HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-19 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC* FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE TIME: NOVEMBER 19, 1981 - 9:00 AM LOCATION: WEST CONFERENCE ROOM CALL TO ORDER BY: MAYOR WALTER W. FALCK ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly s Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving M. Zemel ABSENT: Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk; Arthur M. Birken, City Attorney; Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager. The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1981, TO BE RECONVENED TO NOVEMBER 30, 1981. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 11/19/81 SUBJECT Presentations/Awards Off -Street Parking Design Standards - Temp. 636 - 11/28/79 tabled for C/Engr Review Wellens Furniture Addition -Rev. Site Plan- 7/22 tabled for 5% drng. retention - 10/14 further tabled to 2/10/82 at req. of Wellens Self-insurance fund for small equipment- 10/l/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Temp.Ord. 811 - Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd rdg. P.H. held 10/22/80 - C/W Massaro to suggest language re certified costs Drainage Improvements - Civic Center/Space-6/10 tabled for W/S meeting (held 7/28/81and 10/13/81) Fairways A&B-C&D Bond Releases: a) $6,000 cash perf bond for drng.- 3/11 tabled to 3/25 subj to receipt of certified costs & fee payment b) $2,500 cash perf bond for drng.-2/11 tabled to 2/25/81 c) $14,087 perf bond-5/27 tabled until C/Atty brings it back on the floor Off-street Parking Reg. -Temp. 820A - 2/25 P.H. held -Tabled for add.review by V/M Disraelly Bid Awards: a) Lawn Maintenance b) Boiler & Machinery Insurance 11/12 tabled to 11/30 for further review Sunflower Drng Mod.-5/13 tabled for memo from C/Engr re easements and req'd documentation Agmt with Army Corps of Engrs.-11/12 tabled to 11/30 for further review. Rezoninos to comply with Master LUP-11/12 tabled to 11/30. Bid Award -Bridge & Fishing Pier-11/12 tabled for C/Manager report re fond, work req'd and costs Richway-Utility Easement-10/28 tabled to 11/30 at request of developer Temp.Ord. 885-Dist.Transf.Stations in A-1 Zoning Districts- 2nd rdg.-P.H. held- 7/22 tabled Richway-Vacation of NW 83 St- PH Held-10/28 tabled to 11/30 at request of developer Commercial Garden Mall -Request for Engrg fee refund- 9/9 tabled INTRODUCED BY Cont'd. Council 11/79 AGENDIZED 1:1 Comm. Dev. 6/30/81 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 X Council 10/22/80 City Engr. 2/81 C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 C/Engr 2/4/81 C/Engr 2/4/81 C/Engr 5/20/81 C/Atty 1/81 C/Clerk 10/7/81 of 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 5/7/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/81 C/Mgr. 11/3/S1 C/Clerk 10/21/81 Cons. C/Atty 10/14/81 Council 7/81 Comm. Dev. 9/81 C/Engr. 9/2/81 P X 1N X 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 11/19/21 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Bruce Egan Rexonings-Petitions 3A-Z-81 & 3B-Z-81- P.H. held - 1st Rdg. - 9/9 tabled to 11/25 meeting at req. of petitioner Comm.Dev. 7/81 Sunmark Ind. (Sunny Sunoco) Request for Platting Waiver-7/24 tabled for submittal of site plan & landscaping plan J C/Atty 7/2/81 Purchase ok Van for Social Services-7/22 tabled -Mayor to submit alternate proposals V/M Disraelly 7/10/81 Southeast Shopping Center (Tamarac Town Square) Pkg. Waiver Pet. #16-Z-81 - PH held - 9/9 tabled at req of petitioner Comm. Dev. 9/81 City Hall Rev. Site Plan for Pkg. Lot Layout - 9/23 tabled for info from C/Engr.and P.W. Director Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Tamarac Post Office - Rev. Site Plan for Pkg. lot layout - 10/28 tabled awaiting reply from P.O. on C/Planner's recommendations Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Temp. 921-Construction of Dumpsters- PH held 10/14 - 11/12 tabled (2nd rda) C/Atty. 9/81 to 11/30 Broward Neighbors -Rev. Site Plan- 10/14 tabled for add'1 information to be submitted Comm. Dev. 10/7/81 Temp. 909 - Notice of Bd- of Ad,i. Actions - (1st rdg) - 11/12 tabled for further review Comm. Dev. 10/7/81 by C/Atty and C/W Massaro B AGENDIZED X X E.9 r:4 K4 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCES Temp. 927 - Master Land Use Plan g Temp. 860 - Parking Lot Lighting Standards X Temp. 934 - Charter Amendment pertaining to Requirements for Public Bidding X Temp. 834 - HLR Rezoning Petition #47-Z-81 X Temp. 834 - HLR Rezoning Petition #48-Z-81 X Temp. 936 - Charter Amendment pertaining to Charter Board - 1st reading x Temp.2097 Resolution re Water & Sewer Rates TUW - Clubhouses X PETITIONS #21-Z-81 - Woodmont Plaza Limited Parking Waiver X #23-Z-81 - Tamway/Graystone Rezoning R-4A to S-1 - Fairways III Rec Parcel X #1-RU-81 - Shell Oil Company Land Use Amendment X TAMARAC UTILITI S WEST - Wellfields - WHS to seek owner of 40' of property on 61 St. and also easement from St. Malachy's contiguous with 61 St. WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 11/19/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Landscape Agreement with Broward County- McNab Road C/Mgr. 9/3/81 X Broward Neighbors Request for refund of retention and drainage fees C/Engr 11/3/81 Polish American Club request for refund " of fees McNab Plaza North -Rev. Site Plan for new deceleratipn lanes & request for elimina- Z tion of auto. fire sprinkler systems in buildings * Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Tamarac Plaza (Abel & Shapiro) -Rev. Site Plan for removal of dumpster, expansion of dumpster and 2 extra parking places Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Tamarac Town Square -Rev. Site Plan for continuous third traffic lane on 88 Ave. in conformance with B.C. reqmts. Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Lake Colony/Brookwood Gardens Model Sales Center Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Lakewood (Woodmont TR 47) Model Sales Center Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Alan Ruf - Increase in rates C/Atty. 11/18/81 X Temp. 913 - R-3 street yard setbacks - deleting references to 3-story bldgs. Comm. Dev. 11/18/81 X Appd. by P1an.Comm. 11/4/81 Auth. to go to bid for sale of mist. office equipment and radios removed from P.D. cars Purchasing Agent 11/10/81 Burnham Lea (Heftler Homes) Warranty bond release ($79,340.43) - expires 12/14/81 C/Engr. 11/16/81 X Versailles Gardens - Approval to erect an announcement sign at each of their two clubhouses under Sec. 21-5 of Code (signs exempt from permit & permit fee reqmts) C/Clerk 11/16/81 X Concord Village - renewal of permit for model sales facility C/Clerk 11/16/81 X Occupational License Renewal requests for refunds (5). C/Clerk 11/18/81 X Welcoming Committee - Renewal of committee and appointment of members C/M Kravitz 11/19/81 X Parks & Recreation Comm-Apptmt of member C/M Kravitz 11/19/81 X Reso re clubhouse water rates C/M Kravitz 11/19/81 X Welcoming Committee -Acknowledgment of receipt of funds donated by Summit Bank C/M Kravitz ll/19/81 X Temp. 937 V/M Disraelly X Burglar Alarm Ord W/S 2 Ordinances C/W Massaro TUW Tract 27 Tank City Manager 11/19 X TUW Tract 27 Rec Survey City Manager 11/19 X Woodmont Plaza Amendment to Water & Sewer Agreement City Attorney 11/19 X Mainlands Center Revised Site Flan V/M Disraelly 11/19 X Ground Sign