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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-17 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: Thursday, December 17, 1981, 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: CALL TO ORDER BY: Mayor Falck ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter Falck Vice Mayor Irving Disraelly Councilman Irving Zemel Councilman Philip Kravitz Councilwoman Helen Massaro ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: City Manager, Laura 5tuurmans City Attorney, Arthur Birken Assistant City Clerk, Carol Evans The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, December 23, 1981, hopefull-y recessed until Monday, December 28, 1981. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. rp - 7' IVA 5 MAW, TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/17/81 SUBJECT INTROC CED BY Presentations/Awards Cont'd. Off -Street Parking Design Standards - Temp. 636 - 11/28/79 tabled for C/Engr Review Council 11/79 Wellens Furniture. Addition -Rev. Site P1an- 7/22 tabled for 5% drng. retention - 10/14 further tabled to 2/10/82 at req. of Wellens Comm. Dev. 6/30/81 Self-insurance fund for small equipment- 10/l/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 t Temp.Ord. 811 - Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd rdg. P.H. held 1 0/22/80 - 11/30 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr and C/W Massaro Council 10/22/80 Drainage Improvements- City Engr. 2/81 Civic Center/Space-6/10 tabled for W/S meeting (held 7/28/81and 10/13/81) C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Fairways A&B-C&D Bond Releases: a) $14,087 perf bond-12/9 tabled to 1/13/82 to resolve sidewalk shown on Rev. site C/Engr 5/20/81 pplan b) ;2,500 cash perf bond for drng.-2/11 tabled to 2/25/81 C/Engr 2/4/81 Off-street Parking Reg. -Temp. 820A - 2/25 P.H. held -Tabled for by V/M Disraelly C/Atty 1/81 Landscape Agmt. with County for McNab Road- 11/30 tabled for report from C/W Massaro C/Mar. q/3/Rl Tract 27 Rec Facilities - 11/30 tabled awaiting survey C/Mgr. 11/19/81 Sunflower Drng Mod.-5/13 tabled for memo from C/Engr re easements and req'd documentation C/Mgr. 5/7/81 Agmt with Army Corps of Engrs.-11/30 tabled at C/Mgr. request C/Mgr. 11/3/81 Rezonings to comply with Master LUP-11/30 tabled C/Mgr. 11/3/Sl University Comm. Hospital -Rev. Site Plan - for incinerator - 12/9 tabled until further notice from Council xComm. Dev. 12/2/81 Agenda Distribution-12/9 tabled to 12/28 C/M Kravitz 12/3/81 Temp.Ord. 885-Dist.Transf.Stations in A-1 Zoning Districts- 2nd rdg.-P.H. held- 7/22 tabled Courn~i l 7 /81 Concord Village II -Rescission of site plan anFr- 12/9 tabled to 1/13/82 at request nf.Shell C/Atty. 12/3/81 Commercial Garden Mall -Request for Engrg fee refund- 9/9 tabled C/Engr. 9/2/81 AGENDIZED x P. 9 x X TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 12/17/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Bruce Egan Rezonings-Petitions 3A-Z-81 & 3B-Z-81- P.H. held - 1st Rdg. - 11/30 tabled to 1/13 meeting at req. of petitioner Comm.Dev. 7/81 Sunmark Ind. (Sunny Sunoco) Request for Platting Waiver-7/24 tabled for submittal of site plan & landscaping plan C/Atty 7/2/81 HLR Rezoning Pets. #47-Z-80 and #48-Z-80- PH held 11/30 (2nd rdg) - tabled to 1/1,/82 at request of petitioner Comm. Dev. Purchase of Van for Social Services-7/22 tabled -Mayor to submit alternate proposals V/M Disraelly 7/10/81 Welcoming Committee: a) Reso re-establishing committee & announce- ment of expiration of 12 terms b) Acknowledgment of $250 rec'd from Summit Bank C/M Kravitz 11/19/81 12/9 tabled tr 1/27/82 for Committee recommendations Southeast Shopping Center (Tamarac Town Square) Pkg. Waiver Pet. #16-Z-81 - PH held - 9/9 tabled at req of petitioner Comm. Dev. 9/81 City Hall Rev. Site Plan for Pkg. Lot Layout - 9/23 tabled for info from C/Engr.and F.W. Director Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Temp. #2097-Water & Sewer Rates for clubhouses- X PH held 11/30 - tabled to no later than 12/28 mtg. C/M Kravitz 11/1YI61 Shell Oil Pet. #1-RU-81-Land Use Amendment- 12/9 tabled to 1/13/82 at rea. of petitioner Comm. Dev. 11/81 Occupational License Renewals-Req. for X refunds (6) - 12/9. tabled to 12/ 28 C/Clerk 11/18/81 Broward Neighbors -Rev. Site Plan- 10/14 tabled for add'l information to be submitted Comm. Dev. 10/7/81 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCES Temp. 937 - Utility Billings X Temp. 913 - Setbacks in R-3 Districts - Deleting references to three-story buildings X Temp. 909 - Notice of Board of Adjustment Actions X Temp. 940 - Rezoning of the Rec Parcel for Fairways III X Temp. 936 - Charter Amendment pertaining to the Charter Board X Temp. 942 - Reimbursement to Planning Commission members for luncheon expenses X Temp. 943 - General Fund Budget Amendment 81/82 X Temp. 921 - Construction of Dumpsters X Temp. 944 - Lakes of Carriage Hills - Easement Vacation - Pet. #2-V-81 X Temp. 945 - " "it 11 to to - Pet. #3-V-81 X Temp. 946 — " "10 it It It — Pet. #4-V-81 X Temp. 947 to It It - Pet. #5-V-81 X Temp. 948 - - Pet. #6-V-81 X Temp. 949 — " "It" " — Pet. #74-81 X Temp. 950 It 11 It to" „ - Pet. #8-V-81 X PETITIONS #22-Z-81 - Lakes of Carriage Hills Rezoning - R-4A to S-1 TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST - Wellfields - WHS to seek owner of 40' of property on 61 St. and also easement from St. Malachy's contiguous with 61 St. X WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 12/17/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Broward Neighbors -Request for refund of retention and drainage fees C/Engr 11/3/81 Polish American Club request for refund City Clerk 11/81 of fees Temp. 728 - Burglar Alarm - W/S meeting held 12/2/81 C/W Massaro 11/19/81 PIC - Appointment of 2 members is C/M Kravitz 12/2/81 X City Photographer & 1 Asst. - Announce- X ment of positions C/M Kravitz 12/15/81 Bid Authorizations: X a) Poweripurifier for computer system b) Public Officials Liability Insurance C/Manager 12/16/81 Bid Awards: X a) Jaws of Life (bid opening 12/8/81) b) Westwood 3 Drainage Augmentation (.bid opening 11/24/81) C/Manager 12/16/81 c) TV/Seal Truck Mounted System-TUW (bid opening 12/21/81) Temp. 2115 urging passage of legislation X regulating disposal of toxic chemicals and toxic waste containers M/Falck 12/4/81 Pines III -Model Sales permit -Expires X 1/8/82 C/Clerk 12/15/81 Colony West Country Club: a) Traffic Light Agreement C/Atty 12/2/81 b) Australian Pine trimming near Sands Point Council 12/9/81 c) Extension of time to construct sidewalk C/Atty 12/2/81 d) Model Sales Trailer Comm. Dev. 12/15/81 Woodview - Tract 38 - W&S Agreement C/Atty 12/11/81 X Tamarac Gardens Model Sales renewal - expires 1/27/82 Comm. Dev. 12/16/81 Kings Point/Ashmont-Model Sales renewal - expires 1/31/82 Comm. Dev. 12/16/81 Marshall's Dept. Store -Rev. Site Plan X for enclosure for compactor Comm. Dev. 12/16/81 Woodview TR 38 - Release of warranty X letter of credit - $51,817.16 - expires 1/2/82 C/Engr 12/17/81 Isles of Tamarac - Trees on McNab C/Atty 12/17/81 X Hardy & Kaveney Cases - Discussion and Possible Action C/Atty 12/17/81 X Recognition of Police Cadets C/Mgr 12/17/81 X Salary of C/Atty-Discussion and Possible Action V/M Disraelly 12/17/81 X Sabal Palm V/M.Disraelly 12/17/81 X Audit-Accep./Review-A. Grant C/Mgr 12/17/81 X Consent -Accept check for Sands Point: V/M Disraelly 12/17/81 X $500 for Fire Station #1, $300 for Police Department