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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-03 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting Minutesr r r CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 WEST CONFERENCE ROOM The Council Pre -Agenda Workshop was called to order by Mayor Falck at 9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving M. Zemel Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ABSENT & EXCUSED: Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly The City Council met to review the list of pending business matters which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meet- ing to be held on Wednesday, September 9, 1981. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop Meeting. The X mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASST. CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 9/3/81 SUBJECT Presentations/Awards Off -Street Parking Design Standards - Temp. 636 - 11/28/79 tabled for C/Engr Review Drainage Improvements Broadview Utility Acquisition Self-insurance fund for small equipment- 10/l/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Temp.Ord. 811 - Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd rdg. P.H. held 10/22/80 - C/Atty to do language re certified costs Wellens Furniture•Addition-Rev. Site Plan- 7/22 tabled for 5% drng. retention w Civic Center/Space-6/10 tabled for W/S meeting (held 7/28/81) Fairways A&B-C&D Bond Releases: a) $6,000 cash perf bond for drng.- 3/11 tabled to 3/25 subj to receipt of certified costs & fee payment b) $2,500 cash perf bond for drng.-2/11 tabled to 2/25/81 c) $14,037 perf bond-5/27 tabled until C/Atty brings it back on the floor Off-street Parking Reg. -Temp. 820A - 2/25 P.H. held -Tabled for by V/M Disraelly Easement Vacation -Woodlands Sec. 5-7/24 tabled due to lack of utility releases Golf View Plaza -Plat & Dev.Review Agmt.- 5/13 tabled for proper documentation Sunflower Orng Mod.-5/13 tabled for memo from C/Engr re easements and req'd documentation Temp.Ord. 886-Enforcement of Chapter 28 of Code-P.H. held-7/31 tabled to 9/23 for consideration w/Temp. 878 Springlake II-Rev.Site Plan for Rec Area- 7/31 tabled Marshall's Dept. Store: a) Rev.Site Plan for concrete pad- 7/22 tabled to 9/9/81 b) Two sign waiver requests- 7/22 tabled to 9/9/81 Temp.Ord. 885-Dist.Transf.Stations in A-1 Zoning Districts- 2nd rdg.-P.H. held- 7/22 tabled INTRODUCED BY Cont'd. Council 11/79 C/Engr 2/81 Council 9/10/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Council 10/22/80 Comm.Dev. 6/30/81 C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 C/Engr 2/4/81 C/Engr 2/4/81 C/Engr 5/20/81 C/Atty 1/81 C/Engr 4/30/81 Comm.Dev. 5/6/81 C/Mgr. 5/7/81 Council 6/24/81 Comm.Dev. 6/30/81 Comm.Dev. 7/16 Beaut.Comm. 7/81 Council 7/81 AGENDIZED X X II TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 9/3/81 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Bruce Egan Rezonings-Petitions 3A-Z-81 X & 3B-Z-81- P.H. held - 1st Rdg. - 7/22 tabled to 9/9 for C/Planner review. Comm.Dev. 7/81 X Sunmark Ind. (Sunny Sunoco) Request for Platting Waiver-7/24 tabled for submittal of site plan & landscaping plan C/Atty 7/2/81 Temp.Ord. 878 - Site Plan & Dev. Review- 7/31 tabled to go back to P.C. with lst rdg by Council on 9/23/81 C/Atty 7/16/81 Purchase of Van for Social Services-7/22 tabled -Mayor to submit alternate proposals V/M Disraelly 7/10/81 Soccer Fields-7/22 tabled for layout to be prepared by C/Planner C/M Kravitz X Northwood II -Model Sales Request-7/24 tabled to 9/9 CommDev. 7/15/81 X 41 a SUBJECT Rock Pit Property --Gene Toll Temp. 860-Amending Pkg. Lot Lighting Standards -Denied by P.C. 5/6/81 Geo Elia Restaurant: Site Plan; Plat; Landscape plan & W&S Agmt. Reso. Appt'ing 1 member and 1 alternate to North Dist.Regional Wastewater Advisory Board Fairways III -Rev. Site Plan for Rec Area NW 57 Street Closing Shaker Village -Rev. Site Plans: a) Front Rec Area - 2 aluminum sheds & canopy addition at poolside b) Rear Rec Area - Small canopy at rear pool Southern Bell- Perf, bond ($13,906) reduction Woodmont Tract 72B - Perf. bond,($145,705) reduction Commercial Garden Mall: a)$10,560) reduction b) Request for Engrg. fee refund Bid Awards: a) Janitorial Service b) Aquatic Weed Control c) Australian Pine Topping & Debris Removal d) Curb Sweeper/Vacuum Rejection of bids and auth. to go for rebid: a) Bridge and fishing pier b) Lawn Maintenance City Hall -Rev. Site Plan for parking lot layout Tamarac Post Office - Rev. Site Plan Woodlands Sec. 2, Phase I - Assignment of Rec Lease and Declaration of Restrictions Woodlands Sec. 5 - Assignment of Declaration of Restrictions Appt'ment of City Rep. to B.C. Disaster Preparedness Council Reso. Amending Personnel Manual re continu- ing education Green Thumb- Permit for Temp. sign expires 9/15/81 Sabal Palm Townhouses -Site Plan Ext. expires 9/19/81 Samuel Waronker-Release of bond posted for HOW construction defects (posted 9/78) Planning Comm - Announcement of vacancy of alternate term Woodmont Plaza Rev. Site Plan Temp. 900 - B-6 Business Districts WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 9/3/81 INTRODUCED BY V/M Disraelly 3/27/81 Comm.Dev. 6/4/81 Comm. Dev. 6/17/81 C/Atty 6/22/81 Comm. Dev. 7/15/81 C/Mgr 7/16/81 Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 C/Engr 7/20/81 C/Engr 8/31/81 C/Engr 9/2/81 C/Clerk 9/2/81 C/Clerk 9/2/81 Comm. Dev. 9/2/81 Comm. Dev. 9/2/81' Cons. C/Atty 8/21 Cons. C/Atty 8/21 C/Atty 8/13/81 C/Atty 8/7/81 a C/Clerk 9/2/81 C/Clerk 9/2/81 C/Clerk 9/1/81 C/Clerk 9/2/81 AGENDIZED X X X X X X a) 9/23 b) 9/23 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9/23 9/23 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2 P.M. 9/3/81 ,ECOND READING ORDINANCES emp. 904 - Bonaire Assoc. Rezoning Pet. #10-Z-81 - R-3 to B-2 (review by C/Planner as X to adequacy of S-1 areas Hemp. 903 - John H. Detrick Rezoning Pet. #11-Z-81 - R-4A to B-5 (covenant to be prepared X before 2nd rdg.) emp. 894 - Nonconforming bldgs and structures in existence prior to Feb. 9, 1972 X Temp. 907 - Increasing court costs in county X It THIRD READING ORDINANCE Temp. 901 - Rezoning of Fire Station #2 PETITION X southeast Shopping Center, Inc. - #15-Z-81 - Limited Parking Waiver (southwest corner of X Southgate Blvd. & NW 88 Ave.) (Tamarac Town Square Project) ! 3/81 Public Hearings Temp. 834 - HLR Rezoning Pet. #47-Z-80 (Shell Oil Property) Temp. 835 - HLR Rezoning Pet. #48-Z-80 (Shell Oil Property) 'covenant, reserve unit application & other appropriate documents to be submitted before 2nd reading) TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST - Tract 27 remote storage tank and system loop at University Dr. at McNab Road - 3/11 tabled - 6/2 W/S held and WHS to submit proposal in September 1981. - Sludge Farm Lease Extension EAST - Large User Agreement - 1/28/81 X X Adoption of Code Supplement #7 Landscape Agreement w/ Bwd Cty. Radios - Public Works Comp. Purc. Funding Richway - Revision of Preliminary Presentation Recognition of Chairmen who have served more than 5 years Florida State League - designatiun member authorized to vote Authorization to go to bid a) Boiler & Mach. Ins. b) Law enforcement officers comprehensive liability insurance. City Atty. 9/23 City 11gr. 9/23 City Manager X City Manager X Councilman Kravitz X City Manager q/23 Mayor Falck X City Manager X