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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-18 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting Minutesc5`,1.i N'76-t._i_HWES 8ETH AVENUE _dAMA RAC, FLOR9i.Jl% 33321
TE.LEPHQNE (305) 722—b9OO
Please be advised that the City Council will hold a Workshop
Meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 1982, at 10:30 A.M., in
the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 NW 88th Avenue,
Tamarac, Florida.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss problems with
space relating to various departments.
The City Council may discuss such other items as may come
before it.
The public is invited to attend.
Carol A. Evans
Assistant City Clerk
February 12, 1982
Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No, 368:
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
FEBRUARY 17, 1982
CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 by Mayor
Falck, Wednesday, February 17, 1982 in the Council
Chambers at City Hall.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman Irving M. Zemel
Councilwoman Helen Massaro
Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager
Mayor Falck read the official notice of the Workshop Meeting which was
held for the purpose of discussing problems with space relating to the
various departments.
The Mayor referred to the problems relating to space in the area of
Public Works and Police Department, as well as all of the administra-
tive offices. Mayor Falck indicated not only the immediate problems
could be discussed, but the situation on a long-range basis, so that
they would be acquainted with the immediate problems and look ahead
as to how, when and where,long-range, they will be able to resolve some
of the problems relating to space while they are in a so-called "lull"
period as it may relate to growth in the City. Mayor Falck pointed
out when the lull ceases, there will be very critical problems coming
upon situations that already exist. Therefore, he suggested they take
the Police Operation first and have the City Manager and Chief of Police
discuss the long-range situation. Following that he said he would like
to have Public Works discussed and third, the Administrative Offices
relating to everything else in the City.
City Manager Stuurmans stated she had before her at the present time
a request for some relief for the Police Department in terms of space.
The Chief of Police presented a concept for a facility of some sort.
leased or purchased as a mobile unit, for the housing of the Detective
Chief McIntosh commented it is clearly understood what their future needs
are and how much space will be needed from the study done by Michael Shiff
& Associates the previous year. However, right now the problem is criti-
cal as far as immediate needs. Chief McIntosh noted they have taken on
more people and they have acquired additional equipment and have more
coming, and there is no place for the equipment at the present time.
He noted the problem of the staff working on a daily basis, for
example the Detective Bureau working in an area of 300 square feet at
the present time. The total working space of the Police Department is
2640 square feet. Chief McIntosh said the Detective area should be
at least 1800 square feet in order for them to function effectively.
He described the various needs of the Detective Division and the units
which are included in the Division. Chief McIntosh pointed out that one
of the requirements of the State is that they have a separate section
for Juveniles to be interrogated and held, which they do not have at
the present time.
According to Chief McIntosh, there is no space at the present time for
a laboratory or a photo lab, and every inch of space is serving two or
three different purposes. He said there is no place to speak to suspects
or witnesses to crimes, attorneys who are there on a daily basis. The
Chief said sometimes there is no place for people to sit and people are
standing around, and there is no privacy whatsoever.
Chief McIntosh stated if they were able to get the entire Detective Unit
out of the Police building space they are using now, it would free some
space for other things, such as patrol sergeant who has no office at
the present time and Code Enforcement who has no place to work.
Chief McIntosh indicated the briefing room is far too small and training
films can not be shown. Storage is also a problem. Chief McIntosh
said he has been offered space on McNab Road, which would be workable
for the department's needs at the present time. However, the rent is
$1333. a month which would be for a two-year lease at $32,000. He
said they have looked at trailers, and a 24'x 60' trailer would give
approximately 1500 square feet, and they looked at one which could be
made into eight offices, with all necessary facilities. Chief McIntosh
said the cost of the facility, delivered and set up, would be $29,000.
which would be a good investment and less expensive than renting. For
immediate relief, Chief McIntosh said he thought that would be the way
to go. Chief McIntosh indicated a possible location for the trailer
could be the future City Hall Site next to the Fire House on Pine Island
Road. Another location could be the unpaved lot south of the present
City Hall. Chief McIntosh stated the Department needs immediate relief,
and he said he would like to think that they would have a new police
building within the next three years, however they could exist with
the temporary facilities during that time.
Councilman Zemel asked if the space problems had a morale effect upon
the staff. Chief McIntosh said there is, for example no dressing room
or sufficient locker space, male and female officers in a small cubicle
for lockers and it is virtually impossible for officers to come to work
in plain clothes and change into uniforms. However, in reply to a
question from Councilman Zemel, Chief McIntosh said no staff had been
lost for that reason. The Chief said when new people are employed, they
are shown the facility first, so they can see where they will work. At
the same time, it is impressed upon them this is where they will have
to work at the present time, however it is impressed upon them that
the future outlook is much brighter, hopefully.
Vice Mayor Disraelly asked if the first priority was to move the detective
into the trailer, or to put some other function into other space.
Chief McIntosh said that had been given a great deal of consideration
and it would be more appropriate to move the plain clothes operation
than any other unit. Chief McIntosh pointed out there is presently no
place to put the polygraph unit, which is part of the detective operation.
Chief McIntosh said the location would be better south of the present
City Hall rather than the new City Hall Site, since when the building
commenced at the new site it would mean moving the trailer. Also, he
said it would be better close to the present facility.
Councilwoman Massaro observed that she could not see the Police being
satisfied for three years and she said they should think immediately
of moving in the direction of building a Police Department facility.
She said the point in time has come to commence discussing a new police
department building.
Vice Mayor Disraelly said the route of the trailer is not a $29,000.
expenditure, because three years from now there is still a resale value
in excess of $18,000. so the cost, ultimately, is small. The Vice
Mayor indicated it is a question of whether the Police Department comes
before the Administrative Offices, and if the police move out do they
expand into that area; or make the present building the Police Department.
Councilwoman Massaro said she thought the Police Chief should address
that subject, since he is the best one to determine that.
Chief McIntosh commented that he thinks the present building is not at
all conducive to a police facility. He said only by rebuilding and
relocating could it be used, and that would not be feasible. Chief
McIntosh said he has done studies of police facilities and the present
building is laid out all wrong for what. is needed.
Councilman Zemel said it is agreed that the immediate need is what
should be looked at, and immediate relief might very well come in the
form of a trailer. A new building will take a great deal of time, and
mobile homes are not losing value. Therefore, he suggested the next
move be obtaining more details on the trailer from the Chief of Police
as to how he would lay it out, what it would provide, and what relief
it would give to the present area. Also, construction of a facility
should be discussed immediately.
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Councilwoman Massaro said she saw no problem using the present building
for five to seven years, if the Police Department was moved, which would
give the City time to get over the "slump" that everyone is in and
provide a lesser tax requirement. She said if the facility could be
provided for the Police Department, it would not be a loss for the City.
Councilman Zemel pointed out that the trailer the Chief had looked at
is already sectionalized in such a way that there would be a minimum
of additional work needed. Therefore, there would be no need of
investing in something else that would require building walls and
tearing down walls and that is a great saving.
Mayor Falck said it is his personal feeling they should go the trailer
route. He agreed with Chief McIntosh that the present building is not
conducive to a satisfactory police operation. He noted that whatever
is done with the police is a permanent home and it seemed the present
planning would suffice for a long time. The Mayor said he felt the
present building is conducive to the operation of a City Hall, although
extensive remodeling and renovation is necessary. Also, when the new
police facility would be built, the trailer would enable them to do some
of the renovation. He said the operations of the police department
would be improved through some kind of a relief valve, and at the same
time there should be plans for a permanent building for the police
Mayor Falck suggested the Item be agendized on the Agenda for the Meeting
of the 24th of February, so they could have information from the Chief
relating to the location, etc., so the necessary steps could be set into
motion to provide the immediate relief. At that time the determinations
can be made to get the matter underway. Vice Mayor Disraelly said they
should have written information from the Chief by Friday evening. (19th
of February).
Councilman Zemel commented that in most construction there is contemplation
for the future, space that might not be used at the time being. The
City should have extra space that is so flexible it can be used anywhere.
Chief McIntosh pointed out that the trailer would include the 3-1/2 ton
air conditioning unit they would need, and everything they would need.
The only thing that the City would need to do is provide plumbing and
water to the Site. Councilwoman Massaro pointed out the location would
be important to that aspect.
City Manager Stuurmans said she will have to bring the question of how
to purchase the trailer to the City Attorney. Councilwoman Massaro
noted it will have to go to bid. Ms. Stuurmans pointed out that in a
number of other cities they have purchasing teams when it comes to
that type of acquisition; however she noted that might not be a prerequisite
of the Charter or Purchasing Ordinance.
Councilwoman Massaro said teams are fine to see what is good, and what is
better. Then the Bid packages go out to people who can provide what the
needs are and the package is set up in a way not to pick out any one, but
what is right for the use. When the bid comes in, the determination is
Councilman Zemel said if the City Manager was instructed to call the
purchasing agents in the other cities, there is a possibility one of
them might be going out to buy one and the City would not have to go
out to bid by latching on to their contract. Councilwoman Massaro said
they have to go to bid, Councilman Zemel disagreed. He said any other
City in Broward County may purchase on their contracts, similar to
government contracts.
Mayor Falck said the information should contain the amount of space the
proposal would provide and also, it should specify the period of time
that the facility would serve as a relief. Also, the price quoted so
there can be comparison; and comparison with rental facilities.
Vice Mayor Disraelly suggested the information contain freed-u space
so there is a total package; what will be in the trailer and w9at will
fill the void that is created, and the implementation to the rest of
the department. Councilwoman Massaro indicated there needs to be a
determination of the cost of the sewage hook-up, and the water, and
where the most appropriate location for the trailer would be.
2/17/82 /lc
The City Manager noted that the location alternatives and the cost of
water and sewer, and parking, will have to be brought in to the Council.
It was agreed that the information relating to the utility lines that
are available will be obtained from the City Engineer and Public Works
The discussion then moved on to the matter of space for the Public Works
Division. The City Manager said recently she had presented to Council
for consideration on a future agenda, request and recommendation of the
the Public Works Director for three utility buildings in which he planned
to house storage of chemicals, paints and a facility for carpentry and
the other for body work. Ms. Stuurmans said this evidences the fact
they have split themselves at the seam at the Public Works Facility
and have increased the size of the fleet by acquisition of the utility
vehicles and utility machinery. The City Manager noted that most of the
mechanical work is being done in-house, which concerns the garage area.
Public Works Director Ralph Thissen commented that Public Works is
maintaining a tDtal of 129 vehicles in 2100 square feet of space.
Utilizing the three buildings that are requested would carry the
department for approximately three years. He indicated additional space
will be needed within a three year period. Mr. Thissen estimated that
to be approximately 10,800 square feet.
Mr. Thissen estimated the cost to be $358,000.if the most expensive
metal building made is purchased. That would be a complete operation,
including moving the gas tanks and installation. The
for a 10,800 square feet building. Mr. Thissen said his choice of location
for the facility would be in the west area. Mr. Thissen said the three
buildings suggested by the City Manager would be good for three years,
and open up 4100 square feet for automotive use which would help him.
The buildings are 12 x 25, 300 square feet each. Mr. Thissen described
the method he would use to utilize the buildings, and explained what
each building would be used for. He said the buildings would be placed
close to each other, with a roof over the spaces between them, and those
spaces would be used for storage. The cost of the three building is
approximately $11,000, including the roof he would put over them.
There would be an additional cost for the overhead garage doors and
the electric and air lines which they will run themselves, as part of
their operation. Mr. Thissen said they have 200 amp service available
to them at the present time.
Mayor Falck inquired of the resale value of the buildings. The public
Works Director pointed out the City has three parks, and each one needs
a storage building for their lawn equipment, etc., and the buildings
could be picked up and set down operationally. He explained the buildings
are erected on a wood floor, and there is very little depreciation involvec
Councilwoman Massaro indicated that people are not going to be happy with
the buildings being erected at that site, and she noted they are not happy
with what they have. She commented that she could not blame the people
and she did not want to see any more money invested at that location.
Councilwoman Massaro said that it is very apparent the City must immediate]
start working on building a Police Department and Public Works buildina at
the same time. She said they would not be in the same building, but
the need is great, the whole Public Works facility should be removed
from Commercial. Boulevard. Councilwoman Massaro said she did not believe
they should be talking about a new pre-fab when discussing Public Works
facility, she said it should be constructed in the normal, usual manner
so that no one would have to be concerned about it. Councilwoman
Massaro questioned where there was any land available in the boondocks.
The Public Works Director said there are so many complaints about where
they are located, they need to be out someplace completely away from
everyone. Councilwoman Massaro said land isn't easily available now.
However, she said there is a difference in the way things are built, and
everything can be put up so it would not have to be objectionable to
people. If things are housed properly they will not be objectionable to
people who are surrounding it.
Mr. Thissen said they could go with a flat roof which would make the
building less visible. Councilwoman Massaro noted that no one objects
to the Firehouse which is a lovely building. She said it is time to
do things in a different manner, since they know what the expansion
of the City will be.
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Councilwoman Massaro said the building would not have to be all a finished
product, but it could be built for the needs of the next five or ten
years, and the space would be there and the shell is there to accommodate
the needs after that. She said she felt that could be done without
spending a great deal of money.
Vice Mayor Disraelly asked if the 10,800 square feet would satisfy the
maximum build -out. Mr. Thissen said the -maximum would be another 8,000
square feet. Mr. Thissen said they project a 45% increase in equipment
in the next ten years. He said his future need is around 18,000 square
feet, and at least five acres of land would be needed.
Councilman Zemel questioned the amount of acreage at the utilities,
and he commented with the 201 program they would eventually not need
the disposal area which takes up quite a bit of acreage at that location.
Mr. Thissen said most of that area will still be needed when it becomes
a pumping station.
Councilwoman Massaro suggested some of this be in memo form so they know
what they are looking at, she said possibly something can be done tempor-
arily, but they must have some plans as people are not going to be happy
with what has been proposed.
Vice Mayor Disraelly suggested beautification has to be done for the
people who are living there, berming and irrigation and trimming should
be done with a minimum of expense. He suggested that wood fencing of some
sort could be put on Pine Island Road to make it a little better, and
to help make the people a little less unhappy than they are. Vice Mayor
Disraelly offered suggestions that would give a little better appearance
without a great deal, of expense.
Councilwoman Massaro said if there was a start toward eliminating the
situation the people would be willing to live with it if something was
started. She suggested that be looked into, and it is something that
has to be addressed and plans should be obtained and building started
to get the two departments into new buildings. Vice Mayor Disraelly
said the only land the City has now is the fire station sites, and he
did not know if Public Works would be properly located at the proposed
Civic Center and possible City Hall, ten years down the line. Vice Mayor
Disraelly said the Public Works facility should be located on an indepen-
dent space.
Mayor Falck said that it will take longer to solve the problem of the
Public Works facility than the Police Department facility. He pointed
out there is no location available for Public Works and resolving the
location will take at least two years. It would take three to five years
to build a new facility. Councilwoman Massaro said if the location is
not obtained soon, it will be impossible to do so. She suggested that
the City Manager obtain information concerning exactly how much land is
in back of the Park, which would give the Council an idea if there is
anything to consider there. If not, Councilwoman Massaro said they
should all start looking to see where something is available, and deter-
mine what they can do about it.
Councilwoman Massaro noted that the need is immediate for the additional
space at the Public Works Department since the situation there is an
impossible one. Mayor Falck said the immediate relief of the three
buildings is the route -that should be taken, with the understanding those
buildings will be available for other use or sale. He pointed out they
are not talking about a great deal of money, but something that will
provide a relief valve that will enable the City to do its job between
now and whatever time they can plan for another location.
Mr. Thissen described the exact location where the three buildings will
be placed, east of the present building near the fence and gate. He said
the back side of the buildings will be concealed from the neighbors.
Councilwoman Massaro said she would like to have a memorandum from the
Public Works Director containing sketches, etc. Mayor Falck asked if
that could be provided in time for the Agenda the following week. Mr.
Thissen agreed to do so.
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City Manager Stuurmans summed up the discussion by the Council concerning
the various space problems which indicated that they would be able to
live with the situation for awhile. She commented that she felt that
once the Police Department is gone, the general administrative offices
would suffice in the present City Hall building for a number of years,
at least five to seven years. Mayor Falck said at the time the City
goes out for referendum for erection of a police facility, within that
same referendum there should be included renovation expenses for the
present building in order to put it into shape for the use of the City
Administrative offices.
Vice Mayor Disraelly indicated that the redesign of the present building
should take place at the same time as the architectural designing of the
new building.
Vice Mayor Disraelly pointed out that the City is fortunate to have the
funds earmarked for the Civic Center and City Hall renovation, without
having to use tax monies for either of those purposes. The only cost will
be the Police facility and the Public Works facility at some later date.
The Meeting adjourned at 12:00 Noon.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $
or $Y per copy, to inform the general public and public
officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by
the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
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