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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-05 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAPIARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 2/5/82 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: West Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: Mayor W.W. Falck ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: C/M Kelch C/M Disraelly V/M Massaro Mayor Falck ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: ABSENT: C/M Zemel Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk Laura Stuurmans, Acting City Manager Arthur Birken, City Attorney The City Council, met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, February 11, 1982. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal. Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting,. referenced above. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 2/5/82 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Tamarac Utilities East West Presentations Awards Interim Devel. Review Australian Pines - Temp. Ord. 632 Off Street Parking Design Stand. Temp. Ord. 636-11/28/79 tabled for C.E. review & recomm. Spring Lake I--Rel of C.O.'s bond endorse for 50 ft canal & culvert crossing at 100 Ave. Westchester Bond Release - sidewalk construction 1/14 tabled Tract 46 Storage Tank Leadership Housing Land Dedications 7/9/80 tabled Cont'd Cont'd City Atty 11/78 Council 6/79 Council 11/79 Council 7/28/80 City Engineer 12/9/80 Council 4/30/80 City Atty 7/80 Woodmont tract 728 (Timber Point) Council 7/28/80 bill of sale water & sewer systems 7/28/80 tabled C.E. to appr as--builts w/recomm. Private Streets -Temp. Ord. 809 lst reading -tabled 10/27/80 for add. review to insure city protected Sands Point Bldg K Landscape Bond release 1/14 tabled for CBO & CP report Tract 27-remote storage tank 1/28/81 tabled to 2/11 Broadview Util-Acquisition Temp Ord 714-prohibits rev of site plans not accompanied by plats - 2nd rdg P.H.-tabled for add. C.A. review & revision Self insurance fund for small equipment-10/l/80 tabled to 10/22 Telephone Service -City hall & Util proposal authorization tabled 10/22/80 to 11/12 Temp Ord. 811-Pub Improve Bonds for offi site only- 2nd rdg P.H. held 10/22/80-C.A. to do language re- certified costs Council 7/23/80 C/M Zemel 1/7/81 Council 9/4/80 Council 9/10/80 City Council 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Finance Director 9/80 Council 10/22/80 Woodmont Plaza -site plan,plat,devel. rev. agree't, landscape plan, w & s. agree't 1/28 tabled for payment of fees prior to Council consideration. Comm. Devel. 11/19/80 AGENDIZED x x V..4 x TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 2/5/82 SUBJECT Petition 37-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition:38�Z-80 - tabled 12/2 a. Petition 39-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 40-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 c.a. to research legality Petition 41-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 42-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 44-Z-80 - tabled 12/2 INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED CITY INITIATED REZONINGS RE: L.U.P. Petition 47-Z-80 - 1/14 extension of 60 days (3/14)) H.L.R. ) Shell Oil Prop Petition 48-Z-80 - 1/14 extension of 60 days (3/14)) McNab at 70 Ave. Granek Properties - Pet. 1/Z/81 waiver of pkg require. at propsed office plaza on west side of 441 north of Comm. Plaza. 1/28/81 - tabled to 2/11 for full council Water System Loop at Univ. Dr at McNab Rd. 1/28 tabled to 2/25/81 Shops of Tamarac -Bond Release 70th St median cut 1/28/81 tabled American Video Franchise Fees Fire Fighters vacations parity Fire Dept. -purchase of mini attack pumper re: 12/16 Spec. mtg. TU East - Large User Agreement Tabled 1/28/81 Comm. Devel. Council 1/21/81 Council 1/28 C/M Disraelly 1/21/81 Acting City Manager 1/21/81 City Clerk 1/81 91 x Public Hearings 10:00 A.M. 2/25 Off Street Parking Regulations --Temp 820-A - 2nd Reading Off Street Parking Regulations -Temp 850 - 2nd Reading Off Street Parking Regulations -Temp 853 - 2nd Reading Bidding Procedures - Temp. Ord. 854 - 2nd Reading 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION 2/5/82 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Heathgate-Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Mgr 11/17/80 County Platting Regulations Council 11/20/80 Visual Graphics Corp cash performance bond reduction to 1 year warranty for grass Swale modifications City Engr. 1/81 Juvenile Work Program with HRS City Mgr. 1/7/81 St. Malachy's Church Festival April 3, 4, 5 City Clerk 1/28/81 Temp Ord. 832-amends off-street pkg Chapter 18 re: waiver requests for unusual traffic circulation problem City Att'y 12/18/80 Temp Ord. 852-authorizes Council to establish fees by Reso for amendments to Land Use element of comp plan City Att'y 12/18/80 Reso extending E.M.S. agree't for 1 year (or more?) City Clerk 1/30/81 Florida Innovation Group Richard Anderson Mayor Falck 1/21/81 Bid Award - uniform rentals City Clerk 1/30/81 Temp. Reso. 1837 - Loss of Homestead Revenues C/M Disraelly 2/4 Temp. Reso. 1836 - Endorsing Land Development Reg. Proposed by Bwd. Cty Tech. Adv. Comm. City Atty 2/3 Brookwood Gardens -Substitution of $20,000 signalization cash bond with performance bond C/M Disraelly 2/4 Edgewater Village - Waiver of add'l 3 month bonding requirement City Atty 2/2 Mainlands Center: Site Plan, landscape plan, W & S Dev. Agmt Comm. Devel 2/4 Tamarac Shopping Plaza (66 Terr. & Comm. Blvd.): Rev. Site Plan for dumpster enclosure Comm. Devel 2/4 Polish American Club: Site Plan, plat, landscape plan Comm. Devel 2/4 Tamarac Park - Reso. authorizing grant appl. for improvements & expansion Dir. of Comm Devel 2/3 Fluoridation of Public Water Supply C/M Disraelly 2/4 Woodmont Country Club -Sign Waiver Denied as Billboard by Beaut. Comm. on 12/15/80 Bldg. Dept. 2/3 X R. 91 M 91 N. K4 V.4 X ►. X R. 91 M TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION 2/5/82 Fairways Bldgs. C&D - $6,000 Cash performance bond release -Drng. Fairways Bldgs. A&B $2,500 Cash performance bond release -Drng. A.G. Grant Contract Prop Cont W/BC Sheriff Deputizing P.D. officers Key Control for gas pumps Sabal Palm (Old Burkard) Sign Waiver Drng Imps. INTRODUCED BY City Engr. 2/4 City Engr. 2/4 City Mgr. 2/5 City Mgr. 2/5 City Mgr. 2/5 C/M Zemel 2/5 AGENDIZED M M M