HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-93-099Temp. Reso. 66522 2 3 4 S 6 7 23 24 25 26 27 2! 29 30 32 '!1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-93- A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF SIX (6) VERTICAL ENGINEERING DRAWING FILES; BID 493-07; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, on Tuesday, July 27, 1993 and Tuesday, August 3, 1993; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on Friday, August 6, 1993; and WHEREAS, Repro Products, is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bid of Repro Products, for the purchase of six (6) vertical engineering drawing files at a cost of $2,780.00 each for a total of $16,680.00 is HEREBY APPROVED. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption.,h ASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 96 day of 1993. ATTEST: ATTEST: CAROL -A. EVANS CITY-`GLERK I HE�tEBY C RTIFY app;�bved js /91 to form. /f/J rL S . ATTC MAYOR I have DIST I. - ion as DIST.2: DiST. 4: nECOFm CAS C©UNM CITY OF TAMARAC j.• �11DDF I; . Fixed price bid. O Request for Proposal 93-•07 DID NO: (This I• not an order)BATE: . (All blanks must be filled In) pApE ND.: .U_of Z ITEM (S) R E Q U I R E D: _ Imo• FORMT VEFrICAL FILES FOR EMMEERIM DRAWINGS AND b USING ACTIVrTY ENGniEM= R. BCNAVIA �• buyer. Phone (] ![SIDS MUST SE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2:00 .m, 1OT1 Frida Au222t B 1992 Esstem Standard Time a Easlern Standard Daylight Savings 11me as applkabte, The official time &hall be as worded on !Recording Clock In the City Clerk'e Office. It will be the $Ph rseponslblllly of the bidder Clerk, to antura that this ptopossi machos the 01 City Of Tamarac On W afore closing hour and dale shown above, 'This Legal Advertisement, Invilation-la.ald, General Condlllons, Instructions to Bidders, Special Condlllon&, (ipec111uUons, Ad other pertinent document form a part of this, proposal and by ralsrsnce aro made a part hot &I A lluded itJS! AY LTATEbder c The blow signed bidder last: n^! diyutp.,+ !0. discussed Of compared his hid wllh other Skids with any other bidder pa►ionligg 10 s bid delivery whatsvoi. (NOTE: No premlumt, rebates or gratuttiss permlltod either with. prior Violation delivery of malerlall. Any wch vtotatlan will result fn the cancellation andlor return of maUrlals pas applicable) and the removal 11 TO THE PURCHASING OFFICLR OF THE CITY of TAMAW: WO), the below signed hereby spro , to furnish the lollaw(np•article al the prices) and lams staled subject to all Instructions conditions &peClfictllonl and all attaehmenit hsrslo. Wt(O Kara rand a Inc luding the spec IaC41Ions and fully understand what It roquired (9y�rubmltling by �igned this piopotal, we(l) ofliclslly accept a eaalr the City and such acceptance covers all the terms, conditions, and specifications of this proposal; and Y O raby &o►ee the available for audit to appropriate City Audilors any applks" ►uaine&s or 1lrwnatal reoords partirwnl to a ling tprder s1 s�oni All prices io be quoted F.O.B. Buyers Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the apptluble Ctfy a us Indlntl on the Pu FAILURE 70 OUOTE: 11 you do not quoit, please velum quotallon $heel, s1a111 mason thereon and uott that your name be r, mailing Iltt, olMrwiae, your name maybe ramored from put bid m&Iling list. may Bids Are fi m for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date ---.—.-,. ye 5 __� n 0- TERMS: % �, Days or by of !Month o a 1 on date of del � pP Y acceptance of mate, It awarded ALL rTEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF----_. Is, offered In addition to a2 terms offered above. DELiVEFiY: a= G9 �4_calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order cCityreserves the r( h delivery time as a vital Cons{deratlon when making or recommending g t to award), VARIANCES: stars any yarlations to speeificallom, larms anq/or conditions In this speet rX reference herein all yarlanetti eontalned on other 1 Proposal Form or In &ny bid Attachment, NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL THE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION BE DEEMED TO BE OR EXCEPTION iS LISTED WITHIN THE dip DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS Cr bOUND IN ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EX CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID. AND THE CITY h hOUND CONSIDERED ANY ALL PRICES OR LIMITATION NOY SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID D( WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FORTHE PERIOD INDICATED WITHINTHE BIDDOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDERTAKES SPECIFIC, THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS rwrsby Implied "I Yowl bid complist with the full aeopr of this Sid Invitalion COLUMN.If no atalarrtenl Is con4alned m M. If Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than prapasbr's address shown bet, complete the following: ��11 I.' 1 eurch a Ur r to: Mail payment o� Mail Sidi to: 4 A /I Telephone No-� >_- — W/Area Coda PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: • NAME (Printed): �f kTitle: "company: (E.apal A /Q1lsterod I1I�1 In FULL) kddress: _ // 1/ . - DLr ti IQ NATURE: `� rti-.�,� i L'`1�lephone No.: ze ATE- Indicate Which: Corporation: Enclosed Refersnoas Applicable to ProposN: Partnership: Mytts lion To BId — Ft fr►des of General Ptovltlons C44"I — F2 Individual: 4enersl Provisions — FZ Other: -ALA i1 (R&I&In one cagy 101 your Illas) BIDDERS NOTE: Both sides of this Form require signature. 40, X y 3 59 OF TAMARAC N.W. 88 Avenue • ,amarac. Florida 33321-2401 SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid Bid No 93-07 Date Page�_of�., All prices quoted F.OB. Tamartrc, Florida. Delivued and wdooded at applicable dry destination as indicated below. The allowing rpcda] conditions (if checked) apply to this bid. BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND:7u City shall require fiom all Bidders, a certified check or bid bond in the amount of live (5) percent of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event the Bidder to whom the business Is awarded. tthall fail or refuse tp comply with the specification of the bid. Checks will returned promptly to the unsuccessful Bidders after award of bid. F"um ter submit this bid bond with the bid Could cause rejection of the bid. PERFORM ANCE BONDS' The City shall prior to the execution of the con' twt, require the Bidder to furnish bonds covering the faithful perfotmanoc of the cawnt and the payment of all obligations arising Owunder in such form and amount as the City may presrn'be and with such nudes secured dough the Bidder's usual sources as may be atn=ble to the panics. If such . bonds are stipulated, the praniums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver bonds to the Ciry no later than the date of execution of the contract. QUANITTY DESCRUMON 5 Large format 'vertical spring cattpre Ulrich file system or approved equi Outside Dimensions --. letiver To: 43" x 31" x 35.5" 15 spring pockets with 4 rows of compression springs. Canvas webbing at bottom of each pocket to prevent curling. Double steel wall construction and 3/8 thick insulation for fire protection and lap joint construction at top to Prevent water damage. Counter balance top to prevent slanrdng of lid. Remo heavy duty ball bearing, full swivel solid steel casters. 60 Mylar reinfor, folders for each cabinet. standard finish. 4030 Putty, tt rxt�is EXTENDED PRICE �. d _ 0 company Name Ad BIDDERS NOTE: Hotly Sides of this form require signature It ;..� ) b rk. r,