HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-108Temp. Reso #10728 May 31, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-05 10.9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA APPROVING THE RENTAL OF UNIFORMS FROM UNIFIRST CORPORATION, UTILIZING THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP BID #F-3939-05-RD FOR A TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $45,000 ANNUALLY, APPROVING FUNDING FROM THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City of Tamarac must provide all designated personnel with uniforms as stipulated in the Federation of Public Employees Contract, Article 30.1 a; and WHEREAS, The Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative, through the City of Hollywood has solicited Bid #F-3939-05-RD, a copy of said bid is attached hereto as Exhibit "1 ": and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is a member of the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative; and WHEREAS, as a result of this bid solicitation, the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative through the City of Hollywood, awarded Bid #F-3939-05-RD to Unifirst, Inc. for an initial two (2) year period with an option to renew for two (2) additional two (2) year periods, a copy of said bid solicitation and the Resolution / Notice of Intent to Award are attached hereto as Exhibit "2" and Exhibit "3" respectively; and Temp. Reso #10728 May 31, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, City Code §6-154 allows the Purchasing/Contracts Manager the authority to join with other units of government in cooperative purchasing when the best interest of the City would be served; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Directorof Parks & Recreation, Director of Public Works, Director of Utilities and Purchasing/Contracts Manager that the rental of uniforms be awarded to Unifirst, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $45,000 annually for a period to coincide with the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group Bid #F-3939-05-RD; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to rent uniforms from Unifirst Inc.; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to rent uniforms from Unifirst, Inc. for a period to coincide with the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group Bid #F-3939-05-RD. SECTION 3: Funding is available for the rental of uniforms from the appropriate account at a total cost not to exceed $45,000 annually. �I J Temp. Reso #10728 May 31, 2005 Page 3 SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ?^d day of June, 2005. ATTEST: �114� MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. SAMUIL S. O EN INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY �-. !�JE SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER Av(P DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS TR 10118 EXHIBIT "1" SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE TO OUR PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS: The attached Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal represents a cooperative procurement for the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative. For the past several years, approximately twenty-six (26) government entities have participated in Cooperative Purchasing in Southeast Florida. The Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative was formed in an effort to provide cost savings and cost avoidances to all entities by utilizing the buying power of combined requirements for common, basic items. The Government Agencies participating in this particular procurement and their respective delivery locations are listed in the attached document. Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative Procurement O erational Procedures: • All questions concerning this procurement should be addressed to the issuing agency, hereinafter referred to as the "lead agency". All responses are to be returned in accordance with the instructions contained in the attached document. Any difficulty with participating agencies referenced in this award must be brought to the attention of the lead agency. • Each participating governmental entity will be responsible for awarding the contract, issuing its own purchase orders, and for order placement. Each entity will require separate billings, be responsible for payment to the Contractor(s) awarded this contract, and issue its own tax exemption certificates as required by the Contractor. • The Contract/purchase order terms of each entity will prevail for the individual participating entity. Invoicing instructions, delivery locations and insurance requirements will be in accordance with the respective agency requirements. • Any reference in the documents to a single entity or location will, in fact, be understood as referring to all participating entities referenced in the documents and cover letter unless specifically noted otherwise. • The awarded Contractor(s) shall be responsible for advising the lead agency of those participants who fail to place orders as a result of this award during the contract period. • The Contractor(s) shall furnish the Lead Agency a detailed Summary of Sales semi-annually during the contract period. Sales Summary shall include contract number(s), contractor's name, the total of each commodity sold during the reporting period and the total dollar amount of purchases by commodity. • Municipalities and other governmental entities which are not members of the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative are strictly prohibited from utilizing an contract or purchase order resulting form this bid award. However, other Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative members may participate in their contract for new usage, during the contract term, or in any contract extension term, if approved by the lead agency. New Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative members may participate in any contract on acceptance and approval by the lead agency. None of the participating governmental entities shall be deemed or construed to be a party to any contract executed by and between any other governmental entity and the Contractor(s) as a result of this procurement action. "WORKING TOGETHER TO REDUCE COSTS" Submit Bids To: City of Hollywood 2600 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, Florida 33020 Office of City Clerk, Room 221 CITY OF HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA INVITATION FOR BID BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bid Title: UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE Bid must be received prior to 3:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 6, 2005, and may not be withdrawn within 90 calendar days Coop Bid No.: F-3939-05-RD after such date and time. Bids received by the date and Commodity/Service Required: work uniform time specified will be opened in Room 303. All Bids supply and service received after the specified date and time will be returned unopened. . Procurement Services Contact: Ralph Dierks Telephone No.: (954) 921.3223 BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE DATE AND THE TIME OF BID OPENING. THE BID SUMMARY SHEET PAGES ON WHICH THE BIDDER ACTUALLY SUBMITS A BID AND ANY PAGES UPON WHICH INFORMATION IS REQUIRED MUST BE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED WITH THE BID. Bidder's Name: Fed. ID No. or SS Number Mailing Address: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Indicate type of organization below., Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ Individual ❑ Other Is the Bidder a City of Hollywood Qualified Local MBE or 5BE? Yes ❑ No ❑ Certifying Agency: Bid Guarantee Is attached in the amount of $ Delivery: Calendar days after receipt of order Reason for No Bid: Payment Terms: CHECK BOX BELOW TO ACKNOWLEDGE THIS BID. The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I certify acceptance of this bid's terms, conditions, specifications, attachments and addenda. Further, by checking the Agree box listed below, pages 2 through 4 are acknowledged and accepted as well as any special instruction sheet(s) if applicable. I am authorized to bind performance of this bid for the above bidder. Agree ❑ Authorized Name Title Date %I F-3939-05-RD CITY OF HOLLYWOOD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Execution of Bid: Bid must contain an original signature of an individual authorized to bind the bidder. Bid must be typed or printed in ink. All corrections made by the bidder to the bid must be initialed by the person signing the bid. All illegible entries, pencil bids or corrections not initialed will not be tabulated. The original bid conditions and specifications cannot be changed or altered in any way. Altered bids will not be considered. 2. No Bid: If not submitting a bid, respond by returning this Bidder Acknowledgment form, marking it "NO BID," no later than the stated bid opening date and hour, and explain the reason in the space provided. Failure to respond without sufficient justification may be cause for removal of the bidder's name from the bid mailing list. 3. Bid Opening: Shall be public, on date, location and time specified on the bid form. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure that his bid is delivered at the proper time and place of opening. Bids which for any reason are not so delivered, will not be considered. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure all numbered pages of the bid, all attachments thereto and all addenda released are received prior to submitting a bid. All bids are subject to the conditions specified herein on the attached bid documents and on any addenda issued thereto. 4. Addenda to Bid: The City of Hollywood reserves the right to amend this bid prior to the bid opening date indicated. Only written addenda will be binding. The City is not bound by any oral representations, clarifications, or changes made in the written specifications by the City's employees, unless such clarifications or changes are provided to bidders in written addendum form. 5. Prices Quoted: Deduct trade discounts and quote fine net prices. Give both unit and extended total. Prices must be stated in units to quantity specified in the bidding specifications. In case of discrepancy in computing the amount of the bid, the unit price quoted will govern and the total will be adjusted accordingly, All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid. (Bidder pays and bears freight charges. Bidder owns goods in transit and files any claims), unless otherwise stated in Special Conditions. Cash discounts for prompt payment will not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation purposes. 6. Withdrawal of Bids: Bidders may request withdrawal of bid submittal prior to the scheduled bid opening time provided the request for withdrawal is submitted to the Director of Procurement Services in writing. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the date of bid opening. 7. Mistakes: Bidders are expected to examine the specifications, delivery schedules, bid prices and extensions, and all instructions pertaining to supplies and services. Failure. to do so will be at bidder's risk. 8. Taxes: The City of Hollywood is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Taxes on direct purchases of tangible personal property. This exemption does not apply to purchases of tangible personal property made by contractors who use the tangible personal property in the performance of contracts for the City of Hollywood. Contractors doing business with the City shall not be exempted from paying sales tax to their suppliers for materials to fulfill contractual obligations with the City nor shall any contractor be authorized to use the City's tax exemption number in securing such materials. 9. Delivery: Unless actual date of delivery is specified (or if specified delivery can not be met) show number of days required to make delivery after receipt of purchase order in space provided. Delivery time may become a basis for making an award. Delivery shall be within the normal working hours of the user, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, unless otherwise specified and incorporated into contract document. Delivery shall be to the location specified in the bid specifications. 10. Conditions and Packaging: Unless otherwise stated in the special instructions to bidders or the bid sheets, or specifically ordered from an accepted price list, deliveries must consist only of new and unused goods and shall be the current standard production model available at the time of the bid. The goods must be suitably packaged for shipment by common carrier. Each container or multiple units or items otherwise packaged shall bear a label, imprint, stencil or other legible markings stating name of manufacturer or supplier, purchase order number and any other markings required by specifications, or other acceptable means of identifying vendor and purchase order number. 11. Inspection, Acceptance & Title: Inspection and acceptance will be at destination unless otherwise provided. Title to or risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder until acceptance by the buyer, unless loss or damage results from negligence by the buyer. If the materials or services supplied to the City are found to be defective or not conforming specifications, the City reserves the right to cancel the order upon written notice to the seller and return product at bidder's expense. 12. Safety Standards. All manufactured items and fabricated assemblies shall comply with applicable requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Act and any standards thereunder. 13. Open -End Contract: No guarantee is expressed or implied as to the total quantity of commodities/services to be purchased under any open end contract. Estimated quantities will be used for bid comparison purposes only. The City of Hollywood reserves the right to: issue purchase orders as and when required, or issue a blanket purchase order for individual agencies and release partial quantities. No delivery shall become due or be acceptable without a written order by the City, unless otherwise provided in the contract. Such order will contain the quantity, time of delivery and other pertinent data. However, on items urgently required, the seller may be given telephone notice, to be confirmed by an order in writing. 14. Contract Period „(Open -End Contract): The Initial contract period shall start with the expiration date of the previous contract or date of award, whichever is latest, and shall terminate one (1) year from that date, unless otherwise stated within the specifications. The contractor will complete delivery, and the City will receive delivery on any orders mailed to the contractor prior to the date of expiration. The Director of Procurement Services may renew this contract subject to vendor acceptance, satisfactory performance and determination that renewal will be in the best interest of the City. Notification of Intent to Renew 3 F-3939-05-RD will be mailed sixty (60) to one -hundred fifty (150) calendar days in advance of expiration date of this contract. All prices, terms and conditions shall remain firm for the initial period of the contract and for any renewal period unless subject to price adjustment specified as a "special condition" hereto.ln the event services are scheduled to end because of the expiration of this contract, the Contractor shall continue the service upon the request of the Director of Procurement Services. The extension period shall not extend for more than ninety (90) days beyond the expiration date of the existing contract. The Contractor shall be compensated for the service at the rate in effect when this extension clause is invoked by the City. 15. Fixed Contract Quantities: Purchase order(s) for full quantities will be issued to successful bidder(s) after notification of award and receipt of all required documents. Fixed contract quantities up to twenty (20) percent of the originally specified quantities may be ordered prior to the expiration of one (1) year after the date of award, provided the contractor agrees to furnish such quantities at the same prices, terms and conditions. 16. Payment A. Payment from City to Contractor: Payment will be made by the City after commodities/services have been received, accepted and properly invoiced as indicated in contract and/or order. Invoices must bear the purchase order number. B. Payment from Contractor to Subcontractor and Materials Supplier: When a contractor receives from the City of Hollywood any payment for contractual services, commodities, materials, supplies, or construction contracts, the contractor shall pay such moneys received to each Subcontractor and Material Supplier in proportion to the percentage of work completed by each Subcontractor and Material Supplier at the time of receipt. If the contractor receives less than full payment, then the contractor shall be required to disburse only the funds received on a pro rata basis with the Subcontractors and Material Suppliers, each receiving a prorated portion based on the amount due on the payment. If the contractor without reasonable cause fails to make payments required by this section to Subcontractors and Material Suppliers within fifteen (15) working days after the receipt by the contractor of full or partial payment, the contractor shall pay to the Subcontractors and Material Suppliers a penalty in the amount of one percent (1%) of the amount due, per month, from the expiration of the period allowed herein for payment. Such penalty shall be in addition to actual payments owed. Retainage is also subject to the prompt payment requirement and must be returned to the Subcontractor or Material Supplier whose work has been completed, even if the prime contract has not been completed. The Contractor shall include the above obligation in each subcontract it signs with a Subcontractor or Material Suppler, 17. Manufacturer's Name and AP -proved Equivalents:_ Manufacturer's names, trade names, brand names, information and/or catalog number listed in a specification are for information and establishment of quality level desired and are not intended to limit competition. The bidder may offer any brand which meets or exceeds the specifications for any item(s). If bids are based on equivalent products, indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and catalog number. Bidder shall submit with his bid complete descriptive literature and/or specifications. The bidder should also explain in detail the reason(s) why and submit proof that the proposed equivalent will meet the specifications and not be considered an exception thereto. The City of Hollywood reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal and acceptable. Bids which do not comply with these requirements are subject to rejection. If Bidder fails to name a substitute it will be assumed that he is bidding on goods identical to bid standard, and he will be required to furnish such goods. 18. Variations to Specifications: Bidder must indicate any variance to our specifications, terms and/or conditions, no matter how slight. If variations are not stated in the Bid, it will be assumed that the product or service fully complies with our specifications, terms and/or conditions. The City will not interpret variances based on any attached sales or manufacturer's literature unless otherwise specified herein by the City. 19. Interpretations: Any questions concerning conditions and specifications shall be directed in writing to the Procurement Division. No interpretation(s) shall be considered binding unless provided to all Bidders in writing by the Director of the Procurement Services. 20. Awards: If a specific basis of award is not established In the invitation for Bid, the award shall be to the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid meeting the written specifications. As the best interest of the City may require, the right is reserved to make award(s) by individual commodities/services, group of commodities/services, all or none or any combination thereof. When a group is specified, all items within the group must be bid. A bidder desiring to bid "No Charge" on an item in a group must so indicate, otherwise the bid for the group will be construed as incomplete and may be rejected. However, if bidders do not bid all items within a group, the City reserves the right to award on an Item by item basis. When a group bid is indicated for variable quantities and the bid for the group shows evidence of unbalanced bid prices, such bid may be rejected. The Director of Procurement Services, or the City Commission, whichever is applicable, reserves the right to waive technicalities and irregularities and to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid. 21. Warranty: The bidder should specify any warranty applicable to the items bid, and attach any applicable warranty form. 22. Samples: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished by bidder free of charge to the City. Each individual sample must be labeled with bidder's name, manufacturer's brand name and be delivered by him within ten (10) calendar days of the bid opening unless the schedule indicates a different time or unless submission is required before the bid opening. If samples are required subsequent to the bid opening, they should be delivered within ten (10) calendar days of the request. The City will not be responsible for returning samples. 23. Patents and Royalties: The bidder, without exception, shall indemnity and save harmless the City and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the City. If the bidder uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent or copyright, it Is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work. 4 F-3939-05-RD 24. Assignment: Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this bid without the prior written consent of the Director of Procurement Services. Any award issued pursuant to this bid invitation and the monies which may become due hereunder are not assignable except with the prior written approval of the Director of Procurement Services. 25, Indemnification: The Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Hollywood, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, damages liability, judgements or causes of action including costs, expenses and attorneys fees incurred as a result of any error, omission or negligent act by the Contractor its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors or assignees arising out of this bid. 26. Equal Employment Opportunity: No Contractor shall discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or National origin, or physical or mental handicap if qualified. Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or National origin, or physical or mental handicap. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this nondiscrimination clause. 27. Minority Business Enterprise and Local Small Business Enterprise Partici ation: The City of Hollywood is strongly committed to ensuring the maximum participation of qualified local minority business and qualified local small business enterprises (MBEs/SBEs) as defined in the City of Hollywood's Local MBE/SBE Program on City projects as contractors and subcontractors for the procurement of goods and services. Notification is hereby given that qualified local minority business and qualified local small business enterprises are encouraged to participate in the City of Hollywood's Local Minority Business Enterprise and Local Small Business Enterprise Program by submitting a bid/proposal package for this project. Local Minority Business Enterprise and Local Small Business Enterprise Program information and application can be obtained by visiting www.hollvwoodfl.org/minority-small-business-enterprise/. Bidders/Proposers are hereby notified that qualified local minority business enterprises and qualified local small business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform such contracts and subcontracts and provide material supplies for such contracts and subcontracts in accordance with the City's Local Minority Business Enterprise and Local Small Business Enterprise Program. Bidders/Proposers should complete the "Tabulation of Subcontractors and Material Suppliers" farm (Exhibit A) listing all subcontractors and materials suppliers, including qualified local minority business enterprise and qualified local small business enterprise subcontractor and material suppliers that will participate on this project. Enforcement of Program Any individual or entity that engages in fraud, misrepresentation, or other wrongful conduct, whether by act or omission, related to its participation in, or eligibility to participate in the City of Hollywood's qualified local MBE/SBE obligations under a city contract, shall be in violation of the Program. This determination shall be solely at the discretion of the City. Violators of the City's Local Minority Business Enterprise and Local Small Business Enterprise Program may be subject to, on an individual and/or entity basis, debarment or suspension from participating in the City's contracts in accordance with the City of Hollywood's Debarment and Suspension Policy, 28. Local Preference: The City pursuant to its Purchasing Authority shall grant a preference In the amount of five percent (5%) up to $100,000 and two percent (2%) thereafter of the Bid price to vendors whose business location is within Hollywood, Florida. The Vendor shall have the burden of demonstrating that it maintains an office or other site where it operates, conducts, engages in or carries on all or a portion of its business within Hollywood, Florida. 29. ADA Compliance: "Persons with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation to participate in City Programs and/or services may call the Equal Opportunity Manager, Office of Human Resources and Risk Management (954) 921-3218. If an individual is hearing or speech impaired, please call Florida Relay Service 1-800-955-8771. 30, Public Entity Crimes: "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." 31. Protest: Notice of intent to award a contract will be posted for review by interested parties in the Procurement Office or on the City's website at www.hollywood.org no later than five (5) business days after the award of a contract. Any actual or prospective bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the pending award must file a written protest within five (5) business days after the posting date, in accordance with the City of Hollywood's Purchasing Ordinance Section 38.51, or any right to protest is forfeited. 5 F-3939-05-RD 32, Disclosure Statement: Vendor shall disclose below, to the best of his or her knowledge, any City of Hollywood officer or employee, or any relative of any such officer or employee as defined in Section 112.3135, Florida Statutes, who is an officer, partner, director or proprietor of, or has a material interest in the vendor's business or its parent company, any subsidiary, or affiliated company, whether such City official or employee is in a position to influence this procurement or not. Failure of a vendor to disclose any relationship described herein shall be reason for debarment in accordance with the provisions of the City of Hollywood Purchasing Ordinance. Name Relationship In the event the vendor does not indicate any names, the City shall interpret this to mean that no such relationship exists. N. F-3939-05-RD CITY OF HOLLYWOOD "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND SERVICE PROVIDER AGENCY" PROCUREMENT SERVICES DIVISION HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33020 SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP INVITATION TO BID This Invitation to Bid represents a Cooperative Bid for the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group for the following commodity. RENTAL OF UNIFORMS OPENING: 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, April 6, 2005 The participating agencies for this bid are: 1. City of Hollywood 3. City of Deerfield Beach 5. City of Tamarac 7. City of Greenacres 9. City of Miami Gardens 11. Broward County 13. City of Coral Springs 2. Town of Davie 4. City of Hallandale Beach 6. City of Pembroke Pines 8. City of Pompano Beach 10. City of Sunrise 12. City of North Miami The Agency responsible for issuing this bid is the City of Hollywood, Division of Procurement Services, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard, Room 303, Hollywood, Florida 33020. All questions concerning this Invitation to Bid should be addressed to the issuing agency, hereinafter referred to as the "lead agency." All responses to the bid are to be returned to: City of Hollywood, City Clerks Office, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard, Room 221, Hollywood, Florida 33020 no later than 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, April 6, 2005, with the Bid number and due date marked plainly on the envelope. Bid award will be made by the City of Hollywood. Each participating agency will execute its own contract with the Contractor(s) in accordance with its respective purchasing policies and procedures. *Each participating governmental entity will be responsible for issuing its own purchase orders, and for order placement. Each agency will require separate billings, be responsible for payment to the vendor awarded this contract, and issue its own tax exemption certificates as required by the Contractor. The Contract/purchase order terms of each entity will prevail for the individual participating entity. Invoicing instructions, delivery locations, and insurance requirements will be in accordance with the respective agency requirements. 7 F-3939-05-RD Any reference in the Bid document to a single entity or location will, in fact, be understood as referring to all participating entities referenced in this Invitation to Bid. The successful Contractor(s) shall be responsible for advising the lead agency, referenced in the award, of those participants who may fail to place orders under this award. Municipalities and other governmental entities which are not members of the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group are strictly prohibited from utilizing any contract or purchase order resulting from this bid award. HOWEVER, OTHER CO-OP MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONTRACT FOR NEW USAGE, DURING THE CONTRACT TERM, OR ON ANY CONTRACT EXTENSION TERM, IF APPROVED BY THE LEAD AGENCY. NEW CO- OP MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN ANY CONTRACT, ON ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL BY THE LEAD AGENCY. (A listing of current Co-op members is attached.) ANY PROBLEM WITH PARTICIPATING AGENCIES REFERENCED IN THIS AWARD WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LEAD AGENCY. THIS INVITATION TO BID IS CONSIDERED AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE BID DOCUMENT, AND ANY RESULTANT AWARD, AND SHALL BE INCLUDED BY REFERENCE INTO ANY CONTRACT. E:? F-3939-05-RD SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING CO-OP MEMBERS Name & Address Contact Phone Fax Boca Raton, City of Carol Thomas 561-393-7876 561-393-7983 201 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Diane Lopresti Boca Raton, FL 33432 Broward Community College-Purch. Dept. Bob Persiano/B. Mitchell 954-761-7485 954-761-7330 225 E. Las Olas Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Broward County Parks & Recreation Marilyn Cahill 954-357-8125 954-357-2849 950 NW 38 Street Oakland Park, FL 33309 Broward County School Board A Denis/C Barker 954-765-6119 954-767-8417 7720 W. Oakland Park Blvd M Alan Sunrise, FL 33351 Broward County Purchasing Dept. Ellie O'Connel, Liz Overton 954-357-6087 954-357-8535 115 S. Andrews Ave., Rm. 212 B McKenny/Yasmin Teja 954-357-6073 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 K Walbridge Broward County Sheriff -Purchasing Susan Kuzenka 954-321-4748 954-765-4006 2601 W. Broward Blvd. Ed Witkowski/R Torres Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Coconut Creek, City of Sheila McGann/Linda Jeethan 954-973-6730 954-973-6794 4800 W. Copans Rd, Coconut Creek, FL 33063 Cooper City, City of Kerri-Anne Hartley 954-434-4300 954-434-5099 PO Box 290910 Cooper City, FL 33329 Coral Springs, City of -Purchasing Angelo Salomone/R. Matias/ 954-344-1103/1100/ 954-344-1198 9551 W. Sample Road G. Dixon/Art Resnik 1101/1104/1186 Coral Springs, FL 33065 Davie, Town of Herb Hyman/Gail Dixon 954-797-1016/1015 954-797-1049 6591 SW 45 St. Davie, FL 33314 Deerfield Beach, City of-Supt. Srvs. Donna Council/Paul Collette 954-480-4380/4418 954-480-4388 210 SW Goolsby Blvd. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Fort Lauderdale, City of -Purchasing Richard Ewell/ 954-761-5138 954-761-5650 1350 W. Broward Blvd. Linda Wilson Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Greenacres, City of - Purchasing Lynda Venne 561-642-2039 561-642-2037 5985 Tenth Avenue North Greenacres, FL 33463-2399 Hallandale Beach, City of -Purchasing Andrea Lues 954-457-1333 954-457-1342 400 S. Federal Highway Hallandale, FL 33009 F-3939-05-RD Name & Address Contact Phone Fax Hollywood, City of -Procurement Macciano Lewis /Janice English 954-921-3290/-3345/ 954-921-3086 2600 Hollywood Blvd., Rm. 303 Windol Green/Ralph Dierks -3552/-3223 Hollywood, FL 33020 Lauderdale Lakes, City of Neil Appel 954-731-1212/2721 954-714-9035 4300 NW 36 Street Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 Lauderhill, City of -Purchasing Ruby Levy 954-730-3044 954-730-3025 2000 City Hall Drive Lauderhill, FL 33313 Margate, City of -Purchasing Pat Greenstein/C. Guzzi 954-972-6464 954-935-5258 5790 Margate Blvd. Spencer Shambray Margate, FL 33063 Miami Gardens, City of — Purchasing Pam Thompson 954-622-8000 305-622-8001 1515 NW 167th St. Bldg. 5 Ste. 200 Ellie Varona Miami Gardens, FL 33169 Miramar, City of -Purchasing Margaret Palomino 954-967-1550 954-967-1699 6700 Miramar Parkway Carlos Cavilches Miramar, FL 33023 North Miami, City of Debbi Falestra 305-891-2617 305-891-2617 776 NE 125 Street N. Miami, FL 33161 North Miami Beach, City of Shannon Graham 305-948-2976 305-948-2996 17011 NE 19 Avenue North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Oakland Park, City of -Purchasing Maggie Turner 954-561-6105 954-561-6299 3650 NE 12 Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 Pembroke Pines, City of -Purchasing Terry Burzo 954-450-6918 954-435-6524 10100 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Pompano Beach, City of Leeta Hardin 954-786-4098 954-786-4168 1190 NE 3rd Ave., Bldg. C Pompano Beach, FL 33060 South Florida Regional Ann Lodato 954-942-7245 954-788-7878 Transportation Authority (SFRTA) 800 NW 33 Street, Ste 100 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 Sunrise, City of -Purchasing Alicia Shand 954-572-2274 954-572-2278 10770 W. Oakland Park Blvd. Marsha Peterson Sunrise, FL 33351 Tamarac, City of -Purchasing Keith Glatz 954-724-2450 954-724-2408 7525 NW 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Village of Wellington Jim Volkman 561-791-4111 561-753-2548 14000 Greenbriar Blvd. Wellington, FL 33414 Revised 8/18104 10 F-3939-05-RD The City of Hollywood, acting as lead agency on behalf of the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group, is seeking bids for the Rental of Work Uniforms for various City employees as described herein. Agreement shall commence on May 29, 2005 or upon expiration of current agreement, whichever is later, and terminate two (2) years from that date. The City reserves the right to renew this agreement for two (2) additional two (2) year periods subject to vendor acceptance, satisfactory performance and determination that renewal will be in the best interest of the City. All prices, terms, and conditions shall remain firm for the initial period of the contract and for any renewal period. Termination: The City of Hollywood also reserves the right to terminate any agreement with or without cause. SCOPE OF SERVICE The selected vendor shall provide uniforms manufactured to City specifications, and stock inventory in sufficient sizes and quantities to fulfill the selected uniform rental service option. Vendor shall be required to perform initial measurements, fittings and alterations of uniforms for all affected personnel, and schedule periodic opportunities for fittings and alterations as necessary, to be done at the various using departments. Vendor should have capability to store and maintain records of individual personnel uniform sizes to facilitate prompt fulfillment of rental uniform requirements and provide usage reports to the City.. The Vendor shall perform these services in accordance with the procedures established by the City, as the same may be amended from time to time by the City and shall not deviate from the requirements of the procedures without the express prior written consent of the City. No guarantee is expressed or implied as to the total quantity to be rented under this open-end contract. Estimated quantities will be used for bid comparison purposes only. These specifications have been drawn in accordance with the Cities current uniform contracts and the City will not accept any major deviations as to construction, fabric or color. Authorized City personnel will determine which bid best meets these requirements. The City reserves the right to award item by item, or to overall low bidder, whichever is in the best interest of the City. Qualifications of Respondents: A. Respondents must include a description of current and previous contracts providing the same or similar services called for in our bid. List governmental agencies and/or private sector. Provide company name and Government entities, addresses, contact person, phone number, fax numbers and dollar value of the contract. 11 F-3939-05-RD REFERENCES: NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER CONTACT PERSON B. Financial stability to provide equitable service as outlined above. C. The Vendor shall keep current all licenses and permits, whether municipal, county, state or federal, required for the performance of its obligations and functions hereunder and shall pay promptly when due all such fees. Inspection of Facilities: The City of Hollywood reserves the right to inspect facilities prior to award. I. UNIFORM SPECIFICATIONS Vendors must satisfy the following minimum requirements to be considered responsive. Vendor must submit samples of all clothing items proposed to the Procurement Services Division, Room 303, City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Florida prior to the Bid opening, so that samples may be inspected both as to material, color and construction. Samples to be identified by vendors name on each garment. Samples furnished by successful bidder, will not be returned until delivery is complete, thereby allowing the City to compare samples with delivered items, for sameness in specifications and quality. Samples of unsuccessful bidders will be picked up in Procurement Services within ten (10) days after notification to do so. Samples must be submitted on or before bid opening. 12 F-393"5-RD GROUP 1 - UNIFORMS A. TROUSERS (Men and Women) Material - Washable permanent press, consisting of 50% polyester and 50% cotton twill, or 65% polyester and 35% cotton twill of permapress quality with soil release. Fabric weight to range between 7 1/4 oz. and 7 1/2 oz. per square yard. Full cut with shrinkage less than 2% overall. Belt Loops - All loops, with the exception of the center back, may be inserted into and sewn with the waistband seam which shall also be of 1 3/4" minimum width. The center back loop shall be affixed in such a manner as to permit alterations. Trousers to be equipped with a minimum of seven (7) belt loops measuring not less than 3/4" X 1 3/4" and bartacked. Pockets - Two (2) side pockets, two (2) back pockets. All pockets, waistband and fly lining to be made of permapress quality or equal. Side pockets to be a minimum 13" and back pockets a minimum of 10" measured from the top waistband. Back pockets shall have a width of not less than 5 1/2". Left back pocket shall be a button -through pocket. Pockets to be pre -stitched and sewn into the waistband seam. Fly - Front fly must be equipped with No. 5 Talon, Conmar, Prentice or approved equal, zipper. Zippers to be heavy duty brass with double locking tab and securely sewn into trousers. Labeling - Each garment to be identified with a permanent label that shall show size, fabric content and employee I.D. Number. Finishing - Each garment to be trimmed, inspected, pressed and neatly folded. Misc. - Trousers shall be fastened at waist with button. Metal fastener at waist not acceptable. Waistband to be two (2) pieces, (split curtain) to allow for alterations. Points of strain and pocket entries to be bartack reinforced. All pockets, waistband and fly lining to be of permapress quality. Colors - Vat dyed, fade resistant, tan, navy, dark brown, black, gray, green, khaki, and charcoal. Sizes - To be furnished in men's stock waist sizes, even numbers from 28 through 54, odd numbers from 27 through 55 and women's sizes 4 through 20. Length shall be as required. Any alterations required will be made by the vendor at no additional cost to the City. City reserves the right to request exchange of sizes at no additional cost to the City. Trousers shall be finished with hemmed bottoms (no cuffs). Trousers shall be bartacked at all points of strain. Actual sizes with trouser inseams will be determined at time of original fitting of personnel and stored in permanent vendor data file. Measurements must run true to size, as ticketed. Successful bidder shall be responsible for measurement of all employees. 13 F-3939-05-RD 1A. SUBSTITUTE ITEM SPECIFICATIONS Each entity participating in this bid may consider the following alternatives on an employee by employee basis as substitution for the trousers as specified herein: Shorts men and women), must include: Combination 65% dacron polyester and 35% cotton Permanent press Two (2) side -front pockets and two (2) back pockets Heavy duty belt loops Zipper fly Cut: mid -thigh, no additional cost for cut and hem Trousers, (women's dress pants) must include: Combination 65% dacron polyester and 35% cotton Permanent press Fix extended waist band Front and back darts Zipper fly No pockets Skirts, for women must include: A -line skirt with plain front waist band and elastic waist band on back Combination 65% dacron polyester and 35% cotton Permanent press Zipper on back Length: over the knee No pockets Trousers men's and women's work ants must include: 100% cotton Permanent press Two (2) side — front pockets and two (2) back pockets Heavy duty belt loops Zipper fly Trousers men's dress ants must include: Combination 65% dacron polyester and 35% cotton Permanent press Fix extended waist band Front and back darts Zipper fly Pockets 14 F-3939-05-RD B. SHIRTS (Men and Women) Materials - 65% Polyester, 35% combed cotton poplin, processed so that it shall be of permapress quality. Fabric weight to range between 4 1/2 oz. to 5 1/4 oz. per square yard. Full cut with shrinkage less than 2%. Color - White, tan, light blue, dark blue, orange, light gray, and light green. Construction. - Work shirt type so that it can be worn with collar open or closed. Standard short or long sleeves, with a minimum of 2" full facing on each side of shirt opening. Shirt to have two (2) pockets with button and matching button hole on each pocket securely bartacked at points of strain. Shirt to contain a minimum of six (6) buttons for front closure and long tail for tucking into trousers. Collar stays to be sewn in for neat appearance. Shoulder yolk to be double. All raw edges to be serged or turned and sewn. Collar to be top -stitched 1/4 inch from edge. Sizes - Shirts to be supplied in standard sizes, small through XXX large in colors, as required. Labels - Labels with the employee's name shall be sewn over the right pocket and the City logo shall be sewn over the left, with 1/2" between bottom of logo and top of pocket. The same shall apply for the employee's name and right pocket. Labels must be furnished by the contractor and sewn over the respective pockets. A sample City Logo will be provided upon request. Fire Department Uniforms shall include Fire Department Logo sewn on both shoulders. Logo to be provided by the City. Shirts to be furnished with label permanently affixed on the inside which will include fabric content and employee identification number. 1 B. SUBSTITUTE ITEM SPECIFICATIONS Each entity participating in this bid may consider the following alternatives on an employee by employee basis as substitution for the shirts as specified herein: Work Shirt type: Short sleeve and long sleeve (tapered fit) 100% cotton Permanent press Two (2) pockets with button and matching buttonhole Minimum of six (6) buttons for front closure Banded collar with stays Individual name sewn over right pocket and City emblem sewn over left pocket Tail length long enough to be tucked into trousers 15 F-3939-05-RD Guard shirts, for men and women must include: Short sleeve and long sleeve (tapered fit) Combination 65% dacron polyester and 35% cotton Permanent press/Soil release finish Button through epaulets Banded collar with stays Two (2) boxed pleated breast pockets with button through flaps Approved style for law and order jobs Individual's name sewn over right pocket and City emblem sewn over left pocket Tail length, long enough to be tucked into trousers Golf shirts must include: Short sleeve, regular fit Combination 50% dacron polyester and 50% cotton One (1) open pocket on left chest Hard collar or soft collar Individual's name sewn over right chest and City emblem sewn over left pocket Shirt length, long enough to be tucked into trousers Three (3) button placket Color: white, dark blue, light blue, hunter green, tan, navy, burgundy, black C. LABORATORY COATS Material - 65% polyester, 35% cotton washable permanent press Construction - 3/4 length, four (4) button front, long sleeve, lapel collar, three (3) patch pockets. Color - white or post blue Sizes — S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL D. COVERALLS Materials - Combination 65% Polyester and 35% cotton twill (7-1/2 oz.), crease resistant finish. Construction - Concealed fly front with heavy duty two-way zipper, two patch chest pockets, two insert lower front pockets, two patch hip pockets with half -lined reinforcement hemmed barrel sleeve cuff, four needle reinforced waistband, bi-swing back, tool pocket on right leg, side pocket pass-throughs, and constructed to be worn over other clothing. Color - Navy or other as required. Sizes — S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL iN F-3939-05-RD II. SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS Service Option I, Bidder shall furnish a minimum of six (6) sets of uniforms to each employee upon receipt of orders. Thereafter, each person will have five (5) changes each week with service twice weekly. Service Option II, Bidder shall furnish a minimum of eleven (11) sets of uniforms to each employee with weekly service to include five (5) changes. Successful bidder will be responsible for correct measurements of employees at their work site. Selection of Service Option shall be made by each participating agency prior to initial measurements of employee. Each employee shall be furnished complete sets of new uniforms at start of contract and at each renewal. All uniforms to be kept in constant repair such as the replacement of buttons and sewing of small rips. All badly damaged uniforms to be replaced with a new garment within seven (7) days following written notification by the City. Successful bidder will be required to maintain an accurate and up-to-date permanent record for each individual of all soiled uniforms picked up and laundered uniforms delivered. Each employee's delivery of laundered and pressed uniforms must be delivered on hangers and identified by name and number. Stained, yellowed or otherwise unacceptable uniforms will not be accepted or paid for. Deliveries to be made twice (2 times) per week under Option I, or once (1 time) per week under Option II. No charge for service to be made while an employee is absent from duty for one (1) week or longer. Driver to be notified in advance. Payment shall be withheld for items picked up and not delivered on next scheduled delivery day. In the event an employee transfer results in change of color in shirt, trousers or both, the successful supplier will furnish good comparable garments in the appropriate color. A new employee will get new garments during the first 180 days of each new uniform issuance period. After that he will receive an equal garment to those in service. The City reserves the right to add or to reduce the quantity of like uniforms if occasioned by hiring, termination or additional employees being furnished rental uniforms as specified herein. Vendor shall furnish new uniforms to each employee within thirty (30) days of each two (2) year agreement renewal at no additional charge. All uniform alterations required by the City shall be made by the vendor at no additional cost to the City. 17 F-3939-05-RD Ill. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Items shall be serviced on a weekly basis on scheduled uniform service days or as otherwise agreed upon by City Representative. Cost of necessary inventory required to provide sufficient quantities as indicated shall be included in price. Quantities indicated are weekly service of soiled items only. An adequate number of storage cabinets and/or lockers for organized storage of cleaned uniforms and type of space conservative receptacles or collection equipment as may be required by the City will be furnished by bidder awarded any resulting agreement and at no additional cost to the City. (Lockers, Receptacles, Hampers, Carts, Bags, etc.) New contractor shall make all arrangements for installation of his cabinets where necessary and/or make all arrangements with current contractor to take over existing cabinets. All necessary cabinets/receptacles will be provided at no cost to the City and shall include installation and removal when and if required and shall be approved by the City. Linens will be delivered folded and bundled by the dozen for easy count by City Employee. Supplier shall be responsible for normal wear and tear of linen items and collection equipment; however, lost or abused linens shall be paid for by the City at firm rate specified in your bid. Pickup and delivery date for each location will be established at the convenience of personnel at applicable locations and may be adjusted during the contract period. GROUP 2 — ADDITIONAL ITEMS E. SHOP WIPERS Material - Minimum of 80% cotton. Construction - Minimum size 18"x16" Minimum weight -seven (7) pounds per 100 pieces Prewashed and prehemmed F. FENDER COVERS Material - Minimum of 50% cotton Construction - Minimum size 36"x36" Minimum weight -eleven (11) ounces Prehemmed G. CONTINUOUS ROLL TOWELS Standard Cloth Roll Towels capable of three hundred uses per roll. I F-3939-05-RD H. BATH TOWELS Material -100% cotton terry cloth, white Construction - 22" x 44" Minimum weight: 6 pounds per dozen Prewashed and hemmed I. WASH CLOTHS Material -100% cotton terry cloth, white Construction - 12" x 12" Minimum weight: 10 ounces per dozen Prewashed and hemmed J. WALK OFF MAT Product: Carpet type mat Mat Backing: Material: 100% Nitrile Rubber Thickness: 90 mil. Type of Backing: For carpet floors, mats must have CLEATED BACKING, in order to reduce slippage. For hard floors, mats must have SMOOTH BACKING, in order to reduce slippage. Mat Surface: Material: 100% Nylon, carpet type, twisted cut pile, solution dyed Color Availability: Red Pepper (speckled color) Brown Black (speckled color) State Gray (speckled color) Green Navy Blue Black Mat Sizes: 2' x 3' 3' x 4' 3'x5' 4' x 6' 3' x 10' 6' x 6' Mat Features: Mats will stand the washing and drying cycles in a commercial laundry with proper chemicals and detergents. 19 F-3939-05-RD WALK OFF MAT (cont'd) • Weekly/Bi-weekly walk off mat rental service. Soiled mats to be picked up every week or two (2) weeks and laundered. Clean mats shall be delivered at time of pick up. • Mats should be water absorbent, resist color fading, free of rips and tears and lie flat with no curls that may present a safety hazard. • Agencies reserve the right to change mat colors at specific locations, as needed, throughout the duration of the contact at no additional cost. Agencies reserve the right to add or delete locations, as needed, within the general scope of services at the prices stated herein. • Pickup and delivery of mats shall be scheduled on a weekly/bi-weekly basis during normal business hours; Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am — 5:00 pm, excluding holidays or by prior agreement and appointment. Emblem: The cost of Emblem application sewn -on shall be included in the uniform cost. Sewn -on emblems shall be provided by the Vendor in the required quantities. All sewn -on emblems are to be located on the left chest area and centered along the top of the left breast pocket area. GENERAL: Samples furnished by successful bidder will be retained for comparison thereby allowing City to compare sample with delivered items, for consistency of specifications and quality. Vendors must indicate any variances to the specifications, terms and conditions, no matter how slight. Slight variations might be acceptable. However, the City will be the sole judge as to what variations will be allowed. If variations are not stated in the bid, it shall be considered that the bid fully complies with the specifications, terms and conditions. The City reserves the right, before making award, to require vendor to demonstrate to the complete satisfaction of the City, that it has the necessary facilities, ability, and financial resources to perform the work in a satisfactory manner, and within the time stated. The City may add and/or delete locations at the unit prices herein with no additional cost. In the event the products supplied to the City are found to be defective, or do not conform to specifications, the City reserves the right to cancel the order upon written notice to the vendor, and return the products to the vendor at the vendor's expense. The City may require additional items of similar nature not specifically listed in the contract or wish to rent an item upgraded from that proposed by the vendor. In such event, the vendor shall provide the City with a price for the new or upgraded item based upon a procedure or formula which is the same or very similar to that used in establishing the prices as contained in the vendor's bid. If the price offered is not acceptable to the City, and the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the City, the City reserves the right to procure the new or upgraded items from other vendors. Bidder by virtue of bidding, warrants and guarantees that all materials and fabrics are first quality goods of current manufacture with no seconds or rejects being used and agrees to replace any garments wearing unsatisfactorily due to latent defects in the cloth or faulty materials used for trimmings, pocketing, lining, etc. at no additional charge to the City. F-393"5-RD It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the source of supply of the material for uniforms furnished by cloth supplier will comply with the sections of the specifications relating thereto, which are made a part hereof and contractor will not change source of supply without prior approval of the City. Apparel per construction specified herein may be ordered for other personnel in colors other than as specified herein, if available. This will be ordered as required, and prices paid will be based on bid. Vendors who supply finished goods that are manufactured by another company must not remove the original manufacturer's label from the garment. Unless the mill discontinues the fabric, all garments specified by the vendor in his bid shall be available to the City during the life of the contract. All production including fabric, color shade, trimmings, and construction shall equal or exceed the standards set forth in these specifications and must match the style, color, and quality of the initial order as accepted by the City. It is understood and agreed that the source of supply for materials will comply with the specifications and will not be changed without prior approval of the City. Stock Levels: Vendor shall maintain thirty (30) day stock levels on all items. During the contract period, items may be deleted if mutually agreed upon in writing. In the event that a particular approved and awarded manufacturer's product becomes unavailable during the term of the contract, the Vendor may supply a substitute product at the bid price or lower, provided that a sample is approved in writing by the Director of Procurement Services beforehand and that the new product meets or exceeds all quality requirements. New products and styles may be added to the agreement at a price mutually acceptable to both the City and the Vendor. Prior to new products and styles being added to the agreement, Vendor shall provide uniform manufacturer's specifications to the City. In the event of Vendor's failure to inability to provide individual products, the City reserves the right to secure the item(s) covered hereunder from any Vendor of its choice. Rental of item(s) from the primary Vendor to resume after proper notification of availability to buyer. Delivery/Orders: All orders, regardless of size or destination, Vendor shall provide F.O.B. delivered to the ordering location. A. Any/All additional costs incurred in providing this service shall be the sole responsibility of the Vendor. Should the Vendor be unable to deliver items with the specified timeframe, the City may rent items(s) from the vendor of its choice. It shall be the responsibility of the Vendor to reimburse the City for additional expense incurred (i.e., difference in cost, delivery expenses, etc.). 21 F-3939-05-RD 2. No minimum order requirements. 3. No restocking fees. 4. No handling charges will be passed on to the City. 5. Vendor shall replace or issue a full credit for any items rented by the City found to be of unacceptable quality, defective, or unsuitable for intended use. Items covered by express warranty shall be governed by terms and conditions herein. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES NO. OF EMPLOYEES AGENCY/ADDRESS REQ.SVC. CONTACT City of Hollywood 340 Ralph Dierks 954-921-3223 400 Entrada Drive, 1621 N 14 Avenue, 3441 Hollywood Blvd., 1715 N 21 Avenue, 3150 Taft Street, 3250 Hollywood Blvd 3401 Hollywood Blvd., 1600 S. Park Road 1112 N. Ocean Drive & 6430 Mosely St. City of Miami Gardens 60 Pam Thompson 305-622-8000 1515 NW 167 St. Bldg. 5 Ste. 200 Town of Davie 120 Herb Hyman 954-797-1016 3790 SW 64 Avenue, 3500 NW 76 Avenue, 6911 S 45 Street, 14452 Shenandoah Pkwy. 7550 SW 34 Street, 3801 S. Pine Island Dr. & 6591 Orange Drive City of Deerfield Beach 228 Paul Collette 954-480-4418 210 Goolsby Blvd., 290 Goolsby Blvd., 200 Goolsby Blvd & 425 NE 3 Street City of Hallandale Beach 107 Andrea Lues 954-457-1332 630 & 644 NW 2 Street City of Pompano Beach 183 Leeta Hardin 786-4098 Public Works Garage, 1190 NE 3 Ave, Bldg. A Street, Cemetery, Grounds Maintenance, 1190 NE 3 Ave, Bldg B (front) Building Maintenance, 1190 NE 3 Ave, Bldg B (rear) Water & Sewer, 1201 NE 3 Ave Customer Service, 100 W Atlantic Blvd 22 F-3939-05-RD City of Tamarac 125 Keith Glatz 954-724-2450 6011 Nob Hill Rd, 6001 Nob Hill Rd Cindy Martin 954-724-2410 7501 N University Drive Lance Moll 954-724-1288 Ctyof Pembroke Pines 264 Terri Burzo 954-437-1111 13975 Pembroke Road 12955 Pembroke Road City of Greenacres 4 Lynda Venne 561-642-2030 5985 10th Ave., North City of Sunrise 312 Carol Hollins 954-572-2485 3801 N University Dr. 6466 NW 20t' St. 14150 NW 8m St. 4350 Springtree Dr. 10770 W. Oakland Pk Blvd. 10501 NW 50th St. Ste. 111 4401 NW 103 Avenue City of North Miami 167 Debbie Falestra 305-893-6511 Water Plant, 12098 NW 11 th Ave Utility Operations Center, 1815 NE 150th St. City Hall, 776 NE 125th St. Parks Operation Center, 12181 NE 13th Ave Motor Pool, 1855 NE 142 St. Broward Count 942 Ann Debra Diaz 954-357-6078 Various City of Coral Springs 65 Art Resnick 954-344-1186 4181 NW 121 Ave 3800 NW 85th Ave 9551 W. Sample Rd. BIDDER'S NOTE: Award of any bid will require that the successful bidder ensure that a properly completed Vendor Registration Form is on file with the City. 23 F-3939-05-RD BID FIRM UNIT COST, INCLUDING PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE GROUP 1 - UNIFORMS OPTION I: Twice Weekly Service, Inventory of Six (6) Uniform Sets per Employee Est'd No. of Est'd Week Est'd Annual Emplones Description Cost Per Emp. Cost A. 120 Weekly Uniform Service $ $ as described herein B. 5 Weekly Lab Coat Service $ $ C. 10 Weekly Coverall Service $ $ Subtotal Option I Annual Cost $ OPTION II: Weekly Service, Inventory of Eleven (11) Uniform Sets per Employee D. 2800 Weekly Uniform Service $ $ as described herein E. 30 Weekly Lab Coat Service $ $ F. 35 Weekly Coverall Service $ $ Subtotal Option II Annual Cost $ GRAND TOTAL $ Award of Bid will be based upon Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bid for Options I and II. GROUP 2 — ADDITIONAL ITEMS PRICING FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Est'd Wkly Est'd Wkly Quantities Description Cost Per Unit G. 100 Shop Wipers as specified $ herein H. 10 Fender Covers as $ specified herein I. 4 Continuous Roll.Towels $ as specified herein J. 2 Roll Towel Cabinet $ Rental K. 450 Bath Towel Rental $ L. 120 Wash Cloth Rental $ M. 20 Weekly Walk off Mat Renta13'x5' $ N. 30 Weekly Walk off Mat Rental4'x6' $ O. 10 Weekly Walk off Mat Rental3'x10' $ 24 F-3939-05-RD P. 125 Bi-Weekly Walk off Mat Rental 3'x5' Q. 100 R. 25 GROUP 1 - UNIFORMS Bi-Weekly Walk off Mat Rental 4'x6' Bi-Weekly Walk off Mat Rental 3'x10' ALTERNATIVE ITEMS ADDITIONAL CHARGES Please provide a per item cost to include weekly service for standard, additional or substitute items as indicated. Cost per week per additional Uniform Set (Trousers & Shirt) $ EA. Cost per week per Standard Uniform Set (Shirt only) $ EA. Cost per week per Standard Uniform Set (Trousers only) $ EA. Additional charge for 100% Cotton Shirt $ EA. Additional charge for 100% Cotton Trousers $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Shorts for Trousers $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Men's Trousers $ EA. (Dress Pants) for Trousers Additional charge for substitution of Women's Trousers $ EA. (Dress Pants) for Trousers Additional charge for substitution of Skirt for Trousers $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Guard Shirt for Standard Shirt $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Golf Shirt for Standard Shirt $ EA. Additional one time charge per shirt to furnish and attach $ EA. American Flag Embroidered Emblem Additional charge for size XXL Shirt or larger $ EA. Additional charge for size 44 Trousers or larger $ EA. Additional charge for Pleated Trousers $ EA. Additional charge for Button-down, Oxford Cloth Shirt $ EA. GROUP 2 — OTHER ITEMS ALTERNATIVE ITEMS/ADDITIONAL CHARGES Cost per lost Bath Towel $ EA. Cost per lost Wash Cloth $ EA. Please provide replacement cost price listing for all items listed in bid to include alternative items. Participating agencies will assume replacement costs only for those items lost or abused by agency personnel. Items which become unserviceable due to normal usage or otherwise shall be replaced at no cost to Buyer. Number of calendar days required prior to start of service following notification of award. days PLEASE RETURN AN ORIGINAL AND THREE COPIES OF ENTIRE BID DOCUMENT IF NOT SUBMITTING BID ON-LINE. 25 TR 14128 EXHIBIT T q�, 171 \111N11 City of Hollywood, Florida 2600 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. • P.O. Box 229045 • ZIP 33022-9045 n rllR..UHA4V N DATE: May 18, 2005 RE: BLANKET ORDER # B001656 PRODUCT/SERVICE: UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE Unifirst Corporation Telephone Contact: 954-783-6369 500 SW 13t" Terrace FAX #: 954-783-7756 Pompano Beach, FI 33069 Dear Vendor: This is to inform you that the City of Hollywood, Florida is entering into a Blanket Order with your Company based on one of the following: ® FORMAL BID # 3939-05-RD (COOP) ❑ INFORMAL BID # DATED: ❑ RENEWAL OF FORMAL BID # DATED: ❑ EXTENSION OF FORMAL BID/RFP# DATED: ❑ WRITTEN QUOTATION # DATED: ❑ VERBAL QUOTATION PER DATED: ❑ STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT # DATED: ❑ BROWARD COUNTY BID # ❑ OTHER: The term of this order is 7/01/2005 through 6/30/2007. The estimated dollar value is $54,808.00. The obligations of the City of Hollywood under this order are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the City Commission and are subject to the terms and conditions contained on the Purchase Order form. The City of Hollywood Departments will issue hard copy orders against this Blanket Order as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference each unique document number. If you have any questions, please contact Ralph Dierks at (954) 921-3223 c: Public Utilities Public Works Fleet Management Underground Utilities Environmental Services Fire Rescue Wastewater Plant Water Treatment Plant Police/Storekeeper Participating Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Members blanket (rev, 5/19/99) "An Equal Opportunity and Service Provider Agency" REPORT: HBLANKETPO GENERATED: 11 DEC 04 13:40 RUN: SATURDAY MAY212005 17:44 PAGE 2 CITY OF HOLLYWOOD BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS 07/01/05 - 06/30/07 SPO # B001656 DATE : 04/23/05 START DATE : 07/01/05 END DATE : 06/30/07 CONTRACT # : F-3939-05-RD CO-OP LINE # VENDOR ADDR it STOCK # REF # TYPE TRANS # UOM MIN QTY MAX QTY UNIT PRICE QTY USED HAZARDOUS ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT NAME TAX CODE 1 19515 0 OP12 N 147900007717 WK 1 17680 3.10000 0 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 983/96 BPO DESCRIPTION: UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE: 9P0 DESCRIPTION: BPO DESCRIPTION: STANDARD WORK UNIFORM SPO DESCRIPTION: OPTION II:WEEKLY SERVICE BPO DESCRIPTION: SPO DESCRIPTION: AS SPECIFIED IN CO-OP DID NUMBER BPO DESCRIPTION: F-3939-05-RD BPO DESCRIPTION: BPO DESCRIPTION: BPO DESCRIPTION: F-3939-05-RD BID FIRM UNIT COST, INCLUDING PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE GROUP 1 - UNIFORMS OPTION I: Twice Weekly Service, Inventory of Six (6) Uniform Sets per Employee Est'd No. of Est'd Weekly Est'd Annual Employees Description Cost Per Emp. Cost A. 120 Weekly Uniform Service $ 3,3 -5 _ $ .2 v 90 as described herein B. 5 Weekly Lab Coat Service S 1 . 7 S _ $ V551 C. 10 Weekly Coverall Service $ Y0 — $ /, S6, Subtotal Option I Annual Cost $ 22e 1-5. OPTION If: Weekly Service, Inventory of Eleven (11) Uniform Sets per Employee D. 2800 Weekly Uniform Service $ 3, 10 $ 5 .,3 60. as described herein E. 30 Weekly Lab Coat Service $ 1 , -7.5 _ $ 3 0. F. 35 Weekly Coverall Service $ F a $ Subtotal Option II Annual Cost GRAND TOTAL $ VSZ, 40 Award of Bid will be based upon Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bid for Options I and II. GROUP 2 — ADDITIONAL ITEMS PRICING FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS: G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Est'd Wkly. Est'd Wkly Quantities Description Cost Per Unit 100 Shop Wipers as specified $ 0 herein 10 Fender Covers as $JS specified herein 4 Continuous Roll Towels $D as specified herein 2 Roll Towel Cabinet $^� Rental 450 Bath Towel Rental $ /' D Q 120 Wash Cloth Rental $ ' 3'0 20 Weekly Walk off Mat Rental3'x5' $ 3 . o o 30 Weekly Walk off Mat Rental4'x6' $ `� 0 0 10 Weekly Walk off Mat Rental3'x10' S D / 0 _ 24 ir F-3939-05-RD P. 125 Bi-Weekly Walk off Mat Rental TxV Q. 100 Bi-1Neekly Walk off Mat Rental 4'x6' $ 6,00 R. 25 Bi-Weekly Walk off Mat Rental Tx10' $ '% -.5'U GROUP 1 -UNIFORMS ALTERNATIVE ITEMS ADDITIONAL CHARGES Please provide a per item cost to include weekly service for standard, additional or substitute items as indicated. Cost per week per additional Uniform Set (Trousers & Shirt) $ 2 Y EA Cost per week per Standard Uniform Set (Shirt only) $. • / / EA. Cost per week per Standard Uniform Set (Trousers only) $ i EA. Additional charge for 100% Cotton Shirt $ .SEA. Additional charge for 100% Cotton Trousers $ _5"D EA. Additional charge for substitution of Shorts for Trousers $ r_i*o EA. Additional charge for substitution of Men's Trousers $ 50 EA. (Dress Pants) for Trousers Additional charge for substitution of Women's Trousers $ - 5'0 EA. (Dress Pants) for Trousers Additional charge for substitution of Skirt for Trousers $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Guard Shirt for Standard Shirt $ EA. Additional charge for substitution of Golf Shirt for Standard Shirt $ j 4 cv EA. Additional one time charge per shirt to furnish and attach $, , Sy EA. American Flag Embroidered Emblem Additional charge for size XXL Shirt or larger $ y EA. Additional charge for size 44 Trousers or larger $ : S'o EA. Additional charge for Pleated Trousers $ - 5 O EA. Additional charge for Button-down, Oxford Cloth Shirt $ --! D EA. GROUP 2 — OTHER ITEMS ALTERNATIVE ITEMS/ADDITIONAL CHARGES Cost per lost Bath Towel $ 3 - U U EA. Cost per lost Wash Cloth $Z�_ - C 0 EA. Please provide replacement cost price listing for all items listed in bid to include alternative items. Participating agencies will assume replacement costs only for those items lost or abused by agency personnel. Items which become unserviceable due to normal usage or otherwise shall be replaced at no cost to Buyer. Number of calendar days required prior to start of service following notification of award. � X-5 days PLEASE RETURN AN ORIGINAL AND THREE COPIES OF ENTIRE BID DOCUMENT IF NOT SUBMITTING BID ON-LINE. 25 Marsh Page 1 01 4 MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE ---_--_-- 26-oct-zooq This Memorandum is issued as a matter of Information only to authorized viewers For their internal use only and confers no rights upon any viewer of this Memorandum- This Memorandum does not amend, extend or alter the coverage described below. This Memorandum may only be copied, printed and distributed within an authorized viewer and may only be used and viewed by an authorized viewer for Its Internal use. Any other use, duplication or distribution of this Memorandum without the consent of Marsh is prohibited. "Authorized viewer" shall mean an entity or person which Is authorized by the Insured named herein to access this Memorandum via http://www.marsh,com/moi?cllent=3304. The information contained herein Is as of the date referred to above. Marsh shall be under no obligation to update such Information, PRODUCER COMPANIES AFFORDING, COVERAGE Marsh USA IMC. ("Marsh") Co.A ACE Amerlean Insurance Co. INSURED Co.8 National Union Fire Ins.Co. of Pittsburgh, PA 44-u Unlfirst Corporation 68 Jonspin Road Co.0 ACE INA Insurance Company A Wllmington, Massachusetts 01887 United States Co.D Avlva Insurance Company OVERAGES E POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY ONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS MEMORANDUM MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONOrnON5 OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF POLICY NUMBER POLICY POLICY LIMITS LTR INSURANCE EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LIMITS IN USD UNLESS DATE DATE OTHERWISE INDICATED A GENERAL HDOG20557539 ()I-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005 GENERAL 2,000,000 - C LIABILITY CGL322628 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005 AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - 2,000,000 OMMERCIAL (Canadian) GENERAL LIABILITY OMF' OP AGG OCCURRENCE PERSONAL AND 1,000,000 DV INJURY EACH 1,000,000 CCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE 11000,000 ANY ONE FIRE MP) D EXP (ANY 5,000 NE PERSON A AUTOMOBILE SAH079591374 01-Oct-2004 o1-Oct•2005 OMBINED 2,000,000 D LIABILITY 41082953 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005r!INLE LIMIT NY AUTO (Canadian) Y INJURY ERSONY INJURY CCIDENTRTY DAMAGE B EXCESS BE2978243 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005 EACH 50,000,000 LIABILITY OCCURRENCE UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE 50,000,000 GARAGE AUTO ONLY (PER LIABILITY ACCIDENT OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDEN AGGREGATE A RKERS WLRC4398646A 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005 WORKERS COMP Statutory AMPENSATION / (DED) 01.Oct-2004 01.Oct-2005 LIMITS APLOYERS rIABILITY PROPRIETOR PARTNERS / EXECUTIVE CFC44000179 (RETRO) XWCC43986272 (OH,MA&ME) 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2005 EL EACH ACCIDENT 1,0D0,000 EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1,000,000 http://www.marsh.coni/MarshPortal/PortalMain?PID=AppMoiPubl i c&acceptOrRej ect=a... 10/26/2004 vo/v114vvj iv.[v rnA Marsh --- V—rOFFICERS ARE: 10 QQJ/UU4 ?age 2 014 ® �FILNP iiiWFAI � The Memorandum of Insurance serves solely to list insurance policies, limits and dates of coverage. Any modifications hereto are not authorized. MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE DATE 26-Oct-2004 This Memorandum is issued as a matter of information only to authorized viewers for their Internal use only and confers no rights upon any viewer of this Memorandum. ThIS Memorandum does not amend, extend or alter the coverage described below. This Memorandum may only be copied, printed and distributed within an authorized viewer and may only be used and viewed by an authorized viewer for its Internal use. Any other use, duplication or distribution of this Memorandum without the consent of Marsh Is prohibited. "Authorized viewer" shall mean an entity or person which is authorized by the Insured named herein to access this Memorandum via http://www,marsh.com/mol?talent-3304. The information contained herein Is as of the date referred to above, Marsh shall be under no obligation to update such information. PRODUCER Marsh USA Inc. ("Marsh") INSURED Unifirst Corporation 68 ]onspin Road Wilmington, Massachusetts D1887 United States ADDMONAI" INFORMATION EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY #XWCC43986272, LIMIT OF $750,000 FOR BI-EACH ACCIDENT / $750,000 BI BY DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE / $750,000 6I BY DISEASE -POLICY AGGREGATE BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: We agree that the following will be considered additional Insureds under this policy. Any person or organization, other than a sub -contractor of the named insured, with respect to which the Named Insured has specifically agreed in writing to procure bodily injury liability Insurance or property damage liability insurance, but only with respect to Bodily Injury or Property Damage which occurs after such written contract has been executed by the Named Insured and only to the extent and in the amount for which the Named Insured has contracted to procure Insurance and in no event contrary to the terms and conditions or exceeding the limit of liability set forth In this policy. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 11 01 96: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, ADDITIONAL INSURED - MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE 1. Designation of Premises (Part Leased to You): Where required by written contract. 2. Name of Person or Organization (Additional Insured): http://Www.marsh.com/MarshPortal/PortalMain?PTD=AppMoiPubl is&ar,ceptOrRgie,ct=a... 10/26/2004 Marsh WJ VV4/ VV'i Page 3 of 4 . --- 13. Additional Premium: (If no entry appears above, the Information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declaration! as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown In the Schedule but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the premises leased to you and shown In the Schedule and subject to the following additional exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: 1. Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises. 2. Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the person or organization shown in the Schedule. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION CG20261185 endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the following: Name of Person or Organization: As required by written contract.(If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II). is amended to include as an Insured the person or organization shown In the Schedule as an insured but only with respect to liability arising out of your operations or premises owned by or rented to you. WAIVER OF SUBROGTION: WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIAISLITY WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We have the right to recover our payments from anyone Ilable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit any one not named in the Schedule. ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHOM YOU HAVE AGREED TO WAIVE YOUR RIGHT OF RECOVERY IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT PROVIDED SUCH CONTRACT WAS EXECUTED PRIOR TO THE DATE OF LOSS. �%1iiT314i9 Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us If any person or organization to or for whom we make payment under this Coverage Form has rights tc recover damages from another, those rights are transferred to us. That Person or organization must do everything necessary to secure our rights and must do nothing after "accident" or "loss" to impair them. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE* Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against others to Us If the Insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment we have made under this Coverage Part, those rights are transferred to us. The Insured must do nothing after loss to Impair them. At our request, the Insured will bring "suit" or transrer those rights to us and help us enforce them http://www.marsh.comIMarshPortaUPortalMain?PID=AppMoiPubl is&acceptOrRej ect=a... 10/26/2004 TR 10128 EXHIBIT T RESOLUTION NO. �Q I O" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER BETWEEN UNIFIRST CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF HOLLYWOOD FOR UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE FOR A TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD FOR AN ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE OF $54,808.00. WHEREAS, the Departments of Public Works, Public Utilities and Fire Rescue and Beach Safety require a Uniform Rental Service Agreement for approximately three hundred forty (340) General Employees, in accordance with Article 23, Section 3 of the Employee Organization Agreement; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2005, Notice of Availability of Cooperative Bid Number F-3939-05-RD was posted on the City's Website as well as the DemandStar Network and notice was mailed to all current City of Hollywood Uniform Rental Vendors and all appropriate City of Hollywood Occupational License holders; and WHEREAS, the City of Hollywood acted as lead agency for thirteen (13) participating members of the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group in issuing Cooperative Bid Number F-3939-05-RD for Uniform Rental. Service; and WHEREAS, Purchasing Ordinance 38.46 allows that, the Director shall have the authority to join other governmental entities in cooperative purchasing plans when the best interest of the City would be served; and WHEREAS, Cooperative Bid Number F-3939-05-RD was opened at 3:00 P.M. on April 6, 2005, and resulted in responses from four (4) bidders: Unifirst Corporation $54,808.00 Pompano Beach, Florida Spirit Service Company $60,996.00 Pompano Beach, Florida Aramark Uniform Services $70,366.40 Burbank, California RESOLUTION — AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE G & K Services $116,688.00 Fort Lauderdale, Florida ; and WHEREAS, the amounts listed above pertain only to the City of Hollywood requirements and not the other twelve (12) participating agencies; and WHEREAS, - Unifirst Corporation was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, a check of references provided . indicates that Unifirst Corporation is capable of satisfactorily meeting all service requirements; and WHEREAS, after all Bids received were evaluated, the participating Departments and the Assistant Director of Budget and Procurement Services have recommended that the City Commission approve award of the attached Blanket Purchase Order to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Unifirst Corporation of Pompano Beach, Florida for a two (2) year agreement with option to renew for two (2) additional two (2) year periods for an estimated annual amount of $54,808.00 based upon firm unit prices; and WHEREAS, funding has been provided in the fiscal year 2005 budget in various account numbers and will be budgeted in fiscal years 2006 and 2007; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA: Section 1: That it hereby approves and authorizes the execution, by the appropriate City Officials, of the attached Blanket Purchase Order between Unifirst Corporation and the City of Hollywood, together with such non -material changes, if any, as may be acceptable to the City Manager and approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney. This space intentionally left blank. RESOLUTION -- AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE Section 2: That this resolution shall be in full ford and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of / , 2005. 2 1 �11?- 4 LI 1, i�- t -. MARA GIULIANTI, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY for the use and reliance of tho City of Hollywood, Florid , o ly. DANIEL L. ABBOTT, CITY ATTORNEY hidened %dWsVes3®39Unftm%dw �00" wove . �4 < V DIAMOND I GGLL>C°A5P i. h :'ram `qti °knraRA- F.o City of �foCCywood, �'loricfa GEN. JOSEPH W. WATSON CIRCLE • P.O. Box 229045 • ZIP 33022-9045 NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD BID NO.: F-3939-05-RD (CO-OP) . OPENED: April 5, 2005 ITEM: UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE AWARD BEING RECOMMENDED TO: UNIFIRST CORPORATION POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA DATED AND POSTED: 4/25/2005 MACCIANO K. LEWIS, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR BUDGET AND PROCUREMENT SERVICES PROTEST: ANY ACTUAL OR PROSPECTIVE BIDDER WHO IS AGGRIEVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PENDING AWARD OF THE CONTRACT OR ANY ELEMENT OF THE PROCESS LEADING TO THE AWARD MAY PROTEST TO THE DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES. THE PROTEST MUST BE FILED WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS OF THIS POSTING OR ANY RIGHT TO PROTEST IS FORFEITED. THE PROTEST MUST BE IN WRITING, MUST IDENTIFY THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROTESTER, AND MUST INCLUDE A FACTUAL SUMMARY OF, AND THE BASIS FOR, THE PROTEST. FILING SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WHEN THE PROTEST IS RECEIVED BY THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES PROTEST DEPOSIT: A DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED FROM THE PROTESTER TO COMPENSATE THE CITY FOR THE EXPENSES OF ADMINISTERING THE PROTEST. IF THE PROTEST IS DECIDED IN THE PROTESTER'S FAVOR, THE ENTIRE DEPOSIT SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE PROTESTER. IF THE PROTEST IS DETERMINED TO BE WITHOUT MERIT, THE DEPOSIT SHALL BE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. THE DEPOSIT SHALL BE IN THE FORM OF CASH, A CASHIER'S CHECK, OR A PAYMENT BOND AND SHALL BE IN THE AMOUNT OF $250.00 OR 1 % OF THE AMOUNT OF THE PENDING AWARD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, UP TO THE MAXIMUM OF $1,000.00. "An Equal Opportunity and Service Provider Agency" intentaw (12/27/96) r m W LLa Z n a CO W O U co W ❑ m LO co o O O N F'- CSa ' IM. �10 Qa N 0 Tuj Z 00 as �a c0 Lu zoo w iI L6 O eh LL Z m 0 0 a U) Q =-. � N M M } T Wm- I—❑LU ¢ m w - M�a vI C d E C D O a co W 0 O O O O C t CD co co cc o 0co i LL w � m ~ ❑ m �; Y w Y w X +mo w w } w y w J W w U � Z Q Z CR (D N LO � t) O O � [V � O N w g w co F- a cd 0 N C] t0 c0 C) a fD co � W w m Q O U d M CO N Cp l fo 6 N c0D N G0lrr 0 (ji Lt7 M N I- V N m Lo MLO I,U P. coJ } w } J w } .,.1 w } .J w } J w } J w _j 00 a)N M to N co M CO CA M LO N N 00 T M U') O LO I- CDLLJ U� m Ln N co N N z U m a < m o g o 0 0 0 9 o R a O a o N Sri o Ln aNs o co m m ui if) o CO) Y Y Y Y Y X LL p w w w w w w W m m N M N N N M LO V. CM Cl (D N U") It C7 I— Cl LO C] CD O p to M U) O cn z � a � g a o Z O (L w 0ca U O YZ 2 C a. CD C] N LO Ln IT co Lo v_ LO aq N N 0 w Cl LO `fi C m rn N to cm C 47 CO co - O) LO Ca N co .}a w -j w J W J w J W J W CL - LO M Cl)N 0 P� O ODt- O Cl) LO 4 m N O cq Lq Cl) C1 (} O U? Q. M N O W O H a0 Z EL 0 N m E cem 23 to o v � m U o U ¢ _ Q r CL Q m g O X � v U) € ❑ Y N m m N w m 1 0 LL a 4 0 U o z' W O a o7 wO a 0 0 ol o w w LL 2 W O a C7 z O _ N - W i- � Vln• �. J w m ~ X N .� w p.. S @ ; ¥ »� » ¥ \ u _j u u I I I I I 0 w § § § § § § } § § j j / $ k k R k 4 m o o U) to o C14 to _ I-� m / ❑ # R R (I m Lq m LP R oq@ R w n Lo o v a w u 0 ELQ \ o a) ) w '@ 7 w w w § I i o § 0 § 0 § 0 w o O w 2 w k k CD q g $ § 2 2 f k § q g S §\ §\ a li w a m w a \ Z $ § . � \ $ \ 2 z $ § » ¥ ¥ » x » I CL ) ) ) ) ) ) § § § § § ) i I w § w w < i < w < i i i i 0\ / « k 2 k § z / U) o o cq � Itm 0 o m n Cl) o 0 0 f Lo w s§ \ N § \ ) b � § U) E \ ) S » ¥ ¥ » > » S o £ ) w w ) « w ® 2 # w w w w w § 0 § 0 i 0 0 w o w Q § / k k 2 A E:/ R 2 w\ 0 o 0 g 0 o 0 Lq 0 0 0 0 = w \ o e 0 R 0 e Q W « w IT a w \ 2 S . « ƒ . a � _ E \ § q . m k k k z z z a A � m z z L ) w R m ® ) \ §§ � . w I I ) e E e § a o [ E E \) { o m \ ¥ R < I < $ ? ƒ_ + � a $ A 0 2 oc / 2 LL 0 0 0 s ° - 2§ j Lh § 0 � - 2 2 CD 2 w / e_ 0 0 0 o« p « $ k & C6 w - § § y < k < < § \ / <= E e m n� § & § A 7 7 $ k& t2 �&2 Ro }§ k� k^ k� � ( � _ »a � »& � Cl) ¥� u � R� 7c �s R� $/ « � � � 2 � @ 0 )! @e O_ o§ k5 y «� yb k� §w eb E� §a o■ /§ // §§ 2 = � /2 .* o x x x ¥ x x a w s e s= S e k g J k§ 0 3 & e 2�¥ d w a n d« 0� w 0 L o G o f o L << R < R A•c p a = = s x = x = x == x Y cn a ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ U U U ¢ U U i H w w w w w w w ¢ w ¢ w❑ ¢ ui w w w r 0 a~o, OR o IN•, ti o ao w ago C9 LQ o w o r CW] 7 ❑ w g U W m � a 06 LL 0 Z) U) w U V W ¢ ;a H U U U w U w U w U w U w U U U U U >- c w w w w w w w 0 Q LLL ^� o aD CD O0 o q 0 u7 0 CR o 0 CD u7 o O CD aD O a0 Li N u7 N N O ¢ ` to m a v Z) c m ❑ 88 z a o x = x x Y x z z x co O LL w w ¢= w w w ¢= w w az w w ¢ w w w 0 ►°- U T 0 7 o 0 47 0 V; 0 un N a V 0 O d' O u') fl- uO N U¢ 7 m r N W O a � � O c cn a 0 � � U tY U a 1 U- = = x = = x U = U x U = U x U _ U m U co >- o w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 0 a 0 wO Q m LQ o U� 0 U� v L{ 0 0 a O LQ 0 Lq O LQ o O O O o � M N z O c a D M W o C� r a o � o �' T a Li Q !� z � O r `�%' Z cn IL � w u, m� ° y m o ° c 30 o E a rn H O m v, cn °ate Q ~ ~ n c� � " r U) rn V o o a c Cl) N in o g❑ W a r o th (A 0 2 2 N m N w y m t •C N •N 0. m F o �i w O a m Z5 w ¢ aUi E °� w m w U a` C) W " ZQ �,a ma m m a� E¢-0 E m m a aDr WH_ x c H m > ❑ H rna m Lm m 0 m rn m y rn m C «L O U W rn m 2 m P m t (a cn p j m ❑ CO) r ❑O U Q U [j U U tL> 6 tLi cLi U U L 1 h y Q a Z7 m ,� c m c M c �' m'R c m c m m c 'g io m is m U N Q Z c 0 Q_ O, C ,4 y 3 ,O N _6 N O c _O c ,O .c Q N M c O Q1 c O m c O c 4 W m a� U m w W O O O a O a b� '�O '<O C7r ¢H ¢H ¢H ¢cn Svc ctww g ¢ ro ¢ ¢ ¢O