HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-08 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting Minutes15811 1\10RTFIWESA_. 887-H AVENUE « TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 December 7, 1983 NOTICE CHANGE OF TIME - COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP Please be advised that the Pre --Agenda Workshop originally scheduled for 9:00 A.M. Thursday, December 8, 1983, has been rescheduled to 8:30 A.M. Carol A. Evans Assistant City Clerk CALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 12/8/83 - 8:30 A.M. LOCATION: West Conference Room Mayor ldal ter W. Fal ck PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Fal ck V/M Helen Massaro C/M Philip B. Kravitz C/M David E. Krantz C/M Jack Stelzer Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager Jon M. Hennina, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY # December 14, 1983. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASS STANT CITY CLERK 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 12/8/83 FOR 12/14/83 AGENDIZED Presentation/Awards Continuing Proclamations- 1 - Judge Shutter 1 - Toby Rosell - ADAPT Awards - Drainage Improvements Continuing 2/81 Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 Investment Committee -Report/ Recommendations Mayor Falck 7/8/83 Self --Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/l/80 tabled Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Temp.Ord.#811-Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only-2nd rdg. P.H.held 10/22/80-11/30/81 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr.& V/M Council 10/22/80 Colony West Country Club - Traffic Light Agmt.-9/28/83 tabled to 12/14/83 mtg. V/M Massaro Bike Path Agmt.-6/23/82 tabled for finalization of plans C/Mgr. 1/82 Pub.Works Facility-2/9 tabled Council & C/Mgr. to research Mayor Falck 1/21/83 Temp. #925 Platting-P.H.held 3/24 tabled Comm.Dev. 3/82 Temp.Ord. #1049--Street & Traffic Signalization Impact Fee-P.H.held 6/22/83-tabled for further research by C/Atty. Council 6/83 Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release-11/10/82 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty. C/Engr. 4/20/82 Traffic Engr.Agmt.w/County-6/8 C/Atty. 6/2/83 tabled at request of C/Mgr. Bid Authorization: Installation of ground storage tank - 7/28/82 tabled Committee Appointments: a) Recreation Board - 11/9 tabled for more applications b) Investment Comm.-12/1 tabled X X X X 2nd Mtg. of Month 0 C/M Kravitz 10/12/83 X Bid Award - Cypress Creek Commons Docks - 12/1 tabled at request of C/Mgr. P.W. Director 10/19/83 X Parking on Unpaved Lands - Temp. Ord. #1077 - 12/1/83 tabled for workshop mtg. C/M Kravitz 5/19/83 WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 - 12/8/83 SUBJECT fii`(j�i r r AGENDIZED Woodmont TR 72-C (Pineapple Park) 1) Site Plan 2) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. 3) Ingress/Egress Easement 4) Water & Sewer Utility Easement V/M Massaro 12/8/83 Village Mall (former (Rum Runner Bldg.) 1) Revised site plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Ingress/Egress Easement 4) Water Retention Agmt. C/Engr. 12/7/83 5) Waiver of Platting Requirements Shaker Village Rev. Site Plan for shed (appd. by Plan. Comm. 12/7/83) Comm. Dev. 12/7/83 Westwood 24 Rec. Rev. site plan for porch enclosure (appd. by Plan. Comm. 12/7/83) Comm. Dev. 12/7/83 Mainlands 15 Clubhouse Rev. Site Plan for roof over golf cart shelter, roofed entrance and driveway (appd. by Plan. Comm. 12/7/83) Comm. Dev. 12/7/83 Chapman Warehouse Rev. site plan for paving and building improvements (appd. by Plan. Comm. 12/7/83) Comm. Dev. 12/7/83 Final Recommendation on initiating the Land Use Amendment for Land Section 7 C/Planner 12/7/83 Temp. Ord. #1070 Alt. design to solid masonry walls V/M Massaro 12/8/83 Sodding of canal banks -bonds and inspections V/M Massaro 12/8/83 Bid Award - Jet Rodder C/Mgr. 12/8/83 BFI Amendment - rate increase C/Mgr. 12/8/83 Kiryat Tivon - Agmt. Mayor Falck 12/8/83 Fairways III - Calling warn. bond C/Engr. 12/8/83 Rev. to 0-76-33 - 6.06 petitions C/Atty. 12/8/83 Charlie Petrozella C/Mgr. 12/1/83 X 1:1 0 X X E1 SUBJECT Smoke Alarm Ordinance Agmt.with City of Sunrise for use of a reserve ambulance Bike paths C/M Krantz 7/7/83 C/Atty. 9/6/83 V/M Massaro 10/6/83 Temp. Reso. #2925 - amending Personnel Manual re workers' comp injuries and return to work C/Atty. 11/14/83 WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 12/8/83 AGENDI ZED, Executive Center - extension of time on approval of site X plan (appd. by P1an.Comm. 11/16/83) Comm. Dev. 11/16/83 Agmt. w/Fla. League.of Cities re collection of occupational license fees X from insurance companies C/Mgr. 12/1/83 Fish Bowl Restaurant - Revocation or suspension of X occupational license C/Clerk 12/5/83 Reso -re -arAmal- eofltrel-, C-0encil -1-1/30/-83- rewri to Swanson West - Amended Water & Sewer Developers Agmt. C/Engr. 12/2/83 X Golfview Plaza - Four -Party Agmt. C/Atty. 12/7/83 Woodmont TR 59 - Calling perf. bond (expires 1/9/84) C/Engr. 11/28/83 X Kings Point - calling perf. bond (expires 12/24/83) C/Engr. 11/23/83 X Colony West Country Club - calling perf. bond (expires X 12/31/83) C/Engr. 11/23/83 Mission Lakes NW 71 Ave. Warranty Bond release (expires 12/22/83) C/Engr. 11/28/83 X Model Sales Renewals: 1) Woodview TR 38 (expires X 1/11/84) 2) Woodmont TR 74/75 - Site X Plans 1 and 3 (expire 1/12/84) 3) Woodmont TR 74/75 - Site Plan 2 (expires 1/12/84) C/Clerk 12/7/83 X Tamarac Gardens - 1) Rev. site plan #1 for change of product 2) amendment #2 to Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. C/Engr. 12/7/83 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION PAGE 2 - 12/8/83 SUBJECT INT$QDDCED BY AGENDIZED Tamarac Town Square -Amended Stipulation #15 - 12/1 tabled for execution of stip. C/Atty. 11/17/83 Street Resurfacing Projects: a) NW 61 St. from 84 Terr. east to canal b) Brookwood Blvd. (northbound lanes) from McNab to 64 Ct. c) Boulevards-53,54 & 55 Sts.& 23 & 27 Aves. C/Engr. 2/2/83 2/9/83 tabled until Lagos de Campo project finished School Fire Inspection Temp. Reso. #2617--2/9/83 tabled for further review C/M Krantz 2/3/83 Patio Homes Model Sales Renewal- 12/1/83 tabled to 1/25/84 for payment of fees in arrears C/Clerk 7/20/83 Woodmont TR 59 - Acceptance of Water & Sewer Bill of Sale - 12/1/83 tabled C/Engr. 10/19/83 Land Section 7 - 11/9/83 tabled C/Planner 11/2/83 Exxon (Southgate & 88th) 12/6/83 tabled Bishop Tracts 26 & 31 - 12/6/83 tabled Lakes of Carriage Hills - Model Sales Renewal - 12/1/83 tabled to 12/14/83 Spyglass -- Rev.Site Plan for room addition to Unit 19A - 12/6/83 tabled for receipt of letters from 16D and 16E Ashmont/Kings Point - amended Water & Sewer Agmt. - 12/6/83 tabled to 12/14/83 Comm. Dev. 9/21/83 X Comm. Dev. C/Clerk 11/16/83 X Cons . -Tabl e Comm. Dev. 11/16/83 X Council 11/21/83 X PUBLIC HEARING - 2:00 P.M. Petition #20-Z-83 - Barry S. Eden - Rezoning from B-5 to B-3 lands on X the west side of NW 88 Avenue, north of Tamarac City Hall and south of Paradise Estates PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:05 P.M. Temp. Ord. 1050 - Revising Table of Miscellaneous Residential Zoning X District Requirements to provide a new portion titled (Maximum Plot Coverage (for all impervious areas) Temp. Ord. 1067 - Amending Business Uses by clarifying setback require-X ments of deli's, restaurants and dining rooms in commercial centers Temp. Ord. 1068 - Permitting the construction of temporary commercial X enterprises located in commercially zoned parcels of land Temp. Ord. 1069 - Bikeway Requirements X