HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-054Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 1 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-67� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR FUNDING TO CONSTRUCT A FISHING PIER AT SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 PROVIDING FOR A CITY MATCH OF $25,000; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN F.I.N.D. RULE 6613-2 F.A.C. AS PART OF THE PROJECT AGREEMENT; ENSURING THAT THE PROGRAM WILL MATCH PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS; ASSUMING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR NON-DISCRIMINATION ACCORDING TO TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 AND STATUTES RELATING TO HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY; ENSURING AVAILABILITY OF ALL RECORDS OF EXPENSE TO F.I.N.D. IF REQUESTED; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS UPON APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide its residents and visitors a higher level of service by enhancing and improving its outdoor recreation facilities and environment; and Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 2 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 WHEREAS, the Waterways Assistance Program, through the Florida Inland Navigation District, provides grants to local governments to improve or construct recreational facilities for natural waterways; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac adopted FY2005 Five -Year Capital Improvements Schedule specifies the development of Southgate Linear Park to further develop the park and its facilities; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has completed construction of phase one of the Southgate Linear Park consisting of a Bike path and multipurpose trail along the C-14 canal; and I WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is presently designing the next phase of construction of the Southgate Linear Park which includes several components including a fishing and viewing pier and anticipates construction costs of approximately $400,000 for this second phase; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac anticipates that the cost of the fishing and viewing pier on the C-1 4 Canal for the enjoyment of the Citizens of Tamarac, as well as the State of Florida to be $50,000; and WHEREAS, Florida Inland Navigation District financial assistance is required for the program mentioned above; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation recommend submitting a grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District I Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 3 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 Waterways Assistance Program for the construction of a fishing pier at Southgate Linear Park; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to submit an application to the Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program for the construction of a fishing pier at Southgate Linear Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: I SECTION 1: That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to submit a grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District in the amount of 50% of the project cost for construction of the fishing and viewing pier at Southgate Linear Park on behalf of the City of Tamarac. A copy of said application is attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 3: Upon approval of the application, the City of Tamarac will accept the terms and conditions set forth in FIND Rule 6613-2 F.A.C., which will be a part of the Project Agreement for any assistance awarded. SECTION 4: Upon approval of the application, the City of Tamarac will carry out the project in the manner described in the proposal and any plans and specifications attached Ithereto, unless prior approval for any change has been received from the District. Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 4 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 SECTION 5: The City of Tamarac has the ability and intention to finance its share of the cost of the project and that the project will be operated and maintained at the expense of the City of Tamarac for public use. SECTION 6: The City of Tamarac will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color or national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this proposal, and shall comply with the terms and intent of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P.L. 88-352 (1964) and design and construct all facilities to comply fully with statutes relating to accessibility by handicapped persons as well as other federal, state, and local laws, rules, and requirements. SECTION 7: The City of Tamarac will maintain adequate financial records on the proposed project to substantiate claims for reimbursement and will make available to F.I.N.D., if requested, a post -audit of expenses incurred on the project prior to, or in conjunction with, request for the final 10% of the funding agreed to by F.I.N.D. SECTION 8: Upon approval of the application, the appropriate City officials are HEREBY authorized to accept the award and execute the necessary documents following legal review. SECTION 9: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. I Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 5 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 SECTION 10: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 11: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. U PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of March, 2005. ATTEST: MARION SMENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. I J6E SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER a4� P- , DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER / V DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TALABISCO DIST 3: V/M. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS =aje— Temp. Reso. #10674 March 17, 2005 Page 6 Revision 1 — 3/17/05 CITY ATTORNEY 0 ArrACHMENT E APPLICANT TIPS SHEET (Mistakes Common to the application process and how to avoid them) Scheduling - The new application is available by the 2nd week of January each year, and District funding is available AFrER October 111 of each year. Applicants should plan their schedule to avoid commonly missed deadlines: Application due - 1't of April; Property Control - I't of June, Permits - 3'd week of September. (Staff suggestion: Secure property control andpermits PRIOR to applying for funding.) Property Control Verification - Please have your attorney complete and 5ign the- letter in the application verifying applicant property control. Support documentation is not necessary. In the case of leases or management agreements, please forward a copy to the District well in advance of the deadline to verify language. (Staff suggestion: Resolve this requirement outside the application "window") Project Costs Eligibility - Please note the eligible project costs in Rule Section 66B-2.008, F.A.C. If you are not sure about an item's eligibility, ask! Note: In-house project --management and administration is no longer eligible for an agglicant's match. Make sure you have indicated your required minimum cost -share on the project cost estimate. (Staff suggestion: If you have questions about the ellgIbIllty of an item, work up a mock cost -sheet and fax It to our office well before the deadllne Do not Include apollcant project management In your cost estimate). Cost -Share - Although the applicant must provide a minimum of 50% of the total project costs (25% for eligible public navigation dredging), there is no specific requirement to split each item. You may desire to have the District pay for some items and the applicant pay for others, or various percentages of each etc. This may allow for a stronger application and easier accounting. (Staff suggestion: Concentrate the Distrlct�F cost -share Into those items most related to the waterway.) Pre -Agreement Expenses - Rule 66B-2.005(3), F.A.C. requires any activity in the submitted project cost estimate occurring PRIOR to October 1' to be considered as pre -agreement expenses. The Board's past philosophy has been to fund only those projects that require District funding assistance to be completed. It is best to avoid pre -agreement expenses -if p—ossible, or limit them to a small percentage of the project. Note, that pre -agreement expenses must be limited to 50% or less of the total project costs, and they are eligible for only 1/2 of the original District funding. (Example: A project w1th a total cost of $200,000 Is Board -approved for one-half construction PRIOR to October .10 Jhn this case, DIstrict funollng w111 be 11mited as follows Only 50% of the $100,000 project cost pnor to October 1' is ellylble as project expenses (i e $50, 000). Then only Y2 of the ellgible project expenses ($50, 000) are ellylble for Dlstrlct fundIng assistance (I e $25, 000) Submitted Materials - Each year ambitious applicants submit a myriad of information with their application. The Board must review and evaluate each application and each year we receive about 70 applications for consideration. The final product for the Commissioner's review is two 8-1/2" x 11" bound notebooks containing the essential information for the application. If the submined material will not fit in these bound notcbogks, it i§ discarded. (Staff suggestion: Limit the submitted materials to the requested information, in the required format Any additional material should be very limited and should be germane to the evaluation of the application, Dont create unnecessary work for yourself!) ATTACHMENT E-1 WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION — PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant: CITY OF TAMARAC Project Title: SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK FISHING AND VIEWING PIER Liaison Agent: MICHAEL GRESEK Title: SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR Address: 7525 NW 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA----- —Zip Code: 33321-2401 Telephone: 954-718-3051 Fax: 954-724-1299 Email: michaelgE@tarnaracQrg I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. I OMN 04 PROJECT SUMMARY NARRATIVE (Please summarize the project in 2 paragraphs or less.) The City of Tamarac requests funding to provide for a fishing and viewing pier as part of itLSouthgate Linear Park Project. The-12ark conveniently boarders the southerly edge of the South Florida Water Management District's C- 14 canal and is north of Southgate Boulevard, between Verteran's Park on Univ Drive and the Sawgrass Expressway. — As part of the City's 2004 Strategic Plan, Phase I of the project was the development of a pedestrian/bike path along the C-14 canal and is complete. Phase 11 of the park is the development stqge and includes additional elements such as the fishing and viewing pien Public meetings have been held and a conceptual plan was approved by the City Commission. The City is in the process of securing funding, completing design, and finally coml2leting the construction and maintenance of the park including irrigation, drainage landscaping, and lighting. The fishiA&and viewing pier is an essential element of Phase 11 because theit will provide public access to the C- 14 canal and the unique recreational opportunities only water access can provide. ATTACHMENT E-2. APPLICATION CHECKLIST (To be completed by the Applicant) This checklist and the other items listed below in items I through 14 constitute your application. The required information shall be submitted in the order listed. Any additional information submitted by the applicant is subject to being removed from the package by District staff prior to presentation to the District Board because of reproduction and space considerations. Two (2) copies of your application are required. All information is required to be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Maps and drawings may be on 8 1/211 x 1411 paper and folded to 8 1/2" x 1111 so that they may be folded out after being hole punched and bound in a book. YES NO District Commissioner Review (prior to March 0 1 ) (NOTE: For District Commissioner initials ONLY!) (District Commissioner must initial the yes line on this checklist for the application to be accepted for processing) 2. Applicant Info/Pro ect Summary — E-1 (Form No. 90-22, 1 page) j (Form must be completed and signed) 3. Application Checklist — E-2 (Form No. 90-26, 2 pages) (From must be signed and dated) 4. Project Information — E-3 (Form No. 90-22a, I page) 5. Project Evaluation and Rating — E-4(�) (Form No. 91-25) (Form must be completed, proper attachment included) (No signatures required) 6. Project.Cost Estimate — E-5 (Form No. 90-25, 1 page) (Must be on District form) 7. Official Resolution Form — E-6 (Form No. 90-21, 2 pages) (Resolution must be in District format and include items 1-6) 8. Attorney's Certification (Land Ownership) — E-7 (Must follow format of Form No. 94-26, legal descriptions alone are not acceptable) ATTACHMENT E-2 (Continued) APPLICATION CHECKLIST (To be completed by the Applicant) 9. Project Timeline — E-8 (Form 96-10, 1 page) 10. County Location Map 11. City Location Map (if applicable) 12. Project Boundary Map 13. Site Development Map 14. Copies of all Required Permits (Required of development projects only) The undersigned, as applicant, acknowledges that Items I through 13 above constitutes a complete application and that this information is due in the District office no later than June 01, 2004 or my application will be deemed incomplete at that time and removed from any further consideration by the District. I also acknowledge that the information in Item 14 is due to the District no later than the final TRIM Hearing in September 2004. If the information in Item 14 is not submitted to the District office by the District's final TRIM hearing in September 2004, 1 am aware that my application will be removed from any further funding consideration by the District. APPLICANT'S LIAISON FIND OFFICE USE ONLY I Date Received: I Local FIND Commissioner Review: I All Required Supporting Documents: I Applicant Eligibility: I Project Eligibility; I Compliance with Rule 66B-2 F.A.C.: I Eligibility of Project Cost: Form No. 90-26 New 9/2/92, Revised 07-30-02. DATE ATTACHMENT E-3 PROJECT INFORMATION Total Project Cost: S _50,000 FIND Assistance Requested: $ _'25 000 Assistance % of total cost 50% Amount and Source of Applicants Matching Funds: te Linear Park Proiect B Other (non -FIND) Assistance applied for (name of program and amount) N/A Ownership of Project Site (check one): Own x Leased Other If leased, please describe lessor term and conditions: . N/A Project type (check one, or more of the following project elements that are part of your project). Public navigation channel dredging Public navigation aids and markers Public boat ramps and launching facilities Public boat docking and mooring facilities Public shoreline stabilization Inlet management Waterway signs and buoys for safety, regulation or information Public spoil disposal site development Waterways related environmental education programs and facilities Public fishing and viewing piers Public waterfront boardwalks Waterways boating safety programs and equipment Beach renourishment Other waterway related projects Permits Required: Agency Yes No N/A Date Applied For Date Received WMD DEP ACOE COUNTY/CITY Other Fomi No. 90-22a (New 10- 14-92, Rev.08-00) x ATTACHMENT E-4 WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION EVALUATION AND RATING FORM The applicant is to complete this form by entering the project title, applicant name and answers to the applicable questions. Do not answer with more than three sentences. All applicants will answer the first part of the form, which includes questions I through I I - Each applicant will then complete the questions in one and only one attachment according to the applicant's project type. The applicant should determine his project type (if the project incorporates more than one project type) by determining which project type is dominant in terms of project cost. The attachments that are not applicable to an applicant's project should not be included in the submitted application. APPLICATION TITLE: SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK FISHING AND VIEWING PIER APPLICANT: CATEGORY & RATING POINTS AVAILABLE RATING POINTS CITY OF TAMARAC EVALUATION CRITERIA PRIORITY LIST List the PRIMARY category for which this project will be considered (Applicant should refer to Attachment C in the application to determine project priority list ranking, The application may only be of one type based upon the dominant costs of the elements of the project.) (For reviewer only) Max. Available Score Commissioner Score (1) Where does the project rank on this years' approved project priority list? How does the project relatc to the Intracoastal Waterway and the mission of the Navigation District? WATERWAY WATERWAY RELATIONSHIP Explain the relationship of the project to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Describe how the project will benefit the Navigation District's Waterways. (For reviewer only) (1-3 points) (2) Does the project directly relate to the AICW ? (1-3 points) (3) Does the project benefit public navigation on the District's Waterways? PUBLIC USAGE & BENEFIT Discuss the regional public benefits and access to be provided by the project, the local benefits and public access offered by the project, and estimate the amount of total public use. (For reviewer only) (1-3 points) (1-5 points) (4) Is the public usage of this project clearly quantified? (5) Does the project demonstrate regional benefits and can residents from other counties of the District reasonably use the project? TIMELINESS Describe the timeline and current status of the project. Briefly explain any unique aspects of this project that could influence the project timeline (as presented in Attachment E- 8). (For reviewer only) (1-3 points) (6) Has the applicant presented a reasonable and effective timeline for the completion of the project? COST- EFFECTIVENESS List any additional funding sources, the corresponding amount of funding, and the status of the additional funding that will be utilized to complete this project. Describe any methods to be utilized to increase the cost efficiency of this project. (For reviewer only) (1-3 points) (7) Does the project provide a cost-effective, beneficial public service for the money requested? (1-3 points) (8) To what degree does the project demonstrate secured project funding from other sources? VIABILITY Briefly explain the need for this project in the community and describe how the project will continue to be maintained following initial funding. (For reviewer only) (1-2 points) (9) Does the project fill a specific need in the community? (1-2 points) (10) Does the applicant clearly demonstrate how the project will continue to be maintained after District funding ceases? (1-3 points) (11) Will the program result in significant and lasting benefits? SUB -TOTAL FIND FORM NO. 91-25 (Effective Date: 3-21-01) ATTACHMENT E-5 FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT COST ESTIMATE (See Rule Section 6613-2.005 & 2.008 for elieffiffity and funding, ratios) PROJECT TITLE* APPLICANT: Project Elements **TOTALS= Form No. 90-25 (Ncw 10/14/92) Quantity (Number and/or Footage) Estimated Applicant's FIND Cost Cost Cost ATTACHMENT E-6 RESOLUTION FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM is interested in carrying out the (Name of Agency) following described project for the enjoyment of the citizenry of and the State of Florida: above, WHEREAS, THE Project Title Total Estimated Cost $ Brief Description of Project: AND, Florida Inland Navigation District financial assistance is required for the program mentioned NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the that the project described above be authorized, AND, be it further resolved that said (Name of Agency) (Name of Agency) make application to the Florida Inland Navigation District in the amount of % of the actual cost of the project in behalf of said (Name of Agency) AND, be it further resolved by the (Name of Agency) that it certifies to the following: That it will accept the terms and conditions set forth in FIND Rule 66B-2 F.A.C. and which will be a part of the Project Agreement for any assistance awarded under the attached proposal, 2. That it is in complete accord with the attached proposal and that it will carry out the Program in the manner described in the proposal and any plans and specifications attached thereto unless prior approval for any change has been received from the District. Form No. 90-21 (Effective date 12-17-90, Rev. 10- 14-92) (1) 3. That it has the ability and intention to finance its share of the cost of the project and that the project will be operated and maintained at the expense of said for public use. (Name of Agency) 4. That it will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color or national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this proposal, and shall comply with the terms and intent of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P. L. 88-352 (1964) and design and construct all facilities to comply fully with statutes relating to accessibility by handicapped persons as well as other federal, state and local laws, rules and requirements. 5. That it will maintain adequate financial records on the proposed project to substantiate claims for reimbursement. 6. That it will make available to FIND if requested, a post -audit of expenses incurred on the project prior to, or in conjunction with, request for the final 10% of the funding agreed to by FrND. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true'and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the held on this day of Attest Title 20 at a legal meeting Signature Title Form No. 90-21 (Effective date 12-17-90, Rev. 10-14-92) (2) ATTACHMENT E-7 ATTORNEYS CERTIFICATION OF TITLE (See Rule 66B-2.006(4) & 2.008(2) FAQ OFFICE OF THE LCzb� or Count-v ATTORNEY (A ddress) 20 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 1, - , am the Attorney for the tQj� or Counb�), Florida. I hereby state that I have examined a copy of a fdeed, lease, management agreement,_etc.) from to the (City or Coun�y) dated conveying - (type of interest, ie. Fee simple, easement, 25 year lease, etc.) in the following described property: (Legal Description of Property) I have also examined a document showing that this property is listed on the tax rolls as belonging to the (Cio� or CountF2. Finally, I have also examined such documents and records as necessary for this certification. This property is what is now called :LA�ame offropero� as Referenced in the WAP application)". I certify that the (CitE or County I ) does in fact (own, lease, etc.) this property fo r years. Very truly yours, (Name) (City or County) Attorney FIND Form No. 94-26 (effective date 5-25-00) ATTACHMENT E-8 WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT TIMELINE The applicant is to present a detailed timeline on the accomplishment of the components of the proposed project including completion dates, as applicable, for; permitting, design, bidding, applicant approvals, initiation of construction and completion of construction. FIND Fonn 96-10