HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-16 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 6/16/83 - 9;00 a.m.. LOCATION: V+es t Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: VIM Helen Massaro ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: VIM, Helen Massaro C/M Philip B. Kravitz C/M David E. Krantz C/M Jack Stelzer ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: ABSENT AND EXCUSED: Mayor halter W. Falck Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager Jon M. Henning, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, June 22, 1983. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 6/16/83 for 6/22/83-- Self -Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/1/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Temp. Ord. #811 - Public Iupravement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd Rdg. P.H. held 10/22/80 - 11/30/81 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr. & V/M Council 10/22/80 Drainage laprovelments Continuing 2/81 Broward league of Cities Continuing 5/82 Colony West Country Club: a) Executive Course-1/26 tabled for Council 5/12/82 workshop meeting b) Traffic Light Agmt.-9/22/82 tabled WM Massaro 7/28/82 until decision made as to purchase of Exec. course c) Guardrail on McNab - 4/27 Council 1/20/83 C/E instructed to review Temp. IJ966 - Construction trailers - P.H. held 4/28/82 - tabled. Comm. Dev. 4/82 Bike Path Agmt. - 6/23/82 tabled for finalization of plans C/Mgr. 1/82 NW 61 St. - SW corner: a) easement b) Agmt. re recorded covenants c) Reso. supporting variance 3/10/82 discussion only b) 5/25 tabled Cans. C/Atty. 3/3/82 Municipal Complex - W/S meeting held 5/13/83 C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Pub. Works Facility - 2/9 tabled Council & C/Mgr to research Mayor Falck 1/21/83 Temp. 1025 Platting - P.H. held 3/24 tabled Comm. Dev. 3/82 Woodmont TR 74/75 - Sign Waiver 3/23 tabled to future mtg. pending mtg. between Rissman, Epple & C/Atty Beautification 3/2/83 Woodmont TR 70 - Model sales renewal - 4/27 tabled for C/Mgr research C/Clerl: 4/20/83 Financial Federal Perf. Band Release - 11/10/82 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty C/fir. 4/20/82 Board & Committees: a) Burglar Alarm - 5/25 tabled for C/Clerk 4/5/83 suggested changes to Ord. by C/Atty. b) Investment Committee - UM, Kravitz 5/19/83 2 vacancies still existing from 5/25 mtq. C) d) rev. of 83-115 apptmt.of CC Member to PIC C/Atty. 6/16/83 X In X 1� TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION Page 2 - 6/16/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Intersection of 57 St. & 88 Ave. !. 5/10/82 tabled indefinitely for V/M Massaro 5/10/82 report from V/M Massaro Southgate Gardens, Inc. a) revised site plan Cons.C/Atty. 7/7/82 b) water easement c) sewer easement d) Water distribution system - 6/8 V/M Massaro 6/8/83 C/Atty and C/Engr to review Bid Authorization a) installation of ground storage tank - 7/28/82 tabled C/Engr, 7/20/82 Traffic Engrg Agmt. with County - 6/8 tabled at request of C/Manager C/Attorney 6/2/83 Street Resurfacing Projects: a) NW 61 St. from 84 Terr. east to canal b) Brookwood Blvd. (northbound lanes) from McNab to 64 Ct. c) Boulevards -53,54 & 55 Sts. & 23 and 27 Aves. C/Engr. 2/2/83 2/9 tabled until Lagos de Campo project finished School Fire Inspection Temp. Reso. #2617 - 2/9 tabled for further review C/M Krantz 2/3/83 Kings Point Prof. Plaza - landscape bond release - 5/25 tabled at request of C/Mgr. C/Clerk 5/18/83 X Temp. Ord. #1023 - Pension Plan - Appd. on 1st rdg. 4/27 - Adv. for P.H. delayed for reply from State C/Atty. 10/7/82 Tamarac Town Square & Revised Site Plan - 5/25 tabled at req. of applicant Comm. Dev. 5/19/83 X 3 Lakes Plaza -Model Sales Renewal- 6/8 extended to 6/22 for topo and payment of Engrg fees for fill C/Clerk 6/1/83 X Apptmt of Trustee to Pension Board 6/8 tabled at request of C/Manager C/Manager 6/2/83 X Williams, Hatfield & Stoner - Agmt for revised fee schedule - 6/8 tabled for receipt of qualifications for various job grades C/Manager 6/2/83 X PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCE Temp. #1049 - Street and Traffic Signalization Impact Fee on New Dwelling Units X I PETITIONS #6-Z-83 - Robert C. Sullivan - Special Exception for dry cleaning establishment for X direct customer service at 8521 W. McNab Road, Shops of Tamarac, zoned B-1 #7-Z-83 - Robert C. Sullivan - Special Exception for a launderette at 8521 W. McNab X Road, Shops of Tamarac, zoned B-1 #8-Z-83 - Fish Kettle, Inc. (Kurt and Carmen Seiler) - Special Exception to permit a delicatessen in conjunction with proposed seafood market at 7112 University X Drive, Family Mart Shopping Center SUBJECT Woodmont Tract 60-Residents request that certain streets be changed from numbers to names Tamarac Lakes 1 & 2 - Amendment to R-82-257 by changing TEMS to "TEMS (formerly known as )" Fire Inspection Ords. Night Meetings Auditor for FY 82/83 INTRODUCED BY C/Clerk 8/10/82 C/Attorney 2/16/83 V/M Massaro 4/21/83 C/M Kravitz C/M Kravitz 4/21/83 American Video - Presentation of request for transfer of franchise and revised fee schedule C/Attorney 2/3/83 Tamarac Park Maintenance Equipment. Ordinance prohibiting feeding ducks Tamarac Town Square - Release of $10,000 landscape bond Ordinance prohibiting parking on grass Handicapped parking fee Ord, Replacement of CPU of computer Appmt of Council members to committees C/Manager 5/5/83 M/Falck 5/17/83 C/Attorney 3/17/83 C/M Kravitz 5/19/83 C/M Stelzer 6/2/83 C/Manager 6/2/83 C/M Stelzer 6/2/83 Planning Comm. - Acceptance of resig- nation of Alan Stevens as alternate & announcement of vacancy Council 6/15/83 Welcoming Comm.,- Apptmt of member to replace B. Berkowitz _ C/M Kravitz 6/10/83 Announcement of committee terms expiring: a) Bd. of Adjustment - 2 exp. 7/8/83 C/Clerk 6/16/83 - 2 exp. 7/16/83 b) Social Services - 2 exp. 7/14/83 Reso. re wiring of State Revenue Funds Finance 6/14/83 Model sales renewals: a) Woodmont TR 64/70 Trailer -- Exp. 6/24 b) Woodmont TR 54 (Pines III)- Exp. 7/8 c) Woodview TR 38 - Exp. 7/11 C/Clerk 6/16/83 e )Tam GardensR-ex/7 2 Exp, 7/12 f hip W�fm�fA`stdo&x,-L 7/29 a) Release of perf. bonds for water & sewer (exp. 6/24/83) C/Engineer 6/6/83 b) Acceptance of bill of sale for water & sewer systems c) Rev. site plan for change of bldg. Comm. Dev. 6/16/83 type d) Rev. Water & Sewer Agmt. Kings Point Rec Complex: a) Rev. site plan for cable facility Comm. Dev. 6/16/83 b) Rev. Water & Sewer Agmt. c) Franchise Agmt for cable facility WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 6/16/83 AGENDIZED El X X In rA R X X X X 9 WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 6/16/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Fountain Apartments - Sign waiver for X over -sized sign Beautification 6/10/83 Edgewater Village - Model Sales - X Expansion of present waiver in order to sell one-half of duplex in which facility is located C/Clerk 6/16/83 Reso Guth. execution of agreement with Fla. Dept. of Natural Resources X for Wildlife Preserve grant C/Planner 6/15/83 Max Blum - Discussion of TUW refund X received C/M Kravitz 6/15/83 Bid Award - TUW - Excavation & stock- X piling of lime sludge C/Engineer 6/15/83 Golfview Plaza - Tri-Party Agreement X between developer, City & County for C/Attorney 6/10/83 add'l R-O-W for NW 21 Avenue and to pay add'l impact fees X Mission Lakes Rev• landscape plan Comm. Dev. 6/16183 Bid Award - Fencing at Tamarac Park C/Mgr. 6/16/83 X Woodmont Road ROW vacation - request for partial refund of fees (from 5/11/83 r,tg.) Council 5/11/83 X r