HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-96-1681 I-] Temp. Reso. # 7472 Page 1 7/1/96 Revised 7/8/96 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-96I�9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN HERBICIDES AND ADDITIVES FROM FUTURE HORIZONS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,700 PURSUANT TO BID #95-20 (EXHIBIT "A") AND THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN OTHER HERBICIDES AND ADDITIVES FROM HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,100 PURSUANT TO SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BID #96-0082 (EXHIBIT "B") FOR A TOTAL OF $75,800, WITH FUNDING FROM THE STORMWATER FUND; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Stormwater Utility Division desires to purchase herbicides and additives for waterway and right of way for plant control; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac advertised a Bid Proposal for herbicides and additives; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Stormwater Utility Division desires to purchase Aquashade and Cutrine Plus from the low bidder, Future Horizons, Inc., in the amount of $34,700 utilizing Tamarac Bid #95-20; and WHEREAS, also, the City Code §6-155 allows the Purchasing Officer the authority to join with other units of government in cooperative purchasing when the best interest of the City would be served; and Temp. Reso. # 7472 Page 2 7/1 /96 Revised 7/8/96 WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Stormwater Utility Division desires to purchase Aquathol Granular, Anti -Foaming Agent, Garlon 4, Hydrothol, Rodeo, Kammo, and Weedar from the low bidder, Helena Chemical Company, Inc.; in the amount of $41,100 utilizing South Florida Water Management District Bid #96-0082; and WHEREAS, these herbicides and additives are needed for aquatic weed control in the City of Tamarac waterways and for right-of-way plant control; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Director and City Engineer recommend the purchase of herbicides and additives from Future Horizons, Inc. and Helena Chemical Company, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to purchase herbicides and additives from Future Horizons, Inc. and Helena Chemical Company, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase certain herbicides and additives from Future Horizons, Inc. in the amount of $34,700 pursuant to Tamarac Bid #95-20 (Exhibit "A"). 1 Temp. Reso. # 7472 Page 3 7/1 /96 Revised 7/8/96 SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase certain herbicides and additives from Helena Chemical Company, Inc. in the amount of $41,100 pursuant to South Florida Water Management District Bid #96-0082 (Exhibit "B") SECTION 4: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 0�14/ ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK day of `J t//Y 1996. NORMAN .--. ; 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that I appfi ved this Rf-SOLUTION as to form. MITCHELL S. KF CITY ATTORN GS/mb Agenda Mtg. 7/24/96 1 1 Temp. Reso. # 7472 Page 4 7/1/96 Revised 7/8/96 RECORD OF COMMISSION MAYOR DIST 1:, DIST 2: DIST 3: DIST 4: I* I 0 NNo W sn�a0 G)� ap G�© Umi� G)� cmn0c G)0c 0 0M G)M ccnnm G)p� w>0 I � a 0 0 0 r r y m rna (r r G7 T. 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W NN � W► Nc N( N0 Ny A� �N avao �O WCn >Cn NC Y� N> Nn N 17Nro ,�C c Z ..-0 G)Z r0 Gin G)� o> o `.� �Z T-10 m > > � A m 0 �� � y m `1 0 C 00 ro ro r u' ° m `�z x c m� mr7c = � m � rn m v� r � © Cl) — 3 mn fV m M C7 v m cn a z v a v v N (q N y► N y� N �+ n a wvy n° (D c cnO N can � o a a a m a m c cn o a a m ii �to �,6+(0W 0 CD � a m con m w co co w zm m m W m 0 0 Cn A lcn w l 4co 01 w m oa �;o zm '=I m Orn z a r� oc NC O;o zm cn m M m nn r • lu � 0 -- w aoa� N� y CO >Z >z rC _ �^a0 �. An vz _n r© ' cn 1 m mn �. w X -i m m v m 2 w m C) M GC Ip n W c w 0 w coo N Glf a A � O G1 �W N a w n w a -, a o c o a o w fn w H w 4A v C v o N U O CAC v m a z v a v v C CA m Zm im O;a z a r =m OC W r1 C oz zm 0) 111301,9,4 id 96-0082 Legend: NB = No Bid South Florida Water Management District arious Herbicides/Additives BOLD = award Exhibit 'B" Temp Reso #7472 DER HELENA TERRA ASGROW BREWER INTL U H S 171MBERLAND ENT LESCO #8798-A #2106-8 #701-A 915093-A #24707-A #6177-G Delivery 1-day 3-days 5-days 3-days 7-days Terms (net 30d) (net 30d) (net 30d) (net 30d) 5-days (net 30 (net 30) ESCRIP71ON 1. 2.4-D (aquatic) 9.65/gal 10.41/gal NB 10.20/gal 10.64/gal NB (30 gal) Weedar 64 Amine4 CleanCrop Riverdale 2. 2.4-D (aquatic) 9 75/gal 10.68/gal NB 10.36/gal 10.84/gal NB (2-1./2 gal) Weedar 64 Arnine4 CleanCrop Riverdale 3. Garlon 3A 58.00/gal 62.40/gal NB NB 58.95/gal NB aquatic) (1-1/2 Val) 4. Garlon 4 72.80/gal 74.15/gat NB NB 74.15/gal NB (aquatic) 2-1/2 gal) 5. Reward (Diquat) 74.95/gal 74.98/gal N/B 74.40/gal N/B NIB (2-1/2 gal) 6. Reward (Diquat) 74.95/gal 74.98/gai NB 74.40/gal NB NB (110 gal) 7.AquatholK 36.25/gal 37.32/gal NB 36.98/ga! 37.25/gal NIB 112 gal) AquatholK 35.75/gal 36.79/gal NB 36.48/gat 37.00/gal NB (30ga1) 9. Hydrothol 191 38.50/gal 39.64/gal NB 39.28/gal 40.21/gal NB (2-1/2 gal) 10. Hydrothol 191 3$.25/gal 39.38/gal NB 39.00/gal 39.75/gal N/B (30 gal) 11. Sonar AS I I I8.00/gal 1118.009al NB NB NB NB (1 gal) 12. Sonar P 15.95/0 15.95# NB NB NB NB (40#) 13. Rodeo 93.39/gal 97.39/gal NIB 93.58/gat 95.29/gal NB (2-1/2 gal) 14. Rodeo 84.75/gal 89.15/gal NB 85.60/gal 87.29/gal NB (30 gal) 15. Roundup 47.15/gal 47.75/gal NB 46.50/gal 47.15/gal 49.60/Gal (2-1/2 gal) 16. Campaign 24.40/gal NB NB NBE 24.95/gal NB (2.1/2 gal) 17.Oust 159.20/# 159.20/# NB N/B 159.20/# NB (39 jug) 168,,Horizon NB NB NB NB NB NB-1/2 gal) 19. Escort 143.60/8ax 143.60/8oz NB NB 143.60/8oz N/$ (8 oz.) -- South Florida Water Management District d2 Exhibit "B" Temp Reso #7472 HELENA TERRA ASGROW BREWER DrPL U H S TEMBERLAND ENT LESCO Plateau 230.40 /gal NB NB NB NB NB gal) Aquathol 1.49 # 1.54# NIB 1.55/# 1.60/# NIB 40#) 22.Hydrothol 191 1.59 # 1.64# NB 1.65/# 1.70/# NB (40#) 23. Arsenal 209 92/gal 209.92/gal NB NB NB NB (2.1/2 gal) 24.Arsenal 204.80/gal 204.80/gal NB NB NB N/B (30 gal) 25. 2,4-0 Granular. 1.40/# 1.3897# NIB 1.51 /# 1.54/# N/B (50#) 26. Spreader 9.50/gal 10.49/gal 12.00/gal 13.00/gal al NB 1 gal) Induce Activatc+ Bigs"90 x-77 -7 Big Sur90 Big S 27. Inverting Oil. NB 8.84/gal 10.90/gal NB 11.29/gal NB (5 gal) 1�vad rvod Pvod 28. Spreader 10.00/gal 11.90/gal 13.00/gal 12.50/gal 12.86/gal NB ctivator Kammo AD 100 CideKick CideKick CideKick (2-1/2 gal) Polymer NB 13.00 17.10/gal 12.50/gal 20.13/gal NB (2-1/2 gal) Corsair Polycontol Nalcontrol Polycontroi 4i29. . Polymer Sinking 14.25/gal NB 1Z.Z0/gal NB NBgent L13.00/gal Subeide Nalquatit (2-1/2 gal) 1. Antifoaming 3 Q0/pint 12.00/pint 3.99/pint 3.88/pint 4.20/pint 3.45/pint Agent (pint) 32. Silicone F31.001gal 35.92/gal 39.50/gal NB NB NBpreader etic Silken Silenergy (I gal) 3. Oil Carrier gal 6.85/ gal 6.10/gal N/B 6.25/gal NIB 11.25 gal) Pen i?enevator Diluent Blue JLB JLB + 4.Methyl Seed Oil N/B 10.90/gal 8.80/gal NB 8.42/gal NB Carrier MethOil Sunwet Sunwet (2-1/2 gal) S.MethylatedOil 34.00/gal 31.50/gal 23.75/gal NB 22.4$/gal NB Carrier Dynamic Rivet SunEnergy Sun -energy gy 2-1.2 gal) 6. Finale 47.50/gal 45.32/gal NB 51.00/gal NB NB (2-1/2 gal) 7. Pathfinder 11 28.80/gal 30.31/gal NB NIB 27.95/Gal N18 (2-1/7 gal)