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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-04 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORI-DA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: June 4, 1981 LOCATION: West Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: MAYOR WALTER W. FALCK ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: MAYOR WALTER W. FALCK V/M IRVING M. DISRAELLY COUNCILWOMAN HELEN MASSARO COUNCILMAN IRVING ZEMEL COU14CIL14AN PHILIP KRAVITZ ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CAROL A. EVANS, ASS'T. CITY CLERK, ARTHUR M. BIRKEN, CITY ATTORNEY, LAURA Z. STUURMANS, CITY MANAGER The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, June 10, 1931. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CI CLERIC TABLE OF CVNTtNTS City Council Regular Meeting Section 6/4/81 SUBJECT .,.-.- -.._ IWTRODUCED BY Presentations/Awards _ Cont'd Park & Recreation Month - Proc. Interim Devel. Review City Att'y 11/78 Australian Pines -Temp Ord. 632 Council 6/79 Off Street Parking Design Standards Temp 636-11/28/79 Tabled for C.E. review Council 11/79 Pines III -Model Sales-5/13 tabled for submission of site plan Comm. Dev. 4/1/81 1Poodmont Tract 72B (Timber Point) -bill of sale -water & sewer systems 7/28/80tabled C.E. to appr as-builts w/ recomm. Council 7/281 80 Private Streets -Temp Ord. 809 1st reading -tabled 10/27/80 for add. review to insure City protected Council 7/23/80 Drainage Improvements City Engr 2/81 Broadview Util-Acquisition Council 9/10/80 Temp Ord. 714-prohibits review pf site plans not accompanied by plats -2nd rdg P.H. tabled for add. C.A. review & revision City Council 10/22/80 Self insurance fund for small equipment 10/l/60 tabled to 10/22 Mayor Falck 6124/80 Telephone Service -City Hall & Util proposal - 20/22/80 to 22/12 Finance Director 9/80 Temp Ord. 811-Pub Improve bonds for off site only-2nd rdg P.H. held 10.22/80-C.A. to do language _ re: certified costs ::,Dunc.'.1 10/22/80 Woodmont Plaza Landscape Plan- 4/8 Jack Lalanne Spec. Excep. appd subject to plan coming back to Council Council 4/8 Civic CeUter/Space-5/13 tabled to 5/27 mtg. C/M Kravftz 4/16 Fairways A&B-C&D Bond Releases: a) $6,000 cash perf bond for City Engr. 2/4/81 drng.-3/11 tabled to 3/25 subj to receipt of certified costs & few payment b) $2,500 cash perf bond for drng- City Engr. 2/4/81 2/11 tabled to 2/25 c) $14,087 perf bond-5/27 tabled City Engr. 5/20/81 until C/Atty. brings'it back on floor AGEh'D I ZED ►:1 ►94 VA /:4 X ?ABLE CfF CON I ZA?S CITY COUNCIL JMGULhR �=ING SECTION 6/4/81 SUB.7ECT 21gTRODUCED SY Petition I7-1-ID - tabled 12/2 CITY Petition 38-2-30 - tabled 22/2 INITIATED Petitit•a 39-S-80 - tabled 22/2 XtEZONIPGS Petition 40-Z-80 - tabled 22/2 C.A. to researeh legality 3M; L.D. P. Petition 41-Z-80 - tabled 22/2 Petition 42-2-30 - tabled 22/2 Petition 44-2-80 - tabled 22/2 Petition 47-Z-80 - 3/11 extension, of 80 days (6/24 ) Petition, 48-s=80.- 3/11 extension, of SO days (W24 ) United Federal S&L -Temp. Access Road to McNab--5/27 tabled until proper information submitted Toodmont Tract 47-revised site plan for entrace wall and revisions 2/25 tabed for proper documents Voodmont Tract 70-revised site plan for entrance wall G revisions 2/25 tabled for proper documents Off Street Parking Regulations Temp 820-A - 2/25 Pub Erg held tabled for add rev by V/M 1lisraelly Easement Vacation --Woodlands Sec. 5- 5/13 removed due to lack of FP&L release Fairways III -Temp. Trailer for Model Sales-3/25 Tabled for acceptable easement & option agmt. University Comm -Hospital -Rev. Site Plan for bldg. addition-5/13 tabled for completion of staff review: Eng.plans; 5% retention & upgraded drainage Golf View Plaza -Plat & Dev.Review Agmt-5/13 tabled for proper documenta- tion i Shell Oil Prop XcNab at 70 Av V/M Disraelly 5/21 Comm. Devel. 2/18/82 Comm. Devel. 2118181 City Att'y 1/81 C/Engr. 4/30/81 Comm. Devel. 3/4/81 Comm. Devel. b/6/81 Comm. Devel. 5/6/81 AGf—. ND7 6/24 x x x N. x SUBJECT Data Processing System (Computer) a) Bid Award - Temp. 1900 b) Software'- Temp. 1921 5/27 tabled at request of C/Atty. Sunflower Drainage Mod.-5/13 tabled for memo from C/Engr. re easements & required documentation Alexander Grant Special PSC Refund Audit - $1,800 - 5/27 tabled to 6/10 for report TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION 6/4/81 INTRODUCED BY Mayor Falck 5/6/81 C/Mgr. 5/7/81 Finance Dir. 5/27/81 AGENDIZED 6/27 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCES 876 - Rezonings by Council by restrictive than applied for X 882 - Clarifying definitions of heights in Chapter 28 X 889 - Establishing a Welcoming Committee TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST.- Tract 27 remote storage tank & system loop at University Dr. at McNab Road - 3/11 tabled - 6/2 workshop held EAST - Large User Agreement - 1/28/81 City Atty waiting for Ft. Lauderdale input X 0 SUBJECT Rock Pit Property -Gene Toll Disposal of Personal Property a) TU West - Vehicles b) PW - Scrap, fittings, pipes and meters Temp. 888 - Amending Ord. 80-98 re sale of used merchandise Bid Award -Mini Attack Pumper Occupational License Refund-$70 Armando Leon Bid Auth - Two statistical multi- plexers for use with Data Processing System Welcoming Committee -Appointment of New Members University Comm.Medical Plaza - Letter of Credit -- $61,200 - Expir- ing 6/20/81 - Positive Drainage Burnham Lea (Heftier Homes) -Request to amend setbacks for privacy fencing Board of Adjustment -Announcement of 2 Regular and 2 Alternate terms to expire 7/17/81 Citizens Federal (Duff's Plaza) - Sign Waiver Request - North side of bldg. Spyglass - Directional Sign Revised Personnel Manual Fluoridation -Report by C/Engr Bid Authorization -Two vertical sewage pumps for Lift Station 15 Rissmont-Model Sales Trailer - Easement & Option Agmt University Comm.Medical Plaza: a) $64200 Letter of Credit expiring 6/20/81 for positive drainage b) Grant of Easement c) Agreement to Extinguish the Developer's Agreement Mainlands 8-Assignment of Lease Temp.891-Investment of City Funds Temp. 855-Modifying pkg regmts and form of site plan for temp. model, sales & admin. use TABLE OF CONTENTS WORKSHOP SECTION 6/4/81 INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED V/M Disraelly 3/27/81 C/Mgr. 5/l/81 V/M Disraelly 5/81 City Clerk 5/20/81 City Clerk 5/15/81 Purchasing Agent 6/4/81 C/M Kravitz 5/28/81 City Clerk 6/4/81 City Clerk 6/4/81 City Clerk 6/4/81 Beaut.Comm. 6/3/81 Beaut.Comm. 6/3/81 C/Mgr. 6/3/81 C/Mgr. 6/3/81 C/Mgr. 6/3/81 C/Atty. 6/3/81 C/At"ty. 6/3/81 Consulting C/Atty 5/28/81 C/Atty. 6/3/81 Planning Comm. 6/3/81 Temp. 877-Minimum Drng. Reqmts. Planning Comm. 6/3/81 X X X X v.4 F.7 X X X X X X X X X SUBJECT Temp. 860-Amending pkg. lot lighting standards for shading, screening & aiming -Denied by P.C. 5/6/81 Concord Village II a) Extension of final site plan b) Park & Recreation Agreement Woodmont Tract 71 Model Sales Trailer Woodmont Plaza -Release of Canal Reservations Woodmont Tr. 54 Site Plan - W&S and Plat Tam. Conc. Parents Temp. Ord. #892 Police Pers. Req. Temp. Night Shift Pers. - Util Fin. - Acctg. Clk. T -- Inven. Woodmont Temp. Signs Golf Tournament TABLE OF CONTENTS WORKSHOP SECTION 6/4/81 -2- INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED C/Atty. 5/19/81 K/ Comm. Dev. 6/4/81 Comm. Dev. 6/4/81 X C/Atty. 6/3/81 X CC 6/4/81 X C/M Z 6/4 X C/M 6/4 X C.Mgr. 6/4 X C.Mgr. 6/4 X V/M Disraelly 6/4 X