HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-033Temp. Reso. # 10647 February 16, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- 33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE UTILIZATION OF THE CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH BID NUMBER 2001- 10 FOR THE ASPHALT AND CONCRETE SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $69,249.60 TO ARROW ASPHALT AND ENGINEERING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Public Works Department requires the services of a contractor to perform asphalt and concrete curbing services in conjunction with an improvement project for Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, the City of North Miami Beach awarded bid Number 2001-10 for asphalt and concrete patching and restoration, attached hereto as Exhibit 1 "; and WHEREAS, City Code §6-155 allows the Purchasing/Contracts Manager the authority to procure supplies, materials, equipment and services which are subject to contracts with other governmental agencies without following purchasing procedures when the best interest of the City would be served; and WHEREAS, the vendor which received the bid award for the specific services the City wishes to procure was Arrow Asphalt & Engineering, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City of North Miami Beach has granted permission for the City of Tamarac to utilize this contract, a copy of said permission attached hereto as Exhibit "2"; and" 1 Temp. Reso. # 10647 February 16, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, Arrow Asphalt & Engineering has provided the City with a pro based on the pricing for the City of North Miami Beach Bid #2001 -10, attached he as Exhibit "3"; and WHEREAS, funding is available within the Veterans Memorial Park and qtreet Resurfacing Project budgets for said purpose; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and Purchasing and Contracts Madager have determined that it is in the City's economic interests to procure asphalt and conorete services required in conjunction with the Veterans Memorial Park improvement project by utilizing the City of North Miami Beach Bid Number 2001 -10; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to procure as concrete services required in conjunction with Veterans Memorial Park i project by utilizing the City of North Miami Beach Bid Number 2001 -10 in an amount i exceed $69,249.60. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resol upon adoption hereof. be in t and ,nent lot to THE and SECTION 2: The use of the City of North Miami Bid Number 2001 -10 for the procurement of asphalt and concrete services needed in conjunction with the V Memorial Park improvement project from Arrow Asphalt & Engineering, Inc. in an W.-FIRI unt I not to exceed $69,249.60 is hereby authorized. I Temp. Reso. # 10647 February 16, 2005 Page 3 SECTION 3: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are Ihereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable, SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 9th March, 2005. b E SCHREIBER AYOR ATTEST: f A .11 fr. kzf'' �*ECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: CM MARION SWENsW cm MAYOR SCHREIBER C CIT ITY CLERK DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TAILABISCO DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. , 16, MITCHELL S. kl`�A) �T,,/ CITY ATTORNEY I 12/07/2004 14: 38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 02/16 EXHIBIT 1" TR 10647 May 12,2004 City of North Miami Beach, Florida PURCHASING DIVISION Mr. Micbael Mantell Arrow Asphalt & Engineering, Inc. 14799 N.W. 117" Avenue Hialeah, FL 33018 Re: Bid 42001-101 Asphalt and Concrete Patebing and Restoration Dear Mr. Mantell: This wiJl confirm agmernent to extend through May 21, 2005 our contract for Asphalt and Concrete Patching and Restoration. All prices, tenns, and conditions of the original agreement dated May 21, 2001 sball remain in full force and effect. Please sip Us leder below, acknowledging agreement to this extension, and return it for our City Manager's sipature. A copy of the siped letter shall bc sent to you for your records. Also, p1me subrait your company's current insurance certificates for General Liability, Workers' Compensation and Automobile Liability. The City of North Miami Beach must bc named as additional insured with regard to General Liability covemge. ESincerel on am City Buyer GARYBROWN CITY MANAGER PRESIDENT (SIGNATURE) ARROW ASPHALT & ENGINEERTNG, INC. . Ac4fle& ol4tv-16(c-- iRESMENT (PRM-ED NAME) ARROW ASPHALT & ENGINEERING, WC, yo��� 5 -1 Y 0 �L- DATE 17011 N1. 19 Avenue, Nuth Miami SAach, Florida 33162-3100 9 305-948-2976 o 305-948-2985 a FAX 305-957-3522 12/07/2004 15:09 3a55568288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 07/2 DS 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS Bidders are required to submit their proposals upon the following express cond A, Bidders shall thoroughly examine the drawings, specifications, schedules, inmuctions and all other contract documents. B. Bidders shall make all investigations necessary to thoroughly inform themselv ts regarding plant and facilities for delivery of material and equipment as required by the bid conditions, No plea of ignorance, by the bidder, of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist as a result of failure or omission on the part of the bidder I o make the necessary examinations and investigations. or failure to fulfill in ever� detail the requirements of the contract documents, will be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the City or the compensation to the bidder. C. Bidders are advised th,1% all City contracts are subject to all legal require for in the City of North Miami Beach Purchasing Ordinance #98-12 as applicable State and Federal and County Statutes. 2. PREPARATION OF BIDS Bids will be prepared in accordance with the following: A provided Jed, and our enclosed Bid Proposal Form is to be used in submitting your bid. NO 0 IHER FORM WILL BE ACCEPTED. B. All information required by the bid form shall be furnished. The bidder shall sign each continuation sheet (where indicated) on which an entry is made. C. Unit prices shall be shown and where there is an error in extension of pri es, the unit price shall govern. D. Alternate bids will not be considered unless authorized by the invitation for Bids. E. proposed delivery time must be shown in calendar days, which shall includi weekends and holidays. F, The City of North Miami Beach is exempt from payment to its vendors of Sta I a of Florida sales tax and, therefore, such taxes should not be figured into the bid. Hcvvever, this exemption does not transmit to suppliers to the City in their (supplier) purchas�s of goods or services, used in work or goods supplied to the City. Contractors are resoonsible for any taxes, sales or otherwise, levied on their purchases, subcontracts, employment, etc. An exemption certificate will be signed where applicable, upon request The ity will pay no sales tax, f 3, DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES AND/OR SERVICES A. Any manufacturer's narnes, trade names, brand names, or catalog numbers used In these applications are for the purpose of describing and establishing minimum requirements ' or level of quality, standards of performance, and design required, and is in no way intended 1 OF24 3/29 001 .Rrn rini-in 12/07/ 2004 15: 09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 08/21 to prohibit the bidding of other manufacturers' items of equal material, unless, specifications state "NO SUBSTITUTIONS." 8, Bidders must indicate any variances to the specifications, terms, and conditions, no matter how slight. If variations are not stated in the Proposal, it shall be construed that the bid fully complies with the Specifications, Terms and Conditions. C. Bidders are required to state exactly what they intend to furnish, otherwise they shall be required to furnish the items as specified. D. Bidders will submit, with their proposal, necessary data (factory information sheets, specifications, brochurts. etc.) to evaluate and determine the quality of the item(s) they are bidding. E. The City shall be the sole judge of equality and its decision shall be final. 4. SUBMISSION OF BIDS A. Bids and Addenda thereto shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes addressed to the Purchasing Manager, Lynn Gribble, City of North Miami Beach, 17011 NE 19 Avenue, Room 318, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162. The name and address of the bidder, the bid number, the date and hour of the bid opening, and the bid name shall be placed on the outside of the envelope. 13, Bids must be submitted on the forms furnished. Telegraphic and facsimile bids will not be considered. Bids, however, may be modified by telegraphic notice provided such notice is received prior to the time and date set for the bid opening. Bids shall be dated and time stamped in Room 318 prior to bid opening, Bidders shall have sole responsibility for delivery of bids on time and to the proper location. C. Bidders requesting a copy of the bid tabulation shall include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. 1). Bids should be submitted in duplicate. Submit one original and one copy, S. ADDENDA Bidder shall be responsible for verifying with Purchasing Division whether any addenda have beenissued. 6. REJECTION OF BIDS A. The City may raiject: a bid if- 1 . The Bidder fails to acknowledge receipt of an addendum, or if 2. The Bidder misstates or conceals any material fact in the bid, or if 3. The bid does not strictly confoi�m 'to the law or requirements of bid, or if 4. The bid is conditional, except that the bidder may qualify his bid for acceptance by the City on an "all or none" basis, group b83i$, or a "low item" basis. An "all or none" basis bid must include all items upon which bids are invited. PAC,F, 2 OF 24 3/29/2001 DID 2001-10 12/07/2004 15.*09 K51&&t ur-T-L-- ARRU4 ASPHALT The City may, however, reject all bids whenever it is deemed in the best interest o do so, and may reject any part of a bid unless the bid has been qualified as paragraph 6(A)4 above. The Cfty may also waive any minor informalities or irrc any bid. 7. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS PAGE 09/2� the City to provided in gUlaTitieS irl A. Bids May not be withdrawn for a )erioj 9f 29 AP-Y—s after the time set for the I id opening. B. Bids may be withdrawn prior to the time set for the bid opening, Such request, must be in writing. C. The City will permanently retain as liquidated damages the bid deposit furnished by any bidder who requests TO withdraw a bid after the bid opening. :8. LATE BIDS OR MODIFICATIONS Only bids or proposals I received as of opening date and time will be considered 11melY. Bids and modifications received after the time, set for the bid opening will be rejected as late� S. CLARIFICATION OR OBJECTION TO BID SPECIFICATIONS If any person contemplating submitting - a bid for this contract is in doubt as �to the true meaning of the specifications or other bid documents or any part thereof, he/she may submit to the Purchasing Manager on or before tan days prior to scheduled opening, a request for clarification. All such requests for clarification shall be made in writing and the person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interprelOtion of the bid, If made, will be made only by Addendum duly issued. A copy of such Adderidurn will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving an Invitation for Bids. The City 1� will not be responsible for any other explanation or inteTpr9taTion of the proposed bid made or given prior to the award of the contract. Any objection to the specifications and requirements as set Purchasing Manager on or before tan days forth in this bid must be filed in writing with the prior to scheduled opening. 10. INVOICING/PAYMENT All invoices should be sent to: City of North Miami Beach, Finance Department, PO Box 60,OOOM, North Miami Beach, Florida 33iso-1076. In accordance with Florida State Statutes, Chapter 218, payment Will be made within 45 days after receipt of Merchandise and a proper invoice. The City cannot make advance payments, make deposits in, advance of receipt of goods, or pay C.O.D. Bidders should state any payment discount in the space provided on the proposal form. 11. DISCOUNTS A, Bidders may offer a cash discount for prompt payment; however, such discounts shall' NOT be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation purposes. Bidders are encouraged to reflect cash discounts in the unit prices quoted. In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from the date of teceipt of supplies or SerViCeS or from the date a correct invoice is received, whWhever is the later date. Payment is deemed to be made on the date of mailing of the check. PAOE 3 OF 24 2001-10 12/07/2004 IS: 09 30555GO208 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 11/21 12. COMPETENCY OF BIDDERS A. Pre -award inspection of the Bidder's facility may be made prior to the award of contram Bids will be considered only from firms which are regularly engaged in the business of p i have a record of roviding the goods and/or services as described in this Bld(s); performance for a reasonable period of time; have sufficient financial support, equipment and organization to insure that they can satisfactorily deliver the material and/or services if awarded a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated. The terms 11equipment and organization" as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established company in line with the best business practices in the industry and as determined by the proper authorities of the City. B. The City may consider any evidence available to it of the financial, technical and other qualifications and abilities of a Bidder, including past performance (experience) with the City in making the award in the best interest of the City, 13, TERMINATION OF CONTRACT � A, The City may, by written notice To the Contractor. terminate the Contract if the Contractor has been found to have failed to perform his services in a manner satJisfactOrY to the City as per specifications, including delivery as specified. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. City $hall be sole judge of non-performance. U. The City may cancel the Contract upon 30 days written notice for reasons other than cause. 14. EMPLOYEES All employees of the Contractor shall be considered to be at all times the sole employees of the Contractor, under the Contractor's sole direction, and not an employee or agent of the City of North Miami Beach. The Contractor shall supply competent and physically capable employees and the City may require the Contractor to remove any employee It deems careless, incompetent. insubordinate or otherwise objectionable and whose presence on City property is not in the best interest of the'Pity, Each employee shall have and wear proper identification. 15. AWARD OF CONTRACT A. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder(s) whose bid(s), conforming to the Invitation for Bids, is most advantageous to the City, price and other factors considered. a. The City reserves The right to accept and award itern by item, and/or by group, or in the aggregate, unless the bidder qualifies his bid by specified limitations as provided for in paragraph 5(A)4. C. Successful Bidder shall be notified in writing of award. 1). The enclosed Agreement shall be filled in. signed, and witnessed. and returned with the Bid Proposal pages. The city will sign the agreement submitted by the Successful Bidder, and return a copy to the Bidder. PAGE 4 OF 24 3129/2001 ]BID 2001-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT E. Delivery of materials and/or services shall be performed upon receipt by succl of a numbered, signed purchase order. 16. BID PROTESTS PAGE 12/2� ful bidder The City shall provide notice of its decision to award or reject to all bidders by L.S- mail. If bidders wish to protest a decision of award. they must file a notice of protest in vy,iting to the Purchasing Manager within three (3) watking days after receipt of the notice o: the City's decision of award, and shall file a formal written protest within 10 days after f ilin! I the notice of protest. The notice of protest must be either hand delivered and date time star iped by the Purchasing Division, or sent via Certified U.S. mail, return receipt requested. Failure to file a protest within the time specified herein shall constitute a waiver o I f all rights to protest the City's decision regarding the award of bid, 17. AGREEMENT An Agreement is enclosed as pan of these specifications. Bidders shall fill in their name, sign the Agreement. have it witnessed, and return with their bid, The City wil then fill in the term, sign the Agreement submitted by the awarded bidder, and provide a -opy of the fully executed Agreement to that bidder. 1 B. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS A bidder may be disqualified temporarily or permanently and his/her bid(s) rejected "or*. A. Poor performance or default, in the City's opinion, on previous contracts with 11, i he City. 8, Poor performance or default, in the City's opinion, on previous contracts with Other public entities, 1 .9. LOCAL. STATE AND FEDERAL COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 20 21 Bidders shall comply with all local, state and federal directives, orders and laws t applicable contract(s), including but not limited to: to this bid and subsequent I . 1 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), in compliance with Executive amended and applicable To this contract. 2) occupational Safety and Health Act JOSHA) as applicable to this contract. COLLUSION The bidder, by affixing his signature to this proposal, agrees to the following: "Bid that his/her bid is made without previous understanding, agreement, or connectif person, firm or corporation, making a bid for the Same items, or the Initiating City i and Is in all respects fair, without outside control, collusion, fraud, or otherwise ille5 MAINTAINING BID STATUS 11246 as Jer certifies �n with any Ispartment, al action." To be retained on the active bidders list, bidder MUST respond to this Invitation o Bid. To protect your status as an active bidder, please complete aind return the last pag of the bid PA 5 OF 24 3129 001 B01101 0 1 - 10 12/07/2004 15�09 305556028B ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 13/21 proposal form indicating reason for "No Bid" at this time. Three (3) consecutive failures to respond to bid invitations could result in automatic removal from the bidders list. 22. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS It shall be understood and agreed that by the submission of a proposal, the bidder, if awarded a contract, shall save harmless and fully indemnify the City and any of its officers or agents from any and all damages that may, at any time, be imposed or claimed for infringement of any patent right, trademark, or copyright, of any person or persons, association, or corporation, as the result of the use of such articles by the City, or any of its officers, agents, or employees, and of which articles the contractor is not the patentee, assignee, licensee, or owner, or lawfully entitled to sell same. 23. PUBLIC RECORDS LAW Pursuant to Florida Statute 119.07, public records may be inspected and examined by anyone desiring to do so, at a reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by -the custodian of the public record, Sealed Bids and Proposals become subject to this statute, notwithstanding bidders' or proposers' requests to the contrary, at the time the City provides notice of a decision or intended decision, or 10 days after bid Or proposal opening, whichever is earlier. Financial statements submitted in response to a request by the City are confidential, and exempt from disclosure. Data processing software obtained under a licensing agreement which prohibits its disclosure is also exempt. 24. INFORMATION Further information, if desired, may be obtained from the Purchasing Manager, 17011 N,E. I 9th Avenue, Room 318, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162, Telephone (305) 948-2976. Questions or requests for clarification of the tpecifications shall be in writing and received by the Purchasing Manager at least seven days prior to the date and time of the bid opening. They may be mailed or faxed to (305) 957-:3522. 25. RE(2UEST FOR PROPOSAL Should these "General Conditionsm be used in the specifications for a Request for Proposal, every reference to a bid shall be and mean the same as proposal. 26. CONFLICT IN SPECIFICATIONS Where there appears to be a variance or conflict between these General Conditions and the Special Conditions or Technical Specifications outlined in the Bid Package, the order 'Of preference shall be Technical Specifications, Special Conditions, then General Terms and Conditions. 27, EXCEPTIONS TO PROPOSAL The bidder shall list on the space provided on the proposal page or on a separate sheet of paper any exceptions to the conditions of this Bid Proposal. This sheet shall be labeled, "Exceptions to Proposal Provisions," and shall be attached to the Bid Proposal. If no PAGE 6 OF 24 3/29/2001 BID 2001.40 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAG 2; exceptions are stated, it will be understood that all General, Special and T will be complied with, without exception. 28. NOTICE TO PROCEED Conditions A signed Purchase Order will be the Contractor's authori2ation to proceed and ma substitute for a "Notice to Proceed" form. 29. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The awarded bidder agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any a suits, actions. damages, causes of action. or attorney's fees, arising from injury, loss of life, or damage to person or property sustained by reason of or i the products or services supplied. The awarded bidder agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any suits, actions, damages, causes of action, or attorney's fees, arising from injury, loss of life, or damage to person or property sustained by reason of or the negligence of the contra ctor/supplie r, his employees. agents, or assigns. 30, COPELAND " ANTI-K ICK BACK" I all claims, iy personal a result of I all claims, iy personal a result of contractor and all subcontractors will comply with the Copeland Anti -Kickback Act,,, Pa (19 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations 129 CFR art 31. CONFLIcT OF LAW If and when this contract, is disputed, and should it be necessary to litigate, the substantive and procedural laws of the State of Florida shall govern the outcome at such litigation. This shall apply not withstanding such factors which include, but are not limited to, place which contract is entered into, place where accident arises, or any other such incident. 32. INTERPRETATION OF THE APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES The bidder's attention is called to the fact that the estimate of quantities to be furn�ished under the specifications is approximate only and not guaranteed. The City does not �Ossume any responsibility that the final quantities shall remain in strict accordance with thi estimated quantities, nor shall the Bidder plead misunderstanding or deception because of sLich estimate of quantities. I :33. QUANTITIES The City specificall� reserves the right to accept all or any part of the bid, 10 SPlil the award, to increase or decrease the quantity to meet additional or reduced requirements of the City, without such change affecting the contract unit price set forth in the proposal form by the bidder. 34. DELIVERY Prices quoted and deliveries are to be FOB Destination and unloaded unless otherwise specified in the Invitation for Bids and made during regular business hours. Title and risk of P .4 7 OF 24 3/29 001 =1001-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 15/21 loss shall pass to the City upon inspection and acceptance at the delivery point and/or as may be otherwise provided for. 35. WARRANTY Unless otherwise specified, all items proposed by the bidder shall include a warranty covering parts and labor for a specified period of time. The bidder shall submit information on both manufacturer and dealer warranties, where applicable, with the bid proposal. 36. INSURANCE Successful Bidder shall not commence work under the Contract until proof of all required insurance has been submitted tDlOurchasing, and approved by the City. A. Workers' Compensatiorl Insurance for all employees of the vendor as required by Florida Statute 440. In the event any work Is sublet, Contractor shall require the sub -contractor similarly to provide Workers' Compensation insurance, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor, In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract is not protected under the Workers' Compensation statute, the Contractor shall cause such sub- contractor to provide adequate insurance for protection of the employees not otherwise Protected. B. Comprehensive General Liability in an amount not less than sSO0,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The City of North Mianli Beach must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, ncn-owned, and hired vehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than $5go,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage - The insurance coverage required shall include those class ificstions, as listed in standard liability insurance manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the vendor. All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications; The company must be rated no less than B+ as to management, and no less than Class V as to financial strength by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the approval of the City's Risk Manager. Certificates will indicate no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days written advance notice to the City. 37. DVRATION OF AGREEMENT Unless otherwise stated, the prices and conditions stated in this bid shall be in effect for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of a letier of award, or date of executed contract, whichever is later. PAGE 8 OF 24 3129/2001 DID 200 1-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 38, CONTRACT RENEWAL 144-1 40 41 42 43 ARROW ASPHALT Any contract or agreement executed in conjunction with the award of a bid may for additional twelve rnonth periods if agreed to in writing by both parties. CONDITION OF MATERIALS AND PACKAGING All equipment, materials, supplies, and components supplied under this bid must unused, free from defects, and shall be the latest manufacturer's models unles specified. No others will be accepted under the terms and intent of this bid. A shall bs new and suitable for storage or shipment, and bid price shall inclu commercial packaging, Any exceptions to this provision shall be detailed on the pl under exceptions to specifications. suaCONTRACTORs PAGE 16/2� be renewed be new and s otherwise 11 containers le standard oposalpage Bidder shall submit a list of any subcontractors bidder proposes to use in the exe ution of the work covered in these specifications. Should there be any change in this fis" during the contract, Contractor shall Inform the City, The City reserves the right of approval of such subcontractors. The attached form shall be used to provide this information. DEPOSIT - (When specified) A. All Bidders must submit a bid deposit as set forth in the invitation to Bid, this deposit must accompany the bid proposal. B. Bid depo sit must be in 'the form of certified check,,cashiers check or surety b6nd payable to the City of North Miami Beach. C. Failure or refusal of the low bidder to submit a satisfactory performance bond within ten (10) days following notice of award, could result in the forfeiture of the biij deposit as liquidated damages. D. Bid deposits will be returned to unsuccessful bidders after award of contract. 1 PERFORMANCE BOND - (When required) A. A Performance Bond in the amount specified will be required of the successiul bidder(s) prior to executing the Contract($), S. Upon receipt of the Performance Bond, the Bid Deposit, if applicable, shall bel returned to the successful bidder(s). PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES A person or affiliate who has been plpced on the convicted vendor list following a Go viction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or servic to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction r repair of a f public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a ublic entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contract or, supplier, subcontractor, or can a contract with any public entity, and may not iransact business with any public entity ultent under in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. PAGE 9 OF 24 3/29 001 BID 001-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARRCW ASPHALT PAGE 17/21 44. DISCRIMINATION is 0 list may not submit a Any entity or affiliate who has been placed am the discriminatory vend r bid on a contract to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not award or perform work as a contractor, Supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity. 45. DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM in the event of identical tie low bids, preference shall be given to businesses with drug -free workplace programs, Bidders with such programs shall complete and submit the attached form with bid. 46, SOLICITATION, GIVING, AND ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS POLICY Bidders shall sign and submit this attached form indicating understanding and compliance with the City's and State's policies prohibiting solicitation and acceptance of gifts by public officers, employees, or candidaTes. Failure to submit this signed form will result in your bid being declared non -responsive; provided, however, that the low bidder may be given the opportunity to submit the form to The City within five calendar days after notification by the City, if this is determined to be in the best Interest of the City. PAGE 10 OF 24 3/29/2001 BID 2001 -10 12/07/2Oe4 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 18/21 SPECM.CATIONS SCOPE The City of North Mi=i Beacb is requesting scaled bids for asphalt patching, street replacement, within tj3e water -service area of our Public Services repair of streets, and concrete restoration Department. _gUALIFICATION OF BIDDER in acCOTdance with thO Code of Miami Dade County. Florida, any person, firm, corporation, or joint vent= who shall bid or pro:ffer a bid on any public works project shall, at the time of such bid or proffcr of bid, hold a valid Certificate of Competency issued by the appropriate exam� ning boaxd, qualifying said person, firrn, corporation, or joint venture to perfonn the work proposed b3 the bid and the contract documents. SIMCONTRA.CTORS organization that has a contract direct with the Contractor to perform A subcontractor is a person or e work covered in this invitation to Bid sh any work at the site, None of III , all be subcontra �ted without approval in writing by the City. Any subcontractor, if approved by the City, must ine, Pt the:, same i reqi.drement's as the prime contractor and provide licenses and insurance. IAAIL�S if all provide an or all labor, materials, U�Ies�. otherwise Spec ically noted, the Contractor Sh d pay f -istruction egui ent'and machinery, transportation and other ficilitics and equipment, t6pis, coi. Ipm for the proper execution and completion of the work. servicesnecessary GUAAANTY re 'onsible- for faUlty'l9bOT and defective materials and sballpr% rhe ontmc s SP c tor hall be work, witliout cost tb the City which may appear within I year af or rapla�c'sll'such Ucceptance of the work. payment in fWJ for the work does not constitutc; a waiver of this LAWS pERMITS REGULATIONS AND LICENSES 71ie Contractor,shall obtain and pay for all licenses required for this project. He shall necessary permits and. call for any necessary inspections, I-Je shall furnish current c Dade iCourity Certificate of Competency, and appropriate license�� pfly'correct the date of aranty. obtain any Of Miami PACM � 1 OF 24 BID #2001-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 19/21 PROTE MON OF PERSONS AND PRO.PERTV sonable precautions for the saf�ty of, and shall provide all reasonable The Contractor shall take all r= protection to prevent darnage, injury or loss to: A. All employees on flie work sitc and all other persons who may be affected thereby; 13. All the work and all matelials aiad equipment to be incorporated hi the works; C. Other property at the site or adjacent thereto. 2MISSION if the specifications are not complete as to any minor detail of a required system or -%itb regard to the manner of application of materials, or requirement, but there exists an accepted tTade standard for a good and workmanlike job, such detail shall be deemed to have been impliedly required by the specific4itions in accordance with sucb standard. PAYMENT The Contractor shall submit invoices for approval and paymentupoil completion and acceptance by the City of each site. 1�!SURANCE The Contractor shall maintain during the term of this agreement t)1e following insurance: A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statue 440. Public Liability Insurance on compre�e)isive basis, including contingent liability. 13. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non -owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work. The insurance coverage required shall include the following: A. General Liability coverage in the amount of $1,000,000, B. Automobile Liability coverage in the amount or$ 1,000,000. C. The successful bidder shall name the City as additional insured with respect to General Liability coverage. PACE 12 OF 24' 3129/2001 BID #2001-10 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 20/21 The Contractor shall furnish Certificates of Insurance to the Purchasing Supervisor, 1701 Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 prior to the conuncilceinent of operati Certificates shall clearly indicate that lie ContTactor has obtained insurance in die type, , classifications as required for strict compliance with this Section and that no material cancellation of the insurance shall be effective without thirty (30) days prior written notice I N.E. 19th )ns, which mount and change or :) tile City. Compliance with the fgTegOing requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of his I ability and obligation under this Section or under any other section of this Agreement. I coRW,. LTION OF �WQRJK The Contractor shall promptly C(irrect au work rejected by the City 2s, defective or q failing to shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected'! work. conform to the specifications. The Contractor If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the work in accordance with the specifications or fails to perform any provision of the contract, the City may give seven (7) days written notice to the Contractor and without prejudice to any otber remedy available, to make good such d6diencies. In such =e, the City may deduct fTom the payment, then or dIeTeafter due the Contractor, the cost of iciencies. correcting such def �1 EMPLOYEES All employees of the Contractor shall be considered to be, at all times, the sole emplqees of the Contractor, under his sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City of North Mi�rni Beach. The Contmctor shall supply competent and physi cally capable employees. The City may! require the Contractor to remove an employee it deems careless, incomPetdnt� insubordinate o, otherwise objectionable, and whose continued employment on City pmpertY is not in the best interes&f the City. Each employee shall have and wear proper identification. LEI —CE S I prices to include all clean,up of debris and ha'uling away. Prices to include all barrica6s or safety devices that meet D.O.T. and Miami Dade County regulations, where required. Flag man when requested by Miami Dade County Traffic Or City of North Miami 136,ach Utility Inspector, will be per hour of employee - Traffic Control 0fricer where required by Florida D,O.T. or Miami Dade County Traffic Will be cost plus 15%, Compaction tests wbere required by Florida D.O.T., Miami Dade County, or City of N Miami Beach Public Utilities v411 be total test's cost Plu,% t 5%. Rental of Steel Plates, including delivery and return will be cost Plus 15%. PAGE I OF 24 3/29/200 BUD #20 1-10 12/07/2004 15.09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 21/21 MATERIALS All materials used must meet appropriate D. 0- T., Miami Dade County or City of North Miami Beach specifications. MEASURE, MENT All quantities shall be measured by a City representative, in place, complete, using the units shown on the Bid Proposal Form. Invoices shall reflect location, quantity and unit price for each restoration. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Contractor must be capable of conunencing work writhin five (5) working days of notification by the City. Failure to commence within five (5) working days on any work order may terminate contract. The City reserves the right to retain use of another Contractor. PAGE 14 OF 24 3/2912001 DID N2 001 .10 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 03/1� RESTORATION BID PROPOSAL RESTORAT71ON PER MIANH DADE COUNTY PURI I Item No. I Deserhpbon- I Unit JUN�itPr ice CRUSHED BASE ROCK FjTst 2" under pavement ft. L1 2 Each additional 2" Sq. ft. tL ASPHALT MACMNE OVER -LAY 3 1 " Machine Over-Wd Sq. yd. 4 Each additional V Sq. yd. 5 I 1 11 Oveflaid Asphalt by hand Sq. ft. f, DC PATCHES (Saw Cut, Removal.& Compaction) 6 Install I" new asphalt 7 Each additional inch of asphalt sq. ft. 14; �Mjk RESTORATION UNIT PRICES FLORIDA D.O.T. STANDARDS Item No. Description unit Unit Pri a - PATCHES (Saw Cut,- Removal & Compaction) A 8 Install 3" asphalt in 1 1//2" lay=s —q. —ft. 9 18" crushed rock in 61' layers Sq. ft. Lf 3,0 CONCRETE RESTORATION 10, 4 concmtesidewalk or driveway Sq. ft. 3,710 11 6 concrete sidewalk or driveway S ft— q, zgl 12 24" curb & gutter (Monolithic _q. Lin- Ft. A r'� 13 30" curb & gutter (Monolithic Pour Lin. Ft. tT 14 Concrete cwbing only (6" x 12" D curb) Lin. Ft. Item No. Description Unit I Unit Fn-70 MISCELLANEOUS 15 Minitnum charges on all asphalt patches pj 6 9 (2tj, 00 �11' 16 Minimum charges on all concrete work Ea. A jV\p POTHOLES 17 Potholes 2 sq. it & under Ea. i tq CIV IS_ Potholes over 2 sq. ft. Ea. V Li cx-,, I _IP—M NANE OF COWANY: 4- L �Iq C G— , /A /�/ Namc of Bidder Z 7 Signature of Biddi PA OF S OF 24 3t29121 0 1 DID N2 01-10 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 04/16 0 9 RESTORATION DID PROPOSAL Continued Item No. Description Unit U nit Price SEALCOATING 19 Minimum Job up to 3,125 sq. ft. Sq. ft. C/8 OVA 2 0 3,126 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. Sq, ft. 10-7 21 10,00 1 sq. R. to 2 0,000 sq. ft. Sq. ft. 4. 4 0 22 20,001 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft. Sq. ft. 23 50)000 sq. fL or more Sq. ft. s CIE LATEX STRIPING 24-. Baby Carriage — Sip & Post (Asphalt) Z,!S , 1, 25 Baby Carriage — Sign & Post (Concrete) Ea. 26 Carstops Remove PAL 0% 27 Curbing Painting As 28 Handicap — Blue Square (4' x 4') Fla. 7,12 29 Handicap — Sign &Post (Asphalt) FA. 12 5 VO 30 Handicap — Signs & Post (Concrete) Ea. L 2-5' VO 31 Hamdicap — Symbol Ea. ZA "" VN 1� 32 Job Minimum Ea. 7_2, Sr, 99 %AF 33 4" Line (yellow, ; Tlute, green . or blue) Lin. Ft. .3 34 6"Line (yellow, white, green or blue) Lin- Ft. Av 35 8" Line (ycllovv, white, green or blue) Lin. Ft. I f,4 36 12" Line (yellow, white, green or blue) Lifi. Ft. 4, 37 18" Line (yellow, vh-iite, green or bluc) Lin. Ft,_. 38 24" Line (yellow, white, green or blue) -Lin. Ft. 39 Arrows (yellow, white, green or �1.11e—)- Ea. 1 7,0'— ok 0 ' 40 Lettering (per Letter) Ea. ( , Z. &C VA *1 41 Reflectors —­­j Ea. IN THERMOPLASTIC STRIEPING 42 4" Line (YeHow or white) Un. Ft. 43 6" Line (Yellow or white) Lin. Ft. 1 44 18" Line (Yellow or w1ite) Lin. Ft. 4- A 45 12" Line (Yellow or wbite) Lin. Ft. 1.20 46 18" Line (Yellow or vhiite) Lin. Ft. v j.6v e' 47 24" Line ( Yellow or white) Lin. Ft. fil 48 Arrows (Yellow or %vhi!e) Lin. Ft. 49 LetteTing Sper letter) Ea. hk 50 Reflectors Ea. fl Ito Y0 51 Job Mnimum I a. e 0 C', C 0 p. NAME OF COWANY: Name of Bidder ou.", Signature of Bidder PACE 16 OF 24 3/29/2001 BID #2 001 -10 12/ 07/ 2004 14: 38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 05/15 13JJ) PROPOSAL (Contilnued) By signing and submitting this bid proposal, we acknowledge having read and agreeing to all terms and conditions of these specifications, including, but not limited to, agreeing to indernnitr and hold the City bamiiless from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, causes of action, or attomey's fees arising from any personal injury, loss of life, or damage to person or property S i ed by reason of or as a result of the products or services supplied, or negligence of contractorill supplier, his employees, agents or assigns. By signing and submitting this bid proposal, we certify that this company has current insuxance coverage specified herein. The insurance policy number(s) and expiration date(s) are:provided below, or a copy of the insurance cerlificate(s) are enclosed. If awarded the bid, we vAll provide the City with proof of the required insurance and name the City as additional insured on ow general liability coverage. JNSURANCE POLICY NO(S )- EXPIRAT70N DATE(S): 0 2- �Z2-50 7 -554k" A� INSURANCE CERTIFICATE(S) ENCLOSED: General Liability Automobile Liability I Workers' Compensation .A n 1 A -A- NAME OF BIDDER: V- V V SIGNATME: L (SIGN IN (PRINT NAI�0) .nTLE: T I_ L1 -7 5 !�L ADDRESS: CITY. I'l t-- Ic 1.0 t-4 STATE: C- zip: TELEPHONE NO.: Zo �L Foix NO.: SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: PARTNERSHIP: CORPORAnON- ACKNOWLEDOEMENTOF RECEIPTOF ADDENDA. OFAPPLICABLE) ADDENDUM #1: SIONATURE nTLE EXCEPTIONS TO SPECrFICAnoNs: :# 30,-, /- t t- PAGE 17 J)F 24 U29/2001 I .BM #2001k10 12/07/2004 14: 38 0MITF-mirtEl. ARROW ASPHALT PAGE aG/16 PROMPT PAYMENT TERMS: I IND PROPOSAL Continued REFERENCES: NANM OF CONIPANY: CONTACTPERSON: PHONENO.: 30.5- sj 4 - 3 ADDRESS: (7, VLA. *3 NAME OF COWANY: V M r-- 4 19 p (A. CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NO.: 3� ADDRESS: Vq L 3 NAAE OF COMPANY: c CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NO.: 3 C; ADDRESS: x I o -3 NAME OF COMPANY: U, CONTACT PERSON: PHONENO.: 5. 7 ADDRESS: I b NAME OF COMPANY - CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NO.: ADDRESS: 1A t, PAGE 18 OF 24 3/29/2001 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 07/1 DID SIGNATURE PAGE FOR CORPORATION The Officers of the Corporation are as follows: Name Address President Vice -President 12 w AV. c Secretary 1 1/1 k rv-_ V I A A U, c' 0 Treasurer L L Registered Agent: �,L_ !Z -3 0 The full names and residences of stockholders, persons, or firms interl the foregoing Bid, as principals, are as follows: t lq E I.Aq V-1 1V -i rz L 1 3 1 6 -T L Lt W Post Office Address f �-'. C" f. q -7 '1 */ I V 17 ntic L 0- Is this corporation incorp2raud in the State of Florida? Yes La"_ No 0 c- SIDDER: Corporate Name Pr�sident's signature Attest: Secretary If no, give address of principle place of business: r-1 �V7 Cy, I p"j ted , in < r,::*' /1" S PAGE 19 10F 24 12/07/20e4 14; 3e 305556@2eg ARROW ASPHALT PAGE as""16 BID SIGNATURE PAGE FOR SOLE PR OPRI.ETOR OR PARTNERSHIp The full names and residences of persons, partners or firm interested in the foregoing Bid, as principals, are as follows: BIDDER Witnesses: 01 (SEAL) FIRM NAME SIGNATURE PRINT NAME Title (Sole Proprietor or Partner) Post Office Address: TELEPHONE # County in which fictitious name is registered. Attach a copy of proof of registration PAC-)C, 20 OF 24 12/07/2004 14*38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 09/16 2RUG-.FREE WORKPL4CE PROGRAM A. IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference shall be given to businesses with drug -free work place programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any Political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing lie bids will be followed if none of The tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall-, 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful ma distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled sul: prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will against employees for violations of such prohibition. Ifacture, 'ance is e taken 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business' policy of maintaining drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or coi tractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subseci= (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees tho�t, as a condition of working on the commo&ties or contractual services that a0e under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of The statement and will ncitify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contemdere 'to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the� United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later %�an five (5) days after such conviction. i 6. Impose a sanction on, or require The satisfactory participation in a c assistance or rehabilitation. program if such is available in the e community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully above requirements. 41 VENDOR'S SIGNATURE NAME OF COMPANY I'L t`7 VENDOR PRINT NAME i abuse Ivee's !though the T PAGE 21 PF 24 A1,70mnAl I 12/07/ 2004 14; 38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 10/16 OLICII-POT-10-N-i-GIVINGE ID ACCE :)F GIFTS pr' hibils the solicitation or accepta,,e of Gifts. "No public officer, Florida Statue 112.313 c election shall solicit or accept employee of an agency, or candidate for nomination or anything of value to the recipient, including a gift, loan, reward, promise of future employment, favor, or service, based upon any understanding that the vote, official action, Or judgment Of the public officer, employee, or candidate would be influenced Thereby. 'u " -- the term 'public officer' includes any person el ected or appointed to hold off ice in any agency, including any person serving on an advisory body. City of North Miami Beach policy prohibits all public officers, elected or appointed, all employees, and their families from accepting any gifts of any value, either directly or indirectly, from. any contractor, vendor, consultant, or business with whom. the City does, business. Only advertising office stationery of supplies of small value are exempt from this policy - e.g. calendars, note pads, pencils. The State of Florida definition Of ogifts,* includes the following: Real property, or its use. Tangible or intangible personal property, Or hs use. A preferential rate or terms On a debt,'Joan I goods, or services. Forgiveness Of an indebtedness. Transportation, lodging, or parking, Membership dues. F-mrance fees, admission f eeS, or tickets to events, performancm or f a cilities. Plants, flowers, or floral arrangements, o a professional license or certificate Services provided by persons pursuant I normally charged by the person p;Oviding the Other personal services for which a fee is services. hing having an attributable value not already provid . ed for in Any other similar service or t this section. 1-o this list, the city o I f North Miami Beach h . as -added food, meals, beverages, and candy. ss found To have given a gift to a public officer Any contractor, vendor, consultant, or busine or revocation of 'contract. or ernploYee, or his/her f amily, will be subject to dismissal As the person authorized To sign the statement, I certify that this firm will comply fully with this Policy. SIG ATURE TITLE I �. /., ? 4� /7 I, - . . L NAME OF COMPANY PAGE 22 OF 24 3n9f2001 --- ­_­ 4A 12/07/2004 14:38 '0055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 11/11 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NORTH MJAMI BEACH AND This is an AGREEMENT by and between the CITY OF NORTH MIAM Blr--ACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter refermd. to as "CITY"; and its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". I WHERF-AS the CITY has awarded BID No. 2001-10 for ASPHALT, CONCRI-:TE PA�CHING AND RESTORATION to CONTRACTOR. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, premises, and payments hCrei after set forth, the CITY and CONTRACTOR agme as follows:. 1' 1 I The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the materials and/or services and to be bouj id by the terms and conditions of the Invitation for Bid, which includes General Terms and 0 inditions of Invitation for Did, Specifications attacbed hereto and inwrporated herein as Exh bits "A" and to the terms of CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL attachcd hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". 2. The CITY agrees to abide by and to be bound by.the terms of the Invitation for Bid, which includes General Term and Conditions of Invitation for Bid, Specifications as attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibits "A" and to the tenns of CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL attached hereto and incorporatc4 herein as Exhibit "B". 3. CONTRACTOR shall deliver materials and/or provide service when and as dimcte by �he CITY. r 4. The CITY agrees to make payment in accordance with the terms of the attached Invit tion for Bid attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" and to the t of CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL attached hereto and incorporated berein as Exhibit " 5. 7bis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the pariies hereto, and its sball not be amended, except in writing, after formal appr oval by both parties. 6. This Agreement will commence on 2 2001 and opire on -.0 2002; unless otherwise notified by the City. AnyeVension to this Agreement shall be in writing. The City Manager is authorized to terminate this agreement on behalf of the City, YAGE 231 OF 24 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PA13E 12/16 7. The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnlify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, SUitS, actions, damages, causes of action, or attomey's fees, arising fTom any personal injury, loss of life, or damage to person or property sustained by reason of or as a rMult of the products or services supplied. 8. ne CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all cla�ns, suits, actions, damages, causes of action, of attorney's fees, arising from any personal injury, loss of life, or damage to person or property sustained by reason of or as a result Of the negligence of the contractor/supplier, his employees, agents, or assigns. TN WITNESS WKERECIF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on tbis day of C-, 4� 2001. WITNESSES: ATTEST: Solomon Odenz City Clerk (CITY SEAL) 0 � �P-I'ffv CONTRA TOR 77 lh-r77 resident xf4;&,l 4. :�Y I Sccretary CITY OF NORTH NffANff BEACH Gary 1. Brown City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Howard B. Lenard City Attorney PAGE 24 OF 24 3429/2001 12/07/2004 15:09 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT i PAGE 10/21 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BrEACH INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TO., KELVIN BAKER, PUBLIC SERVICES FROM: SHANNON GRAHAM, PURCHASING DIVISION DATE: APRIL 3 2001 RE: BID # 2001-10, ASPHALT, CONCRETS PATCHING AND RESTOR TION We received bids from the following companies for Bid #2001-10. Attached is a table showing I bid prices from each company for each item for your review and recommendation, Plos & Sons Ent. Inc. Colonna Asphalt Restoration Arrow Asphalt & Engineering, Inc. M. Vila & Associates Park i ng Lots, Streets, S & S, Inc. Magna Construction APAC Group Inc. Atlantic Southern Paving & Sealcoating cc: Luis Mendoza, Public Services /smg Attachment 12/ 07/ 2004 14: 38 305556028e ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 13/16 co co W C6 co Q 0 (4 0. Lu .2 d o 0 1 Z 40 C9 c 9 0 V C� m 0 Lo cri In CN CD Ul) CD U'j 0 0 CD CD C) C"i Ln rl- 0 N 6 Ix 0 Lo C� Lo 0 50.5 0 Ix V- 0 Q zz —1 z co M iL Ul Go V) co (D C) C 0 co a 0) 4) (D 0 00 c; 7- z 0 0 Lo in w Ul) CN C) lx ko Z 3 LQ 0).b M #A m =5 z ug 0 C) tn Lo CL w C'i z 0 Z C) co C� C u 0 0 Cl m -C 6 0 CLj tu 04 co co CD CL 0 n- CL E CL 40 w 0 E 1� v 01 L164 ir va z 0 0 7C) cu > 0 to W > 0 E E? u 0 E o) U) z F� U �j (o > m CL N Cc: T U A 1- (D > m CL (d CL 9) m 0 L) Z�- c Z -ru Q C) w 3: "D a d) C 0 (1) m U) 0 m co _lz ir 0 v CL E m (D :�. 0 m m L) C; LL (o LLI U) < & UJ T- LU IL Z co CQ 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 14/lE C3 Cl 9 a- Q C3 c C:� Lo lcr 0 cl �= . M 0 m C; 0 C) n Lr) 00 N CD N ID E m N a C) Q 0 0 n cn CD L6 L6 L6 CN m ci V) C) m 25 C) Ln V) L6 L6 cd '36 N (N CN C) Cl 6 C) M C� Lo U'j Lo *q C� CD Lo C� 8 0 C) C;) vi L6 C) CD Ln fl- ?I- cv m Lo 0 Lo C%j CD 0 a Ca CD co -li Cd go kn CV C17 17 1. 0 CD C;) 0 C� a C> 0 40 C) 0 0 CD 0 0 co C6 0 c; 0 CN CD (o go Lo CD CD C) Q Lo 0 p L6 C%4 C; C) LR U') Lo V R V) Ln Q) C� C) Q CD C) C) co P- co Lo CN 0 00 CN cz; ci C) to C) C3 Fm,, o Q C%j 0 0 cr 0 (9 w En 0 Co C) C:) LLJ w (D c 0 Q) C3 ci* C3 LU LU 6. z CL C14 0 ul) uj 0 z w ca oa rr LU 0 W M E E w CN 0 cr M �: Lu :2 :3 — A -9 u 0 0 0 > L) R :0 '1- 0 0 0 :3 0 -j -6 16 < r- CN Ct lz� M CL 0 u CL 114 a. w . C14 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560288 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 15/16 C) cn Q C3 - -- ---- Ln CN N -1 co C3 N CV) m I'D L6 r- ci 10 m L L6 T a L6 ce) M C) C) C) 0 LO C! U') LO LO CV3 r-, LO 0 T- T- T U') 0 Q 6 L6 6 lc:, IQ 1 10 1,::, 10 a loll 1 10 1'� T" co 0 0 0 LO Ln M 12 Q co C� c) 10 1� L6 6 0 10 10 1 1 C, 1 10 1 1 10 1 r- -- to C) Q Q Ul) - Co to C) Q N I lo 1,:, 9 1(:;, L6 ui IQ ci LO 0 1,:, 10 IQ 1,::, 1(;:, 1",3 10 1 T N cNi 00 0 ci N cv co cn 0 Q to Nt co C) cv 97 cr) co m OC co IT co V- Q C) �n r- Q 0 C) 0 C) 0 0 Q V) to U-) tf) T- Q Ln 0 0 CZ) CN CV) C! C;) C%j Lf U) T'- Lf) C� to C) 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 (p ca U') L6 vi C) C14 C14 L6 (14 Lo 0 04 41- a4 Lo- (D 0 &- 10 cr (L CL CU 73 U) co V) =0 CL m CL.91 a 5. w LU (D (D CD d) ca ca co .0 Q -n cv C14 N UD N 04, MID cr) CV) (7) 12/07/2004 14:38 3055560268 ARROW ASPHALT PAGE 16/1� CD vi pi co Ul) co a C) T- aD Lo C� cv C\i fv; 8 ci m w Lo Ln U,) rq MI Ql N C6 Ln CN c 8 ui Lo C%j C'i 0 N �� m LU cr) C) Ln LM Lo 04 C3 C) m co CZ) C) C) Ln C) T- m 9 Lri z 0 P C) o c) LA� Lq m C) C) LM V3 cr) Lf) 41) Ln C) 0 0 0 (N LM C) C� L6 0 Q C) 0 C) Lo L0 Ln co cc (D f:� C-4 z clj CD C) co C) co d) 0 0 0 3: 3: ?: 0 0 Jk Q- CL 0 Q 0 .2 0 Q) -2 $- a) (D a) a 0 -%% Z) >. z 0. -- L) d) <1_1 9; -3 .7 t Alu- LLI C.) CN -j M co P� co Exhibit 2, TR 10647 Amber D'Amato From: Keith Glatz Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:57 PM To: Amber D'Amato Subject: FW: Bid #2001 -10 FYI -- here is the permission to use bid #2001-10 from the City of North Miami Beach. Keith Keith K. Glatz, CPPO Purchasing & Contracts Manager City of Tamarac, Florida (954) 724-1322 (voice) (954) 724-2408 (fax) keithg@tamarac.org ----- Original message ----- From: Gribble, Lynn [mailto:Lynn.Gribble@citynmb.comI Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:55 PM To: Keith Glatz Subject: Bid #2001-10 Please be advised, that the City of North Miami Beach has no objection to other governmental entities utilizing City of North Miami Beach Bid #2001-10 for Asphalt and Concrete Patching and Restoration. The City of Tamarac may piggyback from this bid in accordance with their established procedures. PLEASE NOTE: The City of North Miami Beach is a public entity subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes concerning public records. E-mail messages are covered under such laws and thus subject to disclosure. All e-mail sent and received is captured by our servers and kept as public record. I PROPOSAL Exhibit 3, TR 10647 Arrow Asphalt & Engineering, Inc. 14799 NW 117 Ave. Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 (305):556-5702 Dade (954) 963-9034 Broward (305) 556-0288 Fax PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: Client LnLormation Doug City of Tamarac 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 954-724-1200 Phn 954-724-251.5 Fax DA TE.- 0 7104 REPUFF0 02115/05 121 Site InLormation Veterans Memorial Park University Dr. & Southgate Blvd. Tamarac We hereby submit specifications, and estimates to perform work at the abovejob site: 1. Demo existing asphalt & dispose! of debris ...................................................................... $1,500.00 2. Stabilize sub ba.se, Instal' 6" thick compacted limerock base. 17,500 SF. I st 2" limerock @ -j5, each additional 2" limerock, @- .50 ....................................................................................... $30,625,00 � ine grade and compact 17,500 SF @-50 ........................ S8,750-00 3.1iistall additional 2" limerock base, f 4. Tack coat and pave with I " S-3 hot asphalt using paving machine. 1,945 SY @ $6.80 ........ $11,226.00 5. Tack coat & overlay existing asphalt with I " thick S-3 hot mix. 3,177 SY @ $6.80 ............. $21fiW-fO --4 6. Install concrete curbs and vialks using 3000 PSI mix - (A) 1,080 LF 8" x 12" "D" curb ............................................................. ........ $19,440.00 1 (B) 700 SF 6" Walks .................... ............... .................................................... : ... $2,975.00 7. Remove 40 conercte whecl:,tops @ $5.00 ......................... ............................................. $200.00 S. Install 3 Tj/C spaces ................... ................................................... $405.00 9, Install 7 Stop Signs and Do Not E-nter Signs with post ...................................................... $1,575.00 10. Clean asphalt with power broom. Burn all oilspots with torch and prime with Gem Sea] Tar Prin it. Sealcoat by hand, using Gem "Oeal coal tar emulsion with 4 lbs, of 30/45 Silica. Sand per gallon and Gein Sea] ultra latex rubber additive,. Approx. 46,100 SF @ .055 ................................................. $2,535.50 --�o I I - Stripe with traffic paint .... ........................................................................................... $275.00 12. Install thermo plastic stop bars and 6" double yellow stripes. Minimurn Charge ................. $800.00 Total:$103,910.10 Excludes: Irrigation, Landscaping, Removal of Trees and Sod work. [Prices are based on unit prices established by current city of NMB contract] We hereby propose to fumish lab,)r and materials -- complete in accordance with the above specifications.. for sum of.- One Hundred ThreeThousand Nino Hundred Ten DollUs and 10/100 ($103,9 10. 10) with full payment upon completion ofjob. All maticrial is guaranteed to be es specified. All work to lie completed in a workmanlike rnanncr according -V U &— I �.(ec From: ShEuna Vfterns At Brown & Brown FaYJD: Brown anc: Brown Inau To: ffiri DSIC: 12/16QD04 09:47 AM Page: 2 of 2 ACaft--p CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OF ID D� ARROW-1 Ulm moo'"" :L2/ i6/04 PRODUM Brom & Brown, ZnC. 5900 N. hadzvm ave. #300 V-0- 0*X 5727 Vt. Landerdaia rL 33310-572? Phone:954-776-2222 rax;954-776-4446 THM CERTIFICATE 13133UED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEN13 OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLX3ES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE RAr, N woultso Arrow asphalt a Kngineering in Attn: D1CJ94r 01TOble 41799 M.N. 117th Avenue aleah 1% 33010 INGLRER A' '. , ; -,; -, �; ;; �; � �; ... 4 4-4-- INSURM 0 —nLaw tie amien we nw. v.. INSLIREn D. COVERAGES T14C POLICIES OF WSMANCE 1,11STIM BELOW HAVE OEM sSMO To THE ftunl) Nm4W ABOVE FOR THE RXICY MIOD WICATED. NMwMiSTANDINO ANYREMARPMEW, TERM OR COMMON OF ANY CWRACTOP OTHER DOCLMWW1TMRESP5CT TO VVHICHTHIs CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR W PEPTAIN. THE INKRANCE A"ORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HMN IS SIJBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, [X=IONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLIC-ES AGORFLIATF LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE PFEN RED)CED BY FAID CLAW "R L WR TYPE OF INKRAMM POLICY NLMMER CATE Oft=" -DATE MWDATI um"s A C84BRAL UABLffY X COMMERCIAL OENMAL LIABILITY --7 CLAMMACE 7X OC"IR C0862KZ20903 02/29/04 02/28/03 EACH OCCURRrNCE: 3.,D()o '000 $300,000 MED EW Imy one penon) $5,000 PERSONK A ADV INARY $1,000,000 GQ& AGGREGAIZ LIMIT APPLIPS PFR 17 F1041CY Fx-1 T& EILOC rRom=T,, - cowlop Acc $2,000,000 E . m Ban. 1,000,_000 AWOMOSILE LIABLITY X MY AUTO ALL OVOED AUTO$ SCHEMUM AIJ= X HIR90 AUTO$ x NON-OV&*0AII11705 610962K2290 C11 all 02/29/04 U 02/29/05 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Eendort) BODILY INMY tPVrPWTMn1 90011. 1 iNJURV, (P. eld") �PR;0; T', DAMkGr; IANY AUTO R 6 �3' L-MENI ALITO ONLY - 5A ACCOENT OTHE. R EA ArC ALITO ONLYL AGG I MCROMMOREUALIABLITY OCCUP D CLAIMS MADE DEDLICTIRLE RISTENTIM EACH OCCUMNM I A00RIEGATE C WOMUMCOMPSMAnONAMb aftoym, LIMIL" ANY PRMIF-T"ARTWk4xQCLrTIVt OFFICER44EMSM EXCILLUM? (fy_eg. loswt* under SPECIAL PROVISIONS bolm 830179SO 04/01/04 04/01/05 WL;b1AIU- IMP-' ITM L MITS ER F L. EACH ACCIDENT $500000 E,L. OWME - FA EMPLOYEE 1500000 ra - Disamr. - Poucv LIMIT s so 0 0 0 0 A I "ON 0TWR Xquipment rl*ater 1 660963KaOID 1 02/20/04 02/28/05 1 Rent/Leas 30,000 Ded. SE000 OF OPBRAMNS I LOCATION$ I VEHICLES I EXCLU31ONS ADDEID BY WOORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS Cextificate holdex in named additional insured with rexpects to project: MW 53 Street Maprovesezt FIN 53 St & Island Club Drive, Tmaxac. ��M I ln� I C nWLLpcn CIVZGVW SHMAD ANY OF Trill ABOVE 0119CMED POLICIES BE CANMILED Uwm THE EXPIRAnM DATE THOMOr. THE =WG INKMWILLIEPIDEAVORTO MAL -90 DAYS WRITTEN WME To THE CWMATE H*U)M NAKO TO TW LEFt, NLrr;:"4M TO 00 00 &HALL City of Tamarac RPOICNOORLIGAIMNOFtUABL"OFAWKWW""04UMkrr$AGMftOK 6013. Nob Hill Road T=Lkr= rZ a3a23. 101111