HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-196L 1 Temp. Reso #10801 September 1, 2005 Page 1 Revision 1 September 22, 2005 Revision 2-September 29,2005 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005--LaL A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXCECUTE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC D/B/A/ CINGULAR WIRELESS TO MODIFY EXHIBIT "B" OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT, AND TO MODIFY THE NOTICE SECTION OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT, AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO RECORD SAID DOCUMENT WITH BROWARD COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 14, 1994, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida adopted Resolution 94-183 authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute the Lease Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Bellsouth Mobility Inc, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, to place an antenna and unmanned communications building on City property on Track 27, Tamarac Sports Complex; and WHEREAS, on April 30,1997, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida adopted Resolution 97-82 authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute the First Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Bellsouth Mobility Inc, attached hereto as Exhibit 2, to increase the size of the leased parcel for the installation of a generator; and WHEREAS, Bellsouth Mobility Inc. is now New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC D/B/A Cingular Wireless; and WHEREAS, Cingular Wireless now desires to delete, in its entirety, Exhibit "B" of the First Amendment to Lease Agreement and replace it with a new Exhibit "B" thus changing the location of the generator, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" of Exhibit 3; and Temp. Reso #10801 September 1, 2005 Page 2 Revision 1 -September22,2005 Revision 2-September 29,2005 WHEREAS, Cingular Wireless desires to modify and replace in its entirety the Notice Section of the Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Information Technology to make the proposed changes to the Lease Agreement and the First Amendment to Lease Agreement by executing the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between Cingular Wireless and the City of Tamarac, Florida, attached hereto as Exhibit 3; and WHEREAS; The City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to execute the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement to change the location of the additional leased space and to modify the Notice Section of the Lease Agreement. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are authorized to execute a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with Cingular Wireless to modify Exhibit "B" of the First Amendment to Lease Agreement, and to modify the Notice Section of the Lease Agreement. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby instructed to forward an executed and certified copy of the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City of Tamarac and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC to Broward County for recording in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. I I Temp. Reso #10801 September 1, 2005 Page 3 Revision 1 -September 22,2005 Revision 2-September 29,2005 SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this i lMday of ( )c�D be v, 2005. ATTEST: M4_AR10 SWEN ON, CIVIC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. 'z./JOE SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION' MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS Exhibit 1 C OLL LEABZ AGREEMMU 0 BETWZEN 4! THE CITY OP TAMARAC, FLORIDA MIE BELLSOUTH MOBILITY INC This LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter refi;rred to as "Agreement") is made and entered into this _/_6_0'-day of ' ' 1994, between the CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and BELLSOUTH M013ILITY INC, whose address is 500 Cypress Creek Road West, Suite 700, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 (hereinafter referred to as "TENANT'$). RECITALS: WHEREAS, CITY is the owner of certain real property located at the CITY's Recreation Field, adjacent to N.W. 100th Avenue in the City of Tamarac, in Broward County, State of Florida; and WHEREAS, TENANT desires to lease a portion of said real property (hereinafter called Property), with a right of way for access thereto, containing approximately 500 square feet more specifically described in and as substantially shown outlined in red on Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: I . The foregoing recitations are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 2. CITY hereby leases to TENANT that certain parcel of Property, containing approximately 500 square feet, situated in Broward County, State of Florida, together with the nonexclusive right for ingress and egress, seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day, on foot or motor vehicles, including trucks, and for the installation and maintenance of utility wires, cables, conduits and pipes over, under or along a twenty foot (20 foot) wide right of way extending from the nearest public right of way which is N.W. 100th Avenue, to the demised premises (including TENANT's equipment shelter and lighting structure as referenced 0 1 herein), said Property and right of way for access being substantially as described herein in Exhibit "All and as shown en�Elosed within red lines on Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof. CITY shall cooperate with TENANT in its effort to obtain utility services along said right of way and to the Property by signing such documents or easements as may be required by said utility companies. In the event any public utility is unable to use the aforementioned right of way, the CITY hereby agrees to grant an additional right of way either to the TENANT or to the public utility at no cost to the TENANT. 3. CITY also hereby grants to TENANT the right to survey said Property, and said survey shall then become Exhibit "B", which shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof, and shall control in the event of discrepancies between it and Exhibit "A". Cost for such work shall be borne by the TENANT. 4. This Agreement shall be for an initial term of five (5) years commencing upon the f inal execution of this Agreement by both CITY and TENANT, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to Paragraph 5, below. Consideration for the initial term and all extensions thereof shall be provided by TENANT as follows: a. During the initial term of this Agreement and upon issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, CITY shall be paid an annual rental f ee payment of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and No DOLLARS (13, 500. 00) . The initial 'payment shall be due and payable to CITY thirty (30) days after issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy by the City and annually thereafter on the anniversary of the lease year. A lease year is the twelve (12) months commencing with the anniversary of the lease date and terminating with the last day of the twelfth month thereafter. b . TENANT shall have the option to extend this Agreement for four (4) additional five (5) year terms, and such extensions shall automatically occur unless TENANT gives CITY written notice of its intention not to extend this Agreement at least six (6 months) prior to the end of the then current term. C. During each additional five (5) year term the annual rental fee shall be adjusted to equal the purchasing power of the previous year. The basic annual rental fee shall be adjusted by any change in the index now known as "United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, for All Urban Consumers," hereinafter referred to as the "Indexil. If such Index shall be discontinued with no successor or comparable successor index, the parties shall attempt to agree upon a substitute formula, but if the parties are unable to agree upon a substitute formula, then the matter shall be determined by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then prevailing. Such adjustment shall be accomplished by multiplying the aforementioned basic annual rental fee by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the most recently published annual index preceding the first day of the lease year for which adjustment is made, the denominator of which fraction shall be the corresponding annual index for the year preceding the first date of the previous lea"se year. Said sum is in addition to the base rental fee and is payable upon the next annual payment after publication of the subject Consumer Price Index and shall cover the past due amounts and the next annual rental fee adjustment shall be computed and payable and shall be limited to a seven percent (7k) increase over the previous year's rental fee. d. The computation of the annual rental fee adjustment shall never result in a reduction from the base rental fee above provided so that the minimum rental fee hereunder shall never be less than the aforesaid base rental fee. e. If at the end of the fifth (5th) five (S) year term this Agreement has not been terminated by either party by giving to the other written notice of an intention to terminate it at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term, this Agreement shall continue in force upon the same covenants, terms and conditions for a further term of one (1) year, and for annual terms thereafter until terminated by either party by giving to the other written notice of its intention to so terminate at least six (6) months prior to the end of such term. The annual rental fee for this period shall be equal to the annual rental fee paid for the previous year of the fifth (5th) five (5) year term and increased by five (5%) per cent. 5. TENANT shall use the Property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a Communications Facility and uses incidental thereto, consisting of a) a new unmanned equipment building constructed by TENANT to shelter its telecommunications equipment and related office space. The new building will be attached to CITY's existing store room/equipment building and the new construction shall substantially match the building trim and the building type and exterior finish of the existing building; b) a one hundred (1001) foot free standing lighting structure designed to meet TENANT's telecommunications needs, and; c) all necessary connecting appurtenances. All improvements shall be at TENANT's expense. TENANT will maintain the Property in a reasonable condition. TENANT agrees to use its beat efforts and to take reasonable precautions not to interfere with city events and/or users of the City's ballfield during the construction and maintenance of its Communications Facility. it is understood and agreed that TENANT's ability to use the Property is contingent upon its obtaining after the execution date of this Agreement, all of the certificates, permits and other approvals that may be required by any federal, state or local authorities. CITY shall cooperate with TENANT ' in its effort to obtain such approvals and shall take no action which would adversely af f ect the status of the Property with respect to the proposed use thereof by TENANT. CITY agrees to sign such papers as required to file applications with the appropriate zoning authority and/or 0 3 commission for the proper zoning of the Property as required for theuse, intended by the TENANT. TENANT will perform all other acts and'bear expenses associated with the rezoning procedure. CITY agrees to make its best efforts to support the rezoning and administrative procedures. In the event that any of such applications should be finally rejected or any certificate, permit, lease or approval issued to TENANT is cancelled, expires, lapses, or is otherwise withdrawn or terminated by governmental authority or if soil boring tests or radio frequency propagation tests are found to be unsatisfactory so that TENANT, in its sole discretion, will be unable to use the Property for its intended purposes, TENANT shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Notice of the TENANT's exercise of its right to terminate shall be given to CITY in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be effective upon receipt of such notice by the CITY as evidenced by the return receipt. All rental fees paid prior to said termination date shall be retained by the CITY. Upon such termination, this Agreement shall become null and void and all the parties shall have no further obligations, including the payment of money, to each other. TENANT shall offer CITY the first option to purchase said lighting structure, the equipment building and certain remaining improvements at such time as TENANT may elect to terminate this Agreement for the agreed upon sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100-00). CITY shall have sixty days from receipt of such notice of termination in which to exercise this option and notify TENANT in writing. 6. a) TENANT shall, at its expense, remove the existing lighting structure and replace the ' structure with a new comparable structure and remount CITY's existing lighting equipment at substantially the same height as presently located. TENANT will allow CITY, without charge, to re -locate on the new lighting structure its municipal lighting equipment for ballpark, recreational purposes, at an elevation and with such equipment and related cables satisfactory to CITY and as approved by TENANT, with such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. CITY shall provide TENANT upon execution of this Agreement with an exact description of all lighting equipment and height required for the installation for current and future use anticipated by CITY. The cost of CITY's equipment, and after the initial installation thereof, the maintenance of this equipment shall be CITY's responsibility. Said installation and maintenance are to be performed by CITY, or its contractors, in a workmanlike manner and all work is to be done in a manner consistent with TENANT's high quality construction standard. With the exception of general day-to-day maintenance, prior to the commencement of any installation or significant maintenance work that will impact TENANT's cables and/or equipment, CITY shall submit detailed plans of the work to be performed to TENANT for its approval and TENANT shall have the option to approve CITY, s contractor prior to any installation and/or maintenance that will require access to the structure. 0 4 b) CITY grants TENANT permission to attach necessary transmission lines, cables, antennas, fixtures, and other associated equipment from the equipment shelter to the lighting structure to make TENANT's antennas operational. 7. TENANT shall furnish to its unmanned equipment shelter electric service for the operation of TENANT's telecommunications equipment. TENANT shall be solely liable for electricity expenses relating to its installation and equipment. TENANT's electrical service shall be separately metered and TENANT shall be responsible for all costs associated with metering, including the cost of installing any meter. If TENANT should install any emergency generators at this site, the location of said generator shall be approved by CITY, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld and said generator shall comply with Broward County's Wellfield Protection Ordinance. 8. TENANT shall indemnify and hold CITY, its agents, servants or employees, harmless against any claim of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of the use and occupancy of the Property by the TENANT, its agents, servants or employees, excepting, however, such claims or damages as may be due to or caused by the acts of the CITY, or its agents, servants or employees. 9. CITY agrees that TENANT may self -insure against any lose or damage which could be covered by a comprehensive general public liability insurance policy. 10. TENANT will be responsible for making any necessary returns for and paying any and all property taxes separately levied or assessed against its improvements on the Property. TENANT shall reimburse CITY as additional rent its proportionate share of any increase in real estate taxes levied against the leased Property in excess of the taxes due for the 1994 real estate taxes on the real property in which the leased premises are a part and payable and are not separately levied or assessed against TENANT, s improvements by the taxing authorities. 11. TENANT upon termination of this Agreement shall within a reasonable period (which shall not exceed 60 days), remove its personal property and fixtures, reasonable wear and tear excepted. If such time for removal causes TENANT to remain on the property after termination of this Agreement, TENANT shall pay rent at the then existing monthly rate or on the existing monthly pro-rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, until such time as the removal of personal property and fixtures are completed. If TENANT fails to remove its personal property and fixtures within said time periodi CITY may remove TENANT's property at TENANT's expense. . 12. Should the CITY, at any time during the term of this Agreement, decide to sell all or any part of the Property (the 0 5 Property to include only the parcel leased hereunder) to a p4rchaser other than TENANT, such sale shall be under and subject to this Lease Agreement and TENANT's rights hereunder, and any sale by the CITY of the portion of this Property underlying the right of way herein granted shall be under and subject to the right of the TENANT in and to such right of way. CITY agrees not to lease or use any other areas of the adjoining parcel upon which the Property is situated for placement of other communications facilities if, in TENANT's reasonable judgment (which shall not be arbitrary), such installation would cause interference with TENANT's equipment or interfere with TENANT's quality of service. TENANT agrees that this Agreement shall not abridge or limit the right of the CITY to use its property for municipal purposes. 13. CITY covenants that TENANT, on paying the rent and 'Performing the covenants shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Leased Property. 14. CITY covenants that CITY is seized of good and sufficient title and interest to the Property and has full authority to enter into and execute this Agreement. CITY further covenants that there are no other liens, judgments or impediments of title on the Property. 15. It is agreed and understood that this Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between the CITY and TENANT and that no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either the CITY or TENANT in. any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing signed by the parties. 16. This Lease Agreement and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreted, construed and regulated by the laws of the State of Florida. 17. This Agreement may not be sold, subleased, assigned or transferred at any time except to TENANT's principal, affiliates or subsidiaries of its principal, or to any company upon which TENANT is merged or consolidated. As to other parties, this Lease may not be sold, subleased, assigned or transferred without the written consent of the CITY, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 18. All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows (or any other address that the party to be notified may have designated to the sender by like notice) - TENANT: BellSouth Mobility Inc 40 6 500 Cypress Creek Road, west Suite 700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 ATTN: Manager Real Estate CITY: CitY of Tamarac C/o City Manager 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 With a COPY to: City of Tamarac C/O City Attorney 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 19. This Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 20. If the whole of the leased premises or such portion thereof as will make the premises unusable for the purposes herein leased, are condemned by any legally constituted authority for any public use or purpose, then in either of said events the term hereby granted shall cease from the time when possession thereof is taken by public authorities, and rental shall be accounted for as between CITY and TENANT as of that date. Any lesser condemnation Is shall in no way affect the respective rights and obligations of CITY and TENANT hereunder. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to limit or affect TENANT's right to an award of compensation of any eminent domain proceeding for the taking of TENANT's leasehold interest hereunder. 21. CITY shall hold TENANT harmless from and indemnify TENANT against and from any damage, loss, expenses or liability resulting from the discovery by any person of hazardous substance generated, stored, disposed of, or transported to or over the Property, as long as such substance was not stored, disposed of, or transported to or over the Property by TENANT, its agents, contractors, employees, or invitees. TENANT will be responsible for any and all damages, losses, and expenses and will indemnify CITY against and from any discovery by any persons of such hazardous wastes generated, stored, or disposed of as a result of TENANT's equipment and use of the subject Property. 22. CITY and TENANT agree that a copy of this Agreement shall be recorded among the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, upon execution of this Agreement. CITY and TENANT agree to take such actions as may be necessary to permit such recording or filing. TENANT, at TENANT's option and expense, may obtain title insurance on the space leased herein. CITY shall cooperate with 7 TENANT' s efforts to obtain such title insurance policy by executing doau ' ments or, at TENANT, s expense, obtaining requested documentation as required by the title insurance company. if title is found to be defective, CITY shall use diligent effort to cure the defects in title. 23. TENANT agrees, one time during the term of this Agreement and if requested by the CITY, to relocate and construct its Communication Facility, at its cost and expense, to another location within 3.,000 feet from the Property, that is mutually acceptable to both CITY and TENANT. CITY agrees to assume and be responsible for all applicable application fees and costs that may be associated with the site plan or approval process necessary to relocate TENANT's communication equipment. After CITY has secured all required site plan and zoning approval, TENANT will construct its replacement facility and upon completion will restore the original site to a condition reasonably acceptable to CITY under the then existing circumstances. 24. In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party, whether CITY or TENANT, shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred including attorney's fees for services rendered in connection with any enforcement or breach of contract, including appellate proceedings and post judgment proceedings. 25. In accordance with Florida Law, the following statement is hereby made: RADON GAS: Radon is a natural occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in suf f icient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. 26. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall be in Broward county, Florida. 27. This Agreement shall be executed in three (3) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and such counterparts shall constitute but one and the name Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above written. 0 a • CITY CITY OF TAMARAC ATTEST: B t cam-- �`,� � _.... Y: By: Robert S. Noe, Jr., Oxman Abramow tz, Mayor City Manager ATTEST: BY : a&w-4: Carol A. Evans, City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD Date: By:. Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager Date: AS TO FORM: Mitchell 9�1 City Attorrn I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this %-o 1994, before me personally a —�-- day of , P Y appeared Mayor Norman Abr owitz of the City of Tamarac, who is ppKeQlLally known to 0 My Commission Expires: NVART Man STATE W F'tO M my tOISSION EXP. EONDEED THRU GE-ULMI14"S.6UND� Q. NOTARY PUBLIC • Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence f: Witness Print: BRf*A/ 884ko rnC STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD I HEREBY CERTIFY that on, this I3t day of 5emcm6er , 1994, before me personally appeared , as of BELLSOUTH M0141LITY INC, who is persona].l,y known to me or —who has preduced eanoa My Commission Expires: 3/2R/ 97 Meow w 0sww "i cc 7/2a11 MI1M MMndM 20. HW le? BMW fl" *N"ftk woman 5427LES3.FNL rev. 9/8/94 0 10 EXH161 T 'A" SITE "CDL L SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COMM NO. 3560.39' 8-19-94 ShEET 2 OF 2 5UP Iasi ..... ... so 1 IF, 1911 p. Von; 04 .2, -w;A 0 0 z1- -3 4 -1-4-4 11 p, IF Ir .1 1 I! F1 2-111 1 11 ",'If 4 w, lro; .11'11q;w kffifie I $2.1111111 i if oil. -If q J'is!if 41 if c4fir AF ..I t EXHIBIT "B" SITE "CDLL" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 6, Township 49 South, ftnge 41 East, Broward County, Florida,,..being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 6; thence 5.00*06'44"E. along the East -line of said Section 6, 3282.12 (catc. & mass.), 3214.80 (deed) feet to a point; 7.­ thence S.48*12138"W., 514.99 feet to a point: theno# S.010 22'47"W., 21.20 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence 5.890 3T'13"E., 3.00 feet to a point: thence S.01'22'47"W., 15.00 feet to a point; thence N.8803T113"W., 7.50 feet to a point; thence continue N.88*3V13"W., 5.00 feet to a point; thence continue N.9803T'13"W., 19.30 feet to a point; thence N.01' 22'47"E., 15.00 feet to a point; thence S.88*37113"E., 28.80 feet to the Point of Beginning.. Containing 4T7.0 square feet or 0.01 acres more or less. AND LEASE P­'ARCZL­�'_2_- LEGAL DESCRIPTION portion of Section 6, Tp"nshlp 49 South, Range 41 East, Broward County, Florida, being more Particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast' corner of said section 6; thence 5.00006'44"R,along the East line of said Sectl'on 6, 3282.12 (cale. & mean.), 3274.80 (dead) feet to a poin't; thence S-48*12'38"W., 614.99 feet to & point; thence S.016 22'47ftW., 21.80 feet to a point; thence S-8803T'13"E., 3.00 test to &-P01"t'. thence S-01022'-47N., 13-00 feet to a point; thence N-88437113"11., T.50 feet to a point; thence 3.014 22147"W., 29-00 feei to the Point of Beginning; thence S.88* WIVE., 1-50 feet to a point; thence S-01*22147"W., 8.00 feet to a point; thence N.98937'13"W., 8.00 feet to a poinit; thence N ' 01'22147"9., 8.00 feet t� a point; thence S.S#* 37113"E., 1.50 feet to a Point; thence continue s.ss 3T'13"E., 6.00 feet to a point# thence continue S.89: 3T'13"E., 1-50 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 64 square feet or 0.002 acres more or less. 5 FOOf ii5F _ITYiEA_B_U_9i_SjjWWT_ - LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 0, Township 49 South, Range 41 East, Broward'County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 6; thence S.00*00'44"E. silong the East line of said Section e, 3282.12 (ogle. & mass.), 3274.80 (deed) feet to a point; 22'47"W., S. thence S.48012'38-W., 614.99 feet to a point; thence 01. 21-80 fast to a point;'thence S:88'37-13-E., '3.00 feet to a point: thence S-01*2214T'W., 15.00 feet to point; thence N.88*37'13"W.s T.50 fait to a the Point of aefflnoing; thence S.01*22'47-W., 29.00-fect to a point. thence N.886 3T'L3"W.,,.,5.00 feet to & point; thence N.014221470K 29,00 feet to a point; thence S.-SO&37113NE., 6.00 illat t"t'he Point of Beginning. Containing 140,0 square fe more or less. at or 0.003 acres Hamur cmw imr we rou"VON AP AV ACCORWAX WN A RFCJW &6w am my AwEGRK AAv var ff a muf JWSAWI V 7HE fi=r Or Afr MOOLDW A00 09Ar AAV MR= Vff MMOM WROM STAN"Eff As SU PoM or 7Hr ptaW4 a44W or �PAVAMXM LW AKrKW 0=01017,1 AaWA FZCa 5WM RWistOred Land Surveyor No. 2559 472,02, Stabs of -Florida. COMM. NO. 3560.39 8-18-'94 SHEET I OF'R' AWGAN a 4n. inz? ga W" QW A W J07V CLA LR.O.F.E.S�s�10N,41. SURVEY CONStI4 TANTS ATOO jz im Cr 507r 9W -RfffiF4M,?ffACH PMRMZP AWACR n01WA JM41 JO&40-fdW PAX JQW_4j$-WX BCXMWr 's AWMACt a AW&r @ e�WrMXrAW. r,#hWqA"W,1 'CWMM. tIn""R to_;; AMW$&MM Exhibit 2 -C'2V—e_ 0 0 FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AND BELLSOUTH MOBILITY INC This FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as "Amendment") is made and entered into this 30 --"6 day of "' r — 1 1997, between CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporatio& of the State of Florida, whose address is 7525 N.W� 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 (hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR") and SELLSOUTH MOBILITY INC, whose address is 5201 South Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida 33487 (hereinafter referred to as "TENANT"). W'ITNESSSTH: WHEREAS, LESSOR and TENANT entered into a Lease Agreement, dated September 16, 1994, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement", for a parcel of real property containing approximately 500 sq. ft. of space on the ground for the installation of a prefabricated communications building or construction of a communications building and cellular tower (said leased parcel and tower hereinafter called "Property"). The Property is more specifically described in and substantially shown outlined in red on Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, TENANT and LESSOR now desire to increase the size of the leased parcel to include room for a permanent generator for TENANT's use, Plans depicting the additional space for the generator shall be shown on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to modify and amend the Agreement to properly reflect their present understanding and agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution of this First Amendment to Agreement, the mutual terms, covenants and I conditions contained herein and or -her good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged from one party from the other, the Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: I - The foregoing recitations are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 2. The portion of real property' known as the "Property" shall be increased from approximately 500 square feet of ground space to approximately 650 square feet of ground space, the additional space to be used for TENANT's generator, such generator space to be located as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. This increase in the size of the lease Property shall result in an increase in the monetary consideration due from TENANT to LESSOR, f rom an annual rental of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($13,500.00), plus applicable taxes, to an annual rental of FIFTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($15,500.00), plus applicable taxes. 4. LESSOR and TENANT agree that a copy of this Amendment shall be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, when and if the Agreement is so recorded. 5. All other terms and conditions of said original option and Lease Agreement not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. The invalidity of any provision hereof shall in no way affect or invalidate the remainder of the Agreement or this Amendment. O� • n f.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this First Amendment to Agreement on the date and year first above written. LESSOR Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CI OF TAMARAC Witness �1 Print Name: Print Name: ` U // Title: City Hagar r' Executed on 30 day of April Witne S 1997. Print Name • �U Q - 5,*r ry L7Tl STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30 day of April ....._, 1997, by Joe Schreiber =dRQbert S- me, -'Tr.' (check one) [ X ? who is personally known to me or [ ) who has as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. Az"4� NO ARY PUBLIC PV Print Name: Ph llis Polikoff My Commission Expires: Carol A. ans - City Clerk F '7FHCIAL NOTARY SEASPHYLLIS POLIKO" n COMMISSION NUMSEq 10, CC390392 Mr COMMISSION UP. SEPT Z3 1998 (Seal) V Schreiber - Ma -- tclze 1 s. ft - City Attorney Approved as form �J • �J Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Witness Print, Name Witness% Print Name • �-- 'TENANT �q-,�BLLLSOUTH MOBILITY INC B Print Name: Title: REGIONAL VI PRESID T Executed on 'day of 1997. STATE OF FLORIDA; COUNTY OF : 5-lowwd The foregoing instrument was acknowledge� beforethis 2t day of , 1997, by �,.•-' as .; r. of BELLSOUTH MOBILITY INC, a Georgia corpo ora n, (check one) C ✓) who is personally known to me or [ l who has produced - �..�.�- as identification and who did i(c�d�) take an oath. My Commission Expires: 4 kkk�& NOTARY PUBLI ai Print Name: f�Lf nh (Seal) FY141FIlT -4- 5/TF' "CO, I - SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COMM. NO� 3560.39 8-19-:94 SHEET 2 OF 2 4:1 Sill -it pi it f I I I F X 11 117 11' Ili /U7T'G L-J- m six - - ........ ... 00 Ki" fig 04 ir ­V!, V M fill 211 lih in �1 ip ;'Tw ....... t , ;jr if • Q- K a i N i r n x n o- 7° I z N 1'22'4 E 8.Er I N 1'22'47' E 21.00' -. w o � —Ac- 5' a S 1*22.4T w 8.0' r-T1 N 1'22'47' E 15.0' A A w� rTl r- rn ADr,-,o �a c I rn O v�"i�. & CABLE EASEMENT S 1-22'47 W 21.00' z . cn AEG I � S 1'22.47- W 15.0' A o WE In- ti p a I I PFAKKKM Marsh & McLennan incorporated &Georgia-Paclfic Center BOZ 103008 tat " 30348 B]ILLSOU= CORPORATION INCL. BELLBOUTH MOBILITY INC ROOM ISA01 1155 PEAaffMZ 6TRZZT, NX ATLANTA, GA 30309-3610 GO~ C Lgrw 'DD'~ ID LEITM THIS IS TO =TIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LIUM HEREIN KAVE BEEN ISSLIEDID THE INSURED NAWD HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INOWATED. NOTWITHSTANDING AW REMREMM. TM OR CONDITION OF AW CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUNIENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE MUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED HERON IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERM86 CONOITION5 AND EXCUMM OF $UCM POLICIES. LINTS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUGEJ BY KVD CUUM& I �v � 4� , co TWE OF INOURAN011 POMW Ntx� 1�. --- I LEM LTA DA7K VAVW/M 7F fAmm/m Gossimnuum 20 C5Z J42031 10/15/96 10/15/97 mmKAWAmw $ 3000000 oouuwo& GROW UABL" RIODUMC�MPAW s 2000000 LJCLAM MUM5000MAL PovowaL a Am rum 1000000 OWNUM 0ONTRAMOM NW. EAM 01DOUMEN06 1060000 FM DM4AGE Wy oft IN) $ 1900000 mmwmwftww0ww $ 10000 I umwTv AM OWNED ALM34 AUrO8 HOW AUTO@ ALIM AUrO8 NON4ANNED COMBINED 8114" uwr $ GODLY "LOW rw Immo $ BODLY Kuw Pat PA000M DOOM UAIIIJW ANVAU'rO F! AVID ONLY - EA AOOIDW OtHM THAN ALFM ONLY $ E4OHAOOKXW Agummill UMOnMLA FOMA OTHER 7HAN UMSFELLA FORM 9ACH COCUPJW" $ AMMAUTe WORIODW C�TION AMU SrATUTORYUMrrg Is 4rTW= it 9PAmf a �U' is i EEICRFnON OF OPERATIMADGATIO04rVOUX11111111PECIAL "EN CXRVIFlCATZ 11OLDRR X8 AN ADDITIONAL INSURZD AB ITS XNTERROT MAY APPZAR- RE: LZABB ADDENDUM SHOULD ANY OF THIE POLICIES LISM HERON 96 CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DA79 61TY Or TAMARAC THEREOF. THE INSURER AFFOROM COVOUIAE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 iDAvswmTrFN C/O CITY UAMAGZR NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLM OMMOK-114WFAILLIRE,70 MAIL SUCH NOTICE 7925 N,V, 88TI 8TRZ8T $HALL 0APOS9 NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY IOND UPOMAK INSURER AFFORDING TAMARAC, rL 33321 Covemm- ITS AGENTS QjfKPR8WAVVEA OR IW MW J?F THIS CERTIFICATE. vAFM a MaLumN, PAR VwvILifs-an 4/29/97 1 PAGE 1 .1 or I A Cell Site No. CDLL Market: South Florida Address: 9901 NW 77 1h Street, Tamarac, FL 33321 Parcel ID: 4941-05-01-0421 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT ("Amendment"), dated as of the latter of the signature dates below, is by and between City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation, having a mailing address of 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Fl, 33321 (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord") New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless, a Delaware limited liability company (as successor in interest to BellSouth Mobility, LLQ, having a mailing address of 6100 Atlantic Blvd., Norcross, GA 30071 (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"). WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant entered into a Lease Agreement dated September 16, 1994 and a First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated April 30, 1997, whereby Landlord leased to Tenant certain Premises, therein described, that are a portion of the Property located at 9901 NW 77th Street, Tamarac, FL 33321 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Agreement to modify Exhibit B of the First Amendment to Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Agreement to modify the notice section thereof; and WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant, in their mutual interest, wish to amend the Agreement as set forth below accordingly. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Exhibit B of the First Amendment to Lease Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Exhibit B attached hereto. 2. Notices. Section 18 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: NOTICES. All notices, requests, demands and communications hereunder will be given by first class certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight courier, postage prepaid, to be effective when properly sent and received, refused or returned undelivered. Notices will be addressed to the parties as follows. As to Tenant, c/o Cingular Wireless LLC, Attn: Network Real Estate Administration Re: Cell Site # CDLL, Cell Site Name CDLL, 6100 Atlantic Boulevard, Norcross, GA 30071, with a copy to Cingular Wireless LLC, Attn: Legal Department 15 E Midland Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652 Re: -1- 2005 Fonn Amendment A 4A Cell Site # CDLL, Cell Site Name CDLL. Either party hereto may change the place for the giving of notice to it by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other as provided herein. 3. Other Terms and Conditions Remain. In the event of any inconsistencies between the Agreement and this Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall control. Except as expressly set forth in this Amendment, the Agreement otherwise is unmodified and remains in full force and effect. Each reference in the Agreement to itself shall be deemed also to refer to this Amendment. 4. Capitalized Terms. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Agreement. IN WITNESS VVHEREOF, the parties have caused their properly authorized representatives to execute and seal this Amendment on the dates set forth below. LANDLORD: City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation By: NarneJewe"i, Title: Ci hj [haj3Q G&C Date: BY: Name'�Aor' Schrel 12 a Title: MAYOR Date: TENANT: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Name: William Schutts Title: Exec. Director -Network Date: -2- 2005 Form Amendment A 1100FALUIRIX4114MMUT _W46-0mcial STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF (�al V% -�CgG�� )ss: Itm On the 171 day of 2005 before me personally appeared W'm!LAMW—� I and acknowledged under oath that he is the f.�W.L -U�Mcjtr �Drj&,- of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, the named in the attached instrument, and as such was authorized to execute this instrument on behalf of the P-L r) 4MAX01-Wt &�9� ft�' W --b2U"E26Q- Ld�- Notary Public: tateofHorida My Commission Expir : .691( Notary Public S -T, David J MeOwl(l . My Commission DD459203 44 Expire$ 08/0712009 am] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF ArpujoJ I CERTIFY that on DedembCl(- _j&—, 200S, �d-�rcm LMAlfZ andJoekhrei plame of represeDtative] personally came before me and acknowfedged under oath that lwlor. jh TIC (a) 4e the CAm' on(;;) -I- [title] of the City of Tamarac, a municipal q Nd corporation named in the attached instrument, (b) was authorized to execute this instrument on behalf of the corporation and (c) executed the instrument as the act of the corporation. ?"I n f 1'%AA ?e� No6y Public i Marion Sorphos My Commission Expires:— ill r(V: t. i M � Comrniission D0260272 tZe Emitm outiotper 24,2007 9911 2005 Form AniLndment M9 I_ i11 01W COMPOUND AND ELECTRICAL PLAN 7 2005 Form Amendment