HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-109Temp. Reso. #10725 May 23, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- V o q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO AWARD BID NUMBER 05-12B TO ARIES INDUSTRIES, INC., FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF AN EXISTING UNIT WITH OPTIONS A AND B, AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $215,825.00, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Utilities Department staff recommended and received approval for the purchase of a new TV video truck and upgrade of an existing unit in the FY 05 budget; and WHEREAS, specifications were submitted and bids were solicited for the purchase of a new TV video truck and the upgrade of an existing unit for the Utilities Department, a copy of said bid is included herein as Exhibit 1 "; and WHEREAS, bids were received on May 18, 2005, from the following bidders, a copy of said bid tab is included herein as "Exhibit "2": ; and Aries Industries, Inc. $171,052.00 Elixsi Corp. d/b/a Cues (Cues) $188,666.00 WHEREAS, Aries Industries, Inc., was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at $171,052.00, a copy of said response is included herein as Exhibit "3"; and Temp. Reso. #10725 May 23, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, after the completion of the bid review, Utilities Department staff recommends the additional purchase of Option A (Lateral Inspection Unit) for $42,507.00 and Option B (Equipment Hoist) for $2,266.00 as proposed in the Aries Industries Inc. bid response; and WHEREAS, funding was appropriated by the City Commission in the FY 05 Utilities budget for said purpose; and WHEREAS, the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager recommend that the City utilizes Aries Industries, Inc., for the purchase of a new TV video truck and the upgrade of an existing unit; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to award the TV video truck and upgrade of an existing unit bid to Aries Industries, Inc., for a total price not to exceed $215,825.00, which includes the aforementioned options. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to accept Bid Number 05-12B for the purchase of a TV video truck and upgrade of an existing unit and proposed options with Aries Industries, Inc., in the amount of $215,825.00. 1 1 Temp. Reso. #10725 May 23, 2005 Page 3 SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this a.and day of )2005. JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR ATTEST: MARION SWENSO , CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. V / SAMUEL -066Y&N INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY SL/mg RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS gyp_ Issued on behalf of the Utilities Department City of Tamarac Purchasing Division 7525 NW 881" Avenue Room 108 Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 (954) 724-2450 SUBMIT BID TO: CITY OF TAMARAC PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS DIVISION 7525 NW 88T" AVENUE TAMARAC, FL 33321 954-724-2450 INVITATION FOR BID Bidder Acknowledgement BID NO.: 05-12B BID TITLE: NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT (RE -BID) BID OPENING DATE/TIME: May 18, 2005, 4:00 PM BUYER NAME: Keith K. Glatz, CPPO BUYER PHONE: 954-724-1322 BUYER EMAIL: keithg@tamarac.org PRE -BID CONFERENCE/SITE INSPECTION: N/A BONDING: Not required for this bid. GENERAL CONDITIONS THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE STANDARD FOR ALL BIDS FOR COMMODITIES/SERVICES ISSUED BY THE CITY OF TAMARAC. THE CITY OF TAMARAC MAY DELETE, SUPERSEDE OR MODIFY ANY OF THESE STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR A PARTICULAR BID BY INDICATING SUCH CHANGE IN THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS OR IN THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE BID. ANY AND ALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS SHALL PREVAIL OVER ANY CONFLICTING PROVISION WITHIN ANY VENDOR'S STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGARDLESS OF ANY LANGUAGE IN VENDOR'S DOCUMENTATION TO THE CONTRARY. SEALED BIDS THIS FORM SHOULD BE EXECUTED AND SUBMITTED WITH ALL BID FORMS IN A SEALED ENVELOPE. THE FACE OF THE ENVELOPE SHALL CONTAIN THE ABOVE ADDRESS, THE BID NUMBER AND THE BID TITLE. BIDS NOT SUBMITTED ON THE ATTACHED BID FORM MAY BE DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE. ALL BIDS ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THOSE BIDS THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH THESE CONDITIONS MAY BE DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE. BIDDER COMPANY NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: COMPANY PHONE: NAME OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: AUTHORIZED AGENT EMAIL ADDRESS: BIDDER TAXPAYER ID OR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: .................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... ................ ....................................................... .......................... _................................................................................ _.............. .........,... icn. I certify that this Bid Acknowledgement is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Bid for the same commodities and/or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all conditions of this Bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this Bid as an agent for the Bidder. Page 7 C; ty l �Y 1Frt t ., ::;' t;fwhr St 7g ir)c7 ut�r111 ra )lt t"tf)+! It is the intent of the City to award this bid to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality concerning the bids when such rejection or waiver is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to award the bid on a split order basis, lump sum or individual item basis unless otherwise stated, whichever is in the best interest of the City. This solicitation is issued pursuant to the City of Tamarac Code, Chapter 6, "Finance & Taxation", Article V, "Purchasing Procedures", Section 6-141 et seq. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS These general terms and conditions apply to all offers made to the City of Tamarac by all prospective Bidders including but not limited to Request for Quotes, Request for Bids and Request for Proposals. As such the words "bid" and "proposal" are used interchangeably in reference to all offers submitted by prospective Bidders. 1. SUBMISSION OF THE BID The Bidder is directed to deliver sealed bids to the City of Tamarac, Purchasing Division, 7525 N. W. 88th Avenue, Room 108, Tamarac, Florida 33321, no later than the date and time specified on the cover page of this solicitation document. At this time the bids will be opened, the names of all Bidders will be announced and all bids shall become a matter of public record. All Bidders and their representatives are invited to attend. The Bidder must show the bid number, bid name, time and date of the bid opening on the outside of the sealed bid package. Delivery of the sealed bids to the Purchasing Office on or before the above date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Bidder. Late bids will be returned unopened to the Bidder. It is the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand the requirements of this bid. Unless otherwise specified, the Bidder must use the bid form furnished in the bid document. The Bidder shall submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the bid. The original bid must be manually and duly signed in ink by a Corporate Officer, Principal, or Partner with the authority to bind the bidding company or firm by his/her signature. All bid forms must be typewritten or completed in ink, The Bidder must initial any erasures or corrections in ink. All prices, terms and conditions quoted in the submitted bid will be firm for acceptance for sixty days from the date of the bid opening unless otherwise stated by the City. The Bidder preparing a bid in response to this solicitation shall bear all expenses associated with its preparation. The Bidder shall prepare a bid with the understanding that no claim for reimbursement shall be submitted to the City for expenses related to its preparation. 2. BID DEPOSIT When required on the cover page, a bid deposit or bid surety bond in the amount specified shall accompany the bid. Bid deposits shall be in the form of cash, certified check or cashier's check, drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States, and shall be made payable to the City of Tamarac. In lieu of a bid deposit, a bid surety provided by a firm licensed to business in the State of Florida shall be provided to the City. Any bid deposits will be returned to the Bidders at the time of contract award. The bid deposit of the successful vendor shall be returned upon receipt of acceptable Performance and/or Payment bonds. 3. BONDING When required by the specification herein, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment bond, and/or Warranty bond, as stated on the cover page of this solicitation, on the City's forms, within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification of contract award. Failure to furnish the required bonds within the time specified may be cause for rejection of the bid and any bid deposit may be retained by the City as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. Said sum shall be a fair estimate of the amount of damages the City would sustain due to Bidder's failure to furnish said bonds. 4. WITHDRAWAL OF BID Any Bidder may withdraw its bid prior to the indicated opening time. The request for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Office. 5. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 6. NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT Each Contractor shall complete the Non -Collusive Affidavit Form and shall submit this form with the bid/proposal. The City considers the failure of the Contractor to submit this document to be a major irregularity, and may be cause for rejection of the Proposal. 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The award hereunder is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112 of the State of Florida Statutes. Bidders shall disclose the name of any officer, director, partner, proprietor, associate or agent who is also a public officer or employee of the City or any of its agencies. 8. QUANTITIES Quantities shown are estimates only. No guarantee or warranty is given or implied by the City as to the total amount that may or may not be purchased from any resulting contract. The City reserves the right to decrease or increase quantities or add or delete any item from the contract if it is determined that it best serves the interests of the City. 9. PRICES, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS Bid prices shall be fixed and firm to the extent required under Special Conditions. In the absence of a reference in the Special Conditions, bid prices shall be fixed and firm for a period of sixty (60) calendar days, or ninety (90) calendar days when the contract must be approved by another agency. Payment will be made only after receipt and acceptance of materiaWservices. Cash discounts may be offered for prompt payment; however, such discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation. Page 2 Bidders are encouraged to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid Form. If no payment discount is offered, the Bidder shall enter zero (0) for the percentage discount to indicate net 30 days. If the Bidder does not enter a percentage discount, it is understood and agreed that the payment terms shall be 2% 10 days, net 30 days effective on the date that the City receives an accurate invoice or accepts the product, whichever is the later date. Payment is deemed made on the date of the mailing of the check. All payments shall be governed by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, F.S. Chapter218. 10. DELIVERY All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination to a specific City address. All delivery costs and charges must be included in the bid price. The City reserves the right to cancel orders or any part thereof, without obligation if delivery is not made at the time specified in the bid. 11. MANUFACTURER'S NAME & APPROVED EQUIVALENTS Manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name information and/or model/catalog numbers are used in these specifications for information and establishment of a quality level desired, and are not intended to restrict competition unless otherwise specified in the bid. The Bidder may offer any brand which meets or exceeds the specifications for any item(s). If bids are based on equivalent products, indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and model/catalog number. Bidder shall submit complete descriptive literature and/or specifications with the bid. The burden of proof for specification compliance is solely on the Bidder. The City reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal and acceptable. Failure to provide this information within three (3) business days of the City's request may be grounds for bid disqualification, If Bidder fails to name a substitute, it will be assumed that the Bidder has submitted a bid which conforms in all aspects to the requirements of the bid document, and that the Bidder intends to furnish goods identical to the bid standard. 12. SAMPLES AND DEMONSTRATIONS When requested, samples are to be furnished free of charge to the City. If a sample is requested it must be delivered within seven days of the request unless otherwise stated in the bid. Each sample must be marked with the Bidder's name and manufacture's brand name. The City will not be responsible for returning samples. The City may request a full demonstration of any product or service before the award of a contract. All demonstrations will be done at the expense of the Bidder. 13. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION As a part of the Bid evaluation process, the City may conduct a background investigation including a criminal record check of Bidder's officers and/or employees, by the Broward County Sheriffs Office. Bidder's submission of a bid constitutes acknowledgement of and consent to such investigation. City shall be the sole judge in determining Bidder's qualifications. 14. CONDITIONS OF MATERIALS All materials and products supplied by the Bidder in conjunction with this bid shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, fit for a particular purpose, free from defects and consistent with industry standards. The products shall be delivered to the City in excellent condition. In the event that any of the products supplied to the City are found to be defective or do not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to return the product to the Bidder at no cost to the City. Successful Bidder shall furnish all guarantees and warranties to the Purchasing Division prior to final acceptance and payment. The warranty period shall commence upon final acceptance of the product. 15. COPYRIGHTS OR PATENT RIGHTS The Bidder warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods shipped or ordered as a result of this bid. The seller agrees to hold the City harmless from all liability, loss or expense occasioned by any such violation. 16. SAFETY STANDARDS The Bidder warrants that the product(s) supplied to the City conform with all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its amendments to any industry standards, if applicable. 17. PERFORMANCE Failure on the part of the Bidder to comply with the conditions, terms, specifications and requirements of the bid shall be just cause for cancellation of the bid award. The City may, by written notice to the Bidder, terminate the contract for failure to perform. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. The City shall be the sole judge of nonperformance. 18. INSPECTION The City shall have the right to inspect any materials, components, equipment, supplies, services or completed work specified herein. Any of said items not complying with these specifications are subject to rejection at the option of the City. Any items rejected shall be removed from the premises of the City and/or replaced at the entire expense of the successful vendor. 19. TERMINATION a. DEFAULT Default by Contractor: In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by Contractor of written notice of such neglect or failure. b. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY Upon'seven (7) calendar days written notice delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Bidder, the City may without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, terminate the agreement for the City's convenience whenever the City determines that such termination is in the best interest of the City. Where the agreement is terminated for the convenience of the City the notice of termination to the Bidder must state that the contract is being terminated for the convenience of the City under the termination clause and the extent of termination. Upon receipt of the notice of termination for convenience, the Bidder shall promptly discontinue all work at the time and to the extent indicated on the notice of termination, shall terminate all outstanding Page 3 n/ i 3! {/c1 (7 tch si 1C7 =�?r?d �%omlrc cts Dw 7%i sub -contractors and purchase orders to the extent that they relate to the terminated portion of the Contract, and refrain from placing further orders and sub- contracts except as they may be necessary, and shall complete any continued portions of the work. c. FUNDING OUT This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 20. ASSIGNMENT The Bidder shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this bid without the prior written consent of the City. Any award issued pursuant to this bid and monies that may become due hereunder are not assignable except with prior written approval of the City. 21. EMPLOYEES Employees of the Bidder shall at all times be under its sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City. The Bidder shall supply competent and physically capable employees. The City may require the Bidder to remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise objectionable. Bidder shall be responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of all employees working under its directions. 22. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY No Contractor shall discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, or physical or mental handicap if qualified. Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, religion, color, gender, national origin, or physical or mental handicap. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non- discrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this nondiscrimination clause. 23. TAXES The City of Tamarac is exempt from all Federal, State, and Local taxes. An exemption certificate will be provided where applicable upon request. 24. OMISSION OF DETAILS Omission of any essential details from these specifications will not relieve the Bidder of supplying such product(s) as specified. 25. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Bidder agrees to, in the performance of work and services under this Agreement, comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this agreement that are applicable to Contractor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. Bidder shall obtain at Bidders expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as required by the City's Risk & Safety Officer before beginning work under this Agreement. Bidder shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Bidder shall provide to the City's Risk & Safety Officer certificates of all insurance required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. Bidder shall indemnify and save the City harmless from any damage resulting to it for failure of either Bidder or any subcontractor to obtain or maintain such insurance. The following are required types and minimum limits of insurance coverage, which the Bidder agrees to maintain during the term of this contract: Line of Business/ Occurrence Aggregate Coverage Commercial General $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Liability Including: Premises/Operations Contractual Liability Personal Injury Explosion, Collapse, Underground Hazard . Products/Completed Operations Broad Form Property Damage Cross Liability and Severability of Interest Clause Automobile Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Workers' Compensation & Statutory Employer's Liability The City reserves the right to require higher limits depending upon the scope of work under this Agreement. Neither Bidder nor any subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until they have obtained all insurance required under this section and have supplied the City with evidence of such coverage in the form of an insurance certificate and endorsement. The Bidder will ensure that all subcontractors will comply with the above guidelines and will maintain the necessary coverage throughout the term of this Agreement. All insurance carriers shall be rated at least A-VII per A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide and be licensed to do business in Florida. Policies shall be "Occurrence" form. Each carrier will give the City sixty (60) days notice prior to cancellation. The Bidders liability insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City of Tamarac as an "additional insured". The Bidders Workers Compensation carrier will provide a Waiver of Subrogation to the City. The Bidder shall be responsible for the payment of all deductibles and self -insured retentions. The City may require that the Bidder purchase a bond to cover the full amount of the deductible or self -insured retention. If the Bidder is to provide professional services under this Agreement, the Bidder must provide the City with evidence of Professional Liability insurance with, at a minimum, a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. "Claims -Made" forms are acceptable for Professional Liability insurance. 26. INDEMNIFICATION The Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Tamarac, its elected and appointed officials and employees from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and Page 4 expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Bidder or his Subcontractors, agents, officers, employees or independent contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City of Tamarac or its elected or appointed officials and employees. 27. CLARIFICATION & ADDENDA Where there appears to be variances or conflicts between the General Terrns and Conditions and the Special Conditions and/or Detailed Specifications outlined in this bid, the Special Conditions and/or the Detailed Specifications shall prevail. The Bidder shall examine all bid documents and shall judge all matters relating to the adequacy and accuracy of such documents. If, upon review, any material errors in specifications are found, the Bidder shall contact the Purchasing Office immediately. Any inquires, suggestions, requests concerning clarification, or requests for additional information shall be submitted in writing to the Purchasing and Contracts Manager, The City of Tamarac reserves the right to amend this bid prior to the Bid opening date indicated by written addenda. Written addenda shall serve as the sole means of clarification. The City shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any City employee or its representative. 28. BID TABULATION Bidders may download the bid tabulation directly from the Internet at http://www.tmarac.ora/DeraUfin/purch/resuIt$.htm1. The City does not notify unsuccessful Bidders of contract awards. Pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 119, Section 7(m), sealed bids or proposals received by an agency pursuant to invitations to bid or requests for proposals are exempt from the provisions of subsection (1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of a decision or intended decision pursuant to F.S. §120.57(3)(a), or within 10 days after bid/proposal opening, whichever is earlier. 29. RECORDS/AUDITS The Contractor shall maintain during the term of the contract all books, reports and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and standards for records directly related to this contract. The form of all records and reports shall be subject to the approval of the City's Auditor. The Contractor agrees to make available to the City's Auditor, during normal business hours and in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach Counties, all books of account, reports and records relating to this contract for the duration of the contract and retain them for a minimum period of one (1) year beyond the last day or the contract term. 30. UNBALANCED BIDS When a unit price bid has variable or estimated quantities, and the bid shows evidence of unbalanced bid pricing, such bid may rejected. 31. UNIT PRICES Where a discrepancy between unit price and total price is indicated on a Bidder's submitted Schedule of Bid Prices or Price Proposal Form, the unit prices shall prevail. Purchasing and Contracts Division Page 5 ON f ��; I''trrw~'?osing anti C,oniraets Divisor IrPtc�!r ....... .. ......... 1. iA 9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BID NO. 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT (RE -BID) GENERAL It is the intent and purpose of these specifications to secure the necessary equipment and accessories which will comprise the system described herein. A detailed list of components is included, and is the basis upon which the supplier's bid must be submitted. MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP AND COMPATIBILITY INFORMATION All furnished equipment, materials and workmanship shall be of the highest grade in accordance with modern industry practices. The equipment supplied shall be new and unused except for the necessary testing, calibration and transportation. The vendor -supplied replacement parts and components shall be 100% compatible with the City's existing TV and Seal system. The vendor's components and parts shall be 100% compatible with the City's existing TV and sealing equipment and appurtenances, meaning the older existing components/parts shall operate on the new (proposed) TV and Seal truck and the City's existing TV and Seal truck. Meets Specification: Deviates: WARRANTY All items furnished in accordance with these specifications shall be covered by the manufacturer's and/or supplier's standard warranty or guarantee on new equipment. The minimum warranty period on new equipment must be one year parts and labor. Meets Specification: EXCEPTIONS Deviates: Any exceptions to the component list and specification requirements, or failure to submit requested information will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of a bid. Meets Specification: Deviates: FACTORY PARTS AND SERVICE CENTER A. 1_0 To best service the requirements of the City, it is the intent of these specifications to secure equipment which can be properly maintained and serviced without the necessity of stocking an expensive parts inventory or being subjected to long periods of interrupted service due to lack of spare parts. All vendors submitting bids must have a complete factory parts and service center available, with a minimum of five (5) full-time electronic diagnostic Page 6 ;n City of Traiaiarsac .................. ..... ..................................................... _. ............. ....._..... . f'C rc' iJ1snxi r'anci Cowiact L tVdS=;m±"1 and mechanical technicians with the ability to rebuild and repair equipment. A minimum of three (3) full time parts and trouble -shooting technicians must be located at said factory parts/service center. The factory service center shall be readily available during normal working hours. All vendors should also have ordering and shipping personnel available during regular business hours. C. It is preferable that the factory service center has toll free telephone service and is capable of providing overnight delivery service. When required, the vendor shall list the nearest factory part and service location, plus any other pertinent information requested. The City may exercise its right to inspect each bidder's facilities to determine the company's qualifications to provide parts and service on an acceptable basis. Meets Specification: Deviates: LOCATION OF FACTORY SERVICE CENTER Address City, State, Zip Telephone 6. INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED BY BIDDER Each supplier shall furnish the following information with their bid. Please place a check in each box below to indicate your bid's compliance: A. ❑ Detailed component list. B. ❑ Proposed vehicle layout drawings. C. ❑ Literature describing all major components. D. ❑ Operator Training videotapes produced by a professional production company. E. ❑ Supplier Information Form (attached). F. ❑ Any deviations to these specifications shall be clearly indicated and referenced by component and specification by completing Paragraph C. "Deviations from Specifications" on the attached Supplier Information Form. Failure to provide information concerning any deviations from the specifications may be cause for rejection of the bid. G. ❑ State time for contract completion in calendar days: days. H. ❑ The work described herein will be performed at the following location: Address City State Zip Page 7 M� CAP of Tamarac , � gDjvisiolr . SUPPLIER INFORMATION FORM BID 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT (RE -BID) (This form MUST be completed by each Bidder) A. REFERENCES List of 5 Florida municipalities (No Contractors) that have purchased from your company within the past five (5) years, and currently operate a complete Multi - Conductor TV and/or Seal Inspection system. MUNICIPALITY CONTACT NAME TELEPHONE NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. INSURANCE COVERAGE The successful bidder shall supply a minimum of $1,000,000 of Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance, including but not limited to a Broad Form Liability Endorsement and Products and Completed Operations coverage. A Certificate of Insurance showing the $1,000,000 coverage must be provided prior to contract award. The City of Tamarac shall be named as an additional insured as referenced in the General Conditions herein. Failure to supply the certificate of insurance will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of the bid. Meets Specification: Deviates: C. DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFICATIONS Any deviations from the specifications contained herein shall be fully described and checked as instructed. Failure to note or describe any deviations will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of the proposal. Please use additional sheets if necessary. Page 8 C rt Cif 01O ar c pf 17r.rr ,1 s i� X J I.'.....�f ..... c rt NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK Component List Bid 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT (RE -BID) Quantity: (1) Description: TV Hi Qube Truck (F-550), GAS w/Automatic Transmission and 16' (Minimum) Loadspace A. TV HI QUBE EQUIPMENT TO INCLUDE: (2) Amber Electronic Strobe Warning Beacons - Roof Mount (2) Adjustable Floodlights Rear of Vehicle Area Illumination (1) Standard Driver's Seat with Seatbelt and Sunvisor (1) Standard Passenger Seat with Seatbelt and Sunvisor (1) 12 Volt Light, Cab Area (1) Arrow Board Rear of unit with controller in driver's area (1) Back -Up Alarm (1) Cab A/C B. POWER PACKAGE TO INCLUDE: (1) 10,000 Watt, 120 Volt, 60 HZ Commercial Grade Generator, Gas Powered with Electric Start (1) Generator Remote Start/Stop Cable Assembly (1) Generator Storage Compartment with a Lockable External Access Door (1) Generator Slide Out Rail Assembly for External Servicing (1) Electric Supply Center with Circuit Breaker Box, Commercial Power and Generator Power Connectors C. CONTROL ROOM INTERIOR TO INCLUDE: (1) 13,500 BTU Air Conditioner with Heat strip (1) Side Entry Door with fold down steps (1) Lonseal Lonplate Flooring (1) Laminated Surface Wall Covering (1) "Safety Plus Visual" viewing window located in bulkhead wall (1) Embossed Aluminum Ceiling (1) Built In Contoured Control Console w/Rack Mounts for Electronic Equipment, Desk Top and Storage Cabinet (1) Controller housing in desk top (in angled, recessed housing) (2) 110 Volt Fluorescent Light Fixtures (1) Fire Extinguisher 1:A 10 BC 2 5/8 lb. Rating W/Bracket (1) Padded Bench Seat with Underneath Storage (1) Operator's Chair, swivel -type, with casters Page 9 a r 11iCt7r3, rr t C3{?Pi 4 D. EQUIPMENT ROOM INTERIOR TO INCLUDE: (1) Kemlite Covered Walls or approved equal (1) Kemlite Ceiling or approved equal (1) Electrical Outlet Dual Receptacle (1) Downhole Pole Mounting Bracket Assembly (1) Work Top with Storage Cabinet/ Upper Storage Cabinet and Stainless steel sink (1) Additional Cabinet mounted on the passenger side (1) 10 Volt Fluorescent Light Fixture (1) Eye Wash Station (1) First Aid Kit (1) 31/2" vise mounted on work bench (1) 12Volt battery in marine grade storage container (1) 12 Volt Dome Light (1) Retractable Air Hose Reel with 25' hose (1) Retractable Water Hose Reel with 25" Water hose (1) Double roll -out drawers with locks at rear bumper area E. COLOR TV POWER CONTROL UNIT -MULTI CONDUCTOR RACK MOUNT, NTSC COLOR STANDARD TO INCLUDE: (1) TV Camera Remote Optical Focus Control (1) TV Camera Automatic Iris Remote Control (1) TV Camera Lighthead Intensity Control w/Meter (1) Camera Test Cable Assembly F. 17" COLOR INDUSTRIAL TV LCD FLAT SCREEN MONITOR, WITH BUILT-IN SPEAKER G. VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDING SYSTEM TO INCLUDE: (1) Rack Mount for VCR (1) Removable Video/Audio Tape Recorder, Industrial Cassette, NTSC Color Standard, VHS Format - Front Load (1) Audio Recording Microphone (1) 2-Hour 1/2" Recording Tape Cassette (1) Cable Assembly - VCR to Power Control Unit H. REAR LCD VIDEO MONITOR, 15" MOUNTED ON PASSENGER SIDE PAN, TILT, AND ZOOM CAMERA SYSTEM TO INCLUDE: (1) Solid State Color Sewer TV Camera with a Pan & Rotate Camera Head, 40:1 Zoom Ratio, 10x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, NTSC Color Standard, 4x Light Integration (1) Camera Controller (1) Camera Lighting System (1) Camera Transportation and Storage Case Page 10 q City of T 4t t arac P1g411(17 xsinq and Contracts Di for;r __ -- ......... w J. PIPELINE DATA COLLECTION & REAL TIME VIDEO CAPTURE SYSTEM, RACK MOUNT, TO INCLUDE: (1) Intel Pentium IV (or Windows certified approved equal) 2.8E Hyper thread GHZ CPU with Intel 875P Chipset (1) 512 MB (Megabytes) of DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) DIMM, 400 MHz (1) PCI Video Capture Board with MPEG1 Video Capture & Hardware Compression (1) Video Graphics Controller, 128 MB, 8X, AGP (1) LAN, On Board Network Connection, Intel 82547E1 10 / 100 / 1000 (1) USB 2.0 Ports (4 on Rear, 2 on Front) (2) Firewire Ports (IEEE 1394) (1) Soundblaster Compatible, On Board Sound (1) CD Recorder, CD-RW, DVD-ROM Drive 52x Internal (1) 120GB 7,200 RPM EIDE Hard Drive (1) 120GB 7,200 RPM EIDE A/V Removable Hard Drive (1) ATX 425 Watt Power Supply (1) 19" Rack Mountable Video Character Generator & Titler (1) 3 Y2 inch 1.44 MB High Density FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) (1) Industrial Hardened Case with Air Filtering, Vibration Dampening Hard Drive Mounts, Peripheral Cards Support Bar, 19" Rack (1) 101 Key Enhanced Heavy Duty Keyboard (1) Optical PS/2 Mouse (1) SVGA Multimedia Monitor w/ Speakers 17" (1) Desk top Color Ink Jet Printer, 600x300 dpi, 512K (1) Windows 2000 or XP Operating System (1) TV Truck Inspection Edition Version 1.0 Software (1) Office Engineering program (Office use) (1) Grouting Software Module Seal Inspection Reporting (1) Manhole Assets Module (TV Unit and Office) (1) Spare removable 120 GB hard drive with drive bay (1) Spare Removable Drive Bay with brackets (no hard drive) (1) User Guide, Hard -copy (1) User Guide, CD (1) Quick Reference Card, Menu Shortcuts K. COMBINATION TV TRANSMISSION & TOW CABLE ASSEMBLY TO INCLUDE: (1) 1000' gold -multi conductor Kevlar fiber armored cable, .437" diameter, 2000 lb. rating (1) Kevlar Armored Cable Terminal Connector (1) Y Eliminator Cable (1) 5-Pin Dummy Protector Plug (1) 4-Pin Dummy Protector Plug (1) Cable Strain Relief Page 11 City of Ta 3r3<; .. .. ... ...... i o- L. ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVE TELEVISION CABLE REEL TO INCLUDE: (1) Power Level Wind & Multi -Ratio Manual Transmission (1) Footage Meter with Local LCD and Remote Electronic Counter (1) Transmission Control at Viewing Station (1) Local Reel Mount Electrical & Mechanical Control (1) Sealed Continuous Contact Collector Assembly (1) Controller Cable Reel/Power Winch Motor M. LOW VISCOSITY CHEMICAL PUMPING SYSTEM TO INCLUDE: (1) Electric Motor (1) Pump Mounting Frame (2) 1:1 Ratio Positive Displacement SS Pumps w/By Pass (1) Pump Manifold Assembly with Stainless Steel Disconnects (1) Pump Adjustment Tool (1) Transfer Pump for Acrylate or Acrylic Chemical (1) Chemical Tank Assembly with Dual, Non Corrosive, 30 Gallon Working Capacity Tanks W/Clear Sight Gauge (2) Air Agitators The chemical pumps are powered by a 1 Hp, 90V DC variable speed motor which provides the operator control of the gallon volume of chemicals pumped, depending on pipe/joint condition. Each pump has capacity of delivering 3 GPM up to 2000 psi for a total of 6 GPM of mixed chemical. All wetted parts are stainless steel. Pump design features include: Cast Housing, Triplex Stainless Steel Pistons for smoother fluid flow, Oil Bath Crank Case and Stainless Steel Piston Rods. The chemical pump speed is controlled by a DC variable speed motor controller located at the operator's console. 2. 3The hoses from the chemical tanks to the grout pumps are color coded to match their respective chemicals tanks. A stainless steel shut-off valve isolates chemicals from suction strainers which are placed before each pump suction. Suction strainers have a removable see-thru bowl with internal replaceable and cleanable stainless steel screen filtering element. 3. Each pump discharge is piped in stainless steel and includes a bypass ball valve, back pressure relief valve (both relieving into pump suction), and a flexible hose leading to the hose reel with a quick disconnect fitting. The disconnect fitting allows the chemical hoses to be disconnected from pumps, and the tanks, pumps or hoses can be air purged or flushed as needed. N. PENTA HOSE CHEMICAL/AIR/WATER HOSE ASSEMBLY 500' TO INCLUDE: (5) Hose Terminal Quick Connector SS Locking (2) SS Check Valve Assembly Chemical Hose (1) Packer Joint Testing/Sealing Adapter w/Transducer Page 12 ci/ 7;)!""u3C , ...:i?rt:l... • r w O. PENTA HOSE REEL ELECTRIC MOTOR POWERED REWIND, W/5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION TO INCLUDE: (2) Stainless Steel Dual Passage Rotary Joints (1) Electric Reel Drive Motor Control, Reel Mount (1) Transmission Control Linkage, Reel Mount P. TEST AND SEAL CONTROL PANEL RACK MOUNT TO INCLUDE: (1) Quick Inflate High Speed Packer Inflation System (1) Quick Deflate System (1) Remote Pressure Sensing System (1) Pipe Joint Air Test System (1) Pipe Joint Water/Liquid Test System W/Leak Rate Loss Flow Meter (1) Sealing System Control Panel with Monitoring Gauges, Pump Controls and Stroke Counter Q. WATER STORAGE AND SUPPLY TANK 75 GALLON CAPACITY MINIMUM TO INCLUDE: (1) Air Operated Water Pump (1) 75 Gallon Water Tank R. AIR COMPRESSOR ELECTRIC DRIVE 4.0 CFM 1@100 PSI TO INCLUDE: (1) 30 Gallon Air Receiver Tank (1) Rear Air Chuck S. CHEMICAL HANDLING PACKAGE TO INCLUDE: (2) Chemical mixing paddles (1) Chemical scoop (1) Chemical measuring cup (plastic) (1) Safety goggles (1) Work gloves T. MANHOLE SEALING GUN WITH 25' HOSE AND AIR CONNECTION U. 8" LOW VOID PACKER V. CAMERA TRANSPORTATION SKID SET TO INCLUDE: (1) 8" to 30" Pipe Diameter Skid Spacer Plate Kit (2) Bottom Stainless Steel Runners (3) Top Stainless Steel Runners W. ELECTRIC POWER WINCH FOR REMOTE MANHOLE W/LEVEL WIND TO INCLUDE: (1) Hinged, Fold Down Frame W/Pin Locks (1) 1/2 HP High Torque Power Driver (1) 3/16" Stainless Steel Winch Tow Cable 1000' (1) Power Cord Reel Assembly w/500' Power Cord (1) Winch Power Cord Extension Assembly 20' (1) Power Winch Drum Emergency Hand Crank Page 13 [rit iC; ,,:;',�' 'It/C:!7,;aSi{"id,� ano' ioP"}li'rWs �. wisioo X. SELF PROPELLED CAMERA TRANSPORTER, WHEEL DRIVEN, TO INCLUDE: (1) Three sets of wheels to inspect 8" through 48" pipes to include intermediate 5.0" diameter, and minimum 10.5" diameter wheel sets (1) Steel Wheel Set for 8° PVC Pipeline Inspection (1) Transmission will maximize torque in larger diameter pipe on camera carrier. The unit shall have forward, free wheel, and powered reverse capabilities (1) All six (6) wheel drive transporter assembly to include motor and enclosed drive train (1) Transporter Controller w/Automatic Safety Off ' (1) Manual Camera Lift (1) Rear pin connector Y. CABLE MANHOLE GUIDE SYSTEM TO INCLUDE: (2) TV Invert Pulley Assemblies (6) Quick Coupling Extension Poles (2) Manhole Adapter Hooks (1) Manhole Top Roller Assembly (1) Chemical Hose Pulley Assembly (1) Equipment Retrieval tool (1) Remote foot controller for transporter operation on pull down reel, mounted at rear of truck Z. TV INSPECTION ACCESSORIES PACKAGE TO INCLUDE: (1) TV Maintenance Tool Kit (1) Metal Tool Box (3) Manual Operation, Instruction and Maintenance TV (1) Manual Spare Parts, TV (1) Video Training Tape, TV Systems Operating Procedures (1) Video Training Tape, System Trouble Shooting Procedures (1) Video Training Tape, TV Cable Repair Procedures AA. LATERAL SEALING SYSTEM TO INCLUDE: (1) Lateral Sealing Packer for 8" Pipelines (1) 4" Lateral Sock Assembly 36" long (1) 6" Lateral Sock Assembly 36" long (1) Controller Panel for lateral packer (1) 3/ HP Vacuum Pump Assembly w/tank (1) Hose and Cable harness assembly (1) TV Cable 12 pin connector (1) 12 Pin to 5/4 adapter (1) Controller Terminal Strip to PCU (1) Lateral Packer Transducer Assembly (1) Modify Lateral Packer for Transducer operation Page 14 �A City of Twrr,: tac ( 'archasin'g � nd Ganlracts 7ivi siatr BB. DELIVERY F.O.B. DESTINATION AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS HEREIN. CC. (6) DAYS OF TRAINING: The successful vendor will provide staff training for three (3) days upon delivery of the equipment, and then an additional three (3) days of follow-up training after a mutually agreeable timeframe, allowing City staff to operate the units under actual usage conditions. Page 15 City of paa'h aS?J o and ii2/7 Yrft � Division .................. ....... y DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS 1-31lik"Ie ilisip4t] NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT A. FORD F-550 TV HI -CUBE VAN CAB AND CHASSIS 1. Engine 1.1 6.8 Liter 415 Cu In SOHC SEFI V-10 Minimum 1.2 .310 Net Horsepower @ 4,250 RPM 1.3 425 lb.-ft @ 3,250 RPM 2. Exhaust System: Stainless Steel 3. Emission Control Systems Meets US EPA Government Standards 4. Cooling System: Heavy Duty 5. Wheelbase: 201" Minimum 6. GVWR: 19,000 lb. Minimum 7. Suspension 7.1 Heavy Duty Springs 7.2 6000 lb. front minimum 7.3 13500 lb. rear minimum 7.4 Heavy Duty Shock Absorbers 8. Brakes 8.1 Power Disc - Front 8.2 Power Disc - Rear 8.3 Parking Cable, Foot Operated 8.4 4 Wheel ABS 9. Electrical: 12 Volt System 10. Alternator:95AMP 11. Battery Type: 750 CCA 12. Fuel Tank Capacity: 40 Gallons 13. Steering: Power Steering 14. Transmission: Automatic, 4 Speed, HD Electronic w/ Overdrive 15. Tires and Wheels 15.1 6 each (Dual Rear Wheels) 15.2 LT 225/70R19.5F all season SBR BSW Page 16 Cjl,y o Tama; c CQ C. 9 � �.^ "i: '! ! r.:slttl P f 16. Miscellaneous 16.1 Dual Intermittent Windshield Wipers 16.2 Windshield Washers 16.3 Dual Rear -View Mirrors, Externally mounted 16.4 Directional Turn Signals 16.5 Emergency Four -Way Flashers 16.6 Back -Up Alarm 16.7 Paint - White 16.8 Cab Air Conditioning 16.9 AM/FM Radio F-550 TV HI -CUBE VAN BODY 1. Construction: Full Opening 2. Rear Bumper: Full Width Steel Treadplate 3. Lighting 3.1 Standard Lights including Stop/Turn, License Plate, 3.2 Back Up and ICC Running Lights F-550 TV HI -CUBE VAN BODY DIMENSIONS AND EQUIPMENT 1. Interior Height: 84 Inches Minimum 2. Interior Width: 91 Inches Minimum 3. Interior Loadspace: 16 Foot Minimum D. EXTERIOR The vehicle body shall include front and rear amber warning beacons mounted on the roof and dual adjustable 12V halogen floodlights mounted above the rear doors. E. INTERIOR The van interior shall be divided into two areas - an Operators Control Room and an Equipment/ Storage Room. A full width laminate covered bulkhead wall constructed with 7ply cabinet grade plywood with an operator pass through door will divide the two areas. The bulkhead wall will have a 3" aluminum kick plate (minimum 1/8" thick) attached at the base for protection from possible damage caused by impact. F. VAN CONTROL ROOM 1. The Control Room shall be located at the front of the van body. A roof mounted 13,500 BTU air conditioner with a built in 5,600 BTU heat strip shall be supplied. All cabinets and hinged cabinet doors shall be constructed of 7ply cabinet grade plywood for durability. All cabinets will be mounted above the floor surface on Y4" nylon spacers to minimize any potential water Page 17 City of Tai t I ?c Frc7 >!rz(� c n(J clotract .._�_i ...... ...................��, ......... .........d _. damage from absorption of water during the wash down process. Edges of cabinet doors, bulkhead doors, door cutouts, and cabinets shall have 1/8" thick aluminum trim installed on them to provide maximum protection in areas that are susceptible to potential impact. A 3" aluminum kick plate (minimum 1/8" thick) will be installed at the base of all cabinets and walls to provide maximum protection against potential damage caused by impact or moisture. Cabinets not constructed of 7ply cabinet grade plywood shall be deemed not acceptable. All hinged cabinet doors will have a metal flush (recessed) mounted positive latch, eliminating the unwanted opening of doors during transit. Plastic door latches or surface mounted "barrel bolt" type latches shall be deemed not acceptable on any cabinet doors. 2. The Control Room floor shall be constructed of a %" cabinet grade plywood substrate with '/4" tall water relief channels attached to the bottom of the floor to prevent moisture from gathering under the floor, thus minimizing potential long term water damage. The plywood substrate shall be covered with Lonseal Lonplate Flooring. The Control Room walls will be covered with a gray laminate surface and the ceiling will be covered with a seamless Kemlite laminate. I An ergonomic control console with rounded edges shall be used for mounting all electronic components. The control console shall be designed to bring all controls within comfortable reach of the operator. The control console shall be positioned so the operator can see the Equipment Room area through a 14" X 48" smoked Plexiglas window in the bulkhead door. The control console shall be equipped with 19" industrial rack mounts for the electronic components and an angular panel for remote equipment controllers. Locations in the angular panel shall be provided for the Pan and Tilt Camera Controller, TV Reel Motor / Power Winch Controller, and the Self Propelled Camera Transporter Controller. The exact controllers furnished will be indicated on the component list. A counter top constructed with 7ply cabinet grade plywood shall be mounted below the control console. The counter top shall be covered (including the edge) with an industrial grade "standard" laminate (.062" thick) for durability. A c '.orage compartment will be located under the counter top. The top of the contoured control console shall remain open for additional storage. 4. A bench seat with a hinged lid, storage below the lid, and a seamless vinyl cushion shall be supplied. The hinged lid will include an automatic "hold open" feature via spring loaded hinges. Bench seats with "lift off' lids shall be deemed unacceptable. Fabric covered cushions or vinyl covered cushions with seams shall be deemed unacceptable due to the inability to clean them thoroughly. 5. A closet/cabinet with (1) fixed and (2) adjustable shelves shall be installed in the Control Room. Page 18 of T rrna a �: PurrPesjng ° .... .. ... rnc( (";�nfrrri �tv Sr '�.. 6. A 24" (minimum) 110 VAC fluorescent light and (1) duplex interior electrical outlet shall be supplied in the Control Room. G. EQUIPMENT/ STORAGE ROOM 1. The Equipment/Storage Room will be located in the rear of the van. The floor shall be constructed of 2 X 6 pine planks and covered with aluminum tread plate flooring. The side walls, rear doors, and ceiling shall be constructed of 3/8" plywood and covered with a protective washable Kemlite laminate. The Kemlite laminate on the walls and ceiling of the Equipment Room shall be void of any seams or exposed screws for easy cleaning. 2. There shall be a workbench with a protective rubber liner covered plywood worktop. There will be one (1) overhead storage cabinet above the workbench with double hinged doors and two (2) metal flush (recessed) positive latches. A 110 VAC, 24" fluorescent light fixture will be mounted above the workbench for proper lighting. 3. A 20-Gallon (minimum) Washdown System with a 12 VDC water pump shall be installed to maintain water pressure for wash down of all cameras, transporters and other related equipment. The wash down system will include a stainless steel sink with a gooseneck faucet located on top of the plywood worktop. 4. A 12 VDC cargo bay light will be installed on the Equipment Room ceiling and a 110 VAC, 24" fluorescent light fixture will be mounted above the electronics access door on the bulkhead wall. All Equipment Room electrical boxes, outlets, and wiring conduit will be UL approved for exterior use in a wet environment. One (1) duplex interior electrical outlet will be supplied in the Equipment Room area. No exposed wiring will be acceptable. All electrical wiring shall be in accordance with applicable electrical codes including NEC. An automatic transfer switch for Shore / Generator Power shall be installed and will be activated upon receipt of power with a minimum 40 second delay to protect all electronic components and assemblies. 5. Brackets shall be mounted on the passenger side rear door to hold all downhole poles, invert rollers and manhole adapter hooks when required. H. GASOLINE GENERATOR w/ELECTRIC START—10,000 Watts, Kohler The power source for the system will be a 10,000-watt commercial grade, water cooled, alternating current gasoline powered generator consisting of the following (minimum): Gasoline -powered with electric start. The alternator produces 10,000W of AC power at 120Vt2% 60Hz±1 % under continuous load conditions without overheating or vibration. The 1.31- engine is a liquid -cooled unit producing 13hp at 1800rpm. The Page 19 City of Teana., ac ......... ......�Jtchasing f( .. ....._.. ...__.... i fltl .... Kohler PowerBoostTm regulation unit allows for "soft" starts of the engine and can sustain surge currents of 300% of rated load for 10 seconds. 1. Generator Standard Features a. Liquid -cooled gas engine (3.1 gallon capacity) b. 35A 12V DC battery charger C. Fan -cooled radiator d. Engine protection shut -down system for low oil pressure, high engine temperature, and over speed e. Exhaust silencer f. Dry -type air filter g. Local and remote start/stop switches h. Static excited alternator with Kohler PowreBoostTm regulation i. Rubber vibration isolators j. Single side operator/maintenance checks including: i. Local start/stop switches ii. Oil dip stick and fill point iii. Fuel filter iv. Oil filter v. Radiator fill point vi. Main disconnect protective circuit breaker vii. Engine hour meter 2. Generator Housing Generator is mounted at eye level on the curbside of the truck body. This provides easy access to all generator components for routine maintenance and inspection. The generator enclosure is constructed of 5/8" plywood with glued and screwed construction. The enclosure is lined with sound deadening, heat, and fire retardant panels. The electrical, ventilation, and exhaust connections are flexible. The cover door has ventilation grating with full opening hinges, gas cylinder arms that support the door when open, and a keyed locking mechanism. a. Shall be mounted in an enclosed cabinet with a fire retardant liner, locking vented door with a recessed stainless steel lock, and spark free exhaust system. b. Shall be the product of a firm regularly engaged in the manufacture of gasoline powered generators. Page 20 Purchasingai' conttfpL)Vi«iP.7 ......... ......... _........ C. Shall be designed for commercial mobile applications capable of handling the load of intermittent heavy-duty use for sewer line television inspection units. d. A 30-amp external shore power receptacle shall be provided. e. Shore power to generator switchover shall be accomplished through a UL approved automatic changeover switch with suitable time delay to avoid damaging power surges. f. A 25 foot, 30 A shore power extension cable shall be supplied. I. SYSTEM ENGINEERING PANEL The engineering panel shall provide monitoring of the power supply to the system. The panel circuitry shall be assembled in a rack -mounted chassis for installation in a built in control console. The faceplate shall be heavy gauge aluminum finished with an industrial grade surface and shall have permanent labels designating the function of the various switches and controls. Provisions shall be made on the panel for the following items: 1. AC Volt Readout 2. AC Frequency Readout (58-62 Hertz) 3. Generator Remote Start/Stop 4. Generator Run Time Readout J. CAMERA POWER CONTROL UNIT — MULTI CONDUCTOR The power control unit shall provide all the necessary power and controls to operate and monitor the television inspection system. All circuits shall be of solid state design, assembled in a rack -mounted chassis for installation in a built in control console. The faceplate shall be heavy gauge aluminum finished with an industrial grade finish and shall have permanent labels designating the function or purpose of the various switches, readouts and controls. The PCU shall have a back plate for all cable connectors each separately indexed and locking, and labeled as to purpose. Each camera system shall be equipped with a test cable to allow for the direct by- pass of slip rings, TV cable and any applicable connectors for testing purposes. K. POWER CONTROL UNIT MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The power control unit shall operate off of 120 volts AC current. The PCU shall contain a solid state lighthead power source whose input shall be through isolation, variable voltage transformer and whose output shall be from 0 volts to 120 volts DC. A light intensity adjustment control and DC volt readout shall be provided on the front panel. Input and output of both the camera and lighthead power shall be protected by circuit breakers with indicators to identify open circuits. Circuits shall be isolated to provide operator protection from electrical shock hazards. Page 21 f ? L. POWER CONTROL UNIT REMOTE CAMERA ADJUSTMENT The power control unit will be equipped with the following remote camera adjustments: 1.1 Focus Control: A two -pole switch spring loaded to off permits the operator to adjust the camera focus for changes in pipe diameter or different views of defect conditions. In the neutral position, the camera focus will be electronically locked. 1.2 Automatic Iris Control: This control allows the operator to override the camera's automatic light compensating circuitry -operating range in the event an excess of light or lack of light produces a poor picture response. With the proper adjustment, the operator can change the iris opening to compensate for the light level available thereby improving the picture response. SYSTEMS REQUIRING MANUAL EXTERNAL CAMERA SETTINGS OR THE REMOVAL OF THE CAMERA FROM THE SEALED HOUSING IN THE FIELD TO MAKE THESE ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE DEEMED NOT ACCEPTABLE. M. 17" COLOR FLATSCREEN LCD MONITOR — NTSC, PAL Auto Select 1. 17" Widescreen Monitor 1.1 Shall be a high quality, ultra -thin, industrial grade color unit providing a minimum of 1280 x 768 pixels of resolution. 1.2 Shall be a desk -mounted 17" LCD computer display in the Viewing Room of the vehicle. 1.3 Shall include a user-friendly, on -screen menu for easy parameter adjustments. 1.4 Shall be compatible with both NTSC and PAL signals; shall include an auto -detect function that has the ability to identify the signal that's being input and automatically switch from NTSC or PAL. 1.5 Shall be equipped with built-in speakers to allow for audio playback from a video tape recording and detachable power cable. 1.6 Shall provide a wide -format desktop with .precision scaling and a 20- Watt audio system. 1.7 Shall have the ability to automatically monitor / adjust the video input and optimize the display settings without manual adjustments. 1.8 Shall be equipped with (2) built-in speakers to allow for audio playback from a video tape recording. 1.9 Shall include an On -screen Menu for adjusting monitor parameters. The menu shall include a user-friendly graphical interface to guide users through the customization of features and individual preferences. 1.10 Shall operate from 120V AC or 230V AC power sources. Page 22 City of Tea rarar , 2. Dimensions 2.1 Depth: 6.8 in. 2.2 Height: 16.3 in. 2.3 Width: 17 in. 2.4 Weight: 12.3 lbs. N. VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDING SYSTEM 1. A videocassette recording system shall be provided to permanently record on videotape any transmission from the closed circuit television camera. The recorder shall have six video heads. It shall have a minimum recording time of 120 minutes and shall use '%," wide tape contained in a cassette. The recorder shall be capable of providing black and white or color tapes. The video recorder shall reproduce in all the following operating modes: 60 cycles field frequency, random sync, 2 to 1 industrial sync, EIA sync and NTSC color. It shall be equipped with an audio channel for narration of the recorded video. Both video and audio signals may be recorded at the same time. 2. The video cassette recorder shall be rack mounted in the Control Console. Desk mounted recorders that are subject to damage during travel will not be acceptable. The faceplate will allow for complete access to the tray controls and the cassette deck for cassette replacement. Recorders that must be removed from the rack mount to replace cassettes will be deemed not acceptable. A microphone with amplifier for adding audio to the videotapes shall be provided. 2.1 Video Head: Six (6) 2.2 Standard: VHS NTSC 2.3 Tracking: Automatic microprocessor control 2.4 Playback Speeds: Five (5) 2.5 Horizontal Resolution: 240 lines 2.6 Speeds: Three (3) SP, LP, EP O. 15" REAR VIEWING COLOR MONITOR, LCD FLAT PANEL 1. 15" Rear Monitor 1.1 Shall be a high quality, ultra -thin, industrial grade color unit providing a minimum of 640 pixels of horizontal resolution. 1.2 Shall be securely mounted above the cable reel for viewing at the rear of the vehicle. The mounting position shall provide maximum protection from direct sunlight for enhanced viewing. 1.3 Shall be equipped with built-in speakers to allow for audio playback from a video tape recording and detachable power cable. 1.4 Shall include a user-friendly On -screen Menu for easy parameters adjustments. Page 23 City of 'ror r".x I� r z�� d` Pur'chasog and Contracts Division t 1.5 Shall include histogram detection to process the luminance distribution in real-time, therefore creating greater image detail, depth, and realism. 1.6 Shall include 16-msec high-speed picture response to ensure sharp, clear images with minimal after imaging and blurring. 1.7 Shall be compatible with both NTSC and PAL signals; shall include an auto -detect function that has the ability to identify the signal that's being input and automatically switch from NTSC or PAL. 1.8 Shall be designed with high -precision pixel control to fill the entire screen with the original, undistorted image. 1.9 Dimensions approximate: (W x H x D with Stand) 15.4" x 15.3" x 81/2" PAN, TILT, and OPTICAL. ZOOM CAMERA 1. The unit shall be labeled and listed as a minimum by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) to the applicable Standard for Safety for Closed Circuit Television Equipment, UL 2044, 2nd edition, 11/9/01. A listing report must be supplied that certifies the aforementioned equipment is acceptable as defined by 29 CFR 1910.399 and required by 29 CFR 1910.303(a). Self -certification or certification by a laboratory that is not an NRTL will be deemed unacceptable. NRTL labeled and listed equipment shall be supplied as required by OSHA. 2. The Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Camera shall be designed for use in 6" diameter relined pipe and larger. The unit will be designed to provide close-up views of pipe walls during inspection including minute defects and voids. The unit will be color, shall operate optimally through a maximum of 4000' multi conductor or 2000' single conductor cable, and shall consist of the following (minimum): 3. Camera 3.1 Chassis construction shall include 100% solid state circuitry designed to withstand shocks and vibration normally sustained while being pulled through a pipe. 3.2 The camera module shall be an industrial model only. Repackaged consumer grade cameras (i.e. Camcorders) will be deemed unacceptable for use in a pipeline television inspection system. 3.3 Operating temperature ranges of the camera shall be 0 degrees C to 50 degrees C. Cameras incorporating built in lighting systems that generate heat exceeding the operating temperature parameters listed by the base stock camera manufacturer will not be acceptable. 3.4 The camera shall develop a true color and transmit a sharp image picture on the video bandwidths only. Picture transmission systems that require the use of R.F. suppressors and are subject to local transmitter interference shall not qualify as being equal. Page 24 City of TF,rr rrac .� ' , _'�urc casing w€t,c�...CoWr...3........ Div s car,. f � f' .. 3.5 Full color video bandwidths shall be provided with no sacrifice of low frequency response. There shall be no visible streaking of the low frequency test bars when viewing a standard EIA Test Chart. 3.6 Shall not exceed an overall length of 17.7", a head length of 6.6", and a camera barrel diameter of 3". 4. Camera Optical & Digital Zoom 4.1 Optical & digital zoom and zoom & focus speeds shall be selectable from the maintenance terminal. Remote control of pan, tilt, pan and tilt homing, optical zoom, manual focus, automatic focus, shutter speed, frame integration, manual iris, diagnostics and internal lights shall be provided. 4.2 Optical Zoom Range: 10x 4.3 Digital Zoom Range: 4x (40x with optical zoom) 4.4 Total effective zoom ratio: 40:1 4.5 The lens shall be an automatic iris type with a manual override (controlled from the control console) to control the illumination range for an acceptable picture between 3 and 10,000 lux. 5. Pan and Rotate Speeds 5.1 Full Pan (no load): 56 deg/sec, full pan in 10 seconds 5.2 Full Rotation (no load): 31 deg/sec, full rotation in 11-13 seconds 6. Camera Housing 6.1 The camera mechanics and electronics shall be housed in a high strength, damage resistant, aluminum housing with a stainless steel tube. 6.2 The rear portion of the camera shall not exceed 3 inches in diameter to allow for operation in skids and self-propelled units that are designed for 3-inch diameter cameras. 6.3 The housing shall be 1/8" minimum wall thickness. Housings with thinner stainless steel walls or aluminum walls that easily dent on impact will not be considered equal. 6.4 The front of the camera head housing shall have a view port of optical grade sapphire. 6.5 The rear of the housing shall have a recessed bell to protect the indexed cable connector. 7. Mounting Fork 7.1 The forward portion of the camera shall not exceed 4.5 inches in diameter and will include the mounting fork, camera head and lighting. Page 25 em City ofTarry a�,i� t'�rtchasog rare, t ;on ra is D s vr... 7.2 The camera forks must be rounded or chamfered and be the same diameter as the forward portion of the camera to eliminate any sharp corners that can become caught on obstructions. Camera forks that exceed the diameter of the camera housing that are subject to damage inside the pipe are not acceptable. 7.3 The mounting fork will rotate 360 degrees with an optical viewing angle of 400 degrees and shall allow the camera head to pan mechanically 280 degrees with a pan viewing angle of 300 degrees. 8. Camera Lighting 8.1 Shall be remotely controlled from the control console. 8.2 Shall be integrated into the camera and include four 12W xenon lamps equaling 48 watts. 8.3 Shall provide adequate lighting in pipe sizes from 6" — 36" in diameter. 9. Camera Controller 9.1 The mounting surface for the joystick, switches, and LED shall be angled for ease of operator use. 9.2 The pushbuttons mounted on the controller's panel shall provide the following switch positions: Focus: Near and Far, Zoom: In and Out, Iris: Open and Close, Auto focus and Lamps, Shutter: Fast and Slow, Pan, Tilt, Focus and Zoom Home, and Diagnostics. 9.3 Shall include a joystick mounted in the middle of the controller's front panel. 9.4 The joystick shall have the ability to move the camera head in four directions: up, down, left, and right. Q. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS and CAMERA REQUIREMENTS 1. Video Output 1.1 Multi -Conductor Version: 1 V, S/N 46Db or greater 1.2 Single -Conductor Version: FM modulated 9.8 MHz to 11.3 MHz. 2. Integrated Lights: Integrated lights for illumination of 6" — 36" pipes. 3. Image Pick-up Device: Interline transfer % inch CCD color 4. Picture Elements ( pixels): Solid state W diagonal pixels: 768 (H) x 494 (V) = 379,392 elements (NTSC) 5. Lens: 10x Zoom f=4.2mm to 42mm (F1.8 to F2.9) 6. Digital Zoom: 4x (40x with optical zoom) 7. Field of View: 560 diagonal, 460 (H) wide, 4.6' (H) tele end Page 26 /1 74 City Tama"c.iC.' �� Garay ��IrtCr x 1TiGi-.+t"1Ci' ............... .... C?±7A ct;f:S l(v ti?% 8. Resolution Lines:470 TV lines horizontal 9. Electronic Shutter:'/4 s to 1/10,000 s, 20 steps 10. Minimum Illumination: lux @ F/1.4 11. Head Rotation O 11.1 Axial Rotation: 360 11.2 Rotation Optical Viewing Angle: 4000 11.3 Lateral Pan: 2800 11.4 Pan Viewing Angle Range: 300" 11.5 Operate in a 6" Relined Pipe 11.6 Rotational Diameter: 4Y2" 12. Internal Diagnostics: Shall have internal diagnostics. Cameras without the aforementioned diagnostics will be deemed unacceptable. 13. Working Pressure: 50 PSI (minimum) 14. Operating Temperature: 00 to 500C R. PIPELINE DATA COLLECTION & REAL TIME VIDEO CAPTURE SYSTEM 1. The system shall be a rugged rack mounted video recording and pipeline data acquisition system. It shall have the capability of recording, digitizing and storing single frames of video images and 'real time' live video as well as collecting, storing and printing pipe line inspection data for display and report generation. 2. The included software package shall be a 32 bit Windows 2000/Windows XP application and shall be fully Object Oriented. It shall be capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects or other related significant visual information on a standard inkjet color printer located in the inspection truck. 3. The software shall have the following features (minimum): 3.1 Image Capture 3.1.1 Shall store selected digitized picture images on the system controller's hard disk drive. 3.1.2 Shall not be limited in number pictures per observation. 3.1.3 Shall have the ability to export picture files to Industry Standard Formats to include JPEG, BMP, TIFF formats and be transferable by disk to an external personal computer utilizing standard viewers and printers. Page 27 City of Tamarac /i'T.TAa S E` Purchasing and�.orltrat.ts Oivisio!, .. .. ......... ......... ......... \, 3.1.4 Shall be able to print any captured image on the ink jet color printer in the inspection truck. Picture files shall be stored and exported with inspection data. 3.1.5 A "thumbnail" preview of all pictures at an observation shall be available. 3.1.6 The pictures shall be able to be expanded from thumbnail to window to full screen by utilizing the mouse. 4. Video Capture 4.1 System shall include a MPEG capture module with interface to provide `real time' storage of live video on the systems hard disk drive. A time reference shall be noted to allow access to the video from the observation. 4.2 Shall have the ability to store the compressed video files in industry standard MPEG1 format and be transferable with the inspection database by CDR media and/or removable hard drive to an external personal computer. 4.3 System shall have the ability to write/save a minimum of 45 minutes of video to the CDR. 4.4 System shall have the ability to write/save 12 hours of video to an optional DVD with pipeline data observation information. 5. Database 5.1 The system software shall be able to operate on MS Windows 2000/Windows XP. 5.2 The software shall be able to use Microsoft Jet Engine 4.0 files or an ODBC database, such as Oracle of Microsoft Sequel Server for future applications. 5.3 The database structure shall be able to retain information on the various structures found within a sewer or storm system. It is important that the structures, nodes, manholes and pipe identifiers and related attribute information be retained as separate tables from the Inspection allowing import of existing data from multiple sources. 5.4 The data structure shall allow different projects to reside within a single database. Information gathered in projects shall be available to view by project or by system. Data gathered during project inspection shall be available to view by the selected structure. Therefore, all inspections can be viewed on a structure even if gathered in different projects. 5.5 The user shall be able to define fields and add them to the interface. 5.6 Database(s) shall be able to be merged by utilizing one of the following "multiple truck configurations": Page 28 City of Tamarac (, „ rrchasing and Contract 5.6.1 Multiple trucks with a centralized enterprise database: the enterprise database housed at the office is partially replicated to each truck's desktop database. The data obtained during the inspection on the on -board computer's desktop database is synchronized with other inspections performed by other trucks or with the centralized office database via a burned CD or a network. Analysis and comparison is then made based upon the inspections made by the trucks and those stored in the office database. 5.6.2 Multiple trucks with third party software used in the office: trucks shall be able to synchronize with each other, replicate the desktop database on an office workstation for viewing, and export/import data to/from third -party software through the use of a conversion tool. Databases without the ability to merge data from multiple truck configurations shall be deemed unacceptable. Third party merging shall require connectivity modules and may require an additional custom plug-in, depending on each individual system. The required connection module(s) and custom plug-in shall comprise solely of those necessary to operate the Video Capture and Footage system in the trucks with the third party software being utilized in the office. 6. User Interface 6.1 The user interface, as viewed on the computer monitor, shall be able to be set up by the user. A series of "Panes" shall be available to customize the interface per the user's preferences. "Panes" shall be defined as windows containing different views of data and inspections. 6.2 The "Panes" included with the system shall consist of the following: Sewer Main, Inspection, Observation Details, Observation List, Video Playback, Lateral Asset, Lateral Inspection, Lateral Observation, Sewer Node, Sewer Node Inspection, Observation Navigator, Project Navigator, Filters, Still Images, Live Video, Seal & Grout Inspection, Joint & Crack Sealing, and Inclination Survey. 6.3 The panes shall be synchronized, wherein interacting with the main navigation control will affect the display of data in other open panes. Changes to an observation, inspection, asset, project, or filtering criteria shall display the newly selected properties in all open corresponding panes. Databases that do not have the ability to synchronize data shall be deemed unacceptable. 6.4 To allow the user to select preferences as to which panes to view, each of these panes shall be able to be "docked" and/or "floating". The user shall have the ability to "dock" the panes side -by -side, place one pane over another, and access each pane through a tab. "Floating" panes shall be able to be positioned anywhere in the application Page 29 City of Tamarac ..tilY'1',c".ar.... t!t L..w7 't.r . V' C)/"{ window. The software provider shall provide a common layout for use during an inspection and to review information. 6.5 The user shall be able to change the field labels. The module to change labels shall be part of the system and shall not require third party software. 6.6 A pipe graph shall be available and the pane viewable during the inspection. The pipe graph shall show service connections with a graphic indicating the location of the connection. The user shall have the ability to control the graphical representation of the observations made during the inspection by selecting any combination of the following features: Connections, Defects, Continuous, Laterals, Informational, and/or Status Bar, 6.7 A zoom feature shall be available for the pipe graphic that allows the user to select a portion of the pipe with a mouse and zoom to that specific portion. A grid system shall be provided to display the location of a 'zoomed' observation within 10 feet. 6.8 The user shall be able to select live video, playback video, and view captured pictures on the screen simultaneously. 7. Inspection 7.1 The code system shall be user definable with a code generator included within the program. Systems requiring a third party software to set up codes shall be unacceptable. Codes generated shall be individual or developed in a hierarchical system. An Icon shall be selectable for a code providing easy identification of an observation. 7.2 To start an Inspection, the user shall be able to select structure, nodes or manhole information already within the database. If the data is not available, the operator shall be able to enter the correct information and the information shall be retained in separate tables for future selection. A graph shall be provided for structures that show the direction of entry and exit of mains. The graph shall show the direction, ID size and flow of each connection. 7.3 The operator shall be able to collect information on point observations (observation at a single point of the run) or as continuous observations (observations that run for a length of the pipe). Multiple continuous observations shall be able to be collected by overlapping or nesting within another continuous observation. Since it may not be known if an observation is going to be point or continuous, the operator shall be able to leave an observation open or "pending" and be able to select the observation type after traversing the pipe. 7.4 A pane shall be available to view all of the observations noted in a list. The list shall contain columns showing the observation code, distance from the entry point, length of continuous defects, Clock/From, Clock To, modifier/severity and rating. The information in this list of observations shall be sortable by clicking on the column header. Should the user wish to sort by Code, clicking on the code column Page 30 ....__. ................. ......... header shall sort the data. All applicable columns shall have the ability to sort in either ascending or descending order by utilizing the mouse. 8. Data Filter 8.1 The system shall include (2) data filters, Simple and Advanced, to restrict the data displayed in the application and reports per the user's preferences. The results returned by the filters shall match all specified properties simultaneously. 8.2 To aid in locating the correct structure and main upon which to initiate or view an inspection, the user shall be able to filter the data by Project, Structure, Inspection Information, Observation Information, and/or defined custom filters. 9. Titler 9.1 A keyboard, mouse, and footage counter shall provide the interfaces to the Video Character Generator and PDC&PCS controller's Windows program. 9.2 Camera footage shall be maintained in real time and shall be displayed on the video monitor as well as the video character generators illuminated footage display at the control console. 9.3 All other information for titling shall be sent to the character generator by a serial communication port connection from the system controller. 10. Printer 10.1 The desktop, color Ink Jet Printer shall interface with the controller parallel printer port. 10.2 The printer shall be capable of reproducing color video captured pictures or color inspection reports without the need to change ink cartridges. 10.3 Printer resolution shall be a minimum of 600x300-dpi color. Memory shall be a minimum of 512K. 11. Optional Modules 11.1 A module shall be available for determining the slope of a pipe. The inclination module shall be produced graphically within a pane that can be selected for viewing by the operator. The graph shall be "built" while information is being gathered allowing the user to visually see the slope at any point in time. The graph shall be available for viewing during the inspection and while entering inspection data. 11.2 A grout and seal module (G&S) shall be available. The G&S module shall record pressure tests graphically and record the amount of material used. Page 31 ...... ......... ......... .......... S^.................................................... _......_..__...........'....................._c.......q.._....t ii.F Contracts Division City of Tarr t� rr. r tnch�,.,r,�_°...I..........I ................... 11.3 A Structure, Node and Manhole Inspection module shall be available. The user shall be able to record information about the location, size, material and type of the structure. S. SUPPORT 1. Manufacturer shall have full time, in-house support staff for both hardware and software. 2. Optional support packages shall be available to keep the user updated at a contracted price. Training shall be available from the vendor on -site and via the Internet. T. ADDITIONAL ITEMS 1. System shall include a User Guide in a hard -copy format and on CD (compact disk). 2. System shall include a Quick Reference Card that depicts all menu shortcuts. U. GROUT MODULE 1. A grout module shall be supplied to work in conjunction with the pipeline data acquisition system and TV inspection system to record and display the following information: 1.1 Shall display the details of the entire Seal and Grout inspection for an entire pipe. 1.2 Shall display all data regarding the Sealing procedures and the total grout usage for a sewer main. 1.3 Shall include a calendar for date selection of when the inspection is to be conducted. 1.4 Shall record the duration and pressure changes of air/water tests in pipelines. 1.5 Shall have the ability to display and/or select one of the following statuses throughout the inspection process: pending, in progress, completed, and suspended. 1.6 Shall have the ability to display pipe conditions and additional Seal and Grout inspection comments 1.7 Shall automatically display duration and pressure change data gathered from air tests in a graphical format. 1.8 Shall print the applicable graphs or be able to export the graphs and data to an external database. 1.9 Shall label the joint or lateral air tests to indicate a 'passed' or 'failed' condition. 1.10 Grouting data must be available in the following graphical format: Page 32 City of �iitY)M{P"s?i° i «K 11-lurchaSing ",?n � Contractsi_ ivi" )j' 1.11 Site Data shall include project name, site ID, street address, manhole start and stop addresses, pipe size, inspection date, total of grout, and average grout usage. 1.12 Graphical data shall include joint identification, amount of grout used, duration of grout application, pressure, footage identification, defect information, and free form comments. Pressure (Y axis) versus air or water test time (X axis) will be displayed via a line connecting the X and Y axis. V. PIPELINE DATA & VIDEO ANALYSIS (Office Engineering Program) 1. A pipeline data and video analysis system shall be provided to view and modify pipeline inspection data and video as well as digitize, store and print single frames of video images for display, report generation, and analysis purposes. 2. The included software package shall be a 32 bit Windows 2000/ Windows XP application and shall be fully Object Oriented. It shall be capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects or other related significant visual information on a standard inkjet color printer. The software shall have the following features (minimum): 2.1 Image Capture 2.1.1 Shall store selected digitized picture images on the system controller's hard disk drive. 2.1.2 Shall have the ability to capture pictures from stored MPEG video files. 2.1.3 Shall not be limited in number pictures per observation. 2.1.4 Shall have the ability to export picture files to Industry Standard Formats to include JPEG, BMP, TIFF formats and be transferable by disk to an external personal computer utilizing standard viewers and printers. 2.1.5 Shall be able to print any captured image on an ink jet color printer. Picture files shall be stored and exported with inspection data. 2.1.6 A "thumbnail" preview of all pictures at an observation shall be available. 2.1.7 The pictures shall be able to be expanded from thumbnail to window to full screen by utilizing the mouse. 3. Video Playback 3.1 Shall have the ability to display 'real time' live video stored on the systems hard disk drive Page 33 City of Tamarac a. 3.2 A time reference shall be noted to allow access to the video from the observation. 3.3 Shall display the compressed video files in industry standard MPEG1 format and be transferable with the inspection database by CDR media and/or removable hard drive to an external personal computer. 3.4 System shall have the ability to write/save a minimum of 45 minutes of video to the CDR. 3.5 System shall have the ability to write/save 12 hours of video to an optional DVD with pipeline data observation information. 4. Database 4.1 The system software shall be able to operate on MS Windows 2000/Windows XP. 4.2 The software shall be able to use Microsoft Jet Engine 4.0 files or an ODBC database, such as Oracle of Microsoft Sequel Server for possible future applications. 4.3 The database structure shall display all information collected on the various structures found within a sewer or storm system. The structures, nodes, manholes and pipe identifiers and related attribute information shall be retained as separate tables from the inspection allowing import of existing data from multiple sources. 4.4 The data structure shall allow different projects to reside within a single database. Information gathered in projects shall be available to view by project or by system. Data gathered during project inspection shall be available to view by the selected structure. Therefore, all inspections can be viewed on a structure even if gathered in different projects. 4.5 Database(s) shall be able to be merged by utilizing one of the following "multiple truck configurations": 4.5.1 Multiple trucks with a centralized enterprise database: the enterprise database housed at the office is partially replicated to each truck's desktop database. The data obtained during the inspection on the on -board computer's desktop database is synchronized with other inspections performed by other trucks or with the centralized office database via a burned CD or a network. Analysis and comparison is then made based upon the inspections made by the trucks and those stored in the office database. 4.5.2 Multiple trucks with third party software used in the office: trucks shall be able to synchronize with each other, replicate the desktop database on an office workstation for viewing, and export/import data to/from third -party software through the use of a conversion tool. Databases without the Page 34 of Tamarac 5. P:.r`P t"9..eStt g and o r"r !C I ' O ability to merge data from multiple truck configurations shall be deemed unacceptable. Third party merging shall require connectivity modules and may require an additional custom plug-in, depending on each individual system. The required connection module(s) and custom plug-in shall comprise of those necessary to operate the GXP system in the trucks with the third party software being utilized in the office. User Interface 5.1 The user interface, as viewed on the computer monitor, shall be able to be set up by the user. A series of "Panes" shall be available to customize the interface per the user's preferences. "Panes" shall be defined as windows containing different view from data and inspections. 5.2 The "Panes" included with the system shall consist of the following: Sewer Main, Inspection, Observation Details, Observation List, Video Playback, Lateral Asset, Lateral Inspection, Lateral Observation, Sewer Node, Sewer Node Inspection, Observation Navigator, Project Navigator, Filters, Still Images, Live Video, Seal & Grout Inspection, Joint & Crack Sealing, and Inclination Survey. 5.3 The panes shall be synchronized, wherein interacting with the main navigation control will affect the display of data in other open panes. Changes to an observation, inspection, asset, project, or filtering criteria shall display the newly selected properties in all open corresponding panes. Databases that do not have the ability to synchronize data shall be deemed unacceptable. 5.4 To allow the user to select preferences as to which panes to view, each of these panes shall be able to be "docked" and/or "floating". The user shall have the ability to "dock" the panes side -by -side, place one pane over another, and access each pane through a tab. "Floating" panes shall be able to be positioned anywhere in the application window. The software provider shall provide a common layout to review information gathered. In addition, the system shall have the ability to save pane layouts for future reference. 5.5 A pipe graph of the inspection shall be available for display and analysis. The pipe graph shall show service connections with a graphic indicating the location of the connection. The user shall have the ability to control the graphical representation of the observations by selecting any combination of the following features: Connections, Defects, Continuous, Laterals, Informational, and/or Status Bar. 5.6 A zoom feature shall be available for the pipe graphic that allows the user to select a portion of the pipe with a mouse and zoom to that specific portion. A grid system shall be provided to display the location of a 'zoomed' observation within 10 feet. Page 35 of Tamarac 6. t+ f %3tTG.....rJYRd=i �3...liSt... 5.7 The user shall be able to select live video, playback video, and view captured pictures on the screen simultaneously. 5.8 The code system shall be user definable/modifiable with a code generator included within the program. Systems requiring a third party software to set up codes shall be unacceptable. Codes generated shall be individual or developed in a hierarchical system. An Icon shall be selectable for a code providing easy identification of an observation. 5.9 The user shall be able to view or modify an inspection by selecting the structure, nodes or manhole information already within the database. If the data is not correct, the user shall be able to enter the correct information and the information shall be retained in system for future use. A graph shall be provided for structures that show the direction of entry and exit of mains. The graph shall show the direction, ID size and flow of each connection. 5.10 The user shall be able to view and modify point observations (observation at a single point of the run) or continuous observations (observations that run for a length of the pipe). Multiple continuous observations shall be able to be viewed/modified, including observations that are overlapping or nesting within another continuous observation. In addition, the user shall be able to create observations in the event that an observation was inadvertently overlooked during the initial inspection. 5.11 A pane shall be available to view all of the observations noted in a list. The list shall contain columns showing the observation code, distance from the entry point, length of continuous defects, Clock/From, Clock To, modifier/severity and rating. The information in this list of observations shall be sorted as necessary, by clicking on the column header. Should the user wish to sort by Code, clicking on the code column header shall sort the data. All applicable columns shall have the ability to sort in either ascending or descending order by utilizing the mouse. 5.12 The user shall be able to view and/or modify assets created during the inspection. An asset shall be defined as a physical structure to be inspected: a sewer main segment, a sewer node, or a lateral connection. 5.13 The user shall be able to view and/or modify projects created during the inspection. A project shall be defined as a grouping of physical structures and inspections. Data Filter 6.1 The system shall include (2) data filters, Simple and Advanced, to restrict the data displayed in the application and reports per the user's Page 36 of Tamarac % q f l . q Divmoo _�._._.. r �<�s;rr rat�t7 GUrrt✓�Ut, a preferences. The results returned by the filters shall match all specified properties simultaneously. 6.2 To aid in locating the correct structure and main upon which to initiate or view an inspection, the user shall be able to filter the data by Project, Structure, Inspection Information, Observation Information, and/or defined custom filters. 7. Reports 7.1 Standard reports shall be included. A log report shall contain information on the end points of an inspection and the location/attributes of the main pipe and observations. 7.2 Shall display a graphical representation of the pipe depicting the inspection starting point, end point IDs, observations, both point/continuous defects, and distance. 7.3 The user shall be able to generate templates for custom reports with a built-in report designer/generator. The vendor shall also be able to provide custom reports on a per instance fee basis. 7.4 Reports shall be able to be sorted by up to four object properties in ascending or descending order. 7.5 Reports included, user designed, or vendor designed shall be available for printing from a single page. The user shall be able to select the reports to print the criteria for data selection and start the print function. No further intervention is necessary during the print process. 7.6 Reports shall be able to be printed in the following formats: ODBD target, Portable Document Format (PDF), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), or an ASCII file. 7.7 Software shall have the ability to support the following report packages and associated templates: Active Reports, Crystal Reports, RR Report Writer. Software without the ability to support these standard report packages shall be deemed unacceptable. 8. Printer 8.1 The desktop, color Ink Jet Printer shall interface with the controller parallel printer port. 8.2 The printer shall be capable of reproducing color video captured pictures or color inspection reports without the need to change ink cartridges. 8.3 Printer resolution shall be a minimum of 600x300-dpi color. Memory shall be a minimum of 512K. Page 37 City of'r.l,,::trsrrt :.r . (C:'r;rt j '_'_.r ......,__... ................... ............ .......... ......... ...........i ..... .......... ............ 9. Support 9.1 Manufacturer shall have full time, in-house support staff for both hardware and software. 9.2 Optional support packages shall be available to keep the user updated at a contracted price. Training shall be available from the vendor on - site and via the Internet. Ih'm Ef 10. Optional Modules 10.1 The user shall be able to modify and view all data previously collected with the Grout and Seal Module (G&S). The system shall be able to display recorded pressure tests graphically and the amount of material used. 10.2 The user shall be able to modify and view all data previously collected with the Structure, Node and Manhole Inspection Module. The user shall be able to view information about the location, size, material and type of the structure. In addition, the user shall have the ability to create new manhole asset information in the event that the data was inadvertently overlooked during the initial inspection. TV Cable Reel Assembly A TV cable reel assembly will be supplied with a minimum storage capacity for 1000' of 1/2" diameter video transmission cable. The reel shall be chain driven and properly reinforced to withstand 200% of the maximum motor torque to insure trouble -free operation. The reel shall be powered by a variable speed electric motor and driven through a multi -gear ratio transmission. The transmission will have multiple speeds to limit the motor load during varying towing conditions. The reel shall be equipped with an automatic level wind assembly to evenly pay out or rewind the cable to prevent pile-ups, entanglements and burying. The reel shall be built into a rugged frame designed for fixed mounting into a unit. The reel drum and level wind shall be open to view to allow for inspection during operation. TV REEL SYSTEMS THAT ARE NOT CONTROLLED REMOTELY OR DO NOT HAVE A MULTI RATIO TRANSMISSION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. TV Cable Reel Slip Ring Assembly The reel shall be equipped with a continuous contact rotary slip ring assembly. The assembly will be equipped with a minimum of twelve (12) slip rings to conduct the necessary current and signals through the reel. SLIP RING ASSEMBLIES WITH LESS THAN TWELVE (12) RINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. The slip ring assembly shall be fully enclosed in a dust and weatherproof high strength aluminum housing. Systems equipped with the high maintenance copper slip ring assemblies shall not be considered acceptable. Mercury Slip Rings shall not be considered acceptable. Page 38 L�..f L"e"f lcii;"1„i?s=tC' I '+ "` ....... ; )un7 `asdtig 3 c; lrontr cis _.. .. ......... .................. ................. . . Y. Cable Footage Meter, Local/Remote Electronic Readout The unit shall be equipped with a distance counting meter designed to accurately measure cable travel in feet and tenths of feet. The metering head shall be constructed of machined cast aluminum parts and shall include the necessary sheaves, wheels and guides. The counter shall be equipped with a meter for use at the rear of the unit and an electronic counter, which is connected to the Data Display System at the operator's station. Z. Controller TV Cable Reel Motor/Power Winch Motor A single combined controller will be furnished to operate either the TV Cable Reel Motor or Power Winch Motor if supplied. It will be designed for mounting at the control console in an angular panel. The controller shall be equipped with an ON/OFF switch, an ON indicator light, clutch control (forward/reverse switch) and speed control with built in automatic off positioning for safety when the operator releases the speed control. CONTROLLERS THAT DO NOT INCLUDE A SAFETY OFF SWITCH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. AA. Combination Video Transmission/Tow Cable, Kevlar Fiber Armored, Multi - Conductor A combined video and towing cable shall be furnished in a continuous length of 1000 feet (minimum) and shall consist of the following (minimum): 1. The cable shall consist of a coaxial core wrapped with a braided wire shield ground return. 2. A total of 10 separately insulated and color -coded 18/20 gage standard copper conductors shall be bundled and twisted in groups of 3' with one conductor remaining single. 3. The cable diameter shall be no greater than .450 inches and shall be able to withstand external pressures of up to 400 psi. 4. Cable Jacket 4.1 The exterior of the cable shall consist of a minimum 1/16" thick abrasion resistant high -density nylon composite outer jacket to provide the cable with the required towing tensile strength. 4.2 Shall provide a lower coefficient of friction to reduce drag and therefore increase its resistance to wear. 5. Cable Connection 5.1 The end of the multi -conductor cable shall be equipped with a waterproof scotchcast splice to allow for the direct wiring of the female connectors. 5.2 An adjustable strain relief shall be provided to transfer the cable towing strength from the cable to the camera skids or transporter. 5.3 The termination shall consist of the necessary connectors and dummy plugs. Page 39 ity of Tamar.....: ......... + rx m ,,, ......... f'tr, crr..asrr.. 3t' Contracts [.? .r,... BB. Multi -Grout Chemical Low Viscosity Pumping System 1. A multi -grout chemical pumping system shall be provided which has the capability of placing two part gel type sealant to a leaking joint at the required pressure to assure proper joint sealing. Low viscosity sealant shall be dispensed at a rate of up to 10 g.p.m. 2. The dual chemical pump unit shall deliver the chemicals in a 1:1 ratio. All wetted pump parts shall be constructed of stainless steel for corrosion resistance and longer life. All chemical hoses, connecting to the pump, shall be equipped with quick disconnect fittings. 3. The dual pumps shall be operated by a variable speed electric drive motor to assure a fixed delivery of the each chemical with each pump stroke. The pump speed (strokes per minute) shall be variable according to applied air pressure. A stroke counter, with remote readout, shall be included for measurement of the volume of mixed chemicals pumped. The electric pumping system shall incorporate an over pressure relief valve for safe operation of the system. 4. Chemical Tank Assembly The sealing system shall be supplied with two separate chemical mixing and storage tanks constructed of a heavy duty non corrosive material. Each tank shall be individually color coded to prevent cross mixing of chemicals. The capacity of each tank shall be not less than 30 gallons. Each tank shall be equipped with a hinged cover and visible level indication. S. Chemical Hose Reel Assembly 5.1 An electric powered hose reel assembly will be supplied with a storage and operational capacity to accommodate a minimum of 500 feet of Penta (5 Hose) seal hose. An electric motor with chain driven gearbox of sufficient size and power shall be provided that is capable of retracting the chemical filled quad hose when fully extended (500'). 5.2 The air and chemical hoses shall be connected through specially designed stainless steel rotary couplings to allow for continuous operation without disconnection. A remote dump valve will be attached to the air coupling for the quick deflation of the packer assembly. The hose reel assembly shall be supplied with a metal drip tray to catch run off or spills. 6. Penta Chemical/Air Hose 6.1 The System shall be supplied with 500' of Penta line sealing hose having a minimum burst pressure of 500 psi. The hose shall consist of two 5/8" ID flow lines for passage of chemicals, one 3/8 ID line for packer inflation, and one 3/8" ID line for air and one 3/8 ID line for Page 40 of Tamarac !•' y 't? rt a5titr� rr t Contracts ----'.....�.._........... .......... ....... ......... .......... . ... ....... ...... ....... water testing of a joint. One chemical flow lines shall include a full moisture proof inner liner. 6.2 Each hose shall be equipped with a stainless steel quick disconnect fitting notched with a locking ring. Each chemical flow line shall be equipped with a stainless steel check valve assembly to prevent chemical back flow. A stainless steel H-block assembly shall be provided. The H-block shall contain a void sensing pressure transducer, a check valve and a mainline electronic cable connection to relay pressure data to the control panel. Systems that do not locate the pressure transducer at the packer assembly shall be deemed unacceptable. i. Chemical Handling/Safety Package 7.1 The system shall be supplied with a chemical handling and safety package which shall include as a minimum the following articles. 7.1.1 1 each chemical mixing paddles 7.1.2 1 each chemical scoop 7.1.3 1 each chemical measuring cup (plastic) 7.1.4 1 each safety goggles 7.1.5 1 each work gloves 7.1.6 1 each dust respirator with replacement cartridges 8. Test And Seal Control Center 8.1 The control center shall provide the user with all the necessary controls for regulating the inflation pressures of the packer, quick inflation and deflation of the packer, air or water test of a joint, chemically sealing of leaking joints, and constant monitoring of the packer void pressure during testing and sealing operations. 8.2 The control center will include a quick inflate system to quickly seat and seal the packer elements to the pipe walls. The system shall supercharge the packer inflation lines with high pressure air prior to reaching the selected packer sealing pressures. A multi -position quick inflate timer will be provided to match the packer size being used. A quick deflate system shall exhaust the air from the packer as quickly as possible without damaging the packer sleeve. An electronic timer shall be provided to monitor the inflation time when testing and sealing different size line. A backup manual inflate/deflate system shall be provided to allow the operator to bypass the automatic quick inflate/deflate system. Systems that do not allow the operation between automatic and manual inflate/deflate will not be acceptable. 8.3 The control center shall include an air and liquid testing system. If air testing is selected, it shall allow the operator, after proper packer inflation, to pressurize the void area with a regulated air pressure ranging from 0 to 10 psi and to detect any drop in pressure during this test. Seal systems that do not allow air and water testing will not be Page 41 City of Tatnarc3r' ire, - ......................................................i tfP('f1 )Sll7�,')«tr" ? ;FVISi 3t acceptable. If liquid testing is selected, it shall allow the operator to fill the void area with liquid and subsequently detect liquid losses between .125 and 1.0 g.p.m. 9. Remote Pressure Sensing System A remote pressure sensing transducer shall be provided for attachment to the packer. Void pressures shall be transmitted electronically to an LED readout located within the control panel. The pressure transducer shall provide for constant monitoring of the void pressure during joint testing and sealing operations. 10. Test and Seal Packers 10.1 Test and seal packers shall be furnished that inflate; create a void at a defective joint into which chemical sealant solutions can be injected. Each packer shall consist of a single aluminum cylinder fitted with an inflatable rubber sleeve. The single piece rubber sleeve shall be manufactured of a cut resilient material with a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch. The sleeve shall incorporate a center expansion ring to reduce the amount of after seal void band residue remaining, after, sealing to a maximum of 1/4". The design of the packer(s) will allow the operator to remove the mixing stem for clean up without disassembly of the packer. Packers that require disassembly for cleanup will not be acceptable. 10.2 The center casing shall be fitted with the fluid supply lines and chemical exit port. All packer hose fittings shall be stainless steel quick connect/disconnect type. 10.3 Packers shall be provided for sealing the following pipe sizes: 10.3.1 (1) each 8" pipe 11. Electric Air Compressor A 4 cfm/100 psi electric powered air compressor with 30 gallon air reservoir shall be provided. The unit shall be a single stroke multi cylinder air cooled design. The compressor shall incorporate a 1 HP electric motor. The compressor shall be equipped with an automatic unloader system for maximum operating life. CC. Camera Transportation Skids (8-30 Inch Pipe Sizes) The Camera Transportation Skid shall provide protection for the camera and lighthead from offsets and in -line obstructions during pipe inspection. The cast aluminum yoke shall be lined with high friction cushion material to firmly grip and protect the camera and its case. Page 42 City of T&,.. ac h s?rr :r .r t:r rtr:.cts 7rt i.5rt�?, ---- ...... _ .................. ..... 1. Skid Spacer Plates The camera skid assembly shall be adjustable by substituting spacer plates for inspecting pipe sizes ranging from 8% 30". The spacer plates will attach the bottom skid runners to the yoke and will be adjustable without having to remove the camera from the yoke assembly. r41111111111111NNV 1 Mai, i1�'� Two corrosion resistant, stainless steel skid runners shall be supplied to tow the camera through the line. The upward bent runner ends shall provide a natural lift when encountering pipe offsets and obstructions. Runner ends shall be machine slotted to insert the ball ends of the camera tow and tag cables. Skid Runners shall be machined to a round, smooth contour to minimize fouling from debris in the sewer lines. 3. Skid Guards Three corrosion resistant stainless steel guards shall be attached to the yoke to protect the camera and lighthead in case the camera is inverted in the line. Skid Guards shall be machined to a round, smooth contour to minimize fouling from debris in the sewer lines. 4. Remote Electric Power Winch 4.1 An electric power winch assembly shall be supplied to retrieve or tow from a remote manhole. The winch frame shall be of cast aluminum construction and equipped with dolly wheels and large handles at the frame ends for easy movements. 4.2 The winch drum shall contain 1000' of 3/16" mullet -strand stainless steel cable. A cast aluminum pulley shall guide the cable into the manhole. The winch will be powered by a 1/2 HP heavy-duty electric power drive with variable speed and directional control. The winch will incorporate a rotary clutch for towing or disengaging from the operators control position. An adjustable tension spring loaded brake shall prevent entanglement during cable pay out. A shear pin shall be incorporated to prevent winch tow loads greater than the safe tow load of the cable. 4.3 A hand held remote control shall be provided for remote operation at the power winch. Control functions shall include forward, reverse, speed (variable). The operator control position shall be the master control position. 5. Electric Winch Power Cable Power to the winch shall be furnished through 500 feet of 14/4 SJO gauge power cord. For ease of handling the power cord will be supplied in one (1) 500-foot lengths installed on individual heavy-duty cast aluminum reels. A separate 20-foot power cord will be supplied for connection to the power winch. Page 43 City of Tamwac.. f P'u c casing uric° con"ricts ; ;Msr0r" DD. Self -Propelled Camera Transporter A self-propelled camera transporter shall be provided for inspecting relined pipe and storm drains/wastewater pipelines measuring 8" and up in diameter. The transporter assembly shall be designed to operate optimally with 1500' multi -conductor or 2000' single conductor cable and shall consist of the following (minimum): I. Transporter 1.1 Shall include the following (minimum) equipment: (6) Driven Wheels, available in various sizes. 1.2 Shall operate through a minimum of (1000) feet of multi conductor video cable in suitable pipe conditions. 1.3 Shall include a transmission to optimize traction by doubling the torque in difficult pipe conditions or in larger diameter pipe. There will be a protected manual shifter assembly on the transporter to facilitate quick gear ratio changes. 1.4 Shall have sufficient power and traction to inspect a minimum of (1000) feet from the manhole entry point in suitable pipe conditions. 1.5 Shall include a heavy-duty drive motor specifically designed to meet the power requirements of the system, regardless of size of pipe being inspected. 1.6 Shall be equipped with self-propelled power forward, power reverse, and free wheel capabilities. 1.7 Shall have speed and direction controlled from the control console. 1.8 Shall be retrievable in the free wheel mode by the video cable reel to reduce the normal wear on the drive motor by 50%. 1.9 Shall have full, variable speed in power forward or power reverse modes. The maximum speed for camera / transporter assemblies shall be 45 fprn in high gear for pipe configurations up to 15" and 65 fpm in low gear for pipe configurations up to 48". 1.10 Shall include an electrical connection for an external light source to ensure a clear picture in various pipe configurations. 2. Camera Compatibility 2.1 The transporter, when used with the pan & tilt camera, shall fit into a 7" diameter circular area with the camera in the home position to optimize clearance in an 8" diameter relined pipe. All transporter / pan & tilt combinations with less clearance than specified will be deemed unacceptable. Page 44 City of rann ern,'.'....'°"..-.'...'...._'....._,�...:...... �........''........._j`.:._fr._.'....._'....... ................................... .. Cr S1Y2f and, fiY rY3"'<:a i V -, e.- I I 2.2 The combined length of the transporter / pan & tilt camera assembly shall not exceed 33" with the camera in the home position. This will allow the inspection and traversal of 8" diameter pipe with off sets or meandering conditions and facilitate entry into short inverts. Pan & Tilt Camera / transporter assemblies exceeding 33" in length will be deemed unacceptable. 2.3 The transporter, when used with the pan and tilt optical zoom camera, shall fit into an 8" diameter relined pipe and will have the ability to operate in an 8" diameter pipe with offsets. All transporter / optical zoom camera combinations that are unable to operate in 8" diameter pipe will be deemed unacceptable. 2A The combined length of the transporter / pan and tilt optical zoom camera assembly shall not exceed 33" with the camera in the home position to allow the inspection and traversal of 8" diameter pipe. 3. Tires The Transporter shall include (6) wheels, available in various sizes, designed to maximize traction in each pipe size. The transporter shall be capable of inspecting pipes up to 48" diameter with the addition of larger diameter wheels. The (2) smaller diameter wheels, designed to help negotiate offsets in larger pipe configurations, shall remain affixed to the middle axle, regardless of pipe size to be inspected. Transporters driven by belts will not be acceptable. Transporters with external drive train components will be unacceptable. 4. Camera Lift 4.1 A mechanical camera lift shall be provided for pipeline inspections ranging from 18" — 48" in diameter to prevent the need for an operator to enter the manhole to position and reposition the camera height. 4.2 Camera height shall be variable from the collapsed position to 10.5" in the extended position. 5. Transporter Controller 5.1 Transporter shall be controlled via a desk -mounted controller. 5.2 Shall include the following indications and controls: Fused Output Power, "ON / OFF" Switch with Indicator, Fuse Socket, Amp Meter, Directional Switch, and Speed Control with Automatic Off 5.3 The speed control shall allow for an infinite control of the speed of the transporter from stop to maximum speed. Page 45 OTHER A. L__J lei CC n F sA c 'rrc;ir<asrrrq a,;e' Cortrc:(Js Dmstolr �r P11 CABLE GUIDE EQUIPMENT, TV AND SEAL 1. A manhole cable guide roller shall be provided to protect the TV cable, Quad Hose and/or winch cable from damage during the inspection. It shall be constructed of aluminum to minimize weight and be equipped with a corrosion resistant pulley. The minimum pulley bend radius shall be 6". 2. Six (6) 4.8 foot (57.5") quick coupling spring loaded extension poles will be supplied to connect to the down hole cable guides. To minimize weight, the quick coupling extension poles shall be constructed of .125" thick fiberglass tubing with an outside diameter of 1.25". The fiberglass tubing shall consist of 1 ounce continuous strand matt encapsulated with vinylester resin. The weight per each pole shall not exceed 4 lbs. The extension poles shall be corrosion resistant and orange in color to ensure visibility for added safety. 3. A manhole adapter hook will be supplied to secure the guide system to the manhole ring. A manhole top roller assembly shall be supplied to provide topside cable protection. The top roller shall consist of a welded steel angle iron frame with the necessary pulleys. Rear door mounted pole and guide holding brackets with appropriate safety warnings shall be provided. Downhole equipment requiring manhole entry to install shall not be deemed acceptable. TV MAINTENANCE TOOL KIT A kit containing sets of tools as listed herein shall be furnished. The kit shall contain the necessary items to field-test, adjust and repair a number of components on the television systems. This kit must include: volt OHM test meter (0-600 milliamps), Allen wrench set, and soldering kit. OPERATING MANUALS Operating manuals shall be furnished that contain the recommended operating instructions and maintenance procedures for all systems and components being furnished. The instructions shall provide step-by-step use methods and include adequate illustrations, diagrams and other aids. Special attention shall be given to safety considerations for personnel and the equipment. SYSTEMS PARTS BOOK A parts book supporting field repair and replacement of the various components of the delivered systems shall be furnished. This book shall include exploded or cutaway drawings of numerous components and assemblies with each drawing referencing a manufacturer's part number and description. E. INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO TAPES The vendor shall provide VHS format training videos covering the following minimum requirements: 1. TV System instructional video covering the recommended operation, step by step set up procedures and safety precautions for personnel and equipment. Page 46 O-m- Cityof Tamarac t' rtc;7asirtg anti C(anrr If L3 L vi5 nr� 2. Troubleshooting instructional video covering step by step procedures on continuity, cable testing, troubleshooting steps, and safety precautions for personnel and equipment. 3. TV Cable End Replacement instructional video covering step by step procedures on replacing the TV cable end, soldering techniques, connection location and safety precautions for personnel and equipment. 4. Video training tapes produced from consumer grade camcorders shall be deemed not acceptable. Page 47 of 1 UPGRADE OF TV TRUCK #4001 Component List ZOXII-Sp#1 Upgrade of Vehicle 4001 The functionality of the TV and Seal equipment on Vehicle 4001 must be retained. All existing TV and Sealing equipment utilized presently by the City shall continue to operate as intended after the upgrade of Unit #4001. All cameras, transporters, packers, lateral inspection equipment, air and water testing equipment, all grouting equipment (Quad Lines, Air Pumps) will remain functional after the upgrade of Unit #4001. Unit 466's lateral sealing equipment will be installed on Unit #4001. Successful vendor will install new generator, to be provided by the City. The successful vendor will utilize the appropriate equipment from vehicle 466 for the upgrade of vehicle 4001. The City will approve which equipment shall be transferred. The City will not be charged for any incidental items for the upgrade of Unit #4001, Incidental hardware items such as clamps, washers, nuts, bolts, etc. will be included. (1) One Pan and Tilt Camera identical to the new unit, complete with all appurtenances, as specified in Section I, page 10, and Section P, page 24 herein. (1) One Wheeled Transporter identical to the new unit, complete with all appurtenances, as specified in Section DD, page 44 herein. A. PIPELINE DATA COLLECTION & REAL TIME VIDEO CAPTURE SYSTEM 1. The system shall be a rugged rack mounted video recording and pipeline data acquisition system. It shall have the capability of recording, digitizing and storing single frames of video images and 'real time' live video as well as collecting, storing and printing pipe line inspection data for display and report generation. 2. The included software package shall be a 32 bit Windows 2000/ Windows XP application and shall be fully Object Oriented. It shall be capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects or other related significant visual information on a standard inkjet color printer located in the inspection truck. 3. The software shall have the following features (minimum): 3.1 Image Capture Page 48 City of Tamarac '.erchasina an,f7 C ontra is, D rrr„ t 3.1.1 Shall store selected digitized picture images on the system controller's hard disk drive. 3.1.2 Shall not be limited in number pictures per observation. 3.1.3 Shall have the ability to export picture files to Industry Standard Formats to include JPEG, BMP, TIFF formats and be transferable by disk to an external personal computer utilizing standard viewers and printers. 3.1.4 Shall be able to print any captured image on the ink jet color printer in the inspection truck. Picture files shall be stored and exported with inspection data. 3.1.5 A "thumbnail" preview of all pictures at an observation shall be available. 3.1.6 The pictures shall be able to be expanded from thumbnail to window to full screen by utilizing the mouse. 4. Video Capture 4.1 System shall include a MPEG capture module with interface to provide 'real time' storage of live video on the systems hard disk drive. A time reference shall be noted to allow access to the video from the observation. 4.2 Shall have the ability to store the compressed video files in industry standard MPEG1 format and be transferable with the inspection database by CDR media and/or removable hard drive to an external personal computer. 4.3 System shall have the ability to write/save a minimum of 45 minutes of video to the CDR. 4.4 System shall have the ability to write/save 12 hours of video to an optional DVD with pipeline data observation information. S. Database 5.1 The system software shall be able to operate on MS Windows 2000/Windows XP. 5.2 The software shall be able to use Microsoft Jet Engine 4.0 files or an ODBC database, such as Oracle of Microsoft Sequel Server for future applications. 5.3 The database structure shall be able to retain information on the various structures found within a sewer or storm system. It is important that the structures, nodes, manholes and pipe identifiers and related attribute information be retained as separate tables from the Inspection allowing import of existing data from multiple sources. 5.4 The data structure shall allow different projects to reside within a single database. Information gathered in projects shall be available to view by project or by system. Data gathered during project inspection Page 49 of Tamarac Contracts ........................................................................................... _ y ................................:..................................... shall be available to view by the selected structure. Therefore, all inspections can be viewed on a structure even if gathered in different projects. 5.5 The user shall be able to define fields and add them to the interface. 5.6 Database(s) shall be able to be merged by utilizing one of the following "multiple truck configurations": 5.6.1 Multiple trucks with a centralized enterprise database: the enterprise database housed at the office is partially replicated to each truck's desktop database. The data obtained during the inspection on the on -board computer's desktop database is synchronized with other inspections performed by other trucks or with the centralized office database via a burned CD or a network. Analysis and comparison is then made based upon the inspections made by the trucks and those stored in the office database. 5.6.2 Multiple trucks with software used in the office: trucks shall be able to synchronize with each other, replicate the desktop database on an office workstation for viewing, and export/import data to/from third -party software through the use of a conversion tool. Databases without the ability to merge data from multiple truck configurations shall be deemed unacceptable. Third party merging shall require connectivity modules and may require an additional custom plug-in, depending on each individual system. The required connection module(s) and custom plug-in shall comprise solely of those necessary to operate the Video Capture and Footage system in the trucks with the third party software being utilized in the office. 6. User Interface 6.1 The user interface, as viewed on the computer monitor, shall be able to be set up by the user. A series of "Panes" shall be available to customize the interface per the user's preferences. "Panes" shall be defined as windows containing different views of data and inspections. 6.2 The "Panes" included with the system shall consist of the following: Sewer Main, Inspection, Observation Details, Observation List, Video Playback, Lateral Asset, Lateral Inspection, Lateral Observation, Sewer Node, Sewer Node Inspection, Observation Navigator, Project Navigator, Filters, Still Images, Live Video, Seal & Grout Inspection, Joint & Crack Sealing, and Inclination Survey. 6.3 The panes shall be synchronized, wherein interacting with the main navigation control will affect the display of data in other open panes. Changes to an observation, inspection, asset, project, or filtering criteria shall display the newly selected properties in all open Page 50 City of Tamarac to ttctra srrr,. corresponding panes. Databases that do not have the ability to synchronize data shall be deemed unacceptable. 6.4 To allow the user to select preferences as to which panes to view, each of these panes shall be able to be "docked" and/or "floating". The user shall have the ability to "dock" the panes side -by -side, place one pane over another, and access each pane through a tab. "Floating" panes shall be able to be positioned anywhere in the application window. The software provider shall provide a common layout for use during an inspection and to review information. 6.5 The user shall be able to change the field labels. The module to change labels shall be part of the system and shall not require third party software. 6.6 A pipe graph shall be available and the pane viewable during the inspection. The pipe graph shall show service connections with a graphic indicating the location of the connection. The user shall have the ability to control the graphical representation of the observations made during the inspection by selecting any combination of the following features: Connections, Defects, Continuous, Laterals, Informational, and/or Status Bar. 6.7 A zoom feature shall be available for the pipe graphic that allows the user to select a portion of the pipe with a mouse and zoom to that specific portion. A grid system shall be provided to display the location of a `zoomed' observation within 10 feet. 6.8 The user shall be able to select live video, playback video, and view captured pictures on the screen simultaneously. Inspection 7.1 The code system shall be user definable with a code generator included within the program. Systems requiring third party software to set up codes shall be unacceptable. Codes generated shall be individual or developed in a hierarchical system. An Icon shall be selectable for a code providing easy identification of an observation. 7.2 To start an Inspection, the user shall be able to select structure, nodes or manhole information already within the database. If the data is not available, the operator shall be able to enter the correct information and the information shall be retained in separate tables for future selection. A graph shall be provided for structures that show the direction of entry and exit of mains. The graph shall show the direction, ID size and flow of each connection. 7.3 The operator shall be able to collect information on point observations (observation at a single point of the run) or as continuous observations (observations that run for a length of the pipe). Multiple continuous observations shall be able to be collected by overlapping or nesting within another continuous observation. Since it may not be known if an observation is going to be point or continuous, the operator shall be Page 51 of ratlla`i ac fA �""�? ......... r lurcf'Pu: im7 ctl7(,"� �.. ontraots D,V S !! able to leave an observation open or "pending" and be able to select the observation type after traversing the pipe. 7.4 A pane shall be available to view all of the observations noted in a list. The list shall contain columns showing the observation code, distance from the entry point, length of continuous defects, Clock/From, Clock To, modifier/severity and rating. The information in this list of observations shall be sortable by clicking on the column header. Should the user wish to sort by Code, clicking on the code column header shall sort the data. All applicable columns shall have the ability to sort in either ascending or descending order by utilizing the mouse. 8. Data Filter 8.1 The system shall include (2) data filters, Simple and Advanced, to restrict the data displayed in the application and reports per the user's preferences. The results returned by the filters shall match all specified properties simultaneously. 8.2 To aid in locating the correct structure and main upon which to initiate or view an inspection, the user shall be able to filter the data by Project, Structure, Inspection Information, Observation Information, and/or defined custom filters. 9. Titler 9.1 A keyboard, mouse, and footage counter shall provide the interfaces to the Video Character Generator and PDC&PCS controller's Windows program. 9.2 Camera footage shall be maintained in real time and shall be displayed on the video monitor as well as the video character generators illuminated footage display at the control console. 9.3 All other information for titling shall be sent to the character generator by a serial communication port connection from the system controller. 10. Printer 10.1 The desktop, color Ink Jet Printer shall interface with the controller parallel printer port. 10.2 The printer shall be capable of reproducing color video captured pictures or color inspection reports without the need to change ink cartridges. 10.3 Printer resolution shall be a minimum of 600x300-dpi color. Memory shall be a minimum of 512K. 11. Optional Modules 11.1 A module shall be available for determining the slope of a pipe. The inclination module shall be produced graphically within a pane that can be selected for viewing by the operator. The graph shall be "built" while information is being gathered allowing the user to visually see Page 52 tl7cpa Sing cYmf irUpirads Ow! loo the slope at any point in time. The graph shall be available for viewing during the inspection and while entering inspection data. 11.2 A grout and seal module (G&S) shall be available. The G&S module shall record pressure tests graphically and record the amount of material used. 11.3 A Structure, Node and Manhole Inspection module shall be available. The user shall be able to record information about the location, size, material and type of the structure. B. SUPPORT 1. Manufacturer shall have full time, in-house support staff for both hardware and software. 2. Optional support packages shall be available to keep the user updated at a contracted price. Training shall be available from the vendor on -site and via the Internet. C. ADDITIONAL ITEMS 1. System shall include a User Guide in a hard -copy format and on CD (compact disk). 2. System shall include a Quick Reference Card that depicts all menu shortcuts. D. GROUT MODULE 1. A grout module shall be supplied to work in conjunction with the pipeline data acquisition system and TV inspection system to record and display the following information: 1.1 Shall display the details of the entire Seal and Grout inspection for an entire pipe. 1.2 Shall display all data regarding the Sealing procedures and the total grout usage for a sewer main. 1.3 Shall include a calendar for date selection of when the inspection is to be conducted. 1.4 Shall record the duration and pressure changes of air tests in pipelines. 1.5 Shall have the ability to display and/or select one of the following statuses throughout the inspection process: pending, in progress, completed, and suspended. 1.6 Shall have the ability to display the following: 1.6.1 pipe conditions 1.6.2 additional Seal and Grout inspection comments 1.7 Shall automatically display duration and pressure change data gathered from air tests in a graphical format. Page 53 City of T n 3ta,', 4 acf?C?1<a51I7r7 C't17C CrJ17It"r:7(,�5 ..%1Vi•5't{31.. 1.8 Shall print. the applicable graphs or be able to export the graphs and data to an external database. 1.9 Shall label the joint or lateral air tests to indicate a 'passed' or 'failed' condition. 1.10 Grouting data must be available in the following graphical format: 1.11 Site Data shall include project name, site ID, street address, manhole start and stop addresses, pipe size, inspection date, total of grout, and average grout usage. E. PIPELINE DATA & VIDEO ANALYSIS (Office Engineering Program) 1. A pipeline data and video analysis system shall be provided to view and modify pipeline inspection data and video as well as digitize, store and print single frames of video images for display, report generation, and analysis purposes. 2. The included software package shall be a 32 bit Windows 2000/ Windows XP application and shall be fully Object Oriented. It shall be capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects or other related significant visual information on a standard inkjet color printer. The software shall have the following features (minimum): 2.1 Image Capture 2.1 Shall store selected digitized picture images on the system controller's hard disk drive. 2.2 Shall have the ability to capture pictures from stored MPEG video riles. 2.3 Shall not be limited in number pictures per observation 2.4 Shall have the ability to export picture files to Industry Standard Formats to include JPEG, BMP, TIFF formats and be transferable by disk to an external personal computer utilizing standard viewers and printers. 2.5 Shall be able to print any captured image on an ink jet color printer. Picture files shall be stored and exported with inspection data. 2.6 A "thumbnail" preview of all pictures at an observation shall be available. 2.7 The pictures shall be able to be expanded from thumbnail to window to full screen by utilizing the mouse. Video Playback 3.1 Shall have the ability to display 'real time' live video stored on the systems hard disk drive 3.2 A time reference shall be noted to allow access to the video from the observation. Page 54 of Tamarac t5 L?i'tsrc ,rrcttastrr�r andCorrtr�c.............. . 3.3 Shall display the compressed video files in industry standard MPEG1 format and be transferable with the inspection database by CDR media and/or removable hard drive to an external personal computer. 3.4 System shall have the ability to write/save a minimum of 45 minutes of video to the CDR. 3.5 System shall have the ability to write/save 12 hours of video to an optional DVD with pipeline data observation information. 4. Database 4.1 The system software shall be able to operate on MS Windows 2000/Windows XP. 4.2 The software shall be able to use Microsoft Jet Engine 4.0 files or an ODBC database, such as Oracle of Microsoft Sequel Server for possible future applications. 4.3 The database structure shall display all information collected on the various structures found within a sewer or storm system. The structures, nodes, manholes and pipe identifiers and related attribute information shall be retained as separate tables from the inspection allowing import of existing data from multiple sources. 4.4 The data structure shall allow different projects to reside within a single database. Information gathered in projects shall be available to view by project or by system. Data gathered during project inspection shall be available to view by the selected structure. Therefore, all inspections can be viewed on a structure even if gathered in different projects. 4.5 Database(s) shall be able to be merged by utilizing one of the following "multiple truck configurations": 4.5.1 Multiple trucks with a centralized enterprise database: the enterprise database housed at the office is partially replicated to each truck's desktop database. The data obtained during the inspection on the on -board computer's desktop database is synchronized with other inspections performed by other trucks or with the centralized office database via a burned CD or a network. Analysis and comparison is then made based upon the inspections made by the trucks and those stored in the office database. 4.5.2 Multiple trucks with third party software used in the office: trucks shall be able to synchronize with each other, replicate the desktop database on an office workstation for viewing, and export/import data to/from third -party software through the use of a conversion tool. Databases without the ability to merge data from multiple truck configurations shall be deemed unacceptable. Third party merging shall require connectivity modules and may require an additional custom plug-in, Page 55 w„ qF of Tamarac a" n rl lee Slrlt� rif7 ( t-inl`reac; s PDwisoo ...... depending on each individual system. The required connection module(s) and custom plug-in shall comprise of those necessary to operate the GXP system in the trucks with the third party software being utilized in the office. 5. User Interface 5.1 The user interface, as viewed on the computer monitor, shall be able to be set up by the user. A series of "Panes" shall be available to customize the interface per the user's preferences. "Panes" shall be defined as windows containing different view from data and inspections. 5.2 The "Panes" included with the system shall consist of the following: Sewer Main, Inspection, Observation Details, Observation List, Video Playback, Lateral Asset, Lateral Inspection, Lateral Observation, Sewer Node, Sewer Node Inspection, Observation Navigator, Project Navigator, Filters, Still Images, Live Video, Seal & Grout Inspection, Joint & Crack Sealing. 5.3 The panes shall be synchronized, wherein interacting with the main navigation control will affect the display of data in other open panes. Changes to an observation, inspection, asset, project, or filtering criteria shall display the newly selected properties in all open corresponding panes. Databases that do not have the ability to synchronize data shall be deemed unacceptable. 5.4 To allow the user to select preferences as to which panes to view, each of these panes shall be able to be "docked" and/or "floating". The user shall have the ability to "dock" the panes side -by -side, place one pane over another, and access each pane through a tab. "Floating" panes shall be able to be positioned anywhere in the application window. The software provider shall provide a common layout to review information gathered. In addition, the system shall have the ability to save pane layouts for future reference. 5.5 A pipe graph of the inspection shall be available for display and analysis. The pipe graph shall show service connections with a graphic indicating the location of the connection. The user shall have the ability to control the graphical representation of the observations by selecting any combination of the following features: Connections, Defects, Continuous, Laterals, Informational, and/or Status Bar. 5.6 A zoom feature shall be available for the pipe graphic that allows the user to select a portion of the pipe with a mouse and zoom to that specific portion. A grid system shall be provided to display the location of a `zoomed' observation within 10 feet. 5.7 The user shall be able to select live video, playback video, and view captured pictures on the screen simultaneously. 5.8 The code system shall be user definable/modifiable with a code generator included within the program. Systems requiring third party Page 56 City of Tamarac 6 Z--,"vP software to set up codes shall be unacceptable. Codes generated shall be individual or developed in a hierarchical system. An Icon shall be selectable for a code providing easy identification of an observation. 5.9 The user shall be able to view or modify an inspection by selecting the structure, nodes or manhole information already within the database. If the data is not correct, the user shall be able to enter the correct information and the information shall be retained in system for future use. A graph shall be provided for structures that show the direction of entry and exit of mains. The graph shall show the direction, ID size and flow of each connection. 5.10 The user shall be able to view and modify point observations (observation at a single point of the run) or continuous observations (observations that run for a length of the pipe). Multiple continuous observations shall be able to be viewed/modified, including observations that are overlapping or nesting within another continuous observation. In addition, the user shall be able to create observations in the event that an observation was inadvertently overlooked during the initial inspection. 5.11 A pane shall be available to view all of the observations noted in a list. The list shall contain columns showing the observation code, distance from the entry point, length of continuous defects, Clock/From, Clock To, modifier/severity and rating. The information in this list of observations shall be sorted as necessary, by clicking on the column header. Should the user wish to sort by Code, clicking on the code column header shall sort the data. All applicable columns shall have the ability to sort in either ascending or descending order by utilizing the mouse. 5.12 The user shall be able to view and/or modify assets created during the inspection. An asset shall be defined as a physical structure to be inspected: a sewer main segment, a sewer node, or a lateral connection. 5.13 The user shall be able to view and/or modify projects created during the inspection. A project shall be defined as a grouping of physical structures and inspections. Data Filter 6.1 The system shall include (2) data filters, Simple and Advanced, to restrict the data displayed in the application and reports per the user's preferences. The results returned by the filters shall match all specified properties simultaneously. 6.2 To aid in locating the correct structure and main upon which to initiate or view an inspection, the user shall be able to filter the data by Project, Structure, Inspection Information, Observation Information, and/or defined custom filters. Page 57 City of Tamarac ? 1 �it7t ! ) r l tJr; .......... ...... . ..... ..... ....... 7. Reports 7.1 Standard reports shall be included. A log report shall contain information on the end points of an inspection and the location/attributes of the main pipe and observations. 7.2 Shall display a graphical representation of the pipe depicting the inspection starting point, end point IDs, observations, both point/continuous defects, and distance. 7.3 The user shall be able to generate templates for custom reports with a built-in report designer/generator. The vendor shall also be able to provide custom reports on a per instance fee basis. 7.4 Reports shall be able to be sorted by up to four object properties in ascending or descending order. 7.5 Reports included, user designed, or vendor designed shall be available for printing from a single page. The user shall be able to select the reports to print the criteria for data selection and start the print function. No further intervention is necessary during the print process. 7.6 Reports shall be able to be printed in the following formats: ODBD target, Portable Document Format (PDF), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), or an ASCII file. 7.7 Software shall have the ability to support the following report packages and associated templates: Active Reports, Crystal Reports, RR Report Writer. Software without the ability to support these standard report packages shall be deemed unacceptable. 8. Printer 8.1 The desktop, color Ink Jet Printer shall interface with the controller parallel printer port. 8.2 The printer shall be capable of reproducing color video captured pictures or color inspection reports without the need to change ink cartridges. 8.3 Printer resolution shall be a minimum of 600x300-dpi color. Memory shall be a minimum of 512K. 9. Support 9.1 Manufacturer shall have full time, in-house support staff for both hardware and software. 9.2 Optional support packages shall be available to keep the user updated at a contracted price. Training shall be available from the vendor on - site and via the Internet. Page 58 City of Tan a a i, Pu ci using and Contracts )iv iawn e,. ......... ... F. 10. Optional Modules 10.1 The user shall be able to modify and view all data previously collected with the Grout and Seal Module (G&S). The system shall be able to display recorded pressure tests graphically and the amount of material used. 10.2 The user shall be able to modify and view all data previously collected with the Structure, Node and Manhole Inspection Module. The user shall be able to view information about the location, size, material and type of the structure. In addition, the user shall have the ability to create new manhole asset information in the event that the data was inadvertently overlooked during the initial inspection. PIPELINE DATA COLLECTION & REAL TIME VIDEO CAPTURE SYSTEM, RACK MOUNT (1) Intel Pentium IV (or windows certified chip) 2.8E Hyper thread GHZ CPU with Intel (or equal) 875P Chipset (1) 512 MB (Megabytes) of DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) DIMM, 400 MHz (1) PCI Video Capture Board with MPEG1 Video Capture & Hardware Compression (1) Video Graphics Controller, 128 MB, 8X, AGP (1) LAN, On Board Network Connection, Intel 82547E1 10 / 100 / 1000 (6) USB 2.0 Ports (4 on Rear, 2 on Front) (2) Firewire Ports (IEEE 1394) (1) Soundblaster Compatible, On Board Sound (1) CD Recorder, CD-RW, DVD-ROM Drive 52x Internal (1) 120GB 7,200 RPM EIDE Hard Drive (1) 120GB 7,200 RPM EIDE A/V Removable Hard Drive (1) ATX 425 Watt Power Supply (1) 3 Y2 inch 1.44 MB High Density FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) (1) Industrial Hardened Case with Air Filtering, Vibration Dampening Hard Drive Mounts, Peripheral Cards Support Bar, 19" Rack (1) User Guide, Hard -copy (1) User Guide, CD (1) Quick Reference Card, Menu Shortcuts (1) Customer's Video Character Generator & Titler Firmware updated (1) Additional Removable Drive Bay assembly for customer's office PC (Note Office PC must have a empty drive bay slot, customer to install) Page 59 City of Tainc'dr'a I ,il ,!7<?St=l t ii:t; co tr,r tS G. SOFTWARE PACKAGE (1) Windows 2000/XP Professional Operating System for TV Unit (1) Inspection Software (Truck Edition) and License (1) Manhole Module Software and License (1) Sealing Module Software and License (1) Viewer (Office PC) and License H. LATERAL SEALING RETROFIT (1) Remove existing lateral sealing system from customer's 1991 (Unit 466) TV Seal (1) Reinstall Vacuum Pump Assembly (1) Reinstall Lateral Control Assembly I. NEW ITEMS (1) Wiring harness for lateral controller (1) Hoses for vacuum pump assembly J. QUAD HOSE REEL UPGRADE (1) Replace outside frames (4 sides) on hose reel assembly (1) Repaint drum (1) Replace Hose reel drip pan (1) Reinstall customers existing quad hose (1) Test for Lateral Seal operation with customer's existing lateral packer Page 60 City d I brr;aw 1 x Pure h 1satig„r r;t7 .. ! arrt u 1 ......... SPECIAL CONDITIONS f -919J I,16 II-7 P4;1 NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT 1. PURPOSE OF BID The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids, from qualified Bidders, to supply a new 2005 TV Video Truck, completely outfitted with appropriate video equipment and data processing equipment and accessories to provide for videotaping of City sewer lines; and the upgrade of an existing TV Video Truck to update internal video equipment and meeting all relevant United States and Florida Department of Transportation requirements. 1.1. In order to be considered for this project, the Bidder must meet be: 1.2.1. The manufacturer or authorized dealer for the equipment being bid. 1.2.2. Able to provide factory authorized service for the equipment being bid. 2. ORDER CONFIRMATION An order confirmation listing complete specifications of the vehicle(s) to be provided shall be sent to the City of Tamarac, Purchasing Division within 7 days of the date of issuance of the purchase order. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS All items shall be delivered in exact compliance with specifications. Failure to comply with the specifications shall be considered grounds for the City to seek remedy. Remedy may include, but not be limited to, withholding of payment or retention of a percentage of payment for errors or omissions on the part of the contractor, of up to ten percent (10%) of the value of the vehicle(s). 4. EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS 4.1. The City of Tamarac reserves the right to waive minor deficiencies, informalities or technical variances, which by their nature are restrictive to a specific manufacturer, if in its judgment, it would be in the best interest of the City to do so, and it would not prejudice the rights of other bidders. 4.2. The determination of whether or not a substitute offered is in fact equal to the item specified and is acceptable as an alternate shall be made at the absolute discretion of the City. Requests for consideration of an "or equal" status for substitutes must be submitted to the Purchasing Division no less than 4 days prior to the bid opening. Page 61 s City of %am,t 1a.i via e, P r" , r � ing "mom Contra ct t.i rf�t n ----. _. _.,,,......... 5. DELIVERY 5.1 Delivery shall be made within 120 days of receipt of City's authorized Purchase Order. All units are to be delivered F.O.B. Destination to the City of Tamarac. Pre -delivery services must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall include thorough cleaning, vacuuming, of the vehicles interior and washing of vehicle(s) exterior and windows. 6.2 Delivery shall be coordinated with the Public Works Fleet Supervisor. Awarded vendor must contact the Fleet Supervisor at least 7 days prior to anticipated delivery date to make all delivery arrangements. Vehicles shall be delivered to: Public Works Department Operations Division 6011 Nab Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 Attn: Vince Sciacca, Fleet Supervisor (954)724-1382 6. RETROFIT REQUIREMENT The successful vendor shall provide that the retrofit of the existing 1996 GMC Cues unit (City unit #4001) be completed at the vendor's facility. The vendor shall be responsible for all cost relating to the transportation of the vehicle to and from Tamarac. 7. REQUIREMENTS AT TIME OF DELIVERY The awarded vendor shall be required to provide the following at the time of delivery: 7.1 Vendor's invoice referencing the authorized City of Tamarac Purchase Order number. 7.2 Standard service policy filled -out and signed by the authorized dealer. 7.3 A Certificate of Origin complete with all required information. 7.4 State of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Application for Certificate of Title with/without registration filled -in as follows: City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88" Ave Finance Department, Room 100 Tamarac, FL 33321 7.5 A temporary State of Florida tag, in duplicate, registered to the address shown in Section 6.4 above, must accompany each vehicle. 7.6 State of Florida Odometer Disclosure Statement. Page 62 R C,V ct f P ) . cr x „x, Iorc h z< oc and �:omrac r .rJIV 3 t] ......... ... ... . '�. ........., ..... ... ........ V _ 7.7 Adherence to all of the aforementioned procedures is mandatory. Failure to abide by any of the provisions will result in rejection of the subject vehicle until such time as the provisions are met. In order to prevent any delays in the acceptance of the new vehicles, and to ensure payment as soon as possible, vendors are reminded to comply with all provisions. This bid shall be awarded on an all -or -none basis to the lowest aggregate responsive and responsible bidder, and shall consider the trade-in of an existing vehicle. 9. INQUIRIES Non -technical inquiries shall be directed to the Purchasing & Contracts Manager at (954) 724-2450. Technical inquiries may be directed through the Purchasing & Contracts Manager to the Utilities Operations Manager at (954) 724-2404. i;JN[a]1►cc] Please provide pricing for each item shown herein. Bid price must be all inclusive and include, but not be limited to, cost of vehicles, modifications, delivery and all miscellaneous expenses. No changes in pricing will be allowed after the issuance of a purchase order. 11. ALTERNATES Except where the City exercises the right reserved herein to reject any or all bids and subject to the restrictions stated above, the Bid shall be awarded by the City to the responsible Bidder who has submitted either the lowest responsive bid, or the lowest responsive bid on the base bid, including such alternates as the City determines to be in its own best interest. iN:7_1►1WA 12.1 Manufacturer's standard warranty must be furnished with each new vehicle, and for all video equipment purchased. Vehicle warranty shall be equal to or exceed that offered to the general public on similar regular production models. The manufacturer's warranty for both the vehicle, and for all video equipment and carrier units included with the vehicle shall become effective on the day that the new vehicle is actually put into service by the City. Vehicles and all appurtenant vehicular, video and other equipment shall be new (unused), current models, completely prepared by dealer for delivery in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor (firm to which contract is awarded by the City Commission) to furnish the warranty card imprinted with the name of the "City of Tamarac". It will be the further responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the Fleet Supervisor is kept apprised of all information concerning warranty, service manuals, service bulletins, recall notices, and service schooling available. 12.2 Bidder warrants that all goods and services furnished hereunder will conform in all respects to the terms of this solicitation, including any drawings, Page 63 Ciiy of Taal ar zr ''' putc,h�a.srrtg sand C ont.ta ts specifications or standards incorporated herein, and that they will be free from latent and patent defects in materials, workmanship and title, and will be free from such defects in design. In addition, Bidder warrants that said goods and services are suitable for, and will perform in accordance with, the purposes for which they are purchased, fabricated, manufactured and designed or for such other purposes as are expressly specified in this solicitation. The City may return any nonconforming or defective items to the Bidder or require correction or replacement of the item at the time the defect is discovered, all at the Bidder's risk and expense. Acceptance shall not relieve the Bidder of its responsibility. 12.3 Bidder shall provide detailed information concerning warranties of commercially acceptable quality, function, performance, service, parts or any other warranties offered along with bid. Bidder may utilize spaces provided below to detail type of warranties, duration of warranties and other pertinent information. Use additional sheets if necessary. 13. TRADE-IN UNIT The City currently has a vehicle for trade-in, a 1991 GMC Cues TV & Seal Truck (City Unit #466), VIN #1 GDKP32K2M3501783. The truck currently has an odometer reading of 27,880 miles. This vehicle is available for viewing at 6001 Nob hill Road Tamarac, FL- between the hours of 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Contact Tony Bouchard at (954) 724-2458 to make arrangements to view the vehicle. This vehicle is warranted "As Is", and the successful vendor shall make all appropriate arrangements for removal and transport of the vehicle upon award of the bid. 14. NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPLIED TV Seal Hi Qube Inspection Unit Each camera, camera transporter, and external lighthead to be supplied on this specification must be labeled and listed as a minimum by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) to the applicable Standard for Safety for Closed Circuit Television Equipment, UL 2044, 2nd edition, 11/9/01. A listing report must be supplied that certifies the aforementioned equipment is acceptable as defined by 29 CFR 1910.339 and required by 29 CFR 1910.303(a). Self -certification or certification by a laboratory that is not an NRTL will be deemed unacceptable. NRTL labeled and listed equipment shall be supplied as required by Federal OSHA requirements, per their memorandum, dated September 25, 2002. Page 64 lyin-ch�5 .............................am ,r??d Gomra=, Diw-,,i r,, ..._.......... . COMPANY NAME: (Please Print): Phone: Fax: BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR BID, MAKE SURE YOU... ❑ 1. Carefully read the Bid Documents, including all terms and conditions. ❑ 2. Fill out the Bid Forms. ❑ 3. Fill out and sign the Non -Collusive Affidavit and have it properly notarized. ❑ 4. Sign the Certification page. Failure to do so may result in your Bid being deemed non -responsive. ❑ 5. Fill out the Offeror's Qualification Statement. ❑ 6. Fill out the References page. ❑ 7. Sign the Drug Free Workplace Form. ❑ 8. If Applicable, fill out the List of Subcontractors. ❑ 9. If applicable, include a 5% Bid Bond. Failure to provide a bond will result in automatic rejection of your bid. ❑ 10. Fill out and sign the Certified Resolution. ❑ 11. Include proof of insurance. Make sure your Bid is submitted PRIOR to the deadline. Late Bids will not be accepted. Failure to provide the requested attachments may result in your bid being deemed non -responsive. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID. Page 66 Cit �` ,,,. / 11IG' l;�..,.tit:i crt?Li � o1 al i BID FORM 1-"§ 21•X11MW- NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT Submitted by: THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 Northwest 881h Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 Date The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to enter into a contract with the City to perform and furnish all Work as specified herein for the Contract Price and within the Contract Period indicated in this bid. 2. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for sixty (60) days after the day of bid opening. a) Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing of the Work. b) Bidder has given the City written notice of all conflicts, errors, or discrepancies that it has discovered in the contract documents and the written resolution thereof by the City is acceptable to Bidder. c) This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the City. 3. Bidder will complete the Work for the prices shown in the "Bid Form". 4. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially performed and complete in accordance with the schedules established herein. Page 67 M City c ;rL^l � rare ar'jc:' C or ire t ..i.. BID FORM (continued) BID NO. 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids, from qualified Bidders, to supply a New TV Video Truck & Upgrade of Existing Unit. We propose to furnish the following in conformity with the specifications and at the bid prices indicated on this Bid Form. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents. BASE BID Item #1 Mfg. & Model No. Quantity Price per Each Extended Total 2005 Video TV Truck complete with all appropriate video equipment, carrier lea. units, computers and compute eri herals & hardware SUBTOTAL BASE BID$ 7 UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT Item #2 Mfg. & Model No. Quantity Price per Each Extended Total Upgrade existing Cues TV Truck to include new video equipment and computer 1ea. $ equipment and hardware, and upgraded carrier unit. SUBTOTAL ALTERNATE ITEM $ LESS TRADE-IN Item #3 Quantity Trade -In Allowance Trade-in: 1991 GMC Cues TV & Seal Truck (City Unit #466), VIN #1GDKP32K2M3501783. 1 ea $ Current odometer reads 27,880 miles GRAND TOTAL: $ Item 1 + Item 2 less Item 3 Indicate Delivery Time after receipt of order: Indicate Prompt Payment Discount: , net days Bidders Name: Page 68 City y; 3 1?I iC 'r. f FJlf.t �slf3 chid Contracts Division ... ....... ......... ......... .... a . r ...... .._.............. .............. --- ............................... BID FORM (continued) 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT The City reserves the right to reject any bid, if it deems that a Bidder has deliberately provided erroneous information. The undersigned declare to have specific and legal authorization to obligate their firm to the terms of this bid, and further, that they have examined the Invitation to Bid, the instructions to Bidders, the Specifications, and other documents included in this bid request, and hereby promises and agrees that, if this bid is accepted, they will faithfully fulfill the terms of this bid together with all guarantees and warranties thereto. The undersigned bidding firm further certifies the product and/or equipment meets or exceeds the specification as stated in the bid package; and also agrees that products and/or equipment to be delivered which fail to meet bid specifications will be rejected by the City within thirty (30) days of delivery. Return of rejection will be at the expense of the bidder. Authorized Signature Typed/Printed Name Telephone Fax Company Name Address City, State, ZIP Federal Tax ID Number Email address for above signer (if any) Contractor's License Number Page 69 City of f ern l ac �� ,,;'; Purchasing and C ontrrc's Onvinroo ...................... BID FORM (continued) BID NO. 05-12B NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT Bidders Name: TERMS: % DAYS: Delivery/completion: 150 calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order To be considered eligible for award, one (1) original of the Bid Form must be submitted, and two (2) additional copies of the Bid Form should be submitted with your Bid. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder shall be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. IF "NO BID" IS OFFERED, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Please indicate reason(s) why a Bid Proposal is not being submitted at this time. Return the Bid Form to avoid removal of Bidder from the City of Tamarac Bid list. Page 70 M �xxf��1 � ...... ....... .......... cttv of & Con,*IacfS Dwi.lif"'O CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID We (1), the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish the item(s)/service(s) described in the Invitation to Bid. We (1) certify that we(I) have read the entire document, including the Specifications, Additional Requirements, Supplemental Attachments, Instructions to Bidders, Terms and Conditions, and any addenda issued. We agree to comply with all of the requirements of the entire Invitation To Bid. Indicate which type of organization below: INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION OTHER If "Other", Explain: Authorized Signature Title Company Name City/State/Zip Fax Number Name (Printed Or Typed) Federal Employer I.D./Social Security No. Address Telephone Contact Person of }:'tc:r',^E: Z"S_`� utchasjng & 'C'O ")?rents CERTIFIED RESOLUTION I, (Name), the duly elected Secretary of (Name of Corp.), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , do hereby certify that the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors of the said corporation at a meeting held in accordance with law and the by-laws of the said corporation. "IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT (Name)", the duly elected (Title of Officer) of (Name of Corp.) be and is hereby authorized to execute and submit a Bid and/or Bid Bond, if such bond is required, to the City of Tamarac and such other instruments in writing as may be necessary on behalf of the said corporation; and that the Bid, Bid Bond, and other such instruments signed by him/her shall be binding upon the said corporation as its own acts and deeds. The secretary shall certify the names and signatures of those authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. The City of Tamarac shall be fully protected in relying upon such certification of the secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any and all claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring, the signature of any person so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. I further certify that the above resolution is in force and effect and has not been revised, revoked or rescinded. I further certify that the following are the name, titles and official signatures of those persons authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. NAME TITLE SIGNATURE Given under my hand and the Seal. of the said corporation this day of , 20—. (SEAL) By: Secretary Corporate Title NOTE: The above is a suggested form of the type of Corporate Resolution desired. Such form need not be followed explicitly, but the Certified Resolution submitted must clearly show to the satisfaction of the City of Tamarac that the person signing the Bid and Bid Bond for the corporation has been properly empowered by the corporation to do so in its behalf. r? c: ....... .... .. .... . . ...... . . . ........................ ....... ... ................... .. .. 11 .. .. ....... ..: f'o. ohasing & Contracts D visico OFFEROR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter: SUBMITTED TO: City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 Company: Contact Name: Address: City, State, Zip Telephone No. Fax No. C e ........heck ...... n .. Corporation Partnership E] Individual 17 Other 1. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation, trade or fictitious name under which you do business and the address of the place of business. The correct name of the Offeror is: The address of the principal place of business is: 2. If Offeror is a corporation, answer the following: a) Date of Incorporation: b) State of Incorporation: ... c) President's name:. _...._ __ ............. d) Vice President's name: e) Secretary's name:.,_ f) Treasurer's name: g) Name and address of Resident Agent:_, .................................................................................................................... [,�i)ge i 01 5 CfffE3P'G, rs Qualification statoioi nl E:tF (rl::' i16A . Furchasing & Cowra'• t'� D'Vi:;iorf 3. If Offeror is an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a) Date of organization: b) Name, address and ownership units of all partners: c) State whether general or limited partnership:.......... _. _...._.........._.... __......_............... 4. If Offeror is other than an individual, corporation or partnership, describe the organization and give the name and address of principals: 5. If Offeror is operating under a fictitious name, submit evidence of compliance with the Florida Fictitious Name Statute. 6. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? m,.. M...,..........,,."".. a) Under what other former names has your organization operated? 7. Indicate registration, license numbers or certificate numbers for the businesses or professions, which are the subject of this Bid. Please attach certificate of competency and/or state registration. ............................................................................... .............................................. . ................................................................................................ .. 8. Have you personally inspected the site of the proposed work? ❑ YES ❑ NO 9. Do you have a complete set of documents, including drawings and addenda? D YES [:] NO 10. Did you attend the Pre -Proposal Conference if any such conference was held? ❑ YES ❑ NO ................................................ .......................................................... .......................................... ................................. ............................ ................................. ....................... . f agc= 2 of 5 C?r`Tr:�r �r:s C?ia<37iftr;r Pic rr ydrat�;r= rrrr City Tai"2fa(Paa r ing &onta Ph D ihiol7 .... ....... ......... ....... R....... 11. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, state when, where and why: 12. State the names, telephone numbers and last known addresses of three (3) owners, individuals or representatives of owners with the most knowledge of work which you have performed and to which you refer (government owners are preferred as references). Name/Address/Phone 13. List the pertinent experience of the key individuals of your organization (continue on insert sheet, if necessary). 14. State the name of the individual who will have personal supervision of the work: 15. State the name and address of attorney, if any, for the business of the Offeror: 16. State the names and addresses of all businesses and/or individuals who own an interest of more than five percent (5%) of the Offeror's business and indicate the .percentage owned of each such business and/or individual: 17. State the names, addresses and the type of business of all firms that are partially or wholly owned by Offeror: ........ 3 of 5 r>"`%r?iflf;`,i Ct.fG3lii`!f;'irt(7r! .`„ii.l:.'i!,?lr7cPlF ..... .. .......... '...� ..5..!{� � .t..)..j. C{ (s i�....i...l. lCippyof w{ ........ 18. State the name of Surety Company which will be providing the bond, and name and address of agent: 19. Bank References: Bank/Address/Phone 20. Attach a financial statement including Offeror's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: a) Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials, real estate, stocks and bonds, equipment, furniture and fixtures, inventory and prepaid expenses): b) Net Fixed Assets c) Other Assets d) Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries, real estate encumbrances and accrued payroll taxes). e) Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus, and retained earnings): 21. State the name of the firm preparing the financial statement and date thereof: 22. Is this financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? ElYES FINO 23. If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent -subsidiary). ........ .... ......... ........ ........ ................................. t:�s:i;izC rre''ror's, Quafific"aifC)f't ........... ..................................................... ........ , . . ......... .. .. _. .... The Offeror acknowledges and understands that the information contained in response to this Qualification Statement shall be relied upon by owner in awarding the contract and such information is warranted by Offeror to be true. The discovery of any omission or misstatement that materially affects the Offeror's qualifications to perform under the contract shall cause the owner to reject the proposal, and if after the award, to cancel and terminate the award and/or contract. Signature qJA-,"Vl OFFEROR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT State of County of On this the day of , 20 _ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: NU I ARY HUBLIG, 51 A I E OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath ......... ......... .... ........................................................................ . ................... . p ag6F z of 5, I�rE}f'f.1t�.S i�.�tdt;7iiflC'2aiiCliP ;�t )i<;t;-%F?'i( ,.. .. ... " t, t t;a1 ......... . ............ ............ ........... .......... �1 r NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of )ss. County of. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. He/she is the , (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of , the Offeror that has submitted the attached Proposal; 2. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; 3. Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; 4. Neither the said Offeror nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Offeror, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Offeror, firm, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Offeror, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Offeror, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; 5. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Offeror or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: By Witness Witness Printed Name Title .............................................. . .................................. . ................... ��jf#(F;3 u�. �� ?�;ii33••i,.t.3��#,F`7�Yt' F•:��tf/;3V;? ACKNOWLEDGMENT NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of County of j"'iitcha'.:'w-(a & C!)nuacts Dl ✓isioo On this the day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) FlPersonally known to me, or 0 Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) F� DID take an oath, orF-1 DID NOT take an oath Page 2 of 2 %'on -collusive Affidavit Gft of Tfii`7�11ao _` 3,t . ..... F~A f f c3StY tf "k i11"7(< c iti r t Ui, >f ,. VENDOR DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE Preference may be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/proposal certifying they have a drug -free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. This requirement affects all public entities of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference may be given to businesses with drug -free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids that are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall: 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later that five (5) days after each conviction. 5. Impose a section on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this form complies fully with the above requirements. Authorized Signature ................ ............... Company Name ................ ................................................ .......................... . .................. P,,.ige ! of •j Pmcha,5ing & Conuarts C;vist' . REFERENCES Please list government agencies and/or private firms with whom you have done business during the last five years: Your Company Name Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address ............... City State Zip ................ Phone/Fax ................ Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name ....................................... ..... ..... . ......................................................................................................... ........................................................................ Ciby o! ', '.-u t3'3mc i'1//t'%i l Slll(� & C onl.!"acts Division FOREIGN (NON-FLORIDA) CORPORATIONS MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM DEPARTMENT OF STATE CORPORATE CHARTER NO. If your corporation is exempt from the requirements of Section 607.1501, Florida Statutes, YOU MUST CHECK BELOW the reason(s) for the exemption. Please contact the Department of State, Division of Corporations at (850) 245-6051 for assistance with corporate registration or exemptions. 607.1501 Authority of foreign corporation to transact business required. (1) A foreign corporation may not transact business in this state until it obtains a certificate of authority from the Department of State. (2) The following activities, among others, do not constitute transacting business within the meaning of subsection (1): (a) Maintaining, defending, or settling any proceeding. (b) Holding meetings of the board of directors or shareholders or carrying on other activities concerning internal corporate affairs. ❑ (c) Maintaining bank accounts. ❑ (d) Maintaining officers or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration of the corporation's own securities or maintaining trustees or depositaries with respect to those securities. ❑ (e) Selling through independent contractors. ❑ (f) Soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or through employees, agents, or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this state before they become contracts. ❑ (g) Creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, and security interests in real or personal property. ❑ (h) Securing or collecting debts or enforcing mortgages and security interests in property securing the debts. ❑ (i) Transacting business in interstate commerce. ❑ Q) Conducting an isolated transaction that is completed within 30 days and that is not one in the course of repeated transactions of a like nature. ❑ (k) Owning and controlling a subsidiary corporation incorporated in or transacting business within this state or voting the stock of any corporation which it has lawfully acquired. ❑ (1) Owning a limited partnership interest in a limited partnership that is doing business within this state, unless such limited partner manages or controls the partnership or exercises the powers and duties of a general partner. ❑ (m) Owning, without more, real or personal property. (3) The list of activities in subsection (2) is not exhaustive. (4) This section has no application to the question of whether any foreign corporation is subject to service of process and suit in this state under any law of this state. Please check one of the following if your firm is NOT a corporation: (1) ❑ Partnership, Joint Venture, Estate or Trust (II) ❑ Sole Proprietorship or Self Employed NOTE: This sheet MUST be enclosed with your bid if you claim an exemption or have checked I or II above. If you do not check I or II above, your firm will be considered a corporation and subject to all requirements listed herein. BIDDER'S CORRECT LEGAL NAME SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT OF BIDDER ................................................................................................................................... ........................................................ . .................... :Fags 1 oi' 9 Foreign C,,:vp ar3tions, 5!<�Lrarrt',,'Pr a city 0 7 rr a i, gc j; s� 11'f°r'?ct ?ri f�ri Yc7t i �✓iJi:;tUtY ...... ... w ��.._ LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder shall list below the names and business address of each subcontractor who will perform Work under this Bid in excess of one-half of one percent of the Contractor's Total Bid Price, and shall also list the portion of the Work that will be done by such subcontractor. After the opening of bids, no changes or substitutions will be allowed except as otherwise provided by law. The listing of more than one subcontractor for each item of Work to be performed with the words "and/or" will not be permitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the Bid as non -responsive and may cause its rejection. Work to Be Performed % Total Contractor Subcontractor Contract License No. Name/Address Rage I C: f 9 (_tst of' `9ub orttrr=o ws ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD(YY) PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A: Companies providing coverage it YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE INSURER B, INSURERC, INSURER D, INSURER E, RAVFRAnEA THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION MMIDDIYYI LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Any one lire) $ i COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ,. _JCLAIMS MADE it I OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ Must Include General Liability GENERAL AGGREGATE $ mm PRODUCTS, COMPIOP AGG $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES_ PER: , policy project IDc AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY - ..... ANY AUTO _..._.. j ALL OWNED AUTOS -- SCHEDULED AUTOS SAMPLE CERTIFICATE HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS r GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN _EA ACC $ ANY AUTO $ _ AUTO ONLY: AGG EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S ,_ AGGREGATE $ r- OCCUR J CLAIMS MADE _. S ---1 _ --- DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION $ STATU- - WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TORY j E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER Certificate must contain wording similar to what appears below DESCRIPTION F I CATI N IL I C "THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS ADDITIONALLY INSURED WITH REGARD TO GENERAL LIABILITY" CERTIFICATE HOLDER I I ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: I t-Witar-LL/A I IUry SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION City of Tamarac IL 30 DAYS WRITTEN 7525 NW 813th Avenue City Must Be Named as Certificate Holder LEFT. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25-S (7/97) (uAIIVKL7 I.UrcrUrcr"xI Iviv IWOO City of Tamarac • w R X Pc "Committed to Excellence... Always" EXHIBIT "1" Purchasing and Contracts Division TR #10725 ADDENDUM NO.1 NEW TV VIDEO TRUCK & UPGRADE OF EXISTING UNIT BID NO, 05-12B DATE OF ADDENDUM: MAY 5, 2005 The following clarifications, changes, additions and/or deletions are hereby made part of the Contract Documents for the New TV Video Truck & Upgrade of Existing Unit fully and completely as if this same were fully set forth therein: 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 and 7, Paragraph 513, FACTORY PARTS AND SERVICE CENTER lace paragraph 5.B., with the following; All vendors submitting bids must have a complete factory parts and service center available and located in the state of Florida. The factory service center shall be readily available during normal working hours. All vendors should also have ordering and shipping personnel available during regular business hours. The bid opening date remains the same, May, 18'', 2005, This addendum should be signed below and returned with your bid submittal. NAME OF BIDDER: 7525 NW 88th Avenue a Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 ■ (954) 724-2450 N Fax (954) 724-2408 0 www.tamorac.org u-) N ti O m X W 0 m N •. W .r a z W 2 o. 52 ad W CD C4 ,L v0^0 �oaw a � a�am N W hC z Oa F- W 7 W a z a a a 0 V O J o a 0 v � a � a 40W z 0 U) U) 0 V o LU � o 40* J a_ V LL LL z 0 W 4 N Z � � m U) O a 0 a z J a © 0 $ 0 aW! M) r 40 40 � C d C m c_ E 0 r -C CLL °'E =' V ��3wcc co V Mu Co IL 120 E °o 'a C cis W a O,a V _ ac N c VIE CLQC0 N 4N N LD a a L E E 7 'cw c� m �! �= mei _3W q m c co 4-- 2 12 w a g O O N O O a Z Z V � 44 m� ... 0E a v +' o as _- m Qwag ao z m o } N 's � a IL c �, _ c� mom.... a Y 0 cn 3 J W .w a :3 a tV EXHIBIT "3" TR #10725 Proposal INDUSTRIES, INC. and Bid Li COPY PIP'tLINE TELEVISION To: INSPECTION � CI of tY Tamarac FL TEST AND For: SEAL ' Purchase of New TV Video Truck SYSTEMS &Upgrade ofExistiug Unit (RE -BID) Bid #: 05-12B Corporate Office 550 Elizabeth Street Waukesha, WI 53186-4575 Toll Free: 800-234-7205k;. b Phone: 262-896-7205l' FAX: 262-896-7099 ice Southeastern Regional WA 1441 S.W. 10" Ave., Un202 � Pompano Beach, FL 33 9 wN " Toll Free: 800-327-4346�4 ; Phone: 954-785-5640.F� FAX: 954-785-5014 Western Regional Office 5748 E. Shields Ave., Suite, . Fresno, CA 93727 2 Tall Free: 888aw Phone: 559-292� F" z .. fi FAX: 559-291-0d6 www.ariesindustries.com Industries, Inc. SECTION PAGE 1 Component List................................................................................................. 1-1 2 Detailed Specifications..................................................................................... 2-1 3 Drawings and Literature................................................................................... 3-1 4 Customer Specifications................................................................................... 4-1 5 Technical Discussion................................................. ...................................... 5-1 6 Aries Corporate Information ................ 7 References..................................................:...................................................... 7-1 8 Terms and Conditions................................................................................... 8-1 9 Price Summary .................................................................................................. 9-1 10 Alternate Truck # 1 Components..................................................................... 10-1 11 Alternate Truck #2 Components..................................................................... 11-1 � 4 xif ftot �. Aries TV and grout truck is designed and built for productive field operations. The system is designed to televise and air test sewer line joints, while injecting soil -sealing chemicals as needed. The highly versatile grout panel will operate single -element, two -element, or three -element low void air test and seal packers. The system is configured to pump low viscosity acrylamide type grouts, i.e. AV 100 and AV 118. The following components form the Aries grouting system. Items and assemblies of the television inspection system only will be labeled with the ETL System approval label. This complies with the Fed OSHA. Memorandum, (September 25,2002), by John L Henshaw Assistant Secretary of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) and to Certify that the system is acceptable as defined by 29 CFR 1910,339 and as required by 29 CFR 1910.303 (a). This label shall show the NRTL Logo and the Primary UL Safety Standard applied. The Test Standard shall be: Underwriters Laboratories Inc., UL 60950-1 Information Technology Equipment — Safety — Part 1: General Requirements. This describes all safety requirements and testing methodology for electro-mechanical devices. All aspects of the complete system from power supplies and control units including wiring, cabling and grounding, to the downhole components, shall meet established Safety Requirements based on accepted Scientific Principles. This shall allow the NRTL to certify that the system as designed and manufactured and maintained is safe from hazards presented by normal use and is acceptable for use in environments expected and encountered in the inspection of Underground Pipeline. New Vehicle System Vehicle Specifications F550 19000 GVWR chassis with 16' hi -cube box, 6.8L Triton V10 gas engine. See detailed specs for full vehicle specs, to which Aries will include: 2 Roof mounted strobe lights, front and rear of box 2 Adjustable flood lights, rear 1 Arrow bar, rear, with controls in cab 1 Sack up alarm 2 Roll out drawers with locks at rear bumper of �Tmko � I ➢, i 1l 10,000W, gas -powered, commercial grade generator,120V, 60Hx, with electric local and remote start/stop control to include: 1 Generator enclosure lined with fire retardant and noise reduction material 1 Hinged, ventilated cover with lock mechanism and air spring supports 1 Double track slide out rail assembly for external servicing l Set flexible exhaust hose and power cables 1 Auxiliary battery, 12V DC and case 1 Auxiliary battery charger, 40A 1 Electric distribution panel and circuit breaker box 1 Electric supply transfer system, house power or generator system 1 25' cord and house power receptacle with cover 1 Automatic power transfer switch 1 System engineering panel to include_ 1 Generator volt meter 1 Generator frequency meter 1 Generator start/stop switch 1 Generator hour meter TV/Grout hi -cube van control room interior to include: l Lonseal Lonplate-I industrial grade vinyl floor covering 1 Laminated surface wall covering 1 Embossed ceiling cover 1 Bulkhead wall with and lockable swing -opening door with window to equipment room 1 Roof mounted air conditioner, 13500 BTU with 5600 BTU heat strip 1 Modular control center, 19" rack mounted above desk level, TV equipment 1 Sealing control panel, mounted above desk level l Control desk with laminated surface 2 Fluorescent light fixtures 2 Duplex electrical outlets 1 Operator chair, swivel with casters 1 Padded bench seat with hinged top and storage underneath 1 Closet/cabinet/storage space, full height, 4 removable shelves plus 1 fixed shelf 1 Fire extinguisher, 10 BC rating TV/Grout hi -cube van equipment room interior including: 1 Aluminum treadplate flooring 1 Interior walls and ceiling insulated and covered with Kemlite laminated paneling and reinforced with screwed -on aluminum strip and angle over joints, corners and edges 2 Duplex electrical outlets, 120V AC grounded 2 Interior fluorescent light fixtures with switch 1 Set equipment storage brackets and hooks 1 Work bench with rubber worktop and vise 1 5-drawer tool chest 1 Storage cabinet over work bench approximately 4' long with fluorescent light underneath 1 Down hole pole mounting bracket 1 Tie down brackets along floor 1 Wall mounted electric vent fan at chemical tank location 1-2 . NO i f' E p.� Color TV power control unit, multi -conductor, modular control center mount, with: 1 Camera power supply with adjustable voltage and amp level, DC amp and voltmeters, on/off switch and circuit breaker 1 TV camera light head intensity control with on/off switch and circuit breaker 1 Light head power supply with DC amp and voltmeters, switch and circuit breaker 1 Light head power selector switch, 5-position with light head bulb overdrive auto resetting protective circuit breaker 1 Set pre -wired connections for tractor and/or pan and tilt camera controllers I Set of remote focus and remote iris controls 17" flat panel TV monitor Mounted side -by -side in the control room Monitor features include: -- Maximum 1280x768 resolution at 60Hz - 0.2895mm dot pitch LCD a-si TFT active matrix screen NTSC-M color system 10 to 40 `C operating temperature Built-in stereo speakers 15" flat panel TV monitor Mounted passenger side, rear facing, in the equipment room Monitor features include: Maximum 1024x768 resolution at 75Hz LCD TFT active matrix screen NTSC 4.43 color system 10 to 40 °C operating temperature - Built-in audio speaker Industrial Video Tape Recording System (VHS) including: 1 Modular control center tray mount for video recorder 1 Removable video/audio tape recorder, NTSC color standard cassettes 1 Audio recording microphone I Set power and video cabling 1 2-hour 1/2" recording tape cassette Aries PE2700 "Illumi-Zoom" multi -conductor, pan and tilt radial view, LED - illuminated, zoom, color sewer TV camera, consisting o:f: I Camera controller including: joystick for axial rotation and pan and tilt angle; remote focus; remote iris; zoom in/out; diagnostics pushbutton; and home switch 1 Maintenance -free directional camera LED light system for 6" to 30" pipes and ducts I Skid yoke adapter 1 Camera storage and transport case 1 Spare parts kit 1 Test cable, components to 12-pin PCU connector Camera features include: 1-3 21; 360' continuous axial rotation 40X zoom (IOX optical & 4X digital) Automatic or remote adjustable focus Automatic or remote adjustable iris Automatic home feature with forks at top and bottom of camera head Automatic white balance circuitry NTSC color imaging module SMARTEK internal diagnostic system 0.1 Lux low -light STARLITE mode 1 PipeTech Scan video compression and data management system with rack mounted computer including: 1 Deluxe PH data logging overlay module, rack mounted 1 Industrial hardened case with air filtering, vibration dampening hard drive mounts, peripheral cards support bar, 19" rack 425W power supply 2.8 GHz Pentium IV Processor, minimum 3.5", 1.44 MB floppy drive 120 GB SATA hard drive 120 GB USB external hard drive 512 MB SDRAM LAN, on board network connection, Intel 82562ET (2) Firewire ports (2) Front USB ports 2" d unused AN hard drive docking bay, to be installed by City of Tamarac DVD ROM drive MPEG I encoder card 64 MB on board video graphics controller Soundblaster compatible on board sound CD-R/W drive 101 key enhanced heavy duty keyboard Optical PS/2 mouse I Windows XP Professional operating system software 1 UPS Back up battery system I Ink Jet printer, color, HP, parallel port 1 User guide, CD 1 User guide, hard copy 1 Pipetech Scan reporting software and license 1 Pipetech Scan manhole reporting module . I Pipetech View project viewing software and license 1 Pipetech View edit add -on module 1 Pipetech View query add -on module 1 Television cable reel with power level wind, electric motor drive, and multi -ratio manual transmission, joint sealing or lateral inspection system ready, to include: 1 Footage meter on TV reel level wind assembly with local LCD footage readout and encoder for footage signal to remote video data display system 1-4 1 . ... ...... i.i�vi�p i• � ,, M , � l � 1 �I'.` a5 � f •yr '� d:• cS 2 d �,.z � > yM �..: � r�� Transmission control linkage at control console Local reel mount electrical and mechanical control with stainless steel shield over speed controls Sealed continuous contact collector assembly, 12 slip rings minimum Drop down cable guide assembly Remote focus and iris controls Combination TV transmission and tow cable assembly, .410" diameter, Kevlarm armored, 2,000 lb. rating,1,000' multi -conductor, to include: 1 Cable terminal connector, 12-pin 2 Dummy plugs, 12-pin 1 Tow/tag line bridle set, multi -conductor cable 1 Cable terminal repair kit Test and seal system including: 1 Set of splash -proof chemical tanks 1 Set of CAT stainless steel high/low viscosity grout pumps 1 Grout hose reel with automatic level wind 1 500' length of penta-hose 1 Vacuum pump for easy material removal from hose 1 Chemical handling and safety package 1 8" single element Logiball packer 1 Lateral packer system including: 1 4" lateral packing sleeve 1 6" lateral packing sleeve 1 Manhole sealing gun with 25' hose connection Water system including: 1 Water storage tank, 82-gallon 1 Heater, water tank, 750W 1 Set of till, vent and drain connections 1 Water tank demand pump 1 Water faucet at chemical tank location 1 Wash down hose with spring -loaded hand nozzle, 25' retractable 1 Wash sink with gooseneck faucet, drain Emglo-Jenny air compressor system, 9.9 cfm @ 125 psi, including: 1 1.5 hp 115V motor 1 Receiver tank, 30 gallons with manual brass drain valve, mounted under body 1 Safety relief valve 1 Disconnect coupler with service ball valve, hose end 1 Equipment room interconnect tube air compressor to service hose 1 Air hose, 25', 300 psi rated 3/8" I.D. 1 Wall mounted automatic retractable hose reel 1-5 TV camera skid assembly for 6" to 30" mainline sewers with: 1 Skid & yoke, 6" diameter lines 1 Skid and yoke for 8" through 30" lines 3 Top runners 2 Bottom runners, stainless steel 2 Bridles, TV skid, (tag and tow) 1 Set 8" to 30" pipeline spacer plates 1 Power winch system with 1000' of 3/16" stainless steel tow cable 1 500' 12/4 power cord with manual rewind 1 1000' float line on hand -crank reel Aries TR3000 "Badger" self-propelled wheeled camera transporter for 8" to 48" lines, components include: 1 Tractor assembly with continuous duty drive motor 1 Set each of 3", 4" and 5" rubber tires for 8"-48" sewer lines 1 Set transmission couplings and width adjustment bars for operation in 12" to 48" sewer lines 1 Desktop transporter controller with speed adjustment and forward/reverse 1 Foot pedal rear controller 1 Plywood storage and shipping box with removable cover 1 Manual 1 Set maintenance parts 1 Large diameter pipe kit with geared side rails and standard 8" diameter rubber tires for operation up to 36" lines 1 Set of 10" diameter rubber tires for large line kit for operation up to 48" lines 1 Pair of high grip wheels Cable manhole guide system including: 1 Manhole top roller assembly 1 Penta hose top roller assembly 2 Manhole invert roller assemblies with adapter hooks 5 6' Quick lock extension poles 1 insertion and extractor pole assembly and tractor adapter 3 Manuals -- operation and maintenance 1 Manual — spare parts 3 Days of training, upon delivery of vehicle 3 Days of training, follow up at future date 1 Maintenance tool kit 1 Spare parts kit 1 Training video — TV Systems Operating Procedures 1 Training video — Troubleshooting and Cable Repair Procedures 1 Delivery of system 1 One year warranty, TV system 1-6 PipeTech Scan video compression and data management system with rack mounted computer including: 1 Deluxe PH data logging overlay module, rack mounted I Industrial hardened case with air filtering, vibration dampening hard drive mounts, peripheral cards support bar, 19" rack 425W power supply 2.8 GHz Pentium IV Processor, minimum 3.5", 1.44 MB floppy drive 120 GB SATA Hard Drive 120 GB SATA A/V removable hard drive 512 MB SDRAM LAN, on board network connection, Intel 82562ET (2) Firewire ports (2) Front USB ports DVD ROM drive MPEG I encoder card 64 MB on board video graphics controller Soundblaster compatible on board sound CD-R/W drive I UPS Back up battery system I Windows XP Professional operating system software User guide, hard copy User guide, CD Pipetech Scan software and license Pipetech Scan manhole inspection module AN removable drive bay, to be installed by City of Tamarac 1 Retrofit lateral sealing system using 1991 trade-in unit parts I Vacuum pump re -install 1 Lateral control panel re -install 1 New wiring harness for lateral controller 1 New hoses for vacuum pump 1 Re -terminate TV cable with new pigtail 1 Grout hose reel with automatic level wind 1 New drip pan to be installed I Re -use existing quad hose Aries PE2700 "Illumi-Zoom" multi -conductor, pan and tilt radial view, LED - illuminated, zoom, color sewer TV camera, consisting of: 1 Camera controller including: joystick for axial rotation and pan and tilt angle; remote focus; remote iris; zoom in/out; diagnostics pushbutton; and home switch I Maintenance -free directional camera LED light system for 6" to 30" pipes and ducts I Skid yoke adapter 1-7 � a m 01, Q, ^�Y 1 Camera storage and transport case 1 Spare parts kit 1 Test cable, components to 12-pin PCU connector Camera features include: 360° continuous axial rotation 40X zoom (IOX optical & 4X digital) Automatic or remote adjustable focus Automatic or remote adjustable iris Automatic home feature with forks at top and bottom of camera head Automatic white balance circuitry NTSC color imaging module SMARTEK internal diagnostic system 0.1 Lux low -light STARLITE mode Aries TWOOO "Badger" self-propelled wheeled camera transporter for 8" to 48" lines, components include: 1 Tractor assembly with continuous duty drive motor 1 Set each of 3", 4" and 5" rubber tires for 8"-48" sewer lines 1 Set transmission couplings and width adjustment bars for operation in 12" to 48" sewer lines 1 Desktop transporter controller with speed adjustment and forward/reverse 1 Foot pedal rear controller 1 Plywood storage and shipping box with removable cover 1 Manual 1 Set maintenance parts 1 Large diameter pipe kit with geared side rails and standard 8 diameter rubber tires for operation up to 36" lines 1 Set of 10" diameter rubber tires for large line kit for operation up to 48" lines 1 Pair of high grip wheels 1-8 ALTERNATE / OPTIONAL E UIPMENT Alternate #1: see section 10 for component list TV -only system in gas chassis Alternate #2: see section H for component list TV -only system in diesel chassis Option A: Add LETS to any System 1 Aries LE2040 Lateral Evaluation Televising System (LETS) with pan and tilt locating camera, including: 1 Launcher frame assembly for operation in 8" to 15" lines with tread tractor drive and continuous duty drive motor including: 1 Set tractor tread spreaders and drive transmission couplings for 10", 12" and 15" mains 1 Launch drive unit with rotation and insertion angle positioners, and push cable drive unit 1 LETS Control box including: 1 Insertion/retraction control for push camera 1 Variable push speed control with auto resetting overload circuit breaker 1 Set volt and amp meters 1 Joystick insertion control for elevation and rotation 1 PIP selector control l Footage pop-up and reset control 1 Camera selector switch,. push or fixed camera 1 Interconnect cable, control box to power control unit 1 Mini push camera, color, self -leveling, with lighthead and spare parts including: 2 Push skids, sleeve type 1 Mini positioning camera in pan and tilt housing 2 Push cable assemblies (.52"), 80', for 3", 4" and 6" laterals including: 1 Interconnect cable, launcher to push cable, 80' 1 Tag line and lateral push cable distance line on hand reel 1 Storage for push cable I Truck mounted LETS motorized automatic combination retrieval / storage reel with clutch system and 1,000' of steel braided tag line 1 Set spare parts 1 Set of test cables for push and fixed cameras Option B: Add Hoist to any system 1 Equipment hoist, mounted on or near cable and hose reels 1-9 Chassis - 2005 Ford F550 chassis cab regular - GVWR 19000 - front axle GAWR 6500 - Rear axle GAWR 13660 - 201" wheelbase, 120" cab -to -axle - Coil type front suspension, with stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks - Multi -leaf single stage rear suspension, with stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks Wheels (6) 19.5" x 6", Dual Rear Wheels Tires (6) 225/70R19.5F BSW, All -Season Single Channel Frame (36,000 PSI) 40 gallon fuel tank - 130A alternator - 12VDC 750CCA batteries Hydraulic power disc brakes with ABS Drivetrain - 6.81, gas V 10 engine, 306hp @ 4250rpm, 420lb•ft @ 3250rpm - 4.88 rear axle ratio - 5-speed TorgShift automatic transmission with overdrive Interior / Exterior - High back bench cab seats, vinyl trim, with recline - Cab air conditioner - AM/FM stereo with speakers and digital clock readout - Instrument panel including oil pressure, fuel level, tachometer, speedometer, coolant temperature, and voltmeter - Exterior mirrors — manual trailer towing - Windows - manually operated - Doors - all lockable doors, manually operated - Intermittent windshield wipers with washer - Heater - manually operated with defroster Full undercoating to cargo area underside Paint: standard white ICC running lights - 16' long x 90" high x 96" wide (exterior dim) aluminum hi -cube box with barn style rear doors with T-clasp and double cam lock bars, curbside entry door with pull-out steps, and full width galvanized grip tread style rear bumper Gasoline Generator-1.0,000 Watts Kohler Aries supplies a generator, gasoline -powered with electric start. The alternator produces 10,000W of AC power at 120V±2% 60H7f1% under continuous load conditions without overheating or vibration. The 1.31, engine is a liquid -cooled unit producing 13hp at 1800rpm. The Kohler PowerBoostTM regulation unit allows for "soft" starts of the engine and can sustain surge currents of 300% of rated load for 10 seconds. 2-1 Generator Standard Features include: —Liquid-cooled gas engine (3.1 gallon capacity) — 3 5 A 12V DC battery charger —Fan -cooled radiator —Engine protection shut -down system for low oil pressure, high engine temperature, and overspeed Exhaust silencer —Dry-type air filter ---Local and remote start/stop switches — Static excited alternator with Kohler PowerBoostTM regulation —Rubber vibration isolators —Single side operator/maintenance checks including: ° Local start/stop switches ° Oil dip stick and fill point ° Fuel filter • Oil filter ° Radiator fill point ° Main disconnect protective circuit breaker Engine hour meter Generator Housing The generator is mounted on a slide -out carriage, which provides easy access to all generator components for routine maintenance and inspection. The slide -out assembly consists of steel rails, ball bearing rollers, and a welded steel frame, which prevents misalignment of the rollers. The generator is bolted to the rolling frame and is secured in operating position with removable bolts. The generator enclosure is constructed of 5/8" plywood with glued and screwed construction. The enclosure is lined with sound deadening, heat, and fire retardant panels. Electrical, fuel, and, if necessary, ventilation connections are flexible, and provide for the genset to be rolled out without being disconnected. The cover door has a ventilation grating, full hinge, hydraulic arms that support door when open, and a keyed locking mechanism. Electrical System The 120V electrical system for powering all Aries supplied equipment is independent from the vehicle's 12V electrical system. Aries provides an auxiliary 12V DC battery to power work lights, warning lights, and the generator starter independent from the vehicle battery. This prevents draw down of the vehicle's battery, which could result in failure to start vehicle. A 35A charger is provided for recharging auxiliary battery off the generator system. A 120V AC house or shore power connection is provided along with a switchover device enabling the TV system to operate from either the onboard generator or a house/shore power source. House Power Cord So that equipment can be checked out without operating onboard power supply, a 25' power cord is supplied. One end has a plug for a standard 3-wire 120V electrical outlet, and the other end has a plug for a weatherproof receptacle mounted on the driver's side of the van. 2-2 Electrical Power Transfer Disconnect A transfer switch for shore/generator power is installed for transfer of power from house or generator power protecting all electronic components/assemblies. Engineering Panel Generator System This system will be supplied for control and monitoring of functions not special to TV/tape recording system. The panel will have the following items: - Remote spring loaded generator start/stop switch AC Volt meter and frequency meter - Generator hour meter Control Room with Test and Seal The control room is located at the front of the van body. A roof mounted 13,500 BTU air conditioner with a 5,600 BTU heat strip is supplied. A 1,500W wall mounted heater is supplied. All free-standing cabinets and doors are constructed of 7-ply cabinet grade plywood and mounted to minimize any potential water damage from capillary absorption of free-standing water during wash down. All cabinet doors are installed . with metal Sure -Lock flush -mounted latches, eliminating the unwanted opening of doors during transit. The control room floor is constructed of a 1/2" AC -rated plywood substrate with built-in water relief channels to prevent moisture gathering under the floor, minimizing potential long term water damage. The plywood substrate is covered with an industrial -rated Armstrong Hydro vinyl flooring. The control room walls and ceiling are covered with a gray laminate surface. A control console is built to bring all controls within reach of the operator. The console is positioned so the operator can see the equipment room through a clear Plexiglas panel in the door. The console is equipped with standard 19" rack mounting for the electronic components. The complete rack mount console is on a slide out roller assembly for ease of access to back of electronics. The chair for the control room is a metal frame, foam padded, woven fabric covered chair. The control console has a countertop covered with scratch -resistant plastic laminate, and includes a storage compartment above the control console. A padded bench/storage seat with a removable top to facilitate storage is installed, along with a 24"W x 20"D x full height closet cabinet with 4 or more removable shelves. A full size swinging, lockable door is installed between the viewing room and. the equipment room. Grout Control Panel - Adjustable quick inflate-test-pass/fail function - Ends, void, third element pressure controls - Test timer for accurate pass/fail evaluation - Test pressure on TV screen and panel - Grout jell and cure timers speed automatic cycle Grout staging feature - Auto/Manual selection options - Water tank level alarms - Grout flow totalizer & reset (Gallons per joint or line) - Pump rate control 2-3 Equipment Room with Test and Seal The equipment room is located at the rear of the van body. The floor is constructed of 2x6 pine planks and covered with a plywood sub floor and non-skid industrial flooring. The walls and ceiling are insulated for sound attenuation and thermal control. The side walls are constructed of 3/8" plywood and covered with aluminum laminate. All construction is glued -and -screwed providing a rugged, long lasting, tough unit. Cracking and separation of wall and ceiling joints due to motion of the truck body is minimized with the joints, corners and edges covered with aluminum angle or bar stock screwed in place. Floor -to -wall joints are sealed with flexible watertight sealant to allow joints to work without breaking the seal. Storage space is provided for all down hole equipment. The TV cable reel is secured to the floor over a drip pan that drains from the vehicle. 120VAC socket outlets and working light switches are provided near the rear door for easy access. The room is lit by two (2) 120VAC fluorescent light fixtures. There is also a workbench with an ABS worktop. Camera Power Control Unit, Multi -Conductor The power control will have the necessary switches, controls, and meters for control and distribution of electric power for the TV system. This system will be contained in a modular rack mount for protection and handling. It will have plug-in type receptacles for interconnection of TV system components. All receptacles and plugs will be keyed, vibration -proof type to eliminate incorrect or intermittent connections. The power control unit will have a transistorized camera Power source, whose input is through an isolation transformer, and whose output is through variable current voltage and polarity, allowing the connection of any multi -conductor camera supplying composite video to the power control unit. The power control unit will have a DC voltmeter and ammeter to monitor the status of camera power, and a solid state light head power source, whose input is through an isolated variable transformer and whose output is DC, adjustable from zero to a maximum of 1SOV. Limiting circuits will be used in light power supply to prevent over voltage/current conditions. Output for camera/light power will be fused for safety and equipment protection. Unit will have an indicator light to show power on/off, and selector switch for light head to allow use of light heads requiring varying voltage and current. Limiting circuitry will be set to buyer's specifications. The color power control unit will be equipped with the following remote camera adjustments: FOCUS CONTROL - A two -pole switch spring loaded to off permits the operator to adjust the camera focus for changes in pipe diameter or different views of defect conditions. In the neutral position, the camera focus will be electronically locked. AUTOMATIC IRIS CONTROL - This control allows the operator to override the camera's automatic light compensating circuitry operating range in the event an excess of light or lack of light produces a poor picture response. With the proper adjustment, the operator can change the iris opening to compensate for the light level available, thereby improving the picture response. The following features will be included in the PCU: Camera Power Control Side - On/Off camera power switch with indicator light and manual reset circuit breaker Camera power DC volt and amp meters - Separate camera voltage and current adjustments Light head Power Control Side - On/Off light power switch with indicator light and manual reset circuit breaker - Light power DC volt and amp meters Light intensity control knob - Five position light head selector switch to match over current protection circuit with light head bulbs - Over -current auto reset circuit breaker with trip indicator light to prevent over -driving light head and burning out bulbs Power control unit will be prewired with front panel connectors for radial view camera and/or tractor camera carriage control modules. 17" Multimedia LCD Monitor The monitor(s), 17" flat panel TFr active matrix screen, are mounted at the locations described in the component list and meet the following specifications: Audio Output 5 W per channel, stereo Video Input Analog Video Format: NTSC Analog Video Signal: RGB and composite video Dimensions (body) Depth: 2.28" Height: 14.26" Width: 16.95" Weight: 13.55 lbs Display Projector color support: 24-bit (16.1M colors) Diagonal Size: Dot Pitch: Max Resolution: Power Supply Frequency: Power Consumption Voltage: 17" 0.2895 mm 1280x768 @ 60Hz 50 or 60 Hz 49W 90V to 264V AC at 50Hz or 60Hz ± 3Hz 2-5 15" Multimedia LCD Monitor The monitor(s), 15" flat panel TFT active matrix screen, are mounted at the locations described in the component list and meet the following specifications: Video Input Analog video format: NTSC Analog video signal: RGB and composite video Dimensions Depth: 7.3" Height:. 14.1" Width: 14.0" Weight: 7.0 lbs Disula Projector color support: 24-bit (16.7M colors) Diagonal size: 15" Max resolution: 1024x768 @ 75Hz Brightness: 250 cd/mx Viewing angle: 150' horizontal, 120' vertical Contrast ratio: 350:1 Power Supply Frequency: 50 or 60Hz Power Consumption: 42W Voltage: 90V to 264V AC at 50Hz to 6011z Video Tape Recording System (VHS) Aries supplies a video recorder/player to record on tape live information from inspection camera and video data display system. The recorder is a VHS format and rack mounted in a standard 19" panel. It has the ability to insert and remove the tape cassette from the front without removing the recorder from the panel. The recording mechanism has four video heads and two audio heads (six in total), NTSC color, and uses a standard 1/2" cassette tape. A remote control unit is supplied with the following functions: play, record, fast forward, pause, frame advance, slow motion, search, stop and rewind buttons. Microphone plug is located on front of recorder panel. A directional microphone with a switch and flex shaft are supplied, connected to the recorder. A one -hour video cassette tape is provided for testing. Aries "Illumi-Zoom" Pan and Tilt Camera The pan and tilt camera is specifically designed to provide an optimum view of sewer pipe walls and lateral entrances through the use of a low light sensitive camera, movable camera head and directional lighting. The unit produces a color video signal and is designed for operation through Lip to 2,000' of multi -conductor cable in sanitary and storm sewers. Chassis construction is 100% solid state circuitry designed to withstand shocks and vibration normally sustained while being pulled through a pipe. The image pick-up device is a low light sensitive (2 Lux standard mode, 0.1 Lux STARLITE mode) solid state camera incorporating the latest high -resolution closed circuit television technology. Operating climatic ranges of the camera are 0°C to 50°C, and up to 100% relative humidity. The camera provides 360' of continuous axial rotation viewing with camera module rotation to view all sewer wall surfaces and lateral connections. The rotating camera and light head configuration provides 240° of pan and tilt angle measuring centerline to centerline. With the 70' lens viewing angle, this yields a total pan and tilt viewing area in excess of 300 This configuration provides a reverse angle viewing capability for incoming lateral inspection when camera is moving downstream away from lateral connections. The camera design provides over 90% spherical viewing of the pipe or chamber being inspected. The camera provides 470 TV lines of horizontal resolution. The image pick-up device contains in excess of 379,000 pixels (768h x 494v). The camera develops a true color and transmits a sharp image picture on video bandwidths only. Full color video bandwidths are provided with no sacrifice of low frequency response. There is no visible streaking of the low frequency test bars when viewing a standard EIA Test Chart. The camera is equipped with an automatic iris with remote override, operator selectable to full manual control if desired to control the illumination range for an acceptable picture between 0.1 and 10,000 Lux. Operating Conditions Line Sizes: 6" to 120" diameter Temperature: 0'C to 50°C Moisture: Up to 100% R.H. Mechanical Features 1. 360' camera continuous head rotation 2. 300' pan and tilt viewing angle 3. Camera pressurized with dry nitrogen to withstand 50 psi 4. 360' slip rings, military -rated gold contacts 5. Camera forks inset into body pockets to withstand severe shock 6. Forks extend beyond the head to protect from front impacts 7. Scratchproof sapphire color camera window 8. DC drive motors with planetary gearboxes 9. All motor motions clutched to prevent damage to drive system by overloads or impacts 10. Dirt seals and pressure seals at all external moving joints for longer seal life 11. Ball bearings used on all moving external parts 12. Length = 13.75" 13, Body Diameter = 2.375" 14. Head Diameter = 3.75" including light head 15. Fits standard 3" camera skid yoke or tractor camera carriage 16. Light ring cavity separated from camera electronics using military glass -to -metal hermetic seals (leak proof) 17. Replaceable polycarbonate LED window Electronic Features 1. DC/DC converter power supply input (18-60V) 2. Internal lighthead regulator 2-7 3. Dielectric tested to insure operator safety 4. Home view feature to return camera to upright and forward viewing automatically, with forks above and below the camera head 5. Long life, shock resistant, white LED internal light ring, moves with color camera 6. Camera operating software contained in EEPROM, which allows future performance improvements to be programmed into camera without any hardware changes 7. Sealed cord connector 8. Connects to standard multi -conductor systems Color Camera Module - Technical Specifications 1. %4" super HAD CCD 2. 768h x 494v; 379,392 total pixels 3.470h TV lines resolution 4. Image scanning 525 lines at 60 Hz (NTSC), 2:1 interlaced 5. Low light 0.1 Lux color chip camera with 10 bit DSP, 3rd generation 6. Maximum zoom, ratio 40x (IOx Optical / 4x Digital) 7. Large pipe wall and connection inspections up to 120" in diameter 8. Precise image geometry, no image burn -in 9. Excellent color rendition 10. Image pick up device (CCD) has a lower random noise feature than other devices 11. 4.2 — 42 nun, fl .8, zoom lens 12. %Z" to oo automatic or remote controlled focus with zoom The design of the camera head allows it to view 360° around the entire barrel of the pipe. The pan and tilt feature permits up to 70' of rear viewing, thus permitting examination of a lateral while moving the camera either up or down stream. "SMARTEK" On -Screen Diagnostics The on -screen camera diagnostics package allows the operator to be constantly aware of the operating parameters within the camera. It monitors and displays on the screen upon command: Internal camera pressure (psi) Internal camera humidity (%RH) Camera regulated voltage (VDC) Camera head temperature ff ) Lighthead supply current (A) The camera contains a time clock that measures and records the total operating time of the camera for maintenance purposes. Camera serial number, software revision, etc., can be displayed. The camera diagnostics package includes a color bar generator. Upon command the camera generates a standard EIA color bar signal. This signal is used to properly adjust the monitor color controls and troubleshoot the system. Camera Controller The pan and tilt angle and rotational motion are remotely controlled from the operator's station. The controller is equipped with a joystick to pan, tilt and rotate the view providing complete, undistorted pipe barrel and lateral connection viewing. The controller is equipped with remote focus, remote iris, and zoom in/out controls. The controller is designed for quick hook-up to the 2-8 power control unit when the pan and tilt camera is being used. It is compact and easily stored while not in use. Pan & Tilt Zoom Lens The camera is equipped with an 4.2-42mm optical zoom lens with 1 Ox optical zoom and a 4x digital zoom. High Intensity Directional Lighting System A high intensity lighting system is furnished to provide the proper illumination to inspect down the pipe, along the pipe crown, invert, sidewalls and laterals while using the camera. The lighting system uses a long life LED lighting system. The lighting system is designed for inspecting connections, pipe walls and joints in pipe sizes from V-30" in diameter. Solid State Camera Control Circuitry The color camera is equipped with the necessary circuitry to allow for the remote adjustment of the optical focus and iris from the controller unit at the viewing station. The camera is calibrated witb both color bench test and picture analysis equipment at the factory. Camera Storage and Transportation Case A damage resistant case is provided for the camera and light head while it is in storage or during transport, including shipping on commercial carriers. The interior of the case contains a foam saddle and a lid installed yoke to firmly hold the camera and protect it from damage. The case is equipped with metal closing latches. PipeTech Scan - Video Compression and Data Management System The system is a rugged rack mounted video recording and pipeline data acquisition system. It has the capability of recording, digitizing and storing single frames of video images and `real time' live video as well as collecting, storing and printing pipe line inspection data for display and report generation. The included software package is a 32 bit Windows application and is fully object oriented. It is capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects or other related significant visual information on a standard inkjet color printer located in the inspection truck. The software has the following features: Image Capture The system stores selected digitized picture images on the system controller's hard disk drive. It has the ability to export picture files to industry standard formats to include JPEG, BMP, and TIFF formats and be transferable by disk to an external personal computer utilizing standard viewers and printers. The software is able to print any captured image on the ink jet color printer in the inspection truck. Picture files are stored and exported with inspection data. Video Capture The system includes an MPEG1 capture module to provide database/video linking and store "real time" live video on the system controller's hard disk drive. It has the ability to store the compressed video files in industry standard MPEG1 or MPEG2 format and be transferable with the inspection database by CD-writeable media and/or removable hard drive to an external 2-9 personal computer. The software has the ability to write/save a minimum of 45 minutes of video to the CD media with full "linked" pipeline data observation information. "Linking" is storing the video time frame code with each observation or defect with the ability to navigate from/to any previously recorded observation or defect instantaneously. Linking is not available with VHS recordings. Database The system software is a WindowsXP-based data acquisition system incorporating an ODBC windows standard data base format. Inspection files are able to be exported into other databases and other computers. Information on software file headers format are provided to allow the inspection database to be customized with the correct headers into the users unique application or software. The system includes user selectable defect codes to include standard and user -defined defect codes. User -selectable defect severity codes are standard codes and user -defined codes. The system shall be able to produce graphic and tabular reports to include pipe graphics showing all observation points/pertinent data and pipe inclination data in an intuitive graphic format. All graphic and tabular reports are in color to match the defect severity codes. Data Sorting The program is capable of sorting all data stored using generic sort key and user defined sort fields. Titler A keyboard, mouse, and footage counter are provided for the video character generator. Camera footage is maintained in real time and displays on the video. All other information for titling is sent to the character generator via a serial communication port connection from the system controller. Repo t Generation The system is capable of printing pipeline inspection reports with captured images of defects and other related significant visual information. The system has the ability to display the following formats & features: Site Data to include: Project Name Starting Footage Manhole Start Site ID Date Manhole Stop City Time .Manhole Depth Street Tape ID # Pipe Size Direction Type of Pipe Surface Condition Final Footage Comments Pressure Inclination Weather Observation Data to include: Distance Footage & Lateral Footage Location of defect Severity Level Observation ID Formats Standard and/or custom designed reports are available may be produced in hard copy or viewed on the monitor. WX Site Observation: Displays detailed site observation reports in landscape or portrait views. Directory Report: Displays a list of all the projects sorted by street names. Picture Reports: Displays site data and include full size single photos or half size double photos. Pipe Run: Displays a graphic display of the site indicating footage, observations, and comments. Project Data: Displays the project, client, and contractor information. Software The system has the capability of being customized to meet local area requirements and regulations as necessary. These available changes can encompass variations of the operation layout and functions and printed reports. Nardwarp. Aries computers are custom built for use in an industrial environment where it is known that the equipment will be subject to frequent mechanical shock. This includes incorporating shock mounted and locked circuit boards in a heavy duty computer case with. handles & lockable front access cover to protect controls. Color Ink Jet Printer The color printer is a Hewlett Packard color inkjet. Dual ink cartridges provided for cost effective printing. The printer has a professional look and feel with a compact design and quiet operation. A bi-directional parallel printer cable is included. This is used for printing of reports and images while on the vehicle. The printer is secured to the table top for security and safety of the passengers. Brand Model: Hewlett Packard DeskJet 5600 Series Printer Technology: Inkjet Parallel, USB, Black & White, Color Memory: 8 MB Resolution: Color = 4800x1200 dpi, B/W = 1200x1200 dpi Speed Pages per min: Color printing = up to 15 pages, B/W printing = up to 21 pages Dimensions & Weight: Depth: 17.7", Width 14.6", Height 5.7", Weight 11.7 lbs Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) The computer is protected by an American Power Conversion, (APC) Back -UPS 650 (or equivalent). The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) meets the following specifications: 800VA/540W maximum load, 120V input and output, serial and USB interface ports, additional surge -protected outlets, audible alarms, easy overload recovery, surge protection to 320J, site wiring fault indicator, software, user -replaceable hot-swappable batteries. Support Aries has full time, in-house support staff for both hardware and software. Pi eTech View Pipetech View is used to analyze all information collected for a sewer inspection project and is a key tool for establishing rehabilitation recommendations. All video and attachments can be viewed from this application, and attachments, data, and reports can be printed for further review 2-11 and auditing. With the additional edit and query modules, the offline computer can fully administrate video and storage of inspection data. PipeTech View is capable of generating customized, full color inspection reports. These reports are designed directly from customer input. Customizable features include the ability to include observation snapshots, adjust snapshot size, and color code observation categories. Video Cable Reel, Remotely Controlled A TV cable reel assembly will be supplied with a minimum storage capacity of 3,000' of 1/4" to 1,000' of 5/8" diameter video transmission cable. The reel will be chain -driven and properly reinforced to withstand 200% maximum motor torque to ensure trouble -free operation. The reel will be powered by a variable speed electric motor and driven through a multi -gear ratio transmission. The transmission will have a minimum of 3 speeds, which limit the motor load during varying towing conditions. The reel will be equipped with an automatic level wind assembly to evenly pay out or rewind the cable to prevent pile-ups, entanglements and burying. The reel will be built into a rugged frame designed for fixed mounting into a unit. The reel drum and level wind will be open to allow for inspection during operation. The reel drum axle shaft will be secured in greased roller bearings; this will allow the reel drum to free -wheel with minimum drag for tractor operations. Auxiliary camera and tractor controllers will also be supplied for use at the rear of the truck. A regular camera controller and a foot -operated tractor controller will be capable of connecting to terminals supplied on the mainline cable reel. Slip Ring Assembly - Standard Equipment A power transmission and signal collector (slip ring) assembly which can handle 1 µV to 460 V and 1 nA to 25 A with a DC frequency up to 100 MHz with no measurable electrical noise'will be supplied. This assembly operates in temperatures of up to 160 °F in combination with unit power dissipation and speed. All parts are environmentally sealed in a rugged, durable assembly, making it insensitive to machinery rotation and vibration. Rotary contact housing is made of corrosion proof material and is maintenance free. The assembly is sized to handle the addition of remote tractor camera carriage or lateral inspection system. Foota e Meter A footage meter assembly with the necessary sheaves, wheels and guides to record in -line movement of TV camera in feet and tenths of a foot will be supplied. A counter with readout is to be directly coupled to measuring wheel, bi-directional count, and has 0 reset capability with 5-digit readout. Numbers are to be black on white background, and can measure up to 9999.9 feet. Assembly is to be mounted on TV reel at rear of vehicle. An electronic encoder is to be used with video data display unit to transfer footage from mechanical counter to video data display unit via a 4-conductor cable, and footage appears on LED readouts on front of video data display panel and on TV screen. There are to be controls on the reel and at operator's station to turn motor on/off, vary rewind speed, and shift transmission. A safety lock -out and emergency shut -down switch is to be located on reel to prevent operation from operator's control room position. 2-12 Combination Video Transmission / Tow Cable, Multi -Conductor A continuous length, multi -conductor TV cable with 12-pin molded watertight terminator and dummy plug installed on camera end is to be supplied. A cable strain relief should be fitted on cable about one foot from camera end to attach to tow bridle on camera skid. Cable is to be wound on a separate reel terminating at slip ring assembly. Cable will contain one video coaxial cable through the center of the cable. Ten color -coded wires for camera, lights, tractor and grouting functions will be separate from the video cable. Cable coax will be wrapped by a wire mesh acting as a ground which is encapsulated by a Mylar wrap. The cable will have the interstices water blocked with a specialized compound eliminating the capillary action of water migrating up the cable to the electronics should the cable be cut or damaged. Outer jacket is to be thick Hytrel Extrusion, and is abrasive resistant. The cable strength member is to be Kevlar braid forming an outer shield to the conductors under the Hytrel jacket. Test and Seal (Grout) System This system is used to test the watertight integrity of sewer line joints as part of a program to reduce sewer line infiltration. Each sewer line joint is internally isolated using an inflatable test device called a packer. Air at a controlled pressure is fed into the joint area and then shut off. The test pressure is monitored using a pressure transducer, and the pressure is monitored over a set period of time. If the pressure remains constant or there is a small pressure drop, then the joint is considered good. If the joint cannot hold the air test, the joint is considered a failure, and sealing chemicals are injected into the sewer line joint area. Packers - Joint Sealing and Testing The packers are the single -element style consisting of two end sealing elements and a covering inflatable sleeve element which reduces chemical consumption and residual grout ring. Stainless steel rollers are used to increase packer life. A 2" wide band of replaceable gum rubber encircles each end element to form a secure seal between the end element chambers and the sewer wall. A closed void sensing element is used. In the void area a rubber enclosed pressure sensing chamber tilled with ethylene glycol senses void pressure and transmits that pressure to the pressure transducer mounted inside the packer flow-thru cavity. This closed sensing system protects the transducer from becoming damaged or clogged with sealing chemicals, and its location inside the packer sewer flow cavity provides mechanical protection. Packers, when inflated at the desired point in the sewer line, seal at the two ends, but maintain a center void over the joint. Test air is then released into this void to air pressure test the sewer joint or crack over which the packer is centered. If the crack or joint passes the test, the packer is deflated and pulled ahead to the next joint. When the pressure test shows a failing joint, chemicals are pumped into this void area and flow out through the joint or crack into the soil around the sewer tile. The chemicals are injected thru tow separate, field maintainable injection port valves. These chemicals retard the flow of ground water around the repaired area and stop infiltration. Hose Reel Assembly, Electric Powered, Penta Hose The unit is supplied with a hose reel assembly designed to accommodate 500' of penta-line hose. It is mounted within a heavy duty steel frame assembly. The top of the frame is designed to hold the TV inspection reel. The air and chemical hoses are connected through a specially designed stainless steel rotary coupling which allows continuous operation without disconnection. A dump valve is attached 2-13 to the air coupling to allow for quick deflation of packer end elements. An electric motor powers the reel through a chain drive, and the chain drive is designed to withstand 200% of the maximum motor torque to insure trouble -free operation. The motor speed control is conveniently located at the reel. The hose reel assembly is supplied with a drip tray to drain off any spilled material. Penta Line Chemical Air Hose 5/8" and 3/8" The system is supplied with 500' of quad line hose with a minimum burst pressure of 500 psi. The hose consists of two 5/8" ID flow lines for passage of the chemicals, one 3/8" ID line for air flow to inflate the packer ends, one 3/8" ID line for air flow to test the joint and deflate the center element, and one 3/8" ID line for air flow to test the joint and inflate the center element. One of the chemical flow lines is equipped with a special moisture -proof inner liner for use with urethane chemicals. The five hoses are bonded together for ease in movement through the line and storage on the reel. Penta Line Hose Terminal Assembly Each hose in the quad line grouping is equipped with a stainless steel quick connect/disconnect fitting. In addition, each chemical flow line is equipped with a stainless steel check valve assembly to prevent back -flow of the chemicals. A specially designed stainless steel check and solenoid valve assembly is furnished to divert air to either the test or center elements. Systems that use brass, bronze or plated steel fittings are not used. Remote Pressure Sensing System The unit is equipped with a special void pressure sensing device (pressure transducer) at the packer. Any pressure changes in the void are transmitted electronically to an LED readout in the panel and on the TV screen at the operator's station. The panel is equipped with an electric timing device so that the pressure change in the void can be monitored during a given period of time. The system allows for constant monitoring of the packer void pressure during both the joint testing and chemical injection sealing operations. The transducer cable is independent of the transducer and can be screwed off and replaced if damaged without replacing the transducer. Cable and Hose Manhole Guide System The necessary pulley assemblies are furnished to protect the TV cable, winch cable and hose from damage during operation in pipe sections. They are constructed of aluminum to minimize weight, and equipped with corrosion resistant pulleys. Quick lock extension poles are supplied to connect to the pulley assemblies. The poles are constructed of 1" pipe with a specially designed quick lock assembly consisting of a compression spring and twist lock type connectors. The number of 5' long poles required for both the remote and local manhole set-ups is shown on the component list. Manhole adapter hooks are supplied to secure the extended pulley and pole assembly at the manhole ring. A manhole top roller assembly is furnished to guide the cables and hoses into the manhole. The top roller consists of a welded steel frame with the necessary pulleys. Chemical Tank Assembl The system is supplied with two chemical mixing and storage tanks constructed of heavy duty non -corrosive material. The capacity of each tank is 30 gallons to insure an ample chemical supply to seal large voids. With the added capacity of the water storage tank, the total chemical mix capability onboard the unit is 140 gallons minimum. Each tank is equipped with a hinged, double lip sealing 2-14 cover, sight level and mixing paddle. The tanks are constructed of opaque plastic material which provides the "see thru" sight level feature. Optional (if ordered) agitators are used to thoroughly mix chemical components, root inhibitor additives, and keep any inert organic fillers in suspension when added to the sealant tanks. The tank assembly is supplied with a drip tray to drain off any spilled material. Each tank is color -coded to prevent incorrect chemical addition. Chemical, Pump Assembly - CAT The chemical pumps are powered by a 1 Hp, 90V DC variable speed motor which provides the operator control of the gallon volume of chemicals pumped, depending on pipe/joint condition. Each pump has capacity of delivering 3 GPM up to 2000 psi for a total of 6 GPM of mixed chemical. All wetted parts are stainless steel. Pump design features include: Cast Housing, Triplex Stainless Steel Pistons for smoother fluid flow, Oil Bath Crank Case and Stainless Steel Piston Rods. The chemical pump speed is controlled by a DC variable speed motor controller located at the operator's console. The hoses from the chemical tanks to the grout pumps are color coded to match their respective chemical tanks. A stainless steel shut-off valve isolates chemicals from suction strainers which are placed before each pump suction. Suction strainers have a removable see-thru bowl with internal replaceable and cleanable stainless steel screen filtering element. Each pump discharge is piped in stainless steel and includes a bypass ball valve, back pressure relief valve (both relieving into pump suction), and a flexible hose leading to the hose reel with a quick disconnect fitting. The disconnect fitting allows the chemical hoses to be disconnected from pumps, and the tanks, pumps or hoses can be air purged or flushed as needed. Chemical Handliniz and Safety Package The system is equipped with chemical handling and measuring equipment to be used with various gel -type sealants which might be available. These items will include two mixing paddles, a chemical scoop and a measuring cup. A chemical handling safety package is supplied since all manufacturers of sewer line joint sealants have recommended safety handling procedures. The safety package includes goggles, gloves, respirator with replacement cartridges, and a chemical waste disposal kit. „ TV Seal Maintenance Too Kit with Spare Parts and Commissxon „ing,Consumables A kit containing sets of tools and expendable spare parts is furnished in a quality non -rusting tool box. The kit contains the necessary items to field test, adjust and repair a number of components on television/test/seal systems. This kit includes items such as: volt OHM test meter (0-600 rilliamps) soldering kit, allen wrench set, cable repair tools, check valve test meter and adjustment tool and hose end fitting seals. Instruction and Testing Aries will fully instruct and test the customer's employees in the operation of the equipment furnished after delivery. The instruction period is a minimum of four full days duration. The instruction and testing is conducted by a field service technician, and includes component familiarization, theory of operation, equipment operation, field procedures, techniques of use, trouble -shooting, maintenance recording and logging of sewer conditions, and safety procedures. W161 Vehicle Water System The system is equipped with an 82-gallon tank for water storage. The tank provides the on -board water capacity to mix an additional batch of chemicals without having to prematurely remove the equipment from the line. The tank is constructed of galvanized steel, painted, and suitable for pressurization within the limits set by the manufacturer. A tank fill, drain and pressurization control panel is furnished to include a tank pressure regulator, pressure gauges, pressurized/vent valves, and an inside fill/drain point. When built into a unit, the tank is connected to a fill point inside or on the outside of the unit. The system also has a 25-foot hose on auto retractable reel with a spray nozzle to facilitate washing of all contaminated equipment after operating in a field environment. A stainless steel wash basin is mounted to the wall. Air Compressor Assembly The system is equipped with an air compressor with a rating of 9.8 cubic feet per minute. It is driven by a 1.5 hp electric motor. The tank is fitted with a pressure switch that maintains tank pressure between 80 and 120 psi. Crankcase oil capacity is approximately 8 ounces and should be changed every 3 months. The compressor is also equipped with an inlet air filter that should be cleaned weekly and changed yearly. A clearance of at least 6 inches must be maintained around the compressor inlet. The compressor is mounted inside the vehicle and has adequate access for maintenance. The tank is mounted under the vehicle and has a manual drain valve for maintenance. A 25' retractable air hose with chuck and spring loaded nozzle will also be supplied. Mainline Camera Skid - 6" to 30" Pipes A transportation skid assembly is supplied to provide protection for the camera and lighthead from in -line obstructions. An aluminum yoke grips the camera while providing maximum protection to the camera and its case. Spacer plates are provided to attach the bottom skid runners to the yoke. The camera skid assembly is adjustable to inspect line sizes from 6" to 30" by substituting spacer plates. This adjustment is made without removal of the camera from the yoke assembly. Two corrosion resistant stainless steel skid runners are required to tow the camera through the line. The runner ends are bent upward to provide a natural lift when encountering pipe offsets and small obstructions. The runner ends are to be machine slotted to insert the ball ends of the camera tow and tag cable bridles. Remote Controlled Electric Power Winch with Motorized Power Cord Reel An electric power winch assembly to tow camera or tag line from remote manhole location is provided. The winch frame is made of cast aluminum for heavy duty operation. The unit has two dolly wheels and handles at the frame end for easy transport. When in position over the manhole opening, the winch rests on its frame so that the wheels bear no weight. In operating position over manhole, the winch assembly is lower than 15". A pulley is built into the frame assembly to guide the winch cable into manhole. The winch design includes a pin -lock hinged frame to allow the frame to be locked in the open extended position or folded down for storage. The winch control is located at the viewing station. The winch motor has an emergency power kill switch. Power Winch Drive and Level Wind System The winch drum allows for 1000' of 3/16" diameter cable or 2000' of 1/8" diameter cable. The winch is powered by a 1/2hp Ridgid heavy duty electrical power driver with variable speed power rewind or free wheel payout. The winch includes a rotary clutch device for towing or disengaging 2-16 cable pay out from the operator's station. An adjustable spring -loaded brake is a drag -on -drum design, preventing entanglements during cable pay out. The winch has a level wind system to evenly distribute cable over width of drum. A hand crank will be included permitting manual direct drive of winch drum. Motorized Cord Reel A variable speed motorized electrical cord reel to power the winch will be provided. The reel will contain 500' of 4-conductor #12 AWG wire to power and control the winch. Power will be transmitted to the cord through mercury wetted slip ring contacts on the reel. The reel will be powered by a variable speed motor and have an electrical clutch and brake to facilitate cable removal. 1000 Foot Power Winch Cable Aries supplies a 1000' continuous length of 3/16" stainless steel power winch tow cable. 1000 Foot Float Line A 1000-foot section of nylon float line is supplied. It is contained on a hand -crank aluminum spool. Power Winch Control - Remote Provide a hand held portable control with 10' of cable to operate power winch from any 120V AC remote power source. Cable will connect to receptacle on 500' cable reels or directly to power winch drive motor. Control functions will be: on/off, motor speed and motor direction. Badger Camera Transporter (8" to 30" lines) Aries self-propelled 6-wheeled camera transporter assembly including the specified camera facilitates the remote inspection of lines ranging from 8" to 30" including offsets and protrusions. Adjustment bars are supplied for operation in pipes ranging from 8" through 30" diameter. These adjustment bars position the camera and lighting system to the centerline of the pipe by widening the tracks and raising the camera simultaneously. The bars also add weight to the transporter to increase its tractive effort. The transporter weights (not including camera) increase for each pipe size according to the chart at right. Line Size in. dia. Tractor lbs. w/ Camera (lbs. 8 & 10 47 58.5 12 49.4 60.9 15 53.5 65 18. 55.9 67.4 21 60 71.5 24 & up 62.4 73.9 The transporter incorporates a 6-wheel drive system designed to match the contour of the pipe regardless of pipe size. The drive motor is specifically designed to meet the power requirements of the system, regardless of pipe size being inspected. The transporter is capable of operating in power forward, power reverse, and free wheel. The transporter may be retrieved in the free wheel mode by the video cable reel. This reduces the normal wear on the motor and drivetrain by 50%. The stand-alone length of the transporter is 22.8" with 5" tires installed. The combined length of the transporter and pan & tilt camera assembly does not exceed 27.2" with 5" wheels and the 2-17 camera in the home position. This allows the inspection and traversing of 8" diameter offset, meandering, or relined pipes. It also facilitates entry into short inverts. Sets of 3", 4" and 5" rubber tires are provided for various pipe sizes and surfaces. A large line conversion kit will also be supplied. The field -interchangeable kit consists of two side rails that utilize the (6) wheel hubs and a gear train to power (4) 8" diameter rubber tires. This makes the transporter operational in sewer lines up to 36". A set of (4) 10" diameter rubber tires will also be supplied for the large line conversion kit. These wheels make the transporter operational in lines up to 48". Transporter Controller The controller assembly is a portable desk mount unit. The controller has an on/off switch, speed control, overload breaker, power indicator light and direction control for forward/reverse/freewheel neutral movement of tractor. Volt and Amp meters are supplied to monitor the power to the tractor and electrical working load level. The control allows for infinite control of speed of tractor from stop to maximum speed of 50-70 feet per minute depending on the wheel size. Power and controls to operate tractor are supplied from the power control unit through the TV video cable. Aux ilia Trans orter Controller An auxiliary controller for the transporter is included. The controller is a foot -pedal type. The auxiliary controller is located either in the control (viewing) room or by the cable reel at the rear of the vehicle. This controller does not have a speed controller, and is used primarily to locate the transporter for extraction from the manhole. Cable manhole guide system Manhole Top Roller A top roller assembly to guide the cable or hose over the lip of and into the manhole is provided. This assembly is made to operate in a 18" to 30" manhole opening. A double -sheaved roller is also included for use with the grout hose. Manhole Bottom Roller A bottom roller assembly to protect the cable or hose when entering and leaving the manhole is provided. The assembly has corrosive resistant rollers, a minimum bend radius of 6", and is made for easy attachment to extension poles. Extension Poles A number of 5' long fiberglass extension poles are provided for connection to manhole bottom roller. A locking mechanism allows for rapid set up and sturdy locking in place of poles. One adapter hook is supplied with each bottom roller to secure extension poles to manhole ring. Insertion / Extraction Pole Assembly An extendable pole assembly with a hook and adapter for the tractor for inserting or removing the camera and tractor are provided. 2-18 Training, Customer's Facility Six total days of operations and maintenance training are included. Aries will fully instruct and test the customer's employees in the operation of the equipment furnished after delivery. The instruction and testing is conducted by a field service technician and includes component familiarization, theory of operation, field procedures, techniques of use, troubleshooting, maintenance recording, and logging of sewer conditions and safety procedures. Maintenance Tool Kit I Toolbox with tote tray Mechanical 1 Wrench, adjustable 1 Combination wrench set 1 Allen wrench set 1 Pliers, side cutter I Pliers, long nose 1 Pliers, channel lock 1 Pliers, vise -grip I Screwdriver set, flat and Phillips 1 Nut driver, 5/16" Electrical 1 Soldering iron I Solder, 60/40 roll I Multimeter with AC/DC voltage, resistance, and continuity 1 Wire cutter / crimper 1 Utility knife Consumables I Electrical tape roll 1 Lubricant, connectors Assorted wire connectors, terminals, and ties Assorted nuts and bolts NOTE — retrofit truck TV system equipment detail specifications match those of the equipment in the new truck. See section 1 pages 7 and 8 for equipment list. WC ALTERNATE / OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Alternate #l: see section 10 for component list TV -only system in gas chassis Alternate #2: see section 11 for component list TV -only system in diesel chassis Option A: Mainline -Launched Lateral Inspection System The Aries LETS system inspects 3 ", 4" and 6" lateral connections over 70 feet from the main sewer line. The launcher is mounted on a tread tractor drive system, which moves through the mainline sewer and precisely positions the launcher opposite the connection to the lateral line being inspected. The unit uses both a pan and tilt positioning camera and a push camera for forward and sidewall viewing as the LETS unit travels through the sewer line from one lateral connection to the next. The mini color push camera is attached to an 80-foot combination push video cable, which has a fiberglass rod core for rigidity. The mini push camera points forward while traveling through the sewer mainline. The LETS provides a unique picture -in -a -picture (PIP) display showing both camera views siinultaneously. The PIP can be switched between cameras with either view being the background primary picture and the second smaller image positioned in the corner of the screen. Pop-up footage for lateral push distance is provided. This distance is displayed on the screen in addition to the launcher's distance in the sewer line. Both footage readings can be turned on or off at the operator's discretion. The LETS drive unit is all stainless steel construction. Solid-state current -limiting motor controls protect each drive motor and are housed in a hermetic -sealed electronic compartment. Both pan & tilt and push cameras use an ultra light sensitive (about 0.2 Lux) color camera module. The picture light level is controlled with an automatic electronic shutter resulting in no moving parts within the camera module. The camera modules are housed in stainless steel enclosures. The push camera module is also mounted on a self leveling frame within the enclosure. A nearly indestructible sapphire glass cover window, sealed into the camera light head assembly, protects the camera lenses. An internal power regulator and video signal amplifier, permitting operation on TV cables up to 2,000 feet long, power the camera. 48 sealed white LED lights are powered by a protective self -resetting trip circuit built into the camera head. The camera length is about 2.7" long and 1.8" diameter. The pan & tilt and push cameras are used alternately to locate and line up the lateral connection. The operator positions the push camera using a combination of the launcher forward/reverse, the launcher rotation, and lateral cable push controls until the camera is positioned in the lateral. The operator can switch between the fixed camera and the push camera to facilitate launcher positioning and observe push camera insertion. Once inserted into lateral connection, the operator powers the drive motor and the camera is pushed into the lateral line and traverses the lateral to over 70 feet from the main line. Color Micro Television Cameras The micro television cameras are a waterproof, compact, completely sell -contained electronics package housed in a stainless steel case designed specifically to produce a high, quality video picture under the wide range of adverse environmental conditions found in the sewer. The television camera circuitry is 100% solid state. The micro cameras are enclosed in a high strength, specially machined housing that is 1.8" diameter by 2.7" long. The front of the housing has a view port of impact resistant, distortion -free sapphire glass. The illumination LED's are located within a molded plastic window assembly. The cameras have an internal watertight sealing system, which prevents moisture from entering the camera electronics enclosure. The LED lighting system is a low voltage, extended life type. The rear of the housing has a steel, threaded, and sealed connector for attaching the camera to the push cable assembly. The housing is designed for sealing at the factory or in the field to withstand external water pressures up to 50 psi without leakage. A power regulation PCB provides uniform electrical power to the camera regardless of cable length. A video amplifier / line driver PCB is contained in the camera to provide excellent picture clarity. The television camera will meet the following electrical and mechanical minimum specifications: Module Si)ecifications Input Voltage: 12V DC Pixel: 512 (H) x 492 (V), NTSC Scanning: Interlace - 2:1 Synchronization: Internal synchronization Image Sensor: 1/3" interline transfer color CCD Minimum Luminance: 0.2 Lux (fl.4) Video S/N Ratio: more than 46 dB Gamma Characteristics: 0.45y Output Video: I VP_P 750 Lens: 3.6mm Operating Temperature: -5 C to +40 C Housing Specifications Dimensions: 1.8" diameter x 2.7" long Material: Stainless steel Seals: "O" Rings, buna-N 2-21 Tractor Drive System The self-propelled tractor drive inspects mainline sewer systems from a single manhole entry point. The tread drive is capable of pulling the lateral push camera and its tethered cable as well as up to 1000' of video cable. The drive system can be centered in the pipeline and inspect pipes up to 15" with application of transmission couplings and weighted adjustment bars. The speed and direction of the launcher is controlled from viewing station. The launcher incorporates a dual fastener, rubber cleat, track drive system designed to match the contour of the pipe regardless of pipe size. Self-cleaning, agricultural type, steel sprockets are used to prevent chain binding. The drive motor is a continuous duty type and specifically designed to meet the power requirements of the system, regardless of size of pipe being inspected. The launcher is capable of operating in power forward, power reverse, and free wheel. The launcher is retrieved in the free wheel mode by the video cable reel. This reduces the normal wear on the drive motor and drive by 50%. Powered reverse -only transporters do have the potential of running over the cable termination during retrieval operation, requiring the operator to coordinate the speed of the transporter with the speed of the video cable reel. However, powered reverse units facilitate precise inspections and backing out of dropped manholes. The motor and gear housings are sealed with replaceable O-rings to ensure a perfect watertight seal. A heavy-duty worm gear drive is used to handle the shock and torque loads encountered when the launcher encounters offset joints and sewer debris. The drive screw is a 1.125" diameter steel meshing with a 0.5" wide brass drive gear. Systems using a drive assembly that is smaller and undersized are susceptible to excessive wear and damage. The drive gear is attached to the tractor drive shaft with four setscrews, which are set at 90 degrees into the drive shaft. Two sets of axial and thrust bearings are used to handle full tractor loading under either forward or reverse operation. Operating voltage is 0-120 Volts. The tractor motor is a 1/8 hp high torque, continuous duty, DC motor designed for the service. The unit has an all -metal frame, steel link chain, and vulcanized rubber tracks. The unit is equipped with harness and attachment hardware on the rear of carriage so the unit can be retrieved and lowered into manhole without strain or pressure on the cable harness and fittings. The overall length of the launcher is,38". Tractor Controller The controller assembly is a portable desk mount unit with quick -connect cable hook-up. The controller has an on/off switch, speed control dial, overload breakers, power indicator light, and a direction control switch for forward/reverse movement of tractor. Volt and Amp meters are supplied to monitor the power to the launcher and its electrical working load level. The control allows for infinite control of speed of tractor from stop to maximum speed. Power and controls to operate tractor are supplied from the TV unit through the TV video cable. The electronics of the controller are 100% solid state. Option B: Equipment Hoist The hoist is a pedestal type, for mounting to vehicles. The crane has a designated lifting capacity of 2000 lbs, and a fixed position boom with an overall height of 71.5". The boom has adjustable lengths of 52", 62", and 72". The crane has 360 continuous manual rotation on machined surfaces, with two needle bearings and one thrust bearing, that are environmentally sealed. The hoist motor is 12VDC powered, with a dual internal braking system, and also has power up and power down. The cable is 25' x 7/32" diameter galvanized aircraft quality cable, with a safety hook. A hand held pendant control, 10 feet in length, is furnished for controlling the hoisting function. Pendant control is 12VDC powered and weather resistant, with a solid rubber insulated grip. The power source is the vehicle's own 12VDC battery. The crane is provided with all necessary wiring, brackets, fasteners, and hardware, for bolt on mounting to the vehicle. The crane is pre -wired from the factory and tested. Its entire electrical system is circuit breaker protected. The crane is designed and manufactured according to the applicable ANSI standards for mobile cranes and is clearly marked with maximum load and warning decals. The boom is formed from 3/16" ASTM A572 Grade 50 high tensile steel. All sheaves are steel with replaceable oil -impregnated bushings, and all sheave pins are made from plated stress proof steel. The crane is furnished with detailed installation instructions, operation and safety instructions, parts lists, and maintenance instructions. The crane has a baked powder coat finish, gloss black. Manufacturer warranties the materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of delivery (excluding cable). 2-23 3-1 I co "=I NL W 0-� o•5 --jl p C a � (a v cc�o�o- �e.3ca� N o c :01 cn CA Fo � CD o�M0--o a �� A �35*0 rn Cl) 3 U3 0 A a LL �a o g � c 0) N n1 w (v �7 � Z w v m O N Q�j ! (A vI N Z V �� . pn ccn ro � Pr'1 Ca r � 00 C� N C� oa cn a r a v N 01 co W, n A A m m 0 1 --,:: I LI N ;� 2 yNNNN �C��� mvvvv C 1 h Hq g rxR I ro 2 A� q jIt-121 � 46 C g M 1r1 x :O y p.Gm Pam' 1.�1 Z c m g 2 z W M V, 4 v m v' 0 o : W 0 x 0 o ;o m A Ott ' * Z z z an 2 o,EW[o The Trusted Industry Leader for Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Equipment VEHICLE MOUNTED PIPELINE INSPECTION SYSTEMS One Ton Van HI -Cube Van Step Van Field Proven * Productive • Reliable ARIES "New Age" vehicle mounted pipeline inspection systems provide a professional platform for sewer inspection and rehabilita- tion operations. They are ideal for worker safety and inspection efficiency. Long rec- ognized for high quality workmanship and a convenient and accessible layout, ARIES truck mounted systems continue to set the standard in the field. ARIES "New Age" system delivers easy operation, high productivity, superior picture quality and accessible maintenance in one complete package. C ARIES Designed and Built Vehicle System Components and Options Cameras Illuminator Pan & Tilt -- with LED Lighting and Built-in Diagnostics Zoom Pan & Tilt — for detailed inspection of large lines. Includes Built-in Diagnostics. Small Diameter Camera — Color Micro Camera for mainline and lateral lines LETS (Lateral Evaluation TV System) — for lateral line inspection from the mainline Camera Tractor Carriages TR2000 stainless steel tread crawler for 6 to 30 inch diameter lines Badger Multi -wheeled Crawler for 6 inch and larger lines Titan Steerable Storm Line Transporter with pneumatic tires and camera lift for 24 inch and larger line sizes Data Collection Systems VD1000 with changeable defect identifiers and printout capabilities VC4000 software package with rack mounted computer with video capture and down load features WinCan — Software driven Data Management package including MPEG Video Compression Data Collection and download capabilities (See individual brochures for more information) Additional Hi Cube/Step Van Options - Gasoline or diesel powered chassis • Heater band for hot and cold water Wall heater • Air compressor with hose and nozzles • Rear mounted monitor • Front and rear mounted LED arrow boards • Lockable, multi drawer, heavy-duty tool chest • Side -mounted strobe lights Heavy duty storage cabinets or aluminum • Lavatory with dry chemical toilet shelving • Swing boom hoist with stainless steel wire rope Wash down system: 15-25 gallon tank, pump, • Rear door, swing -out or rollup nozzle, and sink with faucet • Power winch system and camera skid assemblies Additional One Ton Van Options • Gasoline or diesel powered chassis • Fold down bumper mounted hoist, • Wall heater swing type • Air compressor • Power winch system and camera • Rear mounted monitor skid assemblies • Rear mounted arrow board • Wrap around curtain separates operator • Wash down system, 15 gallon and cab areas to block sunlight E-rnail: sales 9 ariesind.com Co rporate Offices N63 W22641 Main St. Sussex, WI 53089 Tol I Free: 800-234-7205 Phone: 262-246-3900 Fax:262-246-7099 Southeastern Regional Office 1441 SW 10th Ave. # 202 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Toll Free: 800-327-4346 Phone: 954-785-5540 Fax: 954-785-5014 Packaged to Perform Western Regional Office 5748 E. Shields Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 Toll Free: 888-285-0366 Phone: 559-292-5382 Fax: 559-291-0463 cf # Visit our Web Site www.ariesind.com ii 1.1 • Forward, Neutral and Reverse gearing CALL US TODAY!! ' At one of our three Nationwide Locations .. , SETTING THE STANDARD FOR PIPELINE INSPECTION & REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT Pompano Beach,FL 800-327-4346 Waukesha, WI 800-234-7205 www.ariesind.com Aries is an equal opportunity employer Fresno, CA 888-285-0366 n ­1 N Pipeline Television Inspection, test ana Sew ayswl11b END—= Aft&M.Mo y � THE Aries "UWQMM Zoom Pan & Tilt CCTV Camera Aries ILLUMI-ZOOM, combined with The Latest in Zoom Camera the maintenance free LED directional Technology with SMARTEK lighting system, provides up close On Board Diagnostics detailed inspections of pipe walls and surfaces where highly accu- a t rate pipeline assessments are required. Aries ILLUMI-ZOOM pan & tilt functions slow down when inspecting with the zoom feature, to prevent magnified objects from "jumping" " off the screen. The camera's SMARTEK internal diagnostic system continually moni- tors camera functions, including internal camera j pressure, humidity, camera regulated voltage, camera head temperature and light supply current. Operators can access the diagnostic system at any time. j The Aries ILLUMI-ZOOM functions in 6" and larger diameter lines and will work and operate with most multi -conductor equipment. RELIABLE - LOW MAINTENANCE • HIGH QUALITY! These features put Aries ILLUMI-ZOOM in a classification all of its own: - ® ® Rotates 360 continuously in either direction. r Low light 2 lux camera zoom module for superior picture quality in poor lighting conditions. ' k Fits and fully functions in 6" lined pipes or larger. • Equipped with automatic exposure compensation with remote control to :y control the illumination range. • Internally pressurized with dry nitrogen to ensure proper pressurization and a leak -proof camera. • Break resistant, scratch -proof sapphire camera window. a ` On -screen diagnostics package continually monitors camera and notifies T ❑ operator if water tight seal is compromised. • Diagnostics package includes EIA color bar signal generator to properly adjust monitor color for best picture quality. Aries ILLUMI-ZOOM Pan & Tilt Rotating Head Zoom CCTV Camera TECHNICAL DATA MECHANICAL DATA Rotation: 360 Degrees Axial Pan & Tilt: 270 Centerline to centerline Viewing Angle: 300 Pan & Tilt Spherical Viewing Capabilities: In excess of 90% Enclosure: Waterproof to 75 psi Length: 13.75" Body Diameter: 2.375" Head Diameter: 3.83" including lighthead Internally pressurized with Dry Nitrogen Vibration: 7G (11 Hz to 200 Hz) Shock: 70G OPTICAL DATA Lens: Zoom lens, 40:1 Focus: 1/2" to infinity, auto focus with zoom, also manual control Iris: Remote controlled, full range, automatic and manual modes Shutter: Slow shutter for increased light sensitivity Distortion: None Sapphire window VIEWING ANGLE 33d Corporate Offices Ades Industries, Inc. 540 Elizabeth Street Waukesha, WI 53186 T-vIl Free: 800-234-7205 ELECTRONIC DATA Sensor: 1/4" Color CCD Sensitivity: 2 Lux Picture Elements: 410,000 Total Pixels Resolution: 460 (H) TV Lines Image Scanning: 525 lines at 60 Hz (NTSC), 2:1 interlaced LIGHTHEAD Position: Directional LED ring surrounding the lens for even illumination, moves with viewing head Power: White LED lights capable of lighting a 30" pipe. Sealing: LED lighthead is hermetically sealed from camera electronics. If light window is damaged, water cannot reach the camera electronics. Optional: External hi -performance lightheads for large line pan & tilt operations above 30" diameter. OPERATING CONDITIONS Line Sizes: Less than 6" to 120" diameter Temperature: 0 Degrees to +50 Degrees Celsius Moisture: Up to 100% R.H. Pipeline Television Inspection, Test and Seal Systems Southeastern Regional Office 1441 SW 10th Ave. # 202 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Toll Free: 800-327-4346 Phone: 954-785-5540 Fax: 954-785-5014 0 Western Regional Office 5748 E. Shields Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 Toll Free: 888-285-0366 Phone: 559-292-5382 Fax: 559-291-0463 Visit our Web Site www.ariesind.com i Making your data easy to use and hard to lose Peninsular Technologies, with its PipeTech® Software Suite, is still leading the way in providing software for the video inspection of pipelines. We were the first to offer an all digital software solution for sewer Pipeline inspections and others have tried to follow. , Scan PipeTech@ Scan is the on -site solution for video recording and observation reporting. Scan captures and compresses video in read time and facilitates the recording of observation locations. Observations are entered on an electronic 109 sheet and are automatically cross-referenced with their occurrences in the video. Scan also j features a fully customizable list of observation codes and inspection information for Mainline, .� Manhole,and Lateral inspections. W Records and previews digital video ZZ: : in ISO standard MPEG formats - Electronically links recorded o iiservations to video footage ` - Supports user -defined observation - codes and inspection information F=F-- - Generates customized, user- defined inspection reports "w - Integrates video, data, and distance I Intuitive interface - Works with Laptops, Desktops, and Rack -mount Computers Optional Modules Manhole Inspection - Color -coded graphical representation of Inlet and Outlet pipe connections Lateral Inspection - Flexible Inspection options Including inspection from the mainline or from a lateral access point PACP Import -Allows for the import of PACP data from the standard PACP exchange database Neztek Import/Export - Allows for the import and export of Neztek data that Is compatible with Hansen's Infrastructure Management System Check PipeTech® Check is the quality control solution used to verify the accuracy of field data. PipeTech® Check shares a common interface with 7PipaTechO Scan to simplify the review - process and reduce training costs. To ik aid in quality control, Check provides o ®o:...:. II video and report printing capabilities. The video capabilities allow complete video review, seeking to any desired instant of video, and capturing of still images. ideo in standard MPEG formats links recorded observations to video --defined observation codes and ntification information atomized, user -defined inspection - Fully network enabled to allow for license sharing in a network environment View PipeTe" Mew is used to analyze all informatlon collected for a sewer inspection project and is a key too] for establishing rehabilitation recommendations. All video and inspection information can be searched, reviewed, edited, and printed. - Integrates Inspection video with existing GIS data - Minimize review time by locating` observations instantly = `. - Generates professional -quality pipe - Inspection and project summary reports - Plays digital video in standard MPEG formats = - Fully network enabled to allow for license sharing in a network environment 7 pri PipeTech® inspection interface The PipeTech® Inspection Interface, or Pii, provides an Interface for the display and capture of advanced structural information Including chemical grouting information (test pressure and volume used) and lateral inspection Information (dedicated location and video inputs). Additionally, we have provided greater flexibility and feedback through an improved keyboard Interface and a new backlit LCD screen for displaying Important information to the user. Optional Modules Existing - Provides all of the functionality built into PipeTech Check within the powerful Pipe'1echW/iew interface GtS Integration - Provides a bi-directional communication link between your ArcView 8.x-based GIS system and your video data library maintained by PipeTech® View Advanced Search - Provides an automated means in which to quickly generate inspection reports for all Inspections located in a specific storage location Video and Data Library - Maintains complete video inspection libraries of unlimited capacity - Locates existing inspection data with a quick and powerful search engine PACP Import - Allows for the import of PACP data from the standard PACP exchange database Neztek Import/Export - Allows for the import and export of Neztek data that is compatible with Hansen's Infrastructure Management System Support & Services Peninsular Technologies has a number of support and maintenance options to ensure you are always up to date with the newest features and enhancements. In addition we offer numerous services to keep your inspection and data integration process running smoothly. - Conversion Services for existing video-tape inspections - PACP training and certification - Custom data conversion to or from the PipeTech@ format - Tum-key installation systems - Onsite Training P.O. Box 726 Ada 555 Ads give Ada, MI 49301 USA 800-262-7817 fax: 616-678-9818 www.pent.com saies@pent.com 5 / The City of Tamarac's Bid Proposal documents are bound separately and enclosed herewith. 4-1 There are several manufacturers of sewer televising equipment and their products naturally vary from company to company. We at Aries make every attempt to assure that our equipment _ incorporates the latest design features and provides the serviceability and reliability to meet the needs of our customers. Aries equipment is recognized throughout the industry as being of the highest quality and reliability as is our customer service. We are very proud of this reputation and work diligently to maintain it. Our equipment is preferred by private contractors in the industry who recognize that quality, reliability, and service lead to increased production and maximized profitability. We believe that in order to have high levels of production, reliability four key ingredients must exist. Relia ili Aries systems have been manufactured using heavy-duty industrial grade components. The TV reel for example, utilizes self -aligning roller bearings that resist normal wear. The flanges are built to take heavy torque loads while moving equipment through the line. Maintainability Your crews cannot afford downtime in the field because of the equipment. Most of Aries equipment can be disassembled and maintained right on the job site. A lot of the regular maintenance items such as light bulbs can be purchased locally. Adaptability Aries equipment can be configured to operate almost any multi -conductor TV Camera or crawler. Aries systems are configured where components purchased in the future will simply plug in without any expensive modifications. Partnership Aries forms partnerships with our customers. We will consult with you to meet any special needs you may have. If you are successful, we are successful. The following is a discussion of some of the features that set Aries' equipment apart from other manufacturers. 5-1 Sect! e`MW v Pan & Tilt LED Zoom Camera These features place Aries' "Illumi-Zoom" pan & tilt camera in a class all of its own: • Rotates 360' continuously in either direction • Operates up to z,000of multi -conductor coax cable. • Low light 0.1 Lux camera zoom module with STARLITE feature for superior picture quality in poor lighting conditions. • Fits and fully functions in 6" lined pipes or larger. • Equipped with automatic exposure compensation with remote control to control the illumination range. • LED lighthead is sealed for life and requires no maintenance. • Light head heat is no longer an issue due to the LED design. • Internally pressurized with dry nitrogen to ensure proper pressurization and a leak -proof camera. • Break resistant, scratch -proof sapphire camera window. • On -screen diagnostics package continually monitors camera and notifies operator if water- tight seal is compromised. • SMARTEK diagnostics package includes EIA color bar signal generator to properly adjust monitor color for best picture quality. Another way we have eliminated unnecessary maintenance and downtime is the addition of our LED lighthead which has a life expectancy of 10,000 hrs. This means that the camera spends more time working for you in the pipe. Aries Illumi-Zoom is among the most advanced pan & tilts in the industry. Aries offers built-in SMARTEK diagnostics that monitor the operating condition of the camera. Included in our diagnostic package are temperature, humidity, pressure, and voltage readings. The operator can view the diagnostics by simply pressing a button on the control panel. If any of the monitored levels go outside the operating parameters, then a warning comes on to the monitor to notify the operator. For example, if the humidity is rising in the competitors camera, the operator will know by seeing moisture on the inside lens when the camera quits workings. The Aries supplied diagnostics package can reduce your camera maintenance costs over the long run by thousands and thousands of dollars. Aries Illumi-Zoom offers a STARLITE condition for zooming down the pipe in low light conditions. The STARLITE condition increases the camera sensitivity exponentially. STARLITE light enhancement, 0.1 Lux, is a standard feature on the Aries Illumi-Zoom camera, aiding in picture clarification. Other manufactured pan & tilt cameras require you to purchase expensive upgrades in the future to activate the "light sensitive" module. At Aries we feel that our customers should have the ability to get all the features available up front. The advanced technology used in Aries Illumi-Zoom allows for us to downsize the camera electronics compared to other vendors. The Aries Illumi-Zoom is only 14" in length. The camera S-2 The Aries Illumi-Zoom is the only camera that offers continuous rotation in one direction. This capability is a significant time saver in the field. Without this feature, the operator is required to rotate the camera almost a complete revolution in the opposite direction when the limit stops are reached. This is not only more time-consuming but also leads to significantly more wear and tear on the rotation mechanism. PipeTech Scan PipeTech Scan is the on -site solution for video recording and incident reporting. Scan captures and compresses video in real time and facilitates the recording of incident locations. Incidents are entered on an electronic log sheet and are automatically cross-referenced with their occurrences in the video. Scan eliminates the need for a TV, VCR, and VHS tapes in the video vehicle. Videos captured using Scan are clearer than those captured through a VCR, and Scan's MPEG-1 video file format is organized by ISO as the standard for video compression. - Records and previews real-time digital video in ISO standard MPEG-1 format - Electronically links recorded observation codes and inspection identification information - Supports user -defined observation codes and inspection identification information - Generates customized, user -defined inspection reports - Integrates video, data and distance logging into a single intuitive interface - Supports user -preferred input devices, including keyboard, mouse & bar codes Mainline TV Cable Some manufacturers promote a multiple shield cable as superior in pipeline television applications. Multiple shielding is usually required for their system to provide an acceptable video picture. Final image quality depends not on the cable alone but instead on many factors. The Aries camera/transporter/cable system is properly designed such that complex shielding and noise filtering are not necessary. Our picture quality is equal if not superior to any system available. As far as serviceability and durability are concerned, Aries cable compares favorably with any cable currently available. Aries cable features a copper coaxial and shield, a water blocking material wound within the conductors, and a Mylar jacket around the shield. These are features that are not found anywhere else in the industry. Footage Encoder Aries footage counters use advanced non -contact, non -optical, Hall effect encoders for transmitting footage information to the system. The accuracy and reliability of these encoders in this application has been proven in thousands of systems. We routinely retrofit our Hall effect transducers to competing systems with less reliable optical sensors. 5-3 to 4 TT 11 A 1 401 Test and Seal (Grout) System Aries combination sewer TV inspection and joint air test and seal system contains features which are essential to making money in today's highly competitive sewer service market. Aries equipment has continued to improve based upon experience and input from our customers. We strive with our designs for increased productivity and extended equipment life by addressing these areas: - Complete outfitting - Selection of reliable, low maintenance components - Fast, easy manhole set-ups - Simplify test and data gathering - Longer pulls reducing set-ups - Shorten test and chemical injection cycle times - Reduce grout waste - Easy clean-up - Organized and maintainable layout Wheel Drive Transporter The Badger wheeled transporter brings you another tool to enhance your sewer inspection options. This transporter features rugged stainless steel construction with a powerful proven transmission DC continuous duty rated motor system. The transmission Aries designed for the tractor is extremely heavy duty with significantly larger gears to take ongoing operation in adverse conditions. The Aries transporters use,j self-cleaning "agricultural" type chain sprockets, which help keep dirt and debris from the pipe out of the drive mechanism, making it the most reliable tractor in the r industry. The motor's gearbox assembly is a sealed unit with no electronic components within the watertight assembly. The gearbox is an oil bath design, which efficiently cools and lubricates the gears. The motor controller offers over -current protection and automatic reset. Should the tractor drive mechanism jam, the control circuit senses the motor overload condition and automatically opens the circuit, cutting power to the motor. Once the jam is cleared, the controller automatically resets and transporter motor can be operated. 5-4 F 10 s} Aries offers weighted riser blocks that raise the camera into the center of the pipe and increase tractive effort. As each weighted riser block is added for larger pipe sizes, the camera is continually centered in the pipe for the best possible pipe inspection. This eliminates any need for a specialized camera lifting mechanism. The transporter connector is a waterproof military connector that does not allow water migration into the motor housing. The connection can be changed in seconds limiting downtime. The tractor's connector includes a waterproof military connector that does not allow water migration into the motor housing. This can be changed in seconds limiting downtime. This transporter is designed for use with all Aries portable or mainline camera systems. Service Lateral TV Inspection The sewer. service laterals are inspected from the mainline service connection up the lateral for over 70 feet using a line -launched push camera system. Line -launched cameras eliminate the need for access to the user's home and/or on -premises clean -outs. The line -launched lateral camera system is capable of pushing a camera up to 80 feet from the mainline connection. The user agency must recognize that poor sewer installation practices and broken, root -infested, and plugged lines limit push camera distance and can only be inspected on a best effort basis. The push camera system is tractor -mounted providing access to laterals from a single entry point, thus permitting lateral inspections originating at either end manhole or in dead-end and plugged mainlines. The lateral system employs a dual camera system permitting both forward and side - wall viewing with a forward looking pan & tilt camera and a second self -leveling push camera for lateral line inspection, thus providing the viewing of lateral interior conditions. In summary, Aries Sewer TV inspection system is of high quality parts and meets the needs of your community's long-term goals and expectations. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We at Aries look forward to working with you in the future. 5-5 GENERAL BUSINESS INFORMATION Federal Identification Number: 39-1521061 Resale Number: 399231 DUNS Number: 15-084-6335 SIC Codes: 3663, 3561 Type: Wisconsin Sub S Corporation - incorporated July of 1985 Business Nature: Manufacturer of Sewer Inspection Closed Circuit Television, Test and Sealing Systems Bank Reference: Bank One 20975 Swenson Drive #110 Waukesha, WI 53186 Account #: 020173808 Mr. Eric Stewart (262) 717-7533 President/CEO James P. Lenahan N 100 W14985 Windsong Circle Germantown, WI 53022 Vice President/Assistant Secreta Robert M. McGrew 8147 N. Cedar Avenue Fresno, CA 93720 Secretary Jerry W. Eales, P.E. 2232 Powder Hill Road Hartford, WI 53027 Treasurer Tom Koplin 550 Elizabeth Street Waukesha, WI 53186 6-1 ARIES INDUSTRIES BACKGROUND Aries Industries is dedicated to providing quality sewer televising and sealing systems, timely repair and consulting help to all its customers. The company is built on a philosophy of product quality and innovation, backed by aggressive introduction of new ideas and products, which improve productivity and reduce sewer inspection and rehabilitation costs. Aries includes among its customers municipalities of every size. Many of the private sewer contractors have turned to Aries for the products they need to meet today's competitive environment. Aries Industries traces its origin to the 60's and Photo Inspection, Inc., an early sewer photo - surveying firm. This firm utilized equipment which used a modified movie camera to take a series of still photos of the pipe interior at one -foot intervals as the camera was pulled through the line. With the development of sewer television, Photo Inspection bought commercial sewer TV systems. In the 1970's, Photo Inspection became a part of a larger engineering service company. During this period, repair part sourcing and equipment innovations were made by the sewer televising service group. It became apparent that opportunities existed in the sewer inspection industry for a creative and innovative sewer televising and sealing equipment supplier. In 1985, Aries was formed by a group of engineers and technicians with prior experience in sewer televising gained through Photo Inspection and service contracting. Today, Aries has over 100 employees and a 75,000 square -foot facility that houses both the headquarters and manufacturing. Aries also operates a Southeastern Regional Service Center in Pompano Beach, Florida, offering sales, service, and parts; and another in Fresno, California. Since 1986, Aries has manufactured television and test and seal systems, lateral inspection systems, and installed numerous upgrade retrofits and component additions to existing equipment. Aries products include single- and multi -conductor sewer and television systems, test and seal systems using either high or low viscosity grouts, color and black and white lateral inspection systems, camera transporters and pan and tilt radial view cameras. Today, Aries has a complete design, manufacturing, service, and test facility located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. Its staff has grown, and includes experienced sewer televising electronic and electro-mechanical engineers and designers. Aries is moving ahead, providing support and cost effective designs and equipment for the sewer rehabilitation industry. ARIES INDUSTRIES, INC., located in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, manufactures a broad line of pipeline and duct TV inspection and joint sealing systems for sewer, gas and process piping. Products include multi -angle cameras, tractor cameras; push cameras, grout and sealing systems and special pipe relining truck systems. Aries Industries, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of innovative sewer and pipeline TV inspection, grouting and rehabilitation equipment. Aries' high quality equipment and service is recognized as an industry leader_ Aries has been in business for over 19 years supplying equipment and service to municipalities and contractors worldwide. Aries employs over 100 people and has its headquarters in Waukesha, WI, with two other service centers; one in Pompano Beach, FL, the other in Fresno, CA. Aries stocks a complete inventory of all parts, and can provide overnight delivery when needed. M. Aries Bid Information: General Aries is a full line supplier of sewer television, joint sealing and pipe rehabilitation equipment. Aries manufactures a complete line of equipment, stocks parts, and provides complete service and repair facilities for Aries and competitor's equipment. Aries has gained wide acceptance in the sewer TV industry because of its creative product line and fast, high quality repair services. Material and Workmanship Aries uses only new, high quality parts and components. All work is done at Aries' factory in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee, and also our branch offices in Pompano Beach, FL, and Fresno, CA. Aries production and service departments are staffed with experienced electronic and mechanical technicians. Warranty Aries warrants its products for one year in accordance with the enclosed Terms and Conditions of Sale, unless otherwise noted. The F.O.B. point on warranty is based on the F.O.B. of the original order under which warranty is being claimed. Aries has an excellent reputation for meeting it contractual and warranty obligations.. Experience Aries' experience is documented by the reference list included in this bid, if applicable. Separate lists are provided for each type of equipment offered, and are available upon request. ' Parts and Service Aries is serviced twice daily by U.P.S. and Federal Express, providing overnight service when requested. A complete parts stock and equipment repair facility is included at Aries plant in Waukesha, WI, with branch offices in Pompano Beach, FL, and Fresno, CA. Equipment and cameras are normally repaired and returned in 48 hours or less. Call 1-800-234-7205, Electronic Loaner Policy Electronic equipment is available free of charge both during and after the warranty period to established Aries customers. After -Sale Service Aries has service and demonstration equipment that will provide follow-up training and support on all major equipment sales. ARIES OBJECTIVE IS TO PROVIDE THE TRAINING AND SERVICE NECESSARY FOR OUR CUSTOMERS TO HAVE A PRODUCTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL SEWER TV SYSTEM. CALL DALE BARBER, BOB HAMBURGUR, BRIAN HILLSHAFER, DAN BODENDORFER OR DAVID BOGIE AT 1-800-234-7205 FOR TECHNICAL, SALES, AND MAINTENANCE SUPPORT. Demonstration Equipment Aries has demonstration systems that travel to customer's facility to demonstrate equipment Florida Municil2allities with Aries Systems • City of North Miami 1815 NE 150t' St North Miami, FL 33181 Phone = 305-787-1015 / Fax = 305-787-1008 Mr. Michael Falestra Manatee County 4422 66t' St West Bldg A Bradenton, FL 34210 Phone = 941-795-3411 / Fax = 941-795-3496 Mr. Bill Elmore • City of Hollywood 1751 N 21 st Av Hollywood, FL 33020 Phone = 954-921-3046 / Fax = 954-921-3066 Mr. Ron Bolton • City of Pompano Beach 1201 NE Third Av Pompano Beach, FL 33061 Phone = 954-786-5510 / Fax = 954-786-4003 Mr. Pete Morongell Sarasota County 1001 Sarasota Centre Blvd Sarasota, FL 34240 Phone = 941-861-0605 / Fax = 941-861-0591 Mr. Rodney Jones :.. 7 - 1 8-1 Aries Industries Inc. Terms and Conditions of Sale 619T ARIES INDUSTRIES, INC., (the "Company") agrees to sell the equipment described herein upon the following terms and conditions of sale which accordingly, supersede any of Buyer's additional or inconsistent terms and conditions of purchase. 1. TERMS AND PRICES (a) All orders are subject to the approval of the Company's home office. Unless otherwise stated, standard terms of payment are thirty (30) days net from the earlier of date of shipment or readiness of the Equipment for shipment. It partial shipments are made, payment shall become due and payable for each partial shipment, (b) In addition to the purchase price, Buyer shall pay any excise, sales, privilege, use or any other taxes, Local, State or Federal, which the company may be required to pay arising from the sale or delivery of the Equipment, or the use thereof, whether billed at time of shipment or at a later date. Prepaid freight, if applicable will be added to the purchase price and invoiced separately. (c) Contract prices are subject to adjustment to the Company's prices in effect at time of shipment, unless otherwise specified in a separate contract document of the Company, (d) If Buyer requests changes in the Equipment or delays progress of the manufacture or shipment of the Equipment, the contract price shall be adjusted to reflect increases in selling price caused thereby. 2. SHIPMENT Shipment is F.O.B. Company's plant or place of manufacture, unless otherwise specified. Risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon delivery to transporting carder, 3. DELIVERY (a) The Company will endeavor to make shipment of orders as scheduled. However, all shipment dates are approximate only, and the Company reserves the right to readjust shipment schedules. (b) Under no circumstances will the Company be responsible or incur any liability for costs or damages of any nature (whether general, consequential, as a penalty or liquidated damages or otherwise) arising out of or owing to: (i) any delays in delivery; or (11) failure to make delivery at agreed or specified times due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. 4. LIMITED WARRANTY: WARRANTY ADJUSTMENT; EXCLUSIONS: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) LIMITED WARRANTY The Company warrants that at the time of shipment the Equipment manufactured by it shall be merchantable, free from defects in material and workmanship and shall possess the characteristics represented in writing by the Company. The Company's warranty is conditioned upon the Equipment being propedy installed and maintained and operated within the Equipment's capacity under normal conditions and by competent supervised operators. Equipment, accessories and other parts and components not manufactured by the Company are warranted only to the extent of and by the original manufacturer's warranty to the Company; in no event shall such other manufacturers warranty create any more extensive warranty obligations of the Company to the Buyer than the Company s warranty covering Equipment manufactured by the Company. (b) EXCLUSIONS FROM WARRANTY: (I) THE FOREGOING IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, ORAL OR EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT, THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE CONTAINED IN THIS PARAGRAPH 4 AND TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE., THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 4 AS TO DURATION, WARRANTY ADJUSTMENT AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL BE THE SAME FOR BOTH IMPLIED WARRANTIES (IF ANY) AND EXPRESS WARRANTIES. (ii) The Company's warranty is solely as stated in (a) above and does not apply or extend, for example, to: expendable items; ordinary wear and tear: altered units: units repaired by persons not expressly approved by the Company; materials not of the Company's manufacture; or damaged caused by accident, the elements, abuse, misuse, temporary heat, over -loading, or by erosive or corrosive substances. (c) WARRANTY AND ADJUSTMENT The Company agrees at its option to repair or replace, BUT NOT INSTALL, F.O.B. Company's plant, any part or parts of the Equipment which within twelve (12) months from the date of initial operation but not more than fourteen (14) months from date of shipment, shall prove to the Company's satisfaction to be detective within the above Warranty. Any warranty adjustments made by the Company shall not extend the initial warranty period set forth above. The warranty period for replacements made by the Company shall terminate upon the termination of the initial warranty period set forth above. Expenses incurred by Buyer in replacing, repairing or returning the Equipment, spare part or replacement part(s), will not be reimbursed by the Company. (d) SPARE AND REPLACEMENT PARTS WARRANTY ADJUSTMENT The Company sells spare and replacement parts. This subparagraph (d) is the Warranty Adjustment for such parts. Buyer must make claim of any breach of any spare or replacement parts warranty by written notice to the Company's home office within thirty (30) days of the discovery of any alleged defect for all such parts manufactured by the Company. The Company agrees at its option to repair or replace, BUT NOT INSTALL, F.O.B. Company's plant, any part or parts of material it manufacturers which, within one (1) year from the date of shipment shall prove to the Company's satisfaction (including return to the Company's plant, transportation prepaid, for inspection, if required by the Company) to be defective within this Parts Warranty. The Warranty and warranty period for spare and replacement parts not manufactured by the Company (purchased by the Company, from third party suppliers) shall be limited to the Warranty and Warranty Adjustment extended to the Company by the original manufacturer of such parts; In no extensive warranty obligation of the Company's Warranty Adjustment covering parts manufactured by the Company as set forth In this subparagraph (d). Expenses incurred by the Buyer in replacing, repairing, or returning the spare or replacement parts will not be reimbursed by the Company. (e) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The above Warranty Adjustment sets forth Buyer's exclusive remedy and the extent of the Company's liability for breach of implied (if any) and express warranties, representations, instructions or defects from any cause in connection with the sale of use of the Equipment. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INpIFSECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR FROM ANY OTHER CAUSE WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED) OR 70RT OR CONTRACT, and regardless of any advice or recommendations that may heave been rendered concerning the purchase, installation or use of the Equipment. 5. PATENTS (a) PATENT INDEMNITY AND CONDITIONS: The Company agrees at its own expense to defend and hold Buyer harmless in the event of any suits Instituted against Buyer for an alleged infringement of any claim of any United States Patent covering solely the structure of the equipment as originally mamfactured by the Company per the Company's specifications, and without modification by the Buyer, provided buyer shall (1) have given the Company Immediate notice In writing of any such claim or institution or threat of such suit; and (11) have permitted the Company to defend or settle the same, and have given all needed information, assistance and authority to enable the Company to do so. Buyer shall defend and Indemnify the Company against all expenses, costs and loss by reason of real or alleged infringement by the Company's incorporating a design or modification requested by Buyer. (b) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The Company's total liability hereunder is expressly limited to an amount no greater than the sales price of the Equipment and may be satisfied by the Company's refunding to Buyer, at the Company's option, the sales price of the equipment. In the event the Conpany elects to defend any such suit and the structure of said Equipment is held to infringe any such United States Patent and if the Buyers use thereof is enjoined, the Company shall, at its expense and at its option: (i) obtain for the Buyer the right to continue using the Equipment or (ii) supply non -infringing Equipment for installation by Buyer, or (ill) modify the Equipment so that it becomes non -infringing, or (Iv) refund the then market value of the Equprnent. 8. INCORRECT USE If damage to the Equipment or other properly or injury to persons is caused by incorrect use, failure to follow operating instructions, or use for a purpose for which the equipment is not intended, then Buyer shall Indemnify and hold the Company harmless from all liability, costs and expenses for all such damage or Injury. T. EQUIPMENT CHANGES The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, Incorporate in the Equipment any changes In specifications, design, material, construction, arrangement or components. 8. SECURITY INTEREST; INSURANCE (a) To secure payment of the purchase price, Buyer agrees that the Company shall retain a security interest in the Equipment until Buyer shall have paid in cash the full purchase price when due, interest at the highest lawful contract rate until so paid and the costs of collection, including reasonable allomey's fees. The Equipment shall at all times be considered and remain personal property and Buyer shall perform all acts necessary to assure and perfect retention of the Company's security interests against the rights or interests of third persons. In the event Buyer defaults in payment of any part of the purchase price when due, or fails to comply with any and all provisions of this contract, the Company shall have the remedies available under the Uniform Commercial Code. (b) So long as the purchase price is unpaid, Buyer at its cost shall obtain insurance against loss or damage from all external causes, naming the Company as an Insured, in an amount and form sufficient to protect the Company's interest in the Equipment. 9. CANCELLATION Buyer shall not cancel orders placed with the Company, except with the Company's express written consent and upon terms and payment to the Company indemnifying the Company against loss, including but not limited to expenses incurred and commitments made by the Company. 10, LOSS, DAMAGE OR DELAY The Company shall not be liable for loss, damage or delay resulting from causes beyond its reasonable control or caused by strikes or labor difficulties, lockouts, acts or omissions of any governmental authority or the Buyer, Insurection or riot, wars, fires, floods, Acts of God, breakdown of essential machinery, accidents, priorities or embargoes, car and material shortages, delays In transportations or Inability to obtain labor, materials or parts from usual sources. In the event of any delay from such sources, performance will be postponed by such length of time as may be reasonably necessary to compensate for the delay, In the event performance by the Company of this agreement cannot be accomplished by the Company due to any action of governmental agencies, or any laws, rules or regulations of the United States Government, the Company (at its option) may cancel this agreement without liability. In no event shall the Company be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, including consequential or special damages of any nature. 11. WORK BY OTHERS: ACCESSORY AND SAFETY DEVICES The Company, being only a supplier of the Equipment shall have no responsibility for labor or work of any nature relating to the installation or operation or use of the Equipment, all of which shall be performed by Buyer or others. It is the responsibility of Buyer to furnish such accessory and safety devices as may be desired by it and/or required by law, OSHA, or other Federal standards respecting Buyer's use of the Equipment. Buyer shall be responsible for ascertaining that the Equipment is installed and operated in accordance with all code requirements and other applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. 12. COMPLETE AGREEMENT THE COMPLETE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND BUYER IS CONTAINED HEREIN AND NO ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERM OR CONDITION STATED BY BUYER SHALL BE BINDING UNLESS AGREED TO BY THE COMPANY IN WRITING. No course of prior dealings and no usage of the trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any terms used by this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by both the Company and Buyer and shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted by the State of Wisconsin. The failure of the Company to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms and conditions stated herein shall not be considered a continuing waiver of any such term or condition or any of the Company's rights. n I Price New Truck $151,681.00 Truck Upgrade Bid Retrofit 1996 Truck $25,242.00 Trade -In 1991 Truck -$5,871.00 Subtotal $171,052.00 Alternate #1 TV System in 16' Hi -Cubs Gas Chassis $104,863.00 Alternate #2 TV System in 16' Hi -Cube Diesel Chassis $109,985.00 Option A Add LETS to any system $42,507.00 Option B Add Equipment Hoist $2,266.00 9-1 E450 14050 GVWR chassis with 16' hi -cube box, 6.8L gas engine. See detailed specs for full vehicle specs, to which Aries will include: 2 Roof mounted strobe lights, front and rear of box 2 Adjustable flood lights, rear I Arrow bar, rear, with controls in cab 1 Backup alarm M-cube "Command Center" control room interior including: 1 Armstrong Hydro industrial grade vinyl floor covering I Laminated surface wall covering 1 Embossed ceiling cover 1 Bulkhead wall with large plexiglas window and lockable swing passage door to equipment room 1 Roof mounted air conditioner, 13500 BTU with 5600 BTU heat strip 1 Printer shelf, mounted above operators counter top 1 Modular control center, 19" rack mounted 1 Ergonomically contoured and finished control desk I Lighting system 2 Duplex grounded 120V AC sockets I Operator chair, swivel with casters 1 Padded bench seat with storage underneath I Storage shelf above padded bench seat 1 Closet/cabinet/storage space, 24"W x 20"D x full height, minimum 4 removable shelves 1 Fire extinguisher, 10 BC rating Hi -cube van equipment room interior including: 1 Aluminum treadplate flooring I Interior walls and ceiling insulated and covered with Kemlite laminated paneling and reinforced with screwed -on aluminum strip and angle over joints, corners and edges 2 Duplex electrical outlets, 120V AC grounded. 2 Interior fluorescent light fixtures with switch 1 Set equipment storage brackets and hooks 1 Work bench with ABS worktop and vise 1 6-drawer tool chest, black I Storage cabinet over work bench approximately 4' long with fluorescent light underneath I Down hole pole mounting bracket 1 Tie down brackets along floor 1 Equipment storage shelf, 3 levels, between reel and bulkhead 6,000W, gasoline -powered, commercial grade generator, 120V, 60 Hz, with electric local and remote start/stop control to include: 1 Generator enclosure lined with fire retardant and noise reduction material 1 Hinged, ventilated cover with lock mechanism and air spring supports 1 Double track slide out rail assembly for external servicing 1 Set flexible exhaust hose and power cables 1 Auxiliary battery, 12V DC and case 1 Auxiliary battery charger, 12A [[Us Electric power transfer system, house or generator Electric distribution panel and circuit breaker box House power exterior connection with cover 25' house power cord with plug and socket System engineering panel to include: 1 Generator volt meter 1 Generator frequency meter I Generator hour meter I Generator start/stop switch Color TV power control unit, multi -conductor, modular control center mount, with: 1 Camera power supply with adjustable voltage and amp level, DC amp and voltmeters, on/off switch and circuit breaker 1 TV camera light head intensity control with on/off switch and circuit breaker 1 Light head power supply with DC amp and voltmeters, switch and circuit breaker 1 Light head power selector switch, 5-position with light head bulb overdrive auto resetting protective circuit breaker 1 Set pre -wired connections for tractor and/or pan and tilt camera controllers 3 15" flat panel TV monitor 2 Mounted side -by -side on the control room desktop 1 Mounted rear facing in the equipment room Monitor features include: - Maximum 1024x768 resolution at 7511z - LCD TFT active matrix screen - NTSC 4.43 color system 10 to 40 °C operating temperature Built-in audio speaker Industrial Video Tape Recording System (VHS) including: 1 Modular control center tray mount for video recorder I VHS tape recorder, NTSC color standard cassettes 1 Audio recording microphone I Set power and video cabling 1 2-hour 1/2" recording tape cassette Aries PE2700 "Illumi-Zoom" multi -conductor, pan and tilt radial view, LED - illuminated, zoom, color sewer TV camera, consisting of: I Camera controller including: joystick for axial rotation and pan and tilt angle; remote focus; remote iris; zoom in/out; diagnostics pushbutton; and home switch I Maintenance -free directional camera LED light system for 6" to 30" pipes and ducts 1 Built-in diagnostics system to monitor camera operating conditions 1 Skid yoke adapter 1 Camera storage and transport case 1 Spare parts kit 1 Test cable, components to 12-pin PCU connector Camera features include: 10-2 360' continuous axial rotation 300° pan & tilt rotation 40X zoom (IOX optical & 4X digital) Automatic or remote adjustable focus Automatic or remote adjustable iris Automatic home feature with forks at top and bottom of camera head Automatic white balance circuitry NTSC color imaging module SMARTEK internal diagnostic system 0.1 Lux low -light STARLITE mode PipeTech Scan video compression and data management system with rack mounted computer including: 1 VL3000 data logging overlay module, rack mounted 1 Industrial hardened case with air filtering, vibration dampening hard drive mounts, peripheral cards support bar, 19" rack 2.8GHz Pentium 4 processor 512MB of RAM 120GB SATA hard drive 120GB USB-connection hot-swappable external hard drive PCI video card On -board sound DVD-R/W drive 3.5", 1.44MB floppy disk drive 104 key enhanced heavy duty keyboard Microsoft optical mouse Windows XP operating system UPS back up battery system Ink Jet printer, color, HP, parallel port Pipetech Scan software and license 1 Scan manhole reporting module I Scan lateral reporting module Television cable reel with power level wind, electric motor drive, and multi -ratio manual transmission, joint sealing or lateral inspection system ready, to include: 1 Footage meter on TV reel level wind assembly with local mechanical footage readout and encoder for footage signal to remote video data display system 1 Transmission control linkage at control console I Local reel mount electrical and mechanical control with stainless steel shield over speed controls 1 Sealed continuous contact collector assembly, 12 slip rings minimum 1 Drop down cable guide assembly 1 Combination TV transmission and tow cable assembly, .410" diameter, KevlarTM armored, 2,000 lb. rating,1,000' multi -conductor, to include: 1 Cable terminal connector, 12-pin 2 Dummy plugs, 12-pin �"' � 10-3 1 Tow/tag line bridle set, multi -conductor cable 1 Cable terminal repair kit Water wash down system for equipment clean-up including: 1 Water storage tank, 15-gallon 1 Set of fill, vent and drain connections 1 Water tank demand pump 1 Wash down hose with spring -loaded hand nozzle 1 25' retractable hose Aries TR3000 "Badger" self-propelled wheeled camera transporter for 8" to 30" lines, components include: 1 Tractor assembly with continuous duty drive motor 1 • Set each of 3", 4" and 5" rubber tires for 8"-30" sewer lines 1 Set transmission couplings and width adjustment bars for operation in 12" to 30" sewer lines 1 Desktop transporter controller with speed adjustment and forward/reverse 1 Foot pedal auxiliary controller 1 Plywood storage and shipping box with removable cover 1 Manual 1 Set maintenance parts 1 Large diameter pipe kit with geared side rails and standard 8" diameter rubber tires for operation up to 36" lines 1 Set of 10" diameter rubber tires for large line kit for operation up to 48" lines Cable manhole guide system including: 1 Manhole top roller assembly 1 Manhole bottom roller assembly and adapter hook 6 Quick lock extension poles 1 Insertion and extractor pole assembly and tractor adapter 1 Manual — operation and maintenance 1 Manual — spare parts 2 Days of training 1 Maintenance tool kit 1 Spare parts kit 1 Training video — TV Systems Operating Procedures 1 Training video — Troubleshooting and Cable Repair Procedures 1 Delivery of system 1 One year warranty, TV system 10-4 DETAILED SPECIFICATION — only for components not detailed in section 2 Chassis - Ford E450 Super Duty Cutaway - GVWR 14050 - Front coil type suspension, GAWR 4600 twin I-beam Rear multi -leaf suspension, GAWR 9450 - 176" wheelbase, 118" cab -to -axle Coil type front suspension, with 1" diameter stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks Multi -leaf single stage rear suspension, with 1.125" diameter stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks - Wheels (6) 16.0" x 6", Dual Rear Wheels - Tires (6) LT225/75R16E BSW, All -Season - Single Channel Frame (36,000 PSI) - 55 gallon fuel tank - 130A alternator - 12VDC 650CCA battery - Hydraulic power disc brakes with ABS Drivetrain - 6.81, gas V8 engine, 306hp @ 4250rpm, 4201b-ft @ 3250rpm - 4.56 rear axle ratio - 5-speed TorgShift automatic transmission with auxiliary transmission oil cooler Interior / Exterior - High back bucket cab seats, vinyl trim with inboard armrests Cab air conditioner AM/FM stereo with speakers Instrument panel including oil pressure, fuel level, tachometer, speedometer, coolant temperature, and voltmeter - Exterior mirrors — manual trailer towing - Windows - manually operated - Doors - all lockable doors, manually operated - Intermittent windshield wipers - Heater - manually operated with defroster -- Full undercoating to cargo area underside - Paint: standard white - ICC running lights - 16' long x 84" high x 91.5" wide (interior dim) aluminum hi -cube box with barn style rear doors with T-clasp and double cam lock bars, full width galvanized grip tread style rear bumper, aerocap package, and front bulkhead with sliding walk-through door to cab Gasoline Generator - 6,000W Honda Aries supplies a generator, gasoline -powered with electric start. The unit produces 6,000 Watts of power at 120V AC without overheating, wear or vibration. The engine is a liquid cooled, twin cylMder, overhead cam four-stroke model that generates 12.2hp. The alternator operates at 60Hz 10-5 under varying load conditions. The engine also has an electric starter used for local or remote starting and stopping. The genset has automatic oil and temperature shut -down. It also uses vibration isolators and a muffler to allow quiet operation. Genset Standard Features include: - 2-cylinder gasoline engine, liquid -cooled, 359cc - 1.27 qt lube oil capacity - Engine protection shut -down system for low oil pressure and high temperature - Replaceable element air cleaner - Electric fuel pump - Local and remote start/stop switches 12 Amp fully regulated charging circuit - Easily accessible maintenance points Electrical S stem The TV system electrical circuit is independent from the vehicle engine electrical system. Aries provides an auxiliary 12V DC battery to power work lights and warning lights independent from the vehicle. battery. This prevents draw down of vehicle battery, which could result in failure to start vehicle. Aries provides an alternate on the TV system to charge the auxiliary battery. A 120V charger is also provided operating from the TV system 120V system to recharge auxiliary battery. A 120V AC house or shore power connection is provided along with a switchover device enabling the TV system to operate from either the 120V onboard generator or house/shore power source. Generator Housing The generator is mounted on a slide -out carriage, which provides easy access to all generator components for routine maintenance and inspection. The slide -out assembly consists of steel rails, ball bearing rollers, and a welded steel frame, which prevents misalignment of the rollers. The generator is bolted to the rolling frame and is secured in operating position with removable bolts. The generator enclosure is constructed of 5/8" plywood with glued and screwed construction. The enclosure is lined with sound deadening, heat, and fire retardant panels. Electrical, fuel, and, if necessary, ventilation connections are flexible, and provide for the genset to be rolled out without being disconnected. The cover door has a ventilation grating, full hinge, hydraulic arms that support door when open, and a keyed locking mechanism. House Power Cord So that equipment can be checked out without operating onboard power supply, a 25, power cord is supplied with one end terminated for plugging into standard 3-wire 110V electrical outlet, and the other end terminating at weather-proof receptacle mounted in driver's side of van. Electrical Power Transfer Disconnect A transfer switch for shore/generator power is installed for transfer of power from house or generator power protecting all electronic components/assemblies. Engineering Panel Generator System This system will be supplied for control and monitoring of functions not special to TV/tape recording system. The panel will be assembled on a rack mount frame and installed in the modular control center. 10-6 I E450 14050 GVWR chassis with 16' hi -cube box, 6.OL diesel engine. See detailed specs for full vehicle specs, to which Aries will include: 2 Roof mounted strobe lights, front and rear of box 2 Adjustable flood lights, rear 1 Arrow bar, rear, with controls in cab 1 Backup alarm 1 Hi -cube "Command Center" control room interior including: 1 Armstrong Hydro industrial grade vinyl floor covering 1 Laminated surface wall covering 1 Embossed ceiling cover 1 Bulkhead wall with large plexiglas window and lockable swing passage door to equipment room 1 Roof mounted air conditioner, 13500 BTU with 5600 BTU heat strip I Printer shelf, mounted above operators counter top I Modular control center, 19" rack mounted 1 Ergonomically contoured and finished control desk 1 Lighting system 2 Duplex grounded 120V AC sockets 1 Operator chair, swivel with casters I Padded bench seat with storage underneath 1 Storage shelf above padded bench seat I Closet/cabinet/storage space, 24"W x 20"D x full height, minimum 4 removable shelves I Fire extinguisher, 10 BC rating 1 Hi -cube van equipment room interior including: I Aluminum treadplate flooring I Interior walls and ceiling insulated and covered with Kemlite laminated paneling and reinforced with screwed -on aluminum strip and angle over joints, corners and edges 2 Duplex electrical outlets, 120V AC grounded 2 Interior fluorescent light fixtures with switch 1 Set equipment storage brackets and hooks e I Work bench with ABS worktop and vise I 6-drawer tool chest, black I Storage cabinet over work bench approximately 4' long with fluorescent light underneath 1 Down hole pole mounting bracket I Tie down brackets along floor I Equipment storage shelf, 3 levels, between reel and bulkhead 1 7,50OW quiet, diesel powered, commercial grade generator, 120V, 60 Hz, with electric local and remote start/stop control to include: 1 Quiet diesel engine package, 71dB at 1Oft under full load 1 Generator enclosure lined with fire retardant and noise reduction material I Hinged, ventilated cover with lock mechanism and air spring supports 1 Set exhaust hose and power cables 1 Auxiliary battery, 12V DC and case 1 Auxiliary battery charger, l0A I Electric power transfer system, house or generator 1 Electric distribution panel and circuit breaker box 1 House power exterior connection with cover 1 25' house power cord with plug and socket 1 System engineering panel to include: 1 Generator volt meter 1 Generator frequency meter 1 Generator hour meter 1 Generator start/stop switch Color TV power control unit, multi -conductor, modular control center mount, with: 1 Camera power supply with adjustable voltage and amp level, DC amp and voltmeters, on/off switch and circuit breaker 1 TV camera light head intensity control with on/off switch and circuit breaker I Light head power supply with DC amp and voltmeters, switch and circuit breaker 1 Light head power selector switch, 5-position with light head bulb overdrive auto resetting protective circuit breaker 1 Set pre -wired connections for tractor and/or pan and tilt camera controllers 3 15" flat panel TV monitor 2 Mounted side -by -side on the control room desktop I Mounted rear facing in the equipment room Monitor features include: - Maximum 1024x768 resolution at 7511z LCD TFT active matrix screen NTSC 4.43 color system - 10 to 40 `C operating temperature - Built-in audio speaker .Industrial Video Tape Recording System (VHS) including: I Modular control center tray mount for video recorder I VHS tape recorder, NTSC color standard cassettes I Audio recording microphone 1 Set power and video cabling I 2-hour 1/2" recording tape cassette Aries PE2700 "Illumi-Zoom" multi -conductor, pan and tilt radial view, LED - illuminated, zoom, color sewer TV camera, consisting of: I Camera controller including: joystick for axial rotation and pan and tilt angle; remote focus; remote iris; zoom in/out; diagnostics pushbutton; and home switch I Maintenance -free directional camera LED light system for 6" to 30" pipes and ducts 1 Built-in diagnostics system to monitor camera operating conditions I Skid yoke adapter 1 Camera storage and transport case 1 Spare parts kit 1 Test cable, components to 12-pin PCU connector Camera features include: 11-2 360° continuous axial rotation 300' pan & tilt rotation 40X zoom (IOX optical & 4X digital) Automatic or remote adjustable focus Automatic or remote adjustable iris Automatic home feature with forks at top and bottom of camera head Automatic white balance circuitry NTSC color imaging module SMARTEK internal diagnostic system 0.1 Lux low -light STARLITE mode PipeTech Scan video compression and data management system with rack mounted computer including: 1 VL3000 data logging overlay module, rack mounted I Industrial hardened case with air filtering, vibration dampening hard drive mounts, peripheral cards support bar, 19" rack 2.8GHz Pentium 4 processor 512MB of RAM 120GB SATA hard drive 120GB USB-connection hot-swappable external hard drive PCI video card On -board sound DVD-R/W drive 3.5", 1.44MB floppy disk drive 104 key enhanced heavy duty keyboard Microsoft optical mouse Windows XP operating system UPS back up battery system Ink Jet printer, color, HP, parallel port Pipetech Scan software and license 1 Scan manhole reporting module 1 Scan lateral reporting module Television cable reel with power level wind, electric motor drive, and multi -ratio manual transmission, joint sealing or lateral inspection system ready, to include: 1 Footage meter on TV reel level wind assembly with local mechanical footage readout and encoder for footage signal to remote video data display system I Transmission control linkage at control console I Local reel mount electrical and mechanical control with stainless steel shield over speed controls I Sealed continuous contact collector assembly, 12 slip rings minimum 1 Drop down cable guide assembly Combination TV transmission and tow cable assembly, .410" diameter, KevlarTm armored, 2,000 lb. rating,1,000, multi -conductor, to include: I Cable terminal connector, 12-pin 2 Dummy plugs, 12-pin 11-3 1 Tow/tag line bridle set, multi -conductor cable 1 Cable terminal repair kit Water wash down system for equipment clean-up including: 1 Water storage tank, 15-gallon 1 Set of fill, vent and drain connections 1 Water tank demand pump 1 Wash down hose with spring -loaded hand nozzle 1 25' retractable hose Aries TR3000 "Badger" self-propelled wheeled camera transporter for S" to 30" lines, components include: 1 Tractor assembly with continuous duty drive motor 1 Set each of Y, 4" and 5" rubber tires for 8"-30" sewer lines 1 Set. transmission couplings and width adjustment bars for operation in 12" to 30" sewer lines 1 Desktop transporter controller with speed adjustment and forward/reverse 1 Foot pedal auxiliary controller Plywood storage and shipping box with removable cover Manual Set maintenance parts Large diameter pipe kit with geared side rails and standard 8" diameter rubber tires for operation up to 36" lines Set of 10" diameter rubber tires for large line kit for operation up to 48" lines 1 Cable manhole guide system including: 1 Manhole top roller assembly 1 Manhole bottom roller assembly and adapter hook 6 Quick lock extension poles 1 insertion and extractor pole assembly and tractor adapter 1 Manual — operation and maintenance 1 Manual — spare parts 1 Days of training 1 Maintenance tool kit 1 Spare parts kit 1 Training video — TV Systems Operating Procedures 1 Training video — Troubleshooting and Cable Repair Procedures 1 Delivery of system 1 One year warranty, TV system 11-4 DETAILED SPECIFICATION— only for components not detailed in section 2 Chassis - 2005 Ford E450 Super Duty Cutaway - GVWR 14050 - Front coil type suspension, GAWR 4600 twin I-beam - Rear multi -leaf suspension, GAWR 9450 - 176" wheelbase, 118" cab -to -axle - Coil type front suspension, with 1" diameter stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks Multi -leaf single stage rear suspension, with 1.125" diameter stabilizer bar and heavy duty gas charged shocks Wheels (6) 16.0" x 6", Dual Rear Wheels Tires (6) LT225/75RI6E BSW, All -Season - Single Channel Frame (36,000 PSI) 55 gallon fuel tank 130A alternator - 12VDC 650CCA battery - Hydraulic power disc brakes with ABS Drivetrain - 6.01, Power Stroke diesel V8 engine, 235hp @ 3300rpm, 440lb-ft @ 2000rpm - 4.10 rear axle ratio - 5-speed TorgShift automatic transmission with auxiliary transmission oil cooler Interior / Exterior - High back bucket cab seats, vinyl trim with inboard armrests - Cab air conditioner - AM/FM stereo with speakers - Instrument panel including oil pressure, fuel level, tachometer, speedometer, coolant temperature, and voltmeter - Exterior mirrors — manual trailer towing - Windows - manually operated - Doors - all lockable doors, manually operated - Intermittent windshield wipers - Heater - manually operated with defroster - Full undercoating to cargo area underside - Paint: standard white - ICC running lights 16' long x 84" high x 91.5" wide (interior dire) aluminum hi -cube box with barn style rear doors with T-clasp and double cam lock bars, full width galvanized grip tread style rear bumper, aerocap package, and front bulkhead with sliding walk-through door to cab Diesel Generator - 7,500 Watt Onan Quiet Aries supplies a generator, diesel -powered with electric start and brushless alternator. The alternator produces 7,500W of AC power at 120V12% and 60Hz±0,5% under peak load conditions without overheating or vibration. The engine is a liquid -cooled unit producing 16.6hp at 3600rpm. The unit is supplied in a special sound -attenuating housing that encloses the cooling 11-5 system and the muffler. This produces a sound rating of 71dB at a distance of loft under full load. Genset Standard Features include: - 3-cylinder diesel engine, liquid -cooled, 719cc - 2.8 qt lube oil capacity, 4 qt coolant capacity - Internal radiator - Engine protection shut -down system for low oil pressure, high temperature and overload r - Intake silencer - Heavy duty air cleaner - Electric fuel pump - Local and remote start/stop switches with automatic glow plugs, automotive type starter - Brushless alternator - Single side operator/maintenance checks including: - Local start/stop switch with automatic glow plugs - Oil dip stick and fill point - Fuel filter - Full flow oil filter - Coolant level and fill point - Main disconnect protective circuit breaker - Engine hour meter - Three-point focalized mounting system w - Control panel oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges Generator Housing Generator is mounted at eye level on the curbside of the truck body. This provides easy access to all generator components for routine maintenance and inspection. The generator enclosure is constructed of 5/8" plywood with glued and screwed construction. The enclosure is lined with sound deadening, heat, and fire retardant panels. The electrical, ventilation, and exhaust connections are flexible. The cover door has ventilation grating with full opening hinges, gas cylinder arms that support the door when open, and a keyed locking mechanism. The manufacturer advises against the use of slide out rails for generator mounting. The rails interfere with the airflow across the bottom side of the unit. This results in the unit overheating and shutting down. All maintenance points are accessible without the use of the slide out rails. Electrical S stem The 120V electrical system for powering all Aries -supplied equipment is independent from the vehicle's 12V electrical system. Aries provides an auxiliary 12V DC battery to power work lights and warning lights independent from the vehicle battery. This prevents draw down of the vehicle's battery, which could result in failure to start vehicle. A 10A charger is provided for recharging auxiliary battery off the generator system. A 120V AC house or shore power connection is provided along with a switchover device enabling the TV system to operate from either the onboard generator or a house/shore power source. 11-6 House Power Cord So that equipment can be checked out without operating onboard power supply, a 25' power cord is supplied. One end has a plug for a standard 3-wire 120V electrical outlet, and the other end has a plug for a weatherproof receptacle mounted on the driver's side of the van. Electrical Power Transfer Disconnect A transfer switch for shore/generator power is installed for transfer of power from house or generator power protecting all electronic components/assemblies. En,gineering Panel Generator System This system will be supplied for control and monitoring of functions not special to TV/tape recording system. The panel will have the following items: - Remote spring loaded generator start/stop switch - AC Volt meter and frequency meter - Generator hour meter Vehicle Wash Down System A vehicle 12V-wash down system will be provided which is designed to supply clean water pressure to the rear of the vehicle. A pump that supplies l Agpm at 60psi is supplied to power the water system. A 15-gallon water tank is supplied for mounting in or under the vehicle. The system also has a 25-foot hose on auto retractable reel with a spray nozzle to facilitate washing of all contaminated equipment after operating in a held environment. 11-7