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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-10 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Agenda (3)ON of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Office of the Telephone: (954) 724-1200 • Facsimile (954) 724-1212 City Clerk CITY OF TAMARAC NOTICE OF WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA MONDAY, MAY 10, 2004 There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, on the following: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER: MAY-1 22004 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(h).TASK AUTHORIZATION — NW 70TH AVENUE ROADWAY CALMING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DESIGN: (TR10428) Executing Task Authorization No. 04-16E with Craven Thompson and Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services for the design of the NW 70th Avenue Roadway Calming Improvement Project, in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution #R-2001- 185; authorizing an expenditure for said purpose in an amount not to exceed $44,600.00; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. -- Public Works Director Jack Strain b. Item No. 6(b). VARIANCE FEE REFUND. (TR10443) Approving a variance fee refund in the amount of $1,000.00 to Denise Raymond of 4927 NW 55th Court located in the Mainlands of Tamarac Lakes in the City of Tamarac, Florida (Case No. 2-B-04). — Community Development Director J. Christopher King C. Item No. 10. APPROVING PROJECTS RECOMMENDED FOR INCLUSION IN FIFTH PROGRAM YEAR ANNUAL ACTION PLAN — CDBG: (TR10391) Motion to approve Resolution approving the projects recommended for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Action Plan for expenditure of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds estimated to be $509,000 for the Fifth Program Year (Case No. 9-MI-04). — Community Development Director J. Christopher King May 10, 2004 City Commission Workshop Equol Opportunity Employer h. Item No. 6(f). AGREEMENT — NATIONAL AUCTION COMPANY, INC.: (TR10419) Declaring certain equipment and material as surplus and directing that certain computer equipment be disposed via sale through established internet markets, providing that a public auction be held offering the public the opportunity to inspect all other items available for disposal prior to the auction; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to enter into an agreement with National Auction Co., Inc. to conduct the public auction, and for disposing of any unsold items having no cash value, utilizing Broward County Bid #J-1 03 007 B1 for auctioneering services, for a commission rate of 1.625% of the auction proceeds, plus reimbursement of out of pocket expenses for advertising and promotion in an amount not to exceed $3,200, all of which shall be deducted from the gross sales auction proceeds; placing all proceeds into the appropriate fund from which the assets were originally purchased. TABLED AT THE APRIL 28, 2004 CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO MAY 12, 2004 AT OR AFTER 7:00 P.M. — Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz 2. DISCUSSION RE: AMENDING THE CODE TO PROVIDE FOR ADULT ARCADES IN TAMARAC: Discussion regarding amending the Code to provide for Adult Arcades in Tamarac. — Community Development Director J. Christopher King 3. DISCUSSION RE: PROPER FLAG DISPOSAL AND THE CITY'S FLAG EDUCATION PROGRAM: Discussion regarding proper flag disposal and the City's Flag Education Program. — Commissioner Edward C. Portner and Public Information Officer Lucy Crockett 4. DISCUSSION RE: PLA UES AT VETERAN'S PARK: Discussion regarding plaques at Veteran's Park. — Commissioner Edward C. Portner 5. DISCUSSION RE: DEFIBRILLATORS IN MUNICIPAL PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PARKS: Discussion regarding defibrillators in municipal public buildings and parks. — Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco The City Commission may consider such other business as may come before it. All meetings are open to the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting. !Marion Swenson, CMC - _ -_ -- City Clerk May 10, 2004 City Commission Workshop 3 d. Item No. 6(i). LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT — MPO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR MCNAB ROAD FROM UNIVERSITY DRIVE TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS: (TR10417) Executing a Local Agency Program Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for participation in a Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Program for McNab Road from University Drive to the east City limits to include the installation of landscaping, irrigation and brick pavers within the medians. — Public Works Director Jack Strain e. Item No. 60). LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT — MPO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR NOB HILL ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO WESTWOOD DRIVE: (TR10418) Executing a Local Agency Program Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for participation in a Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Program for Nob Hill Road from Commercial Boulevard to Westwood Drive to include the design and installation of landscaping, irrigation, curbing and brick pavers within the medians. — Public Works Director Jack Strain f. Item 6(e). CHANGE ORDER — SPECIFIED ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS, INC. — TRANSLUCENT PANEL ROOF SYSTEM AT CITY HALL: (TR10445) Executing Change Order Number 1 to the agreement with Specified Architectural Systems, Inc., a sole source distributor, for the addition of work associated with the replacement of the translucent panel roof system at City Hall to include replacement of flashing/coping, repair of two (2) glass windows, and associated duct work; authorizing an expenditure for said purpose not to exceed $23,778.00. — Public Works Director Jack Strain g. Item No. (7). AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — ADDING ARTICLE XI, ENTITLED "PUBLIC ART PROGRAM": (T02046) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading adding Article XI, entitled "Public Art Program" to Chapter 5 of the Tamarac City Code, entitled "Buildings and Building Regulations", providing for the establishment of a Public Art Program, Definitions, establishment of a Public Art Fee and Public Art Fund, projects subject to public art program requirements, establishment of a Public Art Committee, criteria for selection of artist and art, City ownership of art work, public art program guidelines; providing for codification. — Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles May 10, 2004 City Commission Workshop 2 Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 72 hours (3) days in advance. May 10, 2004 City Commission Workshop 4