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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-26 - City Commission Reconvened Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA
FEBRUARY 26, 1981
(from February 25, 1981)
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the reconvened meeting to order on
Thursday, February 26, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
V/M Helen Massaro
C/M Marjorie Kelch
C/M Irving M. Disraelly
C/M Irving Zemel (9:55 A.M.)
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Mgr., Laura Z. Stuurmans
City Planner, Evan Cross
City Attorney, Arthur Birken
COMMUNITY Asst. City Clerk, Carol Evans
DEVELOPMENT Clerk/Steno., Pat Eisen
20. Polish American Club - Discussion and possible action.
a) Site Plan
b) Plat - Temp. Reso. #1844
c) Landscape Plan
(located east of Inter -City
Auto on the south side of Commercial
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION:a) Site Plan - Approved
with changes. b) Plat - Temp.Reso #1844 -
Approved with change to read "City
Planning Commission instead of Zoning Board. RESOLUTION NO.R- g/ PASSED
c) Landscape Plan - Approved with condition
that 4 trees added in islands.
a� SityP1aD
ivi kuc representing the Polish American Club which was organized
in 1956 indicated they are looking forward to making this Club a welcome
addition to the City of Tamarac and stated that the club is not restricted
to Polish members only, but is a cultural organization.
Mr. Rekuc indicated that the first. submission had three cuts, which
was reduced to two cuts,which meetsthe City requirements for egress and
ingress into the property; this also meets the County requirements.
C/M Disraelly stated that when an entry is made at the Western cut and
a left turn is made, traffic will be crossing and asked if it were
possible to move the building over 10', have the entrance on the right
and come out on the left?
Mr. Rekuc said that based on a recommendation from the City, they reduced
the width of the building by 10' to provide 24' on the west end side of
the building, but the City has taken objection to using 24' for two-way
traffic; it would be better to have two-way traffic in both directions
for safety, fire hazard, etc.
C/M Disraelly suggested that since there is 34' on the east and 24' on
the west, can't it be reversed so there would be no criss-crossing
within 20' of the entrance, as it would not change the building.
Mr. Rekuc stated that the plans are complete and well thought through
and it can be resolved by having two-way traffic; there is another exit
at the other end of the property and he suggested that it be left as
it is.
C/M Disraelly expressed his concern about a collision at that particular
point and felt it would be better to reverse the traffic flow.
V/M Massaro asked why they couldn't have two-way traffic --if it is
changed, a problem is being created; these plans should not be changed.
She said when Staff wants to recommend something, if it is contrary to
our laws, Staff can recommend it, but they should not make developers
change plans.
-1- February 26, 1981
Evan Cross, City Planner indicated that both the City Engineer, the
Fire Chief, and himself felt that one-way traffic was just as good
as two-way traffic. Due to the large amount of parking in the rear
of this facility they felt this would create one-way traffic around
the building in connection with an enlarged primary source of ingress
and egress and would allow three lanes, one lane in and two lanes out
and with the eastern exit closed. Mr. Cross further said that the
County had indicated that they are limiting curb cuts on major arterials.
He said he spoke to a Mr. Platt of the Platting Division in the Engineering
Department and Mr. Platt said they could have two curb cuts, but he
wasn't aware that there was 200' frontage. Mr. Cross mentioned that
this club will be used primarily in the evening and will be used at the
same time, making one-way traffic safer with better traffic circulation.
He proceeded to explain the flow of traffic. The Planning Commission
agreed, and they would only recommend approval with one --way traffic.
It was recommended that traffic should go counter -clockwise.
C/W Kelch asked if a Yield sign could be installed for exiting traffic?
Mr. Cross stated that from a safety standpoint and traffic standpoint,
one-way traffic would be safer. He said that when he talked to Mr. Platt,
it was indicated that there would be a question from the County on the
second curb cut; Staff had suggested a left turn lane on Cornr!ercial
Blvd. into the project, but the Polish American Club decided that they
didn't want to do this, and indicated on the plan that instead, there
is a sign saying, "No Turns." Mr. Cross also said that when this gets
to the County, they are going to require a left turn lane.
Mr. Rekuc indicated that a left turn lane is not allowed as related to
him by the County engineer, as just west of that, there is another left
turn lane. He showed Mr. Cross on the plan that a change cannot be
made because of a pole and a water connection.
V/M Massaro stated that she doesn't see a problem if two-way traffic is
C/M Disraelly said that the parking on the east side of the building
and the parking on the south side of the building cannot be used if
traffic is allowed to turn right.
V/M Massaro asked Mr. Rekuc if the County objected to two entrances and
Mr. Rekuc said, "Not at all." She asked Mr. Cross to display the
original plan.
C/M Disraelly showed a diagram on the blackboard as to how a problem
would be created.
Mr. Rekuc indicated on the original plan that it was designed properly
and V/M Massaro pointed out on the plan a way to change the traffic
Mr. Larry Keating, City Engineer said that by moving the building 10',
it would give them better traffic flow; angle parking having been
eliminated, changed the front of the building --they have plenty of room
to the South.
V/M Massaro asked why this was not discussed before with Mr. Rekuc and
Mr. Keating indicated that several recommendations were made to improve
the plan, but these changes are not required by the code.
Mr. Cross mentioned that the Planning Commission wanted the plan changed
to one-way traffic.
V/M Massaro stated that the Polish American Club wants and have asked
for two-way traffic on the west side of this building and asked if there
is any way they can have it?
Mr. Cross said, "Legally, yes, but it is not a safe traffic circulation
V/M Massaro indicated on the plan where three spaces would have to be
-2- February 26, 1981
Mr. Cross said if they would change the angle of certain spaces, it
would be alright, but originally they did not want to change those
Mr. Keating said that the traffic entering the project would probably
execute a left turn and go into those spaces.
C/M Zemel entered Council Chambers at 9:55 A.M.
Tape-) C/M Disraelly stated if this falls within all. the parameters of the
No.2 ) City and County regulations, he will vote Aye, but thinks there will
be accidents.
V/M Massaro asked Mr-Rekuc if he was asking for two-way traffic and
he indicated on the plan that he would like two-way traffic and to
remove the left turn sign. The two-way traffic would be to the west
side of the building, the three parking spaces would be reversed at
the Northwest corner.
C/M Disraelly asked Mr. Birken if Council disagrees with the site
plan and the traffic pattern, but there is nothing in the City or the
County that says this can't be done, are we absolved of any liability?
Mr. Birken stated that since Council is approving this, he strongly
suggested that the City require them to engage a traffic engineer to
absolve the City from any liability, since concern was expressed by Council.
C/W Kelch suggested that a yield sign be put on the North, and Mr.
Rekuc agreed.
Mr. Cross indicated that the right turn only sign should be removed
and V/M Massaro asked Mr, Rekuc to initial every one of the changes.
Mr. Birken reiterated that Council may want to insist that a traffic
engineer provide some sort of written communication to go in the master
file stating that he has reviewed the layout and that the layout is
designed in accordance with approved standards and design of the pro-
Mr. Keating stated that there are conflicting movements of traffic, but
nothing that would result in a hazard to life or limb.
Mayor Falck indicated that if it is a hazard, the degree of hazard should
not be overlooked.
V/M Massaro asked if there would be any objection if it were approved
subject to the letter from the traffic engineer, as they would still
have time and would be able to move forward.
Mr. Birken said a traffic engineer can make a decision quickly and he
suggested that this be tied in with the signing of the Plat by the
City Officials and have this in the file.
Mr. Rekuc asked if the Broward County Engineer can send this letter?
Mr. Birken and the Mayor .indicated that they would have no objection to
the. Broward County Traffic Engineer writing this letter.
C/M Disraelly said this letter should specify that the internal traffic
circulation upon entering of Commercial Blvd. is satisfactory, not only
the interior.
V/M Massaro MOVED the approval of the site plan subject to a requirement
that the applicant have the traffic circulation pattern certified by a
traffic engineer by letter to the City certifying that it is a safe and
reasonable circulation pattern with special consideration given to the
entrance and exit on Commercial Blvd., this letter is to be submitted and
acceptable to the City Attorney before the Mayon signs the plat; the
lighting to comply with the present standards and development review
requirements seem to have been met.
C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion.
-3- February 26, 1981.
V/M Massaro mentioned that they are paying for two acres and she had
heard comments that this was a four acre plot; Mr. Rekuc indicated
that actually the plot is 1.8 acres.
b) Plat - Temp. Reso. #1844
C/W Kelch read Temp. Reso. #1844 by title.
C/M Disraelly said to strike "and zoning" and change to read "City
Planning Commission" instead of "and Zoning Board." Also that the
verbiage withinthe paragraph below be changed in the plat.
V/M Massaro indicated that she was concerned about the land in back
of the Polish American Club and wanted to know where it would drain?
Mr. Keating stated that it is a DOT drainage easement.
V/M Massaro asked if a Sprinkler System would be installed as recommended
by the Planning Commission and Mr. Rekuc indicated that there would not
be a Sprinkler System, but smoke detectors will be installed.
C/M Disraelly MOVED approval of the resolution approving the Plat for
the Polish American Club with the change in the title of "City Planning
Commission" and the same verbiage in the description below rather than
"Zoning Board."
C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion.
Mayor Falck left the meeting at this time.- 10:00 A.M.
VOTE: C/M Zemel - Aye C/M Disraelly - Aye
C/W Kelch - Aye V/M Massaro - Aye
c) Landscape Plan
C/M Disraelly indicated that the Beautification Committee did request
4 trees in the parking islands in the rear, which our present ordinance
now requires, and this was marked on the Landscape Plan.
C/M Disraelly MOVED that with the addition of these 4 trees, the
Beautification Plan is accepted.
C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion.
VOTE: C/M Zemel - Aye C/M Disraelly - Aye
C/W Kelch - Aye V/M Massaro - Aye
21. Woodmont - Tract 47 - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible
action to approve a revised site plan for an entrance wall.
C/M Disraelly asked if there would be a wall on the East side?
Mr. Gene Lozano representing Woodmont indicated that there would be
a sign for Lakewood and Woodmont; and further clarified that the red
line was a timber guardrail. He explained that Sheet No. 3 is the
governing sheet as to boulders and trees; the boulders are outside of
the right-of-way and a covenant will be entered into with Montwood over
the,sign, etc.
C/M Disraelly asked if the cart path will interfere with the wall and
Mr. L O z ah oindicated that it should not interfere with the wall.
C/M Disraelly mentioned that on Sheet No. 3, signs saying "Golf Cart
Crossing" should be put in on the south side of the northbound and
on the north side of the southbound and asked Mr. Lozano; to mark this.
Mayor Falck returned to Council Chambers at 10:30 A.M.
Council discussed the utility easement starting at Lot 78 and the problem
of the boulders and guardrail being on the easement.
February 26, 1981
V/M Massaro asked if that type of guardrail meets the Department of
Transportation standards?
Mr. Lozano said, "No" and he wanted to address this item. He said
this is Item No. 4 and that Florida Department of Transportation
doesn't have standards for timber rail; they would like to offer
aluminum .rails with timber facade on front which they felt would be
Ms. Laura Stuurmans asked if the owner of Tract 47 is the owner of the
golf course? She asked who would have maintenance responsibility?
pe #3) Mr. Lozano indicated that it is all on Montwood's property and the
Mayor stated that it should 13e on the site plan before them.
Mr. Birken stated that there should be a separate site plan; the wall,
pond and guardrail should be on the golfcourse site plan. Mr. Birken also
stated that perhaps Council, needs to take action on two site plans.
Mr. Lozano stated that the maintenance responsibility is a covenant
that Montwood will be entering into on Tract 47, Tracts47 and 70 are
owned by Montwood, but are being negotiated, and Montwood will be
paying for any changes.
C/M Disraelly said if we approve this site plan, all that would be
approved would be a change to the entryway permitting the median in it and
and the concrete across the pavement for the golf course.
Mr. Keating explained the site plan and Council discussed the canal
V/M Massaro stated that Council can only approve the entrance.
Mr. Victor DeSousa indicated that Council is looking at a composite of
two site plans and two plats.
Mr. Birken said the site plan covers specific parcels and this can't be
done under the ordinance.
V/M Massaro stated that the changes have to be reflected on two different
site plans, and Mr. DeSousa replied that they feel it would be more con-
fusing with separate site plans.
Mr. Birken said the only application pending is for Woodmont Tract 47;
he can't follow where easements or any other type of interests in the
land are from looking at this --we can't take action when we don't know
what is where.
V/M Massaro said she couldn't read the plans and felt it should be done
right and then brought back.
Mr. Birken said as far as Council, is concerned and developers are con-
cerned, a policy might be established as to DOT covenants and "hold
harmless", or anything else so that it will be easy to understand.
Mr. Lozano indicated he had contacted Mr. Birken's office to get copies
of the covenants, but as yet they have not been received and Mr. Birken
said he will see that he receives them.
V/M Massaro asked if it would be acceptable to use a conventional guard-
rail and face it, so that it wouldn't look commercial and Mr. Keating
replied that as long as it is a proper surface, it would be acceptable.
Mr. Lozano indicated that it will be a treated timber.
C/M Disraelly MOVED that the action on Woodmont Tract 47 be tabled until
we have all of the proper documents, easements, covenants, site plans
as have been discussed at today's meeting and when the City Attorney is
satisfied that we have the proper instruments in cooperation with the
City Engineer and City Planner that it then be placed back on the Agenda.
C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion.
22. Woodmont - Tract 70 - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible
action to approve a revised site plan for an entrance wall.
Mr. Lozano indicated it would be best to table this item, since they
don't have the covenants.
Ms. Stuurmans said Council would need an indication aA to who will be
responsible for the two platted residential lots as well.
V/M Massaro asked how big the entranceway is that the fountain is in
and if it will be a double road?
Mr. Lozano indicated it will be 24' wide pavement with 6" concrete
curb and gutter along the radii of the entranceways as a barrier between
the edge of pavement and the fountains --the fountains are low, about 18"
There was discussion by Council on the fountains being in the right--of-
way and V/M Massaro indicated a "hold harmless" agreement will be
V/M Massaro MOVED that this item be tabled until all the necessary
documents are brought to the City Attorney and have his approval before
it is agendized again.
C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion.
28. Home Construction Insurance - Temp. Ord. #859 - Discussion and
possible action to amend Code Section 7 to exempt owner -builders
of his residence from having to provide construction defect
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled. (See 2/25/81
Minutes, Page s 16 & 17)
V/M Massaro MOVED that this item be reconsidered today.
C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion.
V/M Massaro indicated that the only question before them is the time
period that a homeowner would have to live in that house.
There was a discussion by Council to' -fable this;item.
C/M Disraelly MOVED to table th.e Home Construction Insurance ordinance
#859 and V/M Massaro SECONDED the motion.
23. Woodmont - Tracts 74 and 75 - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and
Possible action to approve a revised site plan for an enlarged
recreation building and additional parking.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved subject to
V/M Massaro MOVED approval of this revised site plan subject to the
appropriate lighting as required in our most recent ordinance for parking
and the pool area, and that formal petition for re -zoning be submitted
before any permit is given for construction.
There was a discussion by council as to how this should be zoned.
-6-- February 26, 1981
C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion.
V/M Massaro indicated that if S-1 zoning is not enforced, then the
next developer might not use the kind of set -backs the City is looking
Mr. Birken stated that if they have a problem with changing the zoning,
they will come back and tell the City.
16. Northwood II - Revised SAte Plan - Discussion and possible action
to approve a revised site plan for an enlarged recreation building
and additional parking.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Denied. (See Minutes 2/25/81
Page s11&12)
Mr. Cross indicated that the site plan is only for an additional two
parking spaces to meet the size of the club house. In the original site
plan,the outline of this building was different and parking at the time
Cape was one space for 250 sq.ft. He could have built up to a 1400 sq. ft.
#4) building to provide 7 parking spaces plus one handicapped space, for a
total of 8. When he came in with the permit to build that center, it
was noticed that they had an 1800 sq. ft. building and he talked to Mr.
Bryan and indicated to him that he was deficient in parking spaces, and
he would require an additional two spaces; hence the revised site plan.
The requirement for 1800 sq. ft. is one space for 150 square feet today.
V/M Massaro discussed the fact that anybody buying property near the
clubhouse didn't expect to be that close to it.
Mr. Cross indicated that be didn't review this as an S-1 parcel, and
V/M Massaro said Council will be looking at this as an S-1 parcel.
C/M Disraelly suggested that they move the clubhouse 5' over and V/M
Massaro agreed.
V/M Massaro mentioned that she went out to the site and noticed the
differences in the elevations of the catch basins that are there at
the north end and wondered if there would be a problem with the 4 houses
on Southgate Blvd. with regard to water.
Mr. Keating replied that they have been instructed to lower the higher
V/M Massaro said drainage should be extended to accommodate this problem
and she was advised that the people are constantly in water anytime there
is rain.
Mr. Keating said they could use a concrete strip down the property line
through the one catch basin; they are aware of it and it will be graded
properly and Mr. Keating said that administratively he can handle the
problem of water affecting those four houses.
C/M Disraelly asked which part of the ordinance applies to parking with
a new site plan? Now, he would need, instead of 10 parking spaces, 13
spaces under the new ordinance.
V/M Massaro indicated that since he is changing the size of his building,
he needs to come in for a waiver and stated that she would not have any
qualms about granting him a waiver in this particular case.
Mayor Falck called the question on the motion that was made yesterday;
namely: MOVED approval of revised site plan for recreation area and
additional parking, which is expanded in.the same area .from 8 to 10
spaces to satisfied size. There should be clarification that proper
lights be provided in the parking area, if required by regulations;
Developer Review Requirements have been met. Lights be sodium vapor,
which Florida Power & Light has advised is an energy saving type of light
and gives improved lighting. (Recommendation of Planning Commission), and
C/W Kelch SECONDED the motion.
C/M Disraelly MOVED that the revised site plan for Northwood li be
denied because the amount of the parking is insufficient for the
size of the building being built.
C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion.
31. Arthur Birken indicated he had a conversation with Mr. W. Thies
who is in charge of landscaping for Broward County regarding
the Australian Pines on A Commercial Blvd. The County originally
planted trees on the north side and south side of the street; the
pines on the north side of the street died --there are still some
pines on the south side. The County is discussing with Mr. Dick
Stackhouse replacing the Australian Pines with some other kind
of vegetation, especially on the north side. Mr. Birken indicated
to Mr. Thies that he thought the City Council would be opposed to
having any sort of public money spent for vegetation along the
golf course unless the Australian Pines are removed and Mr. Thies
asked for a letter to that effect.
Mr. Birken recommended the City write to the County and indicate that the City
will not spend any money until the Australian Pines are removed.
C/M Disraelly .stat-ed -t-hat the pines' -were -put there to prevent golf
balls from going on the'road on the north side; however that road
was elevated anywhere from 3' to 15' and he doesn't think that
golf balls are .iX question at this time. C/M Disraelly indicated
that he didn't think there was any reason for vegetation on the
north side, because the vegetation would not be seen due to the
elevation of the road; the beautification at that point would be
purely golf course beautification.
V/M Massaro indicated that the elevation was started before the
trees were put in. We should act according to what we can defend
in court.
Mr. Birken said all he is suggesting is to tell the County not to
spend any more public money; the County is going to make its own
decision --we are just putting our feelings on the record.
V/M Massaro stated that our feelings should be what is defensible
because if he can't do what he wants, he is going to sue. In the
letter, we should say to him that h e can't put in anything
except what our ordinance provides and what is allowable under our
Beautification Ordinance; then we are giving him the right to put
something in. People could get hit with golf balls from the south
C/W Kelch said they are obviously going to put something else in
besides the Australian Pines, but can we suggest that they remove
the existing pines?
Mr. Birken said that Mr. Stackhouse is telling the County that he
doesn't want to remove the straggly pines to the left, but he is
still putting in vegetation, and, he is suggesting that before any
more public funds are spent, the violation should be cleaned up
that he created.
V/M Massaro indicated that she wouldn't want to refer to that, but
indicate,,: to him that whatever he puts in should conform to the
City's requirements.
C/M Zemel said we should alert them to the fact that they did
violate our landscaping requirements and ordinance and that the
City doesn't allow certain types of trees in this City.
-8- February 26, 1981
C/M Disraelly said the areais bedraggled and suggested that they could
put Oleanders in which was done in Woodlands and looks beautiful.
Mr. Birken suggested that we ask them to consult us before they make
any commitments and the Council agreed.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of Q.1 , or
$ per copy to inform the general public and public officers
and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City
Council of the City of Tamarac.
-9M- February 26, 1981