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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-12 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Agenda (3)City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Office of the Telephone: (954) 724-1200 - Facsimile (954) 724-1212 City Clerk CITY OF TAMARAC NOTICE OF WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2004 There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 12, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, on the following: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER: 1. APRIL 14. 2004 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(f). CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 — PHASE IV-B MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION: (TR10369) Executing Change Order Number 1 to the Seven Year Comprehensive Street Improvement Program Phase IV-B Contract with Vila & Son Landscaping, Inc. for the addition of Greenbriar median beautification, the substitution of dwarf fire bush for dwarf fakahatchee grass throughout the project and the cost of modifying the fittings used with mainline irrigation pipes; authorizing an additional expenditure in an amount not to exceed $101,038.11. — Public Works Director Jack Strain b. Item No. 6(c). TASK AUTHORIZATION -- STORMWATER MASTER PLAN: (TR10370) Executing Task Authorization No. 04-13E with Craven Thompson and Associates, Inc. to develop a Stormwater Master Plan for the City, in accordance with the City's consulting engineering agreement as authorized by Resolution #R-2001-185; authorizing an expenditure for said purpose in an amount not to exceed $238,040.00; authorizing the appropriate city officials to administer the contract. — Public Works Director Jack Strain April 12, 2004 City Commission Workshop 1 Equal Opportunity Employer C. Item No. 6(i). AMENDING THE INVESTMENT POLICY: (TR10381) Revising the Investment Policy of the City of Tamarac to clarify when securities losses to the City are appropriate; authorizing the utilization of certain investment instruments related to bond proceeds and debt service; permitting the City to enter into investment agreements with providers; providing for the addition of the term "Swap" to the glossary; deleting all references to Section 6-26 of City Code of Ordinances. — Finance Director Dona Newman d. Item No. 60). RECIPROCAL USE AGREEMENT — SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY: (TR10398) Executing a Reciprocal Use Agreement between the City of Tamarac and the School Board of Broward County, Florida, to provide reciprocal use of City and School Board facilities. — Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles 2. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT POLICY ON NAMING OF CITY FACILITIES: Discussion of draft policy on Naming of City Facilities. — Community Development Director J. Christopher King 3. DISCUSSION RE: MURALS ON BUILDINGS: Discussion regarding murals on buildings. — Community Development Director J. Christopher King 4. DISCUSSION RE: POTENTIAL LOCATION FOR DOG PARK IN TAMARAC: Discussion regarding potential location for a dog park in Tamarac. — Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles 5. DISCUSSION RE: TERM LIMITS AND DRAFT OF CHARTER AMENDMENT: Discussion regarding Term Limits and draft of Charter Amendment. — Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech 6. DISCUSSION RE: PROPOSAL TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PROPER CARE OF THE AMERICAN FLAG: Discussion regarding proposal to consider an Ordinance requiring proper care of the American flag. — Commissioner Edward C. Portner The City Commission may consider such other business as may come before it. All meetings are open to the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting. Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk April 12, 2004 City Commission Workshop 2 Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 72 hours (3) days in advance. April 12, 2004 City Commission Workshop 3