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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda (2)CITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 2004 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order on Wednesday, October 13, 2004 at 7:05 P.M. in Chambers, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco. ABSENT: Commissioner Edward C. Portner and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation proclaiming October 23, 2004 as Make a Difference Day. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner accepted. b. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation proclaiming October 11-15, 2004 as "National School Lunch Week". School Board member Stephanie Kraft accepted and thanked the Mayor and City Commission for recognizing school lunch week and for their continued support. Mrs. Kraft said Broward School lunches have been recognized nationally, and there is a committee being formed to examine vending machines, recess and exercise in schools. Mrs. Kraft gave an update on the challenges the School Board must face due to class size reduction and said there will be a 24 classroom addition to Tamarac Elementary, and the School Board is also in the process of looking at land for a new elementary school to relieve the overcrowding in Challenger Elementary. The Site Selection Committee will make a decision within the next few weeks. Mrs. Kraft added that Millennium Middle School will also be getting a 24 room addition the year after next. C. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation proclaiming October 19-23, 2004 as "Florida City Government Week". Public Information Officer Crockett accepted on behalf of Piper High School. d. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation commending James Cruickshank, CEO of University Hospital for his leadership and guidance of University Hospital. James Cruickshank, CEO of University Hospital accepted and thanked the Mayor and City Commission, in particular Mayor Schreiber and Vice Mayor Sultanof for their recognition of University Hospital. Mr. Cruickshank said without the City Commission and the City of Tamarac, University Hospital would not have been able to October 13, 2004 1 do the things it has done to date, and it has been a pleasure working with the City Commission and City of Tamarac. e. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation proclaiming October 2004 as "Fire Prevention Month". Chief Budzinski accepted, thanked the Mayor and City Commission and City of Tamarac, and added fire prevention week has been expanded to include the entire month of October. Chief Budzinski invited the Mayor and City Commission, staff, residents and citizens to attend the Open House on October 23, from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m., at which time there will be an extrication competition. RFPARTR 2. City Commission_ Mayor Schreiber reported that the old library closed in September, and many people who used the library regularly have been unable to get to the new library. To alleviate this situation, the City will implement a new program to transport people to the new library at no charge as long as the rider shows a library card. Mayor Schreiber spoke about flu shots and said in a country as great as the United States it is disgraceful that we are not able to provide flu shots for seniors and people who are in peril of getting sick. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the voting machines and encouraged everyone to get out and vote on November 2"d. For those who wish to vote early they can do so at various locations throughout the county beginning October 18t" through the ensuing two weeks. Vice Mayor Sultanof said Tamarac is still the greatest city in Broward County and encouraged everyone to get out and vote. Vice Mayor Sultanof said voting is a privilege, it is essential and a point of honor, and everyone has a right, as a citizen, to petition government. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco read a note she received from Building Department Permit Clerk, Andrea Esformes, in which Ms. Esformes thanked Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco for making it possible for Tamarac employees to attend the CPR class. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco thanked the Mayor and City Commission for making the program possible and also thanked David Schwartz for the recent article in the newspaper. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Kraft had no report. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller reported that Parks and Recreation was awarded a $7,500 grant through the Broward County Cultural Affairs Department to hold workshops on public art. The Fire Department was awarded a $20,000 grant from FDOT for child vehicle safety seats and education on proper installation and use of the seats. The Tamarac Fire Department will hold its Open House on October 23 from 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. at Station 41, next to City Hall. Assistant Fire Chief Forsberg has announced his retirement in November after 25 years in the Department. City Manager Miller extended congratulations to Chief Forsberg who accepted a position as the Fire Chief in Melbourne, FL, which he will begin on October 13, 2004 2 December 6th. Parks and Recreation reports the lightning protection system for Tamarac Park and the Sports Complex is installed and operating. Notices will be posted at the parks, and there have been meetings with the sports groups. The Teen Council program made the Florida League Innovation Showcase and we are very proud of the Teen Council. Upcoming events from Parks and Recreation are the Senior Program Holiday Harvest Ball at the Tamarac Community Center on October 22 from 2:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m., and Broward County Elderly Services will hold free lectures for the Senior Program. Additionally, for the kiddies, Spook -A -Lot will be held on October 23 from 10:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. and Spook Fest will be held on October 30 from 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. at Tamarac Park. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, brought accolades from the Woodmont Community to James Cruickshank regarding his service as CEO for University Hospital. Mr. Schneider said we are now looking forward to the heart unit for the hospital. Mr. Schneider said the early voting locations were noted in the Tam -A -Gram. Mr. Schneider thanked Public Works Director Strain and the Public Works Department for the outstanding job they did during hurricane season, and added that after Hurricane Andrew in the '90's discussion was held regarding the necessity of underground wiring, but at that time he was told it was too expensive. Mr. Schneider said he would like to see a cost analysis from FPL for hurricane season vs. burying the electric lines. Bob Thomas, 10318 NW 71 Place, thanked the Mayor and City Commission for the prompt service in picking up debris along 715t Place, and agreed with the need for underground wiring. Mr. Thomas asked for speed monitoring along 71 st place at various times during the day. Mayor Schreiber and Vice Mayor Sultanof responded and said the City is on top of the situation and if there is a concern, Mr. Thomas should feel free to contact them. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the September 22, 2004 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. APPROVE the minutes of the September 22, 2004 Special City Commission meeting. APPROVED October 13, 2004 3 C. BID AWARD — PURCHASE OF TWO ADA COMPLIANT MODIFIED MINI VANS: (TR10549) Awarding Bid No. 04-18B to Florida Transportation Systems, Inc., for the purchase of two (2) ADA compliant modified mini vans at a cost of $34,272.00 each, for a total cost not to exceed $68,544.00; approving funding from the appropriate Public Works account; authorizing budgetary transfers as necessary for proper accounting procedures. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-226 d. PURCHASE OF INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR TAMARAC PARK BASEBALL FIELDS: (TR10553) Approving the purchase of installation services for the lighting system for the Tamarac Park baseball fields at a total cost not to exceed $142,300.00, from Florida Electric Contracting Services, Inc., utilizing the Southeast Florida Purchasing Co-operative Group Bid for Security and Sport Lighting Systems, Survey Identification, Preventative Maintenance, Repair & Installation, School Board of Broward County, Florida, Bid No. 24-052R; executing an agreement with Florida Electric Contracting Services, Inc., for installation services for the lighting system for the Tamarac Park baseball fields at a cost not to exceed $142,300.00; approving funding from the appropriate capital improvement account. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-227 e. CONTRACT RENEWAL— QUICKLIME: (TR10558) Executing Amendment #1 to the agreement between the City of Tamarac and Chemical Lime Co. of Alabama, Inc., on behalf of the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative to furnish, deliver and discharge quicklime, providing for a one-year renewal term effective 11/1/2004 through 10/31/2005, amending the price escalation/de-escalation structure and approving an 8% cost per ton increase, from $118.52 per ton to $129.64 per tan. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-228 f. PURCHASE OF NEW COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND LAPTOPS: (TR10563) Approving the purchase of new systems to replace obsolete computer equipment and purchasing new laptops for City Commission members and other City Officials, utilizing State of Florida Contract #250-000-03-1; authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $93,600. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-229 g. PURCHASE OF WATER METERS FROM SUNSTATE METER & SUPPLY COMPANY: (TR10559) Purchasing water meters from Neptune Technology Group, Inc., via their local distributor Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc., utilizing the City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-14-00, entitled "Water Meters" for a maximum annual cost not to exceed $120,000.00 for the purpose of replacing and installing new water meters; approving funding from the appropriate Utilities Operational account. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-230 h. BID AWARD — EMERGENCY GENERATOR FOR STATION 78: (TR10547) Awarding Bid No. 04-23B, "Replacement of Emergency Generator at Fire Station No. 78" and executing an agreement with Construction Quality Control, Inc. to install the replacement emergency generator at Fire Station No. 78 at a total cost not to exceed $76,733. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-231 1 October 13, 2004 4 i. PURCHASE OF MEDICAL AND FIREFIGHTING SUPPLIES: (TR10564) Purchasing medical supplies and firefighting supplies from Broward County Fire Rescue Division Logistics Warehouse during FY05, in an amount not to exceed Ninety -Five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00); executing a liability waiver for the purchases. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-232 j. AGREEMENT — GRANT FUNDING FOR EDUCATIONAL SERIES IN PUBLIC ART: (TR10554) Executing an agreement between the Broward County Board of County Commissioners and the. City of Tamarac, Florida, for grant funding in the amount of $7,600.00 with a City match of $7,600.00 for an Education and Community Development Grant to provide an educational series in public art culminating in a concept for a public art project provided through a partnership with local professional artists in FY2005 at City of Tamarac recreation facilities; amending the annual grants fund budget of estimated revenues and expenditures in the amount of $7,600.00. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-233 k. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — INSPECTION AND PLAN REVIEW SERVICES: (TR10532) Executing the Interlocal Agreement between Broward County and the City of Tamarac for inspection and plan review services to be performed by the Broward County Building Code Services Division in the event there is a staff shortage at a rate of Fifty -One Dollars and Forty -Eight Cents ($51.48) per hour for Building Code Inspector, Fifty -Four Dollars and Fifty -Six Cents ($54.56) per hour for Plans Examiner, Sixty -Six Dollars and Twenty -Eight Cents ($66.28) per hour for Building Official Services. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-234 I. REVISED AGREEMENT WITH ' BROWARD COUNTY — CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CDBG,_ HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP AND SHIP PROGRAMS: (TR10560) Replacing the Agreement authorized via Resolution R-2003-158 and executing an agreement between the City of Tamarac and Broward County to provide consulting services for the administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Programs for a maximum annual rate of fifteen percent (15%) ($77,850.00) of the annual grant allocation and to provide consulting services for the administration of the State of Florida State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program for a maximum annual rate of eight percent (8%) ($34,362.00) of the annual grant allocation beginning upon execution of the Agreement by Broward County and continuing through September 30, 2005 with the provision for two (2) additional one-year renewals (Case No. 18-MI-04). RESOLUTION NO. R2004-235 M. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT— LOCKBOX RENTAL SERVICES: (TR10433) Executing a Remittance Service Agreement to the existing Banking Services Agreement between the City of Tamarac and First Union National Bank (FUNB) d/b/a Wachovia Bank N.A., providing for lockbox rental services for the term of the existing Banking Services Agreement, for an estimated annual cost of $38,948 plus a one-time cost of $6,400. RESOLUTION NO, R2004-236 October 13, 2004 5 n. AGREEMENT - DESIGN OF SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK — TETRA TECH INC.: (TR10457) Awarding LOI #04-15L and executing an agreement with Tetra Tech Inc., for the design of the Southgate Linear Park for an amount not to exceed $145,815.00, plus other direct costs not to exceed $21,670.00, as outlined in the scope of service; approving funding in the amount of $167,485.00 from the appropriate accounts. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-237 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA 7. APPOINTING VOTING DELEGATE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES' ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AT THE CONGRESS OF CITIES IN INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA: (TR10552) Appointing Mayor Joe Schreiber as the City of Tamarac's Voting Delegate to the National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana; directing the City Clerk to send a copy of this Resolution to the National League of Cities. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10552, Revision No. 1 by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2004-238 PUBLIC HEARING 7:00 P.M. OR THEREAFTER ORDINANCE — SECOND READING 8. AMENDING SECTION 14-27 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — "SAME -FIRE LANES AND FIRE ACCESS AREAS": (T02063) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading amending Chapter 14 of the City Code entitled, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic", Article II, "Stopping, Standing and Parking", Section 14-27, "Same -Fire Lanes and Fire Access Areas", increasing the penalty for parking in a fire lane or fire access area; designating the additional fees collected to be dedicated to funding firefighter training and education pursuant to Florida State Statutes §316.008(5)(b); providing for codification. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2063, Revision #3 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco moved approval. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the enforcement of the ordinance and Chief Budzinski said two fire inspectors attended a program and are allowed to issue tickets for specific violations. The traffic enforcement division of BSO will be the primary agency for enforcement. Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, questioned the definition of parking and Vice Mayor Sultanof explained, e.g., one can not leave one's car in a fire lane while conducting business in a bank. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Mayor Schreiber voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 0-2004-28 October 13, 2004 6 END OF PUBLIC HEARING There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m. MARION SWENSON, CIVIC CITY CLERK 1 JOE SCHREIBER, MAYOR October 13, 2004 7