HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-0521 Temp. Reso. #10654 February 28, 2005 Page 1. Revision #1 3/16/05 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-:5 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH BROWARD COUNTY ACCEPTING A GRANT AWARD UP TO THE AMOUNT OF $1,600,000 FOR THE ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT, ENHANCEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE SITE OS-117 WATER'S EDGE PARK (A.K.A. SHATHER PARCEL) AND ACCEPTING THE CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OS-117; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS, UPON APPROVAL AND RECEIPT OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY BROWARD COUNTY, TO EXECUTE AND RECORD THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND RETURN TO THE COUNTY FOR FUNDING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide its residents and visitors a higher level of service by enhancing and improving its outdoor recreation facilities and environment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac via resolution number R-2004-59 authorized the purchase of the parcel of land known as the Shather Parcel, located east of University Drive and south of NW 61 Street in the City of Tamarac, and included the City's intent to seek reimbursement through an Temp. Reso. #10654 February 28, 2005 Page 2 Revision #1 3/16/05 application to the Broward County Land Acquisition Program for costs associated 0 with acquiring the parcel; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac acquired the parcel, which is on the Broward County open space inventory as Site OS-1 17 Water's Edge Park (A.K.A. Shather Parcel) and is in the City of Tamarac; and WHEREAS, The City of Tamarac is willing to enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Broward County (attached hereto as Exhibit 1) providing for reimbursement of costs associated with the acquisition of the parcel and to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (attached hereto as Exhibit 2) upon execution of the Interlocal Agreement with Broward County; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac and Broward County have prepared a Conceptual Open Space Park Management Plan (attached hereto as Exhibit B of Exhibit 1) which includes obligations of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has included development of Site OS - 117 Water's Edge Park (A. K.A. Shather Parcel) in its Five Year Capital Improvement Program and agrees to abide by the mutually agreed upon Open Space Park Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Manager and the Parks and Recreation Director recommend executing the Interlocal agreement (hereto attached as Exhibit 1) providing for reimbursement of acquisition costs for the parcel and executing the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants upon receipt of the executed Interlocal Agreement from Broward County; and I I I I Temp. Reso. #10654 February 28, 2005 Page 3 Revision #1 3/16/05 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County accepting grant funding of up to $1,600,000 (plus appropriate closing costs to include appraisals, survey, environmental site assessment, title search and recording fees) for the acquisition, improvement, enhancement, operation and management of Open Space Site OS- 117 Water's Edge Park (A. K.A. Shather Parcel) and, upon approval and receipt of the Interlocal Agreement by Broward County, to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with return to the County for recording NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County for the acquisition, improvement, enhancement, operation and management of Open Space Site OS-1 17 Water's Edge Park (A.K.A. Shather Parcel) hereto attached as Exhibit 1. Temp. Reso. #10654 February 28, 2005 Page 4 Revision #1 3/16/05 SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized, upon receipt of the executed Interlocal Agreement from Broward County for OS- 117 Water's Edge Park (A, K.A. Shather Parcel) to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (attached hereto as Exhibit 2) and to return this document to the County for recording. SECTION 4: That the City of Tamarac will abide by the obligations set forth within the Conceptual Open Space Park Management Plan and according to the timeline contained in the Conceptual Open Space Park Management Plan. SECTION 5: That those obligations will remain in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program until they have been completed. SECTION 6: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. F- I I ---7 L I I d Temp. Reso. #10654 February 28, 2005 Page 5 Revision #1 3/16/05 SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23 d day of March, 2005. ATTEST: q SWE'NSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. MITCHELL S. KRAFT CITY ATTORNEY ;k( �OE SCHREIBER, MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TAL DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS BWSEP 12 PH P 09 cAR' NTY REtEIVED F L 0 R I D I�AY OF TAWPAC '1UT4 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ISE al Resources Division Mailing Address: 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room A-240 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 954-519-1230 - FAX 954-519-1412 September 8, 2005 Diane Phillips City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Ms. Phillips: U, 0%'4. K- 41 Enclosed please find the following: Z Original executed interlocal agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants for OS-117 Waters Edge Park; Copy of recorded interlocal agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants for OS-117 Waters Edge Park; Original executed interlocal agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants for OS-118 Swim Central Addition; and -�DP Copy of recorded interlocal agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants for OS-118 Swim Central Addition. Thank you for your assistance in completing these agreements. Land Administrator rn -n rn Broward County Board of County Commissioners Josephus Eggelletion, Jr. - Ben Graber - Sue Gunzburger - Kristin D. Jacobs - Ilene Lieberman - John E. Rodstrom, Jr. - Jim Scott - Diana Wasserman -Rubin - Lois Wexler www.broward.org eF6,�� - 5 Return recorded document to: Environmental Protection Department Land Preservation Section 218 SW 1 st Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Document prepared by: Sharon L. Cruz, Interim County Attorney Suite 423, Governmental Center 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 INTERILOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT, ENHANCEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE SITE OS-1 17 WATER'S EDGE PARK This is an Interlocal Agreement, made and entered into by and between: BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," AND CITY OF TAMARAC, a Florida municipal corporation, created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY." WHEREAS, CITY is: (i) acquiring conservation, green space or open space land with proceeds of the Bonds (hereinafter defined within Section 1.7 of this Agreement), or (ii) receiving reimbursement from proceeds of the, Bonds for -the prior acquisition of such lands, or (iii) receiving title from COUNTY to such lands previously acquired by COUNTY involving the proceeds of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into in order to impose terms, conditions, and restrictions on CITY's use of Bond proceeds on lands acquired by CITY with Bond proceeds or on lands for which CITY received reimbursement from Bond proceeds for prior acquisition or on lands acquired by COUNTY which are transferred to CITY; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to § 163.01, Florida Statutes, also known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969"; and CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised WHEREAS, the Bonds were issued as tax-exempt bonds, meaning that the interest on the Bonds is excluded from the gross income of Bondholders for federal income tax purposes; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose and intent of the parties to this Interlocal Agreement, to permit COUNTY and CITY to make the most efficient use of their respective powers, resources and capabilities by enabling them to cooperate on the basis of mutual advantage and thereby accomplish the objectives provided for herein in the manner that will best accord with the existing resources available to each of them and with the needs and developments within their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to enter into a cooperative agreement regarding the acquisition, preservation, improvementlenhancement, operation and management of a parcel of property described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereinafter referred to as the "Site"; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 BACKGROUND, PURPOSE, INTENT AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein as if set forth in full hereunder. 1.2 It is the purpose and intent of this Interlocal Agreement for COUNTY and CITY, pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, to cooperate and provide for a means by which each governmental entity may exercise its respective powers, privileges and authorities which they share in common and which each might exercise separately in order to further a common goal. 1.3 In the event Bond Counsel opines that an amendment is required to this Agreement so that the tax-exempt status of the Bonds is not jeopardized, CITY and COUNTY agree to amend the Agreement accordingly. 1.4 In order to further the efforts to be undertaken by COUNTY in connection with the acquisition, preservation, improvement/enhancement, operation and management of the Site, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree to cooperate with each other to the fullest extent reasonably necessary to accomplish the mutual desire of the parties that the project be successfully completed. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 2 1.5 This Agreement and the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall run with the Site and shall bind, and the benefits shall inure to, respectively COUNTY and CITY and their respective successors and assigns. 1.6 This Agreement will be effective upon execution by both parties. 1.7 Definitions - For the purposes of this Agreement and the various covenants, conditions, terms and provisions which follow, the definitions and identifications set forth below are assumed to be true and correct and are agreed upon by the parties. "Bonds" shall mean the Broward County, Florida General Obligation Bonds issued in one or more series pursuant to Resolution 2000-1062 and Resolution 2000-1063 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County relative to parks and/or conservation lands, green space and open space lands. "Bond Restrictions" shall mean the terms, conditions, and limitations imposed by any resolution adopted by. the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County authorizing the issuance of Bonds and the official statement and the terms, conditions, and limitations contained in any contracts, covenants or. instruments executed in connection with the Bonds. "Disallowable Activities" shall mean those activities and uses not consistent with the Bond Restrictions or those activities or uses prohibited by those restrictive covenants or conservation easements required by this Agreement or those activities or uses set forth within Article 5 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 MANAGEMENT PLAN If the Site is Conservation Lands or Green Space, a Conceptual Resource Management Plan which broadly describes the proposed use of the Site and the manner in which the CITY proposes to preserve and enhance the Site shall be attached as Exhibit "B." If the Site is Open Space land, a Conceptual Open Space Park Management Plan which broadly describes the proposed use of the Site as open space shall be attached as Exhibit "B." ARTICLE 3 ACQUISITION BY CITY OR TRANSFER OF TITLE 3.1 CITY shall purchase or has purchased the Site without COUNTY participation in the acquisition. COUNTY shall reimburse the CITY up to the grant amount of CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised K $1,600,000 (plus appropriate closing costs to include appraisals, survey, environmental site assessment, title search and recording fees) approved by the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board (LPAAB) and the Broward County Commission upon receipt of the following: 3.1.1 A copy of the recorded deed for the Site; AND 3.1.2 FOR OPEN SPACE SITES - An executed Declaration of Restrictive Covenants acceptable to the COUNTY, which shall include such covenants and restrictions sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions. COUNTY shall record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. FOR CONSERVATON OR GREEN SPACE SITES — An executed Conservation Easement acceptable to the COUNTY, which shall include such covenants and restrictions sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions. COUNTY shall record the Conservation Easement. AND 3.1.3 A performance bond, letter of credit or a resolution of the CITY acceptable to the COUNTY indicating that the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan will be included within the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program as set forth within the timeline contained in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. The performance bond, letter of credit or resolution shall guarantee the CITY's performance of the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan which will include, at a minimum, securing the site, removing trash and debris, removing invasive exotic species, replanting native vegetation, providing for public access and establishing a timeline for the completion of these activities. 3.2 In addition to the above requirements, each parcel to which CITY acquires title to the Site shall be subject to such covenants and restrictions as are, at a minimum sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the applicable trust indenture(s) under which the Bonds are issued and any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations promulgated thereunder that pertain to tax-exempt bonds. 3.3 Any payments will be made payable to CITY and forwarded to CITY at: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 4 City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 ARTICLE 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 The amount of the performance bond, letter of credit or capital improvement funding shall be determined based upon the site modification requirements set forth within the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan. In the event that CITY fails to perform the obligations set forth within the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan, COUNTY shall be entitled to proceed under Article 8, Default and Remedy provisions of this Agreement. CITY shall ensure that the performance bond or letter of credit remains valid and in full force and effect until CITY's obligation pursuant to the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan is performed. Termination or expiration of the bond or letter of credit prior to CITY's performance of such obligation, or notice to COUNTY that the bond or letter of credit will expire or has been canceled or disaffirmed prior to CITY's satisfaction of its obligations hereunder, shall constitute a default of this Agreement. If a resolution is provided by the CITY, the removal of the obligations set forth in the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan from the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program before the obligations have been completed shall constitute a default of this Agreement. In the event of such a default COUNTY shall be entitled to proceed under the Article 8, Default and Remedies provisions of this Agreement. 4.2 Conservation Land and Green Space Sites: 4.2.1 CITY shall prepare a Final Resource Management Plan and submit it to the LPAAB for approval within one (1) year from the date of the title transfer. Upon approval by the LPAAB, the Plan shall be filed with the COUNTY. The Resource Management Plan shall describe management goals and measurable objectives to preserve and enhance the environmental features of the Site and mitigate any potential environmental damage. The Resource Management Plan shall include an implementation schedule detailing CITY's timetable for the enhancement, improvement and preservation activities. The Resource Management Plan CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 5 shall be consistent with COUNTY standards for Conservation Land/Green Space Sites. Under no circumstances shall organized sports be a permissible activity on the Site. Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the COUNTY's Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-1230. 4.2.2 A Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan will be prepared by the CITY and submitted for approval to the LPAAB for the ecological restoration of designated Conservation Lands, if present, before any ecological restoration operation or site development is initiated. The Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan shall contain an ecological restoration cost projection. After the completion of the ecological restoration operations in accordance with the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, COUNTY shall reimburse CITY for the costs sustained by CITY to a maximum amount not to exceed $ N/A within ninety (90) days from the reimbursement request. COUNTY shall not make any payments to CITY in advance of the completion of the ecological restoration. 4.3 Open Space Sites: CITY shall prepare a Final Open Space Park Management Plan and submit it to the LPAAB for approval within one (1) year from the date of reimbursement by COUNTY or within one (1) year of the closing if the COUNTY contrib ' uted the grant amount at the time of acquisition. Upon approval by the LPAAB, the Plan shall be filed with the COUNTY. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall at a minimum set forth how the Site will be used by the CITY, how much land is necessary to be paved for infrastructure and active recreation, a requirement that native trees be used in landscaping, clearing of exotic invasive species and the accessibility of the site to the general public. Additionally, the CITY shall describe how NatureS&ape Broward principles will be utilized on the site after development occurs. These principles which include actions such as reducing the amount of irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide use will be described in the Final Open Space Park Management Plan. The CITY shall apply for certification under the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods or Backyard Wildlife Habitat programs once site development has occurred. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall describe management goals and measurable objectives. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall include an implementation schedule detailing CITY's timetable for the enhancement and improvement activities. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall be consistent with COUNTY standards for Open Space Sites. Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the COUNTY's Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-1230. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 6 L 4.4 Any amendment to the Final Resource Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan or Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall not be effective until such time as it is mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board and filed with the COUNTY. 4.5 Conservation Land and Green Space Sites: CITY shall manage or cause the Site to be managed in accordance with the approved Final Resource Management Plan and Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan for the conservation, protection and enhancement of natural resources and for passive, natural resource -based public outdoor recreation which is compatible with the conservation, protection and enhancement of the Site, along with other related uses necessary for the accomplishment of this purpose. CITY covenants that CITY will not commit waste to or on the Site, and CITY shall use due care and diligence to prevent others from doing same. CITY covenants to keep and maintain the Site in good order and condition and, furthermore, covenants that CITY shall not commit a nuisance on the Site or knowingly permit others to do so; nor shall CITY itself use the Site for any unlawful purpose, or allow any other person to do so. 4.6 Open Space Sites: CITY shall manage or cause the Site to be managed in accordance with Resolution 2000-1230 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and the approved Final Open Space Park Management Plan. CITY covenants that CITY will not commit waste to or on the Site, and CITY shall use due care and diligence to prevent others from doing same. CITY covenants to keep and maintain the Site in good order and condition and, furthermore, covenants that CITY shall not commit a nuisance as set forth in Chapter 823, F.S., on the Site or knowingly permit others to do so; nor shall CITY itself use the Site for any unlawful purpose, or allow any other person to do so. 4.7 CITY shall not make enhancements at the Site in conflict with the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan as described above. CITY shall notify COUNTY's Contract Administrator of intended enhancements at the Site, reasonably before implementation of same. CITY shall have all access required for its enhancement responsibilities. COUNTY acknowledges that COUNTY's Contract Administrator may need to assist in resolving any conflicts which may exist between COUNTY departments in order for CITY to properly proceed with enhancements. 4.8 COUNTY agrees that it will join, cooperate and shall execute such reasonable documents as may be required by law in connection with grants of easements or restrictive covenants. The approval of any development or environmental CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 7 permits by the COUNTY shall be in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances. 4.9 COUNTY staff or its duly authorized representatives shall have the right at any time to inspect the Site and the operations of CITY at the Site. 4.10 If CITY obtains a grant from an agency of the State of Florida for any portion of the moneys required for the acquisition of the Site or reimbursement of moneys used to acquire the Site, CITY will use its best efforts to ensure that any reverter language required by the State includes a commitment by the State (in the event fee simple title to the Site reverts to the State) that the use of the Site will at all times comply with the applicable trust indenture(s) under which the Bonds are issued and any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations promulgated thereunder that pertain to tax-exempt bonds. 4.11 Any transfer of title of the Site, excluding transfer of title to the State as set forth above, shall be subject to the approval of COUNTY and COUNTY shall enter into a new agreement with the transferee, containing such covenants or clauses, or other restrictions as are sufficient to protect the interests of the Bond holders. 4.12 If the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board is no longer in existence, the Final Resource Management Plan and/or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan or Final Open Space Park Management Plan and any amendments to the Plan shall be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. 4.13 CITY agrees to initiate a land use plan map amendment to the Broward County Land Use Plan and the local Land Use Plan amending the land use designation of the Site to Recreation and Open Space use or comparable local land use designation for Open Space Sites or to Conservation for Conservation or Green Space Sites. 4.14 CITY shall ensure that all activities on the Site comply with applicable local, state, regional and federal laws and regulations, including zoning ordinances and the CITY and COUNTY comprehensive plans. ARTICLE 5 OBLIGATIONS INCURRED BY CITY AS A RESULT OF BOND PROCEEDS BEING UTILIZED TO PURCHASE SITE 5.1 If the Site is to remain subject after its acquisition to any of the below listed activities or interests, CITY shall provide at least sixty (60) days written notice of CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised E-1 any such activity or interest to COUNTY prior to the activity taking place, and shall provide to COUNTY such information with respect thereto as COUNTY reasonably requests in order to evaluate the legal and tax consequences of such activity or interest: 5.1.1 Any lease of any interest in the Site to a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.1.2 The operation of any concession on the Site to a no n-g overn mental person or organization. 5.1.3 Any sales contract or option to buy things attached to the Site to be severed from the Site with a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.1.4 Any use of the Site by n on-g overn mental persons other than in such person's capacity as a member of the general public. 5.1.5 A management contract of the Site with a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.1.6 Such other activity or interest as may be specified from time to time in writing by COUNTY to CITY. 5.2 CITY agrees and acknowledges that the following transactions, events, and circumstances may not be permitted on the Site as they may have negative legal and tax consequences under Florida Law and federal income tax law. CITY shall provide at least sixty (60) days written notice of any such activity or interest to COUNTY prior to the activity taking place, and shall provide to COUNTY such information with respect thereto as COUNTY reasonably requests in order to evaluate the legal and tax consequences of such activity or interest. 5.2.1 A sale of the Site or lease of the Site to a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.2.2 The operation of a concession on the Site by a non -governmental person or organization. 5.2.3 A sale of things attached to the Site to be severed from the Site to a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.2.4 Any change in the character or use of the Site from that use expected at the date of the issuance of any series of Bonds from the disbursement is to be made. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 9 5.2.5 Any use of the Site by n on -govern mental persons other than in such person's capacity as a member of the general public. 5.2.6 A management contract of the Site with a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.2.7 Such other activity or interest as may be specified from time to time in writing by COUNTY to CITY. 5.3 Delegations and contractual arrangements between CITY and other governmental bodies, not -for -profit entities, or non -governmental persons for use or management of the Site will in no way relieve CITY of the responsibility to ensure that the conditions imposed herein on the Site as a result of utilizing Bond proceeds to acquire the Site are fully complied with by the contracting party. ARTICLE 6 IMPROVEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 COUNTY and CITY agree that CITY shall be solely responsible for the improvement, operation and management of the Site in accordance with the terms of this Interlocal Agreement and the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.2 CITY agrees that the Site and all its facilities and amenities will be available to all residents of Broward County for activities set forth within this Agreement and that any entrance, user or other fees or conditions assessed by CITY will be identical for all residents of Broward County. 6.3 COUNTY agrees to provide CITY with technical assistance in the implementation of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan for the utilization of the Site, if requested by CITY at no cost to CITY. 6.4 CITY agrees to provide access to COUNTY personnel to provide, if COUNTY so desires, the public with nature interpretation programs. 6.5 CITY shall be solely responsible to obtain and shall promptly pay all charges for telephone, gas, water, electricity, sewage, garbage removal and any other utility used or consumed at the Site. 6.6 COUNTY shall monitor the Site for compliance with the provisions of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan for a period of five (5) years CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 10 from the date of the mutual acceptance and approval of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.7 CITY shall submit an annual report to the COUNTY indicating all operations, enhancements, and site development which occurred during the previous year for a period of five (5) years. 6.8 CITY shall, through its agents and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of the Site or any use thereof not in conformity with the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.9 If the CITY is the recipient of a grant jointly with Broward County for this project, the CITY, as manager of the site, shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements of the grant agreement including, but not limited to, management plan implementation, appropriate site management, site monitoring and preparation of all reports required by the granting agency in compliance with the agency's time frames as established in the management plan. The CITY shall submit a copy of the annual Agency report to the COUNTY. If this report adequately provides the requested information of Section 6.7 above, then the annual report submitted to the Agency may replace the annual report required by the County. ARTICLE 7 CONSTRUCTION OF ENHANCEMENTS 7.1 CITY agrees to include the following language in any contract it enters into with selected contractor(s) [said contractor(s) referred to as "CONTRACTOR"] engaged to complete any improvements contemplated by this Interlocal Agreement: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION: CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Agreement. Except as specifically provided herein, this Agreement does not require CONTRACTOR to indemnify COUNTY, its employees, officers, directors, or agents from any liability, damage, loss, claim, action, or proceeding. These indemnifications shall survive the term of this Agreement. In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against COUNTY by reason of any such claim or demand, CONTRACTOR shall, 11 upon written notice from COUNTY, resist and defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to COUNTY. The indemnification provided above shall obligate CONTRACTOR to defend at its own expense to and through appellate, supplemental or bankruptcy proceeding, or to provide for such defense, at COUNTY's option, any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description covered by the above provisions which may be brought against COUNTY whether performed by CONTRACTOR, or persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall it be construed tc waive COUNTY's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statute 768.28 as amended from time to time. 7.2 CITY agrees to include in its agreement with any successful contractor(s) the requirement that the contractor(s) maintain at least the following insurance requirements throughout the term of the Agreement and further agrees to provide to COUNTY, prior to commencement of any improvements at the Site, Certificates of Insurance evidencing the CONTRACTOR's compliance with the requirements of this section: INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities of CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide, pay for and maintain in force until all of its work to be performed under this Interlocal Agreement has been completed and accepted by CITY (for such duration as is otherwise specified hereinafter), the insurance coverages set forth herein: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised Workers' Compensation Insurance to apply for all employees in compliance with the "Workers' Compensation Law" of the State of Florida and all applicable federal laws. In addition, the policy(ies) must include: a. Employers' Liability with a limit of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) each accident. b. If any operations are to be undertaken on or about navigable waters, coverage must be included for the U.S. Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Act and Jones Act. 12 2. Comprehensive General or Commercial Liability with minimum limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General or Commercial Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must include: a. Premises and/or Operations. b. Independent Contractors. c. Products and/or Completed Operations. d. Explosion, Collapse and Underground Coverages. e. Broad Form Property Damage. Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Interlocal Agreement, including any hold harmless and/or indemnification agreement. 9- Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed, with minimum limits of coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. h. COUNTY is to be expressly included as an "Additional Insured" in the name of the "Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida" with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for CITY by or on behalf of CONTRACTOR or acts or omissions of COUNTY or CITY. 3. Business Automobile Liability with minimum limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must include: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 13 a. Owned Vehicles, b. Hired and Non -Owned Vehicles. B. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the work, renewal copies of policies shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. C. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction - The Certification of Insurance will reflect thirty (30) days prior notice of cancellation and/or restriction to the COUNTY and CITY. D. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the CITY's Risk Management Department Certificates of Insurance or endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage specified above within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification of award. The required Certificates of Insurance shall name the types of policies provided, refer specifically to this Interlocal Agreement and state that such insurance is as required by this Interlocal Agreement. E. CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under the Interlocal Agreement until after it has obtained all the minimum insurance herein described and the policies of such insurance detailing the provisions of coverage have been received and approved by CITY. CONTRACTOR shall not permit any subcontractor to begin work until after similar minimum insurance to cover the subcontractor has been obtained and approved. 7.3 CITY agrees that prior to commencement of any construction at the Site, CITY through its contractor(s), shall deliver or cause to be delivered to COUNTY one or more Payment and Performance Bond(s) ("Bond") for the Project naming COUNTY and CITY as dual obligees in said Bond; which Bond shall be in an amount at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. 7.4 CITY shall ensure that all warranties and guarantees for any construction, workmanship and/or materials and equipment constructed, installed and/or affixed on the Site, shall run to both CITY and COUNTY. ARTICLE 8 DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 8.1 COUNTY shall have the right at any time to inspect the Site described herein in order to determine compliance with this Interlocal Agreement. In the event that CITY is engaging in or allowing others to engage in Disallowable Activities on the Site, CITY agrees to immediately cease or cause the cessation of the CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 14 Disallowable Activity upon receipt of written notice from the COUNTY. In the event that either party fails to keep and perform any essential term or condition of this Interlocal Agreement, the other party shall provide written notice requiring the satisfactory and immediate correction of that failure within ninety (90) days. If the failure is not remedied within said ninety (90) days to the satisfaction of the other party, this occurrence shall be deemed to be an event of default. 8.2 Both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the covenants and restrictions as are sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions set forth within the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and/or Conservation Easement, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, CITY shall transfer fee simple title of the Site to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the date of the COUNTY requests transfer of the Site. If CITY obtained a grant from an agency of the State of Florida for any portion of the moneys required for the acquisition of the Site or reimbursement of moneys used to acquire the Site and the State of Florida has also declared CITY to be in default, the provisions of the agreement entered into between CITY and the State of Florida shall prevail. If the CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth within the agreement with the State of Florida and the State of Florida requires the transfer of fee simple title to the State of Florida, CITY shall refund COUNTY's monetary contribution plus six percent (6%) interest per annum to the COUNTY within sixty days of the date the Site is transferred to the State of Florida. 8.3 If CITY provided a bond or letter of credit, both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the obligations set forth within the Conceptual or Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, COUNTY shall draw on the bond or the letter of credit. If the COUNTY draws against the bond or letter of credit, CITY agrees that COUNTY shall have the authority to perform such obligations utilizing the funds obtained from the bond or letter of credit. 8.4 If CITY provided a resolution indicating that the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan will be included within the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program, both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the obligations set forth within the Conceptual or Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 15 default within the time frame set forth above, CITY shall transfer fee simple title of the Site to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the date of the COUNTY requests transfer of the Site. 8.5 In the event of any default or breach of any of the terms of this Interlocal Agreement, it is specifically acknowledged and agreed that either party shall, in addition to all other remedies which may be available in law or equity, have the right to enforce this Interlocal Agreement by specific performance, injunctive relief, prohibition or mandamus to compel the other party to abide by the terms of this Interlocal Agreement. ARTICLE 9 INDEMNIFICATION CITY is a state agency as defined in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statutes, and COUNTY is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. Each agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of their elected officials, agents or employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. ARTICLE 10 MISCELLANEOUS 10. 1 Joint Preparation: The preparation of this Interlocal Agreement has been a joint effort of the parties hereto and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 10.2 Entire Agreement and Modification: This Interlocal Agreement incorporates, supersedes and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understanding applicable to the matter contained herein. It is further agreed that no change, alteration or modification in the terms and conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 10.3 Records: In accordance with the Public Records Law, CITY agrees to permit COUNTY to examine all records and grants COUNTY the right to audit any books, documents and papers that were generated during the course of administration of the Site. CITY shall maintain the records, books, documents CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 16 and papers associated with this Interlocal Agreement for at least three (3) years following execution of this Interlocal Agreement. 10.4 Contract Administrator: The Contract Administrators for this Interlocal Agreement are the Biological Resources Division Director or designee for COUNTY, and CITY Manager or designee for CITY. In the administration of this Interlocal Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, all parties may rely upon instructions or determinations made by the respective Contract Administrators. 10.5 Recordation/Filing: This Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of Broward County, in accordance with the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969. 10.6 Notices: Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified; and the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving of notice: FOR COUNTY: Director Broward County Biological Resources Division 218 SW 1 st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 FOR CITY: City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 10.7 Choice of Law: Waiver of Jury Trial: Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this transaction and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida, the venue situs, and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. To encourage prompt and equitable resolution of any litigation that may arise hereunder, each party hereby waives any rights it may have to a trial by jury of any such litigation. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Interlocal Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Mayor o Vice -Mayor, authorized to execute same by Board action on the _/&!!--day of AA&,Js&&AA,_,200'r and CAL4, H, -TairviArAr-, ,signing by and through its duly authorized to execute same. COUNTY ATTEST: /Ze' ��17 wil - 1111,ilililllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Jill zs� 1111110! ils 11111 �e County Administrator a6d Ex -Off icio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Bro4arj G"�'j�k - a s County, Florida Requirements Approved as to Insurance By dk,7� 494zjay of 20&._r CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 19 BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS day of .20 pproved as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida JEFFREY J. NEWTON, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: (954) 357-6968 By --- ;� 21/Y' Deputy County Attorney INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT/ENHANCEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE SITE OS-1 17 WATER'S EDGE PARK. WITNESSES: ATTEST: ---City Cterk CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised CITY 20 CITY OF TAMARAC Mayor -Commissioner dayof Match 20_09�. B I%Za4, - // Cliy Manager day of Con r-ch 200,5-. A PPR VE A 0 F M: By," 7, j City Attorney EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SITE All of SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLEX, LESS the West Two Hundred Forty Nine feet (W 249') thereof, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 101, Page 29, of the Public records of Broward County, Florida. Containing approximately 5.95 acres, more or less CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 21 CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised EXHIBIT B CONCEPTUAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN OR OPEN SPACE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN 22 EXHIBIT "Bps CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for IMPROVEMENT / ENHANCEMENT / OPERATION / MANAGEMENT BY THE CITY OF TAMARAC OF THE OPEN SPACE SITE REFERRED TO AS (OS-1 17) Water's Edge Park February 21, 2005 Page I of 4 INTRODUCTION The Water's Edge Park (#OS-1 17) is a 5.95 acre property located on the South side of NW 61 st ST. just east of University Dr. This management plan shall ensure that the goals and objectives of Broward County Resolution 2000-1230 are satisfied and provide a timeline for completion of required improvements. Section 4.03.a of the Resolution states that property listed in the Open Space Inventory shall include "undeveloped or agricultural land which can function, if appropriately developed and managed, to optimize water recharge quality and quantity, air quality and environmental benefits of the site while providing public use." 11 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT The primary goal of the Land Preservation Program is to ensure the preservation and/or creation of ecologically valuable lands while expanding the passive recreation opportunities for the residents of Broward County. This project shall incorporate these values in the planning, implementation, maintenance and operation of the site. The project consists of removal of exotic pest plants, landscaping 30% of the site with upland native plant landscaping, and development of the site as a passive park. III SITE DEVELOPMENT The City shall provide the following improvements: Native Landscaping on at least 30% of the site walking/jogging trail basketball court picnic area tot lot In order to adhere to the directives stated in Section 4.03.a of Resolution 2000-1230 and ensure passive recreation opportunities, Broward County has developed a standard for active recreation and impervious surfaces for lands acquired through this Program. The standard is as follows: Impervious surfaces and surfaces requiring intense fertilization and pest control, such as balffields, shall not exceed 30% of the project area, excluding park access infrastructures such as parking areas, entranceways and restroom facilities. Upon completion of this passive park project, the area comprised of impervious surfaces and/or dedicated to active recreation shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total project area, excluding park access infrastructures such as parking areas, entranceways and restroom facilities. Page 2 of 4 IV KEY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Exotic Veaetation The City, as manager of the site, shall be responsible for the removal of all invasive exotic vegetation and the prevention of future growth and spread of such vegetation. Once the site has been developed, the City shall ensure that invasive exotic vegetation does not reestablish within the park. Native Vegetation Existing native vegetation shall be preserved and incorporated into the park landscape design. The City shall landscape at least 30% of the site with native species and maintain such species in a manner which ensures their viability. Xeriscape design shall be used where appropriate. The location of this landscaping shall be determined by the City and depicted in the final Open Space Park Management Plan, which shall contain a list of the native species anticipated to be used in landscaping and a map of the landscaped portions of the site. NatureScape Broward Principles The NatureScape Broward program focuses on nine (9) principles for "Florida Friendly" landscapes. City/Town shall incorporate all applicable principles into park development and note such actions in the Final Park Management Plan. City/Town shall apply for either a Backyard Wildlife Habitat certification through the National Wildlife Federation or the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods certification through the University of Florida IFAS Extension within three (3) months of opening the site to the public. For more information regarding the implementation of NatureScape practices to your project please contact 954-519-0317. Illegal Dumping Prior to site development, the City shall ensure that illegal dumping of waste does not occur on the site and, if such activity does occur, it is the City's responsibility to remove and properly dispose of such items. If hazardous materials are discovered on the site, the City shall immediately notify the Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection Archaeological Features Prior to commencement of any proposed development activities, measures shall be taken to determine the presence of archaeological sites. Page 3 of 4 Public Access Once the site has been fully developed, the City shall allow public access to the site during hours of operation determined by the City. Si,qnage The City shall install a temporary sign, at the City's expense, the design and schematics of which shall be provided by the County, in a highly visible area of the project site recognizing the efforts of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners and funding through the Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond. Upon completion of the project, the City shall construct and install a permanent sign, at the City's expense, in accordance with the aforementioned standards. V PRIORITY SCHEDULE Within three (3) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall perform the necessary site maintenance (i.e. mowing) to prevent the growth and spread of exotic vegetation. This task shall be performed a minimum of four (4) times per year, or as deemed necessary by the County, until the project is fully developed. Within six (6) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall install the temporary sign. Within eighteen (18) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall remove any existing waste from the site. The City shall ensure that iuture illegal dumping of waste does not occur on the site through a monitoring and security program. If such activity does occur, the City shall be responsible for removing and properly disposing of such waste. Within two (2) years of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall integrate the major elements of the project into the City's five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The major elements of the project that are to be integrated include, but are not limited to, securing the site, removing invasive exotic plant species and landscaping with native species, developing park infrastructure, and establishing a timeline to provide public access. These elements shall be completed on a schedule outlined in the final Open Space Park Management Plan. VI MONITORING The County shall monitor the site for compliance with the provisions of the final Open Space Park Management Plan for the period of five (5) years from the date of the mutual acceptance of and approval of the final Open Space Park Management Plan. The City shall allow County staff access onto the property during these visits. Page 4 of 4 I Document prepared by: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 20KTHIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, made thisVES day of MXt�i by City of Tamarac, hereinafter referred to as "PROPERTY OWNEI�.—" W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, PROPERTY OWNER is the fee title owner of that certain real property located in Broward County, Florida, as described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof, (the PROPERTY); and WHEREAS, the PROPERTY was acquired in whole or in part through Broward County's Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the use of the PROPERTY shall be in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions contained in Broward County's Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-1230 and the Interlocal Agreement (the AGREEMENT) entered into with Broward County for Acquisition, Improvement, Enhancement, Operation and Management of Conservation Land, Green Space and Open Space Sites approved by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on the day of K!�LAAA&: 20 U NOW, THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER hereby declares that the Property shall be developed, held, maintained, transferred, sold, conveyed and owned subject to the following designations and restrictive covenants: RECITALS The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into these restrictive covenants. 2. RESTRICTIONS (a) The PROPERTY shall be preserved as open space and for recreational use in perpetuity. (b) Only buildings necessary for and ancillary to the open space and recreational use shall be allowed. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised (c) Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the Final Open Space Park Management Plan (d) No use of the PROPERTY shall be allowed which is inconsistent with the intent and purpose of this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, the AGREEMENT and the Final Open Space Park Management Plan. 3. MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION No revisions to the Declarations of Restrictive Covenants shall be permitted unless specifically approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida (the BOARD), in accordance with the procedures set forth below. If PROPERTY OWNER, its successors and assigns wishes to modify or terminate these restrictive covenants, it shall be required to do the following: (a) PROPERTY OWNER must apply to the BOARD for an amendment to, or termination these restrictive covenants. (b) It shall be at the sole discretion of the BOARD whether to modify or terminate these restrictive covenants. 4. COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants shall be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and shall run with the PROPERTY described in Exhibit 'A" and shall be binding on all persons and entities acquiring title to or use of the PROPERTY. ENFORCEMENT Broward County, through its Board of County Commissioners, its successors and assigns, is the beneficiary of these restrictive covenants and as such, Broward County may enforce these restrictive covenants by action at law or in equity against any person or persons, entity or entities, violating or attempting to violate the terms of these Restrictions. Broward County shall provide PROPERTY OWNER with a written notice of violations for any provision of this Declaration and allow PROPERTY OWNER ninety (90) days to cure the violation. If PROPERTY OWNER fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, PROPERTY OWNER shall transfer fee simple title of the PROPERTY to Broward County within sixty (60) days of the date of Broward County requests transfer of the PROPERTY. 6. WAIVER Any failure by Broward County to enforce these restrictive covenants shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 7. INVALIDATION Invalidation of any one of these restrictive covenants by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other conditions which remain in full force an effect. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised EFFECTIVE DATE The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants shall become effective upon recordation in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised -TFe cl N of -rz>m " IN WITNESS WHEREOF405d�refber nMJ2&32�Alley has hereunto set its authorized hand this .1 1 day of Maircli -, 20-Q�-. WITNESSES: CITY OFT"a m a r- o- <!, B Oc Mayor -Commissioner ATTESTO (CORPORATE SEAL) CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised In ,g3 day of MCIrCh 2006- AP tity manager _day of Mcf-ch 20or 1 city RM: AK /23 day of MQrQh , 2 0 -0.1� EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY All of SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLEX, LESS the West Two Hundred Forty Nine feet (W 249') thereof, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 101, Page 29, of the Public records of Broward County, Florida. Containing approximately 5.95 acres, more or less CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised 5 Return recorded document to: Environmental Protection Department Land Preservation Section 218 SW 1 st Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FIL 33301 Document prepared by: Sharon L. Cruz, Interim County Attorney Suite 423, Governmental Center 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FIL 33301 INSTR # 105291017 3-398 OR BK 40332 Pages 37 RECORDED 08/19/05 10:49:30 BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION DEPUTY CLERK 1032 #1, 26 Pages INTERILOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT, ENHANCEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE SITE OS-1 17 WATER'S EDGE PARK This is an Interlocal Agreement, made and entered into by and between: BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," AND CITY OF TAMARAC, a Florida municipal corporation, created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "CITY." WHEREAS, CITY is: (i) acquiring conservation, green space or open space land with proceeds of the Bonds (hereinafter defined within Section 1.7 of this Agreement), or (ii) receiving reimbursement from proceeds of the Bonds for the prior acquisition of such lands, or (iii) receiving title from COUNTY to such lands previously acquired by COUNTY involving the proceeds of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into in order to impose terms, conditions, and restrictions on CITY's use of Bond proceeds on lands acquired by CITY with Bond proceeds or on lands for which CITY received reimbursement from Bond proceeds for prior acquisition or on,lands acquired by COUNTY which are transferred to CITY; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to § 163.01, Florida Statutes, also known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969"; and CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised WHEREAS, the Bonds were issued as tax-exempt bonds, meaning that the interest on the Bonds is excluded from the gross income of Bondholders for federal income tax purposes; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose and intent of the parties to this Interlocal Agreement, to permit COUNTY and CITY to make the most efficient use of their respective powers, resources and capabilities by enabling them to cooperate on the basis of mutual advantage and thereby accomplish the objectives provided for herein in the manner that will best a ' ccord with the existing resources available to each of them and with the needs and developments within their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to enter into a cooperative agreement regarding the acquisition, preservation, improvement/enhancement, operation and management of a parcel of property described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereinafter referred to as the "Site"; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 BACKGROUND, PURPOSE, INTENT AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein as if set forth in full hereunder. 1.2 It is the purpose and intent of this Interlocal Agreement for COUNTY and CITY, pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, to cooperate and provide for a means by which each governmental entity may exercise its respective powers, privileges and authorities which they share in common and which each might exercise separately in order to further a common goal. 1.3 In the event Bond Counsel opines that an amendment is required to this Agreement so that the tax-exempt status of the Bonds is not jeopardized, CITY and COUNTY agree to amend the Agreement accordingly. 1.4 In order to further the efforts to be undertaken by COUNTY in connection with the acquisition, preservation, improvement/enhancement, operation and management of the Site, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree to cooperate with each other to the fullest extent reasonably necessary to accomplish the mutual desire of the parties that the project be successfully completed. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised KA 1.5 This Agreement and the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall run with the Site and shall bind, and the benefits shall inure to, respectively COUNTY and CITY and their respective successors and assigns. 1.6 This Agreement will be effective upon execution by both parties. 1.7 Definitions - For the purposes of this Agreement and the various covenants, conditions, terms and provisions which follow, the definitions and identifications set forth below are assumed to be true and correct and are agreed upon by the parties. "Bonds" shall mean the Broward County, Florida General Obligation Bonds issued in one or more series pursuant to Resolution 2000-1062 and Resolution 2000-1063 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County relative to parks and/or conservation lands, green space and open space lands. "Bond Restrictions" shall mean the terms, conditions, and limitations imposed by any resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County authorizing the issuance of Bonds and the official statement and the terms, conditions, and limitations contained in any contracts, covenants or instruments executed in connection with the Bonds. "Disallowable Activities" shall mean those activities and uses not consistent with the Bond Restrictions or those activities or uses prohibited by those restrictive covenants or conservation easements required by this Agreement or those activities or uses set forth within Article 5 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 MANAGEMENT PLAN If the Site is Conservation Lands or Green Space, a Conceptual Resource Management Plan which broadly describes the proposed use of the Site and the manner in which the CITY proposes to preserve and enhance the Site shall be attached as Exhibit "B." If the Site is Open Space land, a Conceptual Open Space Park Management Plan which broadly describes the proposed use of the Site as open space shall be attached as Exhibit "B." ARTICLE 3 ACQUISITION BY CITY OR TRANSFER OF TITLE 3.1 CITY shall purchase or has purchased the Site without COUNTY participation in the acquisition. COUNTY shall reimburse the CITY up to the grant amount of CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 3 $1,600,000 (plus appropriate closing costs to include appraisals, survey, environmental site assessment, title search and recording fees) approved by the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board (LPAAB) and the Broward County Commission upon receipt of the following: 3.1.1 A copy of the recorded deed for the Site; AND 3.1.2 FOR OPEN SPACE SITES - An executed Declaration of Restrictive Covenants acceptable to the COUNTY, which shall include such covenants and restrictions sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions. COUNTY shall record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. FOR CONSERVATON OR GREEN SPACE SITES — An executed Conservation Easement acceptable to the COUNTY, which shall include such covenants and restrictions sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions. COUNTY shall record the Conservation Easement. AND 3.1.3 A performance bond, letter of credit or a resolution of the CITY acceptable to the COUNTY indicating that the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan will be included within the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program as set forth within the timeline contained in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. The performance bond, letter of credit or resolution shall guarantee the CIlYs performance of the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan which will include, at a minimum, securing the site, removing trash and debris, removing invasive exotic species, replanting native vegetation, providing for public access and establishing a timeline for the completion of these activities. 3.2 In addition to the above requirements, each parcel to which CITY acquires title to the Site shall be subject to such covenants and restrictions as are, at a minimum sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the applicable trust indenture(s) under which the Bonds are issued and any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations promulgated thereunder that pertain to tax-exempt bonds. 3.3 Any payments will be made payable to CITY and forwarded to CITY at: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 4 City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 ARTICLE 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.1 The amount of the performance bond, letter of credit or capital improvement funding shall be determined based upon the site modification requirements set forth within the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan. In the event that CITY fails to perform the obligations set forth within the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan, COUNTY shall be entitled to proceed under Article 8, Default and Remedy provisions of this Agreement. CITY shall ensure that the performance bond or letter of credit remains valid and in full force and effect until CITY's obligation pursuant to the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan is performed. Termination or expiration of the bond or letter of credit prior to CITY's -performance of such obligation, or notice to COUNTY that the bond or letter of credit will expire or has been canceled or disaffirmed prior to CITY's satisfaction of its obligations hereunder, shall constitute a default of this Agreement. If a resolution is provided by the CITY, the removal of the obligations set forth in the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan from the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program before the obligations have been completed shall constitute a default of this Agreement. In the event of such a default COUNTY shall be entitled to proceed under the Article 8, Default and Remedies provisions of this Agreement. 4.2 Conservation Land and Green Space Sites: 4.2.1 CITY shall prepare a Final Resource Management Plan and submit it to the LPAAB for approval within one (1) year from the date of the title transfer. Upon approval by the LPAAB, the Plan shall be filed with the COUNTY. The Resource Management Plan shall describe management goals and measurable objectives to preserve and enhance the environmental features of the Site and mitigate any potential environmental damage. The Resource Management Plan shall include an implementation schedule detailing CITY's timetable for the enhancement, improvement and preservation activities. The Resource Management Plan CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 5 shall be consistent with COUNTY standards for Conservation Land/Green Space Sites. Under no circumstances shall organized sports be a permissible activity on the Site. Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the COUNTY's Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-123b. 4.2.2 A Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan will be prepared by the CITY and submitted for approval to the LPAAB for the ecological restoration of designated Conservation Lands, if present, before any ecological restoration operation or site development is initiated. The Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan shall contain an ecological restoration cost projection. After the completion of the ecological restoration operations in accordance with the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, COUNTY shall reimburse CITY for the costs sustained by CITY to a maximum amount not to exceed $ N/A within ninety (90) days from the reimbursement request. COUNTY shall not make any payments to CITY in advance of the completion of the ecological restoration. 4.3 Open Space Sites: CITY shall prepare a Final Open Space Park Management Plan and submit it to the LPAAB for approval within one (1) year from the date of reimbursement by COUNTY or within one (1) year of the closing if the COUNTY contributed the grant amount at the time of acquisition. Upon approval by the LPAAB, the Plan shall be filed with the COUNTY. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall at a minimum set forth how the Site will be used by the CITY, how much land is necessary to be paved for infrastructure and active recreation, a requirement that native trees be used in landscaping, clearing of exotic invasive species and the accessibility of the site to the general public. Additionally, the CITY shall describe how NatureScape Broward principles will be utilized on the site after development occurs. These principles which include actions such as reducing the amount of irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide use will be described in the Final Open Space Park Management Plan. The CITY shall apply for certification under the Florida Yards & Neighbort7oods or Backyard Wildlife Habitat programs once site development has occurred. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall describe management goals and measurable objectives. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall include an implementation schedule detailing CITY's timetable for the enhancement and improvement activities. The Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall be consistent with COUNTY standards for Open Space Sites. Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the COUNTY's Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-1230. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 6 4.4 Any amendment to the Final Resource Management Plan or Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan or Final Open Space Park Management Plan shall not be effective until such time as it is mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board and filed with the COUNTY. 4.5 Conservation Land and Green Space Sites: CITY shall manage or cause the Site to be managed in accordance with the approved Final Resource Management Plan and Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan for the conservation, protection and enhancement of natural resources and for passive, natural resource -based public outdoor recreation which is compatible with the conservation, protection and enhancement of the Site, along with other related uses necessary for the accomplishment of this purpose. CITY covenants that CITY will not commit waste to or on the Site, and CITY shall use due care and diligence to prevent others from doing same. CITY covenants to keep and maintain the Site in good order and condition and, furthermore, covenants that CITY shall not commit a nuisance on the Site or knowingly permit others to do so; nor shall CITY itself use the Site for any unlawful purpose, or allow any other person to do so. 4.6 Open Space Sites: CITY shall manage or cause the Site to be managed in accordance with Resolution 2000-1230 adopted by th e- Board of County Commissioners and the approved Final Open Space Park Management Plan. CITY covenants that CITY will not commit waste to or on the Site, and CITY shall use due care and diligence to prevent others from doing same. CITY covenants to keep and maintain the Site in good order and condition and, furthermore, covenants that CITY shall not commit a nuisance as set forth in Chapter 823, F.S., on the Site or knowingly permit others to do so; nor shall CITY itself use the Site for any unlawful purpose, or allow any other person to do so. 4.7 CITY shall not make enhancements at the Site in conflict with the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan as described above. CITY shall notify COUNTY's Contract Administrator of intended enhancements at the Site, reasonably before implementation of same. CITY shall have all access required for its enhancement responsibilities. COUNTY acknowledges that COUNTY's Contract Administrator may need to assist in resolving any conflicts which may exist between COUNTY departments in order for CITY to properly proceed with enhancements. 4.8 COUNTY agrees that it will join, cooperate and shall execute such reasonable documents as may be required by law in connection with grants of easements or restrictive covenants. The approval of any development or environmental CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 7 permits by the COUNTY shall be in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances. 4.9 COUNTY staff or its duly authorized representatives shall have the right at any time to inspect the Site and the operations of CITY at the Site. 4.10 If CITY obtains a grant from an agency of the State of Florida for any portion of the moneys required for the acquisition of the Site or reimbursement of moneys used to acquire the Site, CITY will use its best efforts to ensure that any reverter language required by the State includes a commitment by the State (in the event fee simple title to the Site reverts to the State) that the use of the Site will at all times comply with the applicable trust indenture(s) under which the Bonds are issued and any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations promulgated thereunder that pertain to tax-exempt bonds. 4.11 Any transfer of title of the Site, excluding transfer of title to the State as set forth above, shall be subject to the approval of COUNTY and COUNTY shall enter into a new agreement with the transferee, containing such covenants or clauses, or other restrictions as are sufficient to protect the interests of the Bond holders. 4.12 If the Land Preservation and Acquisition Advisory Board is no longer in existence, the Final Resource Management Plan and/or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan or Final Open Space Park Management Plan and any amendments to the Plan shall be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. 4.13 CITY agrees to initiate a land use plan map amendment to the Broward County Land Use Plan and the local Land Use Plan amending the land use designation of the Site to Recreation and Open Space use or comparable local land use designation for Open Space Sites or to Conservation for Conservation or Green Space Sites. 4.14 CITY shall ensure that all activities on the Site comply with applicable local, state, regional and federal laws and regulations, including zoning ordinances and the CITY and COUNTY comprehensive plans. ARTICLE 5 OBLIGATIONS INCURRED BY CITY AS A RESULT OF BOND PROCEEDS BEING UTILIZED TO PURCHASE SITE 5.1 If the Site is to remain subject after its acquisition to any of the below listed activities or interests, CITY shall provide at least sixty (60) days written notice of CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised any such activity or interest to COUNTY prior to the activity taking place, and shall provide to COUNTY such information with respect thereto as COUNTY reasonably requests in order to evaluate the legal and tax consequences of such activity or interest: 5.1.1 Any lease of any interest in the Site to a non -governmental person or organization. 5.1.2 The operation of any concession on the Site to a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.1.3 Any sales contract or option to buy things attached to the Site to be severed from the Site with a non -governmental person or organization. 5.1.4 Any use of the Site by non -govern mental persons other than in such person's capacity as a member of the general public. 5.1.5 A management contract of the Site with a non -governmental person or organization. 5.1.6 Such other activity or interest as may be specified from time to time in writing by COUNTY to CITY. 5.2 CITY agrees and acknowledges that the following transactions, events, and circumstances may not be permitted on the Site as they may have negative legal and tax consequences under Florida Law and federal income tax law. CITY shall provide at least sixty (60) days written notice of any such activity or interest to COUNTY prior to the activity taking place, and shall provide to COUNTY such information with respect thereto as COUNTY reasonably requests in order to evaluate the legal and tax consequences of such activity or interest. 5.2.1 A sale of the Site or lease of the Site to a non-g overn mental person or organization. 5.2.2 The operation of a concession on the Site by. a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.2.3 A sale of things attached to the Site to be severed from the Site to a non-g overn mental person or organization. 5.2.4 Any change in the character or use of the Site from that use expected at the date of the issuance of any series of Bonds from the disbursement is to be made. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised �611 5.2.5 Any use of the Site by non -govern mental persons other than in such person's capacity as a member of the general public. 5.2.6 A management contract of the Site with a non -govern mental person or organization. 5.2.7 Such other activity or interest as may be specified from time to time in writing by COUNTY to CITY. 5.3 Delegations and contractual arrangements between CITY and other governmental bodies, not -for -profit entities, or non -governmental persons for use or management of the Site will in no way relieve CITY of the responsibility to ensure that the conditions imposed herein on the Site as a result of utilizing Bond proceeds to acquire the Site are fully complied with by the contracting party. ARTICLE 6 IMPROVEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 COUNTY and CITY agree that CITY shall be solely responsible for the improvement, operation and management of the Site in accordance with the terms of this Interlocal Agreement and the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.2 CITY agrees that the Site and all its facilities and amenities will be available to all residents of Broward County for activities set forth within this Agreement and that any entrance, user or other fees or conditions assessed by CITY will be identical for all residents of Broward County. 6.3 COUNTY agrees to provide CITY with technical assistance in the implementation of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan for the utilization of the Site, if requested by CITY at no cost to CITY. 6.4 CITY agrees to provide access to COUNTY personnel to provide, if COUNTY so desires, the public with nature interpretation programs. 6.5 CITY shall be solely responsible to obtain and shall promptly pay all charges for telephone, gas, water, electricity, sewage, garbage removal and any other utility used or consumed at the Site. 6.6 COUNTY shall monitor the Site for compliance with the provisions of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan for a period of five (5) years CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised W] from the date of the mutual acceptance and approval of the Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.7 CITY shall submit an annual report to the COUNTY indicating all operations, enhancements, and site development which occurred during the previous year for a period of five (5) years. 6.8 CITY shall, through its agents and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of the Site or any use thereof not in conformity with the Conceptual and Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan. 6.9 If the CITY is the recipient of a grant jointly with Broward County for this project, the CITY, as manager of the site, shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements of the grant agreement including, but not limited to, management plan implementation, appropriate site management, site monitoring and preparation of all reports required by the granting agency in compliance with the agency's time frames as established in the management plan. The CITY shall submit a copy of the annual Agency report to the COUNTY. If this report adequately provides the requested information of Section 6.7 above, then the annual report submitted to the Agency may replace the annual report required by the County. ARTICLE 7 CONSTRUCTION OF ENHANCEMENTS 7.1 CITY agrees to include the following language in any contract it enters into with selected contractor(s) [said contractor(s) referred to as "CONTRACTOR"] engaged to complete any improvements contemplated by this Interlocal Agreement: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION: CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Agreement. Except as specifically provided herein, this Agreement does not require CONTRACTOR to indemnify COUNTY, its employees, officers, directors, or agents from any liability, damage, loss, claim, action, or proceeding. These indemnifications shall survive the term of this Agreement. In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against COUNTY by reason of any such claim or demand, CONTRACTOR shall, 11 upon written notice from COUNTY, resist and defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to COUNTY. The indemnification provided above shall obligate CONTRACTOR to defend at its own expense to and through appellate, supplemental or bankruptcy proceeding, or to provide for such defense, at COUNTY's option, any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description covered by the above provisions which may be brought against COUNTY whether performed by CONTRACTOR, or persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall it be construed tc waive COUNTY's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statute 768.28 as amended from time to time. 7.2 CITY agrees to include in its agreement with any successful contractor(s) the requirement that the contractor(s) maintain at least the following insurance requirements throughout the term of the Agreement and further agrees to provide to COUNTY, prior to commencement of any improvements at the Site, Certificates of Insurance evidencing the CONTRACTOR's compliance with the requirements of this section: INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities of CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide, pay for and maintain in force until all of its work to be performed under this Interlocal Agreement has been completed and accepted by CITY (for such duration as is otherwise specified hereinafter), the insurance coverages set forth herein: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised Workers' Compensation Insurance to apply for all employees in compliance with the "Workers' Compensation Law" of 1he State of Florida and all applicable federal laws. In addition, the policy(ies) must include: a. Employers' Liability with a limit of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) each accident. b. If any operations are to be undertaken on or about navigable waters, coverage must be included for the U.S. Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Act and Jones Act. 12 2. Comprehensive General or Commercial Liability with minimum limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General or Commercial Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must include: a. Premises and/or Operations. b. Independent Contractors. C. Products and/or Completed Operations. d. Explosion, Collapse and Underground Coverages. e. Broad Form Property Damage. Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Interlocal Agreement, including any hold harmless and/or indemnification agreement. 9. Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed, with minimum limits of coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. h. COUNTY is to be expressly included as an "Additional Insured" in the name of the "Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida" with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for CITY by or on behalf of CONTRACTOR or acts or omissions of COUNTY or CITY. 3. Business Automobile Liability with minimum limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liability policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the Insurance Services Office, and must include: CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 13 a. Owned Vehicles. b. Hired and Non -Owned Vehicles. B. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the work, renewal copies of policies shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. C. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction - The Certification of Insurance will reflect thirty (30) days prior notice of cancellation and/or restriction to the COUNTY and CITY. D. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the CITY's. Risk Management Department Certificates of Insurance or endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage. specified above within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification of award. The required Certificates of Insurance shall name the types of policies provided, refer specifically to this Interlocal Agreement and state that such insurance is as required by this Interlocal Agreement. E. CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under the Interlocal Agreement until after it has obtained all the minimum insurance herein described and the policies of such insurance detailing the provisions of coverage have been received and approved by CITY. CONTRACTOR shall not permit any subcontractor to begin work until after similar minimum insurance to cover the subcontractor has been obtained and approved. 7.3 CITY agrees that prior to commencement of any construction at the Site, CITY through its contractor(s), shall deliver or cause to be delivered to COUNTY one or more Payment and Performance Bond(s) ("Bond") for the Project naming COUNTY and CITY as dual obligees in said Bond; which Bond shall be in an amount at least equal to one hundred percent (1100%) of the contract price. 7.4 CITY shall ensure that all warranties and guarantees for any construction, workmanship and/or materials and equipment constructed, installed and/or affixed on the Site, shall run to both CITY and COUNTY. ARTICLE 8 DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 8.1 COUNTY shall have the right at any time to inspect the Site described herein in order to determine compliance with this Interlocal Agreement. In the event that CITY is engaging in or allowing others to engage in Disallowable Activities on the Site, CITY agrees to immediately cease or cause the cessation of the CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 14 Disallowable Activity upon receipt of written notice from the COUNTY. In the event that either party fails to keep and perform any essential term or condition of this Interlocal Agreement, the other party shall provide written notice requiring the satisfactory and immediate correction of that failure within ninety (90) days. If the failure is not remedied within said ninety (90) days to the satisfaction of the other party, this occurrence shall be deemed to be an event of default. 8.2 Both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the covenants and restrictions as are sufficient to ensure that the use of the Site at all times complies with the Bond Restrictions set forth within the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and/or Conservation Easement, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, CITY shall transfer fee simple title of the Site to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the date of the COUNTY requests transfer of the Site. If CITY obtained a grant from an agency of the State of Florida for any portion of the moneys required for the acquisition of the Site or reimbursement of moneys used to acquire the Site and the State of Florida has also declared CITY to be in default, the provisions of the agreement entered into between CITY and the State of Florida shall prevail. If the CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth within the agreement with the State of Florida and the State of Florida requires the transfer of fee simple title to the State of Florida, CITY shall refund COUNTY's monetary -contribution plus six percent (6%) interest per annum to the COUNTY within sixty days of the date the Site is transferred to the State of Florida. 8.3 If CITY provided a bond or letter of credit, both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the obligations set forth within the Conceptual or Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, COUNTY shall draw on the bond or the letter of credit. If the COUNTY draws against the bond or letter of credit, CITY agrees that COUNTY shall have the authority to perform such obligations utilizing the funds obtained from the bond or letter of credit. 8.4 If CITY provided a resolution indicating that the obligations set forth in the Conceptual Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan will be included within the CITY's 5 Year Capital Improvements Program, both parties acknowledge and agree that, in the event that the CITY fails to materially comply with the obligations set forth within the Conceptual or Final Resource or Open Space Park Management Plan or the Conservation Land Ecological Restoration Plan, such failure shall be deemed a default and if CITY fails to remedy the CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 15 default within the time frame set forth above, CITY shall transfer fee simple title of the Site to the COUNTY within sixty (60) days of the date of the COUNTY requests transfer of the Site. 8.5 In the event of any default or breach of any of the terms of this Interlocal Agreement, it is specifically acknowledged and agreed that either party shall, in addition to all other remedies which may be available in law or equity, have the right to enforce this Interlocal Agreement by specific performance, injunctive relief, prohibition or mandamus to compel the other party to abide by the terms of this Interlocal Agreement. ARTICLE 9 INDEMNIFICATION CITY is a state agency as defined in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statutes, and COUNTY is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. Each agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of their elected officials, agents or employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. ARTICLE 10 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 Joint Preparation: The preparation of this Interlocal Agreement has been a joint effort of the parties hereto and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 10.2 Entire Agreement and Modification: This Interlocal Agreement incorporates, supersedes and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understanding applicable to the matter contained herein. It is further agreed that no change, alteration or modification in the terms and conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. 10.3 Records: In accordance with the Public Records Law, CITY agrees to permit COUNTY to examine all records and grants COUNTY the right to audit any books, documents and papers that were generated during the course of administration of the Site. CITY shall maintain the records, books, documents CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 16 and papers associated with this Interlocal Agreement for at least three (3) years following execution of this Interlocal Agreement. 10.4 Contract Administrator: The Contract Administrators for this Interlocal Agreement are the Biological Resources Division Director or designee for COUNTY, and CITY Manager or designee for CITY. In the administration of this Interlocal Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, all parties may rely upon instructions or determinations made by the respective Contract Administrators. 10.5 Recordation/Filing: 'This Agreement shall be recorded in the public records of Broward County, in accordance with the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969. 10.6 Notices: Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified; and the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving of notice: FOR COUNTY: Director Broward County Biological Resources Division 218 SW 1 st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 FOR CITY: City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 10.7 Choice of Law: Waiver of Jury Trial: Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this transaction and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida, the venue situs, and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. To encourage prompt and equitable resolution of any litigation that may arise hereunder, each party hereby waives any rights it may have to a trial by jury of any such litigation. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised iVA 10.8 Conflict: In the event that this Interlocal Agreement conflicts with any other agreement or document pertaining to permissible uses of the Site, CITY and COUNTY agree that the terms and conditions contained in this Interlocal Agreement shall prevail. 10.9 Counterpart Originals: The parties agree that this Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and that collectively the counterparts shall be considered an original agreement and shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding upon the parties. CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Interlocal Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Mayor o Vice -Mayor, authorized to execute same by Board action on the Jlp"ay of 20611r . and signing duly authorized to execute same. by and through its ATTEST: County Administrator Ex -Off icio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Bri County, Florida Approved as to Insurance Requirements CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 1%% COUNTY Vx 70 71� Ire, BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W P , 105 PRAMIC-. z_ IN I r 03 '40 --- --- Mays-02 of 20 Approved as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida JEFFREY J. NEWTON, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: (954) 357-6968 B 4��_ [.;.- Deputy County Attorney :Z INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION, IMPROVEMENT/ENHANCEMENT, OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE SITE OS-1 17 WATER'S EDGE PARK. WITNESSES: ATTEST: City Clerk CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised CITY 20 CITY OF TAMARAC By Mayor -Commissioner ,ZA day of March 20A,5—,. B �,/, 0 o - s, C , / 1 Y4 4 City' Manager 23 day of —M a rch 20D city FORM: �712 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SITE All of SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLEX, LESS the West Two Hundred Forty Nine feet (W 249') thereof, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 1, Page 29, of the Public records of Broward County, Florida. Containing approximately 5.95 acres, more or less CAF#550 01/24/05 Revised 21 CAF#550 01 /24/05 Revised EXHIBIT B CONCEPTUAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN OR OPEN SPACE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN 22 EXHIBIT "B" CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for IMPROVEMENT / ENHANCEMENT / OPERATION / MANAGEMENT BY THE CITY OF TAMARAC OF THE OPEN SPACE SITE REFERRED TO AS (OS-1 17) Water's Edge Park February 21, 2005 Page I of 4 INTRODUCTION The Water's Edge Park (#OS-1 17) is a 5.95 acre property located on the South side of NW 61 st ST. just east of University Dr. This management plan shall ensure that the goals and objectives of Broward County Resolution 2000-1230 are satisfied and provide a timeline for completion of required improvements. Section 4.03.a of the Resolution states that property listed in the Open Space Inventory shall include "undeveloped or agricultural land which can function, if appropriately developed and managed, to optimize water recharge quality and quantity, air quality and environmental benefits of the site while providing public use." II PURPOSE OF THEPROJECT The primary goal of the Land Preservation Program is to ensure the preservation and/or creation of ecologically valuable lands while expanding the passive recreation opportunities for the residents of Broward County. This project shall incorporate these values in the planning, implementation, maintenance and operation of the site. The project consists of removal of exotic pest plants, landscaping 30% of the site with upland native plant landscaping, and development of the site as a passive park. III SITE DEVELOPMENT The City shall provide the following improvements: Native Landscaping on at least 30% of the site walking/jogging trail basketball court picnic area tot lot In order to adhere to the directives stated in Section 4.03.a of Resolution 2000-1230 and ensure passive recreation opportunities, Broward County has developed a standard for active recreation and impervious surfaces for lands acquired through this Program. The standard is as follows: Impervious surfaces and surfaces requiring intense fertilization and pest controI, such as ballfields, shall not exceed 30% of the project area, excluding park access infrastructures such as parking areas, entranceways and restroom facilities. Upon completion of this passive park project, the area comprised of impervious surfaces and/or dedicated to active recreation shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total project area, excluding park access infrastructures such as parking areas, entranceways and restroorn facilities. Page 2 of 4 IV KEY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Exotic Veaetation The City, as manager of the site, shall be responsible for the removal of all invasive exotic vegetation and the prevention of future growth and spread of such vegetation. Once the site has been developed, the City shall ensure that invasive exotic vegetation does not reestablish within the park. Native Vegetation Existing native vegetation shall be preserved and incorporated into the park landscape design. The City shall landscape at least 30% of the site with native species and maintain such species in a manner which ensures their viability. Xeriscape design shall be used where appropriate. The location of this landscaping shall be determined by the City and depicted in the final Open Space Park Management Plan, which shall contain a list of the native species anticipated to be used in landscaping and a map of the landscaped portions of the site. NatureScape Broward Principles The NatureScape Broward program focuses on nine (9) principles for "Florida Friendly" landscapes. City/Town shall incorporate all applicable principles into park development and note such actions in the Final Park Management Plan. City/Town shall apply for either a Backyard Wildlife Habitat certification through the National Wildlife Federation or the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods certification through the University of Florida IFAS Extension within three (3) months of opening the site to the public. For more information regarding the implementation of NatureScape practices to your project please contact 954-519-0317. Illecial DUMDin Prior to site development, the City shall ensure that illegal dumping of waste does not occur on the site and, if such activity does occur, it is the City's responsibility to remove and properly dispose of such items. If hazardous materials are discovered on the site, the City shall immediately notify the Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection Archaeological Features Prior to commencement of any proposed development activities, measures shall be taken to determine the presence of archaeological sites. Page 3 of 4 Public Access Once the site has been fully developed, the City shall allow public access to the site during hours of operation determined by the City. Signage The City shall install a temporary sign, at the City's expense, the design and schematics of which shall be provided by the County, in a highly visible area of the project site recognizing the efforts of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners and funding through the Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond. Upon completion of the project, the City shall construct and install a permanent sign, at the City's expense, in accordance with the aforementioned standards. V PRIORITY SCHEDULE Within three (3) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall perform the necessary site maintenance (i.e. mowing) to prevent the growth and spread of exotic vegetation. This task shall be performed a minimum of four (4) times per year, or as deemed necessary by the County, until the project is fully developed. Within six (6) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall install the temporary sign. Within eighteen (18) months of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall remove any existing waste from the site. The City shall ensure that future illegal dumping of waste does not occur on the site through a monitoring and security program. If such activity does occur, the City shall be responsible for removing and properly disposing of such waste. Within two (2) years of the transfer of funds from the County to the City, the City shall integrate the major elements of the project into the City's five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The major elements of the project that are to be integrated include, but are not limited to, securing the site, removing invasive exotic plant species and landscaping with native species, developing park infrastructure, and establishing a timeline to provide public access. These elements shall be completed on a schedule outlined in the final Open Space Park Management Plan. VI MONITORING The County shall monitor the site for compliance with the provisions of the final Open Space Park Management Plan for the period of five (5) years from the date of the mutual acceptance of and approval of the final Open Space Park Management Plan. The City shall allow County staff access onto the property during these visits. Page 4 of 4 4 Document prepared by: INSTR # 105291018 OR BK 40332 Pages 399 - 403 RECORDED 08/19/o5 10:49:30 BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION DEPUTY CLERK 1032 #2, 5 Pages DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, made this day of 20a by City of Tamarac, hereinafter referred to as "PROPERTY OWNER." W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, PROPERTY OWNER is the fee title owner of that certain real property located in Broward County, Florida, as described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof, (the PROPERTY); and WHEREAS, the PROPERTY was acquired in whole or in part through Broward County's Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the use of the PROPERTY shall be in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions contained in Broward County's Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program, as set forth in Broward County Resolution No. 2000-1230 and the Interlocal Agreement (the AGREEMENT) entered into with Broward County for Acquisition, Improvement, Enhancement, Operation and Management of Conservation Land, Green Space and Open S R ace Sites approved by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on the -1 to wday of �A,� 20�6< NOW, THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER hereby declares that the Property shall be developed, held, maintained, transferred, sold, conveyed and owned subject to the following designations and restrictive covenants: RECITALS The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into these restrictive covenants. 2. RESTRICTIONS (a) The PROPERTY shall be preserved as open space and for recreational use in perpetuity. (b) Only buildings necessary for and ancillary to the open space and recreational use shall be allowed. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised tp I P-5, [(-,I C (c) Any proposed use for the Site shall be consistent with the terms and conditions contained in the Final Open Space Park Management Plan (d) No use of the PROPERTY shall be allowed which is inconsistent with the intent and purpose of this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, the AGREEMENT and the Final Open Space Park Management Plan. 3. MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION No revisions to the Declarations of Restrictive Covenants shall be permitted unless specifically approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida (the BOARD), in accordance with the procedures set forth below. If PROPERTY OWNER, its successors and assigns wishes to modify or terminate these restrictive covenants, it shall be required to do the following: (a) PROPERTY OWNER must apply to the BOARD for an amendment to, or termination these restrictive covenants. (b) It shall be at the sole discretion of the BOARD whether to modify or terminate these restrictive covenants. 4. COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants shall be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and shall run with the PROPERTY described in Exhibit 'A" and shall be binding on all persons and entities acquiring title to or use of the PROPERTY. 5. ENFORCEMENT Broward County, through its Board of County Commissioners, its successors and assigns, is the beneficiary of these restrictive covenants and as such, Broward County may enforce these restrictive covenants by action at law or in equity against any person or persons, entity or entities, violating or attempting to violate the terms of these Restrictions. Broward County shall provide PROPERTY OWNER with a written notice of violations for any provision of this Declaration and allow PROPERTY OWNER ninety (90) days to cure the violation. If PROPERTY OWNER fails to remedy the default within the time frame set forth above, PROPERTY OWNER shall transfer fee simple title of the PROPERTY to Broward County within sixty (60) days of the date of Broward County requests transfer of the PROPERTY. 6. WAIVER Any failure by Broward County to enforce these restrictive covenants shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 7. INVALIDATION Invalidation of any one of these restrictive covenants by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other conditions which remain in full force an effect. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised 2 8. EFFECTIVE DATE The Declaration of Restrictive Covenants shall become effective upon recordation in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised ,—Kc cl'j� 9-F 0AIA1,444C 6liel IN WITNESS WHEREOF,JOC -'Y-A Ml bcr- '�-JCF&St H, I- as hereunto set its authorized hand this gU day of Mcrrh -,20-jOS. I WITNESSES: CITY OF eA -D By )c-c c- 6� Mayor -Commissioner c " A"-&U� U- ATTEST: City Clerk,� (CORPORATE SEAL) CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised 4 A3 day of MOY-Ch 20-2T By Cky Manager AS day of Ma #rCh 20-Q� A; dayof ff)crc-h , 20.aS" EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY All of SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL COMPLEX, LESS the West Two Hundred Forty Nine feet (W 249') thereof, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 101, Page 29, of the Public records of Broward County, Florida. Containing approximately 5.95 acres, more or less . CAF#552 03/17/03 Revised 5