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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-22 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 8PTH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 January 19, 1981 NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED MEETING PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL TAMARAC, FLORIDA Please be advised that the Pre -Agenda Workshop Meeting which had been set for Thursday,.January 22, 1981 has been rescheduled. The Pre -Agenda Workshop Meeting will be held an Wednesday, January 21, 1981 at approximately 2:30 P.M., immediately following the Computer Workshop Meeting, in the West Conference Room at City Hall. Council may consider such other business as may come before it. The Public is encouraged to attend. Carol A. Evans Assistant City Clerk 1/19/81 /lc CALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Councilman Disraelly Councilwoman Kelch Vice -Mayor Massaro Mayor Falck Councilman Zemel CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE TIME: January 21, 1981 LOCATION: West Conference Room PRESENT: AX X X X ABSENT ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Staff, City Attorney Birken, Acting City Manager Stuurmans, City Clerk Bertholf The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, January 28, 1981 The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. CITY ICLERR •SUBJECT Tamarac atil-Mast Emplo ee of M nth Pre am-tations/Awards Interim aevel. Bsview TABLE f . _ "INTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION + 1/21/81 TEMODUCED EY 9butd. -Cert.of Award Ltd. to Pat Carlucci City att's? 11/7s Australian Pines -Temp Ord. 932 avvneil 9/79 - Off street Parking design, Standards -Temp Ord. 635-tabled ' 11/28/70-2nd rdg for Ug. 3review & see®. Council 31AD Ft. Lauderdale request for easement at T U.East for regional wastewater City Engineer 12/19/80 Pumping station & force main-1/14 tabled til C.A.researches & reagendizes Spring Lake I -Release of C/0/12 bond endorsement for Soft canal & culvert crossing at 100 Ave. Council 7/28/20 Temp Ordinance 820 (Alternates 1 & 2 Off Street Parking Regulations 12/24-tabled for add review City Attorney 12/4 Westchester Bond Release -sidewalk construction 1/14 tabled City Engineer 12/9/80 Tract 46-Storage Tank Y Council 4/30/80 Leadership housing Land Dedications tabled 7/9/80 City Att•y 7/80 Moodmont tract 72Z-b122 of sale rater & sever systems -tabled 7/28 C.E. to appr as-builts v/ recaema. Council 7/28/80 Private Streets -Temp ord. 809 1 St rdg-tabled 1047-for add rev Council 7/23/80 to insure City protection Sands Point Bldg K. Landscape Bond Release 1/14tabled for CBO & CP report C/M Zemel 1/7/81 Tract 27 demote storage tank tentative appr on 9/10-C.E. & T. polan to give reemn. Broadview Vt1l.-1/l0-C.K. i C.A. to, pursue legal •sptcts t0 aCglliri water service Temp Ord. 714-prohibits rev of site Plans notaccompanied with plats -Tad .Plans P.H.held-tabled to C.A. rev 'i revision. ieif 'insurance puns -for ■ mll oquipment-tabled 10/1 to 10/22 Telephone kerviee-City Nall i Ytil-proposal authori;atlem tabled 10/22 to 11/12 ]Drainage Au cf City 9mentation East Side Council 9/4/80 Council 9/10 City Cotmcil 10/22 Mayor Palck 6/24/g0 Pinance Director 9/80 City Council 10/1/60 AGENDIZED X X X Ki 1� TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION SUBJECT Temp Ord. 811 - Pub Improvements bonds for off site only-2nd rdg held 10/22-C.A. to do language re; Certified Costs Woodmont Plaza-siteplan, plat, devej, agree't, landscape plan, W & S agree't 1/14 tabled for payment of fees Petition 37-Z-80-12/2 tabled Petition 38-Z-80 1212 tabled Petition 39-Z-80 • tabled 12/2 Petition 40-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled C.A. to research legality Petition 41-Z-80 - 1212 tabled Petition 42-Z-80 -1212 tabled Petition 44-Z-80 - 1212 tabled 1/21/81 page 2 INTRODUCED BY Council 10/22/80 Comm Devel. 11/19/80 Petition 47-Z-80 - 1/14-extension of 60 days Petition 48-Z-80 - 1/14—extension of 60 days Utility Billing with use of refund computer --tabled for add info from Fin Dir for discussion at 1/21 workshop Audit Report -- 79/80 Alexander Grant - Analysis of Computer Software American Video Franchise Fees Fire Fighters Variations Mini -Pumper - Fire Dept. City Manager 1/7/81 1/21/81 AGE�NDI ZED M P 111 X PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. Amendment to Business Uses - Temp Ord. 828 2nd readingX - Temn Amendment to Retirement Plan Ord. 847 _ 2nd rea3inn X Petition 1-Z-81 - LGranek Properies, Inc. request for waiver Parking requirements at office plaza on west side of 441 n er of X Comm Plaza north of Petition 2-Z-$1-Ernest Sartori station in B-2 at sw corner of CommpBlvd l&Exce31sPtave for service X f TABLE %' CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION - 1121/81 S U-JE T INTRODUCED BY Heathgate Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Manager 11/17 8 County Platting Regulations / D report by C.M. & C.A. Council 11/20 Safety Ordinance adopting NFPA standards Mayor 12/4 Visual Graphics Corp cash Performance bond reduction to 1 Year warranty for grass swage modifications Fairways 4-(nee Rokest) City Engineer ZA/5/81 water & sewer agree't Woodmont Tract 50-site plan lat P City Att'y 12/80 Water. & sewer A red �t #8 g � StiPu�lation Juuez � �Fer _Pragrar -Wimt-h City Att'y 12/12/$0 H-Rw-S. Otte_X1 fage`r 77TS-1 T�F ���- $4-7_'= a`men'dme`n f -fo Peres-i'my FLi-an New Ord. amending Code Section 9.37 re: bidding procedure correcting scrivener's error Earl Tefft-Motorcycle City Att'y 1/7/81 agree't Tamarac Gardens City Clerk 1/21/81 Permanent model' sales Facility Century Bank Rev. Site Plan Comm. Deve1. 1/21/81 parking lot lighting Temp Reso 1825 re: TRIM bill Comm. Devel. 1/21/81 amendmenton budget adoption Woodmont Co Cl-amendment City Att'y 1/21/81 to 0-80-1 re: 6 month permission for Office trailer etc. -request extension Senior Fair request for signs in con Unction with Rec. Dept Sol�­d 4aste resource recovery letter, from Bro Leag of Cities Tuscan Homes Inc. request for refund on overcharge tract 60 Wood Hollow -request for refund on overcharge on Tract: 60 Broward League wire transfer Of funds to local governments Bid Award -Diesel Tractor T.U. west Budget Signs -request for waiver of rev site plan for sign at Continental Plaza nlsed�a��e-�rrzgation-�a�es F & R Builders - Presentation of Project concept_re:Stip.#6 Woodmont Co Club 1/14/81 C/M Disraelly 1/20/81 C/M Disraelly 1/20/81 Finance Director 1/16/81 e Finance Director 1/16/81 City Manager 1/19/81 City Engineer 1/81 City Clerk 1/21/81 4% o r• -pa1-r� V/M Massaro 1/21/81 AGES DIZ X X X x X x X X X x X x X rA `i4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION - 1/21/81 SUBJECT Sunset Drainage District Dissolution Executive Airport litigation Tamarac as Sister City to Kiryat Tivon T.U. West - 10 various vehicles Bid Authorization T.U. West - Salary Revision for water treatment branch, etc. Bid Authorization -- moveable, operable walls for Chambers Bid Authorization - for roof repair on City Hall TU West - Reso amending rates P.H. 9:30 A.M. TU West - Report by Consulting City Engineer TU East -- Large User Agreement approval; easement for Ft.Laud.; drainage augmentation east side of City Public Works - Plant Fair - Authorization to conduct this event City Hall Expansion Program - Presentation by Mike Schiff Assoc. INTRODUCED BY City Attorney 1/21/81 City Attorney 1/21/81 Mayor Falck 1/21/81 City Manager 1/21/81 City Manager 1/21/81 City Manager 1/21/81 City Manager 1/21/81 City Attorney City Manager City Attorney C/W Kelch 1/21/81 e Page -2- X X X X X X X X