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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-28 - City Commission Reconvened Regular Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 January 29, 1981 NOTICE OF RECONVENED MEETINGS CITY COUNCIL TAMARAC, FLORIDA Please be advised the Reconvened Meetings of the City Council Regular Meeting of January 28, 1981, will be held on Friday,,,(January 30, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. and on Tuesday, February 3, 1981 at 9:30 A.M. in Council Chambers. Council may consider such other business as may come before it. The Public is invited to attend. Pursuant to Chapter 80-150 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No. 368: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Marx y Bert o City Clerk /lc 1/29/81 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RECONVENED CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 30, 1981 (from January 28,1981) CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the reconvened meeting to order on Friday, January 30, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers. RoT.T, ('AT,T. PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck C/W Marjorie Ketch C/M Irving Disraelly ABSENT AND EXCUSED: V/M Helen Massaro C/M Irving 2emel ALSO PRESENT: Asst. City Mgr., Laura Stuurmans City Attorney, Arthur Birken Asst. City Clerk, Carol Evans LEGAL AFFAIRS Clerk/Steno, Pat Eisen 41. Woodmont Country Club - Temporary Trailers - Temp. Ord. #856 - Discussion and possible action to amend Ordinance #80-1, by extending the term to permit the use of trailer for various functional purposes. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved 6 mos. from 1/3/81 If fees due, must pay double fees within ten days. No Ordinance necessary. C/M Disraelly asked if Mr. Sam Grayson, General Mgr. of Woodmont is requesting a one year extension for the triple -wide trailer, the double -wide trailer, and an additional trailer near the driving range? Mr. Grayson indicated that the new building is under construction and is slated for completion sometime in August. C/M Disraelly said it was his understanding that permission was granted in February a year ago and Mr. Grayson mentioned that he wasn't with the organization at that time, so he doesn't know. C/M Disraelly asked if the fees have been paid and Mr. Grayson said he understood that all fees have been paid. C/M Disraelly wanted to know how we could find out and then asked Mr. Cross if temporary permits for trailers, etc. at Woodmont were for a year or six months. Mr. Cross said he thinks it is six months, but can be extended for six months. C/M Disraelly asked Mr. Cross to check Ord. #80-1. C/M Disraelly said he has the original request which was approved the 3rd of January for a six month period and he indicated that he would like the fees paid for the six months intervening as well. Ms. Laura Stuurmans mentioned a letter dated January 14bh addressed to the City Council; her copy came in January 22nd. C/M Disraelly stated that Temporary #711 was passed last January and he asked if fees were paid in July. He didn't recall their coming in last July and he would like the July fees paid before extending it again. C/M Disraelly asked Mr. Cross if there are fees and Mr. Cross said nothing has come into his office on this item. Arthur Birken, City Attorney said the problem that existed was that the ordinance provided that they had permission for six months and that it could be continued after six months, which did not take place; they did not come back to Council and they are asking for an extension of the next six month period. He did not recall whether there was any fee or not. -1- January 30, 1981 /pe Mayor Falck asked if we are in a position to consider this now and Mr. Birken replied,"Absolutely." If there is a fee that was charged the first time around, then he suggested that if Council wants to approve it, that there be a double fee since they didn't come in last July. Mayor Falck said if we are in favor of this, Council should take action based on the payment of the double fees as suggested by the City Attorney. C/M Disraelly MOVED that Woodmont County Club be permitted the extension of six months from January 3, 1981 for the trailers as granted under Ordinance 80-1 and if fees are involved, that double fees will be required to be paid within the next ten days of this date. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. C/M Disraelly advised Mr. Grayson that Mr. Cross will inform him of the fees. 37. Off -Street Parkin g Regulations - Discussion and possible action - Temp. Ord. #820-A - Amendment ^to Code Section 18 - offered by the City Attorney. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on first reading. (This item ties in with Temp.Ord. 820-B)See Pq.3.) Mavor Falck indicated- that -.-Its- 37--ties- in with- Iten-39,- -- Mr. Birken read Temp. Ord. #820-A by title. Mr. Birken indicated that this should be on the books to help the Planning Department to check occupational licenses. If a business in a shopping center was built on one space for 300 feet and the parking regulations changed and became more restrictive for the same type of use, when that bay became unoccupied after enactment, the City would apply the standard that applies when the shopping center was constructed. If the busi- ness use changes to require more restricted parking, then they will have to satisfy the new standards. The Planning Commission tried to put language in the ordinance as to whether there was a fire; there was one major fire and the language makes the ordinance hard to interpret. C/M Disraelly said when McNab Plaza was built, it was under the ordinance of one to three hundred and should Publix move out and Grand Union moves in, and today's ordinance is one to two hundred, what does Grand Union need? Mr. Birken indicated that Grand Union would require one to three hundred. C/W Kelch stated that she couldn't see that much difference in the ordinances. Mr. Birken informed C/W Kelch that there is a difference over -looked between discontinuance and abandonment. C/M Disraelly said if there is a fire and the building is destroyed and he puts the same building back up within twelve months, do the old standards apply? Mr. Birken, City Attorney replied that the old standards still apply if the building is put up within twelve months. C/M Disraelly MOVED that Temporary Ordinance No. 820-A be approved on first reading. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. -2- January 30, 1981 /pe 38. Off --Street Parking Regulations - Discussion and possible action on Temp. Ord. #820-B - Amendment to Code Section 18 - offered by the Planning Commission. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Denied. (See discussion on Pg.2) C/M Disraelly MOVED that Temporary Ordinance #820-B be denied. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 39. Off -Street Parking Requirements - Temp. Ord. #850 - Discussion and possible action to amend Code Section 18 pertaining to minimum amount of parking for restaurants and theatres. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on first reading. Mr. Birken read Temporary Ordinance #850 by title. C/M Disraelly said it was a misunderstanding on how overlap worked. After reviewing the input, it didn't make sense; it was just more confusing and now wants to be very explicit. C/M Disraelly proceeded to read starting on Line 33 so that there would be no misunderstanding. "However, restaurants in shopping centers of over 10,000 sq. ft. of gross commercial floor area not including other restaurants and theatres may compute required off-street parking at one space per 125 ft. of gross floor area." C/M Disraelly MOVED the adoption of Temporary Ordinance #850 on first reading. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 40. Off -Street Parking Requirements - Temp. Ord. #853 - Discussion and possible action to amend Code Section 18 by allowing 900 degree parking in S-1 (recreation) zoning Districts. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on first reading. Mr. Birken read Temporary Ordinance #853 by title. C/M Disraelly said the original intent was to take care of recreation areas in the various planned communities and condominiums, but all golf courses and tennis clubs will now be permitted 900 parking which he is not totally opposed to. C/W Kelch asked if it would be possible to investigate such an additional designation for commercial as against non-commercial. C/M Disraelly indicated that he could argue this both ways; when an individual goes to a golf course, that person will be there 3 or 4 hours and people get off the golf course in staggered numbers. It would save some space for them and C/M Disraelly said he does not see any particular problem. C/M Disraelly MOVED the adoption of Temporary Ordinance #853 on first reading. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. January 30, 1981 /pe 43. Bidding Procedures - Temp. Ord. #854 -- Discussion and possible action to correct a scrivener's error in Code Section 9 relating to advertising for bids. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on first reading. Mr. Birken read Temporary Ordinance #854 by title. C/W Kelch MOVED that Temporary Ordinance #854 be approved on first reading. C/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Mayor Falck stated that Temporary Ordinances #820-A, 850, 853 and 854 will be heard for the second and final reading at the meeting of February 25th. 44. Truth In Millage Bill - Temp. Reso. #1825 - Discussion and possible action to encourage the State Legislature to enact an amendment to the TRIM BILL relating to budget adoption. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted. RESOLUTION NO.R /_ J PASSED Mr. Birken read Temporary Resolution #1825 by title. C/M Disraelly said, if after the millage is approved, the budget is then discussed, and it is found that there isn't a need for the money, there would be a surplus fund. Mr. Birken said that he guessed the action could be rescinded and another one be passed. Mayor Falck indicated that if this can be passed in view of all the confusion that existed last year, the conference in Orlando was well worthwhile. Mr. Birken did discuss this when in Orlando and people were encouraged to get their local delegations behind them so this matter can be resolved. C/M Disraelly MOVED the adoption of Temporary Resolution #1825, and C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. C/M Disraelly mentioned that where it is stated that the cities would not be paid the sums under Homestead this should be addressed as well, and Mr. Birken indicated that he thinks it will be addressed. C/M Disraelly suggested that we make a statement and prepare a Resolution, because it is his understanding that basically almost every time that funds have been taken away from the City or County, they have prepared for it. They have a ceiling on what our millage can be and now they are turning around and saying that under the provisions of these exemptions, we figure that the City will lose almost $120,000.00, which is 2% of the city's total tax bill. C/W Kelch indicated thatit is only for this present problem; if everything goes through and the assesed evaluations have been increased sufficiently, then we will automatically go back to what they have legislated for, which is the increase in exemptions to $20,000, $25,000, etc. Then the senior exemption will be included; you can't get more than that. C/M Disraelly stated that every community will be in the same position. C/W Kelch said their theory is that the additional assessment will lower the millage rate so far in order to get the same amount of money in return for it that we will be way below the cap. C/M Disraelly said we will have to raise our taxes to the individual homeowner. -4_ January 30, 1981 /Pe I (Tape - side #2) C/M Disraelly said if the gross value in this City right now is a hundred million dollars and under the Trim Bill, the hundred million goes to one -hundred fifty million dollars in evaluation which only requires 6.7 mils. Now, the City, instead of a tax bill of 6 mils, is going to have a tax bill of 6.5 mils; individuals under 65 will have to pay for those over 65. C/W Kelch said her information has been that the senior exemption will be absorbed into what is a general exemption; we will not have an additional senior exemption. C/M Disraelly said if there is no senior exemption and up to this point the State gave us $120,000.00, where is the $120,000.00 going to come from? C/W Kelch said what was picked up before was the difference between the seniors and the regular population; if there is going to be no difference between the two, if the senior exemption is absorbed into this, we will be given no additional exemptions. Then the millage rate will be figured as though we were all the same. Mayor Falck said the delegation should know by way of Resolution so this matter can be looked at very seriously and he then discussed Mr. Ben Geiger's article which came out after this was passed. Mayor Falck indicated that people are concerned about how the differences are going to be made up and to complicate it still further, is the litigation that is still pending between the State and certain of the County assessors. The Mayor asked Mr. Birken to draft a Resolution, which could be presented at the next meeting. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Mayor Falck discussed the fact that Mitchell Ceasar had indicated that he had not been paid and the Mayor asked about agendizing this. Ms. Laura Stuurmans indicated that it was on the prior agenda and that Mitchell Ceasar received a check for that which was sent to One Financial Plaza. Mayor Falck said he had received one check from November 15th to December 15th and he has not received anything from December 15th to January 15th. Ms. Stuurmans said she will have the Finance Department run a ledger sheet on this. C/M Disraelly said he had checked with the Purchasing Agent yesterday about contractual arrangements such as lawn mowing, pest control, etc. and they have been paid automatically without going on the Agenda. C/M Disraelly asked if Mitchell Ceasar has a contractual arrangement? Ms. Stuurmans mentioned that he is considered a professional and Council reviews professionals. Mayor Falck said over two years ago he had brought this before Council stating that he thought these contractual matters ought to be handled automatically, but Council indicated that they wanted to see professional fees regardless. C/M Disraelly mentioned that when there is a full Council, he will bring it up. Mayor Falck sail we are not going to agendize for an amount of $8. 77 and $8.95 if everybody else is satisfied; and we will agendize it for the next meeting. 96.9 January 30, 1981 /pe F7 50. Calculation of Impact Fees by Broward County for Non-Residejatial Develn�nt� - Temp. Reso. #1832 - Discussion and Possible action. z - SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Agendized by Consent. p Approved. RESOLUTION NO.R 0%_ PASSED C/W Kelch MOVED to Agendize by Consent Temp. Resolution #1832 urging Broward County Commission to count only 25% of trips generated by Non -Residential Developments. C/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Mr. Arthur Birken read Temporary Reso. #1832 by title. C/W Kelch MOVED that Temporary Resolution #1832 be approved. C/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion. C/M Disraelly indicated that he wished a member of the press was present to inform the business community of the City of Tamarac that this is being done to reduce the impact fees on commercial property as an aid to commercial developers. There was then a discussion between C/M Disraelly and Mr. Birken regarding impact fees. Mr. Birken mentioned that this needs to be delivered to the County as it will be taken up on Tuesday. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 7. Utilities East and West - Presentation by City Engineer concerning organization and salary changes - Discussion and possible action. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: TUW changes approved for present pay period. Mayor Falck reported that Council has already covered the portion relating to Utilities East and the following discussion will cover the portion relating to Utilities West. Larry Keating, City Engineer is requesting an adjustment in salaries of the existing licensed operators at the Water Treatment Plant; they are not requesting an expansion of staff as was recommended by the consultant. There has been a morale problem created with the water treatment plant operators who have similar licenses and yet are in a pay range significantly below the waste water operators. They are requesting action to adjust the salary ranges for the water treatment operators so that they are the same range as the licensed waste water operators. C/M Disraelly mentioned that the range figures that are shown on the salary ranges do not indicate specifically what these men are earning. The net of the entire amount is that it will cost for the balance of this year, $1,921.34. Mr. Keating said Council is looking at approximately 4% on the five people involved. C/M Disraelly MOVED that the proposed changes in classification for five men based on the report of Larry Keating dated December 10, 1980 be approved for this present pay period starting this Monday. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Ms. Laura Stuurmans asked Mr. Keating about the 64th Avenue Extension and Mr. Keating reported that he had spoken to Neal Jano v who is the City Engineer for Lauderhill, and he indicated that he had not approved -6- January 30, 1981 /pe I any plans for roadway construction in that area. When there were indications that they were actually constructing a road, Mr. Keating said he called the County and they had approved some drainage plans. Mr. Keating then stopped over to see Mr. Jano v this morning, but he was out and he will get in touch with Mr. Janov again. Mr. Birken indicated that Mr. Janov was supposed to get in touch with Mr. Cross. C/M Disraelly asked if the County approved the drainage and not the road? Mr. Keating replied that they approved the drainage tie-in, tying in the drainage at 64th Avenue to the Commercial Blvd. drainage. Mayor Falck indicated that there was to be some modification made to the traffic ways plan in connection with that road and his understand- ing was that this wasn't to be presented to the Planning Council until April of this year. The Mayor had contact with Mayor E. Cipolloni some time back and they discussed the fact that it won't come up before the Planning Council again until April and Mayor Cipolloni said he was going down to see Mr. Wilson, but Mayor Falck hasn't heard anything from the Planning Council. Mr. Keating said that the County would not approve construction with- out plans, and he indicated that he would check it out. Mr. Cross said he spoke to Mr. Janov on Monday and up to then, he had not received the plans, but the road is being cleared. Mr. Cross indicated that he had sent a letter to Mr. Young and sent a copy to Council. Mr. Birken askedif the City could put a stake at the city boundaries? Mr. Keating replied a stake could be put up within a couple of feet; the City would have to find the property line if we were to get any closer than within a couple of feet. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 42. Shops -of Tamarac - Bond Release - Temp. Reso. #1795 - Discussion a,nd___pos_sib.l.e_ r.elease._a. cash bond posted for installation of median improvements on N.W. 70th Street subject to receipt of a warranty bond. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Removed from table and put back on agenda. 29. Woodmont Plaza - Discussion and possible action on: a) Site Plan b) Landscape Plan c) Plat - Temp. Reso. #1787 d) Water and Sewer Agreement (located on Northeast corner of McNab Road and N.W. 80th Avenue) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approvals rescinded and item tabled along with Item 29. C/M Disraelly MOVED to remove from table Woodmont Plaza and put it back on today's Agenda; also Item 42, Shops of Tamarac. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. a) C/M Disraelly MOVED the acceptance of the site plan, File 80-0149 provided that 1) the bullnoses on 80th Avenue be extended at least 6' on the West side of the median, 2) that the curbing on McNab Rd. beyond the bullnose extend eastward to approximately the entry on -7- January 30, 1981 /pe F. 1 McNab Road in conjunction with the work to be done by Concord Village, 3) that the two parking lot lights at the north of the Plaza have shields on them to prevent light from shining into Academy Hills area, 4) that all drainage on 80th Avenue and McNab Road adjacent to this property will have positive drainage connected to the entire system and that the Development and Review requirements have been met and that the 5% retainage fee of $3,356.56 has been paid. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. b) C/M Disraelly stated that the Landscape Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Beautification Committee with a stipulation that the live oak tree adjacent to McNab Road on the southeast corner should be 10' in height instead of 8' adjacent to the right-of-way and MOVED acceptance of the Landscape Plan. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. C/M Disraelly mentioned that the drainage improvement fee is still due and the water and sewer fee has not been paid; however the retention has been paid. Ms. Laura Stuurmans indicated that after checking with the Finance Department, the above two items are still due. Mr. Birken stated that at the time of site plan approval, the Water and Sewer contribution charges should be paid. Mayor Falck suggested a motion be made to rescind any action relating to Item 29 and further that Item 42 not be considered and C/M Disraelly so MOVED. C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. REPORTS 45. C/M Disraelly reported that he had gone by the Summit Bank recently and noticed that the 6000 complex seemed to be deteriorating; he sent a note to the City Manager about this and did get a response. Mr. Solpy Goldberg of the bank indicated that Leadership no longer owned the property, nor does Summit Bank have any interest in that property any more --one of the buildings has the doors off and had been broken into; vandalism has taken place and he wondered what action should be taken. Mr. Birken said if it was defined as an unsafe structure, there are things that can be done; the Chief Building Official has written at least two letters to an attorney who is manager of the property. C/M Disraelly mentioned that he has only seen one building that is damaged. Mayor Falck said it was his understanding that this was being foreclosed and Ms. Laura Stuurmans said there is a possibility for foreclosure or the possibility of change of ownership. Mayor Falck indicated that if thiscan't be resolved administratively, then it should come back to Council. C/M Disraelly mentioned that when the audit came down, he noticed amongst the missing was that last year we didn't get any payment from American Video and Mr. Birken mentioned that this was dis- cussed at the Pre --Agenda meeting, but that there is nothing to report. -8- January 30, 1981 /pe C/M Disraelly also reported that someone from the John Elliot Blood -- bank called him about setting up for collecting blood. They indicated that they are non --profit and that they do not charge for blood at Florida Medical, Bennett or Margate Hospitals; other hospitals do charge unless there is a donor in the family and they said that if for example University Hospital, which is not associated with them, has a donor here at the City, that they would reimburse the hospital instead of the person paying for it. After stating that they were non- profit, they went on to say that the bag they draw blood into costs $16.00 apiece to purchase and C/M Disraelly then asked where these funds come from --the patient doesn't pay for the blood, but they do pay $45.00 for the processing of the blood. They requested that a bloodmobile be brought in from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.; they have raised the age limit to 85 for donors. C/M Disraelly wanted to know what action should be taken --they need a month's advance notice. Mayor Falck indicated that the City did have a problem with another blood organization about three years ago. Dr. Abbey as representative for the Social Services Board investigated this and we did have some- one come in. Ms. Laura Stuurmans mentioned that the Fire Department; she then said commitment to one group or another Carpenter as to her interest. there was a mobile unit located at that there wasn't any particular but she would check with Ms. Robin Mayor Falck stated that the City is in favor of it and that Ms. Stuurmans could check it further. C/M Disraelly stated that he wanted to clear up something on a memo he sent on January 13th regarding screening of City Manager applica- tions. There was a misinterpretation; he is suggesting that a screening committee be established in order to review those applications that were within the parameters of the City requirements. Fifty or sixty applications have been received and rather than the Council review- ing all of them, a committee of 5 or 6 could be appointed to just look them over, not to decide who we should hire. Some of these applications are from individuals with no qualifications,who are just looking for a job and those that do not even merit consideration,can be eliminated. Cooper City has established a committee for this purpose. Mayor Falck indicated that he had no objection to this and C/W Kelch said she didn't have any objection to establishing a committee. C/W Kelch - No report. C/M Disraelly discussed a letter we received from Alexander Grant regarding the 1981 audit which was not dicussed when this item was on the Agenda. Ms. Stuurmans said reference was made to the meeting of February 25th. Mayor Falck asked Mr. Birken if we have to go out competitively on this and Mr. Birken replied, "We do not." C/M Disraelly said it seems to him that the City paid Alexander Grant $25,000.00 last year and it is now $30,000.00; we also paid them for the start-up of TUW and he wondered why there was that much additional. Mayor Falck reported that they didn't have a full year's audit and now there is a full year's audit, and he stated that he didn't think the fee was out of line. Ms. Stuurmans mentioned that they indicated a bond compliance state- ment must be done this year which wasn't done last year. C/M Disraelly said that clears up the difference in fees. -9- January 30, 1981 /Pe \ .J r �:�n5w>wrt:�: Owmft::E:N•w awrtFirttrwFJ�4 rtma� H-n n:�: wnn ri- :4 w�3'nan Fib w m O w m 4 m O w (t ti m �r m�J rt O rt O mt:r fD :� (D n �a' �V (D Fl m �s w w tr w F'• tv h m w O m (D h C I✓ k< PV m O _C �r (D N w 'o C (D w L4 w O F- • a k< O �l rt (D (n ;I C �5 • m n�$ �s lz3 0 (D C rt ih G rt w w rt F• w ti N• Fl (D H• w 0 r� wI-< rt tD (D rt 0 n ^y O a w Fh h Fl rt (D �v rt �r :� �j �r m n (D CO W rt L4 w U] n t I N K ft F_ td �r �j F_ x W td n G F-'- w rr w Fl Fi Fl m F• 0 m '•C (D S O N N F'• w F'• rt w Fl- m m n Fl- F O rt O (D t✓ F' H m �ymrtwITJ n(D• InN rt (D CF'•own (n`drtti ft In n wwFi m oroF_ Fi H a rt (D -- w H- w F- tf �v w n w �s w Ft1 rt x Fl H. PV G (D Fl w w O rt �j 7' F'• �l n ft PV Fr rt Cl ti o �l F- ft St tr a rt (D Fl- Fl F • L.Q rt in P • (D a m 0 (D Fl a w Ft F_ :::r - ft (D F ° �3m �:F' O (D N• �V O rt ft �-h (D n H- (D :3: (D 0 LQ :J FJ rt- (D' G O C �:S H- m �:s ::; 5 m (Dn C w rf (D m C m �j �s Owcoro�]' �Jx (Da0H•x F'•LQ+•ckc�5 �l �3'm am w rtH x mrt a Fl rt n H �J C m (D w rt rt m C�s �j rt ::; a w 0 Fl ::s �:$ 0 m � �Y' H 'b '•< m m 'i (D 0 h H m m Fi a rt �3m m E V,.Q 0 �Y�S w zn nw :J 0 rtam -rt�j w m wlc Fl (a H. a) rtrtw tic w ::� �J m 0 a 1-1_0 (D a w 0 F'• m E (D P. V r- O (n a ft M lc rt w H. rt P- w �5 Fl O 0 P- F'• m e w rt a"C �d w m F1li� P_ rt n �s O 0 $7: P. 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Mr. Birken reported, if nothing else, we should start to make arrange- ments to have someone pick up or mail to us, Agendas of not only the the City Commission Meetings, but of the Planning Commission Meetings and Developmental Review Committee Meetings; we should know what is happening our our boundaries. Oakland Park has something coming up soon. C/W Kelch mentioned that Oakland Park has been good about advising us of any plans close to'our boundaries. Mayor Falck said he considered this past seminar of the League the best one he has ever attended; at least a dozen very good items were discussed that should be looked at. He felt that the League should be doing something about what Mr. Birken suggested; most municipalities are hiring someone to do this and someone from our city should go up there and spend some time when the Legislature is in session. Mr. Voelker makes a report once a month, but he gets most of his infor- mation from the State League office. Mr. Birken said that to get it started, he thinks that the Administra- tion should contact the cities that surround us and C/M Disraelly indicated that he liked the idea. 46. CITY MANAGER City Manager, Laura Stuurmans - No Report. Mayor Falck reported that he attended the School Board Meeting last evening; the School Board will go along with the County's recommenda- tions. Our people are continuing to call us and ask us to do more, but he doesn't think there is anything further we can do. The Mayor said he told the leaders at Sunflower/Heathgate that it is a lost cause because the press has been after them continually; the press has had editorial after editorial against what these citizens are complaining about. Mrs. Wright made a statement that it is too bad that people have to get hurt; it seems that our people are always getting hurt. They were included in the survey for the counts at Taravella--they were told they will be going there and were promised and included in the count for the new middle school, now it is planned next year that they will be in an all portable middle school. They were included in the count to justify the building of Pinewood School and now the kids are taken out of Tamarac Elementary and they are put over in Pinewood to which they have to be bussed. Kids are going to be bussed into Tamarac Elementary from outside the city, so our children will be bussed to Pinewood and other children will be bussed into Tamarac Elementary. C/M Disraelly mentioned a court case which has been pending for four years when the kids were being bussed to Ely. Mayor Falck said Tamarac is caught in the additional bind relating to developers who are not interested in building family sections because of the school problem. The Mayor feels that our people will accelerate their movement out of Tamarac if the school boundaries stay as they are. He said we ought to try and offer morale support next Thursday night at the meeting to be held 7:30 P.M., February 5th at Stranaham. Mr. Birken suggested that the City could take a chance and go to court and asked if he could speak to some attorneys to see if they have any ideas or suggestions. Mayor Falck indicated that he had no objection to that and instructed Mr. Birken to let Council know if it is possible to do anything about this situation. Mayor Falck asked if Mr. Wood would be at the Public Hearing on Water & Sewer rates, Tuesday, February 3rd. -11- January 30, 1981 /pe Mr. Birken mentioned that Barry Eden indicated to him that commercial users are paying more than residential users; if that is true, we might have to do something. It is going to be a Public Hearing and we may want to have Staff there to reply to questions. C/M Disraelly convinced Mr. Eden regarding residentialas compared to commercial for pure water, but he did not convince him on irrigation. C/M Disraelly asked Mr. Wood for back-up material to generate those figures, as he wants to review them for his own clarification and feels Mr. Wood will be there Tuesday night to make the presentation. Ms. Stuurmans indicated that she will have Mr. Wood attend the meeting and she will look at the material and perhaps there could be a hand- out to facilitate matters. Mayor Falck stated that he would like a police officer in attendance, as the publicity has not been favorable. He also mentioned that there probably would be people from Woodlands at the meeting. Mr. Birken stated that Woodlands is not affected by the typographical error. There was one word that was typed in there and the question of the rates for commercial customers irrigation rates; the only thing that is being proposed is to take out the word "no" on that Resolution. Mr. Birken had Ms.Evans redo the advertisement to say that the only thing before Council is the question of commercial irrigation rates, and nothing else is on the Agenda. C/M Disraelly said we have to tie this whole thing together; we have the reduction, but we do not have the increase right now. We reduced the $22,000.00, but we haven't replaced it; we replaced $11,000.00 of it, but we didn't replace the other $11,000.00. He mentioned that Mr. Birken should make a statement at the beginning of the meeting regarding Woodlands; we are only discussing that one line on Page 2. Mr. Birken further said, the only actual proposed change has to do with commercial irrigation; the action that was taken has given the Woodlands people what they want and there is no proposal to take it away from them. Staff recommendation is, as a matter of law, that you have already taken your action on the commercial irrigation and there is no reason to change it. There is just a language change involved here. The advertisement was for all commercial rates, but the only thing that action needs to be taken on is the commercial rates. Ms. Stuurmans asked if we will be looking at the old Resolution? Mr. Birken replied that it will be a new Resolution, but it will have everything in it. C/M Disraelly asked if the Resolution has everything, isn't everything open to discussion? Mr. Birken indicated that if it is raised, Council can listen to it or tell them you do not want to hear it. The notice that has been advertised is for changes relating to irrigation customers only; the only reason this is here is because of a typographical error and not as a policy matter. C/W Kelch stated that if the Finance Department has any other viable suggestion to make, Council should be informed about it for making up this deficit. Ms. Laura Stuurmans said, as it relates to the -information that the City Attorney has just given us as to what this Public Hearing will be about on Tuesday night, we have a Resolution that at the present time says, "no consumption $0.601;that is the proper area ---Staff will be recommending to Council, strike the word "no". -12- January 30, 1981 /pe J Mayor Falck mentioned that the Mr. Birken said he thought it that a mortgage may have been (Tape - side #4) Isles of Tamarac has been sold and was bought by GAC. The Mayor indicated put on it before it was sold. Mayor Falck stated that the Council of Governments will be meeting in City Hall on Monday, the 9th of February and he is sending an invitation to Council and others that are present; he mentioned that he has asked Ms. Stuurmans to take care of a do-it-yourself lunch -- lunch will be served about 12:30 and the meeting itself will start at 1:30 P.M. They have a pretty good agenda and a copy of the agenda will be released to you as soon as it is finalized from the Coral Springs City Manager. Mayor Falck said he has a comment on the editorial that appeared in the press following the airport negotiations --you can't fight the press. The only comments that were unfavorable were that we should have sat down with Ft. Lauderdale to reach a conclusion; we did try since 1968, but we didn't get any place until we instituted litigation. C/M Disraelly suggested that we call the editor and talk to her. Mayor Falck indicated that one of the reasons we had to enter into litigation was because we had no dialogue with them. MAYOR FALCK RECESSED THE MEETING AT 11:45 UNTIL 9:30 TUESDAY MORNING. ATTEST: &44,6 a �� ASSISTANT -CITY CLERK This public document was promulgated $3.91 per copy to inform the general employees about recent opinions and of the City of Tamarac. -13- MAYOR at a cost of $98.81 , or public and public officers and considerations by the City Council January 30, 1981 /pe APPROVE Y CITY COUNCIL ON 11