HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-188Temp Reso #10798 September 21, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- l R g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT OF THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN (LHAP) AND DELIVERY GOALS CHART FOR THE PROGRAM YEARS 2001-2002, 2002-2003 AND 2003-2004 TO BE SUBMITTED AS A REQUIRED COMPONENT OF THE STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) ACT GRANT PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATION OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (CASE NO. 12-MI-05); PROVIDING FOR EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, having met the requirements of the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act became a direct entitlement City receiving grant funding on July 1998; and WHEREAS, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act, § 420.907- 420.9079, Florida Statutes (1992), and Rule Chapter 67-37.005(6), Florida Administrative Code, requires local governments to develop and adopt a Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) which details the housing programs; and WHEREAS, the Local Housing Assistance Plan is valid for a period of three (3) years and is required to be renewed and submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for continued SHIP grant participation; and WHEREAS, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act requires local governments to establish the maximum SHIP funds allowable for each strategy; and Temp Reso #10798 September 21, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, the SHIP Act further requires local governments to establish an average area purchase price for new and existing housing benefiting from awards pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the maximum SHIP funds allowable for each strategy and the methodology and maximum purchase prices used are defined in the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and Delivery Goals Chart (attached hereto as Exhibit 1 "); and WHEREAS, the Local Housing Assistance Program adopted by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director recommends approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the amendment of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and Delivery Goals Chart for the Program Years 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 to be submitted as a required component of the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act Grant Program; providing for certification of consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. 1 Temp Reso #10798 September 21, 2005 Page 3 SECTION 2: That the City Commission hereby approves the amendment of the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and Delivery Goals Chart as attached in Exhibit "l" and incorporated hereto for submission to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as required by § 420.907 — 420.9097, Florida Statutes and Rule 67-37.006 Florida Administrative Code for the State of Florida Fiscal Years 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003- 011" SECTION 3: That the Mayor is hereby designated and authorized to execute any documents and certifications required by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as related to the Local Housing Assistance Plan. SECTION 4: That the appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to submit the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) and Delivery Goals Chart, to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for review and approval. SECTION 5: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 7: passage and adoption. Temp Reso #10798 September 21, 2005 Page 4 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 6cpfembe( , 2005. JOE SCHREIB R MAYOR ATTEST: l MARION SWENS N, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. SAMU L S. GOREN INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO A DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF �}1 DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 1 1 1 EXHIBIT "1" TEMP RESO #10798 CITY OF TAMARAC STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN Prepared for the State of Florida Fiscal Years July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004 Submitted Date May 209-1- September 2005 City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88t" Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 (954) 724-1285 .rr_rterr_r. ■ • City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 City of Tamarac Local Housing Partnership State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program 2001-2002 through 2003-2004 Local Housing Assistance Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Transmittal Letter Program Information Sheet Background.....................................................................................................3 A. Introduction....................................................................................... 3 B. Fiscal Years Covered......................................................................... 3 C. State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act Overview ............................. 3 D. City of Tamarac Local Housing Assistance Program Description .......... 3 E. Local Housing Assistance Plan overview.............................................4 F. Plan Development Process.............................................................. 4 II. Local Housing Assistance Program A. Overview................................................................................. B. Program Implementation........................................................................6 C. General Program Requirements...................................................6 D. Homeownership Activities......................................................................9 E. Housing Incentives..................................................................14 III. Timeline for Expenditures IV. Housing Delivery Goals V. Ordinance VI. Adopting Resolutions VII. Certification Vlll. Attachments A. Administrative Budget Page - 2 - of 14 PART 1. BACKGROUND A. Introduction City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 The challenge of providing affordable housing for all families and individuals in the City of Tamarac is on going. The people who need affordable housing are the people who make the City of Tamarac communities function. Teachers, government workers, nurses, police officers, retail and service industry employees are among those who need quality, affordable housing. As noted by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, ensuring the adequacy and affordability of housing is crucial in achieving a livable, sustainable and economically competitive community. To that end, the City Commissioners for the City of Tamarac have formed the Local Housing Assistance Program to create affordable housing opportunities for very low-income, low-income, and moderate -income households through the production, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable housing funds provided through the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) Gemmunity Development Blesk GFant (GD8G), and Heme awneFship and Home Rental (HOME). B. Fiscal Year Covered Fiscal Years Covered by the Plan: This Local Housing Assistance Plan allocated SHIP funds for State fiscal years (FY) 2001-2002 through 2003-2004. C. State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP) On July 1, 1992, the State Legislature, following the recommendations made by the Governor's Ad Hoe Work Group of affordable housing, signed the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act into law, This legislation established a dedicated funding source for eligible local governments to expand the production and preservation of affordable housing. An innovative feature of the Sadowski Act is the State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP). SHIP provided funds to local governments for implementing locally -designed affordable housing strategies and encouraging the creation of partnerships to conserve, improve or provide new housing for very low, low and moderate -income persons. D. Program Description The 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004 Local Housing Assistance Plan implements the local housing partnership and represents a cooperative effort between the City of Tamarac, lenders, developers, and nonprofit organizations to produce affordable housing, combine resources, reduce housing costs and provide related services. In the implementation of the approved strategies, whenever possible, a partnership process will be used. The partnership process enhances the development of affordable housing by combining the strengths of public, private, and nonprofit organizations. The City bring regulatory reforms, subsidies, and innovative financing into the affordable housing development process. Private developers and lending institutions, bring financial expertise, home training workshops, post - closing follow-up, building experience, and contracts in the housing industry. Nonprofit organizations generate community supp9ort, help lower development costs, and stimulate neighborhood pride. Page- 3-of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 Strategies, such as Minor Home Repair Program, represent a partnership between area residents and the City of Tamarac. Minor Home Repair Program will compliment current City services such as upgrading water supply systems; improving drainage; new road paving, sodding, and landscaping, The introduction of high -quality, affordable housing units will greatly improve the quality of life for neighborhood residents. In the summer of 2000, a citizens advisory committee met to solicit input in preparing the new Tamarac five-year Consolidated Plan. The committee conducted several meeting and received input from numerous individuals and organizations representing housing, non-profit organizations, and low-income advocates. The information from the public input, and the updated census date, was used to identify the needs, goals and objectives for the City and how SHIP, CDBG, AND HOME funds could be used to meet these public needs. The City Commissioners have reviewed and adopted by Resolution the Consolidated Plan as well as the recommendations on the use of state and federal funds. The SHIP plan is consistent with the Consolidated Plan. E. Local Housing Assistance Plan Overview In keeping with in intent of the Sadowski Act and the requirement of the SHIP Program, the following is the three year Local Housing Assistance Plan adopted by the City of Tamarac Local Housing Assistance Program, This LHAP was created in accordance with Florida Statures Chapter ss. 420,907 and Chapter 67-37 of the Florida Administrative Code and local ordinances. The goals of the LHAP are: • To increase the availability of affordable housing by combining local resources and cost saving measures using a local housing partnership and by using private and public funds to reduce the cost of housing. • To promote more compact urban development, and to assist in achieving the growth management goals contained in the adopted local comprehensive plan by allowing more efficient use of land so as to provide housing units that are more affordable. • To establish a strong sense of community through increased social and economic integration. • To build the organizational and technical capacity of community -based organizations so as to optimize the role of community -based organizations in the production of affordable housing. • To promote the innovative design of the eligible housing, and its supporting infrastructure, and to provide for cost savings in the provision of such housing. F. Plan Development Process I Partnerships Community Redevelopment AsserNates Of FlWida, Inra. (GRA) GOOFdonates the develepmemt e the LHAP with inpUt fFGFR IeGal par-tneFsh*s. Partnerships exist with local lenders, builders, non- profit agencies, Realtors, and affordable housing advocates. Page - 4 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 Additionally, comments from concerned parties were received and also considered in the LHAP development process. The local partnership has used SHIP funds to reduce the cost of housing by making loans at below market rate. PART 11. LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A. Local Housing Assistance Program Overview The following section describes the housing construction, rehabilitation, repair and finance activities adopted by the City of Tamarac Local Housing assistance Partnership using SHIP program allocations and other funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust fund to make affordable residential units available to eligible persons. This program expands or preserves existing housing stock and creates new affordable housing opportunities through financing for construction of affordable housing, home purchase loans, counseling, rehabilitation, land acquisition, and housing for people with special needs. The availability of the SHIP program will be advertised in newspapers of general circulations as well as community newspapers. Clients will be referred to the program from a variety of sources, including staff outreach, community groups, investor's meetings, and public advertisement. Flyers and brochures will be distributed in the community and local community groups will be contracted. In addition, City employees will also disseminate information, Supp ortive services to be provided under the program to all eligible participants include referral to other community resources, counseling on housing rights and responsibilities, mortgage default counseling, money management, and property care and maintenance. The targeted populations to receive assistance are those persons or families whose income do not exceed 50% of the median income adjusted for family size (very low-income), those whose incomes do not exceed 80% of the median income adjusted for family size (low-income), and those whose income do not exceed 120% of the median income adjusted for family size (moderate -income). Priority is given to the affordable housing needs of very low-income persons. At least 30 percent of the local housing distributions funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust funds must be reserved for awards to low-income persons or eligible sponsors who will serve low-income persons. The remainder may be reserved for Eligible Persons of eligible sponsors that will serve eligible persons. B. Program Implementation Community Redeveleprneit# AssoGiates Of FIGFida, Ine. (GRA) The Cily of Tamarac is responsible for administering the Local Housing Assistance Program an behalf 0 the Git , and insuring complete compliance with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations. GRA will qualify Gli8Rt-R -ARC-1 dA_Ii;;8F PFOgFam sewii;es. PrOgram sewlres will iMlude, but not be limited ig rlients intake and assessment, as well as i.m.,pl.e.m..e-tation of SHIP StFategi The City has identified through its various public meetings and with further input from individual residents the need for the following types of programs: Minor Home RepairNVeatherization, Emergency Repairs, and Purchase Assistance Programs. CRA, with the approval of the City, has developed a partnership with lenders through a bank consortium to Page- 5-of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 offer special financing opportunities. The City may be able to offer matching funds from several potential future sources such as Community Development Block Grants, HOME Grants Match, and Acquisition & Rehabilitation, the may be leveraged with SHIP funds. The City selected the SHIP strategies base on individual assessments of the affordable housing needs and demands of the city. I-a-c-al resad-ents wall be able to apply faFthe Ya0eusPF9gFaFns at thA ciffinA of Gornmunity RedeyelepFAmnt Assedates of Florida Ins. (GRA)- C. General Program Requirements The 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004 Local Housing Assistance Program is governed by the following administrative requirements as established by Florida Statures ss. 420.907, Chapter 67-37 of the Florida Administrative Code, local ordinances, and local comprehensive plans. The City's purchase assistance program is available to all eligible persons. All properties receiving assistance must be located within the incorporated areas of the city. "For income certification purposes for all applicants that are married but separated, the City of Tamarac will count the income of both spouses, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the spouse is: a. Not living at the current residence and has no intentions of living at the new residence. b, Must have documentation showing that the spouse does not contribute to household income. The amount of any spousal contribution to the applicant will be utilized to compute the applicant's income. Examples of accepted documentation GOUld be eeuFt deGumentationS of sePaFatioR, a sworn affidavit with both spouses signature, five (5) te ten (19) consecutive years of federal tax showing applicant as filing single has filed separately or a lease agreement showing an alternate address for the estranged sUouse. 1 . Qualification and Selection of Applicants: The City of Tamarac has developed a qualification system for eligible applicants and has established a maximum award schedule for each activity consistent with the intent of the LHAP. Specific requirements are contained within each strategy description. 2. Notice of Funding Availability: The City will advertise the availability of the local housing assistance program in a newspaper of general circulation such as the Miami Herald and/or the Sun Sentinel and periodicals serving ethnic and diverse neighborhoods such as the Westside Gazette, Broward Times, and El Heraldo de-Broward at least thirty days before the beginning of the application period. The City may not advertise a strategy in which it has a waiting list. 3. Non -Discrimination: All federal, state, and local fair housing acts and anti- discrimination laws shall be in effect. Discrimination based on race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, marital status, familiar status, national origin, or handicap in the award or application process is prohibited. 4. Contractual Compliance with Program Requirements: As a condition of receipt of an award, the eligible person and sponsor must contractually commit to comply with the affordable housing criterion established under the SHIP program. Page - 6 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 5. Long Term Rental Compliance and Monitoring: All eligible rental housing constructed, rehabilitated, or otherwise assisted from the housing assistance program must be reserved for eligible persons for 15 years or that have remaining mortgages funded under this program must give a first right of refusal to eligible nonprofit organization for purchase at the current market value for continued occupancy by eligible recipients. The City will annually monitor and determine tenant eligibility for rental housing for a period of 15 years or the term of assistance, whichever period is longer. 6. Homeownership Set -Aside Requirement: A minimum of 65% of the funds made available under the program will be reserved for providing owner -occupied housing rehabilitation, purchase assistance. 7. Construction Set -Aside Requirements: A minimum of 75% of program funds will be provided for rehabilitation, or emergency repair of affordable housing. 8. Maximum Sales Prices: The sales price of new or existing eligible housing may not exceed 90% of the median area purchase price in the area as established by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Revenue Proclamation. Median Median Location New Existing Tamarac $4244,87- $280,462 $408,726 $280A62 9. Maximum Loan Terms: Loans issued using SHIP funds may not have terms exceeding 30 years, except for the deferred payment loans, which continue to serve eligible persons. 10. Recapture of Funds: All eligible owner -occupied housing constructed, rehabilitated or otherwise assisted from proceeds provided under the program is subject to the specific recapture requirements as established for each program. 11. Income Limits: Income limits are based upon total annual household income, adjusted for family size as provided by HUD, and distributed annually by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. 12. Affordability: "Affordable" means that monthly mortgage payments, including taxes and insurance, do not exceed 30 percent of total monthly household income. However, it is not the intent to limit an individual household's ability to devote more that 30 percent of its income for housing. Housing for which a household devotes more than 30 percent of its income shall be deemed affordable if they institutional first mortgage lender is satisfied that the household can afford a higher monthly housing debt -to -monthly income ratio. 13. Rental: Rental rates may not exceed those published by HUD, updated and distributed annually by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. 14. Maximum Per Unit Awards: Eligible housing benefiting from awards from the program may not exceed those limits adopted by resolution for each activity. The amount of assistance will be guided by the extent of rehabilitation necessary to comply with the City of Tamarac Minimum Housing Code, construction standards, and also by the ability of the homeowners to repay loans. The income of individual homeowners and the total monthly payment they can afford will guide the levels of assistance provided. Page - 7 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP IFY 2001-2004 Program Tamarac Minor Home Repair / Weatherization $15,990.00 $30,000.00 TaLget Area Housing Rehabilitation Program $40,000.00 Purchase Assistance VL $10.000.00 $20,000.00 L $8,000.09 $20,000.00 M $6,QG().Q() $10,000.00 Emergency Repairs $4,000.00 Disaster Relief $15,000.00 16. Controlling Clause in Issues of Conflict: Projects receiving assistance from the SHIP program and from other state or federal programs which may have conflicting verification certification and monitoring requirements, shall comply with the requirements of the most restrictive program. 16. Housing Counseling Training: All eligible persons receiving assistance under the program, except where noted, will be required to complete a housing counseling program which may address personal budgeting, home inspection and maintenance, preparation for homeownership and other pertinent topics. Homeownership counseling will be provided by a non profit organization, or another designated person(s). Money allocated will be used to provide books, resource materials, etc. Topics covered will include but not limited to the following: renting/owning terminology, real estate loans, field trip to Home Depot (do it yourself classes), title insurance, sales contracts, home safety, credit repair/counseling, personal budgeting. 17. Encumbrance and Expenditure Time Frames: All SHIP funds for each State Fiscal Year will be obligated by June 30 following the end of that fiscal year. Program funds must be expended within 24 months of the close of the applicable State fiscal year. 18. Plan Amendments: The LHAP will be amended if at any time it is determined by the City Commission that a strategy will not be used or a new strategy required. If at any time during the approved plan period the partnership is unable to comply with any provisions of this plan, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation will be notified, 19. Administrative Expenditures: The City of Tamarac Local Housing Partnership has determined that five percent of the local housing distribution is insufficient to pay the necessary costs of administering the program and has allocated no more than ten percent of the SHIP funds to be applied towards administrative expenses. 20. Local Housing Assistance Trust Fund: All funds received from the State pursuant to the SHIP act and any funds received or budgeted to prove funding for the program, shall be deposited into the Local Housing assistance Trust Fund. Page - 8 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 21. Program Income/Recaptured Funds: "Program Income"means the proceeds derived from interest earned on or investment of the local housing distribution funds and other funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust funds, proceeds from loan payments, and all other income derived from use of funds deposited into the local housing assistance trust fund. It does not include recaptured funds as defined in subsection (34). "Recaptured funds" means funds that are recouped by a county of eligible municipality in accordance with the recapture provisions of its local housing assistance plan pursuant to 420.9075(4)(g), F.S., from eligible persons or eligible sponsors who default on the terms of a grant award or loan award. 22. , Eligible Person or Household: An eligible applicant is one or more natural persons or families who qualified by annual gross income and household size, For activities requiring proof of ownership to qualify, the following types of verification may be accepted: a. Warranty Deed b. Quit -Claim Deed c. Long Term Lease d. Homestead Exemption e. Tax Records f. Life Estate 23. Eligible Housing Types: Eligible housing is any real and personal property, excluding mobile homes, located within the municipality which is designated and intended for the primary purpose of providing decent, safe, and sanitary residential units which are designed to meet Chapter 553, F.S., including: a. Detached Single -Family Housing b. Condominium Unit c. Townhouse d. Villa e. Multi -Family Rental Units f. Manufactured Building bearing an approved device or seal issued by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs. 24. Special Needs: Special needs persons are identified as persons who are developmentally disabled, abused or neglected children, mentally ill, substance abusers, or persons with HIV and/or AIDS. D. HOMEOWNERSHIP ACTIVITIES — STRATEGIES Strategy 1: OWNER GGGUPIED HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM The Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program Provides a five year deferred payment loan to owner occupied households at or below 120% of Area Median Income adjusted for family size, to assist them in renovating their home. The loans may be used to eliminate code violations, upgrade major systems, make a limited amount of general property improvements and pay for soft costs. The strategy will be funded during State Fiscal Years 2001-2002 through 2003-2004. Page - 9 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 Qualification & Selection Criteria: a, Eligible contractors will be selected through a bid process to perform repairs under this program. The selection will be based on experience, past performance and financial stability. Preference will be given to eligible contractors that employ personnel from the Wages and Workforce Development Initiative Program, b. Eligible homeowners will be selected on a first come -first served basis, within income groups from all eligible applicants, but special need population will be given first priority. All eligible special needs applicants will be given priority by income level in the following order: very -low, low, and moderate income levels. C. Property must be owner -occupied. d. Verification of ownership, income, and payment of property taxes will be conducted to determine eligibility. e. The home must not be in violation of any housing codes after rehabilitation. f. The SHIP funds may leverage funding provided by the City through the federal CDBG and HOME program. RepaymentflRecapture terms: I . Five-year 0% interest deferred payment loan. 2. 20% yearly loan write -down, forgiven at a rate of 20% per year for a period of 5 years. 3. Pro -rated repayment due upon sale or transfer of property within five year loan term. Strateav 2 — Taraet Area Housing Rehabilitation Prourarn Summ To assist with the greserving of the current housing stock of the City of Tamarac, neLcihborhoods and subdivisions within the city limits have been identified that demonstrates the need to correct health or safefy issues, address code violations, brings the home up to local or state building code, or modification to iml2rove accessibili!Y and safety as needed for older and/or disabled Rersons. Fiscal Years Covered This strategy is included for fiscal years 2003-2004. Income Categories Served This strategy serves households in the following categories; very low income (0-50% of area median income) —low income (50-80% of area median income), and moderate income (80-120% of area median income). Individual incomes are adiusted for family size. Maximum Award The maximum award for the Target Area Housing Rehabilitation Program is $40,000. Page - 10 -of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 Terms. RecaDture. Default i. Deferred payment loans will be secured by a lien against the2roperty purchased. ii. The loan will be structured as a five (5) year, zero (0) percent interest deferred Payment loan. iii. There will be a twenly (20) percent yearly loan write -down, fomiven at a rate of twenty (20) percent Per year for a Period of five (5) years. iv. There is a pro -rate repayment due upon the sale or transfer of the progeLtj or upon the al2l2licant refinancing. V. SHIP assisted prope[N may be sold during the affordability period (five_(§)_year loan term) with reduced payment of SHIP assistance required at all times during the affordability period. Recipient Selection Criteria i. Eligible homeowners will be selected on a first -come, first -serve basis, within income groups from all eligible applicants. Special needs eligible applicants will be ggiven first priority by income level in the following order-ve!y low-income, low-income and moderate -income levels. ii. Property must be owner occupied. iii. Verification of ownership, income and Rayment of groperty taxes will be conducted to determine eligibility. Additional Information i, Eliqible contractors will be selected throuah a bid orocess to Derform reDairs under this strategy. The selection will be based on experience, -past performance, and financial stability. Preference will be given to eligible contractors that emplo l2ersonnel from Wages and Workforce Development Initiative programs. ii. The home must not be in violation of any housing codes after rehabilitation. Strategy 2 3: DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Down Payment Assistance Program assists eligible first-time homebuyers with a deferred payment loan to be applied towards down payment, closing and/or principal reduction, and rehabilitation for the purchase of eligible owner -occupied housing, including single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, or villas. The strategy will be funded during State Fiscal Years 2001-2002 through 2003-2004. Qualification & Selection Criteria-' a. Eligible applicants will be selected on a first come -first served basis, within income groups; but special need population will be given first priority. L Certificate of homeownership counseling completion required prior to loan closing. Occupants must not own any other property used for residential purposes. d. The applicant must be a first-time homebuyer. A first-time homebuyer is defined as not having owned a home within the past three years, a single parent with children under the age of 18 who has recently been divorced and displaced, a displaced victim of domestic abuse or a person displaced as a result of a governmental action. Page - 11 -of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 e. The home to be purchased must be located in the City of Tamarac. The purchase price of the home may not exceed the maximum sales price allowed in the SHIP program. 9. The applicant must have attended and completed a 7-hour Homebuyer Education class approved by Community Redevelopment Associates of FL, Inc. h. The applicant must contribute a minimum of 3% of the purchase price (including prepays) towards the purchase of the home and must have the 3% at the time of the loan. The applicant must reside in the home being assisted within 30 days after closing. The Downpayment Assistance Program cannot be utilized when the seller of the property provides the financing for the mortgage. k. The lender may not charge more than 2 points for loan origination fees. Repayment/Recapture Terms: a. Deferred payment loans will be secured by a lien against the property purchased. b. Five Year 0% interest deferred payment loan with a 20% yearly loan write -down, forgiven at a rate of 20% per year for a period of 5 years. C. Pro -rated repayment due upon sale or transfer of property within the five year loan term. d� SHIP assisted property may be sold during the affordability period (five year loan term) with reduced payment of the SHIP assistance required at all times during the affordability period. Strategy 3 4: EMERGENCY REPAIR PROGRAM The Emergency Repair Program provides emergency financial assistance to eligible homeowners in the form of a deferred loan to deal with repairs of an urgent nature, as determined by the appropriate City department, on a case by case basis. Such cases may be minor damage caused by fires, broken water pipes, electrical failures, gas leaks, heating and water heating system failures, sewer/sanitation back-ups, and other repairs which are threat to life, health, and safety of the resident as a result of unintentional and uncontrollable causes and the residence has been declared as been in violation of applicable building and housing codes. The strategy will be funded during State Fiscal Years 2001-2002 through 2003-2004-2002-2003. Qualification & Selection Criteria: a. Property must be owner -occupied. Page - 12 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 b. Eligible homeowners will be selected on a first come -first served basis, within income groups from all eligible applicants, but special need population will be given first priority. All eligible special needs applicants will be given priority by income level in the following order: very -low, low, and moderate income levels. An eligible contractor will be selected through the competitive bid process to perform repairs. The selection will be based on experience, past performance and financial stability. Preference will be given to eligible contractors that employ personnel from the Wages and Workforce Development Initiative Programs. d. Verification of ownership, income, and payment of property taxes will be conducted to determine eligibility. Repayment/Recapture Terms: a. Five-year 0% interest deferred payment loan. b. 20% yearly loan write -down, forgiven at a rat of 20% per year for a period of 5 years. C. Pro -rated repayment due upon sale or transfer of property within the five-year loan term. Strategy 4 5: DISASTER MITIGATION / RECOVERY SHIP funds may be used to provide emergency repair to very -low, low, and moderate -income households following a natural disaster as declared by the President of the United States, Governor of the State of Florida or the City Commission of the City of Tamarac. In the event of a disaster, any unencumbered funds will be used to address the needs of those affected by the disaster. Funds may be used for items such as, but not - limited to, purchase of emergency supplies fro eligible households to weatherproof damaged home, interim repairs to avoid further damage, tree and debris removal required to make the individual housing unit habitable, post disaster assistance with non-insured repairs, and soft costs required to process assistance applications. This strategy will only be implemented in the event of a natural disaster using any funds that have not yet been encumbered. Qualification / Criteria: a. Funds will not be allocated to this strategy except in the case of a federal or state disaster. b. The program will assist families at or below 120% of the Are Median Income adjusted for family size. C. Applications will be selected on a first -come first served basis to persons with damage from a national or state disaster. Applications for disaster assistance will be given priority above others on a wait list for other strategies. d. Applicants rectuiring $7,500.00 or less in assistance will be in the form of a_qrant with no recapture. Arsistanre will be provided in the fGFFF1 of a Agplicants rftguirinci $7,500.01 will be subiect to a five year 0% interest deferred payment loan with a 20% yearly write Page - 13 - of 14 City of Tamarac SHIP Program LHAP FY 2001-2004 down, forgiven at a rate of 20% per year for a period of 5 years. e. The SHIP funds may leverage other federal and/or state emergency programs. The strategy will be funded during State Fiscal Years 2001-2002 through 2003-2004. 9- Maximum award per household is $15,000.00. E. AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVE STRATEGIES — listed by incentive # in City's Affordable Housing Incentives Plan (AHIP) INCENTIVE: Expedited processing of permits for Affordable Housing Projects. The City expedites the processing of affordable housing permits through a pre -application conference. Affordable Housing projects are identified by sales price consistent with State's Housing value limits and target income population groups relative to the sales price. The Building and Community Development Departments have employees as liaison who serve as the consistent contacts with developer of affordable housing. Affordable housing projects are stamped as Expedited. INCENTIVE: The establishment of a process by which a local government considers before adoption, policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. The City of Tamarac currently has as part of the public participation process by the City Commission, the consideration of the impact of any policies, procedures, ordinances, resolutions and plan revision on affordable housing projects. The City Commission meets twice a month during which the public's input is sought on issues that may have an impact on the cost of housing. INCENTIVE: Allowance of Zero Lot Lines Configurations. The City allows zero -lot -line development. Page - 14 - of 14 O O O O O O M O 4] O O O O M V3, h I- � e ea4 a� ae � e aR a4 * aE aE e Lo i, g a o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 ao$ v a o o 0 o 0 0 0 o w � mco p p p ci o p 0 d • a � o o 0 o 0 0 0 g o 0 0 0 0 o g o o � Cm �_ qSg R o) m O o O O fA o M O W 4 M O i9 0 Q1 � o 64 0 Vl o M0'.fA O O di 0 f9 Cp r O 4 r r r Co E S 1] p O �0 N pW O �C °r) 1R Q h a cc" M w "g p h a vs d N N IL g o a c O O '�° O C �- U r9 ug ul OxX O [V O p o O o o p CD N pQ O O Q9 - IS b04 tF n r I^+ ti m co 4 co Co N 0. N N 6% N K ap 7 C c O O O � ry iir W9 to s O aI L) a Z No ro s E LL a c E'R c i n _- � .— /� ,eyV� pp 6 pp C7 oo U Qj N^ `O Q7 N 0. D 4f G ; a V LL 0. a W zaN 9c _ - i 4 O O c LL Y• LO w O N a Y N r co 7 a 6 w cn my b a J W M _ U Vi O = - Q, J� Oz`� o - ppp p p 0000. 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