HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-1621 1 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENT ANNUAL RATE RESOLUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION...........................................3 SECTION 2: AUTHORITY....................................................................................3 SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION.........................................3 SECTION 4: REIMPOSITION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS ....................4 SECTION 5: CONFIRMATION OF PRELIMINARY RATE RESOLUTION ........... 7 SECTION 6: EFFECT OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION...................................7 SECTION 7: CONFLICTS....................................................................................7 SECTION 8: SEVERABILITY...............................................................................7 SECTION 9: EFFECTIVE DATE..........................................................................7 APPENDIX A: AFFIDAVIT REGARDING NOTICE MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS.......................................................... A-1 APPENDIX B: PROOF OF PUBLICATION......................................................... B-1 APPENDIX C: FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL ............................................... C-1 1 1 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-162 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF FIRE RESCUE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS IN THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; REIMPOSING FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST ASSESSED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TAMARAC FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005; APPROVING THE RATE OF ASSESSMENT; APPROVING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of Tamarac, Florida (the "City Commission"), has enacted Ordinance No. 0-96-8 (the "Ordinance"), which authorizes the imposition of Fire Rescue Assessments for fire rescue services, facilities, and programs against Assessed Property located within the City; and WHEREAS, the imposition of a Fire Rescue Assessment for fire rescue services, facilities, and programs each fiscal year is an equitable and efficient method of allocating and apportioning the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost among parcels of Assessed Property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to reimpose a Fire Rescue Assessment within the City using the procedures provided by the Ordinance, including the tax bill collection method for the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, on July 13, 2005, adopted Resolution No. R- 2005-146 (the "Preliminary Rate Resolution"), containing and referencing a brief and TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 2 general description of the fire rescue facilities and services to be provided to Assessed Property, describing the method of apportioning the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost to compute the Fire Rescue Assessment for fire rescue services, facilities, and programs against Assessed Property, estimating a rate of assessment, and directing the updating and preparation of the Assessment Roll, provision of published notice required by the Ordinance and mailed notice if circumstances described in Section 2.08(F) of the Ordinance so require; and WHEREAS, in order to reimpose Fire Rescue Assessments for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005, the Ordinance requires the City Commission to adopt an Annual Rate Resolution, during its budget adoption process for each Fiscal Year, which establishes the rate of assessment and approves the Assessment Roll for the upcoming Fiscal Year, with such amendments as the City Commission deems appropriate, after hearing comments and objections of all interested parties; and WHEREAS, the updated Assessment Roll has heretofore been made available for inspection by the public, as required by the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing has been published and mailed as required by the terms of the Ordinance, which provides notice to all interested persons of an opportunity to be heard; an affidavit regarding the form of notice mailed being attached hereto as Appendix A and the proof of publication being attached hereto as Appendix B; and 1 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 3 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 14, 2005, and comments and objections of all interested persons have been heard and considered as required by the terms of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac that Fire Rescue Assessments against Assessed Property located within the City of Tamarac be approved for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. SECTION 2: AUTHORITY. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 0-96-8, (the "Ordinance"), Resolution No. R-96-160 (the "Initial Assessment Resolution"), Resolution No. R-96-175 (the "Final Assessment Resolution"), Resolution No. R-2005-146 (the "Preliminary Rate Resolution"), Article VIII, Section 2, Florida Constitution; sections 166.021 and 166.041, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION. This resolution constitutes the Annual Rate Resolution as defined in the Ordinance. All capitalized terms in this resolution shall have the meanings defined in the Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution, the Final Assessment Resolution, and the Preliminary Rate Resolution. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 4 SECTION 4: REIMPOSITION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS. (A) The parcels of Assessed Property described in the Assessment Roll, as updated, which is hereby approved, are hereby found to be specially benefited by the provision of the fire rescue services, facilities, and programs described or referenced in the Preliminary Rate Resolution, in the amount of the Fire Rescue Assessment set forth in the updated Assessment Roll, a copy of which was present or available for inspection at the above referenced public hearing and is incorporated herein by reference. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that each parcel of Assessed Property within the City will be specially benefited by the City's provision of fire rescue services, facilities, and programs in an amount not less than the Fire Rescue Assessment for such parcel, computed in the manner set forth in the Preliminary Rate Resolution. Adoption of this Annual Rate Resolution constitutes a legislative determination that all parcels assessed derive a special benefit in a manner consistent with the legislative declarations, determinations and findings as set forth in the Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution, the Final Assessment Resolution, and the Preliminary Rate Resolution from the fire rescue services, facilities, or programs to be provided and a legislative determination that the Fire Rescue Assessments are fairly and reasonably apportioned among the properties that receive the special benefit as set forth in the Preliminary Rate Resolution. (B) The method for computing Fire Rescue Assessments described and referenced in the Preliminary Rate Resolution is hereby approved. The Parcel n 1 1 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 5 Apportionment methodology described in Appendix B of the Preliminary Rate Resolution and adopted in Section 7 of the Preliminary Rate Resolution is hereby approved. (C) For the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005, the estimated Fire Rescue Assessed Cost to be assessed is $6,527,879.00. The Fire Rescue Assessments to be assessed and apportioned among benefited parcels pursuant to the Cost Apportionment and Parcel Apportionment to generate the estimated Fire Rescue Assessed Cost for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2005, are hereby established as follows: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY USE CATEGORIES Residential Rate Per Dwelling Unit $ 129 NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY USE CATEGORIES Building Classification in square foot ranges) Commercial Industrial/ Warehouse Institutional Nursing Home a 1,999 $ 600 $ 171 $ 3,070 $ 322 000-3,499 $ 1,199 $ 341 $ 6,141 $ 644 3,500 - 4,999 $ 2,099 $ 597 $ 10,746 $ 1,127 51000 - 9,999 $ 2,998 $ 853 $ 15,352 $ 1,60 10,000 - 19,999 $ 5,996 $ 1,70 $ 30,70 $ 3,21 0,000 - 29,999 $ 11,992 $ 3,41 $ 61,407 $ 6,437 30,000 - 39,999 $ 17,989 $ 5,115 $ 92,111 $ 9,656 0,000 - 49,999 $ 23,965 $ 6,820 $ 122,814 $ 12,874 50,000 $ 29,981 $ 8,525 $ 153,518 $ 16,093 (D) The above rates of assessment are hereby approved. Fire Rescue Assessments for fire rescue services, facilities, and programs in the amounts set forth in the updated Assessment Roll, as herein approved, are hereby levied and reimposed on all parcels of Assessed Property described in such Assessment Roll for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 6 (E) No Fire Rescue Assessment shall be imposed upon a Building located on a parcel of Institutional Property whose Building use is wholly exempt from ad valorem taxation under Florida law. Any shortfall in the expected Fire Rescue Assessment proceeds due to any reduction or exemption from payment of the Fire Rescue Assessments required by law or authorized by the City Commission shall be supplemented by any legally available funds, or combination of such funds, and shall not be paid for by proceeds or funds derived from the Fire Rescue Assessments. (F) As authorized in Section 2.13 of the Ordinance, interim Fire Rescue Assessments are also levied and imposed against all property for which a Certificate of Occupancy is issued after adoption of this Annual Rate Resolution based upon the rates of assessment approved herein. (G) Fire Rescue Assessments shall constitute a lien upon the Assessed Property so assessed equal in rank and dignity with the liens of all state, county, district or municipal taxes and other non -ad valorem assessments. Except as otherwise provided by law, such lien shall be superior in dignity to all other liens, titles and claims, until paid. (H) The Assessment Roll, as herein approved, together with the correction of any errors or omissions as provided for in the Ordinance, shall be delivered to the Tax Collector for collection using the tax bill collection method in the manner prescribed by the Ordinance. The Assessment Roll, as delivered to the Tax Collector, shall be accompanied by a Certificate to Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix C. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 7 SECTION 5: CONFIRMATION OF PRELIMINARY RATE RESOLUTION. The Preliminary Rate Resolution is hereby confirmed. SECTION 6: EFFECT OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION. The adoption of this Annual Rate Resolution shall be the final adjudication of the issues presented (including, but not limited to, the determination of special benefit and fair apportionment to the Assessed Property, the method of apportionment and assessment, the rate of assessment, the Assessment Roll and the levy and lien of the Fire Rescue Assessments), unless proper steps shall be initiated in a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relief within 20 days from the date of this Annual Rate Resolution. SECTION 7: CONFLICTS. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 8: SEVERABILITY. If any clause, section or other part of this resolution shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part shall be considered as eliminated and in no way effecting the validity of the other provisions of this resolution SECTION 9: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Annual Rate Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. 1 TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Page 8 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 14th day of September, 2005. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON/CMC OE SCHREIBER CITY CLERK MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. t4AMUEL S. GOREN NTERIM CITY ATTORNEY Record of Commission Vote: Mayor Schreiber Air Dist. 1: Comm. Portner Dist. 2: V/M Talabisco Dist. 3: Comm. Sultanof Dist. 4: Comm. Roberts U 1 1 203 5 sro _� 2 BORS, G BOI N& NINEYSTCKAEyRSON, P.A. r� RECEIVED (:I yy^,- OF T,,� p-j A 1: THE POINTE, SUITE IDGQ, j .r J, i� �. i, (.1, � r.- 2502 ROCKY POINT DRIVE TAMPA. FLORIDA 33607 (B13) 281.2222 TELECOPY (813) 281-0129 SUITE 200 1500 MAHAN DRIVE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32308 TELEPHONE (850) 224-4070 TELECOPY (850) 224-4073 September 2, 2005 Via Overnight Delivery Service Jeffrey L. Miller City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Re: Annual Rate Resolution for Fire Rescue Assessments Dear Mr. Miller: SUITE 500 37 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 426.7595 TELECOPY(407) 236.0430 Enclosed please find the original Affidavit of Mailing for your signature. The Affidavit of Mailing will need to be inserted in the Annual Rate Resolution for Fire Rescue Assessments at Appendix A. Please call me if you have any questions. Very trul yours, Heather J. Encinosa HJE:sib Enclosure cc: Mike Cirullo, City Attorney (w/enc.) Christopher Sammartino, Management Budget Officer (w/enc.) F:\Telly Data\General Data\WPDATA\PROJECTS\Tamarac\05012\correspondence\miller_09 02 2005.doc AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Jeffrey L. Miller, Camille P. Tharpe, and David Krause, who, after being duly sworn, depose and say: 1. Jeffrey L. Miller, as City Manager of the City of Tamarac, Florida ("City"), pursuant to the Scope of Services dated September 24, 2003, and the authority and direction received from the City Commission, timely directed the preparation of the Assessment Roll and the preparation, mailing, and publication of notices in accordance with the Fire Rescue Assessment Ordinance adopted by the City Commission on June 26, 1996 (the "Assessment Ordinance") and in conformance with the Preliminary Rate Resolution adopted by the City Commission on July 13, 2005 (the "Preliminary Rate Resolution") 2, Camille P. Tharpe is Senior Vice President of GSG. GSG has caused the notices required by the Assessment Ordinance to be prepared in conformance with the Preliminary Rate Resolution. An exemplary form of such notice is attached hereto. GSG has caused such individual notices for each affected property owner to be prepared and each notice included the following information: the purpose of the assessment; the total amount proposed to be levied against each parcel; the unit of measurement to be applied against each parcel to determine the assessment; the number of such units contained within each parcel; the total revenue the City expects to collect by the assessment; a statement that failure to pay the assessment will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title; a statement that all affected property A-1 owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the local governing board within 20 days of the notice; and the date, time, and place of the hearing. 3. On or before August 24, 2005, GSG delivered and directed the mailing of the above -referenced notices by Modern Mailers, Inc. ("Modern Mailers"), in accordance with the Assessment Ordinance and the Preliminary Rate Resolution by First Class Mail to each affected owner, at the addresses then shown on the real property assessment tax roll database maintained by the Broward County Property Appraiser for the purpose of the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes. Notices to property owners receiving multiple individual notices were mailed, or caused to be mailed by GSG on or before August 24, 2005. 4. David Krause is General Manager of Modern Mailers. As directed above, Modern Mailers, mailed or caused to be mailed on or before August 24, 2005, the above - referenced notices delivered to Modern Mailers by GSG. FURTHER AFFIANTS SAYETH NOT. Jeffrey L. Miler, affiant 08MCW eRV49L_, Camille P. Tharpe, affiant David Krause, affiant A-2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this day of `' - 2005 by Jeffrey L. Miller, City Manager, City of Tamarac, Florida. He i rs-OrVafFy known to mb r has produced as identification and did take an oath. �: ,, .� F'.r _ry:DFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL• �. �\ NUBYN THALFNFELDPrinted ame: coMIS IONNUN Notary Public, State of Florida 18067 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES At Large �ur� izacs My Commission Expires: Commission No.: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this 7r ` day of t , 2005 by Camille P. Tharpe ident, Government Services Group, Inc., a Florida corporation. S is personally known to me r has produced as identification and did take an oat . SANDRAG.MELGAREJo Printe ame: ��` '* Notary Public - State of Florido .Nyca,hwr,rrwrla,2m� Notary Public, State of Florida Commtaaion 0 DD3 11569 At Large Borv*dByNolionalWary�• My Commission Expires: Commission No.: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON 4-The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this 31 day of T- , 20050 by DU K_ r_ I!.�� General Manager, Modern Mailers, Inc., a Florida corporation. He ' ersonally known to mer has produced as identification and did take an o SANDRA G. MELGAREJO Notary Public -State of Florida •_n�yCaWnMonB"wNov14,2008 Commission # DD341569 ' � ,° ;; �,••••' Borxded By W*" al Ww Assn. UAW Pri ` ed Name: Notary Public, State of Florida At Large My Commission Expires: Commission No.: No Text CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY OF TAMARAC 7525 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321-2401 NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE RESCUE NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS NOTICE DATE: AUGUST 24, 2005 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN ER * * * * * MARIN, ELADIO Tax ID: 494111140610 CARRERA 45 A #34 SUR 101 Seq Num: 1 *COLOMBIA As required by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, and the direction of the City Commission, notice is given by the City of Tamarac that an annual assessment for fire rescue services using the tax bill collection method, may be levied on your property. The use of an annual special assessment to fund fire rescue services benefiting improved property located within the City of Tamarac in the past has proven to be fair, efficient and effective. The total annual fire rescue assessment revenue to be collected within the City of Tamarac is estimated to be $6,527,879.00 for fiscal year October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2006. The annual fire rescue assessment is based on the classification of each parcel of property and number of billing units contained therein. The above parcel has the following units: Category Billing Unit and Type Amount RESIDENTIAL 1 Dwelling Unit $129.00 The annual Fire Protection Assessment that can be imposed without futher notice for this and future fiscal years for the above parcel is $129.00. A public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 14, 2005, in the City Commission Chambers of City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. You and all other affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. If you decide to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk's office at (954) 724-1200 at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the date of the hearing. Unless proper steps are initiated in a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relief within 20 days from the date of City Commission action at the above hearing (including the method of apportionment, the rate of assessment and the imposition of assessments), such action shall be the final adjudication of the issues presented. Copies of the Fire Rescue Assessment Ordinance (Ordinance No. 0-96-8), the Initial Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. R-96-160), the Final Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. R-96-175), the Preliminary Rate Resolution initiating the annual process of updating the Assessment Roll and reimposing the Fire Rescue Assessments, and the preliminary Assessment Roll for the upcoming Fiscal Year are available for inspection at the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, located at 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. Both the fire rescue non -ad valorem assessment amount shown on this notice and the ad valorem taxes for the above parcel will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill mailed in November of each year that the assessment is imposed. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. If there is a mistake on this notice, it will be corrected. If you have any questions regarding your fire rescue assessment, please contact the City Finance Department at (954) 724-1-310, Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. *****THIS IS NOTA BILL***** Page 1 of 1 w o� w x w t) O z J a c� w J a 0 0 w N a W J a J w Z Z w cn Z d a a O E Q LL LL 0 w a h- VJ O LL C TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 10777 August 31, 2005 Appendix B Page 1 of 2 b � a � L ' o c I0 FL U d o y p aEi U a c a E m c y+ r a ° CCL Gi V A y W O !tJ v IAd 43- C 7 a r mm y r- W COL to a r+ c E ° n a. C N c `a �• C eo O O y LL ,« Qf ca W A e y LL m` ro 4 a tin, tv C 7 O G O L O o G O C 41 G m m m ..C. m W M ro 6l :2 E c w C N N Cytl G ryry O. 8 lal! O C N 0 a5 a IV yC _ t d E d a y � •� O Q i 9 0 tlf C W I Ov0 ._ O L o d c o s s C� m :, m y «, in C .O .0t E O v tpp� tJ y y C 0 /00 C N ` O y p y L IV A V O IV y E ID C y 3 w O LL c a. W = o a c. c O up a « 3 Q d C' w Q N on LL o Ia F, C t 11 TE'l' C - SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2005 CITY OF TAMARAC NOTICE OF HEARING TO REIMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE RESCUE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS N Nofice is hereby given that the Cj Commission of the City of Tamarac will conduct a uilllicohearing to consider reimposing 4 C� f fire rescue special assessments or the provision of fire rescue services within the Tamarac for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2006. �A,* hold at 6:30 P'rr!- ?V2�r .14, 2005. in the City Comirnission Chaff"rs. of City Hat, 7525 ,=Tamarac, �Wrwa, rw� pwpW4 �of rece "bomad sissessmetft Aw affected PrOrrty ' I and %topublic Cor"W"" ON , rve a light to appear at ft hoariN MAW a*0'0**s*Aft the City Commission within =I a notl If 1:1, 1 �,deciiides to appeal any q�e made the City Commission with respect to any matter at, the hoaring, �j � W will need a record and may need to ensure that a verbatim record #�iiiade, inckxgng the testim6-6y jj;iId evionce upon which I 9WIlliosill! is to be made. In accordance with to AmArkw*,"lh ONOWes Act, persons needing a spedW%Wmmodation or ah,firlerpretor to par"ate in this prooeedft'Should c~ the Cky Clerk's office at (954) 724-1200 at 19M 72 hours (3 days) pric Ito ofthe hearing, Th 0 - Iiiiii-lih i � I sis ,nib attributed to %if pch '::::0V.'t'P-'otal num RMENTIAL PROPERTY USE CATEGORIES Residential Rate Per Dwelling $ 129 NONAESIDENTIAL PftKRTY USE CATEGORIES Building Classfflcaflon Nurskq I An aquare toot ranges) Commerchil Warehouse nedhiftilill Home < $ 600 $ �0 J $ 3,070 $ 322 2,000 - 3,499 $ 1,199 $ 341 $ 6,141 $ 644 3,500 L 4,999 $ 2,099 $ 597 $ 10,746 $ 1,127 5,000 - 9,999 $ 2,998 $ 853 15,352 $ 1,609 1 10,000 - 19,999 $ 5,996 1,�65 �,30,704 A 3,219 PO,OOO - 29,999 $ 11,992 3,410 $ 61,407 $ 6,437 30,000 - 39,999 $ 17,989 6,115 $ 92,111 $ 9"656 �4%000 - 49,999 $ 23,985 $ A' $ 122,814 $ 12,874 > 50 $ 29,981 ..'$' 8'525 I $ 153,518 $ 16,093 Copies of the 7 e Wn 4 Q� - **,Inital Assessment Wsoluko (Resolution .61, 41" 1,60), th %- . 'l 0 Preliminary Fteft Resolution No. 6, th� u da rjj� le of u the Assadnibrit ip tr t�a u" singt.the Fire Rescue Assessments, and'the,"PaIpb 0 upcom2g fiscal year are available r Inspec ion at the City Clerk's 011ice, City Hal . atod at 7 is New*lhwest venue, Tamarac, Florida. The assessments VAN be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in Novwnber 2005, aayaohorized by section 197.3632, Florift SWUes. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be is$40 against the property whioh may result in a loss of tide. 9 you have any quesb" pilim, contact the City Finance Departrnent at (954) 724-1310, Monday throuo *W&ft,&nd5:00p.m. CITY CU= 9? dj- 7 OIFTAMARAQJ�IIIIL TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.0777 August 31, 2005 Appendix B Page 2 of 2 1 CERTIFICATE TO NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL I HEREBY CERTIFY that, I am the Mayor of the City Commission, or authorized agent of the City of Tamarac, Florida (the "City"); as such I have satisfied myself that all property included or includable on the non -ad valorem assessment roll for fire rescue services (the "Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll") for the City is properly assessed so far as I have been able to ascertain; and that all required extensions on the above described roll to show the non -ad valorem assessments attributable to the property listed therein have been made pursuant to law. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, in accordance with the Uniform Assessment Collection Act, this certificate and the herein described Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll will be delivered to the Broward County Department of Finance and Administrative Services by September 15, 2005. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed this certificate and directed the same to be delivered to the Broward County Department of Finance and Administrative Services and made Apart of the above described Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll this tS ` day of 2005. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA B -RAayer O � p� .- � C-rt [to be delivered to Broward County Department of Finance and Administrative Services prior to September 15] C-1 APPENDIX A AFFIDAVIT REGARDING NOTICE MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS No Text APPENDIX B PROOF OF PUBLICATION No Text APPENDIX C FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL No Text