HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2005-074Temp. Reso. #10683 March 24, 2005 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2005-_- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE FY05 INFLOW AND INFILTRATION PROJECT FOR SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION WITH INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC., UTILIZING MANATEE COUNTY CONTRACT RFP 04- 3794FL, VALID THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2005, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500,000.00; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ADMINISTER THE CONTRACT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, Broward County Office of Environmental Services conducted an Inflow & Infiltration (I & 1) Study which identified the City of Tamarac as having an excessive amount of I & I conveyed to the Broward County Treatment Facility; and WHEREAS, at that time, the Director of Utilities chose to utilize available contracts awarded by other governmental entities for Wastewater Collection System Sewer Rehabilitation, as provided by City Code Section 6-155, which states that the purchasing officer may utilize contracts with other governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, on October 25, 1995, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac authorized the execution of the first contract for sanitary sewer rehabilitation with Insituform Southeast, Inc., utilizing Broward County Contract 9801 B, as approved by Resolution R-95- 240; and Temp. Reso. #10683 March 24, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, subsequently, the City continued to engage the services of Insituform Southeast, Inc., through various active contracts awarded by Broward County as approved by Resolutions R-98-96, R-99-120, and R-2001-95; and WHEREAS, Insituform Southeast, Inc., merged with Insituform Technologies, Inc., effective December 31, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Utilities Department's FY05 list of excessive I & I locations have been identified in Land Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, which require sanitary sewer rehabilitation; as evidenced by the relevant maps attached as Exhibit 1; and I WHEREAS, Manatee County issued Contract RFP 04-3794FL with Insituform Technologies, Inc., for Sanitary Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services with a contract term for one year through September 30, 2005, as evidenced by Exhibit 2; and WHEREAS, both Manatee County and Insituform Technologies, Inc., have agreed to extend the terms and pricing of Contract RFP 04-3794FL to the City of Tamarac for the purpose of completing the FY05 Inflow and Infiltration project, as evidenced by ExMibit 3; and WHEREAS, Insituform Technologies, Inc., has agreed to the terms of the City's Agreement to provide Cured -in -Place Pipe Lining Repairs under Inflow and Infiltration Project No. USMY1, as evidenced by Exhibit 4; and I I I I Temp. Reso. #10683 March 24, 2005 Page 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has approved capital funding for the FY05 I & I project as recommended by the Utilities Department; and WHEREAS, the Director of Utilities shall have the responsibility to assign Work Tasks based.on the most economical and structural need for sanitary sewer repairs using the unit prices provided by Insituform Technologies, Inc., under Manatee County Contract RFP #04- 3794FL in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager recommend the acceptance and execution of the Agreement between the City and Insituform Technologies, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to accept and execute the Agreement with Insituform Technologies, Inc., utilizing Manatee County Contract RFP 04- 3794FL, valid through September 30, 2005, for Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. Temp. Reso. #10683 March 24, 2005 Page 4 SECTION 2: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to accept and execute the agreement for the FY05 Inflow and Infiltration project for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation with Insituform Technologies, Inc. utilizing Manatee County Contract RFP 04- 3794FL, valid through September 30, 2005 for an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. SECTION 3: The Director of Utilities is authorized to approve work tasks in accordance with the schedule of prices under said contract in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. SECTION 4: The City Manager or his designee are hereby authorized to issue Change Orders in amounts not to exceed $30,000.00 per Section 6-156 of the City Code, and to close the contract, which includes but is not limited to making final payment and releasing bonds per Section 10-156 of the City Code, when the work has been successfully completed within the terms, conditions and pricing of the Agreement. SECTION 5: - All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. I I F- I SECTION 7: passage and adoption. 2005. Temp. Reso. #10683 March 24, 2005 Page 5 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 11 day of Any, I I ATTEST: 2�01NI SW�ENSON, CMC�� CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. 'SAMUEC S. �OREN INTERIM CIT)kATTORNEY SL/mg JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER - Aic DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER I� DIST 2: V/M TALAB S"CO (-M e, - Tr— DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS EXHIBIT 1 TR 110683 .......... "w"T" WITI ww"I ol, CYPRESS V1, A Em LYONS INDUSTRL4L PAN P "t MIAMI JEWISH HaLiLa cz . . . . . . . 1; M �11 COMMERCIAL SLVD. -LAUDERHILL. LAND SECTION 4 & 9 EXHIBIT .1 TR #10683 ,awn Rtm LAND SECTIONS 3 & 10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #04-3794FL "EXHIBIT 2" TR #10683' SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND MANHOLE REHABILITATION SERVICES Manatee County, apolitical subdivision of the State ofFlorida (herei . nafter "Manatee county, 11 or the County") will receive proposals from individuals, corporations, partnerships, and other legal entities authorized to-do business in the State'of Florida, for the purpose of providing sanitary sewer, storm sewer and manhole rehabilitation services TIME AND DATE DUE: Proposals will be received until 4:00 p.m., Thursday,, July 22, 2004, at which time they will be publi& opened.. All interested parties are invited to attend this opening. CONTENTS OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Section A: Information to Proposers pages 2-7 Section B: Form of Proposal' pages 8-9 Section C: Selection page 10 Section D: Negotiation of the Agreement p4ge 11 .Section E: Scope of Services pages 12-15 Proposal Signature Form page 16 Manatee County Resolution R-93-22 Attachment A Drug Free Work Place Certification Attachment B Environmental Crimes Certification Attachment C Pricing Form Attachment D ImPortant note: A prohibition of Lobbying has been enacted. Please review paragraph A.17 carefully to avoid violation and possible sanctions. I FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Frank G. Lambertson, Contract Negotiator PHONE (941) 749�3042 FAX (941) 749-3034 Manatee County Financial Management Department Purchasing Division AUTHORIZED FOR RELEASE:— RFP N04-3794FL Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #04-3794FL SECTION A: INFORMATION TO PRQPOSERS PROPOSERS MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SELECTION. AM OPENING LQCATION These proposals will be pub—ficla opened at Manatee County Purchasing, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, 8th Floor, Suite 8Q3, Bradenton, Florida 34205, in the presence of County officials at the time and date stated on the cover sheet. All proposers or their representatives are invited to attend. A.02 PROPOSAL INFORMATION AND PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS Effective May 28, 200 1, the Manatee County Purchasing Division began posting notices of bidding opportunities and addenda on DemandStarathtip://www.DemandStar.com and on the Purchasing Division's Web Page at http-/_/3=.co.manatee.fl.us. Also effective this date, the bid documents shall be made available in a portable document format (.PDF) riles which you may view and print using Adobe Acrobat software. You may download a free copy ofthis software (Adobe) from our Web page if you do not have it. The electronic copies in PDF (Portable Documen t File) format of Bids, —Proposals-.and-addenda-ma-y-be-purchased-individually from-DernandStar..or-may..be-,ordered-. as part of a subscription service. Note that a free trial subscription to this electronic service is available (look for this on the DemandStar home web page).. Paper copies of bid or proposal documents may be purchased from DemandStar or by ordering a copy from the Purchasing Office. The cost for copies of bid docwnents is established per document and. the cost is published as part of the specific bid's detail, subsection "Legal Ad" on the Demand -Star web -pgges. InitiallL not all bid documents and bid information will be distributed through DemandStar, but if they are not, an instruction page on the County's web site will be available to guide you. The County intends to minimize the time which dual document delivery systems are used. Notices of Source Selection's appear at the DemandSfar web site when the solicitation was made using this bid delivery service and the County's web site (Financial Management - Purchasing Division) if it was not distributed via DemandStar. FAUSERWC I 084kWPDocs\PFPNO43794fl.rfp-wpd June 29,2 2004 (1:5 1 PM) 2 RFP #04-3794FL Sanitary Sewm �torrft Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services A.02 PROPOSAL INFORMATION AND PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS (continued) A public Internet connection to DemandStar is available during regular business hours in the lobby of the Purchasing Division. If you have questions which cannot be answered by these sources, please, contact the individual named on the first page of the bid or proposal, A-03 PROPOSAL FORM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS Any proposals received after the stated time and date will not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibility of the proposer to have their proposal delivered to the Manatee County Purchasing office for receipt on or before the stated time and datb. If a proposal is sent by U.S. Mail, the proposer shall be responsible for its timely delivery to the Purchasing Office. Proposals delayed by ma ' il shall not be considered, shall not be opened at the public opening, and arrangements shall be made for their return at the proposer's request and expense. At-0-4 CLARIFICATIONA ADDENDA Each proposer shall examine all Request For Proposal documents and shalliudge all matters relating to the.adeqpacy and accuracy of such documents. Any inquiries, suggestions or requests concerning interpretation, clarification or additional information pertaining to the Request For Proposal shall be made in writing through the Manatee County Purchasing Office. - The County shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any County employee, representative, or others. The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method.whe.reby-intarp NJ retation,,. clarification.. or -additional- information.can-he--giv.en--If-a addenda are issued to this Request For Proposal, the County will attempt to .. notify all prospective proposers who have secured same, however, it shall be the responsibility of each proposer, prior to submitting their proposal, to contact the Manatee County Purchasing Office at 941-748-4501, Ext. 3042 to determine if addenda were issued and to' make such addenda a part of the proposal. A.-05 SEALED & MARKED One (1) original signed proposal, signed in blue ink, and four (4) copies of your proposal shall be submitted in one sealed package, clearly marked on the outside "Sealed PrODosal #04:17-94FL" and addressed to: Manatee County Purchasing 1112. Manatee Avenue West, Suite 803 Bradenton, FL 34205 FAUSERVACI 084\WPDc)cs\RrP\043794fl.rfp-wpd June 29i 2004 (1 -51 PM) 3 RFP #04-3794FL Sanitary Sewer, Stom Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation servim A.06 LEGAL NAME Proposals shall clearly indicate the legal name, address and telephonenumber ofthe proposer (company, firm, partnership, individual), Proposals shall be signed above the typed or . Printed name and title of the signer. The signer shall have the authority to bind'the proposer to the subrilitted proposal. A.07 PROPOSAL ENTENSES All expenses for making proposals to the County are to be borne by the proposer. A.08 EX—AMINATION OF OFFER The examination of the proposal and the proposer generally requiresa period of not less than ninety (90) calendar days from the date 'of the opening of the proposals. A.-09, DISCLOSURE Upon reocipt, responses become "Public Records" and shall be subject to public disclosure consistent with Chapter 11.9, Florida Statutes. ' ' AJ—O RESERVED RIGHTS The County reserves the right to accQ2t or reject any and/or all proposals, to waive irregularities and technicalities, and to request resubmission. Any sole response received by th6-first-submissioir-date-may or may rrouba rejected by the County, depending-oii available competition and timely needs of the County. The County reserves the right to award the contract to a responsible proposer submitting a responsive proposal, with a resulting negotiated agreement which is most advantageous and in the best interests of the County. The County shall be the sole judge of the proposal, and the resulting negotiated agreement that is in its best interest and its decision shall be final. Also', the County reserves the right to make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of any proposer to perform the work or service requested. Information the County deems necessary to make this determination shall be provided by the proposer. Such information may include, but shall not be limited to: current financial statements prepared by an independent CPA; verification of availability of equipment and personnel; and past performance records. A-1-1 APPLICABLELAWS Proposermust be authorized to transact business in the State of Florida. All appli,cable laws and regulations of the State of Florida and ordinances and regulations of Manatee County FAUSER\MCI 084\WPDocs\RFP\04379,4fl,i-fp.%vpd June'297 2004'(1:51 PM) 4 RFP 9 04-3794FL S2niWY Sewer, Storin Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitadon Senicts A. 11 APPLICABLE- LAW __ (continued) will apply to any resulting agreement. Any involvement with any Manatee County procurement shall be in accordance with Manatee CoLm Code VPurchasing - -Ordinance 99-37, as amended. Any actual or prospective proposer who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may protest. to the Board of County Commissioners of .Manatee County as required in Article 7- of the Procurement Code. A protest with respect to this Request For Proposal shall be submitted in writing prior to the scheduled popening-date of this proposal- unless the aggrieved person did not know and could not have been reasonably expected to have knowledge of the facts givingrise to such protest prior to the scheduled opening date of this,proposal. The protest shall be submitted mjWn seven calgadar da s after such aggrieved person knows or could have reasonably been expected to ,y- know of the facts giving rise thereto. A. 12 CODE OF ETHICS With respect to this proposal, if any proposer violak,,s or is a party to a violation of the Code of Ethics of Manatee County per Manatee County Purchasing Code Ordinance 99-37, Article 3, Ethics in Public Contracting, and/or the state of Florida per Florida Statutes', Chapter 112, Part 111, Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, such proposer may be disqualified from performing the work described in this proposal or from fumishing the goods or services for which the pro osal is submitted and shall be er disqualified oin p ftirth fr submitting any future proposals for work or for goods or services for Manatee County. A:-U COLLUSION By offering a submission to this Request For Proposal the proposer certifies'the proposer has not divulged to, discussed or compared his proposal with other proposers and has not colluded with any other proposer or parties to this proposal whatsoever. Also, the proposer certifies, and in the case of a joint proposal, each party thereto certifies,, as to their own organization that in connection with this proposal: a. any prices and/or data -submitted have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communicationor agreement forthepurpose ofrestricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices and/or cost data, with any other proposer or with any competitor; b. any prices and/or cost data quoted for this proposal have not been knowingly disclosed by the proposer prior to the scheduled opening directly or indirectly to any competitor; C. no attempt has been made or will be made by the proposer to induce any other person or firm' to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting' competition; FAUSERWO 094\WPD0cS%RFP\043794fl-rfp.wpd June 29,'2004 (1:51 PM) RFP #U-3794FL Sanitary Sewer, Storm sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation services A. 1.3 COLLUSION (continued) d. the only person or persons interested in this pr I oposal as principal or principals is/are named therein and that no person other than therein mentioned has any interest in this proposal or in'the contract to bd entered into; and no person or agency has been employed or retained to solicit or -secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentagel brokerage, or contingent fee,excepting bona fide employees. A. 14 PROPOSAL FORMS Proposals must be submitted in the format'. specified in Section B hereof Additional support information may be included. Tabs are required to identify each item defined in Section B, Form of Proposal., thereby facilitating expedient review of all responses . . A. 1.5, PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES In accordance with Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted -vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases or real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any -------public entity in excess of the threshold amount -prQvided jn_,8ection,, 287.017_ for_Category- Two (as of 7/1/2000 is $25,000) for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. A16 DRUG FREE WORK PLACE Drug Free Workplace Program: Manatee County Board of . County Commissioners adopted a policy regarding maintaining a Drug Free Workplace, Resolution R-93-22. Proposers are asked to review the attached copy of the Resolution and provide either a certification of compliance with the program outlined in this Resolution or describe your firm's policy or program as it relates to maintaining a drug free workplace. This response will be considered with the other criteria described herein. &17 LOBBYING After the issuance of any Request For Proposals or Invitations For Bids, prospective bidders, proposers or any agent, representative or person acting at the request of such bidder or proposer shall not contact, communicate with or discuss any'matter relating in any way to the Request For Proposals or Invitation For Bids with any officer, agent or employee of FAUSERWC1 084\WPDocs\RFP\043794fl-rfp.wpd June 29, 2004 (1:5 1 PM) 6 RFP #04-3794FL Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services A. 17 LOB 3YIN (continued) Manatee County other than the Purchasing Director or as directed in the Request For Proposals or Invitation For Bids. This prohibition begins with the issuance of any Request For Proposals or Invitation For Bids, and ends upon execution of the final'contract or when the invitation or request has been canceled. Violators of this prohibition shall be subject to sanctions as provided in the Manatee County Procurement, Code. " A�_18 PUB IC C:)NTRACTZIG AND ENVIRONMENTALCR. IMES CERTIFICAIION In accordance with Ordinance 99-37, adding Article 6, Manatee County Board of Co I unty Commissioners adopted a policy prohibiting the award of County contracts to persons, business entities, or affiliates of business entities who have not submitted written certifi- cation to the County that they have not been convicted of bribery, attempted bribery, collusion, restraints of trade, price fixing, and violations of certain environmental laws. A Non -Conviction Certification Form is attached for this purpo se. A. �19 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPO&TUNITY Manatee County, in accordance with the provigions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Regulations of the Department of Commerce (15 CFR, Part 8) issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all prospective pfc;posers that they will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to participate in response to this advertisement and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, age or national origin in consideration for an award. A-20 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITLES ACT The Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, does not discriminate upon the basis of any individual's di�sability status. This non-discrimination policy involves every aspect of the County's functions including one's access to participation, employment, or treatment in its programs or activities. Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation for the public meetings specified herein (i.e. Information Conference or Pro . posal Opening), should contact the person named on the first page of this document at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of the activity. F-XUSER\M� I 084\WPD0cs\RFP\043794fl_rfp.wpd June 29,2004 (1:51PM)' 7 RFP 004-3794FL Sanita!Y Sewer, Stom Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services SECTION B: FORM, OF PROPOSAL This'section identifies specific information which must be included w . ith each response. Each proposal shall be arranged with tabs identifying, the response to each specific item. Proposals must contain: Rol MED41 QUALIFICATnIO Proposer must have performed Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer or Manhole Rehabilitatio . n Services for at least two (2) years. Provide substantiating information. R.02 ADMWISTRATIVE SUBMITTAL a. Proposal Signature Form. b. Drug Free Work Place Certification (Attachment B). C. Public Contracting and Envirorunental Crimes. Certification (Attachment Q. 11�0 TION To BE SUBMITTED a Description of the firm's background and size, include a statement of qualifications that inc . lude the firm's professional credentials and experience in providing the types of ser-vices enumerated in this RFP. Also, include a summary of the firm's current workload and evidence to reflect they satisfy the County's requirement. b.- Identify each principle of the firm and the other "key personnel" who will be professionally associated with the County. Describe their respective area of expertise. Include personalized resumes which identify the qualifications, training and experience of each key personnel. C. Provide an executive. summary of your proposed services and its key features such as materials used, installation preparation and installation, service reconnection, inspection and warranty. d. Provide detailed specification as to the application that you- are proposing for sewer line rehabilitation and/or manhole rehabilitation. e. Attachment D, Pricing Form: Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services should be completed based on the services being propwed If you are not proposing, a particular line item, indicate so, by placing NP (No t* Proposing) for that line item. F'\UStR\MC'1684\WPI)Ocs\RFP\043794fl.rfp.wpd June 29, 2004 (1:5.1 PM) 8 RFP iW3794FL SgflitarY Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services 13.03 WFORKATION TO BE SU13M=D (continued) f Submit any other additional information' which woul . d assist' the County in the evaluation of your proposal. NOTE: The County reserves the right to make such investigation and solicit addit'ional inkrination or submittals as it deems necessary to determine the ability of any proposer to perform the Scope of Services stated in this Rf,-quest For Proposal. FAUSERV�4C] 084\WP6cics\RFP\043794fl.rfp;wpd June 29. 2004 (1:51 PM) 9 M 904-3794FL SgnftarY Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services SECTION C: SELECTION C.01 EY—ALUATION FACTORS Evaluation factors are Pnioe and perceived ability of the Proposers to perform the Scope of Services as stated in this Request For Proposal in the most timely an I d eff icient manner, and the Vmposals which will overall best meet the needs ofManatee County as determined from the responses to this Request For Proposal and subsequent investigation by the County. C.02 RELATIVE RvIPORTANCE OF EY—ALUATION FACTORS No weight has been assigned to the Evaluation Factors stated above. C.03 PRELM41NARYRAhKLNG A Selection Committee may determine from the response t . o this Request For Proposal and subsequent investigation as necessary� the Proposers most susceptible of being selected for award. C-04 REVEEW OF PROPOSERS AND PROPOSALS Review shall be conducted with responsible Proposers who may be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award, for the purposes of clarification to assure full understanding of and conformance to the solicitation requirements, the abilities of the nroposer,.and the proposal submitted. Firms responding to this Request For Proposal shallbe available for presentation/interviews, 0 OuntY Commissioners uporf notification frorn the Purchasing Office of the time and date determined by the County. C-05 SELECTION FOR NEGOTIATION The proposers whose ability and proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the County, ' taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth in this Request For Proposal, shall be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners for, authorization to negotiate an agreement for the stated Scope Of Services. ��.06. AWARD Award of an agreement is subject to the successful negotiations and the vote of the Board of County Commissioners to authorize. execution of the agreement. F.\USIER\MCI 084\WPDocS\RFP\043794fl.rfp-wpd JOne 29, 2004 (1:5 1 PM) 10 SECTION D: NEGOTIAnON 0 THE AGREEMENT D. 0 1 GENERAL RFP 904-3794FL SznitarY Sew-, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabifitaticn% Services The following general terms andconditions applyto theproposal subMItfed'forons'ideration and the subsequent negotiations: a. The proposal 'will serve as a basis for negotiating an agreement. b. Upon submission, all proposals become the property of the County which has the right to use any or all ideas presented in any proposal submitted in response to this Request For Proposal whether or not the proposal is accepted. C. All products and papers produced in the course o - f this engagement become the property of the County upon termination or completion of the engagement. D.02 AGREEMENT The.selected proposer shall be required to negotiate a fon-nal agreement, in a form acceptable 'to' Manatee County. The Manatee County Board of County Commissioners will be presented the negotiated agreement as the best and final offer for consideration of award and execution. The Board of County Commissioners shall determine if award of the agreement is to be: considered; rejected and direct further negotiations; rejected and terminate negotiations; or accepted, authorizing the chairman to execute the agreement. FAUSERWC I 084\WPDocs\RFP\043794tl.yfp.wpd, Itine 2 9i 2004 (1:5 1 PM) RFP 004-3 794FL Sanitary Sewer, Sturm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation SeMces SECTION Eh SCOPE OF SERVICES EM-01. OVERVIEW SANITARY SEWER LM REH-AMR-ATION The proposer shall provide the necessary personnel, material, equipment, supplies, transportation and services to do all things necessary to provide TV inspection and computerized analysis, smoke testing, cleaning -and rehabilitation and trenchless reconstruction ofportions ofthe County's sewer system, as deemed necessary by' the County. The system includes underground sewer and storin lines and mantloles/wetwells and are located throughout the County. The proposer shall provide any combination of the following applications in meeting the COuntY`s requirements stated in this Scope ofServices. When providing 6price (Attachment D) for any one of the applications, prices must be provided for the ancillary services I section alo. a. Method 1 - Cured -In -Place -Pipe (CIPP) - Reconstruction of existing pipe via inserting resin -impregnated flexible felt/fiberglass tube into the existing pipe, cured by extemal heat source. b. Method 2 - Cured -In -Place -Pipe repair sleeve - Via inserting impregnated flexible felt/fiberglass tube into existing pipe, cured by' external heat source. C. Sewer line cleaning and televising. d. Storm Sewer - Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction System, CIPP e. Ancillary Services E-02 REQMBMENTS - SLN-11ARY SEWER LINE REHA13ELITATION a. The proposer shall provide trenchless reconstruction of service laterals, main line sewers and storm sewers. The proposer shall have the capability of performing County selected services which include televised inspection, data collection, system flow analysis, and pipeline reconstruction. b. The proposer shall employ adequate staff to perform the services required, staff should include; Project Representative, Project Manager, Field'Supervisor and Senior .Foreman. Staff shall be proficient and experienced in all phases of services mentioned. C. The proposer shall perform all work and shall be a licensed Contractor for these services. The proposer shall be certified in confined space entry (OHSA) and traffic control. FAUSERWC I 0&4\WPDOcs\RFP\043794fl.rfP.%vpd June 29, 2004 (1:51 PM). 12 RFP #04-3794FL SanitarY Sewer. Storm Sewer -and Manhole Rchabilitation SeMces E.02 REQ-UIREMENTS - SANITARY SEWER LINE REHABILIfTrAT (continued) e. The proposer shall provide services that include safety measures for both the public and workers and shall coordinate all scheduling with the County. The proposer shall provide an introductoiy and organizational seminar regarding its services after award to selected County representatives. 9. The. proposer shall work with the County in establishing priorities and in preparing work assignments. I h. The proposer shall be completely responsible for the control of the environment of the work site during on -site operations. All pre cautions shall betaken by the selected contractor to protect, the workers,� public and'County staff from the exposu . re to harmful or hazardous substances within the sewer system. The proposer shall be responsible for the disposal of all waste materials and shall transport waste materials to the nearest Manatee County Wastewater Treatment Plant for processing. County shall approve all waste material disposal schedules. The selected proposer shall be responsible for all waste material spills and clean-up in the loading, hauling and unloading of the proposer's equipment. J. The proposer shall be responsible for conforming to any and all requirements regarding hauling and disposal of sewer wastes from each County work site in accordance with OSHA regulations and those that may be mandated by the Federal or State Governments. oser ihaj ensure that all waste mat6ififl transporters possess all required local, state and federal transportation permits and that they comply with all local, state and federal regulations, including but ' without limitation, 40 CFR Part 263, "Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste" and Chapter 17-730, Part 3, Florida Administrative Code, as m ay be amended from time to time. The proposer shall prepare a report of each TV inspection and analysis, as required by the County, to be submitted to the County. The County shall then make the scope of work determination. in. The proposer shall mobilize and be on site within a maximum of.twenty-one (21) calendardays afterissuanceof each work assignment by the County, unless otherwise agreed to by the County Contract M Orin the case of an emergency. In the case #nager of emergency, the proposer shall respond within 24 hours of telephone notification to be followed by issuance of a written work assigmnent. FAUSERWC I 084\WPDocs\RFP\043794fl,rfp.%vpd June 29, 2004 (1 -51 PM) 13 RFP 004-3794FL Sanitafy Sewer, Stann Sewer and M—holc Rehabilitafion Seffices E.02 REQIMMENIS - SANITARY SE)MR LINE REHAB (continued) n. The proposer shall inform the County of its planned work schedules and shall afford the County reasonable opportunity to observe and inspect the proposers work in process. The County will be advised of all schedule changes and notified when a work site is left for a 24 hour period when work is not complete. E.03 OVERVIEW SAhnARY MANHOLE REHABILITATLON The proposer shall provide one of the following applications in meeting the C . ountYs requirements stated in this Scope of Service: a Method I - Manhoh-, Surfacing (Spraywall) - Urethane Spraywall" b. Method 2 - Manhole Surfacing (Spraywall) - Aquatapoxy 405 C. Method. 3 - Manhole Surfacing - Protective Liner System P-04 MQUIREMENTS - SANITARY MANHOLE. REHABILITATION a. The proposer shall have the capability ofperforrning County selected services which include manhole/wetwell rehabilitation, pressure grouting, and removal of sand and debris from manholes. b. The proposer shall ernploy adequate staff to perform the services required, which should include; Proj.ect Representative, Project Manager, Field Supervisor and Senior Foreman. Staff shall be proficient and Sxp_�niecn4jin of services The proposer, shall perform all work and shall be a licensed Contractor for these services. d. The proposer shall be certified in confined space entry (OHSA) and traffic control e. The proposer shall provide services that include safety measures for both the public and workers and shall coordinate all scheduling with the County. f The proposer shall provide an introductory and organizational seminar regarding its services after award to selected County representatives. 9- The proposer shall work with the County in establishing priorities and -in- preparing work assignments. h. - The proposer shall be completely responsible for the control of the environment of F-\USER\MCI 084\W)?Docs\RFP\043794fl.rfp.,,vpd June 29� 2004 (1 �5 1 PM) RFP #04-3794FL Sanit2TY Sewer. Stonn Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation SaMees E.04 REOUMEMENTS.- SANITARY. KAN—HOLE REH ILITATION (continued) the work -site during on -site operations. all precautions shall betaken by the selected proposer to protect the workers, public and County staff from the exposure to harmful or hazardous substances within the sewer system. The proposer shall be responsible for the disposal and -transport of all -sand, sludge and debris taken to the Manatee County Landfill for processing. The County shall approve all disposal schedules. The proposer shall be responsible for all sewage spills and clean-up in the loading, hauling and unloading of the proposer's equipment. The proposer shall be responsible for conforming to any and'all requirements regarding hauling and disposal of sewer wastes from each County work site in accordance with OSHA regulations and those that may be mandated by the Federal or State Governments. k. The proposer shall ensure that all sludge transporters possess all required local, state and federal transportation permits and that they comply with all local, state and federal regulations, including but not limited to 40 CFR Part 263 "Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste" and Chapter 17-730, Part 3, Florida Administrative Code, as may be amended from time to time. The proposer shall prepare a report of each Manhole inspection and analysis, as required by the Countyj to be submitted to the. County. The County shall then make the scope of work determination. in. The proposer s ize and be on site within a maximum of twenty one (21) calendar days after issuance of each work assignment by the County, unless otherwise agreed to by the County Contract Administrator or Department Director. In case of emergency, the proposer shall respond within 24 hours of telephone notification to be followed by issuance of a written assignment. n. The proposer shall inform, the County of its planned work schedules and shall afford the County reasonable opportunity to observe and inspect the . proposers work in process, the County will be advised of all schedule changes and notified when a work .site is left for a 24 hour period when work is not complete. FAUSER\MC)084\WP DocS\RFP\043794fl.r'fP,Wpd June 29, 2004 (1:51 PM) ATTACHMENT "Aft RESOLUTION R-93-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IMPLEMENTING §3-101(7)3(l) OF THE MANATEE COUNTY PROCUREMENT CODE (ORDINANCE 84-02 AS AMENDED) TO ESTABLISH' MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR BIDDERS WITH RESPECT TO MAINTAINING A DRUG FREE WORKPLACE; REQUIRI&G WRITTEN CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Corrunissioners of Manatee County recognizes that substance abuse is a complex societal problem that continues to threaten the welfare of the residents and- community; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners considers substance abuse on the job to be an unsafe and counter -productive work practice; and WHEREAS, consistent with its policy to promote a safe work environment and encourage personal health for all citizens of Manatee County, the Commission finds it hecessary to combat WHEREAS, consistentwith theDrugFree WorkplaceAct (§ 112.0455, Florida Statutes) and policies applicable to Manatee County employees pursuant to Resolution R-93-10, the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County has determined that it is necessary and inithe best interest of the County to adopt the drug free workplace requirements for persons or entities contracting with Manatee County; and WHEREAS, §3-101(7)B of the Manatee County procurement Code (Ordinance 84-02, as amended) authorizes the adoption of requirements for maintaining a drug free workplace applicable to persons or entities bidding on contracts with Manatee County. ` NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee county, Florida, as.follows: Certifleation Required: No person or entity submitting a bid pursuant to §3-101 shall:be awarded or receive a county contract for public improvements,'procurerrient of goods or senices (including professional services) or a county lease franchise, concession or management agreement, unless such person or entity has submitted a written certification to the county that it will provide a drug free workplace by: a. Providing a written statement to each employee notifying such employee that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a control -led substance as defined in § 893.02(4), Florida statutes, as. the sarne may be amended from time to time, in theperson's or entity's workplace is prohibited specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for. violation ofsuch prohibition. Such written statement shall inform employees about: (i) I the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; the person's or entity's policy of maintaining a drug free envirom-nent at all its workplaces, including but not limited to all locations where employees perform any task relating to any portion,of such contract, business transaction or grant: anyavailable drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (iv) the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. b. Requiring the employee to sign a copy of such vaitten statement to acJdi6Wl�d`9&his­_or lier re-c' eip­ i 'o f s am- _e -a- nii d "aRv -i-e-e- a-s-16" Ilie-sp­ earj c's oT s-u-ch-, policy. Such person or entity shall retain the statements signed by its employees, Such person or entity shall also post in a prominent place at all of its workplaces ' a written statement of 'it's policy containing the foregoing elements (i) through (iv). C. Notifying the employee in the statement required by,subsection 1. that as a condition of employment the employee will: abide by the. terms of the statement; and notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such a conviction., d. At all times pertinent to the performance of any contract with Manatee County, notify. the county within ten (10) days after receiving notice under 2 subsection c. from an employee or otherwise receiiiing actual notice of such conviction. e, Imposing appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination; orrequiring such employee to satisfactorilyparticipate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or lo . cal health, law enforcement, or other appropfiate agency. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of sections a. through e. of this subsection. 2. Severability. If any part, section, subsection, or other portion of this Resolution, or .any application thereof to any person or circumstances declared to be void, unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, such part, section, subsection, or other portion, or the prescribed application thereof, shall be severable, and the remaining .provisions of this Resolution, and all applications thereof not having been declared void, unconstitutional or invalid, shall remain in fall force and effect. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect ninety (90) days after adoption by the Board of County Commissioners. ADOPTED in open session by.a majority of the duty elected Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, this 2nd day of February, 1993. ----OPIGINAUDOCUMENT"STGNED-B-f-BOARD-OF-COUNTy7COMurS-SrONEns----- C14AIRMAN MS. LARI ANN HARRIS ON FEBRUARY 2,1993 AND IS ON FILE AT MANATEE COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE. 3 MANATEE COUNTY GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, PURCHASING DIVISION 'TC1 SERVE WITH EXCELLENCE' July 12,2004 - TO: All Inter'ested Proposers .SUBJECT: Request for Proposal #04-3794FL Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services ADDENDUM #1 The following items are issued to add to, modify, and clarify the Request for Proposal. These items shall have the same force and effect as the original Request for Proposal. Proposal's to be submitted on the specified Proposal opening date, shall conform with the additions and revisions listed herein. The following responses are provided to questions submitted by potential proposers: Is insurance certification required at time of proposal submission? Insurance certificates will be required at time of contract award, 2. What type ofrequirements for smoke testing, ex: blowert'ype, smoke requirements, dis tance requirements, report requirements, and type of pictures, digital, or otherwise? Smoke test requirements are provided as Attachment "I". Location maps will be provided by the County for each work requirement, distance will be the line segment between two manholes. Reports will include defects found and footage location from the manhole. Digital pictures will be provided. Are line segments and manholes already identified by the department and if so, how can we get a copy of them f6r field inspection along with log information?" Work has not been identified but will have the greatest amount of deterioration within the infrastructure. :,narea Avenue �AjcsT. Suite 803 - Bradenton. Florida 334205 k94 1) -749-3014 - FAX 1941) 749-30,)4 LIP 4. Please explain what is the intent of system flow analysis.and what is the County lolokins� for in this analysis?' Analysis is not required. At the time of work requirement the Contractor will be provided number of manholes, lengths, services and flow. 5. What is the distance from site to the Manatee Co landfill site and is there a charge for dumping? Will the 'work be in a defined area within a:particular basin or general area?. Wbo do we oontact to determine dumping charges? Depends on job site location and the Contractor will be responsible for any charges. The Landfills phone number is (941.)74&5543. 6. .. Will.the County supply water for usage during the project? Contractor will be -responsible for any water usage fees. 7. Are there a minimum and maximum of services to grout and what is the overall quantity of services? -Quantity of services will be identified for each work requirement. 6—.� S. After I�M to MH lining,will services require grouting if not leaking? All services will be grouted. 9. What pe;�oqqt4g!; of back and front Yard easgmenitLor _areAhere_Z_ Backyard - 5% and Front Yard/Street - 95%. 10. Can the service laterals be inspected from the main to the cleanout? Yes. Will all laterals already have cleanouts installed? No. 12. If cleanout . s are required to be installed what size and will they need to be a 6" - 2 way clean out? 6 " - I way. II When installing lateral lining we install from top side down. Will the CountVallow this? Yes; however, 98% of the work, there are no cleanouts. 14. Are there any addenda's as. of yet? This is Addendum #1. Opening Time -and Date is 4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 22, 2004. Proposals will be received at the Manatee County Purchasing Office, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, Flonida 34205. Sincerely, 44 i - Frank G. Ibertson Contracts Negotiator 4--� PROPOSAL SIGNATURE FoRm RFP 404-3794FL Mailing Address: Firm Name IU-4 LEM- DA Telephone Number City, State, Zip Code The undersigned attests to his, (her, their) authority to submit this.proposal and to bind the firm herein named to perform as per agreement. If the firm -is selected by the County the undersigned certifies that he/she will negotiate in good faith to establish an agreement to provide sanitary'sewer, storm sewer and manhole reh abilitation services according to the requirements of this RFP #04- 3794FL. Signature Date: D.-Wj- 04 Wig;6s Signature Date: -7 -7-2 -04 LC-0—�-rKVAa#06i � Name and Title of Above Signer 0547kc-Erz. I Name and Title of Above Signer Address of any branch office proposed to service Manatee County other than above Name and Title of Firm's, Representative for Manatee County o7 - n 4-1 Telephone Number of Firm's Representative for Manatee County F-\USER\MC1084NWPDocs\RFP\043794D.rfp.%-pd June 29, 2004 (1:51PM) ATTACHMENT "B" Drug Free Work Place Certificatioln SWORNSTATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION' 3-101(7)(B)� MAh!ATEECOUNTV.EROCUZBMENT CODE, ON DRUG FREE WORKPLACES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUT14ORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. .This sworn s tatement is submitted to the Manatee County Board of County Comirtissioners [print individual's name and title] CD_PjjZA(zT�&t r, kne5qloa 6 for [print name of entity submitting sworn statement] wbose business address is: t) e and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is -gzksj� -entity,has no 3o (if the FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual sigaing Us sworn statemea, /A. I understand that no person or entity shall be awarded or receive a county contract for public improvements, procurement of goods or servicbs (including professional services) or a county lease, franchise concession or management agreement, or shall receive a grant of county monies unless such person or enti� has submitted a written certification to the County that it will provide a drug. free work place by- (1) providing a written statement to each employee notifying such employee that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance as defined by §893.02(4), Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time, in the person's or entity's work place is prohibited specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition. Such written statement shall infor'm employees about: (i) the dangers of drug abuse in the work place; (ii) the person's or entity's policy of maintaininga drug free environment at all its work places, including but not limited to all locations where employees perform any task relating to any portion of su6h contract business transaction or grant; (iii) any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance -programs; and (iv) the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (2) Requiring the employee to sign -a copy of such written statement to acknowledge his or her receipt of same ,and advice as to the specifics of such policy. Such person or entity shall retain the statements signed by its employees. Such person or entity shall also post in a prominent place at all of its work places a written statement of its policy containing the foregoing elements (i) through (iv). (3) Notifying the employee in the statement required by subsection (1) that as a condition of employment the employee will: <DRUGFREE.FRV> (i) abide by the terms of the statement; and (ii) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute- conviction for a violation occurring in the work -place no later than five (5) days after such a conviction. (4) Notif�ing the County within ten (10) days after receiving notice under subsection (3) from an employee or otherwise receivihgactual notice of such conviction, (5) 1niposing appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination; or requiting such employee to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by 2 federal, state, or local health, law enforcement,.or other. appropriate agency. (6) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug fr ee work place through implementation of sections (1) through (5) stated above. I UNDERSTAND THAT TIM SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFPICER FOR MANATEE COUNTY IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS' FILED. 'I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT ANY CONTRACT OR BUSINESS TRANSACTION SHALL PkOVIDE FOR SUSPENSION OF PAYMENTS, ORTERMINATION, ORBOTH, IF THE CONTRACTING OFFICER ORTHE COUNTYADMIMSTRATOR DETERMINES THAT: (1) Such person or entity has made false certification. (2) Such person or entity'violates such certification by failing to carry out the requirements of sections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6) or subsection 3-101(7)(B); or (3) Such a number of employees of such person or entity have been convicted of violations occurring in the work place as to indicate that such person or entity has failed to make a good faith effort to provide a drug free work place as required by subsection 3-101(7)(B), [Signature] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me'this 277 day of 20bi by 2.32 Personally known._-.L� OR Produced identification IJ [Type of identification] My comniission expires - Z� My CMMISSK)N I DD 101386 EMFFzS: Jtdy 18, 20M 8fflWVftN0tMyPUWUA&rWM9M [Print, type or stamp ComtTiissioned name of Notary <DRUGFREE.FP-M> ATTACHMENT "C" PUBLIC CONTRACTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES CERTIFICATION SWORN' STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 13. M ATEE QOUNTY PROQUELM�_ENT CO E ' THIS FORMMUST B.E SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER:OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS, This swom statement is submitted to the Manatee County Board of County Cointrassioners by - r [print individual's name and title) �D_� for [print name of entity submittinj sworn,statement] whose business address is: 11:511 _P1 Laea (>A and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number-(FEIN) is 13 If the entity has no FEIN, include'the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement:_ I understand that -no person or entity shall be 2waided orreceive a county contract forpublic improvements, procurement ofgoods orservices (includingprofessional services) ora county lease, fran6hise, concession ormanagernent agreement, or shall receive a grant of countymonies unless -such person or entity has submitted a written certification to the County that it has not- (1) been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe a public officer or employee of Manatee County, the State of Florida, or.any other public entity, including, but not limited to the Government of the United States, any state, or -any local government authority 'in the United States, in that officer's or employee's official capacity; or (2) been convicted of an agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of competition, by agreement to bid a fixed price, or otherwise; or (3) been convicted of a violation of an environmental law that, in the sole opinion of the County's Purchasing Director, reflects negatively upon the ability of the person or entity to conduct business in a responsible manner; or (4) made an admission of guilt of such conduct described in items (1), (2) or (3) above, which is a matter of record, but has not been prosecuted for such conduct, or has made an admission of guilt of such conduct, which is a matter of record, pursuant to formal prosecution, An admission of guilt shall be construed to include a plea of nolo contendere; or (5) Where an officer, official, agent or employee of a business entity has been convicted of . or has admitted guilt to -any of the crimes set forth above on behalf of such and entity and pursuant to the direction or authorization of an official thereof (including the person coinimitting the offense, if -he is an official of the business entity), the business shall be chargeable with the conduct hereinabove set forth. A business entity shall be chargeable with the conduct of an affiliated entity, whether wholly owned, partially owned, or one which has common oivnership or a common Board of Directors. Forpurposes ofthis Form, business entities are affiliated if, directly or indirectly, one business entity controls or has the power to control another business entity, or if an individual or group of individuals controls or has the power to control both entities. Indicia of control shall include, without limitation, interlocking management or ownership, <ENVCR1N4E.FRM> identiry of interests amount family members. shared organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entir in ownership orprinciple . s as the ineligible .y under this Article.. or usi g substantially the same management, entity. Any person or entity who claims ' that this Article is inapplicable to him/her/it because a conviction or judgement has .been reversed by a court of competentjuxisdiction, shall piove the same with documentation satisfactory to the Countys -Purchasing Director. Upon pres entation of such satisfactoryproof, the personor entity shall be allowed to contract with the County. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR MANATEE COUNTY IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN VtIUCH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THATANY CONTRACT OR BUSMSS TRANSACTION SHALL PROVIDE FOR SUSPENSION OF PAYMEIM, ORTERMINATION, ORBOTH, IF THE CONTRACTING OFFICERORTHE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DETERMINES THAT SUCHTERSON OR ENTITY HAS MADE FAIK QER!ITFI ATION. [Signature) STATE OF FLORIDA -COUNTY OF Swo rn to and subscribed before me this 2-Z dayof �uL�j R�Z_A by Personally known .OR Produced identification JLJ�. a, q1jn=La_— V NotaTyPublic Signature, , [Print, type or mmp Commissioned My corrunission expires SUZAN G. HERRMANN EXPIRES: JLdy 18. 20DG MY COMMISSION f DD 101386 SIGNATORY REQUIREMENT - In the case of a business entity other than a partnership or a corporation, this affidavit shall -be executed by an authorized agent of the entity. In the case of a partnership, this affidavit shall be executed by the general partncr(�). In the. case of a corporation, this affidavit shall be executed by the corporate -president. <ENVCP,1ME-FRNi> ATTACHMENT "D" PRICING FORM SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND MANHOLE REHABILITATION A.. SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER REHABILITATION 1. Method 1 - Trdnchless Pipe Reconstruction System - CIPP (Cured -In -Place -Pipe). For this Method, you must include. prices in Section A, Item 6, Ancillary Services (pige 9), a. Sanitary Sewer Mains 8" Diameter 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) -2ff per If (linear foot) b, Sanitary Sewer Mains 10" Diameter .6.0 mm Normal Thicknes's (.236) per. If 1.5 mm Normal Thickness (.295) per If C. Sanitary Sewer Mains 12" Diameter 0 6.0 nun Normal Thickness (.236) 7-Q- per If 7.5 mm Normal iWckness (.295) per If d. Sanitary Sewer Mains 15" Diameter 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) n�,per if 7.5 mm Normal Thickness (.295) per If 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) per If C. Sanitary Sewer Mains 18" Diameter 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) per If 7.5 mm Nonnal Thickness (.295) per If 4 9-0Mm Normal Thickness (.354) 41; per If 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (413) --54 per if f. Sanitary Sewer Mains 21" Diameter O-P 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) , GQ;- per If 7.5 mm Normal Thickness (.295) 1 --J�Lb per If 0.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) k'� per If 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) 6 F2 013 per If 12.0 mm Normal Thickness (.472) per If g. Sanitary Sewer Mains 24" Diameter 00 9,0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) per If 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) -79 er If p 12.0 mm Normal Thickness (.472) a;e- per if 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (. 53 1) per If 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) q 10,S1 per If I h. Sanitary Sewer Mains 27" Diameter 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) 7 per If 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) BL- per If '12.0 rnm Normal Thickness (.472) Ctoe:� per- 13.5.mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) ep- . per If' 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) C?qe�� per If Sanitary Sewer Mains 30" Diameter 9.0 nun Normal Thickness, (.3 54) Per if 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) Q per If 12.0 mm Normal Thickness (.472) jolo er If P 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 110 perIf 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) 1 t i��per If 'Sanitary Sewer Mains 36"' Diameter 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (413) Q1 per.If 12.0 nun Normal Thickness (.472) 1 nls'- per, If 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 1 per If 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (591) per If 16.5 -mm Normal Thickness (.650) -115 eQ- per If 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) 124 per If 2. Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation - Method 2 - Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction - CIPP (Cured -In -Place -Pipe) Repair Sleeve. For this Method, you must include prices in Section A, Item 6, Ancillary Services (page 9). a. Sanitary Sewer Mains 8" Diameter 13.5 mrn Normal Thickness G 53 1) Y- 5' IP each C-51. 1) eacb 10'-12$ each 13'-15' each 16'-20' each 21'-25'. 1 each .26'-30' each b. Sanitary Sewer Mains 10" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (53 1) 3' - 5' each 6) -92 each 10'-12' each 13'-15' each 16'-20' each 21'-25' each 26'-30' each 2 C. Sanitary Sewer Mains 12" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 31-5, each 6� - 91 each W-12' each 13'-15' each 16v-209 each 2 1'-25' each 26'-30' each d. Sanitary Sewer Mains 15" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 3'- 5' each 61-9, each 10%12) each each 16'-20' each 21'-25' each 26'-30' each e. Sanitary Sewer Mains .18" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 3'- 5' A? each 6'- 9' each 10'-12' each each 161-20' vA each 21'-25' each 261-30) _A171 each f Sanitary Sewer Mains 21" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.5 3 1) 3'- 5' each 61 - 9'. each 10'-12' each 13'-15' each 16'-20' each 21'-25' each 26'-30' each 9. Sanitary Sewer Mains 24" Diameter 13-5mmNormalThickness(.531) 3'-5' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 nun Normal Thickness (.53 1) 6'- 91 each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness,(.53 1) 10'- 12' each 15.0 mm Normal Tbickness (.591) each 3 13.5 nun Normal Thickness (.�3 1) 13'- 15' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 16'-20' each 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mrn Normal Thickness (.53 1) 2F-25', each 15..0 mm Normal, Thickness (59 1) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 26'-30' each .15.0 mm Normal Thickness (59 1) each h. Sanitary Sewer Mains 30" Diameter 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 3'- 5' each 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) each 115 mm Normal Thickn ' ess (.531) .6' - 9' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness,(.531) 10'-12' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 nun Normal Thickness (.53 1) 13'-15' Wif each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 16'-20' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 21'-25' each 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) each 13.5 nun Normal Thickness, (.53 1) 26'-30' each, 15.0 mfn Normal Thickness (.591) each I. Satitary Sewer Mains 36" Diameter 13.5nimNonnalTbickness(.531) 3'-5" each 15.0 mm Nonnal.Thickness (.591) each 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) each 13.5 rXim Normal Thickness (.5 3 1) 6' - 9' each 15.0 mm Nonnal Thickness (.591) v& each 18..0 nun Non-nal Thickness (.709) each 13.5 mrn Normal, Thi ck-ness (. 5 3 1) 10'-11' each 15.0 mm. Normal thickness (.591) each 4 18.0 nun Normal Thickness.(.709) each 1375 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 13'-15' each 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) each 18.0 mm Normal Thickness.(.709) each 13.5 rnm Normal Thickness (.531) 16'-20' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) each 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) each 13.5 Mm Normal Thickness (.531) 21'-25' each 15.0 nun Normal Thickness'.(.591Y vA IP each 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) A'A. eath 13.5 mmNormal Thickness (.531) 26%30' each 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (591) TA each 18.0 nun Normal Thickness (.709) -02 each 3. Sewer Line Cleaning in conjunction with sewer line rehabilitation. For this item, you must include prices in Section A, Itern 6, Ancillary Services (page 9). a. Light Cleaning 6'�- 12" Diameter le per If 149'- 18" Diameter. .200 per If 20" - 24" Diameter A per if 27" - 42" Diameter per If b. Medium Cleaning 6" - 12" Diameter. Per If 14" - 18" Diameter per If 207'- 24" Diameter 6'. per If 27" - 42"' Diameter per If C., Heavy Cleaning 00 6"' - 12" Diameter per If 7-r"4 14" - 18" Diameter per If Ix"k, 20" - 24" Diameter per If 27" - 42" Diameter per'lf W T. 1). d. Root Removal 611- 12" Diameter per If 14" - 18" Diameter per If 20" - 24" Diameter 4- per If 27" - 42" Diameter per If Wi *-wall j I e. Tuberculation Cleaning 611- 12" Diameter per If 14" - 18" Diameter per If 20" - 24" Diameter per If 27" - 42" Diameter per If f Basement Access 6" - 12" Diameter per' If 14" - 18" Diameter per If 20" - 2499,Diameter per If 27" - 42" Diameter per If 9- Manhole Clean/Jet-Vac per mh (man- hole) 4. Storm Sewer.- Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction System - CIPP (Cured -In -Place -Pipe) For this item, you must include prices in Section A, item 6. Ancillary Services. a. 'Storm Sewer Mains 15"' Diameter 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) 00 A97- per If 7.5 mm Normal Thickness (.295) 7;4�O per If 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) 1� -per If b. Storrn Sewer Mains 18" Diameter 6.0 mm Normal Thickness (.236) per If 7.5 mm Normal Thickness (.295) per 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) Ow- per If 10.5 nim Normal Thickness (.413) -7 per- If C. Storm Sewer Mains 21 " Diameter 6.0 nun Normal Thickness (.236) per If 7.5 nun Normal Thickness (.295) At; per If 9.0 min Normal Thickness (.354)' per If 10.5 nun Normal Thickness (.413.) CID pet If 0:5 12.0 nim Normal Thickness'(.472) -per If d. Storm Sewer Mains 24"' Diameter 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354) per If 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) per If 12.0 rnm Normal Thickness (.472) per If 3.5 nun Normal Thickness (.53 1) per If 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) log 7' per If R e. Storm Sewer Mains 2711 Diameter 9.0 mm Normal Thickness (.354). per If 10.5. nim Normal Thickness (.413) per If 12.0 nun Normal Thickness (.472) per If 13.5 mm. Normal Thickness (. 5 3 1) per If 15.0 mm, Normal Thickness (.591) per If f.. Storm Sewer Mains 30" Diameter 9.0 mm. Normal Thickness (.3 54) per if 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) per If 'V�; -A 12.0 mm Normal Thickness (.472) IM per If , 13.5 nun Normal Thickness (. 53 1) -CA., JOS- Per if 15.0 mm. Normal Thickness (.59 1), =Per If 9 Storm Sewer Mains 36" Diameter 10.5 mm Normal Thickness'(.413) III per If 12.0 nun Normal Thickness (.472) per If 13.5 mm. Normal Thickness (.53 1) per.1f, 15.0 mm. Normal Thickness (.591) ;S� ver If 1.6.5 mm Normal Thickness (.650) MOD per If 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) IS��per If h. Storm Sewer Mains 42" Diameter .10.5 mm. Normal Tbicknes' s (.413) 17-7 per If 12.0 mm Normal Thickness (.472) 1 ?aZ per If 13.5 mrn Normal Thickness (.53 1) per If, 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) 1 G-Lq'­ per If 16.5 mm Normal Thickness (.650) 1 -per If 18.0 nun Normal Thickness (.709) A per If i. Storm Sewer Mains 48" Diameter 12.0 mm. Normal Thickness (.472) WO per If 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) 1 per If 15.0 mm, Nonnal Thickness (.591) 2,) per If .16.5 mm. Normal Thickness (. 65 0) Z6 Per If 18,0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) 2_ZS:""4per If 49.5 nun Normal Thickness (.768) 23145er If 21.0 mm, Normal Thickness (.827) ZW '�-7 per if Storm Sewer Mains 54" Diameter D CO 10;5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) 7-0.3 per If 12.0 mra Normal. Thickness (.472) 7-IZ72 per If 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.53 1) -Zalf per if 15.0 mm Normal Thickness (.591) 23Z per If 16.5 mm Normal Thickness (.650) 243 per If 7 18.0 nim Normal Thickness (.709) 19.5 mm Normal Thickness (.768) 21.0 mm Normal Thickness (.827) 22.5 mm Normal Thickness (.886) k. 'Storm Sewer Mains 60" Diameter 10.5 mm Normal Thickness (.413) 12.0 mm Normal Thickness.(.472) 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.5jl) 15.0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) 16.5 mm Normal Thickness (.650) 18.0 mrn Normal Thickness (.709) 19.5 mm Normal Thickness (.768) 21.0 min Normal Thickness (.827) 22.5 mm NormalThickness (.886) 1. Storm Sewer Mains 72" Diameter 10.5 nun Normal Thickness (.413) 12.0 nun Normal Thickness (.472) 13.5 mm Normal Thickness (.531) 15 ' 0 nun Normal Thickness (.591) 16.5 nun Normal Thickness (650) 18.0 mm Normal Thickness (.709) 19.5 nun Normal Thickness (.768) 21.0 mm Normal Thickness (827) 22.5 mrn Normal Thickness (.886) per If 2(=-,1':5-'J,Der If per If M!�Per If Q92 M2 -per If per If per if per If -42Z, per If --444wperlf per If -4 per If per.If D111 cloi per if _q 11 per -if -Ifper If p er I X2 per If CQ per If "nl per If �-Per if -A�-Per If Storm Sewer Cleaning in conjunction with Storm linerehabilitation. For this item, you must include prices in Section. A, itern 4., Ancillary S erv- ices. a. Light Cleaning 14" - 18" Diameter per If 20" - 124" Diameter per If 27" - 42" Diameter 4-- per If 48" - 72" Diameter t,"- p&r if b. Medium Cleaning 14" - 1811 Diameter per If 20" - 24" Diameter per If 2731- 42" Diameter per If .48" - 72" Diameter per If C. Heavy Cleaning 14" - 18" Diameter per If 20" - 24" Diameter per If 8 27" — 42" Diameter 48 — 72" Diameter d. Root Removal 4 71 18" Diameter 20" — 24" Diameter 27"'— 42" Diameter 48" — 72" Diameter e. Easement Access 14" — 18" Diameter 20" — 24" Diameter 27" — 42" Diameter 48'p'— 72" Diameter f Manhole/Junction Box, Clean/Jet-Vac per If zz per, if 35P per If per If per If per If per, If per If < per If per If _R��per mh Ancillary Services for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Items. a. By -Passing Pumping 8" SewerFlow 10" Sewer Flow 12" Sewer Flow 15" Sewer Flow 18" Sewer Flow 20" Sewer Flow 24" Sewer Flow 30" Sewer Flow 3 6" 8ewer Flow 42" Sewer Flow 48" Sewer Flow 54" Sewer Flow 60". Sewer Flow 72" Sewer Flow By -Passing Pumping Pump Setup 4" Pump 6" Pump .8"' Pump 10" Pump 12" Pump )K 8" - 72" Diameters per If per If per If per If per If per If per If per If :Eiper If per If per If per If A;f per If per If C. Pump Operation (per hour per pump) 4)� Pump each each each each each per hour 0j 6.11 Pump per hour 891 Pump per hour 1W Pump tj 11 per hour 12" Pump per hour d. Service With Pressure Grouting each 61 'Mobilization lump sum f Standard Service Reconnection each g. Trenchless Lateral Reconstruction System VIP Service Reconstruction up to 30 Linear Feet each - Additional'Footage per If Additional for Stack Service each Clban-Out Installation, grassed area each Service with Pressure Grouting abeeach' h. Easement access, additional <= 12" diameter _per If. > 12" diameter per If i. Blind Shot Set Up each Traffic Control Flagman, each 76, ,per hr Arrow Board, each per day Barricades, each per day Lane Dividers, each %C�— per day 7. Explanation of Terms — Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation a. Additional Footage — The additional footage of lateral reconstruction beyond the 3 0 linear feet. included in the base price. b, Additional for Stack Service - An additional charge incurred when reconstructing a service lateral in the stack or vertical configuration. C. Blind Shots - The additional charge incurred when tenninating -a section of Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction outside a manhole,or similar stucture. d. By_Pass EgMjLin - The bypassing of existing flows as'needed during TV Inspection, cleaning or Pipe Reconstruction.. 10 e. Clean -out- Installation - The installation'of -out at a a lateral clean predetermined point. Price is based on installation at a shallow depth and within a grassed area. f Easement Access - The additional charge incurred when working within easements between property boundaries. Mobilization - The travel charges incuiTed in transporting equipment and personnel to the jobsite from the nearest base of operations. h. Pricing — Both sewer line rehabilitation methods are based on a minimum. order of $10,000. L Stodard- Service Reconnection - The reinstatement of the, house service -connection of the sewer main after the installation of the, Trenchless Pipe Reconnection System. This is accomplished from within the sewer main''via a remote controlled cutting device. j. Service Reconstruction gp to 30 Linear Feet - The lateral reconstruction via the above Service Reconnection system for a base footage of 30 linear feet. k. Service with Pressure Groutin — Service wye to be pressure grouted after mainline has been rehabilitated and service line re -instated. A non-thrinking chemical grout is to be used (Avanti 118/101 or Cues Quickseal 1.05 are acceptable). 1. Traffic Cpntrol - The additional charge incurred for placing traffic control personnel or, devices in areas deemed unsafe. This does not cover the placement of standard traffic cones, which is included in the price for Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction.' MI. Trenchless Lateral Reconstruction - The installation of a resin impregnated cured -in -place lateral within the existing lateral extending from the,s6wer Main connection to a previously installed clean -out. The Trenchless Lateral Reconstrtiction System is dependent upon the results of the internal inspection. Factors such as the lateral condition and alignment may prohibit the reconstruction. In this case a charge for the service lateral inspection and preparation for reconstruction will apply. n. Trenchless Pipe Reconstruction System - SanitaaMains, The installation of a resin impregnated, cured -in -place pipe by extornal heat source within the existing sewer main. I I B. SANITARY MANHOLE REHABILITATION L Method I — Manhole Surfacing (spraywall) — Urthane Spraywall a. Mobilization L.S. b. Liner Thickness W' (13 nun) per vertical 1 (25 mm) 00 foot (vf) per vf C. Bench In�vert Repair ASO per Manhole' (mh) Injection Grouting C110, Manhole Depth 0' to 51V per mh Manhole Depth 5'1 "to 10'0" t er mh �;065: , P Manhole Depth 10'1'.'to 15'0" -TOC) ou! per mh Manhole Depth 15'1" to 20'0" co per mh Manhole De0h 20' and over oc:� per mh e. Manhole Clean/Jet-Vac CC) per mh f. Removal of Existing Liner per vf 2. Method 2 — Manhole Surfacing (spraywall) — Aquatapoxy 405 a. Mobilization L.S. b. Liner Thickness Y2 (13 riarn) 15' (25 nun) C. Bench Invert Repair d. Injection Grouting Manhole Depth 0' to 5'0" Manhole Depth 5'1, to 10'0" Manhole Depth 1 O'l " to 15'0" Manhole Depth 15'1 " to 20'0" Manhole Depth 20' and over -per vf per Vf per mh per mh per mh per mh per mh' per mh 12 e. Manhole Clean/Jet Vac f. Removal of Existing Liner per mh per vf 3. Method 3 — Manhole Surfacing � Protective Liner System a. Mobilization L.S. b.- Liner Thickness Wr'(13 mm) 1" (25 mm) C. Bench / Invert Repair d. Injection Grouting Manhole Depth 0' to 5'0" Manhole Depth 5'l "to 10'0" Manhole Depth I O'l �y to 15 IV .Manhole Depth 15'l "to 20'0" Manhole Depth 20' and over per v per vf per mh per rnh per-mh perrnh ,per inh per inh e. Manhole Clean Jet -Vac ?L per Mh f Removal of Existing Liner per vf 5. Explanation of Terms — Sanitary Manhole Rehabilitation a. Bench / Invert Repair - Repairs made to the bench and invert area of the manhole. b. Injection Groutin - placement of grout curtain around the manhole extetior via drilled access points in the manhole wall. Grout to be used - acrylate chemical grout AC400 or Avanti AV/1 18. Mobilization - travel costs incurred in transporting equipment and personnel to the jobsite from the nearest base of operation. d. En k—es - shown per vertical foot (vf) are, for 48" diameter manholes, for 60" diameter multiply price by 1.25. Larger diameter manholes will be priced by the square foot by dividing the vertical foot price by 12.56. This will also apply for irregular shapes. 13 1C. SEWER LINE CLEANING AND INSPECTION 1. Sewer Line Cleaning a.. Mobilization b. T raffic -Control c. Traffic Control d. Light Cleaning 6`1 to 12" Diameter 14" to 18" Diameter 20" to 24" Diameter, 27" to 42" Diameter e. Medium Cleaning 61, to 12" Diameter 140'to 18" Diameter 20"' to 24" Diameter 27" to 42" Diameter f. Heavy Cleaning 6" to 12" Diameter to 18" Diameter 20" to 24" Diameter 27" to 42" Diameter 9. Root Removal 6" to 12" Diameter 14" to 18" Diameter 20" to.24" Diameter 27" to 42" Diameter h. Tuberculation. 6" to 12" Diameter 14" to 18" Diameter 20" -to 24" Diameter 27" to 42" Diameter i. Easement Access 6". to 12" Diameter 14" to 18" Diameter 20" to 24" Diameter 27"' to 42" Diameter Lift Station clean/Jet-vac. k. Manhole clean/Jet-vac I,Q:�Iumpsum 7,Z per ay &� d 17�;�Der we o q,.) Per If LAD per If :Z.Z:S per If 131 per If 40 per If per If' 44 per If per If per If -3 T per If g7 Z1 per If per if 2 per If per If per If per If per If zse? per If ?B per If .3s,� per If per If per If ,7 7, 1'--. per If per If per cu yd per mb- 14, 2. By -Pass Pumping a. 8" - 36" Diameters 8"Sewer Flow 10" Sewer Flow 12" Sewer Flow 15" Sewer Flow 18" Sewer Flow 20" Sewer Flow 24" Sewer Flow 30" Sewer Flow 36" Sewer Flow b. Pump Set -Up 493 Pump 692 Pump 8 $9 Pump 10 $1 Pump 1292pump C. Pump Operation (per hour per pump) 422.Pump 69' Pump 893, Pump I O'� Pump 12" Pump 3. TV Inspection - Sewer Lateral a. Lateral Inspection b. Additional Lateral Inspection 4. TV Pipe Inspection (< 10,000 If) a. Mobilization b. Traffic Control C. Traffic Control d. 6"' to 12" Diameter e. 14" to 18" Diameter f. 20" to 24" Diameter 9. 27" to 42" Diameter 0' to 30' > 30' per If perlf per If per If ao per If per If -2-.8pper If ?>.3S per If -3. per If each 8B each ":k- --%Ul each -Z-I<'—each each 1Z 44-S Z co per hour per hour J C%IP .2��Per hour V'76 er hour :ZZ !��—per hour 0-t? each per If 17-cc�-lump sum per day v:IJ per -week 06N per If per If per If per If Si 5. TV Pipe Inspection (> 10,000 If) a. Mobilization ump sum b. Traffic Control 2-2-C.—per day C. Traffic Control 1-2Zp'ei wiek d. -6" to 12" Diameter per If e. 14", to IV Diameter. 1.44:) per If f 20" to 24" Diameter j', LD per If 27" to 42" Diameter 25D per If 6. Manhole Inspection -75- each 7. Smoke Testing per If 8. Additional Set -Up lump sum 9. Explanation of Terms — gewer Line Cleaning and hispection a. Additional Set U 2 - The charge for the termination of the TV Inspection in a section of pipe due to a blockage, and the re-entfy of the camera from opposite direction. The footage actually televised wopld be charged Mi addition to Set Up. b. Cleanin s Ligbt Cleanin The removal bf 1/4 diameter or less of sand and/or debris from a section of pipe. The removal ofroots and/or tuberculation. would be considered a separate line item. Medium Cleaniny, - The removal of 1/4 to Y2diaineters of sand and/or debris from a section of pipe. The removal of roots and/or tuberculation. would be considered a separate line item. H SaM Cleanin - The removal of greater than V2diarneter of sand and/or debris from a section of pipe. The removal of roots and/or tuberculation would be considered a separate- line item. c. Lateral Inspection - Televised inspection of a service connection via an existing clean -out. Payment is a lump sum for footage up to 30 linear foot. Additional footage would be charged at the applicable rate. d. Manhole Ingmtion - The televised inspection of the manhole interior,- noting any deficiencies. e. Mobilization - The travel charges incurred in transporting equipment and . personnel to or from the jobsite to the nearest base of operation. r 16 Smoke Tesfing - The introduction of a smoke producing device into'a section of pipe for the purpose of determining sources of exfiltration or cross - connections. g, Traffic -Control -The additional charge incurred for placing.triffic control personnel or devices in areas deemed unsafe. This does not cover the placement of standard traffic cones h. TV Ingpection - The televised inspection of the pipe interior using remote controlled video equipment. Payment is by the linear feet of travel within the pipe. TV inspection does not include any cleaning except for the use ofwater jet or camera transport. The unit price varies aecording to. the pipe diameter. Written inspection reports and video are required for each TV inspection performed, 17 MANATEE COUNTY PURCHASING Mail Invoice To: CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MANATEE COUNTY FINANCE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1000 BRADENTON, FL 34206-1000 SEND SEPARATE INVOICES FOR EACH SHIPMENT 'PURCHASE ORDER NO.:P5@00067 I PAGE: Page I of I ORDERVATE: 10/05/04 D TE REQUIRED: 10/01/04 11r.mmb: Nt 1 Wj SHIP VIA: BESTWAY F.O;B.: DESTINATION CONFIRMED TO: Robert Boyer VENDOR SHIP TO (904) 262�5802 S0999 INSITUFORN TECHNOLOGIES INC VARIOUS LOCATIONS PO BOX 41629 PER EACH RELEASE ORDER JACKSONVILLE, FL 32203 -IT-EM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION sted by: UNITPRICE___j TOTALPRICE .0 EA Blanket Purchase Order'for Sanitary Sewer; 0.00, Storm.Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services on an as required basis. from 10/05/04 09/30/05 for va . rious Manatee Coun ' ty Departments per the.- terms,. conditions .and speciflications of RFP #04-3794FL, and at the unit pricing,attached. This Blanket Purchase Order may be canceled at any time by the Manatee Cdunty Purchasing Division or, it may be renewed for 12 month intervals thru-09/30/00. 59li-00036997,999,000 BCC &PProved 10/5/04. Requisition #FO24159 TOTAL P-garpnce #. 04-3794FL Buyer: FRANK LA,MBERT.SON (941) 749-3042 everse Side For Terms and Conditions A PACKING LIST MUST ACCOMPANY EVERY SHIPMENT. pr ve FLORIDA SALES TAX.EXEMPT. CERT. NO. 51-02-027548-53 C. F.E.T EXEMPT CERT. NO. 59-78-ODS9 K. NO DEVIATION IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS OF THIS PURCHASE CONTRACT SHALL BE MADE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY MANATEE COUNTY PURCHASING. W05 AGENDA MEMORANDUM .Authorization to enter Into negotiations with each of the selected firms: Insituform Technologies, Inc., Jacksonville, FL; SO$ Construction, Miami, FL; Graley Mechanical, Inc., Fort Meyers, FL; and J.T.V. Construction, St. Petersburg, FL to provide specific Sanitary Sewer Line, Stormwater, and Manhole Rehabilitation Services; and Issue. subsequent Blanket Purchase Orders based on those negotiations. These services are provided on an as required basis. Ordinance 99-37, Purchasing Code Section 4-103. Solicitation Other Than Sealed Bids Manatee County uses rehabilitation and reconstruction services for its underground sewer, stormwater. lines and manholes located throughout the County. See Page'2. I AgGrida 101011MMrsdum Fom last revised: August 23,200,4 AGENDA MEMORANDUM (continued) Page 2 01, /07/04 — 08/23/04 the appropriate proposal procedures were followed. The Request For Proposal JFP) was broadcast to six hundred ninety (690) sewer line, stormwater line and manhole rehabilitation service firms, thirty seven (37) firms downloaded the RFP and eight (8) firms submitted proposals. The Selection Co mmittee consisted of Tim Hochuli, Project Management Department Frank Lambertson, Financial Management'Depart1rrient. Bob Lyons, Utility Operations Department * The Request For Proposal allows for the selections of multiple service providers. 'rho Selection Committee convened on 8/23/04 and selected the following firms to provide the required services: Method 1 - Trenchless Pipe Reconstrudon System Ranked #1, Insituform Technologies, Inc., Jacksonville, FL — The proposer was determined to best meet the needs of the County. Of particular importance are: past performance, work crews located in Tampa, FL; proposed pricing; and a demonstrated understanding to work with the County in performing trenchless pipe reconstruction services. ,Y,�—�nked #2, S.O.S. Construction, Miami, FL — The proposer submitted a satisfactory proposal Adressing its successful record of performance, proven procedures for work to be provided and competitive pricing. Method 2 - Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation Ranked #1, S.O.S. Construction, Miami, FL — The proposer addressed the requirements of the RFP and demonstrated the ability to provide these services to the County at, a perceived lower cost than the s6cond ranked firm. Ranked,#2, J.T.V. Construction, St. Petersburg, FL — The proposer demonstrated experience in its ability to provide sanitary sewer line rehabilitation and has successfully provided services to Manatee County previously. Storm Water Trenchless Pil2e Reconstruction System Ranked #1, Insituform Technologies Inc., Jacksonville, FL — The proposer was determined to best meet the needs of the County. Of particular importance are: past performance; work crews located in Tampa, FL; proposed pricing; and a demonstrated understanding to work with the County in performing trenchiess pipe reconstruction services. Ranked #2, S.O.S. Construction, Miami, FL — The proposer submitted a satisfactory proposal ldressing its successful record of performance, proven procedures for work to be-. provided and 1�mpetitive pricing. AGENDA MEMORANDUM (continued) Page 3 .iethod I -- Manhole Surfacing — Urethane Sl2raywall Ranked #1, Insituform Technologies Inc., Jacksonville, FL — The proposer was determined to best meet the needs of the County. Of particular importance are: past performance; work crews located in Tampa, FL; proposed pricing;. and a demonstrated understanding to work with the County In performing manhole surfacing services. Method 2 --� Manhole Surfacing — Aqu t (Y 405 ampo Ranked #1, Graley Mechanical, Inc., Fort Meyers, FL — The proposer was the only firm to submit a proposal for this required service. The response to the RFP was adequate and the firm is able to meet the County requirements.' Method 3 — Manhole Surfacing — Protective Liner System Ranked #1, J.T.V. Construction, St. Petersburg, FL — The proposer wasthe only firm to submit a proposal for this required service. J.T.V. Construction has. previously. provided these services and the County is satisfied with their performance. The remaining respondents were not considered for award: American Water Services, Clearwater, FL ��llas I Construction', Thonotosassa, FL tj6ly-Triplex Technologies, Inc., Fort Meyers-, FL Specific Rehabilitation Co., Oldsmar, FL Although well qualified, these firms were not considered based on a comparison of experience in providing sewer line, stormwater and manhole rehabilitation services. Firms providing sanitary sewer line, stormwater and manhole rehabilitation services will also provide the following services as required: TV pipe inspection; pipe cleaning and root removal; by-pass pumping; easement access; and traffic control. .p 0—m" 0 C) 010 0 C3 0 0 C) C, a C,�3- 8 a C4 04 U) (3) M C3 I P- Go X 4D to 2 0) W5 QD CD (0 0 1, to co (D 0) ca cd Cq co 60 00 0 a '0 cb� (no C� co C! C) C� C� qzv CD C) CD C:) 0 0 Cb C3 C4 0; V: CO' 04 'S co 0, V) 0 40p, Ak va, so), V). C> 0 q 0 q CD q ic) q C) q CO C! CD q C) C! C) q Cp 9 C3 C! C� CI q C) q co C) C) (D CI 0 C) CD 0 0 C) C) 0 C) 0 C> C> CD 0 qI tO co C., C) 't Cq to -W Lr) U) I-- 0 4m U.) Lr) (0 t-- '0 G> w 1"- .00 c) OD 0 OD 1': OD 0; 00 . m 0) . 'i 4D r- 0 c, 4 (D Q �r 01 *v V), 61� 643� *9 613, 40 6% 64:� V% 0), 6% 69 61.� WD. 40), 611� 649, 6c�- 4& 60:� 61� to) 6s� 6% 643, 4Q 4.1 4-1 !tj 4-4 1� 4. 141 !tj 4 _I 41 4� lt� 4:1 !ti !�.4 !t! P, C14 04 CL, CL 0 Gn rdn m CN cn CA en C"% n "CN -4 2 w! V) cq t- P� c! c! cn Ul cn �� %.-I TY) In V� V2 r6 Ln W W V) 4) U2 0 CO) U3 ID 0 0 u W5 A En w 'n w CO 0 W v 0 4) E-6 Q 0 78 po 0 0 z Ell 0 14 z o 9 0 z C� C! Iq ;q In r C, tn Ic) 2: tn CD c; ;.f v C� C4 C�Iv-qj -., n 0) c cu CL I A ---------- Q 2 R C) Cl g0 6 C� Iq Co 0 40% cz Q C� a 20 Q C3. 0 vz 0 Q 0 Q Cl C� C) C> 0 0 C) 0 C) q 0 Cl C) Cl C) C) C) q 0 C� 0 C) C> (D (ft) C) CD C> C) 0 CD C3 it) . to . C� I to . (D U) . to . C) . Cl Cl Lf) C) 0 Co CDO ol 9 C� C; C5 C3 Cq C14 04 M M ce) Nr It to Ln 0 0 0 Cl n CD Cl V% 64 05- el), Q% OIL Cq 't N rl;. Cq Cl C6 CO v)- CD N C4 C� M vl� Iff to tol) xi aj Ito, 10 9 8 tv m ?4 sn' W G V 10 0 w 0 cl cv tn cn 0% Iq t— Irr cn " Cps \0 C> t-- rn r6 A .9 'q -0 Jq A �4 Jq 2 rd o z C, z z Zo z s cl In C! 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V- 614, 609� C14 69 0 U) 0 613, C; 0 to 40% V), 650 %- 0 C�' . C� . 0 C! Cl a 0 CR C) 00 0 C., CD q n q 0 lo� 0 Nt C> q C5 9 0 ";t 0 q 99 6% C� Ck c'! LO M N 0 to V). 61), " 6% 1 0 m to 0 C) 0 C3 03, V), 0% N 64> 0 r- a 60, 0 GO V- 6r� . MY cq cv QIY Cl CD 0 C� CD In Ct 0 q CD U� q q LQ Q q CD q C, Iq Q q 0 W� >: 'i 6 CS N 60% N 40 0 w CD to CD V* 6130 N 4011Y N 6% co w cl 04 t- 51 4-4 4_1 4� _4� Z 0 CD C, Ci 0, co 0 0 0 t, Jb -4= 0 0 co 00 .qr C-4 13E, 0 CIA :P P 9 .8 q C= .2 0 C4 o ­r o - %.0 �t 6 - - 191 , I — . " . N . " [I E-4 . IC cl I C14 MANATEE COUNTY GOVERNMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) #04-3794FL FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE AND MAN14OLE REHABILITATION Submitted BY: INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P.O. Box 41629 Jacksonville, FL 32203-1629 (904) 262-5802 insituform Technologie 'Inc. S, March 24, 2005 workwds P009 11511 Phillips Hwy. S. Refsa&fitsfim Jacksorwille, Fl. 32M Mr. Scoff London Water / Wastewater Superintendent City of Tamarac, FL Utilities Dept Division 6001 N Nob Hill Rd Tamarac, FL 33321-6200 Tel: (904) 262-5802 Far (904) 292-3198 (800) U$m www.insWorm.com "EXHIBIT 3" TR #10683 Re: Piggyback Existing Insituform Technologies@, Manatee County Contract. Dear Mr. London, Insituform Technologies is pleased to offer the existing Manatee County Contract (RFP #04-3794FL) October 1, 2004 until September 30, 2005, for sanitary sewer lining in the City of Tamarac. All prices, terms and conditions as stated in the contract will exist between The City of Tamarac and Insituform Technologies 0 Inc. We look forward to renewing our working relationship with the City of Tamarac. If you have any questions or need further information please call me at (904) 237-3426 Best reaards, Ted Hotchkiss Area Account Manager Page I of 2 Keith Glatz From- frank. la mbertson@co. manatee. fl. us Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:16 PIVI To: Keith Glatz Cc: Scott London Subject: Re: Request to Piggyback Manatee County RFP 04-3794FL, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services Keith: Permission to piggyback off the Manatee County / Insituform Technologies, Inc,, Agreement for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services as detailed in RFP 04-2794FL is herein provided. Frank G, Lambertson, Contracts Negotiator Manatee County Government, Purchasing Division frank. lambertson@co, manatee.fl. us "Keith Glabe' <kelthg@tamarac.org> TO ,Frank. lambertson@co. manatee.fl. us> 03/28/2005 03:54 PM CC ..Scott London" <scottl@tamarac.org> SubJect Request to Piggyback Manatee County RFP 04-3794FL, Sanitary Sewer. Storm Sower and Manhole Rehabilitation Services Frank, Per our discussion earlier today, the City of Tamarac is requesting your permission to piggyback your current Agreement with Insituform Technologies, Inc., for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Services, as detailed in your RFP 04-2794FL. The City of Tamarac has successfully piggybacked off of your Agreement in past years, and we have been very satisfied with the work pr ovided by Insituform. If you are agreeable to our request, please acknowledge your acceptance by returning an e-mail response. if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks. 12=11 Keith K. Glatz, CPPO Purchasing & Contracts Manager City of Tamarac, Florida (954) 724-1322 (voice) (954) 724-2408 (fax) keithg@tamarac.org 3/29/2005 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Gonitmcts Division . . . ............ .. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONTRACT NUMBER USMYI-A THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 2-1 —dayof-AIL-11—,2005by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principal offices located at 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "CITY") and Insituform Technologies, Inc., a Florida corporation with principal offices located at 11511 Phillips Highway South, Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (the "CONTRACTOR") to provide for Cured -in -Place Pipe Lining Repairs to the City of Tamarac Wastewater Collection System Infiltration & Inflow Project No. USMY1. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the CITY and CONTRACTOR agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents The contract documents consist of this Agreement, conditions of the contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions of Manatee County Contract (RFP #04- 3794FL), drawings, specifications, all addenda issued prior to, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. Upon execution of this Agreement, all references made to Manatee County Contract (RFP #04-3794FL) shall be interpreted as pertaining to Tamarac, and all terms and conditions of the Manatee County Contract (RFP #04-3794FL) shall be deemed as having been implemented for use within the City of Tamarac. It is understood that wherever the words "County" appears, it shall be read as "City of Tamarac." 2) The Work The CONTRACTOR shall perform all work for the CITY required by the contract documents as set forth below: a) CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and everything necessary to perform, and shall perform, in accordance with the provisions of the CONTRACT and the terms of the Agreement, the Contract known and identified as "Cured -in -Place Pipe Lining Repairs, Contract No. USMY1 -A" and shall do everything required by this Agreement, the Proposal, the General Terms and Conditions, the Supplemental General Conditions and Specifications. b) CONTRACTOR shall clean up and remove each day all debris and material created by the work at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. c) CONTRACTOR shall supervise the work force to ensure that all workers conduct themselves and perform their work in a safe and professional manner. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all OSHA safety rules and regulations in the operation of equipment and in the performance of the work. CONTRACTOR shall at all times have a competent field supervisor on the job site to enforce these policies and procedures at the CONTRACTOR's expense. City of Tammtmc, vurci.l"M, y & CoWr,�ict�,, Divisioi? . . . ......... ___ e____ __ . . .. ........ d) All equipment must be stored in a safe manner when not in operation. The CITY shall not be responsible for damage to any equipment or personal injuries caused by the CONTRACTOR's failure to safely store equipment. e) CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with seventy-two (72) hours written notice prior to the beginning of work under this Agreement and prior to any schedule change with the exception of changes caused by inclement weather. f) CONTRACTOR shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance CONTRACTOR shall obtain at CONTRACTOR's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as required by the City's Risk and Safety Manager before beginning work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the CITY, including Professional Liability when appropriate. CONTRACTOR shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall provide to the City's Risk and Safety Manager certificates of all insurances required under this. section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold the CITY harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the CONTRACTOR to take out and maintain such insurance. CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the CITY as an additional insured. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles and self-insurance retentions on CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance policies. 4) Bonds Execution of this Agreement shall include the CONTRACTOR depositing with the CITY a Performance Bond providing for all the satisfactory completion of the work and a Payment Bond providing for payment of all persons performing labor in connection with this Agreement. Each of these bonds shall be in the amount of 100% of the contract amount. A Maintenance Bond in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Final Contract Price shall be required upon completion of construction guaranteeing the repair of all damages due to improper materials or workmanship for a period of one year after the final acceptance of work. 5) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The term of this Agreement is for a period beginning the first day following execution by the CITY and ending on September 30, 2005. Upon expiration of the term, the parties may choose to terminate this Agreement, or exercise the renewal option pursuant to the terms and conditions of the original Agreement. Such renewal shall be in writing signed by the parties hereto for a term to be set in the renewal Agreement. City of Tamatac Purchasing& Contracis Division 6) Contract Sum This Contract Sum for the above work is to be determined by the cost of labor and materials for the Work Tasks assigned to the CONTRACTOR. The assigned Work Tasks shall be paid in accordance with the Bid Schedule, which is taken from the Manatee County Contract for Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR as just compensation for the performance of this Agreement, subject to any additions or deductions as provided in this Agreement and the Manatee County Contract for Sanitary Sewer Linei Rehabilitation. BID SCHEDULE OF VALUES FOR WORK TASK TASK ITEM DESCRIPTION OF (BIPJ UNITS UNIT PRICE QUANITIES* ITEM la LINER 8"DIA. 6.0 MM LF $22-00 lb LINER I OVIA. 6.0 MM LF $26-00 1b LINER 10'DIA. 7.5 MM LF $27.00 Ic LINER 12" DIA. 6.0 MM LF $29.00 Ic LINER 12" DIA. 7.5 MM LF $30-00 6a BY-PASS PUMPING 8" DIA LF $15 6a BY-PASS PUMPING 10" DIA LF $.75 6f STANDARD SERVICE RECONNECTION EA 220.00 6g TRENCHLESS LATERAL RECONSTRUCTION (30 Fr.) EA $2,600-00 69 ADIMTIONAL FOOTAGE EA $80.00 NOTE: Quantities for this schedule of values will be assigned as WORK TASK and will depend on field conditions. *PER ASSIGNED WORK TASK 7) Payments The CITY shall pay in full the Contract Sum to the CONTRACTOR upon completion of the work listed in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement unless the parties agree otherwise. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR for work performed subject to the specifications of the job and subject to any additions and deductions by subsequent change order provided in the contract documents. City of Tamamc P01-ChaSM0 & C0t3t1_j1CtS DiViSiO0 8) Progress Retention The percentage of estimated value to be retained shall conform to the following schedule: 1. Retention for up to 10% of payments claimed. 2. When the project is substantially complete (operational or beneficial occupancy), the retained amount shall be reduced to 5% to assure completion of the Contract Work. The above retainages only apply when the CONTRACTOR's performance in the judgment of the Director of Utilities or his Designee, is considered satisfactory. When specific circumstances necessitate, a retainage of 10% will be applied at any time during the construction period regardless of the stage of completion of construction. No progress estimate need be made when, in the judgment of the Director of Utilities or his Designee, the total value of work done since the last estimate amounts to less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) as set forth under Payments in the Agreement. 10) Acceptance and Final Payment When the work provided for under this Agreement has been fully completed in accordance with the terms thereof, a final invoice showing the amount of such work shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR and filed with the CITY. The final invoice shall be accompanied by the required maintenance bond and by a certificate of acceptance issued by the CITY, and stating that the work has been fully completed to the Director of Utilities' or his Designee's satisfaction, in substantial compliance with this Agreement. From the final payment shall be retained all monies expended by the CITY, according to the terms of this Agreement and thereunder chargeable to the CONTRACTOR, all monies payable to the CITY as liquidated damages, and all deductions provided by this Agreement, Federal and State Laws, or governing regulations. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Director of Utilities'or his Designee's final acceptance by the CITY, the CITY will make a bona fide effort to pay the CONTRACTOR in the full amount of the Director of Utilities' or his Designee's final estimate. 11) Waiver of Liens Prior to payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subcontractors, and/or contractors who worked on the project that is the subject of this Agreement. 12) Warranty CONTRACTOR warrants the Cured -in Place Pipe Lining Repairs to the City of Tamarac Wastewater Collection System Infiltration & Inflow Reduction (Project No. US01A) against defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of work. In the event that defect occurs during this time, CONTRACTOR shall perform such steps required to repair and correct the affected areas of the work performed. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any damages caused by defect to affected area. Citv of Tamarac PLP-ChaS113q & Contract.s Division 13) Indemnification The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys'fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the CONTRACTOR or its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY or its elected or appointed officials and employees. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive CITY's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. 14) Non-Discrim Mation The CONTRACTOR agrees that it shall not discriminate against any of its employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all federal and State laws regarding non-d iscri m i nation. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all subcontracts hereunder except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. Any violation of such provisions shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. 15) Independent Contractor CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor under this Agreement. Personal services provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be by employees of the CONTRACTOR and subject to supervision by the CONTRACTOR, and not as officers, employees, or agents of the CITY. Personnel policies, tax responsibilities, social security and health insurance, employee benefits, purchasing policies and other similar administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of the CONTRACTOR. 16) Assignment and Subcontracting CONTRACTOR shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this Agreement without the prior consent of the CITY. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the CITY. 17) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the following addresses: 5 City of Tamatac & Coott'acts Division CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to City Attorney at the same address. CONTRACTOR Randy Hansbrough District Manager Insituform Technologies, Inc. 11511 Phillips Highway South Jacksonville, FL 32256 18) Termination This Agreement may be terminated by CITY or CONTRACTOR for cause or by the CITY for convenience, upon thirty (30) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the CONTRACTOR shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the CONTRACTOR abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the CITY against loss pertaining to this termination. Default by CONTRACTOR: In addition to all other remedies available to the CITY, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the CITY should the CONTRACTOR neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by CONTRACTOR of written notice of such neglect or failure. 19) Agreement Subject to Funding This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 20)Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this Agreement is fixed in Broward County, Florida. 21) Signatory Authority The CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for CONTRACTOR has the authority to enter into this AGREEMENT. 6 City of Tamarac, . ......... Purchas'iou Division . ... ....... 18) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in anyjurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 19) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the CONTRACTOR and the CITY, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the CONTRACTOR and the CITY. C4 of Tcmiarac E:i14 Purchasiny Divisioo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have made and executed this Amendment to Agreement on the respective dates under each signature, the City of Tamarac signing through its City Manager and its City Commission signing by and through its Mayor, Joe Schreiber, and Insituform Technologies, Inc., signing by and through its District Manage , duly authorized to execute same. CITY OF TAMARAC Schreiber, Mayor Ayo r a Q o Elate ATTEST: JeffireyY MiAr, City Manager ')'k -A A�, r e Marion Swenson,"CMC City Clerk //A Date ATTE T: T j (00'�t (Corporat6 Secretary) Richard T. Howton Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy. (CORPORATE SEAL) .... . ...... A]EV%,4UJEW:�-�VL NEM Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: i torney Date Insituform Technologies, Inc. C�m any;ma, ature' of Distirl'ct Man 14K James R. Hansbrough Type/Print Name of District Manager Date q - 1 L4 -C) 5 City of T-Omarac . .. ..... .... ... 1'1-11-Ch�lSiOgDivislon CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA :SS COUNTY OF ()L�\) a -A I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized in the Sate aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared James R. Hansbrough, District Manager of Insituform Technologies, Inc., a Florida Corporation, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he/she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 1q+11 day of &-12 r 1 1 2005. 0 n sum a HERRMANN MY COMMISSION # DD 1013M EXPIRES: July 18,2006 8=WThwN0VnPW3kUnc1erwrftam Signature of Notary Public State of Florida at Large u 7xL4q C-7. H err " n n Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally known to me or F-1 Produced Identification Type of I.D. Produced El DID take an oath, or ER DID NOT take an oath. INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly elected and qualified Secretary of Insituform Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation") qualified as a foreign corporation to do business, among others, in the States of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the following is a true and correct excerpt froni the By-laws of the Corporation: The officers of the Corporation shall be a Chairman of the Board, a Chief Executive Officer, a President, one or more Vice Presidents and a Secretary, each of whom shall be elected by the Board. The Board may also elect a Vice Chairman of the Board. The Chief Executive Officer may also hold the position of Chairman of the Board and/or President. Vice Presidents may be given distinctive designations such as Executive Vice President, Group Vice President, Senior Vice President or any similar designation. The Board may elect or appoint such other officers (including a Treasurer), assistant officers and agents as it may deem necessary who shall hold their offices for such terms and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board. In connection with the election of any officer of the Corporation, the Board may determine that such officer, in addition to the title of the office to which such officer is elected, shall have a further title as the Board may designate, such as Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer or General Counsel, and the Board may prescribe powers to be exercised and duties to be performed by any such officer to whom any such additional title of office is given in addition to those powers and duties provided for by these By-laws for such office. In addition, the Chief Executive Officer and/or the President may fi7om time to time appoint such officers of operating divisions, and such contracting and attesting officers, of the Corporation as the Chief Executive Officer and/or President may deem proper, who shall have such authority, subject to the control of the Board, as the Chief Executive Officer and/or President may from time to time prescribe. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chief Executive OfFicer and President of the Corporation has, pursuant to the above authority, duly appointed James R Ihnsbrough to the position of District Manager and Contracting & Attesting Officer of the Corporation, and the foregoing has been fully authorized and empowered by the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Corporation "(i) to cer* and to attest the signature of any officer of the Corporation, (ii) to enter into and to bind the Corporation to perform pipeline rehabilitation activities of the Corporation and all matters related thereto, including the maintenance of one or more offices and facilities of the Corporation, (iii) to execute and to deliver documents on behalf of the Corporation and (iv) to take such other action as is or may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the projects, activities and work of the Corporation." 2005. IN WrTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my name as Secretary, this 13th day of April InsitU6 rm Technologies, Inc. By:775�-, '6qWd F. Morris Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary LAA� & Certs\Updaed Cont Ofer Appts-Smy Cert(Imms R_ Hatisbrough)041305.doc