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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-10 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Please be advised that the,,..Ci ty,, Council of Tamarac will hold a Public Hearing to
discuss and take action oirl Tamarac Utilities East Burl et - Fiscal_Year 1982/83.
This Meeting will be held on Friday, September 10, 1982 at 10:00 AM at the Boule-
vards Section Clubhouse, 2611 N. W. 53rd Street.
An additional item to be discussed and acted upon, while not as a formal Public
Hearing, is the Rate Stucture for the Utilities East.
The Public is invited and encouraged to attend.
A summary of Revenues and Expenditures of Tamarac Utilities East Budget
Fiscal Year 1982/83
FY 1981/82
FY 1982/83
Residential Water Sales
$ 87,500.00
Commercial Water Sales
Residential Wastewater
Commercial Wastewater
Turn on/Turn off Charge
Miscellaneous Revenue
Interest Income
Appropriated Fund Balance
TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $292,150.00 $336,923.77
Administration and Reimbursement
of Services - General Fund $ 32,160.00 $ 39,896.96
Operations 234,990.00 272,026.81
Transfer to General Reserve Fund 25,000,00 25,000.00
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $292,150.00 $ 336,923.77
Copies of this proposed budget are available in the office of the City Clerk,
5811 N. W. 88th Avenue between 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
Pursuant to Chapter 80405 of Florida [aW; 3eriafe IM, I R& U,,8
if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
., 6arihi he-VR nec 'r�card t#,� ptbz�'editt�t ettd�for such Mar' yn Be thol
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record indudee City Clerk
esiimony and evidence upon which -the appeafis to be based.
Broward Section of - Thursday, August 26, 1982
Miami Herald - Friday, September 3, 1982
Braward Neighbors Sunday - August 28, 1982
North Zone Friday - September 9, 1982
SEPTEMBER 10, 1982
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Public Hearing to order on Friday,
September 10, 1982, at 10:00 A.M. at the Boulevards Section Clubhouse,
2611 N.W. 53rd Street, Tamarac, Florida.
MEDIATATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Falck called for a Moment of
Silent Mediatation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Falck welcomed everyone present and thanked them all for coming.
PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman David E. Krantz ,
Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manage
Jon M. Henning, City Attorney
Steve Wood, Finance Director
Larry Keating, City Engineer
Norma R. Rayman, Secretary
1. TAMARAC UTILITIES EAST BUDGET - FY 1982 83 - Discussion and possible
action to adopt Tem . Ord. #998, for that portion of the City, and
certain unincorporated areas, east of State Road 7. First Reading
An additional item to be discussed and acted upon, while not as a
formal Public Hearing, is the Rate Structure for the Utilities East.
ADOPTED on 1st Reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #998, by title only.
The City Manager reviewed the Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for
the 1981/82 Budget to the present figures for the 1982/83 Budget.
1981/82 1982/83
TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $292,150.00 $336,923.77
TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $292,150.00 $336,923.77
Mrs. Stuurmans advised that in order to fund the budget for next year,
the Finance Director has reviewed the cost factors that would be
required for this system, and has proposed a rate increase. Mrs.
Stuurmans recommended to Council a rate increase over a two year period.
She asked -the public to follow the proposed increase on the hand out
given them, headed up Rate Schedule Comparison, under Average Consumer
Bimonthly charge comparison. She added that the minimum service
availability charge for water currently is $9.60 for a two month period.
She said the proposal for a two month period is to be increased to $13.90.
She added that the minimum Sewer charge is currently $14.10, they are
recommending it be increased to $15.00. Mrs. Stuurmans stated that the
water consumption charge of $5.10 based on .854 per thousand, will remain
$5.10. She added that the consumption sewer will be going from $6.96
to $8.10, based upon an average consumption of 6,000 gallons in a two
month period of time, which statistics reflect is the average consumption
for this area.
Mayor Falck opened the Public Hearing.
Bernie Campbell, 2705 NW 52nd Place, Tamarac Lakes, asked a question
concerning the revenues coming in. He pointed out the amount of
$63,723.77. He said he would like to know where these funds were coming
-1-- 9/10/82
Steve Wood said that the $63,723.77 was an accumulation of funds
that have been available in the Utilities East System. He added
that what they were doing was using the funds that have been
accumulated to date, to offset the additional cost for the next
two year period.
Mr. Campbell also questioned if Fort Lauderdale has increased the
cost of water for the coming year. Mr. Wood said that under their
Large User Agreement, Fort Lauderdale was charging Tamarac .85� per
thousand gallons, and $1.35 per thousand for sewage.
Mr. Campbell said the appropriated fund balance comes from the
people, where else would it come from. Mr. Wood informed him that
was incorrect. He said it was prior collections, where revenues
exceeded expenditures since the inception of the Utility. These
funds were-now'being brought back into the system to keep the
impact of passing the necessary revenues that would be needed to
operate the system on to the ultimate consumer.
Mr. Campbell said he could not understand how they could say that this
money was not being taken from the consumer. Mr. Wood pointed out that
it had already been taken and was accumulated over the past several
years. He added that rather than increasing the rate to get another
$63,723.77, they are taking money that has already been collected and
bringing it back into the system.
Mr. Campbell pointed out that even though this money is an accumulated
fund, it had to be collected originally from the people. Mr. Wood
added that there were also interest earnings on the accumulated funds.
Mr. Wood explained that the money that is taken in on a bimonthly basis
is invested, and therefore it earns interest. Mr. Wood said that if
the monies did not earn interest, then the consumer would have to pay
it. Mr. Campbell said that was exactly what he was driving at, how
would they get money unless it originated from the people.
Mayor Falck explained that Mr. Wood had already answered Mr. Campbell's
question and there was no need for a debate. Mayor Falck said that the
$63,723.77 was already in the budget and therefore they were not asking
the people to pay it.
Mr. Campbell questioned the expenditures as far as the $25,000.00 that
was being transferred to General Reserve Fund, what fund is that actually
going into. Mayor Falck explained that those monies went into the Tamarac
East Utility Fund directly and are only used for that fund. Mr. Campbell
said he did not like the idea that every year monies were out into the
reserve fund. Mayor Falck asked him if a pipe burst and they did not
have this money, what would happen? Mr. Campbell said they could be
assessed at that time as they had when they had to pay for the water
Mayor Falck informed Mr. Campbell that the money was placed in the
General Reserve Fund to help with the expenditures so they could keep
the cost to consumer down. Playor Falck said that the City needs
$336,923.77 to have the water and sewer for the fiscal year and if it
is not there, there will be no water and sewer service.
Mr. Campbell pointed out that there had been many, many increases since
the water meters had been installed and he did not understand why every-
one was allowing this to occur.
Mayor Falck explained that the City of Fort Lauderdale had increased
their rates to the City of Tamarac and therefore the increase had to
be passed along to. the consumer. It was as simple as that.
--2- 9/10/82
Charles L. Ketchy, 2505 N.W. 54th Street, Boulevards said he noticed
that on the average consumption, the average is 6000 gallons. He said
he personally agreed with that, because that was just about what his
bill was. He pointed out that in the sewer service charge, the
minimum service charge per month was up to 8,000 gallons no additional
charge. He added that since the average user was average 6,000 gallons,
why should that figure be 8,000 gallons, why couldn't that be changed
to 6,000 gallons. He said he knew that it had been proposed that the
City would hook up to Fort Lauderdale and therefore they would need the
extra money. Mr. Ketchy said he understood that the idea had been
Mayor Falck informed him that it had not been shelved. His latest
information was that on November 1st, Tamarac goes on line. Mayor
Falck pointed out that all the preliminary work had already
been done. He added that the substation that was built on Commercial
Boulevard had been built exclusively for Tamarac East.
Mayor Falck said that they had to pay the increased charges to Fort
Lauderdale. The past year it had gone up from .35G to .69� for sewage.
He added that they had no choice but to pay it as a new sewage line to
441 was $650,000.00 and they could not afford it. He said they would
connect to Fort Lauderdale and not the County, because it was a lot
less expensive.
Mr. Wood said that the $63,723.77 was part of the monies that were
collected last year to provide for the sewage transition to Fort
Lauderdale. He added that since they did not have to send it last
year, they were able to accumulate retained earnings and that was
what they were dipping into to fund this rate increase for the next
two years.
A gentleman from the audience questioned the minimum bill as far as
the 6000 gallons is concerned when no one was there. Mayor Falck
informed him there was no charge for 6000 gallons when no one was at
home, but a minimum service charge for having the pipes in the ground
and for being able to turn on the water when they did have to use it.
Esther King pointed out that the Mayor had said they should have all
gone to the City of Fort Lauderdale meeting for water and sewer rates
and he had not seen any of them there. She said she thought that
Mayor Falck was there to represent the entire City of Tamarac. Mayor
Falck said that he had asked for help and no one had showed up.
Vice Mayor Massaro added that at any public hearing the amount of people
that showed had a great impact on what they could accomplish. She
said that if the public did not show, they assumed that the Mayor was
only doing a civic obligation and that his people are happy.
Ruth Ball asked if and when the City of Tamarac hooks up with the
County, will the City put in sewerage in the sections that do not have
sewerage now. Mayor Falck said he was sure that will be taken up at
that time. He was well aware of the problem and they will be taking
that into consideration then, it cannot be done now because there is
no capacity. He added that once the City was hooked up with the City
of Fort Lauderdale, it will be done.
Mayor Falck closed the Public Hearing.
V/M Massaro said that they had before them a budget that must be met,
there was absolutely no question about it and the money has to be
available. V/M Massaro MOVED that the budget as presented be APPROVED
on first reading. C/M Krantz SECONDED.
-3- 9/10/82
C/M Kravitz asked what the reserve amount in the Appropriated Fund
Balance was as it was not mentioned in the budget, only the amount
that would be taken out for the coming year. Mr. Wood informed him
that the balance was $108,000.00. C/M Kravitz pointed out that if
there was $108,000.00 and assuming they would be using.$63,000.00 of
that for the current period, there would be a balance of $45,000.00.
He questioned if it would be feasible or probable that the City could
increase our income through this acccumulated balance by the $45,000.00
and therefore not need as much increase and still meet all the expenses
or do they feel that there is a need for the $45,000.00 in the reserve.
Mr. Wood informed C/M Kravitz that the plan was to wipe out the reserve
over the,.next two year period. He added that if it was all used this
year, then next year there would be an extremely large rate increase.
C/M Kravitz added that he felt there was quite a squeeze on the senior
citizens at this time and if they could and,he was speaking for the
entire Council, help the residents, they would like to do so. He
added that if it were possible, he would like to use up the balance of
that reserve now, and if there is a need again in two years, at that
time, increase it to accumulate a new reserve. He said he would like
to see a cutting of the rate by using that $45,000.00.
V/M Massaro said it sounded pretty, but it would not next year when the
people would be hit with an increase that would be hurting them even
more. She added that the past year the City has been able to get a
good return on whatever money was in the bank. She said that would not
be happening now as the interest rates were going down daily, and they
should as that will help the entire economy. V/11 Massaro said they had
to take into consideration that the City will be losing that income to
help increase the fund balance. She added that this has been taken.
into consideration by the Finance Director to split that money so that
this year and next year would be equitable and that the City can main-
tain this rate.
C/M Disraelly agreed with V/M Massaro that the rates that were being
established are the rates that will be established over two years
and there is no anticipation of raising them a year from now. He
added that if they used another $45,000.00, there would be no
appropriated fund balance for next year and until they try to reduce
expenses, if they continue the way they have in the past, there will
be another $10,000.00 or $12,000.00 which will give the residents
the offset on the appropriated fund balance that will be needed a year
from now. He added that if the balance was'i.used and the cost reduced
10!� thi: yCar, anu then next year there would be an increase of 25�
or 30�.
V/M Massaro said that although the Public Hearing was closed, there
would be a second reading and a Public Hearing again, if anyone wished
to speak on this.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A.M.
This public document was promulgated at
per copy, to inform the general public
about recent opinions and consideration
of Tamarac.
a cost of $ ,W#<. or
and public officers and
by the City Council of
the City
P,O. BOX 25010
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
Please be advised of a Public Hearing before the City Council on
Friday, September 10, 1982 beginning at 1:30 P.M. in the Council
Chambers at City Hall, 5811 NW 88th Ave., Tamarac, Florida.
The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider and take action
on Temporary Ordinance #999 adopting the Utility Budget FY 1982/83
for that portion of the City and certain unincorporated areas, west
of State Road 7.
The public is invited to attend.
lloil W, nmv,
BUDGET - FY 1982/83
SEPTEMBER 10, 1982
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter W. Falck called the Special Meeting
to order on Friday, September 10, 1982 at 1:30 P.M. in the Council
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman David E. Krantz
ALSO PRESENT: Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager
Jon M. Henning, City Attorney
Steve Wood, Finance Director
Larry Keating, City Engineer
Patricia Marcurio, Secretary
1. Tamarac Utilities West Budget - FY 1982/83 - Discussion and
possible action to adopt Temp. Ord. #999, for that portion of
the City west of State Road 7. First Reading.
Ord. #999 on first reading.
Jon Henning read the Ordinance by title.
The City Manager compared
budgeted for FY 1982/83:
Revenue Fund
Sinking Fund
Bond Service Account
Sinking Fund -Reserve
Renewal and Replacement
General Reserve Fund
the Fund Balances of FY 1981/82 with those
FY 1982/83
FY 1981/82
V/M Massaro questioned why the Sinking Fund -Reserve Account is more
this year than last year and Steve Wood said because the interest
earnings will be higher for the ensuing year than they were in the
prior year. Mr. Wood said the funds that are earned by interest are
then transferred to the Revenue Fund.
The City Manager referred to Steve Wood's memo of August 13, 1982
(See Exhibit A). She said there are;factors at regional levels that
might have a positive effect on this budget which is prepared based
upon the commitments of the Utilities as of July and August of the
current year and represents coverage for the committed personnel
services of the employees of the Utility and the City's obligations
under the Large User Agreement, the 201 Program.
Mayor Falck opened the Public Hearing. Melanie Reynolds asked if the
rates would be Lowered because of the increased income to the Utilities.
The City Manager said the rates are projected to remain the same and
1 - 9/10/82
will not go up. Mrs. Reynolds asked how much the cost of the water
and sewer has gone up since the City has taken over the Utility
and Steve Wood said the initial rate has not changed, when the City
purchased the Utility it adopted a rate Resolution at that time and
the rate for single family and multi family homes has not changed
since then. Mr. Wood said the only rate that has been changed is
the commercial rate and homeowner's Association and"some irrigation
C/M Disraelly said it was his understanding that there would be no
rate increased for five years because there would be surpluses built
up in the first two or three years that would come into play at this
time in the establishing of certain funds and especially in the bond
issue, the five years will expire in October, 1984.
C/M Kravitz asked if the water rates could not be reduced at this time
and Steve Wood said that since the Utility is a consolidated entity,
one must look at the retained earnings of each of the funds of the
Utility. V/M Massaro asked if the work that the Director of the Utility
has requested to have done would come out of these earnings and Steve
Wood said most things of this nature would come out of this General
Reserve Fund.
V/M Massaro asked Steve Wood for the estimated consolidated retained
earnings at the end of this year. Mayor Falck said it would be helpful
if Steve Wood could take that balance and project it to the end of the
five year period to show a consistently diminished amount to
comply with the covenant. V/M Massaro agreed that this update would
be most helpful.
Leo Platz, an Aide to C/M Kravitz, said in reference to what Steve Wood
has said, there must also be considered the factor of depreciation.
Steve Wood said that depreciation as anon -operating expense is not
budgeted. Mr. Platz also questioned with reference to the Sinking
Fund -Bond Service Account, the amount is $1,273,868.00 and the interest
income was only $45,000.00 which he felt seemed rather low. Steve Wood
answered that those funds are Treasury Notes that are due 8/15/90 and
were purchased for $1,261,000 and the face on them is $1,318,000.
Mr. Wood said the $45,000 interest was through the.June Fiscal Agent's
statement and since then there has been July, August and September
and the recognition of that income is not a monthly process. Mr. Wood
said they anticipate that they will collect $135,000 this year and
$154,000 next year based on the interest factor and the discount
purchased on the notes.
V/M Massaro said this should be examined by Mr. Platz with the Finance
Department and if he finds that Mr. Wood's explanations do not meet
what he believes to be correct than he should consult Council with this.
V/M Massaro said she appreciates anyone getting up and giving Council
information but she wants to be sure that it has been checked into.
Mayor Falck asked if Steve Wood would take the actual through July
and project those through August and September between now and the
second reading of the Ordinance. Mr. Wood said he would do this.
Mayor Falck closed the public hearing with no further response and
C/M Disraelly MOVED the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #999 adopting the
Revenue Fund, Sinking Fund -Bond Service Account, Sinking Fund -Reserve
Account, Renewal and Replacement Fund and General Reserve Fund for
the Utilities West on first reading. SECONDED by C/M Krantz.
2 - 9/10/82
The City Manager said that the second reading on this Ordinance will
be heard on September 22 during the course of the regular Council
meeting. The Budget from Tamarac Utilities East will be discussed
during this meeting as well.
Mayor Falck adjourned the meeting at 2:10 F.M.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ b, or $ .A()
per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about
recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
_ 3
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