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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-20 - City Commission Workshop Meeting AgendaCity of Tamarac Ib25 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Office of the Telephone: (954) 724-1200 • Facsimile (954) 724-1212 City Clerk CITY OF TAMARAC NOTICE OF WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 20, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 881" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, on the following: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER: ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT — MITCHELL CEASAR LOBBYIST: Annual progress report. — Mitchell Ceasar, Lobbyist and Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips. 2. SEPTEMBER 22 2004 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(m). INSURANCE RENEWAL — PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: (TR10533) Renewing Property, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Automobile Physical Damage lines of coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2004 at a cost of $502,546 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. — Human Resources Director Maria Swanson b. Item No. 6(n). AWARDING RFP FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE AND CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION COVERAGE: (TR10534) Awarding RFP 04-27R, Workers' Compensation Insurance, Employer's Liability Insurance and Claims Administration with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2004 at a cost of $459,476 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. — Human Resources Director Maria Swanson September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop Equal Opportunity Employer C. Item No. 60). AMENDING PAY RANGES IN BARGAINING UNIT PAY PLAN: (TR10550) Authorizing a three percent (3%) adjustment to the minimum and a three and one-half percent (3.5%) adjustment to the maximum of the pay ranges in the Bargaining Unit Pay Plan. — Human Resources Director Maria Swanson d. Item No. 6(I). APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE: (TR10551) Appointing five (5) regular members to the Public Art Committee; appointing two (2) alternate members to the Public Art Committee. — Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles and Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips e. Item No. 7. APPOINTING VOTING DELEGATE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES' ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AT THE CONGRESS OF CITIES IN INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA: (TR10552) Appointing as the City of Tamarac's Voting Delegate to the National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana; appointing as the City of Tamarac's Alternate Delegate to the National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana; directing the City Clerk to send a copy of this Resolution to the National League of Cities. —Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips The City Commission may consider such other business as may come before it. All meetings are open to the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting. ti Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 72 hours (3) days in advance. September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 2