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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-07 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: January 7, 1981 LOCATION: West Conference Room CALL TO ORDER BY: Mayor Walter W. Falck ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: PRESENT: a Councilman Zemel X Councilman Disraelly X Councilwoman Kelch X Vice -Mayor Massaro X Mayor Falck X ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Staff, City Clerk Bertholf, City Attorney Birken, Acting City Manager Stuurmans, Asst. City Clerk Evans The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, January 14, 1981. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. TY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION - 1 /7/81 SUBJECT Tamarac ntil-Nast ' Presentations/Awards Interim bevel. Review Australian Pines Tamp Ord. 932 Off street Parking Design Standards -Temp Ord. 636-tabled 11/28/79-2nd rdg for Lng. review a recomme Tract 46-Storage Tank ri Spring Lek* I -Release of C/0/12 bond endorsement for Soft canal a culvert crossing at 100 Ave. Temp Ordinance 820 (Alternates 1 & 2 Off Street Parking Regulations 12/24-tabled for add review INTRODUCED BY ckmtd. ckmtd. City Rtt'y 11/78 Council 6/79 Council 11/79 Council 4/30/10 Council 7/28/80 City Attorney 12/4 Wedgewood Bond-510,000-axt to 1 /30/81 k Council 9/20/80 Leadership Rousing Land Dedications tabled 7/9/80 City Att'y 7/80 Noodmont tract 72B-bill of sale water i sewer systems -tabled 7/28 C.L. to appr as-builts w/ racomm. Council 7/28/80 Private Streets -Temp Ord. 809 1 at rdg-tabled 1047 for add rev Council 7/23/80 to insure City protection Tract 27 remote storage tank tentative appr on 9/10-C.E. a T. Bolan to give recomm. Broadview a C.A. to pursue legal aspects to acquire crater service Temp Ord. 714-prohibits rev of site ,plans notaccompanied with plats -Tad `rdg P.H.held-tabled to C.A. rev revision. Self 'insurance Tuna -for small equipment -tabled 10/1 to 10/22 Telephone 'Service -City Sail a ltil-proposal authorisation tabled 10/22 to 11/12 Drainage Augmentation East Side of City Council 9/4/80 Council 9/20 Cit7 Council 10/22 Mayor Feick 6/24/80 Finance Director 9/80 City Council 10/1/80 AGENDIZED X Ki TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 1/7/81 page 2 SUBJECT Temp Ord. 811 - Pub Improvements bonds for off site only-2nd rdg held 10/22-C.A. to do language re: Certified Costs Woodmont Plaza-siteplan, plat, devel. agree't, landscape plan, W & S agree't 12/2 tabled for C.E. IOM re: drainage Petition 37-Z-80-12/2 tabled Petition 38-Z-80 12/2 tabled Petition 39-2-80 - tabled 12/2 Petition 40-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled C.A. to research legality Petition 41-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 42-Z-80 -12/2 tabled Petition 44-Z-80 - 12/2 tabled Petition 47-Z-80 -12/2 tabled (H.L.R.) Petition 48-Z-80 -12/2 tabled (H.L.R.) INTRODUCED BY Council 10/22/80 Comm Devel. 11/19/80 AGENDIZED FN P7 x PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. Petition 50-Z-80 Julius Hockman - Special Exception for convalenscent home in B-6 X Petition 51-Z-80 - George Elia - Special Exception for Restaurant in B-1 X Petition 52-Z-80 - Two Libras, - Special Exception"for pry Cleaning Business in B-1 X Ft e TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION 1/7/8 1 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY HEathgate Sunflower Lake Maintenance City Manager 11/17/80 County Platting Regulations -report by C.M. and C.A. for 12710 at 11/20 agenda meeting. Council 11/20 Safety Ordinance adopting NFPA standards Mayor 12/4 Gr-d-* K-e--pert-a4ni-r t-&-w-herr-garbage ma-y-49-4,e4t, -der`-:o4:�ectlort Tamp4M City Attorney 12/9/80 Westchester (Colony west Estates) Bond Release sidewalk construction City Engineer 12/9/80 Visual graphics Corp. Cash Performance Bond reduction to 1 year warranty for grass swale modifications City Engineer 1/5/81 Bid Authorization - Police Dept to dispose of surplus shotguns Police Chief 12/80 Bid Award - Chlorine for water treatment - T.U. West City Engineer 12/80 Bid Award - Lime for TU West City Engineer 12/80 Bid Award - two 3 wheel vehicles for T.U. West City Engineer 12/80 Bid Award - 7 new Police Cars Police Dept. 12/80 Bid Award - sludge removal from plants 1 & 4 - T.U. west City Engineer 12/80 water & sewer developers agree't Fairways 4 City Attorney 12/80 Fort Lauderdale request for easement at T.U. East for reginal wastewater pumping station and force main City Engineer 12/19/80 Stipulation 8-with Montwood -tract 50 City Attorney 12/12/80 Resolution urging special census for Broward County C/M Disraelly 12/80 Beautification Com'te app't of 1 member to replace Mr. Smaligo City Clerk 1/6/81 Springlake II - Model Sales Facility Comm. Devel. 1/6/80 Timber Point - Revised Site Plan Comm. Devel. 1/6/80 Consumer Affairs -- Presentation Mayor Falck of Photograph of Esther-U.S.Dept. of Consumer Affairs Presentation of Cert. of Award to V/M Massaro Dan & Ann Russo Sands Point - B1dg.K - Landscape C/M Zemel Bond Release -- $3,534.00 AGENDIZED M TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SECTION SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY McNab Road Construction - C/M Disraelly at N.W. 70th Avenue Senior Service Host Agreement City Manager Juvenile Work Program with HRS City Manager Public Works - Budget Transfer City Manager Capital for safe Computer to be used for Finance City Manager Dept. refund - for Utility Billing. Hire Temp. Clerk -Typist - Finance City Manager Dept. - PSC Refund Bid Authorization for variety City Manager of vehicles for T.U. West H.L.R. Costs - Engineering Cost for SpringLake II City Engineer Temp. Ord. #847 -- Mayor Falck c 1/7/81 Page -2-- AGENDIZED X X 1:/ 1/