HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-168Temp Reso #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-1(,2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND THE CITY OF TAMARAC PROVIDING FOR HEARINGS BY THE BROWARD COUNTY MINIMUM HOUSING/UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD AT A RATE OF FIFTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND FIVE CENTS ($54.05) PER HOUR FOR THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AND TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS ($28.38) PER HOUR FOR CLERICAL SUPPORT, INCLUDING ANNUAL INCREASE OF 5% EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2006 AND OVERTIME UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY AT 1-1/2 TIMES THE HOURLY RATE, WITH A MAXIMUM CASE COST OF THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) PER NOTICED CASE; UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CITY HAS BEEN RECEIVED, FOR A PERIOD THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2007; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is desirous to maintain the quality of life for the citizens of Tamarac and unsightly partially destroyed buildings is a detriment to this goal; and WHEREAS, in the event a property owner does not repair or demolish his building within a specified time given by the Building Official, only the Unsafe Structures Board has the authority to affirm the decision of the Building Official to have the building repaired or demolished; and Temp Reso #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 2 WHEREAS, Broward County offers this service at a nominal fee to all Broward County municipalities and said fees are recoverable when appropriate liens and foreclosure of the property takes place; and WHEREAS, the City previously entered into an agreement with Broward County for this service by Resolution No. R-2003-137, which is due to expire on September 30, 2005; and WHEREAS, Broward County has offered a new agreement revising the cost from $150.00 per case plus associated costs to a hourly rate of fifty-four dollars and five cents ($54.05) per hour for the code enforcement officer and twenty eight dollars and thirty-eight cents ($28.38) per hour for clerical support, including annual increase of 5% effective October 1, 2006 and overtime upon approval by the city at 1-1/2 times the hourly rate, with a maximum case cost of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per noticed case; unless written authorization from the city has been received, for a period through September 30, 2007. All costs shall be properly documented and such documentation provided to the City with the monthly invoices; and J Temp Reso #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 3 WHEREAS, representatives of Broward County and the City of Tamarac have negotiated means and method to accomplish the objectives of providing Hearings by the Broward County Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board by execution of this Interlocal Agreement, which, by its terms, shall provide for certain monetary payments from the City of Tamarac to the County; and WHEREAS, available funds exist in the General Fund budget for said purpose, and where all funds expended are recoverable as provided in Florida Building Code, Section 111.11, attached hereto as Exhibit 2; and WHEREAS, the Building Official recommends that the City enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Broward County providing for Hearings by the Broward County Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board, attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to authorize the appropriate City officials to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the County regarding the provision of Hearings by the Broward County Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board for real property located in the City of Tamarac. 1 Temp Reso #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are authorized to execute the attached Interlocal Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Broward County for the provision of Hearings by the Broward County Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board for real property located in the City of Tamarac (attached hereto as "Exhibit 1 ") at a rate of fifty-four dollars and five cents ($54.05) per hour for the code enforcement officer and twenty eight dollars and thirty-eight cents ($28.38) per hour for clerical support, including annual increase of 5% effective October 1, 2006 and overtime upon approval by the City at 1-1 /2 times the hourly rate, with a maximum case cost of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per noticed case; unless written authorization from the city has been received, for a period through September 30, 2007. All costs shall be properly documented and such documentation provided to the City with the monthly invoices. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Temp Reso #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 5 SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this Igff ay of 5cp ernbcK, 2005. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. 4SAkEL S. GOREN INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY J, SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER PKle DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER Alp DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO — Ali P DIST 3: COMM. SULTANO F ^ _ DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS Return recorded document to: Armando Linares, Director Building Code Services Division 955 South Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Document prepared by: Charlie Torres, SPC III Building Code Services Division 955 South Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC FOR Temp. Reso. #10774 Exhibit #1 HEARINGS BY THE BROWARD COUNTY MINIMUM HOUSING/UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD This Agreement, made and entered into by and between: BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," AND CITY /CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY." WHEREAS, this agreement is entered into pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, also known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969;" and WHEREAS, COUNTY maintains a Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board ("Board") that hears and disposes of cases brought by Building Officials in accordance with the Florida Building Code; and WHEREAS, the Board, pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances is authorized to hear and dispose of cases brought by the Building Official; and WHEREAS, CITY, pursuant to Resolution No. R-2005- q,,b authorized the use of the Board to hear and dispose of cases brought by the CITY Building Official; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances and Section 111 of the Florida Building Code has the authority to hear and dispose of cases brought by the Building Official; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, through said Board is willing to perform such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES: 2.1. COUNTY agrees to make the Board available to hear and dispose of cases brought by the CITY Building Official for violations of the Florida Building Code. 2.2. Once the CITY Building Official determines that a violation exists, COUNTY shall be responsible for: (a) filing a case with the Board; (b) noticing and conducting the hearings in accordance with laws, rules, and regulations governing hearings before the Board; and (c) implementing the orders and directives of the Board to cause the violations(s) to be corrected. 2.3. COUNTY shall perform the above -described functions through the Board or any successor entity. 3. FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES NOT TRANSFERRED TO COUNTY: It is specifically understood and agreed that all rights and powers as may be vested in CITY pursuant to Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, or any other law or ordinance or Charter provision of CITY not specifically addressed by this Agreement shall be retained by CITY. CITY shall retain responsibility for filing and/or defending any appeals to orders of the Board. 4. COMPENSATION: 4.1. COUNTY shall provide services set forth above at the rate of Fifty Four and 05/100 Dollars ($54.05) per hour for the Code Enforcement Officer and Twenty Eight and 38/100 Dollars ($28.38) per hour for clerical support. Included in said costs are charges for mailings, publication, photos, posting of property and other ancillary costs. Overtime, when approved by the CITY, shall be at one and one half the normal hourly rate. All hourly charges shall be billed in increments of 30 minutes. The County shall not exceed a total cost, per case, of Three Hundred and .00/100 ($300.00) without written authorization from the CITY. All costs shall be properly documented and such documentation provided to the CITY with the monthly invoices. 4.2. , CITY shall reimburse COUNTY for the actual costs of the services delineated in Section 2 of this Agreement in implementing the orders and directives of the Board to cause the violations(s) to be corrected. Such costs shall include, but not be limited to, boarding up property and demolition necessary to remove the violation(s). Such costs shall be properly documented and such documentation provided to CITY with the monthly invoices described in Section 4.3 hereof. 4.3. COUNTY shall invoice CITY on a monthly basis for actual services provided during the preceding month. CITY shall reimburse COUNTY within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. 4.4. Fines and liens recorded against property shall run in favor of the CITY. 4.5 The amounts set forth above shall be adjusted annually by the COUNTY by five percent (5%) to address increases in operating and labor costs. Increases shall take effect on October 1st. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT: 5.1. This Agreement shall be deemed to have commenced upon approval by the COUNTY COMMISSION, and shall continue in full force and effect until midnight September 30, 2007, 5.2. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect unless written notice of termination by the COUNTY or CITY is provided pursuant to Section 9, Notices. Unless terminated as provided in Section 8, Termination, this Agreement may be renewed for successive two (2) year periods upon request of CITY and upon acceptance by COUNTY. 6. INDEMNIFICATION: CITY is a state agency as defined in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and COUNTY is a political subdivision of the state of Florida. Each agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of their agents and employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision to be by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. 7. INSURANCE: COUNTY is self insured pursuant to the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 8. TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days notice to the other party of such termination pursuant to Section 9, Notices, herein. Within sixty (60) days of termination of this Agreement, COUNTY shall forward to CITY all documentation related to cases previously heard or being prepared to be heard by the Unsafe Structures Board. 9. NOTICES: Any and all notice required or given under this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered in person or by placing in United States mail, postage prepared, first class and certified, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: TO COUNTY Director, Broward County Building Code Services Division 955 South Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 With copy to: County Administrator 115 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 409 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 TO CITY: Office of the City Manager 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: WITH COPY TO: City Attorney 7525 NW 881h Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 10.1. Assignment: COUNTY shall perform the services provided for in this Agreement exclusively and solely for CITY which is a party to this Agreement. CITY shall not have the right to assign this Agreement. 10.2. Waiver: The waiver by either party of any failure on the part of the other party to perform in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any future or continuing similar or dissimilar failure. 10.3. Severability: The invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity of any other provision. 10.4. Entire Agreement: It is understood and agreed that this Agreement incorporated and includes all prior negotiations, agreements or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings not contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. 10.5. Modifications: It is further agreed that no modifications, amendments or alterations in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 10.6. Drafting: This Agreement has been negotiated and drafted by all parties hereto and shall not be more strictly construed against any party because of such party's preparation of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Interlocal Agreement Between COUNTY and CITY/TOWN for selected Services to be Performed by the Broward County Building Code Services Division on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and thro h its Mayor o Vice Mayor, ipthorized to execute same by Board action on the day of ,20L��date) and the CITY/TOWN, signing by and through i s a , authorized to execute same by Commission action on the_L�l day of sE-y-r ,20os (date). ATTEST: Administrator and Ex- fficio Clerk of the Board of. County Commissions oward �j r74` County, Floridd, t . COUNTY BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Approved as to form Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida Jeffrey J. Newton, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: (954) 357-6968 B Va,-,D "ll-do-C pA County Attorney INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC FOR HEARINGS BY THE BROWARD COUNTY MINIMUM HOUSING/UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD Attest: e. CITY Clerk GPI 1 -7- CITY OF TAMARAC Bye Mayor -Commissioner day of SC4 i cP, 2012.5 (date) By Manager day of , SZoC►�'(date APPROVED AS TO FORM: r � BL.ky �. CITY Attorney 2" 495, Page 1 of 12, R900rded 01/25/2006 l-At 1._­'.�,4-,�_rj '. . -,_nT1It1:Lf182 on, 11�puty Cl,ark 1012 Ej(jj,,'jBjT 1, kML.] E I J � �ut­i_',I� t LLiaxts, fl,tiLd,ng Codc S,-�rviczs Division `15� ',� ou 1 Fe&L�,al � 1�'Thvvzy �'�331�6 :Ia rT % ort I Temp. Reso. #10774 Exhibit #1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ketween BR01INARD COUNTY and �' lTy OF TAMARAC FOR HEAR�NGS BYTHE BROWARD COUNTY H,)U- lNGfUlJSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD -,'NsP,.greernam, made ard entered into loyand between: BROWARD COUNTY, a Ohtic��,l Subdivisior Of the sts�,te of FlorAq. hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," AND iT." 21 F TAIVIARAC, a mut flcipal corporation existing under the laws of the to a,,; "CITY," VvHH:7�1,EAS, thig aoat!rnam is er4ered 'Into pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida 1;k� I c-Ir'n-m as the"Flor,da k1tedocal Cooperation Act of 1969;" and V,'HEREX`_�, COUN-TY maintains a Minimum HousinglUnsafe Structures Board hears: and dispo,,c�es of cases brought by BuilaingZfficials in accordance with `,�e PcrdzF.'DAJ1dirq Code: ard i,pproved BCC Eubmitted By _6-�AkWNI�ZVLRI 11-t— i�ll 2-1) RETURN TO DOCUMENT CONTROL Iql-1— �41 dl �' , - s D- - -11 1 -3 4 - 5 , Pagt� 2 of 12 the B08H, purswarit. to Chapter 6 of the Broward Countf Gode of �S ELI 'horized to hear and dispose of cases brought by the Building Official; and VA-1,EREAS, C17Y, pursjarit to qesolution No. R-2005- i6ib authorized the J,,3,5; Gf tna Boa�,d to hear and dispose of cases brought by the CITY Building official; and 1,NTHEREAS, COUNTY, fursuant to Chapter 5 of the Broward County Code of rf.nanci� spc.tiv)r. 111 of the FlorJa Building Code has the authority to hear and by,,ha Building Official; and ::Cijkj1'YAh,ough sald Board iswilling to perform such servkes onthe —.rrns 311C ccr)�Ajoris herainafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, �"DNSK)F-"RATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants and payrrients oereinafl,�--r se.'fofln, COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: T'�e -.tcifals abrive are true and correct and are incorporated h9rein, a', �s"I;.wl("Es 21. 1 F?' ager-s to maka t.ie Board available to hear and dispose of cases �,,roucht by !he CYi-Y BLIildmg Off.cial for violations of the Florida Building 2 Once 7ne UTY &ildllng CWiciai determines that a violation exists, cl:)UNT'Y' responsible for: livith the Fil vig -; Board; -To'kinc—Anc, aonduaJng the he3rings in accordance with laws, rules, 3?)-J regUlations govarning hearings before the Board; and �rnplemeitirjg the o:'ders and directives of the Board to cause the, violsfionp*,� to be corrected. 2-3- --',0UN'TY shalk �-ierform lt--ie above -described functions throughthe Board or -An�� su:x,'essot aw'tj. '.' ICNS ND DL E- lP 2§-,-N_0TTRANSFERRED TQ _g�OUNT�L I-,pec,ftaly unclers!ood and q reed t�at all rights and powers as may be ve.,ated jrl CJ`f'pLrsuarr� to Chapmr 166, �:71ohda Stawtes, or any other law or ordinance or C�-,jlatrter provision of C17Y not specifically addressed by this Agreemert shall be rakainad ov �3'11-Y. ,!"' � shall retain tesponsibility for filing and/or defelding any to ordlers of the Board I 5 4 4 1, 3 P '�! 497, Pag(.� 3 of 12 "�N, -JON. SA', '01J� �'T)' sha�; orovide services set forth above at the rate of Fifty Four and 05j,iGo Dollart ($5,11.051, per hour for the Code Enforcement Officer and 7v,;ert� Fight an� 38/10C, Dollars ($28.38) per hour for clerical support. �nckided in saia coits are charges for mailings, publication, photo$, posting (31 prnp,aty ard 3thar anciftry costs. Cvertirne, when approved by the CITY, snsi� be at one -,ind ane nall- the normal hourly rate. All hourly charges shall of 30 minutes. The County shall not exceed a total per of Three Hundred aid 00/100 ($300.00) without written fr�.,jrr the CITY. All costs shall be properly documented and oci-nert-ati-ri provided to the CITY with the monthly invoices. C' `Y's,ialf re�m nurse COU11TY for the actual costs of the services delineated r, �iz�,Jlon 2 (,,f VliG Agreement in implementing the orders and directives of "he E k3ard tc �-aute the /,olations(s) to be corrected. Such costs shall bz�.iotr)e limiled tri, boarding up property and demolition necessary -,). Such cos-.s shall be properly documented and 'o the 1,ioladon(� 3:�tfl' -) '.' ')Gu!'-1eT.t.atir.rj proeid-A to CITY with the monthly invoices described in 8ectis-ri 4-1 �.,E�mof- -4.1- -'ouNry shali,nvoice 0TY or a monthly basis for actual services provided IL ., 1ring "he ' precadingi-norith. CM17 shall reimburse COUNTY within thirty (30) days �)' t�e date of the invoice. 4". 4 � �r;re's' nild, liens recordec agairist property shall run in favor of the CITY, T"-�-�' a �nru I, I SO fo ith ah o%, e sha I I be �adj usted a n n u ally by the C0 U NTY by ')�-'rcxsn- to add-ev; increases in operating and labor coas. ,nc,!�ases shall take effecton October 1 st, TERM OFAGREEMENT: 1, TrJs Agreement "all be deemed to have commenced upon approval by the COUNTIt CONMSSION, 3nd shall continue in full force anc; effect until September 30, 2CO7. F.2- contirme in"uIlfarce and effect unlesswritten notice of �enm,inadon b� 1hp COLIN-rY or CMf is provided pursuant to Seotio�"l 9, Notices, Jn�ess terminated as provided in Section 8, Termiration, this .A,� .-ient maxf ben renewed for successive two (2) year periods upon -,rep -equer it of CITY and upcn acceptance by COUNTY. 2 1 P'll, 49'3, V ace 4 of 12 -ION: N t F I CA 11 ­71� isas,,�ateagericy as defined in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and COUNTY pott'caisu.�*/�sion of the state of Florida. Each agrees to be fully responsible f,',v acts aia omissions of their sge�its and employees to the extent permitted by law. Nollnh,,, herein is ntended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either Pany to ,rihk�h sovere-Gri immi-niry may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be as ccrisent by sj state agency or political subdivision to be by third parties a-V rna�.Ier arising o�jt of this Atreement or any other contract. P SJ R /A MI sel, imsufed pursuant to tne provisions of Section 768.23, Florida .T-EPTA-INf%Il0'N:' 7his Aq,aem',-r� may �e terrilir.I.,ed by either party upon thirty (30) deiy*� notice to I'le 3the,- I" a�t'j J SLI& to-'rnination pursjant to Section 9, Notices, herein. Within s" X-�'y tl-R��s o'I" tern-t;:iation of th.3 Agreement, COUNTY shall forward to GITYall rslatcic to cases previously heard or being prepared to be heard by fie Jnsafe 8trL..ctureA Board. N, ' 0-7 � ES, I req -jired or qivc-n under this Agreement shall be in'writing and in v--rsori or by olacing in United States mail, postage prepared, C�as'3 at"i co-Iffiec' Ycl--turn rec,-,flpt requested, addressed as follows: IV) COUNTY Director, Broward County F'uildlinq Code Services Division -355 Sr.wth Federal Rghway :Z�I,-.,.I' Lauderdaw, PI- 33316 115 &-.�uth Andrews Avenue, Sufte 4C9 F0 , It LaUderdale, FL 33201 1. 72 6 '1 4 � :3 V Page, 5 of' 12 -T ,_� C', i ,, - r - WITH COPY TO! OfTce- of the Cky Manacer City Attorney 7525 _`TiV &1'�, P.1jenue 7525 NW 88 1h Avenue Tafnarac, FL 33S21 Tamarac, FL 33321 —PR(;,Vlal()NS: ml micarrtuk,, �_`,OJINITY siall perform the services provided for in -this ex,-Ius�ely and solely for CITY which is a party to this Agreannent- CITY'shall not have the right to assign this Agreement. 0.2- V'4ver T!-ie WRiver by either paity of any failure on the part of the other ,pa�tv per -Form in accordance, with any of the terrns or conditions of this, Agreement shail nct be ccnstrued as a waiver of any future or continuing o- dissirrila, failure. 5,1.z-lvW",;�lq��1:1t_ -ITe nvalidityaf any provision of this Agreement shal, ir, no way �afidiy cf any o1er provision. 'Dz�. E-nfire Acjreernent� It is understood and agreed that this Agreement I ncc�porated and inriudes all prior negotiations, agreements or undar,Aanair 1-1s, applicable to tne matters contained herein and the parties ac,fe,�� �hat tiare are no ccrnmitment% agreements or understar4ings not in t,jt,�docurnent Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from 'he t&nrns her��j,` sha.11 be predicated upon any prior representations or other or -al or written. Modifk�ativris, 't is firther agreed that no modifications, amendments ol alt_�retio.ns in `,,he �-e.rms cr conditions contained herein shall be effeclive k�messcontainrad �n a %yrillei document executed with the same ion-rality and ­f e, t.4 ciq iity he-ewith, O.E, This Agreement has, been negotiated and drafted by 311 parlties ar ri�,t be nnora strictly construed against any parl�f because of �ci �,Karilfs, qvvl-pa,ation of this A�jreernent. � r �'5 4 13:- S' P 5C ), P age 5 of 12 :N WFEREOF, the parJes hereto have made and execuW this Intedocal Aq,reemam tZ-�mfaen C(')UN—Yand CM'ITOWN for selected Services to be Plertiarrned by Ine Browaro County Buildincj C (We Servioes Division on the respective dates under each tignatufe: BROWARD COUNTY through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 'J, qnMg by and htrougii its Mayor or Vice Mayor, authorized to execute sarne by Board nciort rr the of- - %:kL 20�F(date) and the C�TYA-,DWN, signMg by and Pirough its— AAe-145',& authorized to execute f�apvie by Conimss�ort action on theq�L day of �,20&5(date). COUNI-Y BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD UNTY ESSIONERS 777 Z B 4'C 610�' ti*'aoa'rrJ of mayor e-.-7 y,C�mnm�ssiomrs of v of 20 —21— Wate) Approved as to form �bfiioe of County Attorney 2"T Oroward County, Florida Jeffrey J. Newton, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33,301 Te�ephone: (954) 357-7600 Toecopier: (954) 357-6968 By. '01-IL01- ,4�sr� County Attomey CVA 4 13 -1, f I 5C 1. , r-ac!L. 7 of 12 1 BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC 3"" THEi �ROWAVD COUNTY MINIMUM HOUSINIG,fLJNSj%FE Sll'iLlk:TUAES c ,RD CITY CITY OF TAMARAC A It(-"S'' B 1�1 Mayor -Commissioner day of jfQb:nnbc(, 20SL4� (date) By WY Manager I it' day of fzej2jhmhe , &!&i(date� I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY Attorney 1"; 5C ?, Face 3 of 12 Temp Reso #10774 U-,'ZH-TB1T 2 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 1 G-FY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA -1E90LU7I0'q NO. R-20m-"L9 I',1ES0LLTk'.)h1 OF Tit E,;11"'I'COMMISSION OF THE CITY TAMARk,[1, �-'TLORIDA AUTHORiZING THE APPROPRIATE 01`1`-�GIALS TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AG31REEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND THE CI-1-Y OFTAMARAC PROVIDING FOR HEARINGS BY THE 8RC'WARD C0UNT'f MINIMUM HOUSINGIUNSAFE STRJCTURES 30ARD AT A RATE OF FIFTY-FOUR DCLLARS AND CENTS ($54.05) PER HOUR FOR THE CCLIE ENF0R:;—=1VEK1T )FFICER AND TWENTY EIGHT ,-�OLLXRS .4N,")'rHIRr(-E�GHT CrENTS ($28-38) PER HOUR '--Q ' '41CLEMCAL SUPPORT, INCLUDING ANNUAL INCREASE C,ff 3'% EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2006 AND OVERTIME �PCiN APPR�7VAL BY THE CITY AT 1-1/2 TIMES THE HOUIRLYRATE, WITH A MAXIMUM CASE COST OF THREE HUNDRED D,01.��ARS 4300,00) PER NOTICED CASE; UNLESS WRlT'r!-El`J AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CITY HAS BE ---N RECF-�))ED, FOR A PERIOD THROUGH SEPTEMBER S,^,, 2007; PRCAI�DING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERASILITY; AND PROViOING 'zOR AN EFFECTIVE LATI�-. �VHE liEA:- the Q!�� )f 1,�arnamc 3 desirvus to maintain the quality of life for the t,K:�en5 of and unrp9hily parally destroyed buildings is a detriment to this goal; w"i in the evant a PrOfftlf Owner does not repair or demolish his brle given by Ule Building official, only the Unsafe Strid-wes Boavd has the 60�10d.Y to a)AIrr: the deci.ilon of the Building Official to have the building denjo�jsha�j� and 57,,.�� -�4 113 11 �'! -3C 3, r- a a (.- -4 of 12 Temp RM #10774 August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 2 ,NHr--REAS, 5,oward C';nunty offers �his senlice at a nominal fee to all Broward municipalities and sad fees an- recoverable when appropriate liens and prorer t_�J�eg pla0a and V*IHPREAS, �hs CqY.orevlously antered Into an agreement with Broward County 'cr tnk, �isrdcs by R6SOtUt"Jr, NO. R-20-33-137, which Is due to expire on September 30, RD36: and w'MEREAS, Brcpw3�-,d Ca4rity hai offered a new agreement revising the -,ost from P3G.03 pt�.- -F-se plus assmute I costs, to a hourty rate of fifty-four dollars and frVe cents P� In, the rcde onforosment officer and twenty eight dollars and thirty-eight �,3�j!t (1�23,3,13) pev �our fc.,r cerical support, including annual increase of 5% Effective 7008 anc, ove�fme upon iipproval by the city at I -1/2tImes the haurlyrgite,with rnaRiri)�-r) ,,ass cost of t�rae hundred dollam ($300.00) per noticed case; unlese written ;,hn.-�zafion i'mrn city has beer! re,,eived, for s. period through September 30, 2007'� All c�cs.t soa�i be propeiiy dot-imontfad 3nd such documentation provided to the Cily with '�t.NV invc�ckqs, ard N 4 P-', 5CA" Page 10 of 12 Temp Rasa #10774, August 11, 2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 3 W�.EREAS, 'OPMSeAtntives of B�oward County and the City of Tamarac have neco,iatco means and met;iod to awomplish the objectives of providing Hearings by Minlrn�rl dousivg4Jnsafs Stru�-.turea Board by execution of thie �rlte,-Jcna� A q.,ee�nenk, whic�L, by its terms, shall provide for certain monetary payments City 6f Tamarac to the County; and avallabli funds euist in the General Fund budget for $aid purptm�, mperxie:l are reccvsrable as provided in Florida Building Code, �j 'I" viltached n,�!reto as ExN:)ft 2; and ".1-tHE'REAS, the 130din� 0-fricial r3comrrkands that the City enter into the Aq- 7 a -nant with S,Xjtvard Cour ty providing fiDr Headngs by the Broward ,',Mnjr, ; , c,!,rn HousingyUntafe StructireE Board, attached hereto as Exhibit 1; aid WHEREAS, ft,.e Div Cornmiss'on of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in ,,he Devi interes', nf the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to authorize the City GfIcials to execVtoar, trilarlosalAgreemerMwith the County regardi.ig the '��4TipgG byt.ja Srcword,�,ounty Minimu-n Housing/Unsafe Structures Saard ',�cr roni vroperty �=ated in tit) G,,ty of Tamarac. -E': - - .1 �t 1, -1 .7) 72664Z , OR BX 4 1,339, P:; 5G-5, Pag(� 11 of 12 Temp Reso #10774 Augustil.2005 08130/05 Rev #1 Page 4 NOW. THEREFORE, F,,F- rr RESOLVED SY THE CITY CommIsSION OF THE: CITY' OFTAMARAC, FLOMD.k �LiQ-T-;ON 1: The foregoing VIHEREAS"clausos are hereby ratified and cniffirmed as bc`pq irue and correct aid are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. ��EQ ',W11L2-. The apvopriate Ctv Officials are autht)dzed to execute the attached ntancr;al Agreement between the C�y O�Tamarac and Broward County forthe proVsion of HearinC�- by the 3rm- lard. County Mirrnum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board for re& p-m.perN Iccated ;n the City Y'Tamarac (attached hereto as "Exhibit 1") at a rate of fifty-four doqars an�� Fwe cents �' $54-,M� per hour,,"or the code onfbruement officer and twenty eight 0 '1' C; , �T, L� d ihirw st IN ce.As ($23.38) per hour for clerical support, including annual il,-Plase 0" 5% effec-tive Oc�obar 1. 2006 and overtime upon approval by the City at 1-1 /2 ti�-res tne hoi-ly rate, with. a maximum case cost of three hundred dollars ($300M) per �2.nlss, writtpn FLOhorization from the city has been received, for a period V-r,-.,u9n Sz�pternber 30, 2MI, All costs shall be properly documented and such ,�orumant,-�tlon pFu�,,Msrl to the City with the monthly invoices. SECTION & All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby opealPo h� the e4ent of such imnflict, )'d _r 1 67 5642, 3-C 4',339 P., 5C5, Face 12 of 12 Temp Reso #10774 August11,2005 08/30/05 Rev #1 Page 5 SCQ71)h1 A; if any -.la, �90, section, other part or application of this Resolution is heed 't;'' 3,�' CtrUT Of W rpeie:7t jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in I,airt or alpplicativd•;, Pz hail r,ct 3ffe; t the validity of the remaining portions or applications off this ResobUon. Fw�.;""BCIV r r5: T ris Resolution sha:I became effective immediately upon its passage I DAS!�=, A 00FrED AND APPROVED this I144ZIay of & ftmbee, 2005. JQE SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: NLARON SWENSON, Clv1,C MA.'YO.R SCHREIBERAye CITY CLERK DIST 1. COMM. PORTNER�e, DIST P: VIM TALABISCO DIST c: COMM. SULTANO� _ DIST,'..: COMM. ROBERTS l E'REB f CEIRTI:-Y that I; lrawr3 ppy uv&c thjis RIL-SO UMON as to torm. Sit UFt, S. GOREN 1,', ERflV. ,s7# �% XUo-6