HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-271Temp. Reso. #�9673 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90-aZ7f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSIS- TANCE FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EQUIPPED PLAY AREA, TOT LOT AND PICNIC AREA AT THE TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000.00 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac, Florida has a prepared grant application for the development of an Equipped Play Area, Tot Lot and Picnic Area facility under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Programs and %gIEREAS, it is a requirement of the program that this Resolution be adopted and become an official part of the application] and WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to submit an application requesting $50,000 in financial assistance from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for an equipped play.area facility: and WHEREAS, the parcel of land available consists of approximately seven acres of land that is owned by the City of Tamarac. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has an officially adopted local Comprehensive plan, including a recreation and open space element, pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, and all segments of the public were offered an opportunity to participate in the planning process leading to the adoption of this document= and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of Public participation which encourages involvement by all 134 35 Temp. Reso. #5953 segments of the population within its jurisdiction, including minority and disadvantaged citizens in the planning for and selection of recreation projects and WHEREAS, The City of Tamarac is in a fiscally and legally responsible position to satisfactorily develop, operate and maintain the project site in accordance with the program requirementsy and WHEREAS, the total cost of the grant project is expected to be $50,000.00, 10*1NDRZAS, the Assistant City Manager, Dina McDermott, is designated as the official liaison agent and City Manager, John Kelly, is authorized to accept the grant and execute all appropriate documents and contracts, for the purpose of administrating the grant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1 : That all whereas covenants are part of and herein included in this resolution. SECTION 2 : That the administration is hereby authorized to apply for financial assistance in the amount of $50,000.00 from the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, for the development of an equipped play area, tot lot and picnic area at the Tamarac Sports Complex. SECTION 3 : This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. -at-, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this_L'?wday of 1990. r� Temp. Reso. #5953 ATTEST: i CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. L playarea.reso 34 'VIV TORNEY 1f- I FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM 42-010 DNR USE ONLY PBMVED• WJED- APPL NO: Complete in full and submit three copies of form and all attachments. Forward to: Bureau of Local Recreation Services/Woodcrest Division of Recreation and Parks Department of Natural Resources Mail Station #585 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 PART 1. A. APPLICANT INFORMATION •.� r. IT. :a 2. Federal Employment Identification Number-. 159-1039-152 ......� _. 3. Population: 44.1 s[►4. Current Operating Budget: -II 11 1/-1..; Telephone: (305)„722-590o SUNCOM: FAX I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant. Signature of Authorized Representative Date B. PROJECT INFORMATION 2. a. Project Type (Check One): Development: --X—On land owned by applicant On land leased io applicant Date tease e>�res• b. If development (Check One):__New construction ,Renovation Combination 3. Project Location: City_ JamaM3L_ Carly Page 1 of 8 �c Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area S Tot Lot 4. Legislative districts in which the project site is located: State Senate,_ State House S. Briefly describe the project site: The site is located on the northeast comer of Nob Hill Road and Northwest 77th Street, Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. The site contains approximately 7 acres of land area arw is oasicaliy rectangular In shape. The site has 340 feet of frontage along the east side of Nob Hill Road. Public water, sewer, electric and telephone are available to the site. The topography is level at street grade and with surrounding properties. The site is zoned S-1 - a recreational use. The land has been previously cleared and is .surrounded by a grassy berm. The project will include an equipped play area, a tot lot, picnic area, open space landscaping, shade trees, park benches, trash receptacles. This project will provide a safe haven for children to play, and families to interact. C. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. Total Cost of Proposed Project $ ,0.000 2. FRDAP Funds Requested $ 3. Local Funds Available: a. Cash b. In -Kind A C. Land Value Total Local Funds Available $_ 0 . Page 2 of 8 I < W I� Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area S Tot Lot 4. Project Cost Estimate (COMPLETE ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS) For each category, list in priority order the quantity and type of areas and facilities to be developed in the proposed projects: CITY OF TAMARAC - EQUIPPED PLAY AREA AND TOT LOT r= niir�nri r' RECREA i iON AREAS AND FACILITIES Quantity Description Estimated Cost 1 Playground Mufti -Level Activity Center $11,500 Configuration With Installation 1 Landscaped Berm Area With Shade Trees $25,000 (Soil, Sod, Berm and Landscaping) 1 Sand Play Area (Sand Box* With Curbing) $ 3,000 1 Boardwalk and Railing $ 4,000 Total Prirnary $_ 435r10 SUPPORT FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS Quantity Description Estimated Cost 4 Picnic Tables $ 2,000 4 Park Benches (6' Long) $ 3,600 10 Trash. Receptacles IS 900 Total Secondary $ LUD Page 3 of 8 TOTAL PROJECT COST $50"000 L r.J /71 '0 Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area & Tot lot PART II A. GENERAL CRITERIA 1. Is the proposed project identified in the capital improvement plan or schedule? No Yes If yes, state fiscal year identified _ __ 5 ear capital Improvement program - capital slemertt in carp plan. 2. Explain how the proposed project would implement one or more of the outdoor recreation goals, objectives and priorities specified in. the currently effective state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan: The proposed Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area, Tot Lot, Playground, and Picnic Area will fulfill local needs and work toward the goals of the State of Florida in providing high quality parks and recreation. 111W*111. • .0a R .NIT111119 . .• GOAL. It is the goal of the State of Florida to preserve and manage natural and cultural resources of high quality and diversity for their protection and enjoyment by Florida's residents and visitors. QBJEQTJVF: -To acquire representative samples of unique natural resources such as scenic landscapes, wilderness areas, wildlife habitats and natural features,, and cultural resources such as historical and archaeological sites and structures. The Tamarac Sports Complex will provide a unique tract of land with active recreational facilities which will be developed for the enjoyment by Florida's residents and all visitors. -GOAL: .. It is the goal of the State of Florida to assure all Floridan and state visitors adequate opportunities to enjoy wholesome outdoor recreational pursuits of the type which will best meet their needs. BJEQTtYF_ To acquire and develop a balanced system of safe and enjoyable recreation areas and facilities to meet the full range of recreational demands and needs of all citizens and visitors and ensure that these areas and facilities are fully accessible to all Who wish to use them. The Tamarac Sports Complex will be available to all who wish to visit and utilize the facilities which will be provided. r-OAL_ It is the goal of the State of Florida to preserve the natural resources and enhance the quality of life of the state, development shall be directed to those areas which have in place, or have agreements to provide, the land and water resources, fiscal abilities and the service capacity to accommodate growth in an environmentally acceptable manner. Page 4 of 8 1� Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area & Tot Lot -013JECTIM To enhance the liveability and character of urban areas through the encouragement of an attractive and functional mix of living, working, shopping and recreational activities. the TP-?r2r:!c s; arts Complex will enhance the quality of life of the state and will enhance the state's goal to "develop - a balanced system of safe and enjoyable recreation areas and facilities to meet the full range of recreational demands and needs of all citizens and visitors. Activities that will be available to the public include tot lot and playground area and picnicking as mentioned in the outdoor recreation need priorities. 3. List the priority resource/facility needs proposed in the project which are included in applicant's planning region as specified in the state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan. (use the 1987 Relative Need Index in on Page 183.): District XI saltwater beach x bicycling JL _freshwater beach --A—horseback riding saltwater fishing (no boat) nature study - x _ freshwater fishing (no boat) _ x swimming pool saltwater fishing (boat) —901 freshwater fishing (boat) tennis saltwater boating or canoeing shuffleboard freshwater boating or canoeing basebaiVsof ball historicaVarchaeological site footbalVsoccer --L- .. basketball I/racquetball ' C Page 5 of 8 .1 1� 9-So.a71 Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area S Tot Lot 4. Indicate which of the following apply: (Attach supporting documentation) x a A preadvertised announced public meeting was held for the sole purpose of discussing the proposed project. —x b. The project was discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the applicant's w•) —A—C ru1311c input on the proposed project was obtained through presentation to community organizations, neighborhood associations and/or a written opinion survey. S. Is the proposed project for linear park purposes? X_ No Yes If yes, list and briefly describe the linear park feature(s) and the area which will be corrected by the proposed project: 6. is the proposed project also for preservation purposes (e.g. historic, archaeological, cultural, etc.)? x ...."No Yes It yes, attach letter from the Florida Department of Stale 7. Does the applicant have a full-time recreation and/or park department staffed to provide facility development, programming and maintenance of the proposed project? —&— Yes Pb If no, describe the resources available for development, operation and maintenance of the site upon completion of the proposed project: Page 6 of 8 01 Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area & Tot Lot 8. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS) 1. List the existing facilities/improvements on thq project site: Presently the project site is undeveloped. The adjacent site In Phase I Includes the following facilities: one (1) baseball field, one (1) softball field, two (2) soccer/football fields, and a parking' lot, four (4) tennis courts are being constructed. 2. List the new or additional types of outdoor recreation facithles/opportunities which will be provided by the proposed projects: The new facilities include an equipped play area, tot lot play area, open space landscaping, shade trees, picnic tables, park benches and trash receptacles. The project will include a surrounding landscaped berm, boardwalk and railing. 3. List any existing types of outdoor recreation facilities which will be renovated by the Proposed project: NONE 4. List any support facilities (i.e. parking, restrooms, utilities) which will be constructed or renovated by the proposed project: NONE 5. List any facilities to be constructed which will provide pedestrian access to or along water resources: NONE 6. List facilities to be constructed which will provide for recreational use of water resources: NONE Page 7 of 8 IC U I� Tamarac Sports Complex Equipped Play Area & Tot Lot C. ACQUISITION CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR ACQUISITION PROJECTS) 1.. Identity any resources in the Florida Natural Areas Inventory which will be protected by the proposed project: NONE 2. List any water bodies contiguous to or within the project boundaries: NONE 3. List any user -based outdoor recreation facilities (i.e. baseball fields, basketball courts, soccer fields, swimming pools, etc.) which will be constructed within the next three years: NONE 4. Describe how the project provides for identified needs(s) for additional park acreage and/or distribution of park acreage according to the local comprehensive plan: NONE 5. State the current total acreage of recreation, park land and open space property owned by the applicant: 6. Identify the funds allocated in the applicant's capital improvements plan or schedule over the next five fiscal years for development of the project site: PART 111. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Attach supporting documents as follows: Development Acquisition A. Documents to support evaluation criteria. X X B. C. Conceptional site plan for development of the project area Boundary map of the project area X X D. Photographs of the project site X X X X E. Location map and directions to the project site X X F. Site control (deed or lease) X G. Letter from local comprehensive planning agency X X Page 8 of $