HomeMy WebLinkAboutLenovo ContractFinancial Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement = Services This Schedule No. 1478882 (the "Schedule") to Master State 8 Local Government Lease Agreement No. 1028812 (the "Master Agreement') contains the terms of your agreement with us. Please read it carefully and ask us any questions you may have. The words you, your and lessee mean you, our customer. The words we, us, our and the lessor, mean Lenwo Financial Services. Pmduct/Equipment Description Quantity Description Product/Equipment Address See Attached Additional Product Addendum 10101 State Street, Tamarac, FL 33321 For additional equipment and accessories, attach addendum. Purchase Option If no box is checked or if both boxes are checked, the Fair Market Value purchase option will apply: ® Fair Market Value ❑ $1.00 Purchase Option ❑ Other Term and Lease Lease Payment $17,255.92 (plus taxes, if applicable) Term (Years)3 Payment Frequency Annual Variable Payment Schedule if applicable: (Attach "Payment Schedule Addendum" if necessary) _ payments @ followed by _ payments @ _ followed by _ payments @ _: followed by _ payments @ _ Payments are due in Advance Documentation Fee: $ (due with first invoice) Additional Provisions: First Annual Payment is due 30 days after Lease Commencement PLEASE NOTE: Certain state and loeal government lessees must sign an additional addendum document. Lessee City of Tamarac Lessee Legal Name Lessee "Doing Business As" Name 7525 NW 88'" Avenue Billing Street Address Tamarac, FL 33321 Billing City, State, Zip Michael C. Cernech, City Manager, 954-597-3515 Billing Contact Name 8 Phone No. Lessee Phone Number (if different from above) TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY SIGNING THIS SCHEDULE BY SIGNING THIS SCHEDULE: (it YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT; (it) YOU AGREE THAT IF A COPY OF THIS SCHEDULE IS SIGNED By YOU AND IS DELIVERED TO US BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION OR OTHERWISE, TO THE EXTENT ANY PROVISIONS ARE MISSING OR ILLEGIBLE OR CHANGED (AND NOT INITIALED BY BOTH YOU AND US), THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT IN USE ON THE DATE WE RECEIVE THE COPY SIGNED BY YOU WILL BE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE, (iii) YOU AGREE THAT THIS SCHEDULE IS A NET LEASE THAT YOU CANNOT TERMINATE OR CANCEL EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN THE MASTER AGREEMENT. YOU HAVE AN UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION TO MAKE ALL PAYMENTS DUE UNDER THIS SCHEDULE, AND YOU CANNOT WITHHOLD, SET OFF OR REDUCE SUCH PAYMENTS FOR ANY REASON; (iv) YOU AGREE THAT YOU WILL USE THE EQUIPMENT ONLY FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES; (v) YOU WARRANT THAT THE PERSON SIGNING THIS LEASE FOR YOU HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO; (vi) YOU CONFIRM THAT YOU DECIDED TO ENTER INTO THIS SCHEDULE RATHER THAN PURCHASE THE EQUIPMENT FOR THE TOTAL CASH PRICE; AND (vii) YOU AGREE THAT THIS LEASE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE WHERE THE EQUIPMENT IS LOCATION. YOU CONSENT 1'0 THE JURISDICTION OF ANY COURT LOCATED WITHIN THAT STATE. BOTH PARTIES EXPRESSLY WAIVE TRIAL BY JURY AS TO ALL ISSUES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS SCHEDULE. Should the above jury trial waiver be found unenforceable, then upon the written request ofany parry, any dispute, including any and all questions of law or fact relating thereto, shall be determined escluuwly by a judicial reference pm,mding in accordance with Cal. Cm Proc. Code § 638 et seq. or the applicable state'. equivalent state I— The parties shall select a retved state or kderal judge as the referee. The referm shall repon a statement ofdxision to the Coup. LESSEE SIGNATURE LESSOR: Lenovo Financial Services 10201 Centurion Parkway N. #100 Ci aM Jacksonville, FL 32256 L al e �✓�Car1GLL� Authonzed Sign re Date Signed 9018 G/'9 1 G 1 i� „� r} Authorized ig el ureC. Dale Signed X Michael C. Cernech =d me Print Signer's Name L./�� eM�. w M M—aer Pnrd Title Print Title 8 RF-Rn1 �7RQRFiO(`-4 ORIGINAL copy 2 of 2 - only Fedeml Tax ID Number copy 1 of 2 Is Considered the original for Chattel Paper pu ose tan ... —100so9mlLls Pag-1 Financial Services Additional Product Addendum to Schedule #1478882 to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement #1028812 This Additional Product Addendum is made a part of the Product Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement ("Lease") identified above by and between City of Tamarac ('Lessee") and Lenovo Financial Services ("Lessor") and adds the below Products thereto. Capitalized terms used by not defined herein will have the same meaning given them in the Lease. Product Description Quantity Product Description Product Address 1 Notebook ThinkPad P71 10101 State St., Tamarac, FL 33321 20 ThinkPad USB 3.0 Pro Dock -US 10101 State St., Tamarac, FL 33321 20 ThinkPad X1 Yoga 2"d Gen 10101 State St., Tamarac, FL 33321 22 ThinkCentre M710a. Intel i7 10101 State St.. Tamarac. FL 33321 This Addendum supplements and amends the Lease only to the extent and in the manner set forth, and in all other respects the Lease will remain in full force and effect. Lessor: Lenovo Financial Services 10201 Centurion Pkwy #100 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Authorized Signature j Print Name t \ L) Print Title w \, MateSigne- L i ur Authorize Signature Michael c. C:ernech city Manager March 28, 2018 Print Signer's Name I Title Date Signed Master Lease Number: 1023812 Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement This Master State & Local Govemmem Lease Agreement W 0] 2881Y (the'Mas er Leasel contains the terms d your agreement with us. Please read it carefully and ask us any questions you may have. The words you, your and laacee mean you, our customer. The warms We, US, our and the lessor, mean Lenovo Financial Services I. LEASE: DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE Yeu:pes b ea4 WaWp—1 flippea�. W forme sin sense numb swabs d—bed a ay aWA W.Wee w 9basaT as icwFa es his Nab lane by relse=, A fW A b wk Ltab lase mane +l Ad arena! his Main ten by mI-- or bog I -Maw teas N.J.fa bN above in We Shcebk eae swidws palemrperdm cab MmblmoWm k paamisd by w plasf W mefn.e dYE61fNa Laae,awlNi W Namatlmlwa441bm al AlA btrMAa SdImM EwlSrhepk A.l tensilea apaenwM sspam W kbm ban his nab late 8m sly spa Tdlaeu6 m W arwnda ronaiRemmn W preiemsdar Mssbl� aro a SUWpa, wpnaobNdw&Wm arol puma lea sly eah repro b na StlralA Tro b seen-d cab Matla Ifs eN w haew ay S<newms Aamwa kips le aedw do d Cash silence. l You ana a m in say padres "manal w puanaeanew RWn a0~1Vap in, wldathe SMkme Nip me WM, S nMelp V. aeon b m caw apab uroer Cm Pane (insist bN non a pa Calpeam Me. pa ma aNpaae b pry (w Me EOMM RR A eMped by Yea a dan nn. W w bmfy, floe be such, kaunlwb W amuses a ee sheep. 9Ym aan-0amee an.Paaesse ca sect yin amaae as bepa inn. Palos Canned Ds yin WAN TO eM MAW Iw Me WWMd Me Repxa b yin When sm see io 4otn le EW'PrML n Is fee it bm rdeob I it is b nary asks caw . Each Sdedn. upon W mperyb cad a sipgd DIMy W Atfpbnw f aepaY, xI nasmdimpaay mein" by w ne wen aasenm b Me dam d meth, rallied b W Stlwub. uses mlb mawuas it aemaoo fah Sas. 16G1 bb Mahe Lae. IN itl LeAa Paynlas(a l/leted b w amicable Safmle) b "a m a afs w All" w Enipwo a dMin he 1s In. Tro mluikg Lane papmb (ass peAf 0 Me shakable SWea)We eCPA a w dayd earn aueeymt mwp br Min scan pro pap ended ii dam sawn) d.evnew b Ni. Ye w awn a W—W maim min inn grown.bwtlwA AmnWa4wmW p4Rbre.p. nap Horn Papmnla alha amour pA'fle towam SAf14bred pas silt 11 sAetlbnw 4W, yw"payaeawb Cn norb ea lwtlua() S%doAleb wp4Aa � pen bfA abpaprml (car nova Was pma.4 e w maemalampw�lewenpAaele Wa E NO WARRANTIES We an tramp the Epq.ml b yin "ASM'. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE DO Not MANUFACTURE THE EQUIPMENT, WE 00 NOT REPRESENT THE MANUFACTURER OR THE SUPPLIER AND YMI HAVE SELECTED INE EQUIPMENT W=R RATED UPON YOUR OWN AAGMEM. WE NAIVE NO WA"W"Ek EMPRESS OR WM. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCKMTARIl11Y OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE. you AGREE THAT REGARDLESS OF CAUSE, WE ARE NOT REPO MMI.E FOR AND YOU WILL NOT MANE ANY OWN AGAMST US FOR Any DAMAGES, WHETHER CONSEWENML, DIRECT, SPECIAL OR NORECT. YOU AGREE TART IIEITNFA WPPIIERMpI ANY SALESPERSON, &;L'j; FOR AGENT O ""Fu" M OIRI AGENT OR ft" ANY AliT110RRY TO SPEAK FOR US OR TO WO MAY. Wa OswbbwbM bin a San Sm" Am am141f sea 1Y W RETURN. Yw may as a V-4.8l W lbed WWWORYm saddens A01w100.1in bsuaaNle W MWn aAmavpewd nPOCAM at W d. SdOAb W wore Re neck Dared EOuipeml NMa4rasm W d ban Is 0 impEnYy njifga b 0.Van b ads b Blatl a fb b W short you nml aINM1T/lea EgIIpINY Wall Mann M aNl imn« sae Me Ewpmtl Can Mama anal be Me — sese, aonlpnE allisal pawEWbome of an dab mug Mebenmsebea. bsis me mad. am&N,ml Iaam wtlb WOO Maine banalbinn pan be tWrapbnaakbeWeaal leans a h wbY."A mdwlnw pbinad. 10.a .Reebbs Epplml's npTlatlaaharp laps cal "Aft golf 4rR a aMdsab bwaedYbnEgspwapred6rq w aMaf W OMIM.b wPMNIYd Egdpnwll a. DATA SECURITY: Seas w el or Ina bass at inamse manic is w tl any lima may mein apses blrmmaft w sets bMfgbe L" Ws wawbtlian a yew aabaakkilapeasa pet is al-K-WA w Mass slymmablm e" a mete EgWMM In spweay ape. any bapmbe Prepa s asARpf b«rNMw yin «arapaea, almawa W Awgpr, want tl ya.rmle met Nib fpNA pmlmmdynssagy arm W nnero a sash ba.rial.ro seta netleyd my dIn.rywrymmiss paamWPnsdudAbWismsIs. hulls I4bwry dl*das aOilW dam nleinnwseaM Yme se Wm en Meent. we Hen OssUq, ntlW, ace Iwbsa a dW sM INbum.daru aba b «man EgIFPaast W. Taw AIMWy afailybasp s.Y«Wamaia tllllwlaeeemlop, kkb,ae ramaW. Air has she Nib seta sad maim aaspmra. min hand. he argamy hUWW Mist MCA Mara. 1TAKESMDFEES. Ymgespaaabbtll alas aromgwm ova pwb.4 Mhm AweplawB Samlua T4 mWpb" bmp. wear sash" a ahr awn aafep In w was a Wnwi; as w Reed. aea as new& NONK Or Nissan by AN MCA. bets*, a awl piaea a ar Way. Yin aim bpar waaa an, a Wwkum a As, abaft Fes a passive bpwm.pie w ErFupaenaaa aw a:l yin Aim b caw waaaem pdpq Tam Nina rapmA Imo caporal «Aroaay a acdaro br W. Wa cal N.awa Nis Aro pssar plaw"b W Mors MMMM roWyym pwaaaabvsaiel ovum nd sae b mastl asp meA Ii14tr paNbb:Irawa, yin am'k w P'eIde (si/or m e b son can .ma area ea Han a *b in f pemmmwrm ipab my and Led �aypWmm d 1 Paaas a o11RrW p—Deaea as abbcaptl a 0.au) w ca�4trors baNind mo Mr." a tamq aaoiWs 49e UOaW Ym cal oaealnp W ores Aa b1INmR/ ors lak 4 assess tr am 4maa. LIS k ANY 6. LOSS OR DAN rmmbbwa Mines, hthe Eq. ua Bled Wdw .,If. Me Ym and roMy as am ass Egepml as we and b and mute. MW b weary caw as N In A W male ant' M6io adekrm a rapleam4a b W Fp,0n1W rYlmorplbmio. aNUlml Nalaaims. eappbampa401mk as a"na peeswEan'A tAce segamyaroamwwpeMbNi. YnaeY I. tb Ega,AW at n rfwrbb saes alb adwnm roars b yin Wen)w wmmW pe EquUmsnN aawloali4 rp w tried EpasalsSow btw, War aimbSCHN&, awl. and seaeN Messina Min w EgvpmsA maid b am spas. a blasria Salmi b ua w poor C.A. aro roe, -apbaksaYamr W tor, berry— 0.1m .1 Rba ir—s ns slew. Yin as PAY ft A calms bee ft In'.leb Awpe. romant ManaaawoWw a away sea4wPi U inn ups W cab pvYa nabs salary m), aiWnp cad scan eewNi, pro yin 1a Man w pnaasb as 4+rBpa9eal dam oebp!bppi"Y. unless w rams man b an wu ante na law requires all fumltial mstkutim w obl i, molyand naafi Inf"smaam Nis[ ask fa (I) N Ym We a legal entih. Yon More, Asked, ant one, inf—aam 1 LESSOR: Lenovo Financial Services 10201 Centurion Parkway N. W100 JaCkSom,gle, FL 32256 x Aulrodied 11garns Pannedit n `, 1 Font Title i Authorized Signatory Ar heals in sad w, yw as smpwaDb b car lee, w4 assess. at a OSONy,tornbinNipsaner arepoO NIboredvaeaaLab 44 Saaaub.Yuuf sy". been a ,CaAPmbBon a 11as leaLin. Feara*W. A d say lent The. AI car sad se %« k Imo [be Fed seam ova n„bM ones. Laseb b am naroWmys aaeenluA a pV cab SArfon ID)ates 0 Y. sciences, ew4. tX SIda qW Wdbb a yin eama4 Spay bmpw apaM w eaa abat nd b, w Eespmw b en le raplepnsslbend mnblp n w be caws: W W rnaPerybnManaap Nita in aaiear :novae. nym ernasl W aw esapurww Papa^psaaaml dp pmfaaApe4 sap l4wwbinudg flxaM Ymne can Ni mVpeu a min a"Mmn d ewA bbmlw a Nemmaalmlwll kb d cal eve w tl awn ima a w Mufl Ass ."ail amied beb a lee orb hpar de ce b A bolt niceness ne s a .Wwd aeagplatlsb Ni,am eN peik pawl caw 70 Oysaa4ea Two of say efWabla mmwmwgarwmw.wm. I Pwron web opens an—.L Wlelnatmasalay0u: WhanymapmanattaunL-WJ f he Identify wu: (1) A You ire an malmam, Ina none, a0aea and am d born We may LESSEE: Citvof Tamarac Ra'a Legal wen UI —Da1p Sonora Ar Name 7525 NW aRp Ayerr e great Address C r_ L x Alelta�rtr 'can snow / Nair e annDg THIN /Oj 9.T5aa Federal Tax ID Lew" Ears", SLGMa eDlan la O1a1M a Pan 1 a r L PURCHASE OFTEN: AUTOMATS RENEWAL. H m WANT au Am and aro is M*IWIV NNIN fy F A SGIED COPY OF THIS MASTER LEM OR A SCAWULE S DELIVERED 70 US BY FACSSAHE WWr Lama a h dmm Sow". 7m ND hm ON *ON ww Nw $T Prth—o. lams)a: (M am TRANSMISSION, R WDLBE&NONGON YOU. WAVES. WE NHL NOT BE BOUNDBY THIS WASTER dMiA6alasry mwNd bmlaa5derb b: Ul AaaWmtlaepabn Alh PnmWNNWNmysIAA LEASE OR A SCHEDULE UNTIL WE ACCEPT R BY IMMIALLY OWN OR BY PNFMASWG THE Sd"bo Mgwtla Opo.pba W—as Rm BrNEub. pa yq AVI-b nWs.(b) mW ral ON EQUIPMENT SUBJECT TO THE APWYABLE SCHEDULE. WNEBEYFR OCCURS RRSF. YOU WNYE PMUNv ors Pa6md lW Rmab 0 mumartmmOyaC�StlrJW OYpa SdWlbbwh6A NOTICE OF OUR ACCEPTANCE AND WAIT¢ YOUR RIIWR 10 RWENE A COPY OF In ACCEPTED arHH v B) ded a btl W. Nma d a a a Palm d M PNWAb r h bk WAM rW Cam d M WSTER LEASE. YOU AGREE THAT, MOMMMAMMIG ANY RULE OF RKNfi TO THE Na1Wt WeYiwwlwmaNbNEpnMb4MsiM MRaOfch `mNlr rwblydtlmdWea, COf1MM.NAWHEMWW TIVALQIPFMEEONGOFMYIWDWRNRESPECT10ll6SWSPFB Wawwa4NbbarF*MWLHRWW6e). Yw PBw Um MFMMNNRMWVdmblbeanadW LEASE, WE MAY PRODUCE A COPY OF THE KOM LEASE TRANSMITTED TO US BY FXENNEE ney RmaMa/ w mAaN1a b M AMIAIBa Prsa,o4 b w aWanp 0 b A WN bma aro A d69 TRANNYISINDU THAT HAS SEEN MANUALLY QWIEO BY US AND SUCH COPY wmLL BE GERM 70 loam.indlallPlmfbmW MPrPamN kAy 4waNwm UywmmaBtl dA Na aMeAIWMCmdh BE THE ORIGINAL OF TIPS MASTER LEASE TO THE EATENT(IF ANY) THAT ANY SCHEDULE 10 THIS W makMMIN lure, Mbk aft Naalyd(b um m b OMIWWoPWm6mapw AgMMA by w MASTER LEASE CONS7RUIES CHATTEL PAPER UNDER THE UNIFORM COIwEROAL CODE, NO idlpwasllaPP✓aa,wWyamWWBnMPNLm SWXM INTEREST IN THE SCHEDULE MAY BE CREATED THROUGH THE TRANSFER AND Toombs& andUWm POSSESINON OF ANY COPY OR COUNTERPART HEREOF EXCEPT THE COPY W Hl OUR (SIGNAL epenr pymdpNriwvrBw ndwbmrMW9paryemrolnw YNn 1pOlp SIGNATURE F YOU DELAER THIS MASTER LEASE TO US BY FACMA TRANS16SDU, YOU Aebs f"dab:HN bmaa BUNab BMTNi a 000-1 Pammawma hSdMd* a bl ACIONIMEDIE TWTWEME RELYING ONYQpRE1RESWITATION THAT THSWSPFR LEASE HAS b*sWdm.0 M abasPWNbq WNAm. a NdmoNAN, rw aide" ft pWW PWab ON BQN OONOEO R NmN IM Rm Lamm No rqa Ub Walw Law, no of pa 18—Ml pamftdNbn —laa bpWWs WNIWim of DoLgmn arA lNRa Ta YaaWINybpbNanaawlA brolprtAAM: adwrhRAacbinNmtlww dNhbm wawealaradN: LANANdhappmbtA IL FAINOfNG I11IFM. Yw mfvouy bdM Wr MwW 6m16tlbaW tllNwPaHmrmrarlW Sde6b.amwv.MSNbNddA WAmaWdryrobwbfrwNne mdAbmnm NromauABwwad h Tam d my W." WN MaymyNNN Dialyow dd mmfw a amidtlaiN afm a re MM bA nwtlatl6wPoratl mdwfpu dttAbwadweNbon,WmmamwNld amiYmabaaNtbdpus WpNafmv w,aB M kwplmYNWby-pNm'ry m!/.uappkmb. PmAids, yW ro6 and mT/ THkm ROWa/ are IFW b w dmw, poWftl a rA WAaa b Ivn6W b am ININauU b low amtl bEelmbW.Y NAdtltl b far pwnp bfaY N rwrtla OanRAyNAfwlWnNgroampW'NMwwnmaapRwbMwadMmindNW. )w PaaaW my MEN rm b Appmpiffi bd1 IN oNA Wpmft a and amww Mlm wemamdmmmWrcmlWAamNyamFnPpPwmm rol'q 1011MapraDivA NrowHbm rwRPMORtlw BY M*q Amw mr Mld pWas d" do WNSafbb OWN"M Nmf N IN Faa Mbtll Vah Pnmm OPWn UO bW M MW wMN, kw"N o MpoL Ym atl waRw ld your odWMw b mm lsm PapIINAI war N, Sdaml r w FdpaeNb robNMrb PAahen wmaW rahu gSNNaMe,wdNmmmWntlb pv med gNMa eAa NBbtlbwpaW Ip be a aea io,W" d mkobb pv coullow Yw Apw WrMF*MgWvaHa:MamaNl Nr mDplea: Wpwa aultltl (4w 1wNel wkel Beb6NaNNiwWb bra. AST" dal, Smfaraiwo" wwmwbAwa v Awl b WNW b M WOW Pbm bpymdiW 9roaw y,RpwmL wAanl Md W.." b w bal M and Re Eq*wd: omNNmb W NaYvaroaabp WRN,kmaap CombmtlahPrmMM ADFgaabW.11 tlplopv,aLpbmam LmWbapNrm Yw aBlpmi0ewd0wmmntllatlmAWaMbmWeLanwp ptl mnr�Piw rWI wwtsdmypndhPNWdY irr Mblel Vwghpk maAtl rays plmarob ww Nunp,ywAwauwMEypmnlodFbNBvanlmlNN pupmw. AW)AabaePAN DOM Now o w Im IM -aPpadrkN a*w pm 6N PN6A Upon 1H HNN7MPROPIb1TNN OF FUNDS. Wedfu8dlM brtlwlndaApAP:baaN huafabayyow pplanld MPNWwOPIiAI pAN,wWYamb wr ilNaMb MlRpmsb pm IN WERE IS F—W body IMftaY aaa W. NW klm WAtl b T� pWA ,(v NyoaN mnmNrN addlmgN'apoANhanaWmblsaaMRfc YahtpalwLk SaNMbalbmbab. TosaNS WPnaa kaafmtO aaaeSeAaarAwl pmrrtl ldyw Am MNAbltliMrbpyanaltlllbp,mNdh (�� I�� by INK iftm b M Eyrym lum pm, Nmmow, maWamk mSYmdbdamwalwmPpAla Am wimmdNAa leaatlmroaa Nomb6 Yw J ww to Epipma ro 'WNP — Ilwybbla IT m (a5. wibn wldaalAA y W "M —" Ad Wa Sdewb NmI amr'ruanmA Yw adroNm mb66tlAe8N wanwd(a)b PTabd wr:tegl: bN6sywhm dhfrtlpeaaabasA lwb bLmAPNlwnbwlNabbb dlndplMya 1FArOQR eN.Eadd M b1aAAP b a AbulCuaN Ub Nub lem m W SAINpuIN m7N1w b M d OV AAIa a6bmw. WA1:p tl b M WNmN d Lam Papal m hm war Wry wm PWP a wY Oft Pft-I alma TO Q* d IN aw aw: w Yw bl bpry asmfea W, Tom MmnaN d M EBl'pmd puNuW b $adw S b aW katl Ad AaR bam aOu oNipfaN umnM Wfb Nwea BdMalmaN Alm �ywrorr pYlam wydywt agwlbbpmbaprmaNa ollNubA ambae. L,m lum lNvanatlpn. BNbMEquip tlaM wl 4 anY apik(cjj tN—.�wydsw sm0Tkb Smkm lS—A- b d.* wodkM ym bbniWW ON - bwb ft aIHMAIm m NNA 11ilrB maGNNr b RI aa/a abw Awe mlrtl 1wdR B) Yw bAaro kAdml Wb q dAv IgipmU a sNrlm a b tloak Mlm arNBP a :aadN b Wd smen6as b saw a®bN,/wtltipfowmabb ManNMdlWmdt,puAAl,yNabradmnNe afpom tltla rPPYaLmbaNm MEpbrmabblNtlea Am06b tl d W mob a A. amr *kW. y a'hoAMM aN bmaNU WwSN@s6s 17. ALRHOOIYANDAUWCWATON. YMMFM (gimlia famPgo)YmmaSNba AimA6rga(dN,mWmnWlbraranaMm76 yTTW mar bbrdWLmeabw/bm.mNyw mNar fmmiombmawlNwrmnvm bytaOaM am: Nl rw luN hOwa Wdaamgb I'm EMEDEs bbi ,w mM,NbaN sAb bbMM10b LNW wl SUAaatl(Qb's AIYrlam aro Ny SareAk INUNIm WYN NNIIAresa. 1Maer , dOe lem erob �b�a, aeywmeamNd Mkmwiq:(ymmyeawta wmibbM tlmsw aW awwaf y)w am mwMamavaw, bBN Nr bMgUNIaNVAl wbemiapkasw in wya tl 6dWauh aro N,a tlaWa apmmbeb hl rororowba0 imaiBi Yw a NrolWww Rib b bAlm OO ro kdb W.A -.0 or Wwldmg al. ,MEaN b NR.iAa ton wY aObwa, dbdawT;(b)Wp)adb SvANI IB,mAlry rapmapubumN6WYPvs w,mmApNAlon TAlvrawAd wNay rib mpdb N:IAwb lamoSNNamA la)hwYmp nb NaWbnmaed b bmdaur Napbarom maRaroy.asumbyrMb(yM ptlNlwUAdtlaMeialYtlPeyspyb INAMaNv lsmmSdealN wlrolrbbbadjrplw{waAr.bvaNpubCwaPplitllabpv nr®II M renWbaar d h Ara pbA h AmtoN Mw d W vYopma'nNdal rd n M Proavb BVA b ha.6Aaarr, dos ..�.a a.vr., a.�....r...�..�..e A_�_.__ �_.. SELL. TRANSFER OR SUBLEASE THE EOUVMW OR R ANY SCHEDULE WITHOUT OUR PRIOR WWYER BE UNREASONABLY WTIMW WAIN US ACTING DNA NW,Whd W*" Wu NW, m:p. a Mbb BN mab ronwa, b pomi w,mbNYvpN. loan EWNIIa SLGlM@ AlmiswoUU *w P4fa7 Financial Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement Services Addendum (Florida) CUSTOMER I Lessee Name I Master Lease # INFORMATION City of Tamamc 1028812 Billing Street Address/City/State/Zip 7525 NW 88" Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321 Schedule to Master Lease #1478882 This Addendum supplements the provisions of the State & Local Government Lease Agreement or the Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement identified by the Lease Number and Schedule to Master Lease Number specified above (collectively the "Lease"). You and we make this Addendum an integral part of the Lease. Capitalized terns used in this Addendum that are not defined will have the meanings specified in the Lease. If there is any conflict between the Lease and this Addendum, then this Addendum will control and prevail. I. Funding Intent. You reasonably believe that funds can be obtained sufficient to make all Lease Payments and other payments during the team of this Lease. You agree that your chief executive or administrative officer (or your administrative office that has the responsibility of preparing the budget submitted to your governing body, as applicable) will provide for funding for such payments in your annual budget request submitted to your governing body. If your governing body chooses not to appropriate funds for such payments, you agree that your governing body will evidence such non -appropriation by omitting funds for such payments due during the applicable fiscal period from the budget that it adopts. You and we agree that your obligation to make Lease Payments under this Lease will be your current expense and will not be interpreted to be a debt in violation of applicable law or constitutional limitations or requirements. If a Default occurs, any judgment obtained against you will be enforceable solely against revenues allocated by your governing body for such purpose. Nothing contained in this Lease will be interpreted as a pledge of your general tax revenues, funds or moneys. Regardless of any other provisions of this Lease, no ad valorem taxes are pledged to the payment of any amount due under this Lease. Also, all amounts due under this Lease will be paid only from funds arising from sources other than ad valorem taxation unless one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) you are a county and the term of this Lease is sixty (60) months or less; (ii) you are a school district and the tern of this Lease is twelve (12) months or less; or (iii) you are a municipality and if you are a home rule city, your charter does not prohibit the payment of amounts due under this Lease from ad valorem taxation revenues. This Section I replaces Section 15 of this Lease entitled "Funding Intent'. 2. Non -appropriation of Funds. If (a) sufficient funds are not appropriated and budgeted by your governing body in any fiscal period for Lease Payments or other payments due under this Lease, and (b) you have exhausted all funds legally available for such payments, then you will give us written notice and this Lease will terminate as of the last day of your fiscal period for which funds for Lease Payments are available. Such termination is without any expense or penalty, except for the portions of the Lease Payments and those expenses associated with your return of the Equipment in accordance with Section 2 of this Lease for which funds have been budgeted and appropriated or are otherwise legally available. Upon such termination, all of your rights and interests in the Equipment will vest in us. This Section 3 replaces Section 16 of this Lease entitled "Non -appropriation of Funds". 3. Choice of Law. Regardless of any conflicting provisions in this Lease, THIS LEASE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. es ara Lessor: Lenovo Financial Services Authorized Signa ure Auth d arum I Mirhawl r CprnecCity Managor ,/ R 6_A l t-e' Print Name & Title P ' t Na-1me,& Title March 28, 2018 `W4 Vt.1�„� A Date Date l4I (t I Ig Financial Services ADDENDUM TO MASTER STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEASE AGREEMENT #1028812 AND ALL SCHEDULES TO MASTER STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT This Addendum forms and is made a part of that certain Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement and Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement ("Agreement') between Lenovo Financial Services and City of Tamarac ("Lessee") referenced above. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein will have the same meaning given to them in the Agreement. Both parties agree that the Agreement is revised as follows: Within regards to Section(s): 7.Insurance: • Removing sentence which states: You will provide and maintain at your expenses property insurance against the loss, theft or destruction of, or damage to, the Equipment for its full replacement value, naming us as loss payee; and (2) public liability and third party property insurance naming us as an additional insured. • Replacing with: You will provide and maintain at your expenses property insurance against the loss, theft or destruction of, or damage to, the Equipment for its full replacement value, naming us as loss payee. 13. Indemnification: • Adding to section as follows: Nothing herein shall be interpreted as an intent to waive sovereign immunity by either party. 14. Miscellaneous: • Removing sentence which states: YOU WAIVE NOTICE OF OUR ACCEPTANCE AND WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO RECEIVE A COPY OF THE ACCEPTED MASTER LEASE. TERMS AND CONDITIONS • The section is deleted and replaced as follows: BY SIGNING THIS SCHEDULE: (i) YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT; (ii) YOU AGREE THAT IF A COPY OF THIS SCHEDULE IS SIGNED BY YOU AND IS DELIVERED TO US BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION OR OTHERWISE, TO THE EXTENT ANY PROVISIONS ARE MISSING OR ILLEGIBLE OR CHANGED (AND NOT INITIALED BY BOTH YOU AND US), THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT IN USE ON THE DATE WE RECEIVE THE COPY SIGNED BY YOU WILL BE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEDULE, (iii) YOU AGREE THAT THIS SCHEDULE IS A NET LEASE THAT YOU CANNOT TERMINATE OR CANCEL EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN THE MASTER AGREEMENT, YOU HAVE AN UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION TO MAKE ALL PAYMENTS DUE UNDER THIS SCHEDULE, AND YOU CANNOT WITHHOLD, SET OFF OR REDUCE SUCH PAYMENTS FOR ANY REASON; (iv) YOU AGREE THAT YOU WILL USE THE EQUIPMENT ONLY FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES; (v) YOU WARRANT THAT THE PERSON SIGNING THIS LEASE FOR YOU HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO; (vi) YOU CONFIRM THAT YOU DECIDED TO ENTER INTO THIS SCHEDULE RATHER THAN PURCHASE THE EQUIPMENT FOR THE TOTAL CASH PRICE; AND (vii) YOU AGREE THAT THIS LEASE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE WHERE THE EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED. YOU CONSENT TO THE JURISDICTION OF COURTS LOCATED IN BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. BOTH PARTIES EXPRESSLY WAIVE TRIAL BY JURY AS TO ALL ISSUES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS SCHEDULE. Should the above jury trial waiver be found unenforceable, then, upon the written request of any party, any dispute, including any and all questions of law or fact relating thereto, shall be determined exclusively by a judicial reference proceeding in accordance with the applicable state's equivalent state law. Page 1 of2 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. The changes contained in this Addendum shall apply to only the Agreement to which it is incorporated and is not a precedent for future lease transactions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Addendum to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement #1028812 and all Schedules to Master State & Local Government on March 28th_ 2018 , Lenovo Financial Services By: NA C1-G) r_ -t a Title: !'�u'i LAAA. rJ Jam ' ulJ Page 2 of 2 CRY ar Title: rity mannppr CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATIONS (State and Local Government Master Lease Agreement) I, MirhaPl C r:PrnPrh do hereby certify that I am the duly elected or appointed and acting City Manager of City of Tamarac ("Lessee"); that I have custody of the financial records and budget information of such entity; that monies for all lease payments to be made under that certain State and Local Government Lease Agreement #N/A or that certain Master State and Local Government Master Agreement #1028812 and, Schedule Number(s) 1478882, between Lessee and Lenovo Financial Services as lessor ("Agreement"), for the fiscal year ending October 2018 , are available from unexhausted and unencumbered appropriations and/or funds within Lessee's budget for such fiscal year; and that appropriations and/or funds have been designated for the payment of those lease payments that may come due under the Agreement in such fiscal year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have duly executed this Certificate of Appropriations this 28th day of March, 2018 _ IRA-= I�!�R Michael C Cernech City Manager Print Name & Title The undersigned official of Lessee hereby certifies that the signature set forth above is the true and authentic signature of the individual identified above and that such individual holds the title set forth above. •LAMA q •.,'9�''�: A, : • Signature \ c'i SPBt �SHEO . p co ES 1953 O- 21r,1/� 1,(:Ll�' it �., C�,� D . Print fame & Title Off'•. S�Pt' 4�; "No COVMc 1``\ \ CERTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL USE RE: Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement #1478882, dated ua.,.n25 2018 (each individually, hereinafter the "Agreement') by and between Lenovo Financial Services ("Lessor") and City of Tamarac ("Lessee") Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter confirms and affirms that the Equipment described in the Agreement identified above is/are essential to the function of the undersigned or to the service we provide to our citizens. Further, we have an immediate need for, and expect to make immediate use of, substantially all such Equipment, which need is not temporary or expected to diminish in the foreseeable future. Such Equipment will be used by us only for the purpose of performing one or more of our governmental or proprietary functions consistent with the permissible scope of our authority. Specifically, such Equipment was selected by us to be used as follows (please include any specific department that may be its primary user): Is the Equipment additional or new technology to the department, or does it constitute a continuation of your existing technology? r nn a+ Our source of funds for payments due under the Agreement for the current fiscal year is FY18 We expect and anticipate adequate funds to be available for all future payments of rent due after the current fiscal year for the following reasons: rumm ea' jai of the i eaae M'rhael r r me h r'1yM,naeer (Name and Title - printed or typed) Date: March 28, 2018 Financial Services DELIVERY & ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE By signing this Certificate, you, the Lessee identified below, agree: A) That all products described in the State & Local Government Lease Agreement or the Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement identified below ("Equipment") have been delivered, inspected, installed and are unconditionally and irrevocably accepted by you as satisfactory for all purposes of the State & Local Government Lease Agreement or Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement; and B) That we, Lenovo Financial Services, are authorized to purchase the Equipment and start billing you under the State & Local Government Lease Agreement or Schedule to Master State & Local Government Lease Agreement. State & Local Government Lease Agreement or Schedule No. 1478882 Customer Name: City of Tamarac Date