HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-207Temp. Reso. # 10833 October 14, 2005 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- a2O :j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF WATER METERS FROM NEPTUNE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC., VIA THEIR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR, SUNSTATE METER & SUPPLY, INC., UTILIZING THE CITY OF POMPANO BEACH BID NUMBER H-20-05; AUTHORIZING AN ANNUAL EXPENDITURE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $120,000 FOR SAID PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Utilities Department administers an on -going water meter replacement program throughout the water distribution system; and WHEREAS, the American Water Works Association has established water meter exchange period standards to ensure inaccurate meters are replaced; and WHEREAS, meter replacements and new meter installations will recover water revenues required to maintain the City's water and wastewater operations; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has appropriated funding to address water meter replacement, new water meter installation and water meter relocations throughout the water distribution system; and Temp. Reso. # 10833 October 14, 2005 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, Section 6-155 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac allows the Purchasing Officer the authority to purchase supplies, materials and equipment subject to contracts with other governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the City of Pompano Beach awarded Bid Number H-20-05 to Neptune Technology Group, Inc., via their local distributor, Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc., for an initial term of one (1) year, expiring on February 22, 2006 with four (4) additional one (1) year automatic renewal periods, hereto attached as "Exhibit 1 "; and WHEREAS, Neptune Technology Group, Inc. and Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc. have agreed to extend the pricing, terms and conditions of City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-20-05 to the City of Tamarac, a copy of said authorization hereto attached as "Exhibit 2"; and WHEREAS, the Director of Utilities and Purchasing/Contracts Manager recommend that the City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-20-05 be utilized for the purchase of water meters from in an amount not to exceed $120,000 annually; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the annual purchase of water meters from Neptune Technology Group, Inc., via their local distributor, Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc., utilizing the City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-20-05 in an amount not to exceed $120,000 annually. I Temp. Reso. # 10833 October 14, 2005 Page 3 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase water meters from Neptune Technology Group, Inc., via their local distributcrr, Sunstate IMeter & Supply, Inc., utilizing the City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-20-05. SECTION 3: An annual expenditure in an amount not to exceed $120,000 for said purpose is hereby approved. SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held byany court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional orinvalid, in part or application; it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. I Temp. Reso. # 10833 October 14, 2005 Page 4 of 4 SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 9"t�l day of , 2005. ATTEST: L MARION SWE SON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. AMU S. GOREN INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY Q5'c' JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 1 1 1 Temp Reso 10833 Exhibit I City, of P =pmo -B&ach, Florida February 23, 2005 Lawrence M. Russo, V.P. Finance/Secretary Neptune Technology Ciroup, Inc. 1600 Alabama Highway 229 Tallassee, Alabama 36078 Via Facsimile (334) 283-7299 Dear Mr. Russo, The City Commission, at their February 22, 200S, meeting, agenda itern #3, approved award of an open-end contract to your company for the following: Bid H-20-05, Water Meters The contract period shall be one year, through February 22, 2006. The City will place orders for water meters, as needed, at the unit prices bid, throughout the contract period. ne specifications, terms, and conditions of the Bid shall remain firm for the initial contTact period, and any renewal period. Contract renewal may be made as per the ter, ms contained in the bid document, Please call rne if you have any questions at (954) 786-4098, Thank you for your Cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Lecta Hardin Purchasing Supervisor PC: Frankie Chevere, Chief Material Handling Specialist Mark Eddington, Water Distribution Supervisor file Meeting Date: REQUESTED COMMISSION ACTION: X Consent Ordinance Resolution Agenda Item - � 3 .. - J j I a V, -;---.A �11 - - Ai= Consideration/Discussion Workshop SHORT TITLE Approval to award Bid H-20-05, Water Meters, to the single bidder, Neptune Technol2gy Group Inc., for an annual, gp!2n-end contract. Summary of Purpose and Why: Bid H-20-05'was issued to establish an annual, open-end contract for the purchase of water meters, as needed, for use by the Utilities Departrnent In the water distribution system. Bid award Is recommended to thesingle bidder, Neptune Technology Group Inc., at the unit prices bid. The contract period is one year, commencing upon award by the City Commission, with contract renewal possible as stated in the bid specifications. Based on the estimated quantity of water meters to be purchased, and the unit prices submitted by Neptune Technology Group, annual expenditures may total $186,359.50. This bid was assigned a voluntary 5% Small Business Enterprise participation goal; the bidder did not indicate SBE participation. City Commission approval of this contract award Is requested. copy (1) Origin of request for this action: staff (2) Primary staff contact:: A. Randolph Brown, Utilities Director 954 786-4194 (3) Expiration of contract, if applicable: see above (4) Fiscal impact and source 6f funding: As needed, from bygpted funds in the Water Distribution RePa_ir an Maintenance and Service Installation accounts. DEPARTMENTAL COORDINATION Utilities General SeWc-es Budget Finance Advisory Board X City Manager DEPARTMENTAL DATE RECOMMENDATION 2- ON- approve ACTION TAKEN BY COMMISSION: !2rdialngg Resoldbon Worksh I mmulrig 1 " Reading 2m Readin g DEPARTMENTAL HEAD SIGNATURE Results: Results: MEMORANDUM Purchasing #05-073 February 8, 2005 To: C. William Harget� Jr., City Manager Through: Ernie Siegrist, General Services Director le From: Leeta Hardin, Purchasing Supervisor, Im Subject: Award Bid H-20-05, Water Meters C gntract NeqaackgMynd Bid H-20-05 was issued to establish an annuaL open-end contract for the purchase of water meters, delivered, as needed for inventory in the Central Stores warehouse and for direct purchase by the Utilities Department. The specifications for this bid were generated from information flunished by the Utilities Depariment. A single bid was received from Neptune Technology Group Inc., the City's current vendor for water meters. The Utilities Department has reviewed the bid proposal submitted by Nepttme Technology Group, and finds the products and pricing acceptable. - In their current bid, Neptune increased the net price for only one of the 29 items that were included on the last bid issued in 1999. Nepttme Technology Group Inc. is the manufacturer of the Neptune T- 10, TnL/Flo, HP Protectus, HP Fire Service Turbine, HP Turbine, and Neptune Strainers proposed in their bid. The Water Distribution Supervisor recommends the contract be awarded to Neptune Technology Group Inc., the single bidder. This bid was assigned a voluntary 5% Small Business Enterprise participation goal. Neptune Technology Group returned the forms, however, they did not indicate SBE participation. Attached you will find copies of a memorandum and the bid award recommendation form submitted by the Utilities Department, and copies of the bid tabulation, bid mailing RS4 and bid solicitation document. Bidders List The Bidders List was created by using companies suggested by the requesting deParlmcnt, companies that have responded to prior bids, companies that have requested their names be placed on the Bid List, and companies from appropriate listings in other source books. Purchasing #05-073 Page 2 February 8, 2005 Number of bid packages issued 8 Number of bids received I Number of "no bid" responses received 6 Number of companies who received bid packages but did not respond I Advertis The Bid was advertised in the Sun SentineL and notices were sent to bid notice agencies throughout the nation. Bid notices are also posted on the City's web page. The total annual value of this contract, based on the unit prices bid and the estimated quantity of meters to be purchased, is $186,�59.50. Purchases will be made, as needed, fiom. budgeted funds m the Central Stores Asset Inventory account from account 412- 3330-533.46-30 Utilities FundfWater Distribution/Repair & Maintenance Machinery & Equipment from account 412-3330-533.64-65 Utilities Fund/Water Distribution/Service Installations, and other accounts as applicable. Award Rgggmmendgon L It is recommended that a one-yeu contract: award be made to the single bidder, Neptune Technology Group Inc., at the unit prices bid. The contract period will be one (1) year, commencing upon award by the City Commission, with possible renewal, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the bid specifications. /lh enclosures pc: file Wastewater Purnping Dim Wastewater Transrnission Divn. StorTrwater Dim Phone # (954) 7W4153 Water Distribution Dim Fax # (W) 79"M City of Pompano Beach Utilities Depadment MEMORANDUM 805-10 DATE: February 4, 2005 TO: Ernest A. Slegrist, General SerAces Director VIA: A. Randolph Brown, Utilities Director FROM: Mark Eddington, Water Distribution Supervisor SUBJECT: Water Motor Bid Approval We have 30 years of pdor experience with Neptune water meters. They provide a full line of meters from3/4* residential to 10' compound and fire service. We have received exoellent factory support and training. We have 19,000 Neptune meters currently In use in theCky of Pompano Beach water distribution system. In the current bid, the City of Pompano Beach required all bidders to supply meters manufactured with mEnvirobrasso (a lead free metal alloy that contains less than 25% lead). All Neptune meters are manufactured with "Enviorobrass". This exceeds Ansi-NSF 61 lead requirements for brass used in water supply parts. Envirobrass is standard with all Neptune water meters as specified by the City of Pompano Beach. The current bid requires field programmable encoder registers. These will now be provided as the standard with all large meters (30-10u). The registers are also field programmable. This allows us to retrofit existing meters and program register head ID numbers in the field to match stamped meter case numbers. Other brands do not allow this field programmability feature. Neptune's motors are being supplied with encoder registers and are field programmable as specified by the City of Pompano Beach. Our bid requires a combination water meter and backflow preventor. Neptune is the only meter manufacturer that offers a combination motor and approved testable In line backflow preventor. Standard meters can be converted to backflow protection meters without altering customer piping. This will be used in our system more as reuse system is expanded and the potable system requires mandatory backflow protection. This meter complies with the City of Pompano Beach specifications. We are, recommending that the low bidder, Neptune, be awarded this bid. BID AWARD RECONmEMATION FORM Leeta Hardin Dsft 1/12/05 Fkom- Pwchasilug Diviifm To. Utilities/ftter Trans. Deparbnat AML: suNect: Bid No. Mark Eddington 9-20-05 J6=dqMvjM: Water Meters Aukhed is *e Bid Tsbulsfimficw wbied ftvm�wrvkc -le-q bitionedbypurdqpadmad PkMOOMPb*dds forks ibrin in mder 69 pwa pmocaudon wd mendedons may be ME& Ib dw city COMMWM SppmVel, as appropnaw your nqmm should be type& Flow I., ah ft= to Se Pmdmft Dhisim widdn ftec weeks ofm=PL - ;Vln-e I v I I byy ezw *cb=/=vk*JWbcpuwhft4v"itwMbc TWsfbrmwudbc--- ' . bya . used ft. Mft " it is efta a vTb=xmt or an a"fional hmm, wd xiy odw Pardn" "MOKM vhkh ad& be NqOeMd by &e City CanoWssico Ilds memo shodd also codgin a deftW jusdfiadm ifyou we rojec6ng a low (we below). soURCEOFFUNDS: CA)&: 412-3330-533-.4630 & 6465 Tt&. Maint. Kach/lgquip_& Service Installations 2. RECO)AMEMAnON: (a) Vhkh doymim m i maid? Neptune__ (b) 13ftywas - i A ad bid ft kmed bid mcdVed? Yea __X_ No 14cft: NyoumummdxwKdtoo&wtmftlowbWWkrdftWjwffmxdmmu.gbc fmvished for wjoWm of all kmw bW in M If jd=w= nquked, were *cy dwked? yet - NO Not appUc" fix IMs bid f) M T Rim Department Head at md i M M ve) [rW 7 CITY OF POMPANO BEACH -- BID TABULATION Bid #: H-20-05 Title: Water Meters Date 01/12/2005 Bidder: Neptune Technology Group, Inc., 1600 Alabama Highway 229, Tallassee, AL 36078 Group 1 — Disc Meters, 5/8" - 2" Item 1, 5/8" x 3140, each: $24.75 total for 858: $21,235.50 mfg. and part number: Neptune T 10 Item 2, 1 ", each: $67.00 total for 450: 0,150.00 and rt number: Neptune T 10 Item 3, 1-1/2", each: $167.00 total for 90: 15,030.00 mfg. and part number: Neptune T-10 Item 4, 2", each: 33.00 total for 51: $11,883.00 mfg. and part number. Neptune T 10 Item 5, 8" x 314w with integrated double check backkfiow preventer, each: $120.00. total for 200: $24,000.00 . and part number: Neptune T 10 Total, new meters: 102,298.50 Option, additional charge to order any of above meters with reclaimed register, per meter: $2.00 New meters, delivery time a.r.o.: 30 days roup 1 — isc eters, 8 - 2", Trade -In Allowance for Used Meters Item 6, 8" x 314w, credit each: $2.V0 total 5r 858: gi,716.00 Item 7, 1", credit each: $44.00 total for 4 : $1,800.00 trade-in allowance: $3,516.00 NET T&FAFL, P 1: $98,782.96 Group 2 — Compound Meters Item , each: $1,TWW. or 1: m1g. and part number: Neptune to Item$1,407.00 foTal for$1,W7—.ffi mfg. and part num r eptune TnW10 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF POMPANO BEACH — BID TABULATION Bid #: H-20-05 Title: Water Meters Date 01 /12/2005 Bidder: Neptune Technology Group, Inc., 1600 Alabama Highway 229, Tallassee, AL 36078 Item 3, 6". each: $2,741.00 total for 1: $2,741.00 mfg. and part number: Neptune TM/Flo TOTAL, GROUP 7: 5,288.00 Option, additional charge to order any of above meters with reclaimed register, per meter $4.00 Bidder notes "compounds have 2 registers, at $2 each, which totals $4" Delivery time a.r.o.: 30 da Grou S — Fire Service Motors Item 1, 4" x 1 ", each: ,360. total for 1: •360• mfg. and part number. HP Protectus Item 2, 6" x 1-1 ", each: ,145. total fbr 1: $5,145.66 mfg. and part number: HP Protectus Item 3, 8" x 2",$6,353-00 total fbr 1: ,353.60 mfg. and part number HP Protectus Item 4.10" x 2", 9,765.00 i6W-16FT $9,765.00 mfg. and part number. HP Protectus TOTAL, GROUP 3: $24,623.00 Delivery time a.r.o.: days Group 4 -- ro ry ce Turbine Meters Item 1. T. each: $1,590.00 tote 1,590.00 and part number: HP Fire Service Turbine Item 1 tote r 1: and part num r: HP Fire Service Turbine m ew total r and part num r: HP Fire SW7M Turbine Page 2 of 4 CITY OF POMPANO BEACH -- BID TABULATION Bid #: H-20-05 Title: Water Meters Date 01/12/2005 Bidder: Neptune Technology Group, Inc., 1600 Alabama Highway 229, Tallassee, AL 36078 Item 4, 8", each: ,050. total for 8: $32,400.00 and part number: HP Fire Service Turbine Item 5, 10", each: $5,600.00 total for 1: $5,600-00 m . and part number: HP Fire Service Turbine TOTAL, GROUP 4: $50,490.00 delivery time a.r.o.: 30 days Group 5 — Turbine Meters Item 1, 2", each: $295.001 total for 1: 5. and part number: HP Turbine Item 2, 3", each: 15. total for 1: $415.001 and part number: HP Turbine Item 3, 4", each: $750.00 total for 1: $750.00 mfg. and part number. HP Turbine Item 4, 4" with reclaimed register, each: $752.00 total for 1: $752.00 and part number: HP Turbine Item 5, V, each: $1,420.00 total for 1: 1,4 -00 and part number: HP Turbine Item with reclaimed register, each: $1.422.00 total for 1: $1,422.00 mfg. and part number: RP Turbine Item 7, 80, each: ,010.00 total for , 10.00 m1g. and part number: RP Turbine TOTAL, GROUP 5: T, Optim. additional arge to order any of above meters with reclaimed register, per meter (n/a for Items 4 and 6): $2.00 Delivery time a.r.o.: 30 days Page 3 of 4 CITY OF POMPANO BEACH -- BID TABULATION Bid #: H-20-05 Title: Water Meters Date 01 1 20=005 Bidder: Neptune Technology Group, Inc., 1600 Alabama Highway 229, Tallassee, AL 36078 Group 6 - Stralners Item 1, 2" x 7" x 2-1 /8", each: $112.00 total for 1: $112.00 mfg. and part number: Neptune Strainer Item 2, 3" x 6" x 3-3/4% each: $0.00 total far 1: $0.00 mfg. and part number: not stated Item 3, 4" x 7-112wx 4-1/2", each- $0.00 total for 1: mfg. and part number: not stated Item 4, 6" x 9" x 5-1 /2", each: .00 tom 1: mfFand part number: not stated Item 5, 8" x 10" x 6- 4", each: $0.00 total for 1: .00 mfg. and part number not stated TOTAL, GROUP 6: $112.00 Delivery time a.r.o.: 30 days GIORD TOTAL, GROUPS 1.6: 186,35 . Contingent Pricing -- Meter Parts Price list effective date: January 2004 Discount percentage allowed from above list: 15% Small usiness Enterprise participation: forms returned, marked We" Page 4 of 4 u SUN -SENTINEL PUBLISHED DAILY FORT LAUDERDALE, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA BOCA RATON, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MIAMI, MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA 14-2#40 WA*%WS Sealed b1ft 0 STATE OF FLORIDA will ba, recel= - Chilling 011I IM 1* COUNTY OF BROWARD/PALM BEACWMIAMI DADE 3rd AVOUNI... Bid Porn- a until BEFaT�HE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, PERSONALLY APPEARED pa"o'seack,F] 2:00 P.M. 0011*111- JAnUArY 'V2 .101ft"'are Ire. �2� tm q;6t;jj. jol"tia" an WHO, ON OATH, SAYS THAT HE/814VIS A DULY AUTHORIZED REPFIESENTATIVE OF THE CLASSIFIED annual contmt for the urchase-of water materi = City has atablished a DEPARTMENT OF THE SUN -SENTINEL, DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 5% VOlUntOrY SrMll BUISI' me" imiterprift Participm- IN BROWARPIPALM BEACHIMIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND THAT THE tion ral for this Vint. wr t a to - th ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT, BEING A: air to ab Ain a copy 11citation lit no charge mc- "ItsA!L1wvb Site www. BID H-20-05 WATER METERS W.R. IN" at WX 7* -409S., IN THE MATTER OF: Bid H-20-05 Water Meters IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, WAS PUBLISHED IN SAID NEWSPAPER IN THE ISSUES OF: 12120,1 122OM7 AFFIANT FURTHER SAYS THAT THE SAID SUN -SENTINEL IS A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN SAID BROWARDIPALM BEACH1MIAM1 DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THAT THE SAID NEWSPAPER HAS HERETOFORE BEEN CONTINUOUSLY PUBLISHED IN SAID BROWARDIPALM BEACKMIAMI DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA, EACH DAY, AND HAS BEEN ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN FORT LAUDERDALE. IN SAID BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR NEXT PRECEDING THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT, AND AFFIANT FURTHER SAYS THAT HE/SHE HAS NEITHER PAID, NOR PROMISED, ANY PERSON. FIRM, OR CORPORATION, ANY DISCOUNT, REBATE, COMMISSION, OR REFUND, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLICATION IN SAID NEWSPAPER. I I (SIGNATURE OF AFFIANT) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ON: 20-DecembelI , &D., Idelh(M. Johnson ".10,711'ril-Ision .4 t'10326508 '�-C'.' 21f,"- 2008 F NOTARY,9"VED, PRINTED, ED) PERSONALLY KNOWN OR PRODUCED IDENTIFICATION R N F. PTU N E% A New Beginning... A Trusted Name January 10, 2005 City of Pompano Beach Purchasing Division 1190 N.E. P Avenue, Building C Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Re: Bid H-20L-05 — Water Meters Due: Wed, January 12,2005@2:00p.im We are pleased to provide the City of Pompano with pricing for your metering requirements. Descriptive literature and warranty infonnation for the above Proposal is enclosed. To -date, all Neptune T- 10 residential and commercial meters are NSF-61 approved as well as the complete Neptune line of Tru/Flo Compounds and the B? Turbines. Our remaining large meters have also been submitted to NSF for approval. All meters fiirnished under this proposal meet or exceed AWWA Standard Specifications, Latest Revision. Our terms are net 30 days with delivery at 30 days ARO. Neptune"$ current Parts Price List U676-9 or latest revision will apply. We appreciate your interest in Neptune products and look forward to supplying your water meter needs. Please do not hesitate to contact Terry Gullett at 407-493-5385 or our bid department at 334-283-6555 if you have any questions. Sincerely, C4"9064V Lawrence M. Russo VP' Finance/Secretary LMR/cbs Enclosures Neptune Technology Group Inc - 1600 Alabama Highway 229 e Tallassee, Al 36078 * Phone (334) 293-6555 - Fax (334) 293-7299 Bidder Namelmn= MMmm moup i City of Pompano Beach, Purchasing Division 1190 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Building C,.Pompan.o. Beach, Flori4 33060 BED H-20-05 — WATER METERS December 14, 2004 The City of Pompano Beach is currently soliciting bids to establish an annual contract for the purchase of water meters. Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. (local), January 12,2005, in the Purchasing office at 1190 North East 3rd Avenue, Building C, Pompano Beach, Florida. These bids will then be publicly opened at the above'time and date in the presence of City officials. Bid openings are open to the public. All bidders and/or their representatives are invited to be present. Bids may not be submitted by facsimile. Onceopened, the bids will be tabulated., evaluated, and presented to the appropriate City officials for contract award. There are three (3) sections in this bid: Specifications/Special Conditions', General Conditions, and Proposal. Please read all sections thoroughly. Complete the bid in accordance with the instructions and return all numbered pages, initialed at the bottom of each page, when you submit your bid package. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of your bid. If you need any additional information regarding this bid, Please contact Lecta Hardin, Purchasing Supervisor, at (954) 786-4098. SECT -ION I - SPECIFICAnONS/SEEC16L CQIMM-ONS A. ktent The intent of this bid is to establish an annual, open-end contract for the purchase of water meters, delivered, as and when needed. B. Contmit -Period The initial contract period shall be one year, commencing upon award by the appropriate City officials. Bid H-20-05 Page 1 of 25 1nitial C. Bidder Name UPTM TECRMLOGY GRM I The contract shall be automatically renewed for up to four (4) additional one-year periods, unless the General Services Director or the successful bidder receiving award shall give notice to the other party of intent not to.renew for the additional period, which notice must be delivered by certified mail, and must be received at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the initial contract period. All terms, prices and conditions shall remain firm for the initial period of the contract, and any renewal period. In the event delivery/service is scheduled to end because of the expiration of this contrad, the Contractor shall continue to deliver/service upon the request of the General Services Director. The extension period shall not extend for more than ninety (90) days bernd the expiration date of the existing contract. The Contractor shall be compensated for the product/service at the rate in effect when this extension clause is invoked by the City. No warranty or guarantee is given or implied as to the total amount to be purchased as a result of this contract. -Ibe quantities stated in this bid are estimates of annual usage, to be used for bid comparison purposes only. Meters will be ordered as needed. D. , Bid It=§-/QWWing Like items within this bid are grouped. Bidden may submit bids on any or all groups. If bidding a group, all item within that group must be pric44 for the bid to be considered. E. Basis of F. Award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on the total per Group, or Grand Total, as is in the best interests of the City. All prices bid shall be F.O.B. destination/delivered to the City of Pompano Beach Central Stores Warehouse, 1190 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Building C, or the Utilities Department, as indicated on each individual order. No minimum order quantities shall be stipulated by bidders. Prices bid for trade-in allowance for old meters shall include cost for pick up of old meters from the City. Bid H-20-05 Page 2 of 25 initial OL IUMPrU= TECMKgAIGT Bidder Name GRW_nr,, G. 12eli Bidders are to state the number of calendar days after receipt of an order required for delivery. The City seeks a source of supply that will provide accurate and timely delivery. The awarded bidder must adhere. to delivery schedules. If, in the opinion of the General Services Director, the successful bidder�s) fail at any time to meet the requirements herein, including the delivery requirements, then the contract may be canceUed upon written notice. See Section 11 - General Conditions, (6) "Delivery," and (10) "Default," for additional information., H. Addon" The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method whereby interpretation, clarification, or additional information can be given. If any addenda are issued to this Bid solicitation the City wiH attempt to notify all known prospective Bidders, however, it shaU be the responsibility of each Bidder, prior to submitting their bid, to contact the City Purchasing Office at (954) 7864099 to determine if addenda were issued and to make such addenda a part of their Bid proposal. L aMAMI Sappi�ows I . (Applicable to all type meters). Manufacturer shall guarantee materials and workmanship of all meters and meter parts to operate within the range of the test specifications for a minimum period of five (5) yeam from date of delivery. Any meter that fails to operateaccordingly forfive (5) years wiU be repaired by the City, and the manu Dicturer shall fiu-nish to the City, without cost any part(s) required to place such defec tive meter in suitable operation condition. Additionally, all registers must be warranted against defects, fogging, and loss of accuracy for a minimum period of ton (10) years. 2. As part of the proposal, bidders shall finmish for each size and type of meter bid an accuracy chart showing loss of head in psi at maximum flows. Operating and performance characteristics of the meters bid wW be evaluated and considered in making any award. 3. &gkt—ratiffi§ & R4stration Tests -- The City of Pompano Beach reserves the right to test each meter, and any meter which does not register accurately, according to the specifications provided, shall be rejected. Each meter rejected shall be repaired or replaced with another meter by the supplier without cost tD the City of Pompano Beach. The tests made by the City wiU be final, and the supplier may observe any tests. If more than 10% of any order fails to pass the test(s), the City reserves the right to reject the entire order. Bid H-20-05 Page 3 of 25 0.1t� Initial N TECENOLOGY Bidder Name CRM 3[mc 4. Tradc-ins -- Where indicated on the proposal form, bidders shall furnish trade-in allowance for old meters of same size and type. Meters to be traded -in will be various brands, as required by the City, to be determined at time of order. The successful bidder will be responsible for pick-up of old meters from the City. Bidden must provide a trade-in allowance in their proposal. J. Detailgd SRecificAfigns ERWOUP I — Disc Meters, 5/8" through 2" Water meters shall conform to specifications set forth by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) C700-77 or latest revision thereof. All meters must comply with ANSINSF Standard 6 1, per the State of Florida Administrative Code. Meters to be manufactured using Envirobrass II T", or equal; no coated meters will be accepted. Meters bid must have been in production for at least five (5) years for all sizes. In addition, all meters must be available in a complete product line for 5/8"' through 2" sizes. The discs shall be flat, with nutating-type disc with thrust rollers. Oscillating piston type meters are not acceptable. Registers are to be hermetically sealed and designed with neutral gears to allow accurate calibration and economical operation. The lens is to be impact -resistant. The thousand wheel and higher shall be white, hundreds wheel and lower shall be black. Registers are to be magnetically driven, and straight reading in U.S. gallons. Serial numbers are to be stamped plainly on meter cases and register box lids. Register boxes are to be made of synthetic polymer on 5/8" through V" sizes. Register boxes shall have meter -sealing screws drilled for sealwires or tamper- proof seal pins. Bottom caps on 5/8" x 3/411 meters are to be made of synthetic polymer. One -inch (1') bottom caps am to be made of bronze. All main caw bolts shall include a bolt and washer and be of #300 series non-magnetic stainless steel to prevent corrosion and for ease of disassembly. Anything less than #300 series is unacceptable. A 5/8"x3/4" meter with an integrated testable backflow device in a single case shall also be offered. All 1-1/2" and 2" meters shall be of a top load design, split case, flange type. Minimum acceptable accuracy for 5/8" through 2" meters shall be 98.5% at all flows for which meter is rated, per AWWA C700-77, or latest revision. Bid H-20-05 Page 4 of 25 Initial Bidder Name NE?T= TXCMKLM GROff Eye. Additionally, all meters must be adaptable to field re-programmabIc absolute encoder registers for automatic pit reading of water meters. Absolute encoder registers shall not include batteries due to loss of power and causing inadequate meter readings. Each vendor shall have at least five (5) years' experience in manu racturing and designing encoder type registers for this bid. These registers should be exchangeable in the field without interrupting the customer's service. All new meters must have test tag results attached to meter. 2. Tradt:."owguce: State trade-in allowances for meter sizes as indicated on Proposal form. I GROUP 2 — Compound Meters Meters bid under this section shall be compound type, conforming to AWWA standards C702, or latest revision thereof All Meters must comply with ANSINSF Standard 61, per theState of Florida Administrative Code. Meters to be manufactured using Envirobrass, IlTm, or equal; no coated meters will be accepted - The meter case shall be made of bronze composition, fitted with standard flanged ends, and fin-nished with iron companion flanges. The meter assembly shall be nutating disc type on low side and Class H turbine on high side. Chambers shall be bronze or plastic. Meter shall be equipped with two (2) register assemblies. The measuring elements must be of a unitized measuring element design. The meter serial number shall be stamped. on each register lid and the case of the meter. All meters to be supplied with field ro-programmable absolute encoder registers. The main case must have drilled test plugs for field-testing. Meter shall have a calibration vane so adjustments can be made in the field. Change gem am not acceptable. 4. 9RO-M 3 — Fire So nice Meters Must be U.L. listed and FM approved. Shall meet AWWA standards C703-86 or latest revision. All Meters must comply with ANSLNSF Standard 61, per the State of Florida Administrative Code. Fire service side to be Class 11 turbine and domestic side shall be a disc. meter. The measuring element must come equipped with a calibration vane for in -line testing. All meters must be furnished. with U-L and FM approved strainers. Additionally, all meters must be provided with field re- programmable absolute encoder registers. lii�P Jnitial -Bid H-26-04; Page 5 of 25 V_=�-_ NEMU TECUNDLOGY Bidder Name gm = Minimum flow requirements for fxe service meters are as follows: 4 10 3/4-1200 GPM 699 1-1/2-3000 GPM 8" 2-4000 GPM 10" 2-6500 GPM These flows are to be measured at 100% + or - 1.5% accuracy. GROUP 4 — Fire Lel:!Ice Turbine Meters Must be U.L listed and FM approved. All Meters must comply with ANSIINSF Standard 6 1, per the State of Florida Administrative Code. Meters to be manufactured using En.virobrass H Im, or equal; no coated meters will be accepted. Measuring element must be a Class H turbine and be equipped with calibration vane. All meters are to be furnished with U.L. and FM approved strainers. All meters must be to be supplied with field re -programmable absolute encoder registers. Minimum flow requirements for fire service turbine meters are as follows: 399 5-450 GPM 4"' 10-1200 GPM 6" 20-3000 GPM 8pv 35-4000 GPM 10" 50-6500 GPM These flows are to be measured at 100% + or -1.5% accuracy. 6. GROUP 5 — Turbine Meters All Meters must comply with ANSINSF Standard 61, per the State of Florida Administrative Code. Meters to be manufactured using Envirobrass H 11� or equal; no coated meters will be accepted. Meter shall have a Class 11 turbine, cast EnviTobTass H Im (or equal) main case, interchangeable measuring element for in -line service, direct coupling of gear train to rotor, calibration vane, and supplied with field re -programmable absolute encoder registers. Register shall read in U.S. gallons, meter serial number on meter main case and register r Bid H-20-05 Page 6 of 25 60--- initial UIAW Bidder Name GRM , � illE - VA 1*1 Bid H-20-05 , 6 — Water Meter Strainers Strainers shall be ISO psi worJdAg pressure plate -type for use with meters of 2" through 8" pipe size. The stainer screen shall be made of perforated 18-8 stainless steel plate and be thaped, for'maximum nigidity agamst' forcesexe.tted by the flow strearn. The effective staining area shall be at least double that of the meter main case inlet area. The 2" stainer shall be flunished with elliptical two - bolt Banged connections. Strainers 3"' and larger shall be.fin-nished with. r ound connections. Bolt circle, bolt hole diameters, and. flange dimensions shall be in compliance with meter connection specifications contained mi ANSIIAWWA C701-7.8 or latest revision thereof All Stainers must comply with ANS�NSF Standard 6 1, per the State of Florida, Administrative Code. Strainers to be manufactured using. Envirobrass 11 Tm, or equal; no coated strainers will be accepted. The strainer bodies and covers in sizes 2" through 10" shall be made of cast bronze. The manufacturer's name, sta dner pipe size, and direction Of now (if required) shall be cast in raised letters and shall be clearly visible. Cover bolts. shall be -made of 18.8 stainless steel. 90iner cover. castings, shall be equipped with a vent screw to remove trapped air at installation. Head, loss through the strainer shall not exceed 3.0 psi at maximum meter flow rates specified in ANSI/AWWA C701-78 or latest revimon. meter Parts All bidden are requested to submit price information regarding their entire line of meter repair parts. This pricing for meter parts will not be considered as a basis for bid award. The, City will establish contracts based upon the parts pricing offered in this bid for the purchase of parts from all current vendors, and if applicable, from manufacturers which are not current suppliers, but have supplied meters to the City in the past� which are still in service. Discounts offered and accepted will remain in effect for entire contract period. Current published price list shall be flu-nished with your bid proposal and shall remain in effect for the period of the contract. Discounts proportional parts shall be included as part of this contract. In their proposal, bidders must specify the dateledition/ete. of the price list to be used, and should submit a copy of this price list with their bid. Bidden must state the discount from this price list that will be allowed for City purchases of parts. Page 7 of 25 NEPTUNE TOCEMLOGY BidderName QWM"INC. K. Volmajaa SBE Pr9gm The Pompano Beach City Commission has established a voluntary Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program to encourage . and foster the participation of Small Business Ent6prises in the central procurement activities of the City. The definition of a SBE., for the purpose of the City's voluntary program, is taken from the State of Florida Statute 288.703(l). As of the date of publication of this bid, a small business means.an independently owned and operated business concern that employs 200 or. fewer permanent hM-time employees and that, together with its affiliates, has a net worth of not more than $5 million or any finn based in Florida that has a Small Business Administration 8(a) certification. As applicable to sole proprietorships, the $5 million net worth requirement shall include both personal and business investments. One possible resource for locating certified Small Businesses is the Broward County Small Business Development Division (website https://bcegov3.broward.ord/SmaUBusiness/SBDirectory�aspx) Bidders. should fill out SEE forms A and B found on bid pages 20-2 1, or C and D found on bid pages 22-24, as applicable. Please return the appropriate forms with your bid. In ord . er to be considered tor bid evaluation purposes, bidders must complete forms indicating Small Business participation, or non-parti i ation. CIP Bid H-20-057 Page 8 of 25 Initial op:� -' REM= TSCHROLOGY Bidder Name GWP IW. 59M& n - GENIRML DMM 4. Priem to be Firm Submission and Receipt o�Bids Bidder certifies that prim, terim and conditions in the bid will be firm for acceptance for a period ofulnety LL Bidden must use the form furnished by die (90) days fivin die date of bid opening unless otherwise city. stated by the City. Bids nay not be withdrawn before %c expiration of ninety (90) days. Pricas shall be firm. 1.2. Bids baving any erasures or corrections witli sio.escalator clauses; unless specilled by the City. must be initialed by the bidder in ink. Bid Bids may be withdrawn after ninety (90) days only shall be typewrittesit or filled in with pen and upon wriften nolffication to the City. WIL Manual signature must be in ink 5. Exicirsions L3. It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to have thek bid delivered to the If dzm is an mw in extension$ (mathernatical Purchasing office before die closing hour calculations), unit prices will prevail. and date shown for receipt of bids. 6. Delivery 1.4. Bid envelopes am provided with the bid forms. Your bid should be returned in the 6,1. All items am to be bid F.O.B. delivered with envelope (with the correct postage affixed if chuges prepaid and included, to Ow bid is mailed) and should sbcvw the designated addresses as specified by the following information: City on its purchase order(s) or in letier(s) of autholiation. IA.), Your retim mailing address in the upper left hand corner 6.2. Bidder Tom state specifib numbeir of cidendar days required for delivery of each 1,41. Did Number - write or.type the item bid in splimpriste space an die bid bid number that appow an the pqa for consideration of award of this bid. first pop of the bid ftm on the line for it an the front of the 6.3. Delivery time will be a Wtor for arl ordas envelope. plawdlas a result of this bid. 7U City reserves die right to cimccl such order(s) or 1.4.3. Bid Items - write or I�W the tide my part thereof, without obligation, if of the bid an line *Smled bid for: delivery is root made wida the time(s) spwWcd bercin and bold the vendw in default (See Section 10.) I.S. If not using the City -provided envelope to rnsil yaw bid, or if using a delivery service 7. Signed Bid Considcrod an Offer other Than die U.S. Post Office, use the following addrac This siPW bid is coasidaW an offer on the part of dic biddw, wluch offer shall be otim4cmd accepted up= City of Pompano Beach appruval by die City Commission of the City of Purchasing Division Pompano Beach (if required). The City of Potrpno 1190 N.E. 3ird Avenue, Building C Beach Vhn issue a purchase order of 2 lew of Pompano Beach, FL 33060 authosirstim to the successful bidder, a authorization for delivery of the items awarded subdect to 1.6. Late bids will not.be considered and will be riquirements Of4etailed specifications VA tbm returned unopened. contained hatin. 1.7. Bids trwirmiuW by hmindle will not be In the event of dchult on the pan of die bidder after accepted. such acceptame, the City may take such action as; it dwra appropriate including lqW action for darnmes 2. Completion of Bid Fonns or Specific peribirmance. Bidder is to fill in all of the blank spaces on the bid S. Quality forms and return all timbered pages. Bidder should initial each page at the bottom to indicate he has read All materials used for am maritificture or construction and undenitimels the provision; contained on that page. of any suplilies, nauriols or equipment covered by this bid sheM be new. The items bid must be new, the latest 3. SiSnaure Required nx*4 of the best quality and highest gride wwkinanship unku odwvAse specified in this bid by All bids =at show the company name vW be signed die City. by a company officer or ernplo)w who has the authority to bind die company or firm by their sigatum. UNSIOW BIDS WILL BE REIECTED. All manual signatures must be original - no rubber stanip, photocopy, ere. Bid H-20-05 Page 9 of 25 C94- Initial 10. 12. 14. 15. Brand Narrin Whenever proprietary narres am used, (Whether or not followed by the words "or approved equal"), the itciri(s) will be sutdoct to Kzcptanic and/or approval by SLudwriza City persortnel, and said perwirriel will deem it their prerogative to select the itein(s) which are lowest bid, itan by item rizicting specifications from the inforrivition furnishe ' d by the bidder with the bid and/or sarnple inspection or Usting of the itern(s) called for bercin. Default Pmvisions In the event of default by the bidder, the City reserves dic right to procure the iWnKs) bid from other sources and will hold the bidder resporurible for excess costs incurred as a result. A contractor wft defaults on a City contract way be banned from doing busiriess with the City for a period of 36 rnonft from the date of default SanTles Sarnples, when requested. traist be furnished at, or Wore, bid opening, (w*u othervise specified), and will be delivered at no chop to the City. Ifnat used asid/or destroyed in ftofm& said sarMk(s) will, at biddees rquairt. be returned within thirty (30) days of bid award at biddees expense. If requested by the City, sarriples an & or inspection of like itierris am to be node available in the southeast Florida area. Acceptance of Materials Ibe rnatcrial delivered as a result of this bid sball mnain the pippeny of the seller until a physical inspection and actual usage of the ition(s) is in*& and thereafter domed acceptable to the satishiction of the City, in conipliance with the unns and specifications contained herein. In the event that the itm*) supplied to the City Were found to be defective, or don/do -not conform to specifications, die City reserves the Tight to cmccl the order upon written notice to the seller and return the iteni(s) to the seller at the seller's expense. Manullicturars' Certifications Tlie City reserves the right to obtain separate nanufacturer certification of all statenients rnade in the bid. Copyrights and Patent Rights Bidder warrants that there has been no violation of copyriShts or patent rights in nunufacturing. producing xWor selling the itern(s) ordered or sYqqW as a result oftliis bid, and successful bidder agreas to hold the City humles; ftm any and a liability, loas or cirpense by any such violation. Laws and Regulations All applicable laws and regulations of the Federal government, the State of Florida. and ordinances of the City of Pornpano Beach will apply to any mulling bid award, 16. 17 is. 19. 2o. 21 22, 1UWT= Tzc��. Bidder Name GRM�' Inc. Taxes The City of Pompano Beach is cxanpt ftin any taxes irriposid by an State and Federal goverrimmt- Exerription certificates will be provided upon request. State Sales tax exorription certificale 91 6-08-196489-54C and Fedeiral exanotion tax #59-74-0083K apply and appear on cub purchase order. Conflict of Instructions If a conflict exists between the General Conditions and instructions contained herein, md the Specific Conditions and instructions contained hemin, the specifin shaill govern. Exception to Specifications For purposes of evaluation, bidder inust indicate any exception to the specifications, tam, mWor conditions, no nufter how niinor. This includes any agreenient or contract forins suplilied by the bidder that me required to be signed by the City. If exceptions; we not stated by the bidder, in his bid, it will be wA=MW that the itenKsYwvk= Ailly coniply with the slwifica'dons, Wirns and/or condition stated by the City. Exceptions we to be listed by the bidder on an $130611iont included with his bid. IU City will not delemdrie exceptions based oo & review of any attached mW or menuactuites literature. Warranties The City'of Porqmno Beach will not accelit any disclairrier of die warranties of inerclimbibility and fitness for a particulair purpm for dw prodocks) offered. Propmb will clearly slate my additional warrmlies mid guarantees apbst defective trialerials and vwkrrimship. A copy of Me cornplew irimuhicture?z warrarity statment is to be subinitted with the bid. Retention of Records and Right to ok Clause The successhil bidder shall preserve arw make available all finstocial records, supporting documents, stalifflicel records, VA any other docurnouts portincrit to this corrtract for a period of five (5) )em; dkr ftwilvadon of this contract; or Van audit has been initiated and audit findings have not b= resolved at the aid of these five (5) years, dic records sbill be retained utitil resolution of audit finding. Facilities The City reserves the right to inspect the bidders facilities at my time, without prior notice. And -collusion Staterrient By subrnritting this bid, the bidder affirrns that this bid is wid.Kmt previous; undastanding, agromicat, or comiection with my person, business, or corporation subirnitting a bid for the am Triatorish, supplica, or equipmenk and that this bid is in all rapects fait, and without collusion or fraud. Bid H-20-05 Page 10 of 25 '0 P Initial oe—"' MKFTUZZ TECMKKA)Igr Bidder Name GROUP INC. Additionally, bidder agrees to abidc by an conditiom of 27, Bid Tabulations this bid and certifics that they we authotizcd to sip this bid for the bidder. In subrizitting a bid to the City of Pompano Bach. the bidder offers and agroes Oat if Bidders whO wish to receive a OWY of die bid the bid is accepted, the bidder will convey, sell, assign tabulation should request it by anlosing a stamped, sw-addressed avelope with their bid, or by requesting or transfer to the City Of Pompano�Bcach all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or a tsbulation be sent to their fox Trachine. Bid results heseafka w4uhe under ft Anti-rm laws of the win not be given out by telephonc The City does not notify umuccessful bidden of contract awarda. United States and the State of Florida for price fixing relating to the particular COTM110(fitiCS Or services 29. Assignment purch&W or acquired by the City of Pornpano Beach. At the City's discretion, such assignmcnt shall bc maio Successful bidder nay not assign or twNfer this and become cffecdve at the tiw4 the City lenders final contract, in whole or part, without prior written payment to ft bidder, approval Of dw City Of Pompano Bach. 23. Endemnification 29. Teradnation for Convenience of City Contractor covenants and agrees that it vvill indannify upon seven M calendar ds . tys I written notice delivered AM hold harrWess the City and all of the Citys officers, by catified mail, return receipt rquesud, to the armts, and employees ftm my claim Ion, damage, successful bidder, the City may without cause and Costs, Charp or expew wising out of any ac4 action, Without prejudice to any other right or remedy, neglOct Or Omission by contractor during the terminate the agreement for the Cityls convenience PM*MW:ncc orft cwtract. whether direct. or indirect, whenever the City determines that such tandnation is and whether to Snyp=M or property to which the in the but interest of the City. Where the agreement is City of said parties may be subject, except that neither terminated for the convenience of the City the notice of the contractor nor any of its sub -contractors win be termination to the successful bidder must suit that the liable under this section for damages arising out of contract is be . ing terminated for the convenience of the injury or 61711289 to persons or property directly caused City wmkr the termination clause and the t of the or resulting from dw sole negligence of City or any of Wid, 2 - Upon raccipt of such noti*r, the its officen, agents, or cmpk*ew co*WW shall promptly discontinue all we* at the 24. Reservation for 110cetions and Award dine and to the extent indicated an the notice of termination. Mn*uft all outstanding sub-convactors and.purchm orders to die client that they Mktg to ft TIM City reserves the Tight to accept or reject any or an Urmhund portion of the contract and refivin from bk1% Or parts of bids, to waive irreVdaritics and plod . ng fUrdw ordere and subconuacts except as 6ey technicalities. and to request re -bids. 7be City also my be necessary, and compift my continued portions reserves the right to award the contract on swb iteas of the we& the City deerns will best save the interests of the City. 7bc City Sother reserves the right to award the embract 30. Conflict of Interest an a "split Order" basis, or such combination as shall best serve the interests; of the City unless oazmiw For purpom of determining any possible conflict of spoccified. interest. all bidders mint disclose if any City of Pompano Bomb employm is also an owner, corporate 25. Interpretations officer, or employee of dicir business. Any questions concerning the conditions and Indicate either *Yes"(a City employce is Wo specifications contained in this bid should be subrnitted assodated with your business), or 'No". If yes, give in writing and received by the Purchasing Division no pa=Ks) name(s) and positiou(s) with your business. Jew than five (5) workins days Prior to the Ind Opening. The City of Pompano Beach WWI not be No X Yet _ Name & position responsible for oral interpmdons; given by any City personnel or nqmmuLtive or others. The issuance of a (Note: If arumer is *Yes". you must file a statement written addendum is the only official medwd whereby with the Supervisor of Eiections� pursuant to Florida interMation, clarification or additional inforrmtion Statuft 112.313.) can be given. 31. Public Entity Crimes 26. Failure to Respond If you elect not to bid, please return enclosed b aaggm*gg with Florida State Statute 287-133 (Z)(Ak A person or affiliate who has been placed on the 'Statement of No Response form by the bid due date, coinviesed vendor Est following a conviction for a and sam your reason(s) for not bidding. Failure to public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract respond. either by subrnitting a bid, or by submitting a to provide any goods or services to a public entity, my "Statement of No Rnqxmw* form, may result in your not sulnuJit a bid an a contract with a public entity for name being removed from our mailing IisL the construction or repair of a public building or public vAxk may not submit bids on leases; of real property to & public entity, may not be awarded or perform wark as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or coraultant under a cowract with my public entity, and may not Bid H-20-05'- Page I I of 25 6k— Initial nnwt business with any public entity in excess of the dircithold smount provided s. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months ftm the date of being placed on the convicted vendor BsL 32. Govamins Procedures This bid is governed by the applicable sections of the CiW$ General Services PrOccdwu Manual. A copy of die manual is available for review at the City Purchasing office, 33. Identical Tie Bids In accordance with Section 287.087, State ofFlorids, Statows, preference shall be given to businesses with Drug-fift Workplace PmEntins. Wbenever two or in= bids which am equal with. t to price, quality, and service at received for the procurernegit of corrisnoditics; or conbulual service, it bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a Drug- fte Workplace Prog= shall be given preference in the award process. Established Procedures for Processing tic bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors lave a Drug-fice: WorklilweProgrann. lnorftto)uvcaDrug-fmc Workplace Prograim, a huairica shall: Publish a staternent notif*g employees that the unlawful sne: ufacture, disinbutim dispauiu& possession, or use of a Controlled suUtance is prohibited in the workpim and specifft the actions that will be taken agairist employees for violations of such probibitiori. 2) InIbrm employees about the dangen of drug abuse in the workplace, the businest's policy of maintaining a fts-fise Workplace. any av flable drug counseling, ralisbilitation, AMR! employee assistance pmg=is, and the perialdes: that may be mposed upon employm for drug abuse violations. 3) Give each MV10yee OWWO in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4) In die statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, is a c*ndition of working on the c4mmodities or contractual services that am under bid, the employee will abidebythe to, ofthestatementand will notify the cmpkW ofany conviction of. or plea of guilty or 0010 contandere to, any violation of C%Ppter 993 or ofany controlled substance law of the United Sign of any State, for a violation occurring in the wwkpl= no later thari five (5) days after such conviction. 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse MiStance of rehabilitiLtiort program if such is available in the employees community, by any employee who is so c4mmicted. 34. 3s. kri 37. MKPTM TWMLocr Bidder Name ggw ac- Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-froc workplacc: through fivicrtientation of this scefft. If bidderli company has a Drug -five Workplace Progrank so cartify below; AS THE PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE STATEMENT, I CERTIFY THAT THIS FIRM COMPIIES FUILY WITH THE ABOVE Bi BS, tum jo hivoicing/Payment All invoices should be sent to City of Pompano Beach, Accounts Payable, P.O. Drawer 1300, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33061. In weatilance with.Florids Statutsa, Chvter 218. PAyinerit Will be made within 45 days after raccipt ofnierchandise and a In opes invoice. The CitYwill 11 ; to pay within fewer days ifbidder Oflen; a pryvierit discount The City cannot make Advance payments. make deposits in advence ofraccipt of Pods. Or Pay C.O.D. Bidden should tie* any payment discount in space provided an Proposal form. Optional contract Usage As provided in $ecdon 287.042(17). Florida Statutes, Suft Of Florida escocics my purchase ftm a contract resulting fim this solicitation. provided am Department ofMasm4ement Services, Division of Purchashi& bu certified its use to be cost rffective and in the best interest ofibe State. C;ontractor(z) may sell rich commodities or services cortified by the Division to State ofFlorida agencies at the contruscas option. Non Discrimination Them shall be no discrintination as to mce, color, MIWOI06 VO4W. national orisK ancestry, and physical or manital disability in the operations conducted under this contracL Included as applicable activities by the contractor under this section we the solicitation for, or pirchase of. goods orservices, or the gubcorimuthig of work in perfixTriance: ofthis contracL Notice To Canftwtor I'he employment of unauftrized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274A(c) of the Immigration and Nationality AcL If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized abans, such violittion shall be cause for unilateral cancellittion of On coninact Bid H-2M5 Page 12 of 25 IU Initial cp:�— Bidder Name IUMTM TEC=DL= Qmw� mr— SECLIO—N M - RR-QYOSAL PAGE 18 MUST BE SIGNED FOR BID TO BE CONSIDERED, PER GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 3 (Note: . The eleven -digit number in parentheses is the Citys inventory number for each item.) GROUP I - DISC MEE 7�-2" PRICING -- NEW METERS Rm No. DesgdRtfion Tinit Price I0_W 858 5/811 x 3/4" $ 24.75 $21,235.50 (890-044-32520) Mfg. and part number quoted: NUMM T-10 2. 450 its .:$ 67.00 $ 30,150.;00 (890-044-32540) Mfg. and part number quoted: NEFT= VI-10 3. 90 1-1 . /2" $167-00 $ 15,030-00 (890-044--32560) Mfg. and part number quoted: T-10 4. 51 211 $.233-00 S11,883-00 (890-044-32570) Mfg. and part number quoted: 1"MN T-10 5. 200 5/811 x 3/4" with integrated $120.00 $24,000.00 double check backflow preventer Mfg. and part number quoted: T-10 Total, new meters $ 102,298-50 Option: State additional charge to order any of the above meters with reclaimed register: $2.00 /meter For Group 1, new meters, state delivery time after receipt of order: Bid H-20-05 Page 13 of 25 30 days *— Initial NEPTM TECHNOLOGY Bidder Name gpap?ng. GROXT-1— DISLMIERS3.5/8"4" PRICING -- TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE It= N - i �2 Pesg�dRtion 6. 858 5/81f x 3/4", used meter 7. 450 1 ", used meter Total, tade-in allowance NET TOTAL, GROUP I (total new meters, less total trade-in allowance) U .Lt Price Total <$ 2. 00 > <$ 1,716.00 > credit each <$ 4. 00 <$ 1,800.00 > credit each GROUP 2 — LOMFOUND METERS 4 3.516. 00 > S-98,782-50 Item No. DgIghRtion JLM�Lt Nee Total 1. 1 311 $ 1,140.00 sl,140.00 (890-044-32580) Mfg. and part number quoted: NEFTOW TRU/FLO 2. 1 411 $1,407.00 sl,407.00 (890-044-32590) Mfg. and part number quoted: KKM TRU/FL0 3. 61f S2.741.00 $2,741.00 (890-044-32601) Mfg. and part number quoted: NEPT TRU/FLO TOTAL GROUP 2 $5.288.00 Option: State additional charge to order any of the above meters with reclaimed register: $4.00 (comwomms H&vE Two RmiersRs. AT $2.00 XM3 j - - /meter -TOTAL WHICH TOrALS $4. 00) For Group 2, state delivery time after receipt of order: 30 days Bid H-20-05 Page 14 of 25 Initial HEPTOHE TECHE17L0Cx Bidder Name GROUP GR 3 -- FIRE SERVICE METERS Ite ni No* Qgantity escri ti 't Price Total 1. 1 4" x l." $ 3,360.00 $ 3,360.00 (890-044-32606) Mfg. and part number quoted: BP PROTECTUS 2. 1 6" x 1-1/2" $ 5,145.00 $ 5 145.00 (890-044-32607) Mfg. and part number quoted: BP PROTECTUS 3. 1 8" x 2" S. 6,353.00 $ 6 353.00 (890-044-32608) Mfg. and part number quoted: BP PBOTRCTOS 4. 1 loft x 2" $ 9, 765.00 $ 9,765.00 (890-044-32609) Mfg -and part number quoted: EP per$ TOTAL, GROUP 3 $ 24, 623.00 For Group 3, state delivery time after receipt of order: 30 days 1* GROUP 4 -- FIRE NERVICE EMUM METERS Item No. Des' tion Unit Price Total 1. 1 3" $1,590.00 $1 590.00 (890-044-32585) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP FIRE SERVICE TQYBI116 2. 1 4" $1,900.00. $11900.00 (890-044-32589) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP FIBS SERVICE TDYBIZE 3. 3 619 $ 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00 (890-044-32600) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP FIRZ Sm CE TURBDM Bid H-20-05 Page 15 of 25 REPZURE TPCHISIA6Y Bidder Name COUP In GROUP 4 -- FIRE SERVICE TURBEM METE continued tem No. QMti Description Unit Price Total 4. 8 8" $ 4, 050.00 $ 32, 400.00 (890-044-32610) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP M SEKWC6 TORBIM 5. 1 10" $ 5,600.00 $ 5,600.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: SEMeg ter= _EI:n TOTAL, GROUP 4 $ 50, 490.00 For Group 4, state delivery time after receipt of order: 30 days GROUP 5 -- TURBINE METERS tem No. Descrigtian 't Price Total 1. 1 2" $ 205.60 $ 295.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: HP TUesIM 2. 1 3" $ 415.00 $ 415.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: HP T0RDIM 3. 1 4" $. 750.00 $ 750. 00 Mfg. and part number quoted: HP T'unnm 4. 1 4", with Reclaimed register $ 752.00 $ 752.00 (890-044-32630) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP Tunnz 5. 1 6" $1,420.00 $1, 420.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: HP TMIM 6. 1 6", with Reclaimed register $1,422.00 $1,422.00 (890-044-32640) Mfg. and part number quoted: HP TUBB= 7. 1 8" $ 2,010.00 $2.010.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: HP TMM TOTAL, GROUP 5 $7,064.00 1. Bid H-20-05 Page 16 of 25 ILL l� Initial NUT= 79CMELOGY Bidder Name GN" 131c- qRQUP 5 — TURBM MEHR—s Le—ontinued) Option: State additional charge to order any of the above meters with reclaimed register: $ 2. 00 /meter Wa for above Bid Items 4 and 6) For Group 5, state delivery time after receipt of order: 30 days GROUP 6 — SIR�AINERS Item No. Qu DescriRti Unit Price Total L' 1 211 x 7" x 2-1/8" S112.00 $1112.00 Mfg. and part number quoted: 2. 1 Yl x 6" x 3-3/41' S-0. $ 0 Mfg. and part number quoted: 3. 1 4" x 74/2" x 4-1/2" $0 $ 0 Mfg. and part number quoted: 4. 1 600 x 9" x 5-1/2" $0. $0 Mfg. and part number quoted: 5. 1 814 x 10" x 6-3/4' $0 $0 Mfg. and part number quoted: TOTATo GROUP 6 $ 112.00 For Group 6, state delivery time after receipt of order: 30 days gRAPDD TOTAL3 gR_OUPS 1-§_-. 186.359.50 CONTINGENT PRICING — METER PARTS Note: Pricing for meter parts will not be considered as a basis for bid award. Current published price list shall be furnished with your bid proposal and shalI remain in effect for the period of the contract. Price List effective date: JANUU 2004 Discount allowed on published prices (from the above list) Bid H-20-05 Page 17 of 25 OWN Initial MU7M TBCMDLO&T Bidder Name GROW INC. Bidden should submit the following with their bid proposal: I -) Copy of complete manufacturees wan-anty for all meters bid. 2-) An accuracy chart showing loss of head in psi at maximum flows for each size and type of meter bid. 3.) Current Published Price list for entire line of water meter parts. If awarded the contract resulting from this bid, will your company agree to extend the same prices, terms and conditions to other governmental entities? (Note - Optional, agreement not required for contract award.) Yes No Name & address of company submitting bid: M1PTM TKCMOLOGY GROUP Mc. .......................................... ........... I ................................... 1600 MARMA KGHWAY 229 .......................................................................................... TALTA SEE. AL 36078 .................................................................. zip ................. Federal Employer Identification # or Social Security #: 13-4192672 ..................................................................................................... Telephone number: ... 334-283-6555 ....................................................... I ......... "Fax" number: ..... 334-283-7299 ....................................................................... A-Chowledmot of 9M fQLO—Win&. Addmda is -noted: Addendum Number(s) NIA Date(s) Issued W/A ............ Wanual signature of company officer: ... .. ...................................... MQUANI! 1! - SIGN IN BQ;j ADM!k. n2E QK PRIMr NA�G BELOW + Signees name (Vped or printed): -LARREMM-M.-RUSSO ............................................................ ................ ... .......... Title of signer: nv..XPM4WSXCRETARY .................................................................................. Bid H-20�05 Page 18 of 25 afw? Initial MEFTM TECHNOLOGY Bidder Name QWUP INC- SBE GOAL ANNOUCEMENT BID # H-20-05 The City of Pompano Beach is strongly committed to insuring the participation of Small Business Enterprises (SBE's) as contractors and subcontractors for the procurement of goods and services. The SBE criteria being used is as stated in FSS 288.703. Bidders are encouraged to participate in the City of Pompario Beach's Voluntary SBE Program by including as part of their bid package the SBE Participation Form (Exhibit W), and the Letter of Intent Form. (Exhibit UB"). Bidders who are unable to meet the recommended voluntary goals should also provide the SBE Unavailability Form and Good Faith Effort Report (Exhibits"C" and "D"). The recommended, voluntary goals for this bid are ___j_0/6 for Small Business Enterprises. Bid H-20-05 Page 19 of 25 O w o& = W n UF—n Z w Z O cc Z W ¢ a. omw o¢a �U) U E m z w L 0 0 U m m c� N H ca E z m REPTUM TUMMOUT Gam Bidder Name LETTER OF INTENT TO PERFORM AS A SUBCONTRACTOR Bid Number H-2 TO: N/A �Name of Prime or General Bidder) The undersigned intends to perform subcontracting work in connection with the above contract as (check below) an individual a corporation a partnership a joint venture The undersigned is prepared to perform the following work in connection with the above Contract, as hereafter described in detail: at the following price: (Date) SBE EXHIBIT"Bw (Name of SBE Contractor) Bid H-29-05 Page 21 of 25 dak— initial XWMM LOU Bidder Name rM SMALL-BU IN SS ENTERPRISE SBE UNAVAILABILITY, FORM BID #H_2005 (Name and Title) of . certify that on the day of _,.I invited the following SBE CONTRACTOR(s) to bid work items to be performed in the City of Pompano Beach: Form of Bid Sought SBE Contractor Work Items Mat Unit Price; Address Materials/Labor Sought Labor Onl etc. Said SBE CONTRACTOR(s): Did not bid in response to the invitation Submitted a bid which was not the low responsible bid Other. Signature: Date: Note: Attach additional documents as available. SBE EXHIBIT "C" Bid x-20=05 Page 22 of 25 P` li;t;ai REPTURK T OUM Bidder Name QtM M. GOODFAI ITH EFFORT REPORT BID #H-2L)-05 7 What portions of. the contract have you identified as SBE opportunities? N/A 2. Did you provide adequate information to identified SBE? Please comment on how you provided this information. 3. Did you send written notices to SBEs? Yes No If yes, please include copy of the notice and the list of Individuals who were forwarded copies of the notices. 4. Did you advertise in local publications? Yes No If yes, pleaseattach copies of the ads, including name and dates of publication. 5. Did you contact any organizations with large constituents of SBE members for possible sub -contractors? Please attach list of resource organizations used. 6. What type of efforts did you make to assist SBEs in contracting with you ? Bid H-20-05 Page 23 of 25 CMM Enitial Note: Please attach the unavailability letters with this report. SBE EXHIBIT "D" Bid H-20-0� Page 24 of 25 Initial Bidder Name GROUP INC. STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE If you do not intend to bid on this requirement, please complete and return this form by the bid opening deadline to the City of Pompano Beach Purchasing Division, Building C, 1190 N.E. 3" Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060; this form may be faxed to (954) 786-4168. Failure to respond, either by submitting a bid, or by submitting a "Statement of No Response" form, may result in your firm's name being removed from our mailing list. WE, the undersigned, have declined to bid on this solicitation for the following reason(s): We do not offer this product or an eqWvalent Our workload would not permit us to perform Insufficient time to respond to the Invitation for Bid Unable to meet specifications (explain below) Other (specify below) I IX Im —7 CONTANY NANIE ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURFJTTME DATE (0. Did H-20-05 Page 25 of 25 6&A_ Initial Temp Reso 10833 Exhibit 2 SUNSTATE METER & SUPPLY, INC. 14001 W. NEWBERRY RD. NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669-2710 cj J - La March 7, 2005 Mr. Steven J. Beamsderfer City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Room# 108 Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 Subject: City of Pompano Beach Bid H-20-05 Water Meters Dear Mr. Beamsderfer: Sunstate Meter and Supply, Inc. and Neptune Technology Group, Inc. are in agreement to extend pricing to the City of Tamarac off of the City of Pompano Beach, FL Bid H-20-05 Water Meters. The initial term of this contract is good through February 22, 2006. There are four renewals after that making these prices good through 2010. I have enclosed a copy of their price sheets for your review. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (352)-359-4321. Sincerely, ayy H. Meyers Sales In Florida Toli Free:1-800-342-3409 - Local & 0,-,tside Florida(352) 3,92-7106 - Fax. (352) 332-5604