HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-1871� Temp. Reso. #5853 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90- 1�( 7 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR PLAYGROUND MULTI --LEVEL ACTIVITY CENTER CONFIGURATION WITH INSTALL- ATION; BID NO. 9 0-12; AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, on Saturday, May 12, 1990 and Friday, May 18, 1990; and WHEREAS, bids were opened qn Thursday, May 31, 1990; and WHEREAS, Miracle Recreation Equipment Co., C/O Ned Noland & Associates, Inc., is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; SECTION It That the bid of Miracle Recreation Equip- ment Co., C/O Ned Noland & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $9,432.00 for Playground Multi -Level Activity Center Configuration with Installation is HEREBY APPROVED with funding from Account #001-555-572-643, Parks and Recreation Machinery and Equipment. SECTION 2% This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 11990. ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this Resolution as to form. ALAN P. R INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY ___V'MAUf-%x- &6_� ,NOR.MAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR_ ABRAMOWITZ Quo DISTRICT 1: CHR DISTRICT2: CIM SCHUMANN .� DISTRICT 3: V/M HOFFMAN DISTRICT4: C/M BENDER ju�&r tAvu vi ruc vtw D Request for Proposal DATE: lkv 1 1291C 00: 90-12 (This Is not an order) PAGE NO.: .11 blanks must be filled in) MJLTI-LEVEL. ACTrVM C 03161T UION MRMAUAT1 N MM(S) REOUIRED: 21,,0 VSING ACTIVITY �TICN/III M C VMS � r. H.R.COLIZ?A. JR- Phone (305) 72234Cri� ' RIDS tMAUST OF iUi3MITTEO ON OR lit"RE P•M• lhursda MY31 1990 Eastern tstan l" Tine or ; to Oundar0 Oely�lgrrt M�r+Os Time as appu�• Ttw pit a t at I s pt o a6�� jdhe On of the City . ftcording o1 Clock in she OC rev Mtpra dosing will be the Mid dwi tih spot doMer of the Oar b Mrawa that Lhb popoa! C*N CRYAddendum. and • nY The Legal AdwniMwrd,1111w tatkIn-WStsra ld, deli C oltdde lons, lnstru�tltrnti to Sirs, Special Co wltiona, SpecMieations, r other petti Wht dooumeht torn+ a pan of foie propeaal and by after" era made a part hereof. to. 10"U eed of 00""red his bid with Other bidders and has not ANTI-ny d wlt�OrrNoSTTATEMEer T: pia M �to e1Q _ ed b Me WN w � nbolas V gratuities psrrrdtlad either with. prlot to, Of at 101 Bid Lis") sl Mlitrery of tnatsrlals. Any such ftlatIon will Mult In the oarmUstion and0w leturh of Metarlais W applkabM) and the remora "THE IKIRCFtAsiNO oFF10E11 of THE CfTy OF TAMAMf: Deem, IM ba1ow signed hatter agree to furnish the tollowlnp articN(s) or eervicetsl conditions,ae bet iCattons, end all attar hments hereto. Weill have read ail attachments et the prices) and terms elated subject to all Instructions,_ Imiuding the speCNkatkW41 and fully understand what is�ltred l(Sind apecltr,gat s sig 1d poiOposal�iofficially W)reb ig� �t we Will make by the CIl and such acceptance 0MI'11all the terms, MwNMas a /rnerrelal of this pertlrNht b a Mutt" order or senifact.) awwb1 L; audit b apprap UI* aey Atrdhm airy eppilu Atl prices to be quoted F.O.S. Destination Tamarac, Flaida pelivered at the eppliaable Gtr address Indthat yW on the f9tai se (]roar.) FAILURE TO OUOTL 11 you donotquote, please stun+ quotation sheet, state mason thereon and ngwat that row name be rata�^ed on our plaiting fist, otherwise, your n&fm may be removed from Ow bid Melling fiat. Bids lzfirm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date yes_---^o---.other. TERMS: NET --T64DA Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) p 1� offered in addi�on foiany terms i otteered applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OP DELIVERY: 30 Calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). NS VAR IAA QCIoS' star bid d:�o�tionli NO VARIATIONSfins-OR a 10N5 dY A BIDDEifions in this R WILce L BE CONSIDERED ORreference totain all rWILL BE DEEMED Tp Eiances t6njillnedlon r A PARTYtOF THE alp SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE 91D DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN NO SEPARATE IN A Y ACCOMPA MANNER NyING WHATSDEVEp 6 ANY VACUMENTS OR RIATION OR EXCEPTION T ON OR ERS WILL BE CONSIDERED TAT ON NO SPECIFICALLY AS INC�LIDED WITHIN A 6LISTED WITHIN THE DID DOCUMEN MITTED BID, AND THE On WILL NOT BE BOUNDALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE WD DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION TJHEREII O AND LIST$ SUCH fief $S bid EXCEPTION with IWITHIN TH•BI o1DOC ME Invitation' REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN. d rw Agtoment h Conta�n.d In this apatee. n �s CwW Telephone No.: 4 0 7/ 7 4 0- 5 512 w/Ares 00* PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: NAME (Printed): NED M NOLAND Title: NAGER Compan)r.gAosiftegist*wTaioinFULUMMOMMIRACLE RECREATION E UIPMENT CO. Address: C/O NED NOLAND & ASSOC. , INC. P. O. 80X 94i3262, MAITLAND FL 32794 SIGNATURE: Telephone No.: 4 0 7/ 7 4 0- 5 512 aA MAY 23, 1990 indicate Which: Corporation: X inalosed Rojo pass Af�bb fa resat: PaKnenhip: bivitation To rid — Ft Individual: hidel< of Grisrat provlslans Clowns — F2 Other. General worlelona — FS petal" a» Wy for your Mies) FORM rt 1SIDDERS NOTE: both sides of this from squire signature. � - 9 0, ls'� TAMAHAC al5 N.W. 88 Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 SPWMCA77ONS AND SM 6CB�DULE Invitation To'Bld Bid No. 90-22 Date May 9. 1990 Page Z_ -0 4 All prices quoted F.O.B. Tarnarae.Plorida. Ddhwvd and anioaded at gpplumble chy destiradon as iadics, below, The special eoadidons Of cbad4 apply to this bid. BIDDERS 1 LIE EMENT FOR CER7IFlED CHECK OR AID BOND: 7be City athall ttagnite k0m all Bidders, a -Certified ched or bid bond in dre amount of fm (S) penis! of the bid, which SMI be Welled to the City in the event the Bidder Io w�bom the business is awarded shall fail I specification id. wM mame0 or ttt:.fusde to tom with the ifica on of the b Gitcks promptly PY � Io the pn&=--A ful Bidders afieraward of bid. Failure to AtWI dies bid bond with fire bid could muse nj =dm of the bid. MFORMANCE BONDS: 7be Cky dial) prior to the enwtion of die eonvact, require die Bidder a fta bb bonds coveting die faithful petfoeimarrce of the oomract and the paymem of all obliguions arising tWasnder in such form and amount as the My 208Y P=69 and whit teach smtdes accarad duough the Bidder's usual xxvm as may be agreable to the parties. If such bonds are Idpulated, the ptraodum" be paid by dw Bidder.7be Bidder d all ddivtr bonds to the City so eater tan the date of tmcwon of the trantract. 1 PLAYGROUND MULTI -LEVEL ACTIVITY CENTER CONFIGURATION WITH INSTALLATION - Deliver To: Playground Multi -Level Activity Center Configuration, with In- stallation. The following minis components included as part of the configuration. 1. 3 Decks 2. Spiral Slide 3. Crawl Tube 4. Climbing Pole 5. Tot Slide 6. Ladder Additional components can be added as options to this config- uration. Unit to be installed in a play area of 7AAA sq. feet. EXTENDED PRICE OPTION ONE: (MIRACLE #162-540 OPTION TWO: Colors to be selected by the Cit . Samples or list of colors to be provided by the bidder. Bidder to provide detailed specifications, drawings or brochures of submitted playgroup unit. Bidder and manufacturer's (cont'd.) $9,432.00 NOTE: IF TUBE SLIDE NOT REQUIRED, DEDUCT $ 514.00 MIRACLE #162-517J $6,609.00 NOTE: INSTALLATION DOES NOT INCLUDE SITE PREPARATION OR APPLICA- TION OF RESILIENT SURFACING MATERIAL SUCH AS ,,SAND OR MULCH. et" i t Wm Date MAY 23, 1990 side DISTRICT MANAGER 4"t t panyNiame MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP. CO. C. Address P. 0. BOX 948262 MAITLAND, FL 32794 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require signature