HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-1141 Temp. Reso. 10732 June 22, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R- 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE BROWARD BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 FOR THE PROVISION OF LANDSCAPING AT SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK BETWEEN THE SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY AND SAN CARLOS CIRCLE; AUTHORIZING CITY OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT AND EXECUTE THE REQUIRED AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION FOLLOWING LEGAL REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide its residents and visitors a higher level of service by enhancing and improving its open space and recreational opportunities within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac is committed to the natural beautification of the City of Tamarac; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac FY2005 Adopted Five -Year Capital Improvements Schedule specifies the development of Southgate Linear Park; and WHEREAS, the City has completed construction of phase one of the Southgate Linear Park consisting of a bike path and multipurpose trail along the C-14 Canal; and Temp. Reso. 10732 June 22, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide for landscaping at phase 1 of the Southgate Linear Park between the Sawgrass Expressway and San Carlos Circle; and WHEREAS, State Environmental Protection Department grant funds are available to local governments for selected landscape improvement projects through an application to the Broward Beautiful Community Grant Program, a copy of said application is hereto attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City desires to submit an application to the Broward Beautiful Community Grant Program for grant funds to provide landscaping at Southgate Linear Park; and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of the grant program that this Resolution be adopted and become an official part of the application; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Manager and the Director of Public Works recommend submission of the application and acceptance of the award in the event of approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to submit an application for a Broward Beautiful Community Program Grant in the amount of $10,000, providing for acceptance of the award and execution of necessary documents upon approval of said application following legal review. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Temp. Reso. 10732 June 22, 2005 Page 3 Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS' clauses are HEREBY ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are HEREBY made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to submit the Broward Beautiful Community Program Grant application, which is made a part hereof as Exhibit A, and request up to $10,000 in grant funds for landscaping at Southgate Linear Park between the Sawgrass Expressway and San Carlos Circle. Section 3: The appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to accept the _. award and execute the necessary documents upon approval of said application following legal review. Section 4: All resolutions in conflict herewith are HEREBY repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. Temp. Reso. 10732 June 22, 2005 Page 4 Section 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this end day of j,t,ne. 2005 ATTEST: I ix-A� MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. SAMUEL S. G INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY OE SCHREIBER, MAYO RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER A\IP DIST 1: COMM. PO RTNE� DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 1 1 Cl Exhibit A BN,(5rr.1NARD 4 COUNTY BROWARD BEAUTIFUL I. APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Application Form COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM Federal Employer Identification (F.E.I.) Number of Applicant (attach W-9 form): Is this a Governmental Organization ? ❑ Yes Or ❑ No (check one) Type of Applicant: ❑ Home -owners Association ❑ Public School ❑ Civic Association ❑ City with HOA ❑ Religious Organization ❑ Other (specify) Contact Address: Title ❑ Private School ❑ City Government City: State: Zip: Telephone:( ) Fax:( Email: 11. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that : All parts of the application package have been read and understood, that all application requirements have been met, that all information submitted herein is true and correct and represents the desire and intent of the applicant to install and maintain the proposed project according to the plans, specifications, and costs attached herein, and further, I understand that any expenditures made prior to a formal "Notice To Proceed" from Broward County shall not be eligible under this grant program. Additional)y, I certify that I will provide (or arrange for another entity to provide) for the perpetual care of the project and that the plantings proposed in this grant application are not required by any code or ordinance. Name of Authorized Signatory: Address: City: Telephone Signature: State: Zip: Fax:( ) Date: Submit SEVEN (7) complete application packages (including all attachments) to arrive no later than 12 Noon on Thursday July 7, 2005 to: Broward Beautiful - COMMUNITY GRANT, Broward County Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Biological Resources Division, Mailing Address: 11.5 S. Andrews Avenue - Room A-240, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. PLEASE NOTE: The address above is not our physical address, You are advised to mail your application to the above address in sufficient time to arrive by the due date. if circumstances necessitate that you hand -deliver your application please call us at (954) 519-0326 to make special arrangements. Community Grant Application. Package Revised April 7, 2005 r 9C47 :705 /_r I Colo A. Grant Amount Requested: $ Applicant Match Amount: $ B. Project Description - in the simplest of terms, explain what you are applying to accomplish? (e.g. Beautify an entry way, plant shade trees along a road bordering our community, landscape a median, create a neighborhood park, increase our neighborhoods tree canopy, shield an unsightly view etc. ) C. Project location: Project City: Project Zip Code: Actual or Approximate Address: General location description: indicate address , intersection and/or general location where you will plant. Please be as specific as possible (e.g. NE corner property at the intersection of X street and Y Avenue) D. Is this project located in a Disadvantaged community? ❑ Yes or 0 No (check one) (If so attach documentation showing that the censers tracts provided by the U.S. Census Bureau-has_fiJiy one percent or more low-income residents. A map gf'these Census Tracts is attached for your reference) E. What Number Commission District is this project located in? (A neap of the Broward County Commission Districts is attached for your reference) or visit http://gis.broward.orglcommdistlseaich.htm or htip://gis.browar-d.org/maps/CommDist/index.ht»e) F. Who owns the property you will plant on'? (If other than applicant attach documentation authorizing applicant to plant and maintain the project) G. Is this property visible and accessible from a public Right of Way? LJ Yes or 0 No (check one) H. Will you be removing any existing plants or trees? © Yes or ❑ No (check one) If so please explain, indicating the number of plants, their species and reason for removal. Note: a tree removal permit may be required form your local jurisdiction: I. Will this project be irrigated? ❑ Yes or El No (check one) If yes, please describe irrigation method: Community Grant Application Package Revised April 7, 2005 Please indicate how your project meets each of the evaluation criteria listed below. These criteria will be used to evaluate your application. The maximum number of points that can be awarded for each categaw is listed in parentheses next to each criteria. (Attach additional pages if necessary) Use of Mature / Appropriate Plants (10 points) Xeriscape Principals & Water Supply (10 points) Maintenance Commitment (5 points) Screening / Traffic / Noise (10 points Enhance Tree Canopy (10 points Attracts Birds / Butterflies (5 points) Includes Under story Plants (5 points Partnership / Public Support (10 points Visibility / Location (10 points Enhances Public Space (10 points) Neighborhood Need (10 points) K. If a representative of your organization attended the May 13, 2005 Pre -Application Workshop please indicate their name: Community Grant Application Package Revised April 7, 2005 IV ATTACHMENTS: Submit seven (7) complete application packages: one (1) original with original signatures, photos/CD, (clearly marked on the cover) and six (6) copies. A. DETAILED PLANTING PLAN & ITEMIZED LIST OF PLANT MATERIAL- Complete and attach a "Planting Plan" and an "Plant List" NOTE: These items are critical to recommending your project for funding. In particular we need to know: 1. Plant List - What are you planting ? - how many plants? What sizes? What are the individual cost of each plant?, What plant species are you planting? (At least 50% must be Honda native species listed on the LIST OF NATIVE PLANT SPECIES attached in the Reference Material section. Also, no plants on the EXOTIC PEST PLANT LIST can be used). , do they have color? (you are encouraged to use colorful and flowering plants), will there be shade trees? (remember you get additional points for enhancing tree canopy) A simple list of plant material can provide all this information. 2. Planting Plan - Where are you planting the plants? We are looking for a simple sketch of the area, roughly to scale, indicating where each plant will go (indicate the size and species ofeach plant). You may use the " Planting Plan" sheet provide. Plan sheets must not exceed 11 "x 17" in size and be labeled with applicant name and attached to the application packages. Show what the approximate scale is so we can tell how far apart the plants are spaced. Consider the full grown size of the plant when deciding where to plant each plant, avoid conflicts between plants, and between plants and utilities and built structures. (Remember you get extra points for putting the "Right Tree in the Right Place") B. BUDGET SUMMARY WORK SHEET Complete and attach the "Budget Summary Work Sheet' C. Photos of Existing Conditions: A minimum of five various color views (see below) of the existing site conditions of the project area before landscape installation. Views must directly correlate with those required upon completion of project installation. Each view must be labeled with the applicant name and view orientation. Photos must be provided in one of the following approved formats for the application package marked "Original". Color laser prints or color photocopies are acceptable for the remaining grant application packages. Preferred: Digital photographs (full color laser prints) taken at a high resolution and saved in a larger size, accompanied by the corresponding computer CD or floppy disk (no ZIP disks) containing the digital files. Alternate: 35-mm color photographs (no Polaroid instant photos) to be provided in S '/a " X I I" transparent plastic archival storage sheets. D. EVIDENCE. OF PUBLIC SUPPORT Attach no more than five (5) pages of evidence of public and/or private support of the project that may include: written endorsements from elected officials, homeowner associations, civic organizations, adjacent businesses, Chambers of Commerce etc.. , Resolution from Local Governments, financial donations, etc. Endorsements must be written and included in application package. Individually received letters and telephone calls will not be considered. E. TAXPAYER ID Attach a signed copy of a W9 form. (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number) F. STATEMENT OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Attach a Statement of property ownership or a letter of authorization to install project from other entity owning or controlling property. Community Grant Application Package Revised April 7, 2005 ATTACHMENTS PLANTING PLAN PLANT LIST . BUDGET SUMMARY WORK SHEET Community Grant Application package Revised Apnl 7.2005 r 0 J r z z a a z z z U Q � O Budget Summary Work Sheet