HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-031Temp. Reso. # 10638 February3, 2005 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- 3 j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT AND EXECUTE A "TAMARAC WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT' WITH WEST POINT INDUSTRIAL II, L.L.C., FOR THE WEST POINT INDUSTRIAL II PROJECT, LOCATED AT 10601 STATE STREET, TO ALLOW LEGAL ACCESS BY CITY UTILITY PERSONNEL FOR INSTALLING, MAINTAINING, AND OPERATING THE WATER DISTRIBUTION AND SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD SAID AGREEMENT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission has approved the Site Plan for the West Point Industrial II Project, located at 10601 State Street (attached hereto in map form as "Exhibit 1 "); and WHEREAS, the West Point Industrial II Project requires the installation of Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements; and WHEREAS, an easement is required by City Code Section 22-191 for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements necessary to serve the West Point Industrial II Project; and 1 Temp. Reso. # 19638 February3, 2001 2 WHEREAS, West Point Industrial 11, L.L.C., has offered a "Tamarac Sewer Utility Easement" for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Improvements associated with the West Point Industrial 11 Project; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works Director of Utilities that this easement be accepted and executed for the West Industrial 11 Project; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, deems it to the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to accept and e] a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" with West Point Industrial 11, L.L.C., West Point Industrial 11 Project, required for installing, maintaining and operating the Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this and the nt in the and lip SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to accept and execute a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" (attached hereto as "Exhibit 2") with West Point Industrial 11, L.L.C., for the West Point Industrial 11 Project, locate-cl at 10601 State Street, to allow legal access by City Utility Personnel in performing their duties, including utility installation, maintenance and operation. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to recordl said Agreement in the Public Records of Broward County. d I I 7 L Temp. Reso. # 10638 February3, 2005 3 SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 9th day of March, 2005. ATTEST: .4�,MARION SWENSON, MC N CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. MITCHELL S. KI CITY ATTORN JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TALABIS 0 DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF M�_ DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 9f#�- 7np. Reso. No. CITY OF TAMARAC Scale. N.T.s PUBUC WORKS DEPARTNAM ENGEN]UHUNG DrVISION SHEET 1 OF 1 w E s WATER AND SEWER EASEMENT PERI� l(NKEL L . 11 — -k CAPTI � A r IA j ST 70 BISCUS r SEA H: BISCUS LN. SECTION 21 -74 S PALM ZIDGE LN. 70 CT Q�_ JEWEL BOX LN. WESTWOOD 3 Ists 70 ST ST MCNAB ROAD SUNSET POINT PARK TEE MCNAB PLAT 7�-T" BUSINESS TAMARAC /F//, PARK T A'M AC MARKET 0—'�-68 GAR NS TAMARAC PLACE GARDENS E T WE, T TAMARAC 1297 57 CT LAND TRUST LOVESHAW PLAT ARCH I.T.W. MIMA WESTWOOD 2 C ALUMINUM 11 67 ST 67 CITY FURNITURE 67 ST SUN—RELT----- --- PRECTS113N CONTINENTAL AV CABLE 7 6- CT ARCH 96 AV ALUMINUM 65 6 S CULLIGAN WOOD 1 <SPYGL 65 CT SUN —SENTINEL TERR THE VILLAGE SITE LOCATION TOSHIBA OL sy 6 CEfURSt PUBLIC ti r LAND SE 0 SERVICES K PUN MY pmy ;j COMPLEX 7 NmT" z LA D w :3 0 ID w AWYES & GRAIG 3i C. 11, > COVERAGE T PLUM Ft A ---SUTE� STREET_ HARBOR -j < WESTF INT z FAIRBANKS WE� JOIST C DISTRIBUTION u Li CENTRE 1 m V.G.C. PARK CE CU SAWGRASS INFINITI lir <VISUAL GRAPHIE L) SONNYS GOLD > ENTERPRISES COAST PLUM z P.O.D.s REAL W STORAGE CONVERGYS '43 ESTAT "i E rn > OFFICE E3 44 FERGUSON BUILDING WESTPOINT z CORP. 0 is L) PLAZA (CC RD Fr SUNRISE COMME CIAL BLVD PJCMONS p-lom ft JL& Baw av"/off seek J" L DoHm. F.E. WESTPOINT INDUSTRIAL 11 EXHIBIT I CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA FL ft SM SEC. 7, TWP. 49, RGE. 41 n r I EXHIBIT (2) TAMARAC UTILITIES WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT FOR: 1mb.,gMAh, NAME OF PROJECT On this - jV day of —VNg*1V1t 20j9r, that WbS7'A1A;e )Ay'lo$ having an address of ZA2!g�2 40 PQ1eT-dA,"7&-P 491,0- A'-'- -$Q JT hereinafter ("Grantor"), expressly grants an easement to the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, having an address at 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, 33321, (hereinafter "Grantee"), subject to the following provisions and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations paid by Grantee to Grantor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by both parties. Grantor is the fee simple owner of that parcel of real property, a legal description and sketch of which is attached hereto as Et ibit "A", and incorporated by reference herein, (hereinafter "the servient estate"). Grantor hereby grants, bargains and sells to Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement under, over and upon a portion of the servient estate, a legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference herein, (hereinafter "the easement area"). brantee may use the easement area for laying, installing, maintaining, operating and altering of water lines and appurtenant facilities, sewer lines and appurtenant facilities as well as for surface water storm drainage, and for other comparable public utility purposes. Grantee's right to utilize the easement area shall be exclusive to the extent that Grantor shall grant no easement or license, nor make any covenants, having the effect of permitting use of the easement area by one other than Grantee, except grantor may furnish an easement to Florida Power and Light, Bell South, Sunrise Gas or franchised cable TV that crosses this easement at right angles. 000615 1 Water and Sewer Utility Easement Grantor may, for its own purposes, utilize the easement area and shall retain a right of free ingress and egress under, over and upon the easement area; provided that, in no event, -shall any of the rights herein reserved to Grantor impede the easement herein granted or the exercise of the rights of use thereunder. Grantee shall have the right to remove any natural or man-made obstructions placed on the easement, which impede the easement herein granted, or the exercise of the rights thereunder. Grantor shall hold Grantee harmless from and against all claims, liability and expense arising from the aforesaid removal of obstructions, including the expense of removing, relocating, restoring and replacing same. Grantor grants to the Grantee, a perpetual non-exclusive easement upon the servient estate whereby Grantee shall have reasonable access necessary to fully exercise Grantee's rights within the easement area. The provisions of the easement shall be binding on the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns as a covenant running with and binding upon the servient estate. This easement shall not be released or amended without consent of the Grantee as evidenced by a document signed with the same formalities as this document. Grantee shall record this document in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights granted and the obligations assumed pursuant to this instrument. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and effect, excepting a subsequent modification reduced to writing, signed by the party to be charged therewith. 000615 2 Water and Sewer Utility Easement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal year first above written. --\ -t.-I ATTEST: -2 Type Name Corporate Secretary (Corporate Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF A r l "M Type Nam�-A4-ep President I)f the day and I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JLt&Lcc�z�A� to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me and under oath that executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this -/P dayof 20_LS� (N/�Personally known to me, or ( ) Produced Identification NOTARY PUBIL, rida LAAANNE W*EAO at 1-5 = MIS MY COMMISSION # DD 258269 E e �' S XPIRET Ootobar 13,2007 s �' '. A. wood Thrd Notari pom (N ry ublic: Print, Stamp, or type as Commissioned) Type of I.D. Produced ( ) DID take an oath, or ( ) DID NOT take an oath. 980605 3 Water and Sewer Utility Easement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the day and year indicated below: ATTEST: By:_a� #11Marion Swenson, CIVIC -City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ACCEPTED BY CITY OF TAMARAC GRANT _7 - By: 2� Joe $�Kreiber Mayor D�ktte: 0S By-e Jeffrey L. Mifler� City Manager Date: App d to rm: B - /I M�,� / phell S. : SS Ci Attorney COUNTY OF 6(VWAPb: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared -�Teascli%r-&-6r + ::� i L. Kd(er to me known to be the person(s) described in and - e�e who executed the foregoing instrument and -AeV acknowledged before me and under oath that -['ke�/ executed the same. / # I WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of VAL$�� 200� . I . JUNE A. WHITE NotIrY Public - St9te of E)OW &V 6 00`119065 f%tp ry A- qw" ('-I'Personally known to me, or ( ) Produced identification q, a, )IL& NOTAR%�PUBLIC, State of Florida at Large A- (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) Type of I.D. Produced DID take an oath, or DID NOT take an oath 980605 4 Water and Sewer Utility Easement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagee has hereunto set his hand and seal on the day and year fir bove written. ATTEST- MORTG GEE By: By: Z T Type Nary Type Name 4'�?y 'e Corporate, Secretary President C" A 44srt�*I— (Corpora - te Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I : SS -q dC : I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared K; rn :8 t::X-f-'U to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me and under oath that executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 2 day of �aaaa 20_LL Personally known to me, or ( ) Produced Identification iTIAR6YtP08LIC, State of Floridaj at Large LetitiaLl'IeddY "1' 1, my commission DDD341 89 �14.5 Expires June 17 2005 (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or type as Commissioned) Type of I.D. Produced ( ) DID take an oath, or ( ) DID NOT take an oath. 980605 5 Water and Sewer Utility Easement EXHIBIT (A) IZECE VOMIJ NOMWId _V�tUO Amsm3Awn N ZM vapww %mmm@ wumao= 6 M� z NIO' .03.pw ",vw , _w — N ; Em -OLE (K5) xvi =-OLC (199) 13� L_j I f r 2 11 P 1i I fig - 1 !1 w TI !I �, H ,Hl ! ! .1 11 111 1 i I I I m 1i; -------------------- -- -------------------------- I—— — — LL�;� —$I — ------- G let � z91 T d L �Dm 1-odl5w I — — — — — — — — — — LBO N MIN c Lv -3 J�.B oil g MU 1120j P.6 CZ1 6N A A MR avo,, dvi IVNN NI S1 I �ci vt 1., .1 Lo C) L0 CD CD Q 00 C) cq C1 R qs EXHIBIT (B) PHaVE: (954) 763- 7611 Scale 1 100' Leon ROC:PaNT OF COMMENcEmENr P.O.O. PcvNr or aramNliva P Ct r -PaAf r OF ?rRMMVA 77aV 8. C R. -BROWARD couN ry RECa?DS P.O. -PEA T BOOK PC -PACE JVcL4 UGHL IN ENGINEERING CO, MPA ff Y 400 NORTHEAST 3rd AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, 33301 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS (181285) SKETCH AND DESCRIPTIO.A ,00' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT A PORTION OF TRACT "B" WESTPOINT SECTION 7 FLA T, R R 162, PG. 23, R C R SHEET I OF R WESTPOINT II 13 16z. lov Of 13- 51T� F0J?T I PLO' 0r 0110V 0001 NOTES: rAX (954) 76J- 7615 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE i, THIS IS NOTA SURVEY 2. Legal Description does not infer Title or Ownership 3. Underground Improvements. if any, P.O.T. I not located. 4. This Survey reflects all easements 20.00 and rights -of -way. as Shown on 10-00, obove referenced record plot. The subject property was not abstracted 10-00* for other easements, road reservations or rights-of-woy of record by McLaughlin Engineering Co. 5. Bearings shown refer to assumed datum and assumes the South line of the Southeast one-quorter of Section 7-49-41 as South 89006'50" West CFRTBIWATION. We hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical standards 09 set U1 forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 6IG17-6 noricla Administrative Code. pursuant to $action 472.027. Florida Statutes. Doled at Fort Loud*rdale, Florida. this 12th day of January. 2005. RNG*�G 00.. AblaidA"'Ifeta'u9blin 00, Registered Land Surveyor No. 5269 State of r1odda S86�Si�278.W S.38'37*38'W 71.91 * \ D-23'.38'37' P.O Z R-.352' 00* 49.07' A-149. NOO*00'00 e -WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 555'25*46"W 65.00, N08#36'39"E _-- (RADIAL) 86'58'35"W S '584 3�7w D-11'.30*40' 267,78' R 3DOM00* D=19*40'19' 33 R-338.00' A- 116,05' D-15*56*42* R-1800.00' D-09*32'50* A-500,93' R=940.97' P 'O'C. #1 A-15&80' SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-GUARTER OF CENTERLINE OF j, SECTION 7. TOWNSHIP 49 HIATUS ROAD 'D 4n SOUTH RANGE 41 EAST z $89'06'50'W 1094.63' SOUTHLINE OF S-E, ONE-OUARTER "NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED W7TH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL" FIELD BOOK NO, JOB ORDER NO. T-8903-EASEMENTS DRA WN B Y JST CHE CA ED B Y a x EXHIBIT (B) McLA11GHLIN ENGINEEHNG COMPANY 400 NORTHEAST 3rd AVENUE FVRT LAUDERDALE FLORIDA 33301 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS PHON.r' (.954) 763— 7611 (LW 285) SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT A PORTION OF TRACT 'Y' WESTPOINT SECTION 7 PLA T, P B. 162, PG. 23, R C R SHEET 2 OF 2 WESTPOINT H FAX* (954) 763-7615 Leaal Desca;2tion A 20 foot strip of land over, across and through a portion of Tract "B", WEST POINT SECTION 7 PLAT, according to the plot thereof as recorded In Plot Book 162, Page 23, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and being 10 feet on both sides of a centerline more fully described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast one —quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49 South. Range 41 East, as shown on said Plot. Thence South 89*06'50" West, along the South line of the said Southeast one —quarter (SE 1/4). a distance of 1094.63 feet, to a point of intersection with the centerline of Hiatus Road as shown on said plot; Thence North 01*07'32" West, along said centerline, a distance of 401.53 feet, to a point on the arc of a tangent curve concave to the West; Thence Northerly and Northwesterly along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 1800.00 feet, a central angle of 15'56'42". for on arc distance of 500.93 feet, to a point of reverse curvature of a tangent curve concave to the East; Thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 3000.00 feet, a central angle of 11*30'40", for an arc distance of 602.72 feet; Thence South 86*26'45b West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the West right—of—way line of said Hiatus Road; Thence South 38*37'38" West, a distance of 71.91 feet to a point on the arc of a non—tongent curve concave to the Southeast, a radial line of said curve through said point having a bearing of North 08'36'39" East: Thence Westerly and Southwesterly, along the arc of sold curve to the left, having a radius of 362.00 feet, a central angle of 23'38'37", for an arc distance of 149.38 feet, to a point of reverse curvature of a tangent curve concave to the Northwest; Thence Southwesterly and Westerly along the arc of said curve, to the right, having a central angle of 19*40'19" and a radius of 338.00 feet for an arc distance of 116.05 feet to a point of compound curvature of a tangent curve to the North; Thence Westerly, along the arc of sold curve to the right, having a radius of 940.97 feet, a central angle of 09*32'50" for (in arc distance of 156.80 feet to a point of tangency, Thence South 86*58'28" West, along a line tangent to the lost described curve, a distance of 276.78 feet; thence North 00"00'00" East, a distance of 49.07 feet to the Point of Beginning of the hereon described centerline; thence South 86'58'28" West, a distance of 26-07 feet; thence North 05'00'35" West, a distance of 413.00 feet to the Point of Termination of the herein described centerline: Said land situate lying and being In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. CAR72MA220N. We hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Florida 8oard of Professional Land Surveyors In Chapter 611317-6 Florida Administrative Code. pursuant to Section 472.027. Florida Statutes. Dated at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. this 12th day of January. 2005. Co. ?egistered Land Surveyor Na 5269 State of Rorldo "NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN "BOSSED SURVEyoR:y SgAL" FIELD BOOK NO. JOB ORDER NO. T-8903-EAS"EAUS LIRA WN B Y CHECKED BY FHCVVE. (954) 763— 7611 scale I" = 100, Legm P. a a -PaNr OF camiAwazovvir P. a a -POINT or BE~G ar.R.-BROWARD CUNTYRECORDS Pa-PLArsox Pr --PAGE EXHIBIT (B) I fK A UGHL IN ENGI, MERI, ffG COMPA ff Y 400 NORrHWT 3rd AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 ENCINEERS - SURVEYORS (L B/ 285) SKETCH AND DESCRIPT10j) WA TERMNE EA SEMEN T A PoRmN OF TwAcT :6m wEsTpoINT SECTION 7 PLA T, R E. 162, PG. 23, R. C R SHEET I OF 2 NESTPOINT H . A, I "' t�"p I 12.78 '00*W S 5M 20,14' S45'00'00*E 23.34' S45"00'00*W 06 N90'00'00"IE 21.00' LJ b� S90100,00*w 21.00' t 0 b 30.76' 25.00' N00`00'00"E 40.80" 39 41.76' N44'20�'02*E 04 264.02' SSO'00*00'W 32.72' J S44'20`O2'W 20-23' ot, N45'00'00"W 01 )�� 1 00 0 1 IV ;o 01 b 46.65' N88'27'07*E 37.27' S45'00*00*E 15,00' N90*00*01 'r 'p, I(T> * '9AP. 15.00'-." N45'00'00'W 2AL-13i 0-43*59'32' . R-207.50' �,A-159.32' 11. 7' 90.00900_ S90*00*00,w 31,66' SSS'27'07"W P N;s5,58'28'E r .0.8orE FAX- (.954) 763-7615 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTES. 1. TJWS IS NOT A SURVEY 2. Legal Description does not infer Title or Ownership 3. Underground Improvements. If any, not located. gg 4. This survey reflects all easements 9 vi and rights -of -way, as shown on above referenced record plot. The sub*t property was not abstracted for other easements, road P.O.B #2 reservations or rights-of-woy of record by McLoughlin Engineering Co. 5. Bearings shown refer to assumed datum and assumes the South line of the Southeast one -quarter of Section 7-49-41 as South 89606'50" West CARIMWA270N. We hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors In Chapter 511317-6 Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Dated at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this 12th day of January. 2005. ,of"_'Xrez%i1d -1 kcLCuzbAa Registered Land Survv)w Na 5269 State of 17orldd S35'37'38*W 71.9i'l 0001— "-5WC(j "I PAB. D-23*33*37" D=45*00'00' r R-362'00' —R-192,50- NOO'00`00 E A-149. A-151.19' 515 M I �j -WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOB-26'46'W 55,00, N08*36'39"E __-- (RADIAL) '57*2" )0'00-wL2,.,,,, SN,58*2.8*W R-3000.00' 267.78' S90100,001w "-VIA REFERENCE POINT 'A' D-19*40.19. A-602.72' 20.14' P.0,C. #2 R-330.00' D-15*56'42* N41'58*2 'E A-115.05' R-1800.00' 15.49' D-09*32'50" A-500.93' N62*29'43*W R-940.97' P.O.C. #1 A-156,80' SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE 9' 3' 311; SOUTHEAST ONE —QUARTER OF CENTERLINE OF SECTION 7. TOWNSHIP 49 HIATUS ROAD SOUTH RANGE 41 EAST z S89'05'50*W 1094,63' SOUTHUNE OF S.E.1 'NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYoR�y SgAL" ONE —QUARTER FIELD BOOK NO. JOB ORDER NO. T-8903-EASEXENTS DRAWN B N JST CHECKED BY e-A EXHIBIT (B) PHaVE- (954) 76J-7611 AfcLAUGHLN ENGINEERING COMPMY 400 NORTHEAST 3rd A VENUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS (LBI 285) SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION WA TERLIAW EASEMENT A PORrION OF TRACT 'W" WESTPOINT SECTION 7 PLA T, P. B. 162, PC. 23, B. C R SHEET 2 OF La al Desarbtion WESTPOINT 11 f"AY' (954) 76J-7615 A strip of land over, across and through a portion of Tract "B", WEST POINT SECTION 7 PLAT, according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plat Book 162, Page 23, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast one -quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49 South, Range 41 East. as shown on sold Plot. Thence South 89*06'50" West, along the South line of the said Southeast one -quarter (SE 1/4). a distance of 1094,63 feet, to a point of intersection with the centerline of Hiatus Road as shown on said plot; Thence North 01*07'32" West, along said centerline, a distance of 401.53 feet, to a point on the arc of a tangent curve concave to the West-, Thence Northerly and Northwesterly along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 1800.00 feet, a central angle of 15'56'42", for an arc distance of 500.93 feet, to a point of reverse curvature of a tangent curve concave to the East; Thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 3000.00 feet, a central angle of 11'30'40", for on arc distance of 602.72 feet; Thence South 8626'46" West, a distance of 65.00 feet to the West right-of-way line of sold Hiatus Road; Thence South 38*37'38" West, a distance of 71.91 feet to a point on the arc of a non -tangent curve concave to the Southeast, a radial line of said curve through said point having a bearing of North 08*36'39" East; Thence Westerly and Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 362.00 feet, a control angle of 23*38*37", for an arc distance of 149.38 feet, to a point of reverse curvature of a tangent curve concave to the Northwest; Thence Southwesterly and Westerly along the arc of said curve, to the right, having a central angle of 19*40'19" and a radius of 338.00 feet for an arc distance of 116.05 feet to a point of compound curvature of a tangent curve to the North; Thence Westerly, along the arc of sold curve to the right, having a radius of 940.97 feet, a central angle of 09*32*50" for an arc distance of 156.80 feet to a point of tongency; Thence South 86*58'28" West, along a line tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 276.78 feet to a reference Point "A"; thence North 00100'00" East, a distance of 63.59 feet to the Point of Beginning (1); thence South 86'58'28" West, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point of curve; thence Southwesterly on sold curve to the left, with a radius of 192.50 feet, a central angle of 45'00'00", an arc distance of 151.19 feet to a point of tangency, thence South 41'58'28" West, a distance of 27.53 feet; thence North 62'29'43" West, a distance of 15.49 feet; thence North 41,58'28" East, a distance of 20.14 feet; thence North 45*19'17" West, a distance of 90.63 feet; thence South 90000'00" West, a distance of 21.11 feet; thence South 45'00'00" West, a distance of 22.13 feet: thence North 45"00'00" West, a distance of 15,00 feet; thence North 45"00'00' East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence North 45'00'00" West, a distance of 30.76 feet; thence North 00'00'00" East. a distance of 192.13 feet; thence South 90'00'00" West, a distance of 21.00 feet, thence North 00'00'00' East, a distance of 15.00 feet; thence North 90'00'00" East, a distance of 21.00 feet; thence North 00"00'00" East, a distance of 411.11 feet; thence North 45'00'00" East, a distance of 48.64 feet: thence North 90,00,00" East, a distance of 263.91 feet; thence North 44'20'02" East, a distance of 41.76 feet; thence South 00600'00" West, a distance of 21.46 feet; thence South 44'20'02" West, a distance of 32.72 feet; thence South 90'00'00' West, a distance of 264.02 feet; thence South 45'00'00" West, a distance of 12.78 feet; thence South 45*00'00" East, a distance of 20.14 feet; thence South 45'00'00" West, a distance of 23.34 feet; thence North 45'00'00" West, a distance of 20.23 feet; thence South 00'00'00" West, a distance of 605.94 feet; thence South 45'00'00" East, a distance of 37.27 feet; thence North 00'00'00" East. a distance of 19.29 feet; thence North 90'00'00" East, a distance of 15.00 feet; thence South 00"00'00" West, a distance of 17.32 feet. thence South 45'19'17" East, a distance of 97.85 feet to a point on a curve, said point bears a radial line of South 47'01'00" East; thence Northeast on said curve to the right with a radius of 207.50 feet, a central angle of 43'59'32". an arc distance of 159.32 feet; thence North 86'58'28" East, a distance of 60.80 feet; thence South 00@00'00" West, a distance of 15.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said land situote, lying and being in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. TOGETHER NTH: Commencing (2) at the aforementioned reference Point "A". thence North 00'00'00" East, a distance of 408.72 feet to the Point of Beginning (2); thence South 88'27'07" West, a distance of 31.66 feet; thence South 00'00*00" West, a distance of 51.13 feet; thence South 90000'00" West, a distance of 70.07 feet; thence North 00400'00" East, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 90100'00" East, a distance of 55.07 feet; thence North 00'00'00" East, a distance of 35.73 feet. thence North 88@27'07" East, a distance of 46.66 feet; thence South 00'00'00" West. a distance of 15.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: Said land situate lying and being in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. CE)"DWA270N.' We hereby certify that this survey meets the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors In Chapter 61G17-6 Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Dated at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this 12th day of January, 2005. _- - oo RegIsterva' land Surm-Kv No 5269 State of 1-7orlda '"NOT VALW UNLESS SEALED WTH AN EA(BOSSED SVRVEFOR�g SEAL" FIELD BOOK NO. JOB ORDER NO. T-ff-03-EASEMENTS DRA WN B N JST CHECA ED B K C h