HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-1828 9 D 3 5 Temp. Reso. #5845 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90- �gdZ A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS -WATER TREATMENT PLANT; BID NO. 90-13; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, on Friday, May 25, 1990 and Friday, June 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on Tuesday, June 5, 1990; and WHEREAS, General Electric Supply is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; SECTION 1: That the bid of General Electric Supply in the amount of $10,013.66 for Electrical/Electronic Components -Water Treatment Plant is HEREBY APPROVED, with funding to come from Account #425-363-533-464 titled TUW Repairs Machinery and Equipment. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption.LA-, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this // day of ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this Resolution as to form. A F INTERIM CtVy ATTORNEY ff 1990. RECORD OF COUNCIL. VOTE MAYOR- ABRAMOWITZ DISTRICT 1: C/M ROHR DISTRICT2: C/M SCHUMANN t21ZA4K,,L DISTRICT 3: _ V/M HOFFMAN DISTRICT4: _ __ C/M SENDER IC.' -7 0 - l ao1— QRIGI,N;,L C!' CITY OF TAMARAC Rk r :ed price bid AID ND. 90-13 ❑ Nequest for Proposal .VATS; June S, 2990 (AN blanks mutt ee filled In) (Thlt It, not an order) PAGE NO.: I of 7 ITEMS) REOUIRED: IMectronic carponents — %' btear Treatitient Plant USING ACTIVITY $;,later Treat meat Plant buyer. M. H. Vaill=t Phone (305) 722.59DO BIDS MUST BE SUBMFTTED ON OR BEFORE MENROMEMOMM�2290 1111111111111111111111111111-1111111 Pattern itClo k I Tyne it Eatfont Standard al'1+gM iavtnpt Thne •/ applicable The btficy) tlny *hall b• a$ r•t:aded on the Dafa'tr►r,e a ' 7rd�np Clock In the City Chrw'a Of11ce 11 will be 1111011111010 Cw,r. City of TaRwisc on a 601e16 t josing fuyw ondon# dal shown responsibility of the bidder to onaura that this proposal e•achas the Otrlce of the G,Ir Adw The Legal noni do when MnrltatlerFtp , an♦ral Condlllona, tnsirucllons to bidders, Special Cendillehs, «peC)fiCallgrls. Add•noumt, and any other prtinent doclirheht form • qrf of this Proposal and for n1•rrnu Bra n�Ade • P•►t Mr•ol, 90114,0006/LirdAsaDnr otnr. Tp,ao. a p4nia 1Ow p A bid wwhed atever NpTE r has tNo prim umdiscussed rib: is o�rafufu•a r M•Irvery Of rlrtAfoNah. An OorhParAO hie bid With o1hAr Wdde►s and hat not ny y such violation will result In the cancellation and/or return of ruisfisls ps appl►cAple) and IfN removrhitted either with, al from a p Lrs•ti TO THE PURCHASING OiFICER pF THE CRY OF TAMARAC: W(q, the below •Igh•d hereby agree to ft MIlIh the following snieia(s) or service;$) at the prlce(s) and forms stated Subject to all Instructions, conditions specifications, And all attachments herelo. Wall, have reap a 11 alt•chmanls lnctud'np the spedlrcAtipfy And furry ynderatand what la requn•d (!jIt eubtnitting this ofgned proposal, wa(I) olflclauy Accept • contract,approved er the Car and such acceptance covert all the form&, conditions and and specilications of this Proposal, and seep) ftsr•py •Ores that we will •sake •vallaa(e 1•r /wall l• apprO"Is City Audilora any applksblo bpelnata a Nnane4l e•aarde All prices to be quoted f.O.b by parflh int 1• a 19&ultln9 order of aerttract.) rAtsyllE TO OubT[:11 you qo no glrpt�,p ease return1►quotationaa•(Delivered1� �'he applicable and fogy, Ihalicated on the Purchase order 1 rh"Ina list' ol"larlse, your name May be removed Irom Our pip mailing 11&t. y� nsma be relalneo on our Bids are firm for aacccceptance within 60 days after bid opening date TERMS: —NE 1yBS"�na�----other. Days Or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) If awarded ALL ITEMS DID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF Is offered In addition to any terms offered above. �.,., LKLI delivery PRY: calendar days Biter receipt of Purchase Older (City reserves t! fight tp Cpngiper tlellrlry time aS a vital Consideration when making Or recommending award). VARIANCES:ieeleMr•e'NIIOn110epeC14kiA?I0t ierAjXCr.prcoNSa,tlnlMreCetrgrrerrrrner►M�iUalrveganerleM+lrinraenprne•orperto•r�.� e•DLC�I rp.T pr,n •nr Orp e1gLArgrnl NQ VAq�A710NS Oft ikCEPIIDN TrE a D idt1MIMD UNLESS tuC" VA11,ATION OA EXCEPTION IS Lt5TED WDIDDE14 WILL eE CONSIDEAEDOR WILL $ DEEMEOTO BE A 2#1 Ge tIPAAAIE prt ACCOMPANrING O0CUMEN7S Op IETTE AS WILL Of CONSIDE AE D AS INCLUDED WITH W A Z AND TEb alp AND Tr, N TI•rE aIb AOCuwENTi AND FIEfEpENtfb IN THiS CO.uwti tiD aOJNO IN ANC e/1ANNEn WDEAID S F, M ANA vAAIATIQN Oh Ell[IPTIQN Qp LIAAITATIQN NO7 SPECIfIGAl1 Y �15TED WITr,IN THE a D DD.uN ' B A:L AL10 S DLL aE CDNSIDEpEp j0N Wi FIN THE pERIQD INDICATED WITMINTaE BODOCUMENT E DiD WILL ND- 6E TnE AETp A00 that d SU ill cor EPiION n the owl? �E Oil) 0 UME NT5 AND 1aEFEREN O,oCED IN THIS C01U&ANL 11 no • SIerhem is Con neo In M I $sa: er I'I M !oI rT01N0 tM�l\roo� a�tr COnIpIM$ wllh the owl acooe OI DC AAA 47S A.pn f P.,rr•N■&.. n ir-•rmanl or a=uture bids are to be malte :omplt:te the following: d to Other than proposer'• addrass Shown below, please dell Purchase Order to: Mall Payment to. #Aall Bids to: •lephon• No.: Rfor/Area Code OPDSAL BUBM S Y: AME (Printed): / L / ' Iq lY 1, oRlpany;(L•gaf eMe� V f•p illel 7dress: --�� :13NATURE: " �►TE: Ir -- �/ _ 9 ( Title: ALCS' Telephone No.: [rwt•a•d Ilel•rehgs Indicate Which: Cfarporation: Ineilation To $Mid.i ICabla M p�►aal: PaAnerahlp: Index or General pre lslons Clow FR individual: Oenaral Provialont •• F3 Other. W t. g1•taln one Copy for your tile$) DIDDEAS NOTE Both aloes of th,s Form require slpnsture Cr7Y OF TAMARAC 7525 N.W. gg Avenue 'Tamarac. Florida 33321-2401 1). No. 40-13 Date 'Tune 5, 199d _ BpECIFICATIpNS AND BD 6CHEDVLg Page —oi7�� Invitation To Bid All rim nuriu Do, Solbwing sPeriat eondi ed F.O.S. Trwac bans w c6ected) �ppl td ed and unloaded m applicaWe city datirytian ac M BIDDERS R dicated below. 7-he cerar d chtx bid FOR CERTIFIED CHECK DR BID BOND. The City �a1! nequlre hom e whom the burineta is a mount Orr" (S)Pumnt of the bid. which shall be Weited to the City in the event the Bidder b � �� B' M'ardcd. aha!l rttil or r+efust to eotnply with the tdde� s+ftrr award of bud. Failure ro m 5Pecirwatian of Lhr bid. Checks will returned e 1rERFORMANCE lgpN submit this bid bond with the bid tAuld pose rc. promptly She raithfW PMWMN',, of S. 71re Cby sluU Poor to the execution of the oon *gin of the bid. the COMM and Payment of all obligat;� Arising herue e' e. Bi jdeh f �� bonds co,,ering Cgy �y Prr.seribe and with such sm+eoet secured _ - 6on& am sdPWateQ through the Bidder's usual so and arrwunt as the ofeXeQWoo of the Mr-M cL shall paid by the Bidder. 7be Bidder shall Bet Ca may be MFeeable to the parties. If su: h adder's Si store Date Title Company NLMe Address BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require signature i t CITY of TAMARAC FLORMA EW NO. T.U.W. Water Mint Daiv; June 1990 Page Z— of Parts for re it Gen. Eleceft or opproved "ua ML-480V/60HZ-Sz1 C0L-480V160HZ-SZ2 L,.,Y:rjE I: ION V 'r '4WX IFAF.141MA' '61FIVA mM Now= Iffamwmam P1 !L6a Rl = L zrfu Mir EMIR= rwp�mwwm m- =MIN Rio' --- loss= RARE= 10 01 A EE@71774-fti -msol� fal im.--uvaE� SEEM '0 a UWALS21 E qmb3wL-- Now lu ��.�� err ��� l!j4M UUMMOsly EMU � mli 1 000 -.8 111mol§ BOB [T w % 1p — -wn-97790PM — A-n- �jkrjjF�Al 4WAVAMIM n • -7 0