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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-29 - City Commission Neighborhood Condominum Association Meeting Meeting MinutesVice Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco District 2 Condominium Association Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Vice Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the District 2 Condominium Association meeting on Tuesdaxr, March 29, 2005, at 11:05 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. Present: Vice Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, Community Development Director J. Christopher King, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Vice Mayor Talabisco introduced Administrative Coordinator Marie Abbandando. Present and representing the Condominium Associations: Bernard Tudor, Spyglass Condominium Larry Hecht, Spyglass Condominium Gerald Kaye, Lime Bay Condo., Inc. Phase 1 Ilene Bloom, Tamarac Gardens, Condo. #11 Herbert Boose, Tamarac Gardens, Bldg. #6 Bruce Mindlin, Concord Village Willy Vulpis, Concord Village Joe Schneider, Sands Point Louis DelMonico, Sands Point Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens Jim Costa, Tamarac Gardens Peter Rios, Lime Bay Condominium Mildred Ferst, Tamarac Gardens Connie Kowalchyk, Concord Village #2 Mark Pooler, Woodland Country Club Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco's opened the session and stated: • Today's meeting is the second "think tank" session • District 2 Condominium Association leaders, as well as other community leaders are community patriots • Vice Mayor Talabisco read excerpts from a "Little Blue Book of Big Ideas", a book she obtained while in attendance at a seminar in Savannah, Georgia • It is expected that this meeting will bring together people who care about and whose desire it is to maintain and sustain the community • Vice Mayor Talabisco suggested these meetings be held quarterly • At the first session in September it was decided among those in attendance to split future meetings between Homeowner and Condominium Associations • Vice Mayor Talabisco thanked those present for being the eyes and ears of the Commission District 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Page 1 of 5 At Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talab isco's request, the District 2 attendees introduced themselves. (The attached sign -in sheet is indicative of those in attendance.) Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco made the following comments: • The purpose of today's meeting is to share and exchange ideas • Those in attendance are the community leaders • It is important for the community leaders to use each other as resources • Vice Mayor Talabisco is available seven days a week. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco gave a project update for District 2. • Washington Mutual Plaza • Cheddars Casual Cafe • Main Stay Suites expansion • Woodlands Villas • Cypress Walk • University Landings • Riverwalk • Hampton Hills Vice Mayor Talabisco gave an update on citywide projects • Southgate Linear Park • Veterans Park Improvements • Tamarac Commons • Shather property purchase • Cummings property purchase • Aquatic Center • Public art dedication on May 7th — Tamarac Community Center Vice Mayor Talabisco spoke about the problem of shopping carts left at buildings. The city is aware of this problem and we need to reach out to business owners to get their help; Vice Mayor Talabisco asked those present to go to their associations and talk to the residents. While people who walk to shop have a need to transport their packages home, the shopping carts become an eyesore. Joe Schneider, Sands Point said the property manager of his development gathers the carts and calls the appropriate store to have them picked up. It is a continuous problem, and it is mentioned at association meetings. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens said it appears that this mainly affects those communities in close proximity to supermarkets. Willy Vulpis, Concord Village said there is a gentleman in his development who gathers the carts and calls the store. It is a big problem, and while he has not brought it up in past meetings, he will address it in the future. District 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Page 2 of 5 Vice Mayor Talabisco said the issue is that people need to use the carts and perhaps one central location in the development would be the answer. Willy Vulpis, Concord Village said he doubts that is the solution. The average age of residents of Concord Village is 78 and many have no cars. Some leave the carts in the dumpster room. Irene Bloom, Tamarac Gardens Condo. #11 suggested purchasing two -wheeled carts for residents, and also spoke of utilizing city buses and having the bus driver or a volunteer bring the packages to the individual's apartment. Willy Vulpis, Concord Village responded these people need the security of a four - wheeled cart to walk comfortably. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens added the buses stop at designated bus stops and the people still have to walk to their building, which for many is hard to negotiate. Vice Mayor Talabisco said for those who can not shop unassisted, there is the Para transit. Irene Bloom, Tamarac Gardens Condo. #11 said the Publix in Midway Plaza has some device that prevents the carts from being removed from the parking lot, and suggested perhaps Winn Dixie could install a similar device. Peter Rios, Lime Bay Condominium said it would discourage people from shopping at Winn Dixie. Louis DelMonico, Sands Point spoke of the $2,500 foreclosure Bill. Jim Costa, Tamarac Gardens said he spoke with Representative Porth regarding the proposed Bill. Mr. Costa added, depending on the amount of maintenance fees it could be five years worth of fees before a lien is placed. Mr. Costa suggested looking at perhaps 4-5 months of delinquent fees prior to placing a lien on property. Bruce Mindlin, Concord Village said the Law Firm of Becker and Poliakoff is chartering a plane to take lobbyists to Tallahassee. Mr. Mindlin added he felt the threshold could be lower than $2,500, and suggested collecting maintenance fees quarterly instead of monthly. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens spoke of acceleration clauses. Louis DelMonico, Sands Point explained currently in his development after the second month of delinquency a letter is sent to the owner; since this has been District 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Page 3 of 5 their procedure, the ratio of payment has improved. Hardship cases are brought before the board for consideration. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens said the boards need to be educated. Bernard Tudor, Spyglass Condominium said not being able to start an action prior to 180 days could cause a condominium association to go broke. Joe Schneider, Sands Point added it is important to educate people on liens and foreclosures during the interview process. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens agreed that unit owners are not aware that they will be obligated to pay legal fees. Mr. Ginsberg spoke of board members serving as volunteers without recognition for their efforts on behalf of the unit owners. Jim Costa, Tamarac Gardens said in his association out of 500 people only 20- 30 turn up at the monthly meetings. Peter Rios, Lime Bay Condominium spoke of the rate increase from Comcast and said the deadline for his association to enter into a renewal contract is March 31. Mr. Rios questioned the language in the contract with regard to the City of Tamarac, and Deputy City Manager Cernech explained the City of Tamarac does not determine cable rates; whatever increase is imposed on the general public is also imposed on condominiums. City Attorney Kraft explained the rate increases do not go before the Mayor and City Commission for approval or disapproval. Franchise laws are set by the State and the federal government; since deregulation cities have less and less to do with the fees. Bruce Mindlin, Concord Village said 1-1/2 years ago Concord Village renegotiated their contract with Comcast and extended it for 10 years with a cap of 6% increase per year. Mr. Mindlin suggested others do the same. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens added a recent argument has been put forth that the cable costs should not be included in the maintenance fees as they are not part of the common elements. Larry Hecht, Spyglass and Joe Schneider, Sands Point added that if people do not want cable they still must pay for it. Gerald Kaye, Lime Bay Condo., Inc. Phase 1 added there is a clause in the contract that if a person is legally deaf or blind they do not pay for cable. District 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Page 4 of 5 Bernard Tudor, Spyglass Condominium spoke of debris between McNab and Commercial on 94t", and in front of Glades Golf Course, and added much of the debris is the result of the school children who throw cups and cans on the streets. Vice Mayor Talabisco asked if Mr. Tudor would provide her with the address of the debris laden area(s) after the meeting. Bernard Tudor, Spyglass Condominium spoke of the area on Commercial Boulevard at 94t" Avenue east to Pine Island Road on the south side of the road that belongs to Sunrise, said area is collecting debris. Mr. Tudor said this makes Tamarac look bad and he would like the City of Tamarac to get in touch with the City of Sunrise and work out something to have the area cleaned up. Jerry Ginsberg, Tamarac Gardens spoke of our zip code address, as well as those of other cities, being denoted as Ft. Lauderdale, and said this affects the state return of insurance to the City, may affect the U.S. Government rebate to cities for population, lower automobile insurance rates are precarious if the area in which we live is denoted as Ft. Lauderdale, and homeowners insurance charges are calculated depending upon the zip code. Connie Kowalchyk, Concord Village said her insurance is more expensive because we are listed as Ft. Lauderdale. Bernard Tudor, Spyglass Condominium said our zip code is 33321 and he does not understand how we are listed as Ft. Lauderdale rather than Tamarac. Mr. Ginsberg explained it is because the main post office is in Ft. Lauderdale. Vice Mayor Talabisco said she would look into this. Willy Vulpis, Concord Village spoke of golf balls hitting windows since Colony West was permitted to move one of its tee locations. Additionally, golf balls are landing in one of Concord Village's pools. Vice Mayor Talabisco said it is one of the consequences of living on a golf course, but she would be happy to discuss the matter after this morning's meeting. Vice Mayor Talabisco said this has been a productive meeting and urged everyone with similar problems to keep in touch with each other. Vice Mayor Talabisco said she would like to schedule another meeting about 3-4 months and reminded everyone she is able to be reached either at work or at home. There being no further business, the meeting ended at 12.05 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk District 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Page 5of5 • 11 " � f 0416 31 �J Tel tj --Q -Z, b • n --J to �► � � � '� � 0' ;k r o 4 • C] 11 �'.its O rcw, b s y► !� Cox qc 'S C, J �► , o C q I o O as 04 r D a o 4