations - 1) Spinal Health Month X 2) Employee Service Awards X 3) Blood Donors Month X Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 X NW Council of Mayors Continuing 6/85 X Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release-11/10/82 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty. Public Soliciting - Temp. Ord. C/Atty. #1182 - P.H. held 4/10 - 2nd 3/85 reading tabled to future mtg. Shops of Tamarac - Rez.Pet. Comm.Dev. #3-Z-85 - P.H. held 3/13 - 2/85 10/23 -2nd rdg. tabled for Beaut. Comm. review of landscaping plans Municipal Complex: C/Atty. Miller & Meier invoice 4/18/85 $35,191.66 - 9/11 tabled Apptmt. of Larry Perretti V/M Massaro as City Manager - 12/11 10/16/85 tabled at request of C/Mgr. Marshall's Plaza - Engrg. Release of cash warranty 10/18/85 bond - 11/13 tabled for more info. Temp. Ord. #1227 -- C/Atty. X Transfer of Franchise from 11/5/85 UTA Cable Corp. to Telesat Cablevision - 12/11 1st rdg. tabled to 1/2/86 for more info from applicants Boards & Committees: Council a) Planning Comm. - 11/27 IS tabled one alternate position b) Bd. of Adjustment - 11/27 tabled one alternate position TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/18/85 - PAGE 2 PUBJECT �•. . �r_ FPE - Request to reopen certain negotiations - 10/23 tabled for add11. research OutStanding Invoices: i) Muller, Mintz- totalling $2,627.16 b) Invoice from Facciani & Co. in the amount of $445.50 12/11 tabled until after Workshop meeting on 12/20/85 Woodmont TR 48 - Release of perf. bond 10/23 tabled for add'l. eng. fees due Al Miller vs. City - Payment to City's insurance attys. -- 9/26 tabled at request of C/Atty. Mobil Oil - a) Temp. Ord. #1219 - Rezoning Pet. #17--Z-85 b) Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 12/11 tabled with C/Atty. research Pines of Woodmont - TR 55 - Drainage problems - 11/27 tabled TUW - Agmt. with Shelton Enterprise, Inc. for underground utility location services - 12/11 tabled Tamarac Nursing Center - Landscape Plan -- 12/11 tabled for review by C/Planner & Engrg. Blatt Commercial Plat: a) Plat b) Water Retention Agmt. c) Dev. Review Agmt. d) Agmt. for funding traffic & signalization needs 12/11 tabled for payment of fees Burglar Alarms - Temp. 1166 - 11/27 2nd rdg. tabled Barry S. Eden - Rez. Pet. #21-Z-85 - McNab Rd. - 12/11 lst. rdg. tabled at request of applicant Occ. License - Temp. Ord. #1218 - 12/6 tabled to 1/10/86 for further research Arbors at Isles of Tamarac - a) Model Sales Renewal - 12/11 tabled for fees in arrears to 1/10/86 b) Release of HOW Bond for Lot 18, Block 373 Mayor Kravitz 5/85 C/Atty. 6/85 C/Atty. 9/3/85 Engineering 10/15/85 C/Atty. 9/4/85 Comm. Dev. 9/85 C/M Stein 11/20/85 Util. Dir. 10/23/85 Comm. Dev. 9/17/85 Comm. Dev. 12/4/85 Council 10/85 Comm. Dev. 10/85 C/Clerk 11/85 C/Clerk 12/2/85 CBO 12/11/85 v 8 I X L ■ xe e - C/Mgr. a) Increase - 10/23 tabled for 10/2/85 add'l. review b) Benefit package - 11/27 appd. for one month Paul & June Abel, Sidney Shapiro & Elaine Levenson - Rez.Pet. #23-Z-85 - Tam. Shopping Plaza - 11/13 1st rdg. tabled for C/Atty.'s research Greenview Apartments: a) Plat b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. d) Sanitary Sewer Easement e) Water Easement f) Vacation of right-of-way 11/13 tabled g) Tract 2 - Corrected deed for canal right--of-way and maintenance easement 10/10 tabled for Cardinal Ind. attendance at mtg. Hidden Hollow I: a) Plat b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Agmt. d) Water & Sewer Easements e) Cross Access Easement f) Public Safety Ingress/ Egress Easement 11/13 tabled Traffic Engrg. Study: a) Acceptance of Rimley-Horn report b) Temp. Ord. #1234 -- Future traffic requirements c) Temp. Reso. #3913 - Fees for future traffic requirements d) Temp. Ord. #1235 -- Future traffic signalization requirements e) Temp. Reso. #3914 - Fees for future traffic signalization requirements a) through e) Tabled 11/27 Woodmont TR 48 - Sign Waiver Renewal - 12/11 tabled to 1/10/86 for research by isC/Clerk re property owner approval Bid Authorization for records storage - 12/11 tabled for research Mutual Fire Aid Agmt. - 12/11 tabled for research Comm. Dev. 10/85 Comm. Dev. 10/15/85 C/Atty. 9/17/85 Comm. Dev. 10/1/85 C/Planner 11/20/85 C/Clerk 12/2/85 C/Clerk 11/22/85 Fire Chief 12/3/85 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/18/85 - PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/18/85 - PAGE 4 Isles of Tamarac -- C/Atty. a) Water & Sewer Agmt. 12/3/85 amendment b) Model sales permit & Easement. & Option .Agmt. -12/11 tabled to 1/2/86 ■ 12/18/85 for 1/2/86 (Reconvened from 12/26/85) PUBLIC_R_EARINGS - 2:00P.M PA U0243-on UFW••O U.z d 23 - Vacation of Drainage Easement for X Hidden Harbour Temp. Ord. 11236 - Vehicle repairs in residentially-- X zoned districts 40 PETITIONS 24-Z-85 - Greg Darby Rezoning from R-4A to B-2 - lands at X southwest corner of University Dr. & NW 82 St. 32-Z-85 - Blue Dolphin Restaurant - Special exception for X expansion into adjacent bay in Sunflower Shopping Center 33--Z-85 - Blue Dolphin Restaurant - Special exception for on- X premises consumption of alcohol PU D11C HEARING -_5:05 P.M. FIRST READING, ORDINANCES Trmpy_#-1214 - Fences, Walls & Hedges X Tgmp._43.217 - Instructional Classes X Temp,;,,,LI232 - Permit upholstery business in B-1 zones u 1/10/86 City Council Meeting L- , d 33 - Investment of City funds WORKSHOP SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 12/1.8/85 - PAGE 1 SUBJECT INTRODUCED Y Cinnamon Tree Prof. Plaza - C/Clerk Assignment of Water & 8/5/85 Sewer Agmt. Presentation by B.C. Water C/Mgr. 0ources Mgt. re water supply 10/3/85 3 future wellfield sites in County Shepherd Plaza - Sign Waiver for mailboxes, etc. Colony West Country Club - Calling warranty bond (exp. 1/5/86) Annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale - 1/31 - 2/12/86 Reconstruction of TUE & TUW pump stations - Agmt. w/WHS to perform engrg. for plans & specs. TUW Wells 12 & 13 -. a) Change Order #2 increasing contract by $2,300.00 b) Progress payment #3 - $12,303.36 iarac Veterans Park - Fla. Boating Imp. Program Development Project Agmt. Belfort - Release of Beaut. bond All Care Medical Ctr. - a) Deletion of requirement for type D curbing on median and 12-inch base. b) Release of warranty bond Beaut. Comm. 12/16/85 Engrg. 12/12/85 C/Mgr. 12/9/85 Engrg. 12/13/85 Engrg. 12/13/85 P.W. Dir. 12/9/85 CBO 12/13/85 Engrg. 12/16/85 Pension Plan: C/Atty. a) Ord. proposing Pension Bd. 12/3/85 set up budget for paying expenses from Pension Plan funds b) Ord. amending city's contribution to Plan c) Ord. removing Charter Bd. member from Pension Bd. d) Payment of Kruse, O'Connor, bill of $2,500 w/Pension Plan ,,Payment of up to $300 for funds "secretarial expenses to be reimbursed to Personnel from Pension Plan funds f) Appointment of Trustee M X ,X, X X X h1 WORKSHOP SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 12/18/85 - PAGE 2 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGEENDIZED Woodland Villas: Comm. Dev. a) Site Plan 12/17,/85 b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Agmt. d) Water Retention Agnt. e) Utility Easement f) Ingress/Egress Easement Woodmont TR 74/75 - Comm. Dev. V Rev. site plan #6 for 12/17/85 revision to Bldg. 5--A Auth. to WHS to perform Engrg. x drainage study on University 12/17/85 Dr., Sunflower/Heathgate Auth. to WHS to review Engrg. X Article IV of Chapter 24 12/17/85 re drainage Tract 24 - Req, for refund C/Atty. 1/10 per of fees - rescission of C/C 12/18/85 Alan Kan approval Reso. reaffirming C/C interest in ambulance program C/Atty. 12/18/85