HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-03011 Temp Reso #10648 — February 16, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- 3D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AGREEING TO ASSUME THE ROAD IMPROVEMENT OBLIGATIONS FOR PARCEL "R" OF THE KINGS POINT REPLAT (CASE NO. 1-MI-05); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 15, 2002, the City of Tamarac, Florida acquired the fee title to Parcel "R" of the Kings Point Replat recorded at Plat Book 156, Page 3 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida ("Parcel "R"); and WHEREAS, the Agreement for Phasing the Installation of Required Road Improvements relating to the Kings Point Replat, dated as of April 14, 1994, and recorded at O.R. Book 22005, Page 924, Public Records of Broward County, Florida ("the Phasing Agreement") requires the installation of certain road improvements (i.e., turn lanes and pavement markings and signs) prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Parcel "R" (the "Parcel "R" Road Improvements") (attached hereto as Exhibit 1"); and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac may seek to amend the non -vehicular access line on Parcel "R" to delete the 80 foot opening on Nob Hill Road and to amend the Phasing Agreement to eliminate the Parcel "R" Road Improvements; and WHEREAS, in the event the City elects not to seek an amendment to the non - vehicular access line for Parcel "R" and an elimination of the Parcel "R" Road Improvements, the City agrees to abide by the terms of the Phasing Agreement with Temp Reso #10648 — February 161005 Pa 2 I respect to the Parcel "R" Road Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Director of Community Development recommends approval; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to agree to as, the Road Improvement obligations for Parcel "R" of the Kings Point Replat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolu and )e in E :and SECTION 2: The City Commission of the City of Tamarac hereby agreos to assume the Road Improvement obligations for Parcel "R" of the Kings Point Replat, arid to abide by the terms of the Phasing Agreement with respect to the Parcel "R" Road Improvements. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. are SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in I Temp Reso #10648 — February 16, 2005 Page 3 application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 91h day of March, 2005. JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR ATTEST: �i k�-11�'I(jd(RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE- M LAR I LIN S'� W F N -S 0 N, C M MAYOR SCHREIBER CITY CLERK DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TAILABI DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. MITCHELL S3. RA CITY ATTORNEY Icommdev\u:\pats\userdata\wpdata\res\1 0648reso TEMP RESO 410648 47 EXHIBIT 94-1 A,(.P, 81069 T#003 AGREEMENT 04-14-94 04833PM Between BROWARD COUNTY And IMNAR HM, INC. PHASING THE INSTALLATION OF REQUIRED ROAD IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO KIM POINT REKAT This is an Agreement between BROWARD COUNTY, a pblitical subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," through its Board of County Commissioners, 0 N 61 IMAR H=1 PLC* hereinafter referre3 to as 115ZVELOPER,11 its successors and SsIgns. WHEREAS, DEVELOPER'S plat, known as Uva POINT ME ( 58-W-93 hereinafter referred to as the IIPLAT,gg was ip-provR EY the Rard of county Commissioners of Broward County on OMX= 19M 1993 . and is described in Exhibit "A," attacKea hereto and incorporated herein; and 0 C2 WHEREAS, the PLAT was approved subject to certain conditions CA to ensure the protection of the public health and safety, and one of the conditions imposed at the time of PLAT approval was the CD construction of certain road improvements; NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, and payments hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and DEVELOPER agree as follows: (a) DEVELOPER agrees that DEVELOPER shall construct the road improvements described in Exhibit "Big attached hereto, hereinafter referred to as Uthe Xaprovements." Said Improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the schedule set out in Exhibit I'D." CA0240 06/17/92 (> I q 4AL43- -d BCC Appfovc, subnimed BY ,7,,1G1urtWqrCO ETURN TO C)ocUMENT C08T (b) The Improvements described in Exhibit "B" shall be installed in accordance with applicable COUNTY, State of Florida Department of Transportation standards and specifications and in accordance with the Development Review Report for the PLAT. The construction plans for the Improvements, including pavement marking and signing plans, shall be submitted to COUNTY for review and approval prior to commencement of construction. construction shall be subject to inspection and approval by COUNTY. Pavement marXing and signing shall be provided for all of the improvements and shall be subject to review, field inspections and final approval by the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division consistent with the previously approved plans. 2. DEVELOPER understands and agrees that it is DEVZLOPER I S responsibility to complete the improvements described in Exhibit "B" and that all costs relating to the installation of the Improvements will be borne by the DEVELOPER. 'I FIEW374Tr, 40 W0.1 d 10 11) (a) DEVELOPER shall provide the COUNTY with security such as a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit prior to the recordation of the PLAT, which is acceptalile to the COUNTY and which guarantees the DEVELOPER'S performance of the construction. obligations set forth in this Agreement in the total amount of $ 198-381-00 (b) DEVELOPER aqrees that this Agreement shall be recorded in the official Records of Broward County, Florida, against the property described in Exhibit I'All to put subsequent purchasers, grantees, heirs, successors and assigns of any interest in such property on notice of the obligations set forth herein, which shall run with the property until fully performed. However, the amount set forth in paragraph 3 (a) above shall not constitute a lion on the property unless and until the provisions of paragraph 3 (f) are activated by the recording of a $'Notice of Lien for Required of fsite Improvements." (c) if the DEVELOPER obtains certificates of occupancy prior to completion of the applicable improvements, contrary to the schedule set forth in Exhibit 11B,11 the DEVELOPM shall be in default of this Agreement. In the event the DEVELOPER defaults under the terms of this Agreamentr COUNTY shall be entitled to draw against the security for the amount set out in paragraph 3 (a), plus costs an set forth herein. It COUNTY draws against the security and the amount recovered is loss than the &%cunt necessary to construct the Improvements, COUNTY may maintain an action Chr#240 06/17/92 -2- M Ln against DEVELOPER in a court of competent jurisdiction for the difference between any sums obtained and the amount due, plus costs and interest accrued f rom the due date at the rate of 12 percent per annum. (d) DEVELOPER shall ensure that the security remains valid and in full force and effect until DEVELOPER'S road improvement obligation is fully performed - Expiration of the security prior to DEVELOPER'S performance of such obligation, or notice to COUNTY that the security will expire or has been canceled or disaffirmed prior to DEVELOPERIS satisfaction of all obligations hereunder, shall constitute a default of this Agreement* (a) Xn the event DEVELOPER defaults under the terms of this Agreement and COUNTY draws on the security, DPELOPER shall be responsible for COUNTY$$ reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in drawing against the security. M in the event the security expires, in chneeled or is disaffirmed, COUNTY shall send -notice to DEVRWPER according to the notice provisions of this Agreement and DEVELOPER shall have four (4) months from the date of such notice to provide substitute security in a form acceptable to COUNTY. if DEVELOPER fails tb provide acceptable substitute securityl COUNTY may record a document entitled "Notice of Lien for Required Offaite Improvements" which shall constitute a lion on the property described in Exhibit "All for �he amount set forth in paragraph 3(a), or stated portion thereof. To the extent that the failed security in attributable to an identified parcel or portion of the PLAT, the Notice of Lien for Required Offsite Improvements may be recorded against and apply only to such parcel or portion of the PLAT. 4. upon the completion of one or more of the road improvements specif iod in Exhibit 11B, " the DEVELOPER may request a partial release of security from the COUNTY. The DEVELOPER she submit a sealed certification by a Registered Engineer of the work completed, and a cost estimate of the remaining roadway improvements to be completed based upon the current approved County unit prices. Upon acceptance by the COUNTY of said certification and cost estimate, and payment by the DEVELOPER of any applicable fee, the COUNTY shall release that portion of the security, if any, which in in excess of the cost of the remaining road improvements. Final release of the full security is subject to the standard COUNTY maintenance period of one (1) year from the date of completion of all of the Improvements specified on Exhibit "B". -C"0240 06/17/92 -3- W 0 CA 0 G7 0 S. DEVELOPER agrees that the construction contract(s) for Improvements shall include the following: (a) Indemnify and save harmless the COUNTYO the Board of county commissioners of Broward County, and the State of Florida, its agents and employees, from or an account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons during or on account of any operations connected with the construction of the Improvements; or by or in consequence of any negligence in connection with' the same; or by use of any improper materials or by or an account of an act or omission of the said contractor, subcontractor, agents, servants or employees. (b) workers' Compensation insurance to apply for all employees in compliance with the "Workers I CouRensation LawU of the State of Florida and all applicable federal laws. (c) Employers I Liability with a limit of One Huhdred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per accident. (d) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with minimum limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500# 000* 00) per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General Liability Policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed. by the Insurance Services office, and must include: Promises and/or Operations. Independent Contractors. ro Products and/or completed operations. C* C2 Underground Coverages. COUNTY and the Broward County Board of County Com- 0 missioners are to be named as additional insureds with W., respect to liability arising out of operations performed rs) f or COUNTY by or on behalf of CONTRACTOR or negligent acts or omissions of COUNTY in connection with general supervision of such operation. (a) Business Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive then the latest CV1240 06/17/92 -4- edition of the Business Automobile Liability Policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the insurance Services Office and must include owned vehicles and hired and non -owned vehicles. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction: The policy(les) must be endorsed to provide COUNTY with thirty (30) days notice of cancellation and/or restriction. 6. COUNTY agrees that this Agreement satisfies the requirements of Sections 5-183 (d) (2) and 5-200 (d) (2), browird County Cod* of ordinances, that developers install all required improvements prior to issuance of a development order or enter into an agreement to provide for installation of the required improvements within a reasonable period of time or before issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy, as required by the County Commission. upon official acceptance of the improvements by the applicable road construction permitting agency, the local government may issui certificates of occupancy for parcels or portions of -the FIAT according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit 61B." 7. The DMLOPER agrees to execute any and all other instruments or documents as may be required to effectuate the raciuirements of Chapter 5, Article IX, Broward county Code of Ordinances, and this Agreement. s. XQTIgZ. Whenever any of the parties desire to,give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, 'sent by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specif ied; the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it is changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving notice: PO For the COUNTY: 0A. C21- Director of the Broward County Engineering Division co 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 321 Fort Lauderdale, VL 33301 4' ChIP0240 06/17/92 Por the DEVELOPER: LENNAR NOW, INC. 70o N.W. io7TH AvE. Mum, n33172 9. BU&M. When all of the obligations set forth herein are fully paid and performed, COUNTY, at the request of DEVELOPER or its successor and upon payment of any applicable f sea, shall cause a release to be recorded in the Official Records of Broward County, Florida, evidencing such performance. To the extent that the obligations set forth herein are divisible and attributable to a specific parcel or portion of the PLAT., COUNTY nay grant a partial release of this agreemeqt for a specific parcel or portion of the PLAT for which this road impact obligation has been satisfied. XN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature; BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chairman, authorized t execute b Board action on the day of Q'4-1h@A. - 19 and same or zed through - its duly i At, i representative to execute same. ATTEST: tddnty Adminisfr-ator and Ex - of ficio Clark of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward CountumeAlorida 0 1 A M9 *Does*$ see so 0 % 0. CREATED LOCT T . 1,e QI 1915 X1 040-6 CAY0240 06/17/92 -6- BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS B Y) V. day of Qkj-v . Approved as to form by Of f ice of County Attorney Broward county, Florida JOHN J. COPELXN, JR., County Att4 Governmental Center, Suits 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort d le, Florida 33301 Te&hone: 305) 357-7600 pis Tel piW :�65) 357-7641 By 63 E ROAD IMPROVEMENT PHASING AGREEMENT relating to the EXCS POW REW z= witnesses: Pr n name: F.*b4w+-Ahre-#-uS ieo600 orhar (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF rLDEIVA, COUNTY OFw0L0AeD The foregoing instrumej day of FMA.060- .1 personally known to me cm i dent W4 ca4tea-and who 44W (seal) My commissi LENNAR HOW, 1W. By Print name:JBMM J, SN= Title: ViCz-pLSIDENT Address: 7600 moB Him Rv. TAURAC, FL 44 day of FfaROAP-Y 19A. womalumfoctwo 0 J*V. to wiftmalmouw0fts C.%70240 06/17/92 -7- 0 cknowledged before me this A2 by w o a .-- Ou take an Y PUBLIC: : LA&)R&4- 3. FOUA024AZI ro A& C2 c* CA) Q ROAD IMPROVEMENT PHASING AGREEMENT relating to the KINGS POW RMUT am COREgR&TSIZALUERSHIP STATE OF FIDRIDA ) Ss. COUM OF UMARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this c2a da&� %) &� s 192+__, by MAP-A&a fth4 , an fhnna6EMOP or 0 LONAR Hm. INC. a -- FLNDA— corporaEloni/ on eha-Lf of the corpora nj He SOMM is P�rsonally known to me I XKEbNffU""MjVMand did/119KEM take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC: (Seal) WM-j*v'1W W� ft*jft N6W&vM Tf-1W my coxmisj&. - WW11--, W Witnesses: Print name: Print name: (Corporate seal) CAF#240 06/17/92 -a- name: LA094 By Print name: Title: Address., day of 19—. q DESCRIPTION PARCEL . OA No NEUTER 0, AS RECORDED I H PLAT BOOK 150, AT FACE 46, AND PARCEL !A0, 0HUNTINCTONt AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK III , AT PACE 31, AM PARCEL NA'wt "ROCKFORDoo AS RECORDED IN PLA;r.BQOK.1$1, FACII 37., 6PP PAR - 'Ago 0SEDOU191.0 AS 119CONORD IN PLAT BOOK 150', PACE It ANO P20IL"A'wo 00ELDON10, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 152, PACE 1, ANO PARCEL *AN, NVORKSHINtol AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK IS2. PACE 6. ALL OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA- SAID I.AiDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAIN 150-541 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. , , . 1. . @-. c3 G7 1 04. . , . (List of improvements and Phasing Schedule) d ROAd - 1212iAxam" In BAY KUOH PAVOW MARKINGS AND SIC SIDEWAM ALMG NOB KILL 11 ADJAM TO PAIM "B" vorwAiT WIND RIGIrr TUR LANE AT THE, 100, OPENING SOUTHWW BOUND Uwr TURN IANE AT TO 100' OPENING FAVOW MARKJM AND 310 NORTNEW MUND R1Gff TM LANZ AT THE 801 OPENING SOMM BOUND UWT no UNE AT THE Sol OPENING FAVOW MUMCS AND Sig BUS PUMOT BAY SIDWALK ALM NODUM RD, ADJACENr TO PARCEL "S"61t NORTH BOUND M TURN LAN AT = 100' OPENIN NORTH BOUND - LEPT TWM- LAN! a THE KOM so, OPINING NORM MUND UWT TURN IAN] AT THE SOOM"flOt "ING WM DOWD RIM TURN 1A AT TIM 100, OPENING MUTH WIND Rim TM LM AT THE XOM 80' OPENING SOM BOUND RIW TURN LAI AT TIM SOUM 80' OPENING LI SOEM am Ian TURN Luz AT THE NOM Sol opunG i QmRlatign Data PRIOR .70 Coo FOR PARML '#I[" PRIOR TO Coo@ FOR PARCEL "r Pam TO C.O. M Pam "so 0 W 1. BONDED UNDER LV= OF CREDIT NO. 514253o MNUFACTMW NATIONAL BAK, $45,109.00 2. BONDED UNDER Lt= OF CREDIT No. 514252, MANUFACTURERS NATIONkL BANK, $29,542.00 - 3. BMW UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 513035 MANUFACrURERS NATIONAL BAK, $123.730.00 co M —12— Y� 23-6 M MNS INTL A u MANUFACFLIFIER3 BANK. NA, LOW d Cadit Cobb AMM, MANUSANK INTERNATIONAL BANKING DEPARTMENT SWIn. MN90 US 33 mmuFACMIERS BANK MINER RENAISSANCE CENTER P 0, BOX 55012A IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CRE ByfOIT, MICHIGAN 40255 DATE OF ISSUE APRIL 10, 1992 ISSUING BANK'S N 0. $14252 BENEFICIARY: APPLICANTo COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF LENNAR HONES, INC. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 700 N.W. 107TH AVE. GOVERNMENTAL CENTER, ROOM 409 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172 115 SOUTH-ANDREWS AVENUE YORf -IIAUDMIDALE, FLORIDA. 33301% AMOUNT's A29 2.00 14-URITE ' fg-.:F ILI :APP,' '9*,"-1903 ROCKFORD 77-HP-90 .— ---------------------- BROWARD COUNTY PROJECT NAME AND NUMBER WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO DRAW ON MANUFACTURERS BANK, W.A., INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT, 100 RENAISSANCE CENTER, 12TH FLOOR, DETROIT MICHIGAN 48243 BY ORDER OF LENNAR HOMES INC. AND FOR THE ACCOUNT OF L NNAR HOMES, INC. UP TO AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN 6NITED STATES FUNDS, OF $29,45290 AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS AT SIGHT I ACCOMPMED BY, (1) A SIGNED STATEMENT FROM THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OF BROWARD COUNTY, OR ONE PURPORTING TO BE HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, THAT THE DRAWING IS DUE To DEFAULT IN PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OBLIGAT R TO SUBMLT. PLANS jT0RUCTffA6=URED -IjPROVEMj9NTCP TO IR-OWARD COUNTY THIRTYT 0 DAYS E E CON OR I SSU HCE OFjNq FIRST BUILDING f ERMIT, WHICHE R CURS R%T; OR RAILURq TO,.fAY SU S. ON % 41 t PART OF LEN, rRH.,..., INC. --------------------- FOR 6HIBIT 'At ............ PURi�A'N'T TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT ------------------ 0 ---------------------- ------ cn APPROVED ON DECEMBER 18, 1990 BY BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ AND THAT SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------- WERE A CONDITION OF THE APPROVAL OF THE ROCKFORD PLAT ------------------------------------- DRAFTS MUST BE DRAWN AND NEGOTIATED NOT LATER THAN APRIL 9, 1993. DRAFTS MUST BEAR THE CLAUSEs "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 514252 OF MANUFACTURERS BANK, N.A., DATED APRIL 10, 1992-M THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE RENEWED FOR SUCCESSIVE PERIODS OF ONE Cl) YEAR EACH UNLESS WE PROVIDE THE BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE BROWARD COUNTY ENGINEERING DIVISION WITH WRITTEN NOTICE OF OUR INTENT TO TERMINATE THE CREDIT HEREIN EXTENDED WHICH NOTICE MUST BE PROVIDED AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIltAfION DATE OF THE ORIGINAL TERM HEREOF OR ANY RENEWED ONE (1) YEAR TERN. NOTICE TO BROWARD COUNTY THAT THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL EXPIRE PRIOR TO PERFORNANC OF THE DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS SHALL BE DEEMED A DEFAULT. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) 0 Vol , , S. 2341* MNS INTL A 23-ON MNS INfL 8 MANUFAMREII$ BANK. N.A. Uft d Credd 0~ C" Addim: MANUBANK INTERWONAL BANKWO DEIRAMWNT SWFr. MNOD US 33 mANuFAcWFtEFtS BANK WMA RENAWYME CEMA P 0 WX W12A DETRUT, MIGHOM 48255 PAGE TWO LETTER OF CREDIT NO. S14252 APRIL 10, 1992 , THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL THE TERMS OF OUR UNDERTAKrmo, AND SUCH UNDERTAKING HAL 16T I ANY WAY E FIE ND D6 OR ANK FIED By RE RENCE ac T HSTJOR Nrige, 00 1p@q.T 1 RR9 0 HEREgm OR in Rio. !g WD - 9FE *., -j F. I; Is;,. to T VA m A *.X-- Eftj -.RE ME 6 19 NEWS IE s OL RE F, E ct OFfil E ! �O L 511 0 RUM Nr, - "INSYRUM . RA R RE WE HEREBY A13RCE WITH THe DRAWERS ENDORSERS, AND BONA FIVE HOLDERS OF -ALL DRAFTS DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WIfH THE TERMS OF THIS CREDIT, THAT SUCH DRAFTS WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION TO THE DRAWEE. THE sumassiom OF IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AS REQUIRED, THE INSTALLATION OF IMPROVE - NEWTS AND RESTORATION OF COUNTY PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND TIME FRAMES PROVIDED FOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT, --------------------------------------------------- ACCEPTANCE BY BROWARD COUNTY OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED OR MONIES DUE PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT - ----­------­--­--------- AND THE PROVISION OF ADEQUATE SECURITY FOR A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD IF THE IMPROVEMENT 15 A COUNTY ROAD OR WORK SHALL BE A RELEASE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. CUSTO S A D ICE MENTARY THIS C*ID IJIS S TO TIE "UN -FO PITT 983 U f'jG N), NTERNATrO L CHA DER N OF C ERCE (1,CCATION NO, CREDITS'," R VI 0 1 N 4 TE PR Vlj OHS 0 FLORIJAW. IF A CON LI SET AEN E-UNlfORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE F RY CREDITSAND FL RIDA LAW SHOULD ARISE FLORIDA tAW SHALL PREVAI.L. - IF A CONFLICT BETWEEN -TOE LAW 'OF .019THER STATI 00. COYNTRY AND'FLORT. A -FLqstrbA'LAW PFEVAIL. YOURS VERY ULY, AU RIZ60--STGNATURE C:) C2 Cam -0 07 broward County Attancy 9. QWA Addfm: MANUBAW Mr. MNW us 33 ll�- kf..t MANUFAL'TUFIEFA RAW NA.. INTERNATION& SANKNO DEPARTMENT MANUFACtUPARS AW MMA RENAMM)iCE CENTER RaOMM2A DETRW. Mr.HKM 462S5 ROCKFORD EXHIBIT "A" LWm d QUO FINAL DEVELOPMENT REVXEW.REPORT AS FOkLpWSt ITEM 6 - NbRTHEAST BOUND RiGNT TURN LANE ON NOR' HILL ROAD AT'TiE 801 OPENING. ITEM 7 - SOUTHWEST BOUND LEFT TURN LANE 014 NOR HILL ROAD AT THE 801 OPENING. SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTSi ITEM 8 - SIDEWALK ALONG NOR HILL ROAD ADJACENT TO FLAT PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNSs ITEM 9 PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNS R I N A L THIS EXHIBIT FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MANUFACTURERS'llANK N. A S LETTER QF �CREDIT..NO- 514252 w . , '. a , - ; " � ' -. : -, ' Vw ' ' '118. ION Et =1 MNII INTL A jc3-** mhb m% o CaW Ad&"&- WIANUB&NK MANUFACTURERS BANK. NA LION of crom wWall MWT- MNSD US 32 INTERNATIONAL 11ANKING DEFAMENT MANUFAMIREP LAW TOWE4 RENARN - CENTEII DETROIT, MCHIOAN 48M AMENDMENT TO LETTER OF CREDIT CREDIT NUMBER OF APRIL 28, 1992 --' ISSUING BANKi 514252 APPLICANTt LENNAR HOMES, INC. 700 N.W. 107TH AVE. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172 SENEFICIARYs AMENDMENT NUMBERs 001 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BROWARD COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GOVERNMENTAL CENTERs,-:ROOM 409 115 SOUTH ANDREWS AVE. 1Y. THIS AMENDMENT JS TO BE CONSIDERED AS PART OF THE ABOVE CREDIT AND MUST BE ATTACHED THERETO. Mr.) PS GENTLE w 0. IN ACCO DAN WIT ECE 0 0 S A$ CAPTION IT EEN RD D %&AL OWS TRUC4TNs E R IV D FR i� OUR PNFAL A OVELV THE AMOUNT OF THIS CREDIT HAS INCREASED BY 90.00 USDI THE AMOUNT OF THIS CREDIT ISSUED NOW TOTALS 29,542.00 USD . ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN I, c* co CRIZED SIGNATURE cn --';vfsd as to form COPELAN, JR. 8rcuard County.'Attorney qy!� MANUFACTURERS NATIONALBANK *11"s mw vm air oa:mol*r I*ummwvma INTERNATIONAL BANKING DEPARTMENr Letter of Ct@*I Caw Adiomw MANUBANX mAivirAcnmins wmi IIINIFT. MN5O US 33 RENAISSANCE CENTER P.O. lIOX U412A DETROIT. MICHIGAN 411M IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT DATE OF ISSUE OCTOBER 16, 1992 BENEFICIARYs COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GOVERNMENTAL CENTER, ROOM 409 115 SOUTH ADREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 ISSUING BANK'S 00. 51303S APPLICANTs LENNAR HONES, INC. 700 N.W. 107TH AVE. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172 AMOUNTs $123 730 00 IN UNITED STATAS FADS EXPIRYt OCTOBER 15s 1992 SEDGEFIEL6 209-HP-89 ----------------- BROWARD COUNTY"MJECT NAME MANE AND NUMBER WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO DRAW ON MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT, 100 RENAISSANCE CENTER, 12TH FLOOR DETROIT, 1416HIGAN 48243 BY ORDER OF LENNAR HOMESs INC. AND FOR THE ACCOUNT OF CENNAR HOMES, INC. UP TO AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT6NIN UNITED STATES FUNDS, OF $123,730.00 AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS AT SIGHT, ACC PANIED BYs (1) A SIGNED STATEMENT FROM THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OF BROWARD COUNTY OR ONE PURPORTING TO BE HIS AUTHORIZED AEPRESENTATIVE, THAT THE DRAWING IS DUf TO DEFAULT 10 PERFORMANCE OF'CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO*THE OBLIGATION TO SUBMIT PLANS FOR THE SECURED IMPROVEMENT(S) TO DROWARD COUNTY THIRTY (30) DAYS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION OR XSSUANCE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT, WHICHEVER OCCUAS'FIRST; OR FAILURE TO PAY SUMS, DH THE PART OF LENNAR HOMES, INC. -------------------------------- I FOR OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING --------------------------------------------------- w ---------------------- PURSUANT TO FINAL FLAT REPORT FOR SEDGEFIELD 209-MP-89 ------------------------------------- APPROVED ON JUNE 2, 1990 BY BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - ----------------------------------------------------- AND THAT SUCH OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING - ----------------------------------------------- WERE A CONDITION OF THE APPROVAL OF THE SEDGEFIELD 209-MP-89 ­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . DRAFTS MUST BE DRAWN AND NEGOTIATED NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 15, 199Z. DRAFTS MUST BEAR THE CLAUSE: "DRAWN UNDER VETTER OF CREDIT NO. 513035 OF MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT, DATED -OCTOBER 16, 1991." HIS LETTER OF CREDIT $HALL BE RENEWED FOR SUCCESSIVE PERIODS OF ONE (1) YEAk ACH UNLESS WE PROVIDE THE BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE BROWARD COUNTY ENGINEERING DIVISION WITH WRITTEN NOTICE OF OUR INTENT TO TERMINATE THE CREDIT HEREIN EXTENDED, WHICH NOTICE MUST BE PROVIDED AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE ORIGINAL TER14 HEREOF OR ANY RENEWED ONE (1) YEAR TERM. NOTICE TO BROWARD COUNTY THAT THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL EXPIRE PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE OF THE DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS $HALL BE DEEMED A DEFAULT, (CONTINUED ON PACE TWO) ` 'IEI - T104 414?U MNS INTL A 1234M MNI INTL 9 C@W AddMU MANUBANK SwiFV. MN80 Ub 33 PAGE TWO LETTER OF CREDIT NO. $13035 OCTOBER 16, 1991 "UFACIVRERS NATIONAL BANK *or 01!lrlqollr INTERNATONAL BANKING 0EPARTMENT LutpuretcTurino, wozx yesin RENAISSANCE CONTER 10.0, BOX 55412A OETA01Y. MICHIGAN 4= Laller of Ciedit Omsion THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL THE TERMS OF OUR UNDERTAKING, AND SUCH UNDERTAKING SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED AMENDED OR AMPLIFIED IV REFERENCE TO ANY DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENT, 09 AGREEMENT RiFERRED T6 HEREIN OR IN WHICH THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS REFERRED TO OR THIS LETTER OF CREDIT RELATES, AND ANY SUCH REFERENCE SMALL NOT BE DEEMED TO INCORPORATE. HEREIN BY REFERENCE ANY DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENT, OR AGREEMENT. WE HEREBY AGREE wrYM THE DRAWERS, ENDORSERS, AND BONA FIDE HOLDERS OF ALL DRAFTS DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS CREDIT, THAT SUCH DRAFTS., WILL BE DULY hCMIORED UPON PRESENTATION TO THE DRAWEE. THE SUBMISSION OF IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AS REQUIRED, THE INSTALLATION OF IMPROVE- MENTS AND'RESTORATION OF COUNTY PROPERTY IN &CORDANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND TIME FRAMES PROVIDED FOR IN THE FINAL FLAT REPORT AND FOLLOWING (SEE EXHIBIT *AN), .................... ft ----------- r ---------- --- ACCEPTANCE BY BROWARD COUNTY OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED OR MONIES DUE PURSUANT TO FINAL PLAT REPORT AS FOLLOWS (SEE EXHIBIT "A") .-ftw ......... w.w ................... ft ----------- AND THE PROVISION o; ADEQUATE SECURITY FOR A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD IF THE IMPROVEMENT IS A COUNTY ROAD OR WORK SHALL BE A RELEASE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS LOTTER OF CREDIT. THIS CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE "UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS, (1983 REVISION), INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NO. ;0 400 AND THE PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA LAW� IF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS AND FLORIDA LAW SHOULD ARISE SMALL PREVAIL. PO FLORIDA LAW IF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE LAW OF ANOTHER STArk OR COUNTRY AND FLORIDA LAW SHOULD ARISE, FLORIDA LAW SHALL PREVAIL. m, Q cz YOURS VEtY�T�ULY, ul -0 C2 AU DRIZED SIGNATURE d an6 zVlproqed as 6viewO mkomay, Ibis 60cume v . 0. 0 la. " ori torriol, to iorm by nit'j. zii countl . or AW MANUFACrURERS NATIONAL BANK 1P *§m,MI4INTLA avilue MNS Rm B INTERNATIC014L BANKING DVARTMENT CHO AdOMM: MANLOANK I.~ Of Credit $Wrr� UNRO LOS 33 MAWACnAERS BANK TOWER K&#A"AWX UNTEA P.C. BOX SM12A DITROIT. MICHIGAN 0M EXHIBIT "A" FINAL PLAT REPORT AS FOLLOWSt ITEM Of (DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT) BUS PULLOUT SAY IN NOR HILL ROAD - $9,S90.00 ITEM 121 (DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT) SIDEWALK ALONG NON HILL ROAD — $12,396-00 ITEM St (DELEGATION RFQMA)�._ SOUTHROUND RIGHT TURN LANES ON NOR HILL ROAD AT THE TWO 800 OPENIN13S $15,986.00 EACHi AT THE 1000 OPENINGS —117,02.00 ITEM 9t (DELEGATION REQUEST) NORTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANES ON NOD HILL ROAD AT* THE 80$ OPENINGS 411,723-00 (EACH)i AT THE 1001 OPENINGS — $12,789.00 INSERTED ITEMI —(DELEGATION REWST) SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN LANE ON'NOO'HILL ROAD $11,723.00 ITEM l3o (DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT) PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING — $4,762.00 THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT'S LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 513035. CD 0 00 G7 0 town 0 23-5706 MN8 INTL A 25,." -v%iil 94L 0 MANUFACtUREIRS BANK. N.;, LOW 01 oaw Ilvow Cgbb Addfou: MANUBANK INTERNATM)NAL BANKING OEPARTMeNt SWIFT MN&D US 33 MANUFAMPERS BANK MWER RENAMUNCE CENTER P Ck BOX 56012A DETWT. MICHIGAN 4AX5 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT DATE OF ISSUE APRIL lOp 1992 ISSUING BANK'S NO. 514253 BENEFICIARYt APPLICANTc COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GOVERNMENTAL CENTER, ROOM'409 115 SOUTH ANDREW$ AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 6 LENNAR HOMES INC. 700 H.W. ION AVE. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33,172 AMOUNT: 414S 109.00 IN UNITED STAfES FUNDS' ' ilL 9, lq'�3 EXOIRVi Ap HUNTINGTON 71-MP-90 ----------------------------- BROWARD COUNTY PROJECT NAME AND NUMBER WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO DR" ON MANUFACTURERS BANK N A , INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT 100 RENAISSANCE CENTER, 12TH FLOOR, DETROfT,*MiCHIGAN 40243 BY ORDER OF UNNAR HOMES, INC. AND FOR THE ACCOUNT OF LENNAR HOMES , INC. UP TO AN AGGREGATE ANOUNTo IN UNITED STATES FUNDS, OF $45,109-00 AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS AT SIOHT, ACCOMPANIED BYs (1) A SIGNED STATEMENT FROM THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OF BROWARD COUNTY, OR ONE PURPORTING TO BE HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE THAT THE DRAWING IS DUE TO DEFAULT IN PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS iNCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OBLIGATIONJO 'U'll' ANSJOR THEAECURED IMPROVE NT(S),TO IRIOWARD COUNTY .430)'.*DAYS iFT I ILDING THIRTY 10EL CO TRUCTX-ON OR ISSUANCE OF F RST 0 IT, WHICHEVfR OCCURS ER OR FAILURj TO rAY SUNS, ON PART OF"-"' LENNAR AMES, iNC. N ---------------------------- FOR SEE EXHIBIT 'At ------------------------------------------- ­ ----------------------------- PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT w ------------------------- ------ ------------------------------ r*l APPROVED ON DECEMBER 18, 1990 BY BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- CD ul AND THAT SUCH IMPROVEMENTS a ...................... ft -------------------------------------- 0 WERE A CONDITION OF THE APPROVAL OF THE HUNTINGTON PLAT co ------------------ ft ----------------- DRAFTS MUST BE DRAWN AND NEGOTIATED NOT LATER THAN APRIL 9, 1993. DRAFTS MUST BEAR THE CLAUSEt "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 514253 OF MANUFACTURERS BAMKo N.A., BATED APRIL 10, 1992.11 THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SMALL BE RENEWED FOR SUCCESSIVE PERIODS OF ONE (1) YEAR EACH UNLESS WE PROVIDE THE BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND THE DIRECTOR OF THE PROWARD COUNTY ENGINEERING DIVISION WITH WRITTEN NOTICE OF OUR INTENT To TERMINATE THE CREDIT HEREIN EXTENDED, WHICH NOTICE MUST BE PROVIDED AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE ORIGINAL TERM HEREOF OR ANY RENEWED ONE (1) YEAR TERM. NOTICE TO BROWARD COUNTY THAT THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILL EXPIRE PRIOR TO PERFORMANCE OF THE DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS SMALL BE DEEMED A DEFAULT. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) 234sin MNS INTL A i4l:-�wUllva a4h z CoWs Addim; MANUSANk SWIM. MN8D US 33 PAGE TWO LETTER OF CREDIT NO. S142S3 APRIL 10, 1992 MANUFA"ERS 6", NA "RANATIONAL SAMNO DEPARIMENT MANUR%lU%EM SANK TOWER RENAGRANCE CENTFA P. 0. BOX M12A DETROIT. MICHKIAN 411AS Uft al Credo T 15 ETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL THE TERMS OF OUR UNDERTAKING, AND SUCH U DERTAKING SMALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED AMENDED, 09 AMPLIFIED BY REFERENCE TO A DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENT* OR AGREEMENT RiFERRED TO HEREIN OR IN WHICH THIS LEARY OF CREDIT IS REFERRED TO OR THIS LETTER OF CREDIT RELATES, AND ANY SUCH REFERENCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO INCORPORATE HEREIN BY REFERENCE ANY DOCUMENT, INSTRUMENT, OR AGREEMENT. WE HEREBY AGREE WITH THE DRAWERS ENDORSERS, AND BONA FIDE HOLDERS OF ALL DRAFTS DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WlfH'YNE TER14S OF THIS CREDITo THAT SUCH DRAFTS WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION TO THE DRAWEE. THE SUBMISSION OF IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AS REQUIRED, THE INSTALLATION OF IMPROVE- MENT5 AND RESTORATION OF COUNTY PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND TIME FRAMES PROVIDED FOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT, I --------------------------------------------------- ACCEPTANCE BY IROWARD COUNTY OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED OR MONIES DUE PURSUANT TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT ------------------------------------- --------- AND THE PROVISION OF ADEQUATE SECURITY FOR A ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD IF THE IMPROVEMENT IS A COUNTY ROAD OR WORK SHALL BE A RELEASE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT fDl',')TIS SUfdj TO T E " N THIS Cl U JN ICE CUMENLARY CREDIT! C 983 R H) NTERN 0 CUTOIS CE a N V, 0 0 CHA 8F C ER CATIO NO. OVIS A 10 L 4 NET AEN THE UN RM 400 AND 10,41HE PR OHS 01 FLORI'BW IF A COMM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CRE61TS AND FLORIDA LAW SHOULD ARISE, FLORIDA LAW SHALL PREVAIL. IF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THE LAW OF ANOTHER STATE OR COUNTRY AND FLORIDA LAW SHOULD ARISE, FLORIDA LAW SHALL PREVAIL. VOURS VER TR LY, AUTHORIZED SIGNAT Approved as to form JOHN J. COPELAN. JR Broward Count), A or ey N, MmUt'..' P:- C3 0 LM 33 CD 7 234VO MN8 RM A LI-154W mwa 110% 9 MANUFACrURERS BANK. NA. uvor d c4wd D�lw C" Addow MANURANK INTERNATIONAL 940" DEPARTMENT SINM MNND US 33 MANUFACTURERS SAW IOWER KNAOMWE CENTER p a KrA &wI2A DETROIT. MCOGAN 46M HUNTINGTON EXHIBIT "A" FINAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT AS FOLLOWSs TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTSi ITE14 6 - NORTHEAST BOUND RIGHT TURN LANE ON NOS HILL ROAD AT THE 801 OPENING. ITEM 7 - SOUTHWEST BOUND LEFT TURN LANE ON MOD HILL ROAD AT THE 801 OPENING. SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTSt ITEM 8 - SIDEWALK ALONG NOS HILL ROAD ADJACENT TO PLAT BUS PULLOUT BAYt ITEM 9 - BUS PULLOUT BAY ON HOD HILL ROAD PAVIONT MARKI D SI NS: ITEM a DIXON - Pf:lEsNNT MAIXINGAN S N A L C2 C3 Ln cz THIS EXHIBIT FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MANUFACTURERS BANK, N-A-IS LETTER OF CREDIT NO. S14253. RECORDED IN THE oMCfAj IMM, IMN 'F I'OWRo COUNly, FWAID4 0OUNIY ADMIN1170TOt KINGS POINT REPLAT - PARCEL "R" Case No. I -MI-05- Temp Reso # 10 48 ...... .......... . ....... .... . Soo 0 300 Feet CITY COMMISSION March 9, 2005 Release of Bond Agreement x 01 SITE &��=E J. -T� 4'. CITY OF TAMARA J. Christopher King 7525 N-W-88th Ave, Tamarac . Floddo33321-2401 Director Te lephone; (954) 724-1292 Community Development Facsimile: (954) 724-2453 Compiled by: paigem DESIGNATION OF AGENT FOR QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS DATE: February 17. 2005 CASE NO.: o IN THE MATTER OF: ANY PERSON APPEARING ON YOUR BEHALF, IN YOUR ABSENCE, MUST BE DESIGNATED AS YOUR AGENT ON THIS FORM OR SUCH PERSON WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO SPEAK AT THE OUASI-JUCIDIAL HEARING AND THE MATTER MAY BE DETERMINED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF THEIR TESTIMONY. r,EIzALp L._KNTGHT _,WILL ATTEND THE QUASI-JUDICIAL (insert name of Agent) HEARING TO BE HELD IN MY ABSENCE. IN ADDITION, URAID L- KNIGHT HAS MY PERMISSION TO ACT AS MY AGENT IN ALL MATTERS RELATING TO ANY PROCEEDINGS RELATED TO west and east side of Nob Hill Road @ NW 80th.Street. (Address of subject property) THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED PRIOR TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING. SIGNATURF,CF�"NER' NAME/ Apo DWP NO. OF DPO,04 nE LFWAR-1119tSk 114t. :�'� , (Print Name of Owr STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF BROWARD* (Print Name of Designated Agent) HOLLAND A KNIGHT LLP Qne Egst Brob(ard Bou]eyprd, Suit 1300 Fort Lauderdale. -FL 33301 Phone; 954-468-7868 Fax: 954-463-2030 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1:] - day of FebQy1NL---.. 200 5, by Z3 -:�, cotA - wrier of property, who Is (�j�sonally*w6WRJ-vim5r has produced Identificati n ( 044 and (type of Identification) who (did/ d not) an oath. #,kkJ111611Jp,,. '0%,, ',,�ne Nul7e - �-Ilz,, ....... 70 a 4ry Public State 0 cp's My Commission Expires: F- tDD275113 ',Q? CL-\' arcuto * 64- �kjio 7- (Type or print name of Notary) NA I,41041C -f" ` \\11 "111111110o