HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-06 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE —AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 9/C/$3 - 11:00 a.m. LOCATION: West Conference Room Mayor Falck PRESENT: Mayor Walter W . Fal ck Vice Mayor Helen Massaro Councilman Philip B.-Kravitz Councilman David E. Krantz Councilman Jack Stelzer Steve Wood, Finance Director Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, September 14, 1983. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. C r- �,r ASSISTA T CITY CLERK 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 9/6/83 for 9/14/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED X Presentation/Awards X I. Certificate of Appreciation to X Irving Lopatey - tabled from 7/27 Continuing X mtg. X 2. Legislative Wrap -Up by Rep. Titone X at 7:30 p.m. 3. Certificate of Appreciation to George Hincken & Phil Green-Bd. of Adj. 4. Proclamation for Edward Goldberg Post 519-Poppy Drive Month 5. Explorer recognition 6. Proc. Pioneer Days Drainage Improvements Continuing 2/81 X Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 X Investment Committee -Report/ Recommendations Mayor Falck 7/8/83 2nd mtg. of month Self -Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/1/80 tabled Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Temp. Ord. #811-Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only-2nd rdg. P.H. Council 10/22/80 held 10/22/80-11/30/81 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr. & V/M Colony West Country Club - a) Executive Course - 1/26 tabled Council 5/12/82 for Workshop Mtg. b) Traffic Light Agmt. - 9/22/82 tabled until decision made as to purchase of Exec. Course. c) Barricades adjacent to maint.road V/M Massaro 7/28/82 7/27/83 tabled to 9/28/83 mtg. Temp. #966 - Construction trailers - P.H. held 4/28/82 - tabled Comm. Dev. 4/82 Bike Path Agmt. - 6/23/82 tabled for finalization of plans C/Mgr. 1/82 Pub. Works Facility - 2/9 tabled Council & C/Mgr. to research Mayor Falck 1/21/83 Temp. #925 Platting - P.H. held 3/24 tabled Comm. Dev. 3/82 Temp. Ord. #1049 - Street & Traffic Signalization Impact Fee - P.H. held 6/22/83 - tabled for further research by C/Atty. Council 6/83 Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release - 11/10/82 tabled because of beautification fees and for review C/Engr. 4120182 by C/Atty. Boards & Committees: a) Burglar Alarm Ord. Temp. #1053 X tabled to 9/14/83 C/Clerk 4/5/83 b) Investment Committee - 2 vacancies X still existing from 5/25 mtg. C/M Kravitz 5/19/83 c) Appointment of Council member to X PIC - 7/13 tabled to 9/14 C/M Stelzer 6/2/83 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 9/6/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Southgate Gardens, Inc. a) Revised Site Plan X b) Water Easement c) Sewer Easement a) 7/14/82 tabled b) and c) tabled for Eng. review Cons. C/Atty. 7/7/82 Traffic Engr. Agmt. w/County 6/8 tabled at request of C/Mgr. C/Atty. 6/2/83 Bid Authorization: Installation of ground storage tank - 7/28/82 tabled C/Engr. 7/20/82 Sunniland Bank - Calling of Perf. Bond (exp. 8/l/83) 7/13 tabled for X certified costs -on 8/18 C/Engr. recommended release C/Engr. 6/29/83 Street Resurfacing Projects: a) NW 61 St. from 84 Terr. east to canal b) Brookwood Blvd. (northbound lanes) from McNab to 64 Ct. c) Boulevards - 53, 54 & 55 Sts. & C/Engr. 2/2/83 23 and 27 Aves. 2/9 tabled until Lagos de Campo project finished School Fire Inspection Temp. Reso.#2617 tabled for further review C/M Krantz 2/3/83 Temp. Ord. #1023 - Pension Plan - Appd. on 1st rdg. 4/27 - Adv. for P.H. delayed for reply from State C/Atty. 10/7/82 Woodmont Road ROW vacations - request for partial refund of fees - 7/27 tabled to 9/14 for further review Council 5/11/83 X Concord Village II - Extension of site plan - 7/27 tabled to 9/83 for covenant from Shell re low cost housing Comm. Dev. 7/6/83 UTA Cable Franchise - 2nd rdg. P.H. held 7/27 - on 7/29 tabled for a C/Atty. 7/83 final document to be presented Kings Point Rec Complex: a) Revised site plan for cable facilities b) Revised Water & Sewer Developers Comm. Dev. 6/16/83 Agmt. 7/29 tabled and to be considered with UTA Cable franchise American Video - 7/27 Report by C/Atty. tabled to 9/14 C(Atty. 2/ 3/83 X Ord. transferring .franchise C//Att.y. 9 6/83 SUBJECT Bid Award - TUW Backhoe Loader & Trailer - 7/27 tabled to 9/14 at C/Mgr.'s request NW 44 St. Resurfacing - 7127 tabled for preparation of a priority list Golfview Plaza Tri-Party Agmt. - 7/27 tabled to 9/28 Patio Homes Model Sales Renewal - 7/27 tabled to 9/28 for research TUE - Engrg. services by WHS - 7/27 tabled to 9/14/83 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 3 - 9/6/83 INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED X C/Mgr. 7/20/83 i X consent Mayor Falck 7/14/83 remove per V/M 9/6 C/Atty. 7/19/83 C/Clerk 7/20/83 V/M Massaro 7/22/83 x con. & table SUBJECT Woodmont TR 60 - Residents request certain streets be changed from numbers to names Tamarac Lakes 1 & 2 - Amendment to R-82-257 by changing TEMS to "TEMS (formerly known as)" Ordinance prohibiting parking on grass Smoke Alarm Ordinance Reso. opposing amendment of Statutes or enactment of special act re merger of municipalities INTRODUCED BY C/Clerk 8/10/82 C/Atty. 2/16/83 C/M Kravitz 5/19/83 C/M Krantz 7/7/83 Mayor Falck 8/22/83 Approval of Stipulation of Settlement of Sunflower/Heathgate suit Mayor Falck 8/26/83 201 Update: a) Status Report by Consulting Engr. b) Auth. to proceed with design & C/Mgr. 8/26/83 preparatory work to implement Tamarac 201 compliance WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 9/6/83 AnPNnT7Pn X X f3 R. PSG Expendable Trust Funds - Close fund & transfer monies to TUW System Fund ($425) C/Mgr. 8/26/83 X Model Sales Renewals: a) Fairways III (exp. 9/15) b) Montwood Stip. #11 (exp. 9/15) C/Clerk X 8/29/83 X c) Woodmont TR 47 (exp. 9/15) X University Hospital - easement for maintenance of fence C/Clerk 8/11/83 X Woodmont Maintenance Area - utility & canal maint. easement C/Clerk 7/28/83 X a) vacation of existing easement b) acceptance of new easement Lakes of Carriage Hills release of a portion of landscape X bond for Bldg. #1 CBO 8/17/83 Social Services - a) acceptance of resignation of Ileen Wachs X b) announcement of vacancy C/Clerk 8/29/83 Health Insurance for Charter Bd. C/Atty. 8/29/83 Al Miller - Request for hearing Mayor Falck 8/29/83 Shaker Woods: a) Site Plan #1 - 1) Water & sewer bill of sale C/Engineer 8/26/83 X 2) easements b) Site Plan #2 - Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. Bid Award - Burster/Decollator - TUW (bids to be opened 9/12/83) Finance Director 8/30/83 X Public Hearin s - $:00 p.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCES: Temp. 1054 - Prohibiting placement of certain objects within X the swale area Temp. 1057 - Irving Waltman, Trustee - Rezoning lands from B-6 X to B-1 at the NW corner of McNab Rd. & University Dr., excluding corner parcel occupied by United Federal S & L - petition #30-Z-82 Resolution of Necessity - Special Assessment for 8-inch water X line along a portion of Southgate Blvd. WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 9/6/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Cardinal Industries: X a) Site Plan b) Landscape Plan c) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. Comm. Dev. 9/6/83 ? d) Water Retention Agmt. e) Water & Sewer Bill of Sale f) Water & Sewer easements (to be heard by P1an.Comm. 9/6/83) Canal excavation Report - V/M & Mayor 9/7/83 X All Care Medical Center: a) Site Plan b) Landscape Plan Comm. Dev. 9/6/83 ?X c) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. d) Water Retention Agmt. e) Deed for addl. ROW on University Dr. (to be heard by Plan.Comm. 9/6/83) Northwood II - Rev. site plan to eliminate 261 wide units (previously Comm. Dev. 9/6/83 X appd.) on certain lots (to be heard by P1an.Comm. 9/6/83) b) Warr. bond ref. C/Engr. 9/2/83 X Tamarac Market Place: a) Site plan b) Plat Comm. Dev. 9/6/83 ?x c) Landscape Plan d) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. e) Water Retention Agmt. f) Flow-Thru easement g) Permission to build 1/2 of canal south of their property X (to be heard by P1an.Comm. 9/6/83) Tamarac Town Square - Rev. site plan for dumpsters for Golden Pagoda Rest. Comm. Dev. 9/6/83 X (.to be heard by P1an.Comm. 9/6/83 Versailles Gardens - Sidewalk warranty bond release (exp. 9/22) C/Engineer 8/29/83 X Tamarac Gardens sanitary warranty bond release (exp. 9/16) C/Engineer 8/31/83 X Heftler Homes sidewalk warranty bond release (exp. 9/22/83) C/Engineer 8/31/83 X Traffic Engineering Study - approval for public bidding C/Planner 9/6/83 X Reso regarding Shaker Village school busing C/Attorney 9/6/83 X Miller Meier contract approval C/Attorney 9/6/83 X Agmt. W/City of Sunrise for use of a reserve ambulance C/Attorney 9/6/83 X Rem.B1dg.Fees for painting C/M Stelzer 9/6/83 X Waltman Rezoning a) Declaration of Restrictions b) Easement C/Clerk 9/7/83 X Lakes of Carriage Hills Sign Waiver - oversized sign Beaut. 9/7/83 X Transfer from Contingency to Bldg. Dept. C/Mgr. 9/8/83 X