HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-208Temp. Reso. #10830 October 11, 2005 Rev. #1 —11 /01 /05 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-1f�5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO PURCHASE AN AQUATIC VEGETATION HARVESTER FROM AQUARIUS SYSTEMS, INC., A SINGLE SOURCE MANUFACTURER, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $103,090.00; APPROVING BUDGET TRANSFERS REQUIRED FOR PROPER ACCOUNTING PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has been cutting and collecting aquatic vegetation in the over six -hundred (600) acres of public waterways with one (1) harvester; and WHEREAS, when said harvester is out of service due to maintenance, scheduling is impacted; and WHEREAS, our present schedule has the harvester visiting each area approximately twice a year based on no major interruptions such as major breakdowns or hurricane events; and WHEREAS, a second harvester will allow for an increase in level of service of maintaining waterways and continued consistency of operation when one is out of service due to scheduled maintenance; and WHEREAS, no additional cost for staff will be needed to operate the second harvester during summer growing season; and Temp. Reso. #10830 October 11, 2005 Rev. #1 — 11/01/05 Page 2 WHEREAS, staff investigated leasing a harvester for six (6) months every year at a cost of $91,200.00 per fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the purchase of a new harvester is $103,090.00, therefore, paying for itself in less than two (2) years versus leasing each year for six (6) months; and WHEREAS, the use of an aquatic vegetation harvester reduces the volume of aquatic plants that must be treated with chemicals; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Division conducted extensive research in Fiscal Year 2002 and determined that while multiple vendors manufacture large harvesters, which are pdmarily geared towards rivers and harbors, Aquarius Systems, Inc. is the only vendor which manufactures the specific type and size of harvester that will meet the City's needs and specifications; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department subsequently purchased one EH-120 Aquatic Plant Harvester from Aquarius Systems, Inc. and recently purchased a land conveyor that was designed to work with the EH-1 20; and WHEREAS, to assure compatibility of the conveyor unit and other equipment and parts, the second harvester should also be an EH-120 which is only available through Aquarius Systems, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Section 6-151(3) of the Tamarac City Code allows for exception to bid requirements for equipment in excess of $10,000.00 when available from only one source; and I Temp. Reso. #10830 October 11, 2005 Rev. #1 — 11/01/05 Page 3 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager recommend the purchase of an aquatic vegetation harvester from Aquarius Systems, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $103,090.00; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac, Florida to purchase an aquatic vegetation harvester from Aquarius Systems, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $103,090.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISS401-Sl OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to purchase an aquatic vegetation harvester from Aquarius Systems, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $103,090-00 and to execute the purchase contract attached hereto as Exhibit "A." SECTION 3: Budget transfers required for proper accounting purposes are hereby approved. SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. Temp. Reso. #10830 October 11, 2005 Rev. #1 — 11/01/05 Page 4 SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 911�lay off) CV (f M e-41 2005. ATTEST A 1?'A MAkION SWE��FN",'MC CITY. -CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. SAM4UL A.GOREN INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER A%j e DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER P DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF& DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS ?�� le - I I I Page 1 of 1 Keith Glatz From: Gina Dauffenbach [gmd@aquarius-systems.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:38 PM To: Keith Glatz Subject: Aquarius Systems Contract Keith, Thanks for your call this afternoon. This email is to confirm the following issues regarding our Contract # 10405.02 1 . Aquarius Systems hereby agrees to abide by the Florida Prompt Payment Statutes, which allow for 45 days to make full payment for the equipment purchased, and after which interest will be charged at a rate of 1,5% per month on any unpaid balance, commencing on the first day after payment is due. 2. Aquarius Systems hereby agrees that the Statutes, Laws and Courts of the County of Broward in the State of Florida shall govern the resolution of any and all disputes of any nature whatsoever that may arise in the execution and fulfillment of the Contract. Please don't hesitate to contact me if we can be of any additional assistance! Gina Gina Dauffenbach Sales Director Aquarius Systems This email may include file attachments that require an Adobe Reader program to view properly - click here to download the latest version of AdobeO ReaderO AQUARIUS SYSTEMS A Divisim of DO Produds Inc, PO Box 215 200 North Harrison Street North Prairie, Wisconsin 53153 USA Phone: 262-392-2162 Ext. 223 Toll Free: 800-328-6555 Ext. 223 Fax: 262-392-2984 Web Site. jlqp.// aquarius- systems. com 11/8/2005 I lip AOUARIUS SYSTEMS A Division of D&D PrWucts Inc, PO Box 215 200 North Harrison Street North Prairie, Wisconsin 53153 U.S.A. Phone: 262-392-2162 Toll Free: 800-328-6555 Fax: 262-392-2984 Email: WebSite: (',)?V1J D",A 1'�'A VA RA C, 4, r DEPARTMENN'T'0, F PUBLIC WORKS Ufi'MHASE CONTRACT TTRC-12 Tilt Deck Trailer Conveyor Honda model GX620 gasoline engine, 20 HP a 3600 RPM Remote control operation with two (2) RC key fobs Estimated Freight to Tamarac, Florida Equipment Due Date: April 1", 2006 (ff ordered by IV01105) TOTAL ORDER Exclusive of a# options unless otherwise noted COPYright 0 2005 D&D Products Inc 54,376.00 3,300.00 765.00 700.00 4,500.00 No charge No charge 300.00 Included Included 34,550.00 Included 1,100.00 3,500.00 No charge 103,090.00 Contract Number 100405.02 Company's Initials Buyer'sinitiah Page Number I of4 Hereafter "Company" shall refer to Aquarius Systems; "Buyer" shall refer to the City of Tamarac, Florida - Department of Public Works. EQUIPMENT: Aquarius Systems will furnish the equipment as stated above. Any equipment the Buyer wishes to exclude from this Contract should be indicated by strikeout (9*ample) and initialed by at least one of the Contract endorsers. OPTIONS: Aquarius Systems will furnish only the options as stated above. Any options the Buyer wishes to exclude from this Contract should be indicated by strikeout (example) and initialed by at least one of the Contract endorsers. If a desired option has been omitted, please notify Aquarius Systems immediately and a now contract will be issued, WARRANTY: Aquarius Systems will provide a one (1) year warranty on the equipment, DELIVERY: The equipment shall be prepared to ship from Company factory 100 to 150 days after receipt of order, including signed Purchase Contract and down payment. Prices quoted are F.O.B. factory, North Prairie, Wisconsin, USA, A freight quote may be included as a separate line item on the Contract. NOTE: A crane may be required to unload the equipment upon delivery; Buyer is responsible for all arrangements and costs associated with the crane rental. The Company shall not be liable for delay or default in the performance of its obligations under this agreement if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to Force Majeure, fire, flood, accident, storm, acts of war, riot, government interference, strikes and/or walkouts. In the event of any such delay, the delivery date shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. Delay in delivery for any other cause shall in no event subject the Company to any special or consequential damages, PAYMENT TERMS: A down payment of thirty percent (30%) of the total purchase price is due with the signed Purchase Contract. Balance is due in full upon delivery of the equipment. Taxes i e mHefiectiml in il ese P Iee3 a ..ArA tbe_X8Spnn-,'h'1fJy . 1 -1 - --*R a. VaLpaym kJ &C C64, COMURGARlRe OR the fimt Aaw-mf� Ant wa.9 ( Le 6/J 14- , r �k, /I L� DRAWINGS: Any and all drawings, (including )4�uno�t eimitied to general layout, arrangement or system drawings), furnished by the Company shall remain the property of the Company and are not to be used, copied or reproduced for any purpose without the Company's prior written authorization. CHANGES: The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, incorporate in the equipment such changes in design, construction or arrangement as shall, in its judgment, constitute an improvement over former practice. If any of the materials of construction specified or contemplated herein are not readily procurable for their intended purpose, the Company shall have the right to substitute other material suitable for the work. INSURANCE: A Certificate of Product Liability Insurance will be provided upon delivery. STORAGE: If the Buyer asks the Company to hold or warehouse equipment purchased under this Contract for any length of time after the date on which the equipment is prepared for shipment, the Company may, but shall not be obligated to store the same, and the Buyer shall pay storage charges at a rate determined by the Company at the time of the request commencing from and after what was to have been the shipment date. If shipment is so deferred, full payment for the equipment shall become due and payable when the Buyer is notified by the Company, by invoice or otherwise, that the equipment is ready for shipment. ContractNumber 100405.02 Company's Initials Buyer's Initials Page Number 2 of4 Copyright 0 2005 D&D Products Inc SECURITY AGREEMENT: Without relieving the Buyer from the obligation to make payment as provided for, the Buyer grants to the Company a security Interest in the equipment described herein for the purpose of securing full payment of its purchase price and any other sums the Buyer shall become obligated to pay hereunder. The Buyer agrees to perform all acts, which may be necessary to perfect and preserve such security interest in the Company. The Buyer further agrees that, until such security interest is terminated, it shall not sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the equipment or in any way impair its value. The Buyer shall also keep the equipment free from all liens, encumbrances and other security interests and shall defend it against all claims by other persons other than the Company until such termination. In case of failure by the Buyer to make any payment when due, the Company may, at its option, take exclusive possession of the Collateral wherever found and remove the same without legal process. The remedy provided hereunder is in addition to all rights and remedies a Ila e o yal bi t- the Company at law or in equity. DISPUTES: The Statutes, Laws and Courts of the State ol Aasawww 11 govern the resolution of any and all d putes of a atu whatsoev%ethat may allse in the execution and fulfillment of this Contract. VV-rv�i-p- nn pu C C kANCELLATION: The uyer may cancel this order only upon written notice to the Company. In the event of such cancellation the Company shall be immediately entitled to receive from the Buyer, as liquidation damages and not as a penalty, the cost of the equipment produced and services performed by the Company up to the date of cancellation, plus a markup of fifteen percent (15%) of such costs. Any money paid as a down payment shall be credited toward this total; any amount exceeding the down payment shall be invoiced to the Buyer and shall be due in full immediately upon receipt. EXPIRATION: This Contract is valid for six (6) months from the date signed by an authorized re resentative of Aquarius Systems, a Division of D&D Products Incorporated. This Contract will expire on April 7 2006. Contract Number 02 Company's Initials Buyer's Initials Page Numher 3 of 4 Copyright 0 2005 D&D Products Inc w E MS. October 4th, 2005 Sales Director t, LORIDA- L)EPARTMENTOF A P Li �3 i fC, Ali C"), R �4�,,,, ��,i Nnature Joe Sghmiber Title - Mayor Signatuid Jeffrey L. Miller Title - City Manager -6TTEST: - I /I Date Date' fK,.A -A //Zo� Signature Date r =rl n-- tr% f rm nnri In nI e"ffif-innf- Marmon Swenson, QMQ Title - City Clerk FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Issue Date: October 4th, 2005 Sent Via: U.S. Mail X Email Contract Return Date: Down Payment Received? n/a Notes: Copyright 0 2005 D&D Products Inc mu S. Gor6n, Interim City Attorney /I b I y,- Date I Expiration Date: April 4th, 2006 — Facsimile X Other: courier Equipment Due Date: Amount n/a RECEIPT DATE STAMP ContractNumber 100405.02 Company's Initials Buyer's In itials Page Number 4 qf4 0, AOUARIUS SYSTEMS A Division of D&D Products Inc. TR #10830 PO Box 215 Exhibit "A" 200 N. Harrison Street North Prairie, Wl 53153 U.S.A. Phone: 262-392-2162 Toll Free� 800-328-6555 Fax� 262-392-2984 Email, info@aquarius-systems.com Website: www.aquarius-systems.com Aquatic Plant Harvesters 9 Trash Hunters a Amphibious Excavators e Swamp Devils Wednesday, September 28, 2005 John Engwiller City of Tamarac, DPW Operations Division 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 DearJohn: Enclosed please find an updated proposal and options pricing on the EH-120 Harvester and TTRC-12 Trailer. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! Kind R ards. Zia Gina Dauffei Sales Direct, 9C-11t) World's leading manufacturer of Surface Water Management Equipment, since 1964. TR #10830 Exhibit "A" 40 'FILT DECK TRAILER CONVEYORS OPT�10tw"S & UPGRADES PRICE LIST CONVEYOR MESH — STANDARD DUTY STAINLESS HYDRAULIC BRAKES HYDRAULIC OIL — MARINE QTGo 48 HYDRAULIC OIL - ALTERNATE, optional HYDRAULIC WINCH PAINT COLOR — BLACK PAINT COLOR - ALTERNATE POWER PACK - HONDA GASOLINE: model GX620 gasoline engine, 20 HP @ 3600 RPM POWER PACK - HATz DIESEL: model 2G40 diesel engine, 19.6 HP @ 2600 RPM !! Prices for TRC & TTRC models is cost to upgrade from slandard gasoline engine to diesel engine POWER PACK - KUBOTA DIESEL ENGINE !! Prioes for TRC & TTRC models is wst to upgrade from standard gasoline engine to diesel engine RMTE CONTROL UNIT, includes two (2) key lobs SHIPPING KIT SPARE PARTS KITS: 1, 2, 3 or 5 year available STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATIONS VANDAL PROOF ENCLOSURE, POWER PACKS KEY: 9 Callfor quote 0 Not available on this model Charges &wy applyfor exceptional requests SOecial condition applies ProposalNumber Compony's Initials 2,700 1,475 Standard No charge* 860 Standard No charge Standard saw 2,000 I'm 275 1,810 ; 9 r 01 TR #10830 Exhibit "A" HARVESTER OWINONS &iJPGRADES PRICE LIST CAB, OPTIONS & AMENITIES CANOPY, operator, extra large bimini CANOPY & LEAN-TO SEAT, operator Standard CANOPY & LEAN -To SEAT, passenger 425 CENTRAL GREASING SYSTEM G CONTROLS, HYDRAULIC, custom layout (3) CONTROL HANDLE/S — JOYSTICK, !! Available on HM Series ONLY CONVEYOR MESH — STANDARD DUTY GALVANIZED, ALL conveyors Standard CONVEYOR MESH — STANDAM DUTY STAINLESS, pick up conveyor only 0 CONVEYOR MESH — STANDARD DUTY STAINLESS, ALL conveyors CONVEYOR MESH — HEAVY DUTY GALVANIZED, pick up conveyor only CONVEYOR MESH — HEAVY DUTY GALVANIZED, ALL conveyors CONVEYOR MESH — HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS, pick up conveyor only CONVEYOR MESH — HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS, ALL conveyors CONVEYOR FLIGHTS / CLEATS ENGINE — HONDA GASOLINE: model GX670 gasoline engine, 24 HP @ 3600 RPM Standard ENGINE — HATz DIESEL: model 2G40 diesel engine, 19.6 HP @ 2600 RPM ;W. ENGINE — KUBOTA DIESEL, optional 3,300 ENGINE — CUMMINS DIESEL, optional & Proposal Number 01 Company's Initials 7' TR #10830 Exhibit "N' PJ HARVESTER OPTIONS & UPGRADES PRICE LIST FUEL TANKS — PORTABLE FUEL TANKS — FIXED / MOUNTED, plastic, optional HYDRAULIC OIL — MARINE SAFE CITGo 48 HYDRAULIC OIL — ALTERNATE, optional NAviGATIONAL LIGHTING NYLATRON WEAR STRIPS, pick up conveyor only NYLATRON WEAR STRIPS, ALL conveyors OPERATOR/ENGINE PLATFORMS — SPLIT I! Required with hydraulically retractable paddles OPERATOR/ENGINE PLATFORM — FULL, optional 11 Not compatible with hydraulically retractable paddles OPERATOR PLATFORM, fixed at lower height OPERATOR PLATFORM, hydraulically adjustable PADDLE WHEELS, jib crane mounting system PADDLE WHEELS, manual swing to stern PADDLE WHEFLS, hydraulic swing to stern PADDLE WHEELS, hydraulically retractable !! Requires SPLIT operator/engine plaffonns PAINT COLOR — LIGHT BLUE SCHEME PAINT COLOR — ALTERNATE SCHEME, optional PROPULSION — DUAL, paddles and propellers SAFETY EQUIPMENT KITS, price each SEATS, additional passenger seat SPARE PARTS KITS: 1, 2, 3 or 5 year available Proposal Number CompmV's Initials Standard (9 Standard No charge* 725 W 0 2%] I 101 Standard No charge 9 300 TR #10830 Exhibit "A" 0 HARVESTER OFMONS& UP(.-";RA0ES PRICE LOST STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATION, LEVEL I (304L stainless, pontoons on�) STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATION, LEVEL 2 (304 stainless, hull & convW kaines1sidgwalls on*) STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATION, LEVEL 3 (316L stainless, hull only) STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATION, LEVEL 4 (316L stainless, see explanadon sheet for inclusions) STORAGE HOLD CLEARANCE, additional 3" height WASH DOWN PUMP, portable with 50' hose • CUSTOM OPTION: LOCATE OPERATOR CONSOLE AS FAR FORWARD AS POSSIBLE • CWT81009MW &4M YKINALSMRAGE CONVEYOR • CUSTOM OPTION: PROPELLER GUARDS (2) KEY: W Callfor quote 0 Not available on this model Charges may applyfor exceptional requests P Special condition applies Proposal Number Company's Initials 4,500 W 9 1,095 No charge No charge M �9 01 TR #j 0830 Exhibit &OKI PO Box 215 200 North Harrison Street AOUARIUS North Prairie, Wisconsin 53153 U.S.A. SYSTEMS Phone. 262-392-2162 Toll Free: 800-328-6555 Fax: 262-392-2984 A Divilsim of D&O PMdUCtS IRC Email: IT0 Web Site: %% � � C I t I � 11- j i i ji i S . c T � I OPTIONS INDEX .A quide to Standard Options A vailable on Aquatic Plant llanyesth�q Equipment CABS — Aluminum operator cabs are available on the 420, 620 and 820 series harvesters. Cabs typically include tinted safety glass, one or two access doors, a windshield wiper and electric fan. Cabs can be fixed to the bridge or designed to hydraulically tilt back into the storage hold for easy over -the -road transportation. CABS AMENITIES — Cabs can be outfitted with many amenities such as air conditioning, heat, twin seats, AM/FM radio with cassette or CD player, marine radios, marine hailers. marine horns, global positioning systems, spot lights, strobe amber work lights and many other custom features. CABS, HYDRAULICALLY TILTING — For ease of transportation over -the -road, cabs can be built to hydraulically tilt into the storage hold conveyor. CANOPIES — HM and H series harvesters include extra large bimini canopies that cover the entire platform, protecting the operator from the elements. Bimini canopies are easily collapsed for storage. Canopies are included at no additional charge on all HM and H series harvesters. CANOPIES & LEAN-TO SEATS — The EH-120 can be ordered with an optional lean- to operator seat and sun umbrella. A separate passenger lean-to seat and sun umbrella are also available. 0 1 '. e, 2 , � j "/ — TR #10830 Exhibit "A" 0 CENTRAL GREASING SYSTEM — Harvesters can be fitted with an optional central greasing system that is plumbed to nearly all the bearings on the machine. This system automatically lubes the bearings and can save the operator up to an hour a day in maintenance time. COLOR OPTIONS — As a factory standard, all equipment is manufactured using carbon steel material, which is sandblasted to a white substrate, then under coated and over coated with 12 to 20 mils of paint. The barge is painted with high quality marine epoxy paint below the waterline; above the waterline and all superstructure components are painted with high quality urethane paint. A wide variety of colors are available to choose from or we can match your custom color. If no preference is stated, standard Aquarius color/s will be provided. There is no charge lbr custom colors, please provide paint chip at time of order. Custom specifications or formulas may result in an up charge. CONTROLS — Harvesters feature either a pressure compensated hydraulic or hydrostatic hydraulic system. With each system the operator controls are available in a combination of handle and foot pedal configurations — the number and location of which are easily customized. If no preference is stated, standard set up will be supplied. On machines with pressure compensated hydraulic systems, an eight position joystick control is available for the paddle wheel functions. There is typically no charge to customize the number and layout of the controls. Optionaljoystick control may result in an upcharge. CONVEYOR MESH — The pick up and storage hold conveyors use 1" x 1" flat wire belting to convey loads on the machines; standard duty galvanized is included. (For special applications 1" x. '/2" mash is also available.) Upgrades to heavy duty galvanized, standard duty stainless steel or heavy duty stainless steel mesh are available. When choosing which mesh best suits an application, take into account that heavy duty mesh weighs nearly 75% more than standard duty mesh, and this reduces the overall payload capacity of the machine. Heavy duty mesh is typically used only when harvesting exceptionally dense material or debris that might damage standard duty mesh. Stainless steel mesh is a great feature, Many clients choose: a), stainless steel mesh on the entire machine; or b). stainless mesh on the pick up conveyor only and galvanized mesh on the balance of the conveyors. Prices vary by conveyor width and service duty. CONVEYOR FLIGHTS — To assist in the collection of floating trash and other debris, flights are attached do the mesh on the pick up conveyor. These flights prevent debris from rolling back into the water as its being brought on board the harvester. 0 ',,/ 7 TR #10830 Exhibit "A" ENGINES — The standard engine used on most harvesters is the Hatz Diesel with "Silent Pack" encapsulation. Hatz is a high quality, German made, air cooled engine that provides excellent service. With the "Silent Pack" sound dampening encapsulation, this engine is noticeably quieter than other diesels of similar horsepower. This feature is greatly appreciated by homeowners and lake users- If a water cooled diesel is preferred we typically recommend a Kubota Diesel. Kubota is another well made engine that is quieter than comparable water cooled diesels. Other engines may also be available. There is no charge to substitute a Kubota engine for the Hatz. Other engines may result in an adjustment. FUEL TANKS — Harvesters include portable six gallon fuel tanks that are yellow and labeled for diesel, or red and labeled for gasoline. Portable tanks provide a convenient way to bring fuel in from another location and are are s. I particularly useful for lakes in rural ea . if however, dockside fueling facilities are available, customers may opt to have a permanently moun a el tank instead, Permanent tanks are available in plastic, steel or stainless steel and a variety of capacities. HYDRAULK; FLUID — All equipment is supplied with mineral based food grade hydraulic fluid, which is specially engineered for aquatic applications. This fluid is sold under the brand name CITGO AouAMARINE 46. Standard hydraulic fluid is also available. There is no charge to substitute standard hydraulic fluid in place of Citgo Aquamarine, Alternate requests may result in an up charge and are subject to approval by Aquarius Systems andlor its hydraulic component suppliers. NAVIGATIONAL LIGHTING — Navigational lighting in compliance with international maritime safety codes is available on all vessels. NYLATRON — Harvesters include nylatron wear strips mounted lengthwise on top of the barge to allow the storage hold mesh to glide easily and reduce wearing. Wear strips can also be mounted to the top of the pick up and storage hold conveyor frames, directly underneath the conveyor mesh, to reduce mesh wear. TR #10830 Exhibit "A" OPERATOR PLATFORMS, SPLIT vs. FULL — Standard HM and H series harvesters include split operator I engine platforms, (split platforms pictured at right). The benefit of split platforms is that it allows maintenance personnel to stand on the storage hold conveyor and work on the engine and hydraulics comfortably at waist level. As an alternate, HIVI and H series harvesters can be built with a single, full sized platform connecting the operator and engine areas. (NOTE: Full platforms cannot be ordered in conjunction with hydraulically retractable paddle wheels.) OPERATOR PLATFORMS, ADJUSTABLE — HM and H series harvesters are designed with the operator platforms mounted at a predetermined height to provide maximum visibility. For lakes with low bridges or other obstructions that must be passed under, we offer the following alternatives: a). ALTERNATE MOUNTING HEIGHT — The original design of most machines can be modified and the platform permanently mounted in a lower position. Client must provide to us in writing (at the time of order) the measurement from the bottom of the obstruction to the surface of the water. Any special conditions or circumstances - such as water fluctuations - should also be provided in writing. (NOTE: This option is available on both the split and full sized operator platforms.) b). ADJUSTABLE PLATFORMS — For clients who want to maintain optimum visibility and have the flexibility to pass beneath low obstructions, we offer adjustable operator platforms, (pictured at right). Hydraulic cylinders and slide guides are used to raise and lower the platform, and the machine remains functional with the platform in any position. PADDLE WHEELS — When transporting harvesters over -the -road the paddle wheels must be removed. The paddle wheels are remounted before launching into the water again. Paddle wheels are bulky and heavy, making them difficult to handle. Three options are available to simplify this process: a). JIB CRANE: A jib crane ran be supplied to assist in mounting and removing the paddle wheels. Instead of using manpower to lift and hold the paddle wheels in place while bolting them on, the crane bears the load. The jib crane is first secured to the harvester platform on one side and the paddle wheel is lifted into place, Once the first paddle wheel is bolted on, the crane is moved to the other side and the process repeated. The jib crane can then be removed and stored elsewhere until it's needed again. b). SWING To STERN PADDLE WHEELS: on some models the paddle wheels can be designed to swing to the stern for over -the -road transport or to reduce the operating width. This option can be accomplished either manually or hydraulically. 0 i �,/ 7 TR #10830 Exhibit "A" C). HYDRAULICALLY RETRACTABLE PADDLE WHEELS: This is an excellent option designed to eliminate the time and hassle of manually removing the paddle wheels each time the harvester is moved over -the -road. In the retracted position, the paddle wheels are flipped up and over the sidewalls, into the storage hold of the machine. This option is especially popular with harvesting contractors who often relocate the equipment. (NOTE: Not compatible with full operator platform.) PROPULSION OPTIONS— Propulsion and steering on harvesters is provided by two paddle wheels, one mounted on either side. In weedy situations, paddle wheels perform very well because they don't become entangled like propellers do. Mounted at the center point of each side, the paddles provide optimum maneuverability. Each paddle is independently controlled, giving the operator precise steering control and enabling the harvester to spin on its own axis. In special circumstances, there may be a need to fit the harvester with dual propulsion — standard paddle wheels and twin hydraulic propellers. Twin props can provide the harvester with additional speed when transiting and, with the paddle wheels removed, Drovide a nar wer workinn nrofila (NOTE: This option is only available on 620 & 820 harvesters.) SAFETY EQUIPMENT KIT — Safety equipment kits are available and include two (2) 50' nylon lines, two (2) life vests each with a clip -on warning whistle, one (1) ring buoy with a 50' line & mounting hook, one (1) lung powered signal horn, one (1) distress flag and a first aid kit. SEATS — Standard HM and H series harvesters include one heavy duty vinyl operator seat. One additional passenger seat can be included upon request. (NOTE: Additional seats can ONLY be added to the 420, 620 and 820 model harvesters.) SPARE PARTS KITS — The purchase of a harvester includes a standard spare parts kit with the following items: 1 hydraulic oil filter, 5 replacement blades for cutter bar w/fasteners, 2 vertical shear fingers, 2 horizontal shear fingers, 2 rod end bearings for cutter bar, 1 set of miscellaneous fasteners, 1 engine oil filter, 2 spring loaded hold down clips, 6 spring loaded hold down clip wear bars, 1 hydraulic gauge, 1 hydraulic motor seal kit, a multi purpose ABC fire extinguisher, 1 grease gun with grease and a tool kit with tools. Extended one year, two year, three year and five year spare parts kits are available. TR #JO830 Exhibit"N' STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATIONS — Standard harvesters are built using carbon steel and finished with high quality paint. As an option, all equipment can be ordered in a variety of stainless steel configurations. Prices vary by model, grade of steel and level. LEVEL 1 — Hull is fabricated using 304L* grade stainless steel material and the balance of the machine in carbon steel. LEVEL 2 — Hull, pick up head frame and storage hold frames are fabricated using 304L* grade stainless steel material. (Stainless steel conveyor mesh, stainless steel fittings, etc. are not included in the Level 2 package.) LEVEL 3 — Hull is fabricated using 316L* grade stainless steel material and the balance of the machine in carbon steel. LEVEL 4 — Hull, pick up head frame, storage hold frames and all other fabricated parts are made using 316L* grade stainless steel material. The Level 4 package includes stainless steel hydraulic fittings, stainless steel (standard duty) conveyor mesh and nickel plated hydraulic components. STORAGE CONVEYOR CLEARANCE — A key element in the design of aquatic plant harvesters is the need to maintain a low center of gravity. The storage hold conveyor is mounted directly above the barge, allowing for about 1/2" of clearance between the bottom side of the belting and the top of the barge. For special applications the design can be modified to allow up to 3" of clearance. WASH DOWN Pumps — Portable gasoline powered wash down pumps are available to assist in cleaning the equipment. These pumps include a 50' hose with nozzle. TR #10830 Exhibit "N' 0 TRAILERS, TRAILER CONVEYORS & TILT DECK TRAILERS CONVEYOR MESH — Trailer conveyors include 1" x 1" flat wire belting: standard duty galvanized mesh is provided. Upgrades to heavy duty galvanized, standard duty stainless steel or heavy duty stainless steel are available. (NOTE: This option does not apply to standard trailers or tilt deck trailers.) HYDRAULIC BRAKES — All trailers include electric brakes as standard equipment; hydraulic brakes are also available. Trailer conveyors and tilt deck trailers include power packs and adding hydraulic brakes is a simple upgrade. On standard trailers however, a power pack must also be added in order to power the hydraulic brake system. HYDRAULIC WINCHES — All trailers include electric winches as standard equipment; hydraulic winches are also available. Trailer conveyors and tilt deck trailers include power packs and adding a hydraulic winch is a simple upgrade. On standard trailers however, a power pack must also be added in order to power the hydraulic winch. POWER PACKS — Trailer conveyors and tilt deck trailers include gasoline power packs, (engine & hydraulics) as standard equipment. Gasoline power packs can be added to standard model TR trailers and is required with the hydraulic winch or hydraulic brake system upgrades, POWER PACK OPTIONS — The following options are available for the power packs: a). VANDAL PROOF CAGES - If vandalism is a concern, the power packs on the trailers can be protected with a lockable enclosure. These enclosures are available with solid panel or flat expanded metal sidewalls, b). REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION — Some hydraulic functions on the trailers can be outfitted with a remote control sending unit and hand held key fob — this enables the conveyor to be started and operated from the harvester or transport barge. SHIPPING KIT — Shipping kits are available with the purchase of a trailer. Each kit includes two (2) heavy duty nylon shipping straps, a heavy duty chain and a heavy duty chain binder.