HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-066.w Temp Reso #10675 -- March 18, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005- (p & A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE "AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS" FOR PARCEL "R" OF THE "WOODLAND LAKES" PLAT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SAID AGREEMENT IN ORDER TO AMEND THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO ELIMINATE THAT PORTION OF PARCEL "R" OWNED BY PRESTIGE HOMES OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC., TO ACCOMMODATE THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MCNAB ROAD APPROXIMATELY 415 FEET EAST OF NW 88T" AVENUE (PINE ISLAND ROAD), SPECIFICALLY A PORTION OF PARCEL "R" OF THE "WOODLAND LAKES" PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 71, PAGE 18 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA (CASE NO. 3-MI-05); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on June 22, 1988, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. R-88- 194 (attached hereto as Exhibit 1") which approved an "Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" offered by Colony West Joint Venture for Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, which restricted the uses for the property; and Temp Reso #10675 — March 18, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. is the fee title owner of that certain real property described in Exhibit "2" (attached hereto) situate in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida; and WHEREAS, Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. has proposed to develop a portion of Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat consisting of thirty-six (36) townhouse units pursuant to the City of Tamarac's comprehensive development plan and City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the owners of Parcel "R'of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat have requested that the Declaration referenced above be amended to exclude those lands owned by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. from the "Amendment to Declaration of Covenantt and Restrictions" previously recorded affecting all of Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat due to its inconsistency with the development plan proposed by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. has requested that the City of Tamarac agree to accept the " Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions", hereby releasing that portion of Parcel "R" owned by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. from such restrictions and approving the "Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" (attached hereto as Exhibit "Y); and 11 Temp Reso #10675 — March 18, 2005 1 Page 3 WHEREAS, pursuant to the amended agreement becoming effective the City shall accept through Resolution the amended "Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions"; and WHEREAS, the Director of Community Development recommends approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to accept an amendment to the "Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" for Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat pursuant to the provisions of said agreement in order to amend the legal description to eliminate that portion of Parcel "R" owned by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. to accommodate the future development of the property generally located on the south side of McNab Road approximately 415 feet east of NW 88 th Avenue (Pine Island Road), specifically a portion of Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. Temp Reso #10675 — March 18, 2005 Page 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to accept an amendment to the "Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" for Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat pursuant to the provisions of said agreement in order to amend the legal description to eliminate that portion of Parcel "R" owned by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. to accommodate the future development of the property generally located on the south side of McNab Road approximately 415 feet east of NW 88 th Avenue (Pine Island Road), specifically a portion of Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. I 1-1 I RFrT1C)N r; passage and adoption. Temp Reso #10675 — March 18, 2005 Page 5 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 13th day of April, 2005. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. r(CHELL S64< CITY ATTOR commdev\u:\pats\userdata\wpdata\reso\1 0675reso JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER 14\ DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2- V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOFJ DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 22 13 I$ is 16 17 ,I it 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 Ji 3z 33 34 35 EXHIBIT folio TEMP RESO #106i'� TeInP. R260. 05017 CITY OF TAMARAC, rLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. 1-12 _4y A RESOLUTION APPROVIM AND ACCEPTING A14 AMNOMENT TO T= DECLARATION Or COVENAIM ANO RESTRICTIONS OFFERED BY COLONY WEST JOINT VENTURE PERTAINING TO PARCEL @1' Or WOODLAND LAXES, AS RECORDED IN FLAT BOOV 71, PAGE 28 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF RRONARD COMM MR12by JkND PROVIDING M XfFtCTIV2 DATE. - - WHEMS, on February 12, 1986 the Tamarac City Council adopted Resolution No. R-86-53 which approved a Declaration or Covenants &ad Restrictions offered by Colony West Joint Venture for ftreal 'R*-bf Woodland Lakes which restricted the uses for the property by the following languagee 'I. The Property shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions. (a) The subject property shall be limited to the uses permitted under City of Tamarac Zoning District 8-1. with the inclusion of the following B-2 uses: i) 'Department and Dry G*W Stores. 5.000 square feet gross floor &Yea or more' ii) 'Hall* for Hire, special exceptions, iii) Ozestaurents in excess of 12,000 square feet* (b) The subject property shall contain a restaur- ant facility with a minimux gross squaze footage of 12,000 square feet for restaurant purposes and uses ancillary therstoll WHEREAS, Colony West Joint Venture has requested that the Declaration referenced above be ameaded so as to remove the 12,000 square foot provision for restaurants to that the Declaration would road as followes (a) The subject property shall be lialted to the Sales Permitted under CLty Of TSMXAC Zoning Mm I 1 2 10 23 14 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 is 26 27 21 29 30 31 32 33 34 33 District 9-1, with the inclusion of the f(VII&WIng, 9-2 vesel I) 'Department and cry Good stores, 5.000 square feet gross floor area or mordo li) 'Halle for Hire, special exceptiOnse Ili) Orestaurants. NOW, THEUrOXE, PC IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CZTY OF TAMARAC, TWRIDAt SECTION I i That the smandmont to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions offered by Colony West- Joint Venture for Parcel 1RO"of Woodland Lakoa is XZRIBY APPROVED and ACCOpLed, a copy of said Declaration In being artt&Chad hereto as Exhibit 11'. SECTION 2 t The appropgiate City officials are hereby authorized to execute this docuiront on behalf of the Crity. SECTION 3 s This Resolut.ion shall become eftictivt jewtedlately upon Its pasoage. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thlls-�.J day of IM. ATTESTs 61�4r 1-4 Al Z CAROL Z. BARBUTO CITY CLERK KEREDY CERTIFY that I h4v0 pproved this RESOLUTION as to form. �R�A2a,-. 1IcW15`*55M7Y-7T— CITY ATrORM kj COLOMY.WrST' 155050588/t C21C noWAN ARRAMOwITZ MAYOR RWORDOFCOUNCA.Von MAYOR 16vm . DISIRIC12: DWWT ILI worM Y sxuxkt� L, A. HFSTER §§V,1706 AMFPANKN,r To DECLARAT COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS KNOW A L I- MCN IT THESE PRESEMYS that the Undersigned. COLONY WCST JOINT V[PeTURE (Declarant). being the title holder Of record Of the following deSCritied property loeated In Broward County. I'lort4a. to wit: OESCR I P T ION: Parcel A, VKKN)LAND LAKES. according to tile Flat thereof. zz .-. !1!-11 ftzk ?!. P--;e !!. tf tne PL-L%! le Reterd: of Broward County. florsaal LESS AM EXCEPT therefrom, I;P�e following portion. Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Parcel -A- tharsCo North 00 01*60, West. along the Soutn rIght-of-wis; lint of McN&b Road. a distance of 350.00 foot; thence South 00 56'10' West, a distance of 294.27 foot to a Point an the Easterly I Ins of said Parcel thence North 63 011381 East. along the Caster ly I Ina of gala Parcel 'A". a distance of 481.46 foot to the POINT Of BEGINNING, Sold lend$ Situate lying and being in Broward County. Florida. Subjoet to $If wasownts, reservations. and rights of -way of record. voluntarily makes the following Declaration of Covenants and Restriction* Covering the Property. specifying that this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions Shall cofistltuto a covenant running with the land And that this dedication shall be binding upon the Dscl&rsnt and upon all persons deriving or tak Ing title thrOUllh tne DvC&&r&ft%. These restrictions. during their lifetlee. shall be for the benefit of the City of Tamarac. Florida. 1. Tile Property shall be subject to the following covenant* and restrictions; (40 The subject property shalt I>* limited to the uses porsitted under City of Taduarac Zoning Ols- trict 111-1. with the Inclusion of the following 0-2 Uses. 1) 'Department and Ory Good 3torog. 6.000 square feet gross floor area or more* . 11) 'Hall$ for Hire. appoclso exceptions' I I I ) "restaurants. ,I - 3S - )"q .FlAw It tA 4c, �C' 010 0 SJML21T cny OF TAMAW 6mi P. w. wh AVENuE TAUWQ ROMDA 3332! crq as" DOPL 00 9— gs .470 "W t- 0-M 2. These covenants and restrictions are to run with th* land and the I I be binding upon all parties And parsons deriving or takIfto title through the Dociarant #Or a period of nInQtV-nIn4 (99) years from the dote these covenants or* recorded In the Public Record$ Of Broward County. IPI*rldm. This Doclaratica of Covenants and Restrictions may Do amndod or ro*ov*d only by the City Of T"Sr&c- Florida by 8 written docuawnt of oQual foraval Ity ants dignity and with the Approval of th* Doelgrilint or Its Socessors, in title or 11141919016 after holding tho__r!qWI%o advortisod PublIC hearing and Adoption of an appropriate resolution. Any at"m4ment to this 04m#ar*- tion of Covenants and Restrictions or termination thereof she I I be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County. Florida. S. lnv&lid&tlon of any one portion of this V"Jaration of covenants and Restrictions Or any portion of this d"UmOnt by judg~At or court order An no wise *"&I I Affect Any Other provisluns wiliCt, orsols remain In full focce and offoCt- 4. This Rovisod Declaration of Cov$nsnts and MostrIC- tiona is executed for the purpose Of ppot4Mtlpg the hogith. aft safety And welfare of the OCCUPantS Of the above described ; I C . I lands. .01 CD i(_ 5 9-1�q IN WITKSS. th a underjIgned hsroby place trieIr hands end 3041s3this -LL day Of less. wITNt S or ATTEST: COLONY nsr JO r v alfulog sc ��1011C, I HEREBY CEATIrY that On this day. before Ine on Officer d�JIY gUthOfIX*d to take aCkhowledgeegots. personally &000&red ff to me known to be the person :Fid ho executed the F&regojhp I"*trWM*At and he :cknowlodged a Fore me that he SZOeutod the as" to be true nd correct to the Vast Of big knowledge, W$TKSS MY hand and official soill this —ar day OF r fit is,'ON EXPIRES: Ile fAm! IN WITNIESS. the undersigned h4fQby place their hands and soola this day 04 logo. -LA ",mess or ATTEST: E -70, —N-T� '-"-1NT—UR RAYACKEALT193, LTD. PAOV I NCE or fiqtW I NE04111Y CERTIFY that On this day. before Me an Officer Owly authorized to take "know I edgama"ta. gorsonolly appeared to " known to as the person do- :criDea In and wia execut" the fcorsoatrtv Instruivant and he Ckr#Owledged before me that he executed the a&,%* to be true and correct to the beat of his knowledge. WITNESS my hand and official *@no this day of 144 IS lose. MY MWISSION EXPIRES fffc- 1h $lfl' CA 4" to 4V* cc NJ I J N SA. t:r* I d lono haretly.vace their hands ai%d I -U1. It rwr 12 Or -kTy=rS1Y Wit, COLONY WEST JOINT VENTURE h. _44 1 :;3 la: SIFFMI J LNE M tAirry Wevilor, Presid. v KUV I MA ur %.- - 4,44&,( I KREBY CERTIFY that an this day. before me an officer Orly AUthOrIZ04 to take ac know I atigglients, personally appeared "f%.-Ae.; I- — to me known to be the person 10:Cribed in and *ft exeCi,ted t he foregoing Instrument and Me nQwl*dG" before " tr.&t he executed the BMW to be true And correct to, the beat 41 kaowlodge. �:ftd A.47-val goal this day of go MW NMTAKY 114 WITN4 the undoisigned hereby place their hands and tit this By of A&L COLONY WEST qV;ENTURE L-M. Irving WanSer. Chair �nof the tp4rd PROVINCE Ora-dvk I HEREOV CERTIFY that on this day. before me an officer duly u It horized to take IiKkn9wiedgwignts, personally appoprOd OA/Z to me known to b:ttha,,Por:on 41he; scrlgitl^'�nind wfhgo ox4Pcu-sd the forego no , n rum n t nd acknowfodQod bollarb ;.is# tr.at he C;Xwoutod tim Same to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge. --ItITMESS iny hand and vfflalal seal this day of lose. MY OOW13310N 9XPIRES 40 9ftqAW46qI oo�d ,q for (A jr -9 CID 2-v DECLARATION Of CoVL7MvrS AMD Itt$TgrCTIONS I Vol cm I aw caww LO CATION MAP &A co TEMP RESO #10675 EXHIBIT '62" A PORTION OF Parcel "R", "WOODLAND LAKES", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, Further described as, beginning at the Northeast corner of said Parcel "R"; thence North 890 01'50" West, along the South right-of-way line of McNab Road, a distance 38000 feet; thence South 000 58'10" West, a distance of 296.27 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Parcel "R"; thence North 6311 01'38" East, along the Easterly line of said Parcel "R", a distance of 481.85 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT 1#311 TEMP RESO #10675 Prepared by/Return to: 'George W. Mathews U1, Esq, George W. Mathews III, P.A. 1325 S. Congress Avenue, Suite 104 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 INSTR # I D4596313 OR SK 38765 Pages 1201 1206 RECORDED 12t281040-1 'ol ' oo BROWAR0 COUNTY COMMISSION DEPUTY cLERK 3055 #6. 6 pages Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions WHEREAS, a, Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions was recorded in Official Record Book 13339, Page 586, of the Public Records of Browaxd County, Florida, and an arnendment to said Declaration was recorded in Official Record Book 15634, Page 480, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, jointly hereitiafler referred to as the "Declaration", regarding the following described real property: Parcel R, WOODLAND LAKES, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida; LESS AND EXCEPT therefrom, the following described portion: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Parcel 44R99; thence North 89" oil 501, West, along the South right-of-way line of McNab Road, a distance of 380.00 feet; thence South 000 58' 10" West, a distance of 296.27 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Parcel "R"; thence North 53" 01'3811 East, along the Easterly line of said Parcel '11111, a distance of 481-85 feet to the Pont of Beginning. WHEREAS the Declarant and all present owners of said property wish to amend said Declaration to remove a portion of the above described property from the force and effect of the Declaration; and WHEREAS this amendment shall be recorded in the Public Records of Broward Coanty, Florida and shah be effective upon the recording of a copy of the appropriate resolution of the City of Tarnarac approving said removal. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as follows, The fblloN-�ing described property is hereby released from all of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, and other matters contained in the above referenced Declaration and all amendments thereto; Rqq-n i o /7(AT oaq- T r — I 1 -1, .,- -- I I I— A portion of Parcel "R, WOODLAND LAKES, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 71,Page 18, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida; described as follows: 'Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Parcel "R"; thence South 89' 01, 50" East, along the South line of said Parcel "R" and a South line of that Right -of -Way for Northwest 88tb AVCDue (Pine Island Road) and McNab Road described in Official Record Book 10155, Page 107, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, a distance of 7.21 feet to the East line of said Right -of -Way; thence North 040 15' 44 " East, along said East line, a distance of 157.62 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 000 01 1 371, West along said East line, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 890 58' 23" Eastq a distance of 83.50 feet; thence South 610 451 28" East, a distance of 42.58 feet; thence North 890 58' 2311 East, a distance of 220.00 feet; thence North 00' 01' 37" West, a distance of 309.98 feet to a South line of said Right -of - Way; thence North 890 321 14 11 Fast along said South line, a distance of 34-04 feet; thence South 830 45' 20" East? a distance of 96.49 feet; thence North 890 20, 07" East, a distance of 99.71 feet; thence South 890 oil 31 " East, a distance of 130-12 feet to a point on the arc of a DOD -tangent curve concave to the Southeast having a radial bearing of North 610 591 25" West; thence Northeasterly along the are of said curve having a radius of 22-00 feet, a delta of 380 401 55", and an are distance of 14.85 feet to a South line of said Right -of -Way; thence South 891, oil 50" East along said South line, a distance of 139.37 feet to the West line of the parcel of land described in Official Record Book 16260, Page 805, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida; thence South 00' 58, 10" West along said West line, a distance of 294.23 feet to the Southwest corner of said parcel of land described in Official Record Book 16260, Page 805, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida; thence South 85' 25' 11 " West,a distance of 539.13 feet; thence South 890 58' 23" West, a distance of 189.00 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast; thence Northwesterly, along the are of said curve having a radius of 90.00 feet, a delta of 26* 30' 04" and an arc distance of 41.63 feet to the Point of Tangency; thence North 63' 311 33 " West, a distance of 21.10 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the South; thence Westerly, along the are of said curve having a radius of 54.61 feet� a delta of 670 34' 34" and an arc distance of 64-41 feet to the Point of Beginning. rN WITNESS WHEREOF, Colony West Joint Venture has executed this amendment this 10tk _ day of 2004. Signed in the presence of. COLONY WEST JOINT VENTURE, a Florida General Partnership By: B & M Holdings, Inc., Partner 8E8-n ZO/Rd 098-,L _W0Hq 6f7:zl sol-LI-so Name: Noytary�P lic-State of Florida . i� Co ionNo: r ss My c ssion expires: GE-OFIGEW, MANM, I" =j"r4'4,2 My CC sSjoN f DD 270442 b 5, My C 0 mbef 5 ZM? Xp REs :,n 1 E PIRES! OW iW BOWN Ttn r4olefy Pok Und-filfift 8E8-0 zo/�Iod 098-1 -WOHS 09:31 901-LI-EO State of Florida , County of Broward On this .) 2 day of _f� V60r2!1��X- ___, 2004, before me, the undersigned officer, appeared Rack,VR. 1g, a President of Edward Rack Corporation, a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Notary Public -State of Florida Commission No: MY commission expires: Signed in the presence of L State of Florida County of Broward Richard L. Evans Commission #DD280334 Expires: Fab 27, 2008 Ba)dcd TWU Adantic Bondkg Co., Im. PRESTIGE HOMES OF TAMARAC, INC,, a Florida corporation By:_ '4�9� AZ_ 13ruce Chait, President On this dayof 01-ap"Vie-1 2004, before me, the undersig gned officer, appeared Brace Chait,, President of Prestige Homes of Tamarac, Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of ilie corporation, has produced as identification. 8E8-0 A190d 098-,L _W09.4 0S:U S0'_ZT_R JOINDER OF PROPERTY OWNERS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Colony West Associates, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, Edward Rack Corporation, a Florida corporation and Prestige Homes of Tamarac, Inc., a Florida corporation, herebyjoins and agrees to the foregoing Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions releasing a portion of said property from all of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, and other matters contained in the above referenced Declaration and all amendments thereto this /0�2- day of-b" 2004. Signed in the presence of. itness e itn ss e of F1'ortida County of l3roward COLONY WEST ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership By: B & M lioldings, Inc., a Florida 4oApcLr*ion. General Partuer-.-' M Feinstein, President On this day of 141-1� ficer, appeared -D-e-Oe — , 2004, before me, the undersigned of Marvin Feinstein, President of B & M Holdings, Inc., a Florida corporation, as General Partner of Colony West Associates, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, on behalf of the partnership, He is personally known to me or produced a Plorida Driver's Licence as identification, and he (::o d his execution f the foregoing instrument, Marshall J. Emas _Commission #DD263786 Notary Pubfic-State of Florida � Expires: Nov 05, 2007 Conunisoon No: MY commission expires: Signed in the presence of. Bonded Thu Adw�ic Bomdzng Co.. Ina EDWARD RACK CORPORATION, a Florida corporation By: boeyt,.4AI K8-n zo/sod 098-1 -WoHi 0s:21 sol-zl-Eo M_ Witness State of Florida County of Broward On this AA day of-_Z)e&'1*A& 2004, before me, the undersigned officer, appeared Marvin Feinstein, President of B & M Holdings, Inc., a Florida corporation, as Partner of Colony West Joint Venture, a Florida General PartnersWp, on behalf of the partnership. He is personally knowne� me or ha��oduced a Florida Driver's Licence as identification, and he vsMaw-1609—calp's execution 9� the foregoing instmment. N ame: Notary Pu lie -State of Florida Commi§s' a No: k js� i r My Co ission expires: Manhall J. Emas C ission #DD263786 E wres:NoY05,2007 Adantic OmAips Co.. hu. 8E8-0 LO/Nd 098-1 -WOU 09:zT SO,_zT_E0