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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-08 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL TAMARAC, FLORIDA Please be advised that the City Council of Tamarac will hold Public Hearings to discuss and take action on the Tamarac Utilities East Budget - FY 1981/82. The FIRST HEARING will be held on Tuesday - September Be 1981 at 9:30 A.M. at the TAMARAC LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE, 2600 N.W. 53rd Street. The SECOND HEARING will be held on Tuesday - September 22, 1981 at 9:30 A.M. at the TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH CLUBHOUSE, 2800 WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD. The.public is invited to attend. A summary of Revenues and Expenditures of the Tamarac Utilities East - Budget - Fiscal Year 1981/82. Revenues Residential Watersales Commercial Watersales Residential Sewer Sales Commercial Sewer Sales Reconnect Charges Turn On/Off Charges Miscellaneous Income Interest Income Appropriated Retained Earnings Total Estimated Revenues Expenditures Administration & Transfers to General Fund Operations Depreciation Transfer to General Reserve Fund Total Budgeted Expenditures Copies of this proposed budget Office of the City Clerk, 5811 N.W. 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. $ 87,500 8,400 130,050 6,400 -0- 800 1,000 18,000 38,000 $292,150 $ 32,160 234,990 -0- 25,000 $292,150 are available in the 88th Avenue between Mariryn Bertholf City Clerk CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TAMARAC UTILITIES EAST BUDGET - FY 1981/82 SEPTEMBER 8, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Public Hearing to order on Tuesday, September 8, 1981, at 9:30 A.M., at the Tamarac Lakes North Clubhouse, 2600 Northwest 53rd Street, Tamarac, Florida. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice -Mayor Irving M. Disraelly Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving Zemel Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO PRESENT: Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager Arthur M. Birken, City Attorney Steve Wood, Finance Director Larry Keating, City Engineer Mimi Reiter, Secretary 1. Tamarac Utilities East Budget - FY 1981/82 - Discussion and possible action to adopt Tem Ord. #915, for that portion of the City, and certain unincorporated areas, east of State Road 7. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 1st Reading, with de etion of the word "not", on line 11. Mayor Falck read the official notice of the public hearing into the record. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #915, by title only. The City Manager reviewed the Estimated Revenues and Expenditures Budget to the present figures for the 1981-82 Budget. (ATTACHMENT 1980-81 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ... $180,440 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $180,440 for the 1980-81 #1 ) 1981-82 $292,150 $292,150 Mrs. Stuurmans indicated there would be a 65% increase in water charges that is being imposed on Tamarac, by the City of Ft. Lauderdale, effective October 1, 1981. Mayor Falck advised that there were public hearings by the City of Ft. Lauderdale, in which he participated; with no alternative, but to pay the increased charges. He further stated they were not receptive when he testified at their hearings. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Paul Ferrara inquired as to the reason why water, if it is considered to be a utility, is not under the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission. Mr. Birken responded that when the legislature enacted the statutes creating the Public Service Commission, deemed it inappropriate for the Commission to be involved in publicly owned water and sewer utilities specifically. He further added that they are involved in the regulation of electric facilities. C/W Massaro indicated her concern, but said they are under the control of the City of Ft. Lauderdale, as far as rates, but noted that Mayor Falck was not able to do anything at the public hearing. V/M Disraelly indicated that the utility in Tamarac is non-profit, and it was assumed that the Ft. Lauderdal-e utili;ty is also non-profit, and the costs that are exempt, would be the minimum costs. James Moore felt there was a discrepancy with the figures shown for commercial and residential use, to which Mr. Wood responded that commercial users pay for what they use, and there was a rate increase in effect last year. Oliver Clark inquired as to the reason the cost is greater to "get rid of" the water, than to get it, to which Mr. Keating responded that wastewater requires more personnel staff, due to specific treatment. Esther King inquired as to the interest income for 1981 and 1982, and the anticipated amount, to which the Vice -Mayor stated that monies coming in, which are idle funds, are 9/8/81 mr/ not left in the checking account, but placed in special interest earning accounts for possibly 30 or 60 days, and involves 14% or 16% interest income. The surplus monies are invested, he said. Len Tyler asked if interest is accumulated on any other funds that are not shown, to which C/W Massaro responded that the interest is reflected in the budget. Mayor Falck advised that during the period of time the budget is being established, certain expenses are anticipated, and have to be included. Mr. Woods indicated that trust funds are set aside for reserve or capital, and then transferred back to the operating fund, which was a response to questions by Mr. Tyler. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. Mayor Falck indicated there were 25 or 30 commercial businesses in the area, but did not favor combining east and west areas of Tamarac, because they were different systems, and involved different sets of figures. V/M Disraelly indicated the word "not" was inadvertently included in line 11 of the ordinance, and MOVED that it be stricken, and Temp. Ord. #915 be approved on first reading. C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. The City Manager discussed Tamarac Utilities East Rates for 1981/82, which will be ap- proved by resolution, and will be considered at the time of second reading for the budget. She further stated that several alternative formulas were presented by the Finance Director for consideration, all of which would produce the revenues required to support the pro- posed budget. Additionally, she said the rate structure to be selected should be based upon a minimum service availability charge, with consumption per 1,000 billed at the Fort Lauderdale charge to the City of Tamarac, for both water and sewer. Mrs. Stuurmans felt this would be a method of controlling the utility costs through conservative usage. The City Manager reviewed a rate schedule comparison, which included recommended rates for consumers using 3,000 gallons per month, and is the average consumption for Tamarac East customers. (ATTACHMENT #2) Mrs. Stuurmans further recommended that the billing be continued on a bi-monthly basis. She also noted that when the 201 system conversion is effected, it would be helpful to switch to monthly billing, to lessen the financial impact of the increased charges re- sulting with the transfer. Mr. Wood advised that the east customers originally paid for fractions of gallons of water, but the meter is presently being read and paid for when it reaches the thousand mark. Tape #2 At the recommendation of the City Attorney, the meeting was continued for input of problems and complaints from residents. Mr. Tyler referred to the harassment of the residents by children, in the area of 31st Avenue and the Amoco Service Station, off Commercial Boulevard, and requested a.better response from the Police Department. He said that on Monday, September 7th, a call went in at 1:30 P.M., and by 3:00 P.M. there was no car in the area, for a response to the complaint. He requested the assistance of the City Council, because many signs have been posted, as to "no tresspassing" and "no littering". C/W Massaro recommended that a metal sign be put up, on a concrete base, and it be an official record by the City., for their action. Mr. Birken indicated that Chapter 810 of the Florida Statute sets forth posting require- ments; with it being against the law to tear down "no tresspassing signs", but, if the property is posted, the Police do have the right to come in and make an arrest. V/M Disraelly inquired whether a guardrail could be put up at the entrance to the lake, to which the Mayor responded that it is a privately owned lake, by the association. He requested that the City Manager investigate actions in the area by Ralph Thissen and the Police Department, in order to get this resolved. Mayor Falck said that Council is to be advised as to what could or could not be done. Mr. Birken further stated that if the Police were to do anything concerning a tresspass, then a complaint would have to be made by the owner, or a sign posted by the owner. He also said if a piece of the property is owned by the County, they would be required to post it. -2- 9/8/81 mr/ Mr. Tyler indicated the association owns the bank around the lake, and the lake itself. C.T. Westland said a request was made for the grass to be cut on a small piece of land, 50 by 10 feet, in front of his home; which is in the median strip. It was noted that his address is 2500 N.W. 53rd Street. The City Manager responded that a description of that parcel has been included in the bid specifications for maintenance next year. In response to a question by Mrs. King, the City Attorney stated that due to portions of Commercial Boulevard being owned by different jurisdictions, it was suggested by the County that Oakland Park, Ft. Lauderdale and Tamarac divide the responsibility for grass cutting on the median strip from Prospect Road on Commercial Boulevard, to State Road 7. C/W Massaro said that median maintenance has to be resolved with the County. Mr. Tyler said they were reluctant to give up the ownership of the lakes, but inquired as to the ownership of all the waters in Tamarac, to which Mr. Birken and the Council members indicated they were not aware of the ownership of the lakes and canals. Mr. Tyler further stated there is aquatic plant growth in another portion of the lake, and inquired as to the responsibility for such maintenance in the lake at 5205 N.W. 28th Avenue. V/M Disraelly confirmed the fact that the lake is privately owned. The City Manager advised that the State indicates the water must be accessible to the public in order for funds to be obtained. V/M Disraelly suggested that Mr. Tyler come into the City Hall, in order to view the maps of Tamarac. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11:00 A.M. ATTEST: This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ , or $c-"- B o per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. APPROV By, COUNCIL ON -3- 9/8/81 mr/ UTILITY EAST REVISED AND CORRECTED ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AUGUST 5,1981 FISCAL YEAR -- 1981- 82 REVENUE 1980-81 1981-82 or BUDGET BUDGET 343-610 RESIDENTIAL WATERSALES 65,000 87,500 343-615 COMMERCIAL WATER SAFES 8,o00 8,400 343-620 RESIDENTIAL SEWER SALES 79,000 130,050 343-625 COMMERCIAL SEWER SALES 8,800 8,40o 343-621 RECONNECT CHARGES 200 - 0 - 343-640 TURN ON/TURN OFF CHARGE 80O Boo 360-000 -_ MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,000 1,000 361-100 INTEREST INCOME 2,000 18,000 271-000 APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS 15,64o- 38,o00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 18o,44o 292,150 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION & TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 28,940 32,16o OPERATIONS 138,500 234,990 DEPRECIATION 13,000 - TRANSFER TO GENERAL RESERVE FUND - 25,000 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 180,440 292,150 ATTACHMENT #1 9/8/81 ua -� 00 = 3 m �9� w iD I ) 1 w � oa� rat N Vpp lli '7�C0j �81 O O ti {rr -cn d Un 00 00 l.n (.A C:) rt FC% N JQ t1s O �! t-n w w Ln I. • r'Y (D cn rr m rt r• w n P. rt ra rr cm m 0 fi H n r�F Ir--� rf r• CA 91 co rt cn c� 0 N b n i7 I o1 ot,I Jo O O I G0 O rt es-' O rt O -) 0 I F O h I w cra m o CD o l w o o w n I N a 0 I I I 1 �-h I I I `a ON Unn In O Q 0 (D I r� H �o C7- O I �7 CD I JpQ7 rc I r rt to F�-� 1�• h'• m I cn m ro 0 I 0 F- I V I r N rr 0 r 4 5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722.5900 x NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; CITY COUNCIL TAMARAC, FLORU A TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST BUDGET — FY 1981/82 Please be advised of a Public Hearing before the city Council On Tuesday, September 8, 1981 beginning at 2:00 P.M. in City Hall, 5811 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider and take action on Tenporary Ordinance 916 adopting the Utility Budget Fy 1981/82 for that portion of the City west of State Road 7. The public is invited to attend. Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No. 368: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by ii a City Council with respect to any matter considered at such ar hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be basod. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST BUDGET - FY 1981/82 SEPTEMBER 8, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Special Meeting to order on Tuesday, September 8, 1981, at 2:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers at City Hall. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving Zemel Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO PRESENT: Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager Arthur M. Birken, City Attorney Mimi Reiter, Secretary 1. Tamarac Utilities West Budget - FY 1981/82 - Discussion and possible action to adopt Temp. Ord. #916, for that portion of the City west of State Road 7. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 1st Reading The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #916, by title only. The City Manager indicated that the budget for Utilities West provides the necessary coverage under the bond indenture, and does not require a rate increase for the next fiscal year. Mrs. Stuurmans reviewed the various funds and total revenues and expendi- tures for 1980-81 and 1981-82. (ATTACHMENT #1) Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #916, the Revenue Fund - Sinking Fund on Ser- vice Accounts,.Reserve Accounts, and other accounts for Tamarac Utilities West, on first reading. C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 2:30 P.M. MA R ATTEST: CIT CLERif/ This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ �7rC�G� , or per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. s APt RC'IED BY CITY A001fbGrL C[`d A icz3 �Rg 9/8/81 mr/ OPERATING EXPENSES CITY ENGINEER PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL WATER TREATMENT CITY OF TAMARAC UTILITY WEST - REVENUE FUND SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 1980-81 REQUESTED BUDGET 1981-82 BUDGET -0- 63,285 $ -0- $63,285 PERSONNEL SERVICES 207,100 220,085 OPERATING EXPENSE 315,850 411,110 TRANSFERS -0- 6,800 TOTAL 522,950 637,995 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PERSONNEL SERVICES 111,900 176,500 OPERATING EXPENSE 55,470 66,360 TRANSFERS -0- 15,440 TOTAL, 167,370 258,300 WASTEWATER COLLECTION PERSONNEL SERVICES 242,700 259,010 OPERATING EXPENSE 226,850 256,800 TRANSFERS -0- 18,680 TOTAL 469,550 534,490 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 272,300 260,320 OPERATING EXPENSE 372,390 461,167 TRANSFERS -0- 8,240 TOTAL 644,690 729,727 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICE 228,330 OPERATING EXPENSE 198,640 TRANSFERS 5,000 TOTAL 431,970 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $2,236,530 TRANSFERS TO: SINKING FUND -BOND SERVICE ACCT. 1,202,000 RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT FUND 480,000 IN LIEU OF TAX FUND 130,000 GENERAL RESERVE FUND 133,470 TOTAL TRANSFERS $1,945,470 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,182,000 267,740 129,540 41,390 438,670 $2,662,467 1,236,018 262,950 130,000 33,065 1,662,033 4,324,500 i1 FUND 425 CITY MANAGER COUNCIL RECOMMENDED APPROVED BUDGET BUDGET ATTACHMENT #1 9/8/81